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Academia Iluministă (20)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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Jiren Gray în Pythagorean Illuminism

NWO by Adam Weishaupt:

The Anti-Elite Series – Book 6/7:


When your computer goes haywire, you reboot it. What happens when the world goes haywire? Where’s the reboot button? Isn’t that a fundamental question? Isn’t it possible to return everything to its pristine condition? Isn’t there a mechanism for restoring the Garden of Eden, for bringing back the Golden Age of Saturn? If we can’t reset the world, doesn’t it point to a fundamental design flaw?

If a natural reboot button doesn’t exist, can’t we create one using our human reason? How would we put right all of the mistakes of the past, the myriad errors committed by those who preceded us? Even now, most people are mired in the darkness of superstition and mad beliefs.

Most individuals have no reboot button. Once their identity is set, they almost never change their beliefs or ways of doing things. How many Orthodox Jews, Christian Fundamentalists or Muslims are capable of rebooting their beliefs? They are totally brainwashed and the purpose of brainwashing is to exclude the possibility of other choices.

Societies, institutions, companies, banks, religions, political systems… none of them have reboot buttons. Violent revolution, bankruptcy and collapse are the only ways to reboot things that are failing disastrously. Hardly rational and efficient, wouldn’t you agree? It needn’t be like this.

We can and must create a system that allows new generations to be released from the mistakes made by our ancestors. We can rocket-boost human evolution towards divinity if we know how to free the collective human mind of the junk and nonsense that has accumulated since the dawn of time.

In this book, the Pythagorean Illuminati reveal their astonishing blueprint for a New World Order that resets everything that has gone wrong with this world of ours.


A Book Review:

“This is another excellent book from a series of excellent books by the Pythagorean Illuminati. Every book in this series is packed full of the most important and unique information available today. If you are at all interested in the answers to life’s most mysterious questions then you need to read all of the Illuminati’s books asap. You should also check out the Illuminati’s website www.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk and their facebook page/group www.facebook.com/pythagorean.illuminati and www.facebook.com/groups/136240720298981/

The Pythagorean Illuminati are an ancient secret society officially founded by the great polymath Pythagoras. Before Pythagoras turned them into an organized group the Illuminati existed as a loose confederation of wandering holy men and women, esotericists, and mystics. Some of the most creative geniuses in history have been members of the Illuminati, these people include: King Solomon, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Plato, Simon Magus, Hypatia, Leibniz, Weishaupt, Goethe, and Hegel.

Today the Illuminati have discovered what scientists have been searching for for years: A Grand Unified Theory of Everything. The Illuminati are in the process of releasing their Grand Theory into the public domain for the first time ever. The Illuminati’s Grand Theory integrates philosophy, science, psychology, politics, history, sociology, religion, and the paranormal. All of these subjects are integrated through the only thing that cannot be argued or debated with, mathematics. The Illuminati are able to answer all of the most important and mysterious questions of existence using mathematics because existence IS matematics. The Illuminati are not some gurus, priests, rabbis, or imams telling you that if you would just follow them you will be saved. The Illuminati aren’t looking for followers; they are simply offering the mathematical truth of existence to anyone who cares to learn.

All of these books are very well written. As you can imagine the books contain some challenging information but these authors make even the most difficult subjects understandable to anybody that is serious about learning. These books are not written like dry academic textbooks though they surely could have been. These author write with passion and that passion quickly rubs off on the reader. You will constantly find yourself wanting to read just one more page and unable to wait to delve into the next book in the series.

Always remember that the main purpose of the Illuminati’s books are to change the world. We can talk all we want about the secrets of life but none of it will matter if we don’t deal with our current predicament. Any reasonable person can take one glance at this world and quickly see that there is something seriously wrong. War, hate, greed, famine, disease, massive inequalities of wealth, cops beating and killing people right and left, the environment crashing all around us, animals being tortured in vivisection labs and factory farms, prison populations shooting through the roof, citizens of countries all over the world going berserk, corrupt governments everywhere, innocent people being murdered, and on and on and on. Meanwhile we just keep shopping, playing video games, watching television, and updating our twitter or facebook statuses. We are marching to our destruction like horses with their blinders on. Only a few people seem to realize what is happening but for multiple reasons they haven’t been able to cause any meaningful change. Something needs to be done soon or as Noam Chomsky says: “Natures experiment with higher intelligence could soon be coming to an end.”

I feel the Pythagorean Illuminati have the most reasonable, sane, and most importantly, achievable plan for beginning the change that this planet so desperately needs. That is where this book “NWO” comes in. This book gives serious activists a blueprint on how to improve EVERYTHING in society. I have read many books on the subject of making this world a better place and none are as focused and reasonable as this book. I think if you are an activist and give the Illuminati’s books a chance you will find that what they say about everything goes far beyond and makes much more sense then what anybody else is saying today. So many authors give excellent critiques of what is happening in the world but none as thorough as the Illuminati. Many authors try to give a plan for true change but none give as cogent a plan as the Illuminati. Read this book and “The Meritocracy Party” by Michael Faust to truly understand the Illuminati’s political philosophy. Most importantly though, get out into your communities and get active.” –BG


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