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Academia Iluministă (26)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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The Illuminati Manifesto by Adam Weishaupt:

The Illuminati Series – Book 6/6:


What do the Illuminati stand for? What are their social, political and religious objectives? What are the obstacles that stand in the way of humanity fulfilling its divine potential and creating a Community of Gods?

This book provides an outline of the Illuminati’s manifesto for changing the world. It’s a simple fact that the Enlightenment failed. Only about ten percent of the contemporary world is rational.

The Enlightenment freed a group of intellectuals (scientists and technologists in particular), from the superstitions, beliefs and traditions of the past, and capitalism harnessed their advanced thinking to create immense profits for the ruling elite.

The vast majority of humanity remained stuck in the past. Look at Third World countries and the Islamic nations to see what pre-Enlightenment humanity is like. Religion defines such societies. They are irrational, hostile to knowledge, always on their knees to their “God”. They despise freedom and modernity.

The Illuminati were at the forefront of the first Enlightenment and now they are calling for a second Enlightenment that completes the job and rescues the ninety percent of humanity trapped in the past, dominated by long-dead bearded prophets who control them from the grave. There can be no, free, rational world, no Society of the Divine, until Abrahamism – the religion of the Jews, Christians and Muslims – is obliterated.

The absurd concept of karma that dominates Eastern religious thinking and philosophy must be similarly consigned to oblivion.

The third element holding back human progress is the existence of super rich privileged elites. These people aren’t just masters of accumulating wealth, they are also experts at controlling your thinking. If there are a small number of the hyper rich and an enormous number of poor, the “natural” outcome is for the poor to use their overwhelming numbers to take the riches of the elite, violently if necessary, and distribute them amongst themselves. Why don’t they? Because the elite subject them to mind control, to conditioning and brainwashing. The elite control the education system, the media, the political discourse, and they use these to shape your thoughts: to determine how and what you think.

Given the hatred of America towards communism, you would imagine that the Americans must be the world’s greatest experts on the works of Karl Marx. After all, it would be ridiculous to hate something of which you are entirely ignorant. Yet it turns out most Americans have never read one word of Marx. They hate communism because their capitalist elite – those who would lose everything in a communist State – have relentlessly indoctrinated them. The American people are like Pavlov’s dogs. They have been conditioned to hold the beliefs most favourable to Wall Street.

The Illuminati stand for education, knowledge, reason, freethinking – for understanding something before you hate it rather than just moving straight to the hating stage via the mind control of the elite.

All of the levers of control of the elite – financially, politically and religiously – are extremely well understood. It’s now time for the ordinary people to learn the secrets of those levers and free themselves from the control of the Power Elite.

The Illuminati’s manifesto is the formula for freedom. Isn’t it time for a liberated, rational world where everyone has an equal chance in life? The Second War of the Enlightenment is coming. It’s time to choose sides. You are called as a soldier to this most noble of undertakings.


A Book Review:

“This is one out of a series of books by the Pythagorean Illuminati. Every book in this series is not only excellent but also life changing. The Pythagorean Illuminati are and ancient secret society of rational free thinkers. The order was officially founded by the great polymath Pythagoras. The history of the Illuminati stretches even farther back then Pythagoras though. Before Pythagoras organized the order the Illuminati existed as a loose confederation of wandering holy men and women, mystics and esotericists. Some of the most creative geniuses in history have been members of the Illuminati, people such as: Hegel, Leibniz, Goethe, Weishaupt, Plato, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Hypatia, Simon Magus, and many others. The essence of Illumination or Illuminism, the Gnostic religion of the Illuminati, is that we are all capable of becoming goddesses and gods.

This is an organization of serious people trying to change the world into a more just, equal, altruistic, meritocratic, and rational place for EVERYONE, not just a privileged few. They seek nothing less than creating a heaven on earth, a community of the divine. If you are not interested in helping to make this grand vision a reality then these books are not for you. If, on the other hand, a better world for all is all you can think about then you have found your books. If you feel drawn towards the ideas of the Illuminati you need to read all of these books asap. You should also check out the Illuminati’s websitewww.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk and their facebook pages/group www.facebook.com/pythagorean.illuminati andwww.facebook.com/groups/136240720298981/

Every book in this series tackles the most important, interesting, and challenging subjects in the world. The Illuminati have integrated mathematics, philosophy, science, psychology, sociology, history, politics, religion, and the paranormal into what scientists have been searching for for years: A Grand Unified Theory of Everything. Every book in this series is very well written. Some of the content covered in these books can be challenging but the authors are so talented they make even the most difficult information understandable to everybody.

The Illuminati (for the first time in history) are in the process of releasing their Grand Unified Theory of Everything into the public domain. This Grand Theory answers all of life’s biggest, most mysterious, and most important questions. Where does existence originate from? Was there a Big Bang that created the universe? If there was a Big Bang what caused it? What was there before this Big Bang? Is there a purpose to life? If there is a purpose what is it? What is the fundamental, underlying, “stuff” of existence? Do we have souls? Is there an afterlife? Is reincarnation or resurrection possible? Is there heaven and hell? Is there a god or goddess? Are there many goddesses and gods? Is there a devil? What about angels and demons? Where does evil come from? Are all of the paranormal phenomenon we hear about real or just figments of our imagination? If the paranormal is real what is its explanation? Is enlightenment possible? Is karma a real thing? Do any religions have any idea of what they’re talking about? Do atheists and scientific materialists know what they’re talking about? Why is this world such a miserable and insane place for so many humans and non-humans? Who is behind this misery? How do we improve this world for the benefit of all? What is the best political system to make this improvement happen? The Illuminati answer all of these questions and many more using the only thing in the world that can’t be argued or debated with, mathematics. If these questions and their answers don’t spark your curiosity and make you want to read all of the Illuminati’s books then I have know idea what will.

This book “The Illuminati Manifesto” gives a brilliant overview of the Illuminati’s social, political and religious objectives. The Illuminati stand for education, knowledge, reason, and freethinking. The book pinpoints the exact obstacles that we must overcome if we are to change this world into a just and fair Meritocracy for all, a community of the divine. It is thought provoking and important to speculate on all of the questions I wrote about earlier in the review. The most important thing right now though is to change this world we are inhabiting from the lunatic asylum it currently is into the rational and sane world we know it has the potential to be. Nothing else matters.” –BG


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