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Academia Iluministă (23)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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Jiren Gray în Pythagorean Illuminism

The Rules of the Mind:

Jung said that people primarily make sense of the world in one of four ways: thinking, feeling, intuition or sensing. He thus applied to the personality the aspects of the Will to Actualisation – thinking (based on mathematical reasoning and logic), emotion and intuition, and he added the newest ingredient of mind, the one most attuned to the material world – sensing (the absorbing of data from our physical surroundings).

Thinkers prefer logic and facts. They distrust emotion, seeing it as irrational. They solve problems in a methodical and rational way, supported by hard evidence. They are ruled by Logos (reason) rather than Mythos (story). Feelers rely on their emotions and personal value systems to experience the world. They give tremendous importance to their gut instincts, to how they feel at a particular moment. They have problems dealing with impersonal facts and logic, with daunting systems of philosophy and science. They are not systematic in their approach because they are so influenced by the mood of the moment. They are ruled by Mythos rather than Logos – emotionally appealing stories over abstract thinking. Jung defined feeling as the opposite of thinking i.e. the more you think the less you rely on emotion, the more you feel the less you operate according to logic.

Intuitives quickly grasp the big picture and evaluate the likely outcome of a situation. They are often idealistic and love metaphors and possibilities. They are highly future orientated. They are dreamers and visionaries.

Sensers see the intricate physical details that other types overlook. They live in the moment, absorbing all of the sensations around them. They are present rather than future directed. Jung contrasted the sensers with the intuitives. The more intuitive you are, the less sense-based you are likely to be, and the more sense-based you are the more you will indulge in the pleasures of the moment rather than anticipation of the future.

So, thinkers are factual, feelers are emotional, intuitives are ideas-driven and geared to future possibilities while sensers are preoccupied with sensory information and are anchored in the “now”. The four types have radically different ways of apprehending the world, so the possibilities for conflict and misunderstandings are many.

These functions can be further specified according to whether they are predominantly orientated to inner or outer experience i.e. introversion or extraversion. Introverts look inwards and extraverts outwards. Introverts mind their own business and are happy to be in small groups or on their own; extraverts love to be in gangs and crowds, and to be in your face. They dislike being on their own. They are attuned to the world and not highly attuned to themselves.

Introverts usually display the opposite tendencies. They are often highly self-aware because they spend a lot of time contemplating their inner nature. Introverts generate energy by being alone. They feel uneasy when surrounded by strangers or standing in front of a big audience. They look inside to develop ideas and concepts. Most of history’s greatest artists, thinkers and visionaries have been introverts.

The super rich, celebrities, and politicians are usually extraverts.

Extraverts get energy via their interactions with the outer world, especially social contact. They are the party people, the thrill seekers, the pleasure junkies. They love speed, novelty, danger, noise and mayhem. They have problems with tranquillity and with quiet people whom they regard as boring and “no fun”.

Extraverts dominate the world. Something like Facebook is a tool for extraverts. Introverts would not feel comfortable plastering details of their lives online for all to see.

In total, there are 8 Jungian “types”:

Introverted Feelers – They have intense feelings and care a lot about people they know well.

Introverted Thinkers – They use their analytical thinking capabilities to support their endeavours with convincing arguments.

Introverted Intuitives – They develop grand visions.

Introverted Sensers – They are aesthetes and connoisseurs, endowing sensual pleasures with artistic intensity.

Extraverted Feelers – They love to express their feelings in front of others.

Extraverted Thinkers – They use their logical abilities to develop or improve external objects, commodities, and services.

Extraverted Intuitives – They are very good at distributing shallow, self-serving ideas and visions to other people. Con men.

Extraverted Sensers – They wallow in sensual pleasures, in action and thrills. They lust after material objects.

Capitalism can be psychologically described as a system devised by extraverted intuitives and thinkers to exploit extraverted feelers and sensers, with introverts fitting in as best they can.

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a well-known tool for determining personality type. It’s based on the Jungian types but introduces a further dichotomy based on whether you rely mostly on your thinking/feeling aspect (these are called “judging” functions), or your intuition/sensing aspect (your “perceiving” functions) in relation to the external world. Judging types respect schedules, they love making decisions and they stick to them, making it difficult to convince them that they might be wrong. Perceiving types are laid-back and flexible. They dislike rigid schedules and any decisions they reach are always provisional; they can quickly change them if circumstances change.

A Myers-Briggs type consists of four letters e.g. “INFP”:

Dominant: Introverted Feeling
Auxiliary: Extraverted Intuition
Tertiary: Introverted Sensing
Inferior: Extraverted Thinking

This type is (I)ntroverted and relies primarily on I(N)tuition (rather than sensing), and (F)eeling (rather than thinking). The P stands for perceiving and indicates that in relation to the outer world, the person emphasizes their intuition (extravert intuition). That means that their dominant function is their introverted feeling.

If you are interested in detailed descriptions of the 16 types and good partner matches, then visit this website:


A free test can be found at:


Psychology has tremendous power over our lives. Used negatively, it can turn us into easily manipulated worker droids or consumerist zombies. Used positively, it can transform our world and our relations with each other. It can help us to find out what a marvellous, talented, unique being slumbers inside us. The aim of any good and healthy state should be to use positive psychology to release the chivalrous, talented hero within us, and to eliminate negative psychological forces from our lives.

If humanity becomes as adept at understanding and appreciating psychology as it is at praying to money, its greatest dreams can come true.

Imagine a world where people reach for books by Jung, Freud, Adler and so on rather than the Bible, Torah or Koran. Wouldn’t that automatically be a much better and smarter world without all of the religious hate and fanaticism?

The Old World Order are those who wield negative psychology as a weapon of control. We must use positive psychology against them. Make no mistake, the war of liberation will be psychological.

Psychological Policing:

Every aspect of the world needs to be looked at again. Consider the issue of policing. Police are like a paramilitary organisation. They are usually dressed in black or dark blue and often appear in heavy riot gear. They cultivate an image of force, toughness, hardness. “Don’t mess with us,” is what they want the public to think.

Remember, these people are supposed to be public servants, not thugs, street judges, vigilantes, “tough guys” or the police version of Mafia “made men”.

Rather than defuse trouble, police are frequently the cause of it. They are arrogant, aggressive, provocative, rude, dictatorial, sneering and obnoxious. They try to intimidate and bully people. Most of them are unfit to be in the police.

Now imagine a brand new police service (not force!) consisting of women between the ages of 18 and 70, dressed in brightly coloured, non-threatening uniforms and trained in psychology. Women are naturally kinder, gentler, less aggressive, less confrontational and less arrogant than men. They like relatedness, helping, cooperation empathy and being nice. They have a consistently higher EQ than men. They are famed for having superior people skills.

So shouldn’t they should be the visible face of policing? Police MEN create huge tension wherever they go. Policewomen would seem like genuine servants of public peace and tranquillity. Men wouldn’t be provoked and infuriated by friendly policewomen in bright colours.

There should be a riot squad or SWAT team of policemen kept in reserve if physical force is absolutely necessary, but they should be used extremely sparingly. Most crime-solving police work should be done behind the scenes by PhDs in criminology and intelligence, using sophisticated crime-detection software i.e. “geeks, dorks and nerds” should be the brains of the police.

The whole “New York cops” vision of policing is antiquated and pathetic. We need new policing for a new world, dominated by women and geeks rather than badly educated thugs who are practically criminals themselves. “Traditional” policing can best be summed up in two words: Rodney King. The assault that four policemen carried out on him was breathtaking for its brutality and complete disregard for the law and the rights of citizens. Policemen actually believe they are a law unto themselves. It’s time they were disabused of their delusions.

Jobs for Women:

Just as the police should be given a female makeover, so most banking and stockmarket jobs should be reserved for women. They are not driven by the testosterone-madness that seizes men. They would never take the crazy risks to which arrogant men are so prone. There is of course a time and place for risk – but it shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near an economic system that relies on stability. The world would be radically altered by giving women many of the jobs that are currently the province of men. The OWO is predominantly a male phenomenon. There is every reason to believe that by putting feminine women into top positions, much of the madness of the past could be avoided.

Margaret Thatcher, the UK’s first female prime minister, was lampooned as being more masculine than her male colleagues, and the world certainly doesn’t need any more women like her, one of the most evil people in British history. Many of the ills of the modern world can be traced directly to Thatcher. She was the person who gave birth to the current age of the super rich and she was responsible for the extraordinary growth of the privileged elite. Or, to be more accurate, she did the bidding of her OWO controllers to the letter and gave them everything they wanted.

The Keirsey Temperaments:

Closely associated with Myers-Briggs personality types are the so-called Keirsey Temperaments devised by David Keirsey. Whereas Myers-Briggs focused on extraversion versus introversion, Keirsey put the stress on sensing versus intuition i.e. whether we process the world perceptually or conceptually.

He created four groups called the Guardians, Artisans, Rationalist and Idealists:

SJ – “The Guardians”

Their primary objective is “Security Seeking”. The guardians comprise:

ESTJ – “The Supervisors”
ISTJ – “The Inspectors”
ESFJ – “The Providers”
ISFJ – “The Protectors”

The guardians make up approximately 45% of the population.

SP – “The Artisans”

Primary objective = “Sensation Seeking”. The artisans are:

ESTP – “The Promoters”
ISTP – “The Crafters”
ESFP – “The Performers”
ISFP – “The Composers”

Artisans make up approximately 35% of the population.

So, sensing types make up around 80% of the population in total!

NT – “The Rationals”

Primary objective = “Knowledge Seeking”. The rationals are:

ENTJ – “The Fieldmarshals”
INTJ – “The Masterminds”
ENTP – “The Inventors”
INTP – “The Architects”

The rationals are approximately 10% of the population.

NF – “The Idealists”

Primary objective = “Identity Seeking”. The idealists are:

ENFJ – “The Teachers”
INFJ – “The Counselors”
ENFP – “The Champions”
INFP – “The Healers”

The Idealists are approximately 10% of the population.

So, intuitives comprise only around 20% of the population and are in an overwhelming minority. Frankly, if it were the other way around the world would be a much better place. The world is fucked because it has so few intuitives. We have far too many sensation and security seekers and far too few knowledge and identity seekers.

Capitalism is the economic system of sensation seekers. They love junk TV, action movies and video games: speed, bangs, emotion and excitement.

Democracy, submissiveness, Abrahamism – these are what security seekers want. The security seekers are the deadly dull “moral majority”: the mortgage men and wage slaves, totally complaint droids and drones. They form the bulk of the American Republican Party. They are invariably “patriotic” and “God-loving”.

The Old Education System:

Ordinary schools are designed to churn out people who can read and write to a basic level of competence, haven’t set their ambitions too high, and will be able to fit into the working world where they will carry out a menial and bureaucratic function for average pay.

Increasingly, employers have a big say over what education should be about i.e. education now serves industry rather than its true purpose of the improvement of the individual. Universities are not academies of wisdom, but institutions for the needs of industry. Industry wants compliant, dutiful, obedient workers who don’t think too much and never challenge the hierarchy. It doesn’t want rebels, heretics and freethinkers. It craves “Yes” men who do what they’re told and never complain.

One of the worst mistakes the state can make is to shovel all children, no matter their differences, into “one size fits all” schools where they get a standardised curriculum that is never tailored to any child’s particular needs and talents. If you provided everyone on earth with a one-size-fits-all set of clothes, most would look terrible, while, for a lucky few, they would be a perfect fit. So it is with education.

For a few, the education system is just right – for everyone else it’s a lesser or greater disaster. People are individuals. They have strengths and weaknesses. Incompatible personality types don’t get along well. Bullying is seen as normal in our schools. The teachers never see anything, or deliberately turn a blind eye.

The pupils with the best grades are often not the most intelligent ones, but the ones with the best short-time memory or the best at rote, robotic learning. After an exam, they usually forget most of the material.

In contrast to state schools, exclusive private schools for the privileged elite are about providing the best education money can buy, about grooming the leaders of the future, about providing a tailored education that plays to their strengths, about teaching them to set their ambitions as high as possible, about building powerful social networks for them that will secure them the best jobs and guarantee them the best things in life. When it comes to the education of the elite, everything is done to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Life, in short, is a rigged system where a small network of elite families profit from the efforts of the majority.

Education ought to be about discovering what children are good at, and what they’re not. If you teach mathematics to a person who has no mathematical aptitude, you will shatter their confidence and selfesteem. They say in the military that you should not “reinforce failure”. Neither should schools. Don’t keep making people do things for which they have no glimmer of talent. It’s pointless, counter-productive and psychologically damaging.

Some children possess artistic talents, others practical skills, others logical skills, and so on. Some children “think” their way through life, others “feel” their way. Some are highly intuitive while others rely on their senses. Some children like to learn through visual means, some like to be taught via a teacher talking to them from the front of the class, while others like to be continually moving around and interacting with objects.

We need schools that respect different psychological types, different aptitudes, different ways of learning. The “one size fits all” approach is ridiculous. In order to get a highly educated and productive society, we need an education system tailored to getting the most out of each and every one of us. We should be encouraged to “think” properly – in the way most appropriate to us, in a way that allows us to grasp the bigger picture and to develop our unique set of talents.

Education is the basis of a well-functioning society and everyone deserves to have access to knowledge. An excellent education should be free. Education is the bedrock of an advanced society, hence requires the most investment. But where will the money come from? From the 100% inheritance tax on the rich initially and a massive redirection of funds from the military-industrial complex, and then from the enormous increase in productivity, in GDP, that will result from a properly educated society. What are we waiting for?

The New Education System:

The purpose of a proper education system is to give each and every person the best chance in life. It is not supposed to be a sausage machine squeezing out an endless supply of drones, droids, and unthinking, compliant, submissive conformist fodder for capitalist offices and businesses. Education must be tailor-made for everyone. How is that accomplished? A one-size-fits-all system must be consigned to history. Variety is the key to the new education paradigm, based on Meyers-Briggs personality types. There should be sixteen parallel education systems, one for each Myers-Briggs type. The education provided will be perfect for each type, addressing students’ strengths and avoiding their weaknesses.

This will be the first time in history that students will get a bespoke education designed to draw out the best from them rather than just throwing a single curriculum at everyone. Children should receive this type of primary education from age 4 to 10. The purpose of this education is to ensure that everyone can read, write and count fluently, and to start identifying where their main interests and talents lie. In the secondary phase of the education system (from age 10 – 16), there are four education systems based on the four Keirsey “temperaments” – guardians, artisans, idealists and rationalists. This allows the mixing of introverts and extraverts. Secondary education provides everyone with a broad education across many subjects, culminating in the students’ completing three final-year projects in the subjects that most interest them.

The tertiary education system (from 16 – 21) involves the provision of the 10,000 hours said to be necessary to turn someone into an expert in any chosen field. The student, on the basis of his most successful project at the end of his secondary education, chooses the field he wishes to specialise in then gets five years of it at the most intense level. At 21, he is an expert in his field and can enter the workforce and make an instant impact at the highest level. He will be so expert that he could easily become the boss within a year.

We will have a whole generation of 21-yr-old experts – the most educated group in human history – ready to change the world almost overnight. They will be the most elite human beings of all time, ready to implement such visionary paradigms as the Venus Project.

These 21-yr-olds will be experts in subjects they love. They can expect to enjoy extremely fulfilling lives devoted to what excites them most. They will not be fodder for capitalist bosses. Most of them will be massively better educated and more expert than their bosses. They will be the vanguard in a human revolution. They are our glorious future.

There may be a fourth component of the education system (from 21 – 26) – the genius level. Those who have proved themselves the most expert in their fields will receive another 10,000 hours of education in the hope that they will go beyond the known bounds of their field and generate the new ideas that open up endless new possibilities for humanity.


Age 4–10: primary education, based on the 16 Myers-Briggs categories.

Age 10-16: secondary education, based on the 4 Keirsey temperaments.

Age 16-21: tertiary education – the 10,000 hours (equivalent of a super-advanced Master’s Degree).

Age 21-26: equivalent of a super-advanced PhD.

Of course, this is just a prototype education system, a starting point that will be dialectically improved until it produces the best-educated human beings in history, a new generation that will be fulfilled and energised, and will never kowtow to any privileged elite.


The Big Lie – democracy is the best type of government; all democracies are stable, prosperous, peaceful and just; the people are well educated, creative, moral, altruistic and live in harmony; democracies offer maximum freedom and their politicians are highly skilled and humanitarian; pain and suffering don’t exist anymore; everyone has enough to eat, clean clothes, access to education; all people are seen as equal yet unique; the resources and money are fairly shared; life in democracies is close to paradise. Just look at the smiling faces all around you.

Now wake up. The democratic nations are bankrupt in all but name. Their politicians are corrupt. The people are zombies in the grimmest of rat races. The only people smiling are the elite. But why is it like this? Shouldn’t a perfect form of government produce a perfect society? If democracy really is as good as it gets then the world has nothing to look forward to. Paradise for the people is never coming.

Democracy, cast as the ideal political system, is a mirage. Most people prefer lies because the alternative – the truth – is too hard. Nobody wants to do anything difficult in a selfish, hedonistic society. Although people desire a better world, they will play along with nonsense and propaganda so long as it comforts them and doesn’t demand action and effort from them. Democracy will survive as long as it keeps manipulating the people into believing that it is the last word in political wisdom.

Most people have been brainwashed into worshipping democracy. They never consider any alternatives, and nor are they ever told about any alternatives. Why not? Because the puppetmasters who pull the levers of the democratic machine don’t want to lose the system that has made them so rich and powerful.

The chief advocates of democracy are the politicians who make an excellent living from your tax money, the bosses of industry who lobby and bribe the politicians, the bankers who make a fortune out of manipulating the economic system of democracy, and the media who whisper to you that democracy leads to salvation while all other paths head straight to damnation. Anyone who disagrees is crazy, a heretic, a sinner, a troublemaker, an anarchist, a revolutionary.

The weak-minded choose the “right” side (i.e. they are pro-democracy), to demonstrate that they are “clever” (i.e. compliant) and not “mad” (i.e. individualistic and thoughtful). It’s the perfect system of mind control. Democracy is based on the absurd belief that elected politicians are noble men and women who dutifully reflect the will of the people, that they serve others rather than themselves. But if they wanted to improve the world, they would have done it long ago, wouldn’t they? What is the main feature of all democratic societies, the one that demonstrates what their true purpose is? In ALL cases, the rich have got richer. That is the undeniable objective of democratic societies.

Democracy – cui bono? The super rich is the transparent answer. Who caused the financial crisis? The politicians, the regulators and the super rich. How did they cause the crisis? Easy – their entire focus was on high-risk activities with massive rewards for the super rich. When things went wrong, who had to pay? – the dumb taxpayers. That’s their function: to make sure the rich don’t ever lose. The super rich have rigged the system to ensure that they get all of the upside and none of the down. They did it thanks to the cooperation of the “democratic” politicians who do their bidding.

These great democratic leaders of ours tell us incessantly that we would be lost without their wise leadership, although all they ever do is lead us from one disaster to the next. Without them, they say, there would be chaos, yet it is they who cause the chaos as they pursue ever-higher profits for themselves and their friends. The super rich are the kings and queens of medieval times in a new guise, and we are the same old serfs we have always been. If everyone gets what they deserve, what have we done to deserve this?

Our politicians are bad actors in a third-rate play: Punch and Judy for Dummies. They play the part of serving us while their hands are in our pockets, thieving from us. They spout endless platitudes. They are masters of “spin” – putting a positive gloss on all of their fucks ups, broken promises and ineptitude. They are grand masters in the art of lying. They never give a straight answer to any question. They think we are the most gullible people who have ever lived, that we will swallow their lies indefinitely. And are they wrong? They promise everything and deliver nothing. Yet still we vote for them. Why? Are we stupid? Do we never learn? Isn’t that the definition of the stupid and the mad – people who keep doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different outcome?

Where is Obama’s change? He’s just a different actor reciting the same old lines. The real power lies in the hands of the Old World Order – the shadow government consisting of rich and powerful Freemasons and Zionists. All that matters to them is money, power and a good life for themselves. They are experts at getting what they want. Politicians are the Old World Order’s pets. If they perform the right tricks, they receive a filled bowl of juicy goodies. Positive change that serves all of humanity is never on the agenda. The politicians and their precious democracies exist to prevent us from ruling ourselves and getting justice.

Has your voice ever been heard? Has anyone ever listened to your concerns? The law is controlled by crooks, the banks by robbers, the media by professional liars. In a civilized nation, the enemies of the people are put in prison. In democracies, they are put in charge. Every four years, the politicians suddenly remember you. Yes, it’s election time and they need your vote. With honeyed words, they promise you everything, including plucking the stars from the sky just for you, the precious voter. But as soon as the election is over, every promise is forgotten and they go back to enriching themselves and revelling in their power. No stars for you, just dirty moon rock to accompany the moonshine they have sold you yet again.

Politicians will say anything to get your vote. They use “focus groups” to target you with the precise message you want to hear. They make you feel important, make you think that the fate of the nation is in your hands. The truth, of course, is that it will make no difference who wins the election. The Old World Order will still be in charge. They are never up for election. The media barons laugh at the compliant voters who so blindly support a rigged system that serves only the guys on top of the pyramid. Most of the candidates you vote for are carefully chosen and supported by the OWO, the controllers of the media machine. If, despite their efforts, the wrong candidate wins, the establishment can simply change the outcome of the elections. Don’t forget: they count the votes, not you!

Free speech: you can speak as freely as you want, but no one’s listening. If you happen to belong to the small group of people who commit “thought crimes” (i.e. those who prefer to have their own opinions rather than subscribe to ideologies based on fatuous, unsubstantiated slogans) then you will be viewed with suspicion and even labelled as an idiot or madman. You will be branded, marginalized, and ridiculed.

The defenders of “free speech” demonstrate their hypocrisy by ostracising people for questioning certain holy and untouchable dogmas, especially if the poor, innocent Jews are involved. When the Jews say they are God’s Chosen People and that God promised them the land of Canaan even though it was owned, populated and named after the Canaanites, no one is allowed to object or complain. No one is allowed to say that the Jews violently stole the land from its true owners, hence are a criminal nation. If I steal your money I don’t then become the legal owner of your money, no matter what my “God” says to justify my actions. I remain a thief and a criminal. If you point out this simple fact, you’re labelled as a dangerous anti-Semite who must be silenced as soon as possible. Why aren’t the mad claims of Judaism, Christianity and Islam put on trial? Why isn’t their God put in the dock and charged with crimes against humanity? Truth doesn’t fear investigation, does it? Aren’t we always told that if you haven’t done anything wrong then you have nothing to fear?

The media is owned by big corporations. What is the aim of a corporation? To earn as much money as possible with the least amount of trouble/work. A journalist working for the New York Times confessed that journalists are nothing more than prostitutes selling themselves to the highest bidder. Money counts, not truth.

Only a small number of alternative media and blogs are fighting the giant media machine. Do you really think that the big corporations want you, the lowly worker, to read/hear what’s really going on behind the curtain? That would threaten their empire. They prefer to frighten you until you crouch on the floor and don’t dare move. This makes life easy for those in authority. Another favourite scheme consists of telling you the lies you want to hear to make you forget the cruelty in the world (suitably created by letting the evil do their work while the “good” look away).

“In an age in which the media broadcast countless pieces of foolishness, the educated man is defined not by what he knows, but by what he doesn’t know.” –Nicolas Gomez Davila

Do you want to know how to put the military-industrial complex out of business? Simple. Show close-ups of what cluster bombs do to the people they fall on. We in the West are never shown the results of the “handiwork” our armies do in our name. If we saw the hundreds of thousands of corpses torn apart by our bombs and bullets, we wouldn’t dare to show our faces in the world.

Who is it that decides to hide the corpses from us? If you are willing to slaughter others then you should be equally willing to show the world what you have done. To conceal it is to prove that you are engaged in shameful deeds that cannot sustain public scrutiny.

The Smart Society:

“DH” contacted us and asked the perceptive question of whether humanity has in fact hit perfection in the form of democratic capitalism. If this system is indeed perfect, he said, it implies that a thousand or a million years hence we will still have exactly the same form of governing system. He’s absolutely right. It’s unthinkable that we will still have capitalist democracy in the far distant future. The human race is capable of so much better. Therefore, we should already be thinking of what will replace it, of what will be around in a million years from now on. Let’s have it right now.

Meritocracy is the solution. When meritocracy is fully embedded and we have created a Star Trek/ Venus Project world, we will indeed believe that we have produced the optimal political system and society. No one on earth will be able to suggest how it could be improved in any significant way. It will always be possible to make minor improvements, of course, but once meritocracy has taken root it will represent the end of history i.e. the end of the search for the final way in which we should govern ourselves. Freedom will be at a maximum, as will creativity and the means for maximising human potential. There will be no more conflict. Everyone will have a fulfilled life.

In a system of privilege, only the privileged are free. In a religion based on the slavish worship of a tyrant God, only the tyrant God is free. In a system with the super rich at the apex, only the super rich are free.

Meritocracy is extremely simple. It’s about destroying all aspects of privilege in order to ensure that a free elite cannot enslave the non-elite. It’s about destroying belief in tyrant Gods that enslave billions of poorly educated, superstitious minds. It’s about ensuring that children are not the slaves of their parents. Parents have no right to brainwash children with their own beliefs. Their beliefs are their affair; children’s beliefs are their own affair. It’s about ensuring that the success or failure of parents has no influence on the success or failure of their children. Everyone starts with a clean sheet and is judged on their own merits and deeds. No one’s fate is allowed to be shaped by events that happened before they were born i.e. by events in the lives of their parents.

Meritocracy is about the maximisation of freedom and talent, and the abolition of all forces of slavery and privilege. Meritocracy is the final stage of the human dialectic because it optimises human freedom, merit and knowledge. All other systems are flawed and backward in comparison. They are dialectical stages destined to be swept aside by meritocracy.

Meritocracy is the inevitable winner in the long wars of politics, religion, art, culture, science and philosophy. Nothing beyond it can be conceived. It is the last word in human evolution and lays the path for humanity’s journey to the stars. If you are against meritocracy you are against the future of the human race. You are a dinosaur and you will surely become extinct. The unmeritorious can never defeat the meritorious. The Smart Society will always defeat the Dumb Society. Knowledge will always defeat faith and superstition. Merit, unbound, will always defeat privilege. Freedom will always defeat slavery.

Get with the program. Get with the future. Join the meritocratic movement, the final phase of the human dialectic that has taken us on an incredible journey through horror, misery, slavery, hatred, greed, privilege, faith, superstition, Devil-worship, irrationality and madness to the bright Promised Land of freedom and knowledge. Meritocracy is the culmination of our evolution from slime to divinity via mortal existence.

Abolish Privilege. Abolish mainstream religion. Abolish faith. Abolish superstition, Abolish irrationality. Abolish the super rich. Abolish the elite.

This is the Age of Freedom, this is the culmination of the cosmic dialectic. You can be part of it. You can be a hero. You can be God. You can arrive at the cosmic Omega Point. There is no stage beyond. At the Omega Point you have reached the terminus of existence. You have completed the journey that ends all journeys, the journey of the cosmos itself from maximum potential to maximum actualisation.


There’s one remarkable aspect of the revolutions in Arab countries – the enormous numbers of people they mobilised to fill the streets.

Facebook and Twitter were said to be instrumental, yet it’s hard to imagine that Facebook and Twitter could ever achieve the same thing in any Western country. Why not? Why are Westerners so lazy and apathetic, so compliant and submissive, so in thrall to the “legitimacy” of the powers-that-be? Even at the height of the Credit Crunch virtually no one was stirred to action. Capitalism had collapsed, but no one moved a muscle. No one suggested any alternative. The people responsible for the financial disaster were the ones allowed to “rectify” it rather than being fired for gross incompetence as they should have been.

Part of the problem is that no one is offering any realistic alternative to democratic capitalism, which is why meritocracy has such a crucial role to play. Meritocracy is the only card that can trump democracy.

Meritocracy is not about equality, but about equal opportunity. They are very different concepts. Meritocracy is about unequal outcomes based on merit. In order to assess merit correctly, it’s imperative for everyone to set out from the same starting line.

Meritocracy focuses on identifying the more meritorious and ensuring that they get the best and most influential jobs. It doesn’t pander to the lazy and those who don’t want to make the most of themselves.

Meritocracy is no kind of communism imposing an artificial equality on those of unequal merit. Meritocracy asserts that merit is the only criterion that can rationally be used for differentiating between people: not sex, race, age, parents, money, or social connections. Only one type of discrimination is valid – that based on merit. But who is to be the judge of merit? The only acceptable answer is the people. Well-educated, well-qualified, fair-minded, unprejudiced, rational people will judge who amongst their number are the most meritorious i.e. This is the one place where a democratic voting procedure is essential.

Assuming that no one has the chance to rig an election then there is no reason to suspect that people will not identify the most talented amongst themselves.

Imagine the ideal process for awarding the Nobel Prize in physics. Every qualified physicist in the world would have a chance to nominate someone. The five physicists receiving the most nominations would then be put on the ballot paper. The one who wins the election gets the prize – he has been judged by his peers to have achieved the most in physics that year. Would anyone be able to legitimately disagree with that verdict? Is there any better or more valid way?

Those who desire a revolution if the West must have a plan. They must be able to show what they will put in place of the existing ruling order. So what is the plan for the New World Order?


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