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Joining Illuminati

Settembre 25th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

The Movement

A number of people have expressed an interest in joining the Illuminati, but, by and large, they have been turned down even though they are bright, capable people. The Illuminati’s recruitment policy is, and has been for over a thousand years, connected with the core religious secrets of the society. For obvious reasons, these cannot be divulged.

Illumination, the religion of the Illuminati, is a “mystery” religion akin to those of ancient Greece, and the inner secrets are revealed only to those who have attained the highest mystery degrees. Those who are recruited by the Illuminati are those who have been identified as having the requisite readiness for the final revelations. “Readiness” is not connected to someone’s intelligence, dedication, moral worth, status, wealth, background, or anything of that kind, but only whether that person is already exhibiting a strong, intuitive grasp of “gnosis”.

Excerpted, page 336

© The Illuminati’s Secret Religion

Artwork by Jans-art

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God versus Satan

Settembre 25th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

God versus Satan

Every aspect of the universe evolves to its optimal degree, its omega point. If the two primary components of the mind are Intellect and Will then God represents the omega point of the former and Satan of the latter.

God achieves complete knowledge of the universe (via mathematics) and complete intellectual mastery of material existence. He can use his mind to alter the equations that determine material existence in his local environment and achieve the kind of power exhibited by Neo in The Matrix.

God is dialectically opposed by Satan, the Lord of Will. We can’t think of any better way of defining Satan than to refer to the monster worshipped by Jews, Christians and Muslims. Just read their unholy texts. You will observe that their “God” never says anything intellectual. All “holy” texts are devoid of mathematics, science, philosophy, reason and logic and make no attempt to account for this extraordinary absence. They emphasize irrational concepts such as faith and revelation and insanely claim that these are superior to reason. These books have no moral or ethical content. They feel no need to account for why God would order his first prophet Abraham to murder his innocent son for no reason. They do not consider that such an order inherently violates ANY code of morality.

These holy books are overwhelmingly about control and dominance, about making human beings bow and grovel. They are intent on creating the widest possible gap between God and humanity. Human beings are to be mere insects, begging for mercy from their Lord and Master. Humanity is reduced to penal servitude where they must blindly and absolutely obey, and live in terror of the most horrific and indeed eternal punishment if they disobey. Abrahamism is obsessed with obedience. In fact, obedience is really the sole subject of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Heresy, apostasy, free thinking are all to be met with death. Infidels are to be persecuted and killed.

The degree of intolerance and hatred towards those who reject the Abrahamic God is effectively infinite. Hatred, intolerance, extremism, fanaticism, irrationality, violence, persecution, and extermination are the hallmarks of Abrahamism. These are all manifestations of Will. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is pure Will. He exhibits zero intellectual capacity and never at any time explains himself rationally. There is no dialogue between this “God” and humanity. We must obey him, no matter if it means killing our own children. That’s the whole point of the story of Abraham.

Only self-hating slaves could ever embrace Judaism, Christianity or Islam. These are not the people of God, but of Satan. We barely acknowledge them as human. They are an insult to the human race and represent everything that is worst about human beings. They are bestial, irrational creatures of Will, indistinguishable from animals. The “God” they worship is nothing but themselves writ large. If they were to acquire immense power, they would wish to rule over a planet of slaves, permanently on their knees in worship.

Abraxas is the God of Reason and Jehovah/Christ/Allah/Satan is the God of Will. Which God you choose to acknowledge says everything about you. Better an atheist than a Devil worshipping Jew, Christian or Muslim. Just as some people will embark on the quest to become God, others will follow the other path and seek to become Satan. Look at the men and women of Wall Street and Washington D.C. Look at monarchs and celebrities and the super rich. All of these people are evil scum who have actively chosen to emulate Satan. They want to be worshipped by the stupid, credulous common herd. Would-be Satans are everywhere. We’re surrounded by them.

Excerpt from The God Game

Mike Hockney

Artwork by Karmazid

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Settembre 24th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă


Our world is ruled by primitive magic. Does that seem a bizarre thing to say? Well, we shall prove it to you.

In The Golden Bough, the famous study of magic and religion, J.G. Frazer wrote:

“The Principles of Magic – If we analyse the principles of thought on which magic is based, they will probably be found to resolve themselves into two: first, that like produces like, or that an effect resembles its cause; and, second, that things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed. The former principle may be called the Law of Similarity, the latter the Law of Contact or Contagion…Charms based on the Law of Similarity may be called Homeopathic, Imitative or Mimetic Magic. Charms based on the Law of Contact or Contagion may be called Contagious Magic…But in practice the two branches are often combined; or, to be more exact, while homoeopathic or imitative magic may be practised by itself, contagious magic will generally be found to involve an application of the homoeopathic or imitative principle…they are familiar in the concrete, though certainly not in the abstract, to the crude intelligence not only of the savage, but of ignorant and dull-witted people everywhere…Both branches of magic, the homoeopathic and the contagious, may conveniently be comprehended under the general name of Sympathetic Magic, since both assume that things act on each other at a distance through a secret sympathy, the impulse being transmitted from one to the other by means of what we might conceive as a kind of invisible ether, not unlike that which is postulated by modern science for a precisely similar purpose, namely, to explain how things can physically affect each other through a space which appears to be empty.”

Consider the advertising industry, one of the primary forces that shape our world. It is based almost entirely on homoeopathic magic. One of its most fundamental techniques is to take a “god” – i.e. a celebrity who is rich, good-looking, successful, popular, and skilled at what they do – then show them endorsing a particular product. So, for example, Tiger Woods at his commercial peak was seen to endorse an endless array of products, none of which had any connection whatsoever to golf, his area of special expertise. We saw him smiling into the camera as he eulogized razors, automobiles, hats, T-shirts, soft drinks etc.

What is the idea being communicated by such adverts? Simply that if these products are good enough for gods then they’re certainly good enough for you, the “commoners”. And more than that: if you want to be like a god you must imitate them and buy the products they buy. If you’re not wearing Nike you’ll never be like Tiger Woods. So everyone who admires Woods thinks – “got to get myself lots of Nike gear pronto.” And that’s exactly what they go out and do.

So, we are in the realm of imitative magic. If you want to imagine yourself successful, you must imitate success. Now, Tiger Woods is an athletic, muscular, gym-honed guy who has spent his whole life devoted to golf (at great expense to the healthy, balanced development of his psyche). That’s why he’s a golfing legend. It has nothing to do with any of the products he lucratively endorses. A fat slob who puts on a Nike cap as worn by Tiger is not going to become one iota better at golf, or indeed anything else. Yet he falls for the “magic”. He gets out his wallet and pays top dollar to Nike Corporation, just as millions of others do. As the cash registers ding, a big bell rings in an office of Nike HQ and a mechanical voice says, “SUCKER!”, but no one ever hears it because it’s in a sound-proofed room. The Board of Directors go in there from time to time to laugh at the cretins who buy their goods and to thank God for the power of Mimetic magic. They pay a fortune to Woods for his endorsement (and not a cent of that money contributes to the quality of the product), all of which then gets added to the price of the goods. But, of course, the goods were manufactured by slaves in sweatshops in South-East Asia, so Nike can keep the prices down and still reap vast profits. It’s not as if we care a fuck about the gooks – we just want to be like Tiger, and screw everyone else.

Have you ever noticed that all adverts for the beauty industry feature naturally beautiful people? Isn’t there something wrong with that? Surely the only point of the beauty industry is to make average people look a bit better, or, best of all, to make the ugly look gorgeous. A beauty will still be beautiful without any make-up at all. A beauty product that transforms an ugly duckling into a swan may be worth the money, but a product that makes a beautiful swan a tiny bit more beautiful isn’t up to much, and a beauty product that makes no discernible difference to the attractiveness of an ordinary person is a complete waste of money.

Yet, once more we are in the dream arena of imitative magic. If you buy the beauty products endorsed by the beautiful people (who probably don’t even use them), you too will be beautiful. Yeah? Dream on. Yet women all over the world fall for it in droves. Kerching! Suckers! Are these people “dull-witted” or what? If ugly people were used in beauty adverts the whole industry would collapse overnight. A British company once launched a campaign featuring normal-sized women. It was the shortest-lived campaign in history. Even average-sized women didn’t want to see themselves reflected on screen. They wanted the dream, not the reality. And magic always comes alive in the dreamscape.

The whole of advertising is based on the ludicrous idea that if you buy certain goods your life will be better, that if you imitate celebrities you stand a better chance of being a celebrity, that if you fail to imitate the stars like everyone else then you will be shunned and regarded as a freak.

In other words, if you don’t imitate what THEY want you to imitate (by paying a premium for it) then you are a failure and a loser.

And billions of people across the globe fall for this garbage, the simplest form of ancient magic imaginable. Wake up! If imitative magic didn’t work – i.e. getting ordinary people to imitate their heroes, there would be no advertising industry, no capitalism, and no celebrity culture. So, imitative magic is the basis of the modern world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Capitalism is an economic system based on Mimetic Magic. Whereas Buddhism defines desire as the source of suffering, capitalism is dedicated to the creation of fake desire i.e. to manipulate you into buying things you don’t need. In this sense, capitalism produces nothing but suffering. It tantalises you with images of perfection i.e. it puts you in a hell of desire, and then it offers you the possibility of instant salvation. All you have to do is buy the product advertised and your desire will be satisfied there and then. Hell, they’ll even give you credit so that there are no obstacles whatsoever in your path. Who wouldn’t want to plunge themselves into debt providing they can wear the same things as their gods?

Has there ever been a more cynical and abusive system? Capitalism is nothing but psychological warfare waged day in and day out against the people. Its purpose is to make you hunger for what they want to sell you. Your appetite can only be assuaged by buying it. Hell is not having the object; heaven is when you do. And the objects are promoted via the endorsement of human gods – celebrities – whom we must all worship and imitate.

Such a simple, and even crude, system. Yet so stunningly effective. Like magic, in fact.

Fuck that!!!!

– Hyperhumanity

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The Illuminati’s Most Illustrious Grand Masters

Settembre 21st, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă
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The New Atlantis

The Illuminati’s Most Illustrious Grand Masters

Solomon – greatest magician.

Pythagoras – greatest inspiration; greatest intuitive genius.

Heraclitus – greatest mystic and riddler; father of the dialectic.

Empedocles – greatest showman.

Simon Magus – most revered; most transcendent; most spiritual; most divine; man become God.

Hypatia – noblest and bravest; the eternal feminine; the embodiment of Sophia, goddess of wisdom.

Leibniz – greatest intellectual; greatest genius in human history.

Adam Weishaupt – greatest political activist and revolutionary.

Goethe – greatest artist and aesthete; the most “complete” genius. (Some estimates of IQ make Goethe the person with the highest IQ in history.)

Hegel – greatest visionary and system builder; the greatest advocate of dialectics.

Excerpt from The God Game

Mike Hockney

Artwork by Mitchellnolte

Other Directed

Settembre 21st, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

„According to Riesman, most people in the modern world are “other-directed”. The greatest influence in their lives is their peer group. They have no core values and follow whatever is in vogue at a particular moment. Their stance could flip from one moment to the next depending on the people around them. As Riesman wrote, “The other-directed person wants to be loved rather than esteemed.” They want to relate to others and be in emotional accord with them. They are the typical employees of large corporations – malleable, compliant, docile, easily controlled, willing to perform the humiliating 9-5 routine indefinitely. They are too busy interacting with their peers to worry about bad government, conspiracies, unlawful and unmerited authority. In other words, they
are suckers, willing to tolerate any nonsense so long as it doesn’t threaten their position in their peer group. They will join popular, trendy protest groups providing their friends are doing the same.
Anxiety, rather than guilt, is their main affliction. They are a herd, a flock, moving in whatever random direction the most purposeful of them has chosen to go in at a particular moment. They’re highly impressionable and gullible, perfect victims for advertising manipulation and the latest fads.
Fundamentally, they are rudderless, have no internal values, are continually buffeted by the winds of fashion. Deep down they are profoundly lonely and in constant need of others to give them a
sense of purpose. These people are Riesman’s “lonely crowd.” They are the perfect members of a consumer society, and have little to offer in the way of creativity, spiritual awareness, or human
On the Internet, they inhabit FaceBook, MySpace, Bebo. Social Networking sites were made for them.”

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