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Academia Iluministă (40)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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Adam Weishaupt:

How did it come about that a revolutionary movement committed to the overthrow of corrupt European monarchies and privileged elites became, via the propaganda of its enemies, the very embodiment of everything it opposed? The Illuminati, through several historical epochs, have striven to overthrow the super rich and super powerful, and they have suffered savage persecution as a consequence. So how can they be confused with the puppetmasters who stand behind these tyrants of privilege and power? It’s absurd. Any person who knows anything of the history of the Illuminati should be able to see that their aims are incompatible with the aims commonly attributed to them by many anti-NWO conspiracy theorists.

Below we provide a Q&A list to address many of them myths surrounding the Illuminati’s most notorious Grand Master – Adam Weishaupt, and the Illuminati in general.

Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati.

Q. Did Adam Weishaupt (AW) found the Illuminati?

A. No, the Illuminati is a much older organisation. It has existed for millennia.

Q. Was AW a Grand Master of the Illuminati?

A. Yes. He was based in Bavaria in Germany. Since he was the first Grand Master to bring the Illuminati into public awareness, he sometimes pretended that the Illuminati was a new secret society, created by him. He was thus able to avoid questions about the long history of the Illuminati, which might have revealed important clues that would have assisted the Illuminati’s enemies.

The Illuminati have still not provided a precise history, and reserve this information for senior initiates. (It has erroneously been claimed that AW said that the last King of Persia founded the Illuminati, and then wrote a letter to a fellow member of the Illuminati in which he admitted this was an “innocent lie”. AW made no such claim and wrote no such letter, and such assertions are manifestly absurd. Why would a republican organisation opposed to monarchy claim a Persian monarch as its founder? (The only monarch associated with the Illuminati is King Solomon, and his relevance lies not in his crown but his revolutionary opposition to the Jewish God.) Why would an Illuminati Grand Master write to a member about such a matter instead of discussing it in a closed session of the Illuminati, with the customary requirement of complete secrecy? It is also claimed that three princes and various barons belonged to the Illuminati. Is this likely given the Illuminati’s republicanism, their opposition to aristocrats and their leading role in the French Revolution, which led to the smashing of the power of the French monarchy and aristocracy, and the creation of a French Republic?)

Q. Did AW reject Catholicism and the Jesuits?

A. Yes. He became a Gnostic and therefore an enemy of the Satanic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He was content to be described as a deist rather than a theist. Anyone who understands Gnosticism will see why this should be so.

Q. Was AW influenced by the European Enlightenment?

A. Yes. He was a radical freethinker, but he did not go down the atheist/agnostic path as so many other leading thinkers did. He wanted to bring the light of knowledge/gnosis to those in the dark thrall of Satan.

Q. Was the Illuminati part of Freemasonry?

A. No. Freemasonry was a creation of the Illuminati, though it then evolved undesirably (paradoxically due to its success in America Masons) and eventually became everything the Illuminati opposed i.e. Freemasonry was corrupted and transformed itself into the very oppressive establishment it once resisted. (The vast majority of members of the Old World Order today are senior Freemasons.) The Illuminati did not travel the same path as the Masons. They remained true, steadfast and untarnished, although they have never subsequently been able to shake off their connection with Freemasonry in the eyes of the unenlightened and ill-informed. The Freemasons, as a creation of the Illuminati, are not party to any secrets unknown to the Illuminati, and nor were they given access to the Illuminati’s core secrets.

Q. Did AW and the Illuminati believe in perfecting human nature?

A. Yes. (As far as possible within the framework provided by Gnosticism.)

Q. Was the Illuminati linked to the Alchemists, the Cathars, and the Knights Templar?

A. Yes. They were all Gnostic, and the Illuminati stood behind all of them.

Q. Did the Illuminati believe in the abolition of religion?

A. No. Only in the abolition of Satanic religions that enslaved and damned people (such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam.) It is true that many members of the Illuminati went under the guise of orthodox Christianity to avoid the penalties associated with heresy.

Q. Did the Illuminati believe in the abolition of government?

A. No. Only in the abolition of oppressive governments such as those of monarchs, aristocrats, and privileged elites. They opposed Communism for the same reason.

Q. Did the Illuminati believe that they should rule the world?

A. No. They wished to create a New World Order in which everyone would have the chance to go as far in life as their talents warranted. At that stage, there would be no further need of the Illuminati. The purpose of the Illuminati was to free and educate people as far as possible. A society composed entirely of free, well-educated and talented individuals would result in a society from which a new, higher type of humanity would emerge. Throughout history, most people have been neither free nor educated, and the human race has remained enslaved.

Q. Are the Illuminati linked to a Masonic elite in the present day?

A. No. The Illuminati have repudiated Freemasonry and now rank it alongside the Satanic religions. Most Freemasons are Protestant Christians: anathema to the Illuminati. (The Illuminati are enemies of all forms of Satanic Christianity. Catholicism was their great enemy historically, but Protestantism now spawns the greatest opposition to the Illuminati.)

Q. Do the Illuminati believe in a free, just, noble and unified world?

A. Yes, that is their ultimate vision, though they believe it will take many steps to get there. They believe that nationalism, patriotism, separation, isolationism, different languages, different cultures, different religions, all inevitably lead to division, suspicion, fear and, finally, conflict. Humanity should emphasise what unites it rather than what divides it. A New World Order with a single world language and a single economy where there are no boundaries and no barriers best symbolizes this new state of being. Star Trek provides a vision of such a future world. Star Trek envisages a one-world meritocracy where greed, money, nationalism, celebrity, monarchy have all been eliminated.

Q. Did AW say, “Let this circumstance of our constitution therefore be directed to this noble purpose, and then all the objections urged against it by jealous tyranny and affrighted superstition will vanish.”

A. Yes.

Q. Did AW say, “And of all illumination which human reason can give, none is comparable to the discovery of what we are, our nature, our obligations, what happiness we are capable of, and what are the means of attaining it.”

A. Yes.

Q. Do the Illuminati believe in the abolition of private property?

A. No. But they are opposed to excessive ownership of private property. They believe in a fair share for everyone. When one person gains more than his fair share, he is depriving another of his. You end up with a few families owning much of the land and wealth of a nation, thus placing massive power in their hands and outside the hands of the people. This cannot be tolerated. It is the basis of unfairness, inequality and injustice in society.

Q. Do the Illuminati believe in the abolition of the family?

A. No. But they do advocate much higher government involvement in the lives of failing families in order to save those families from themselves and stop them becoming a burden to other members of the community. All families are ultimately interdependent: a failing family affects all the families around it. Therefore government must intervene decisively to stop one bad apple spoiling the barrel, which is what happens too often in contemporary society. A huge underclass of failed families exists which sucks up taxpayers’ money and requires an extremely costly police force to keep it in order, an extremely costly criminal justice system, an extremely costly prison system, and an extremely costly welfare and social care system. These are huge costs that are never recovered. Failed families are a constant drain on the rest of society. Therefore, government must act before the failure of a family becomes cast in stone and irretrievable. No family has the right, in the name of personal freedom, to become a burden to other families.

Q. Did AW believe that the world would be improved if “every man were placed in the office for which he was fitted by nature and a proper education.”

A. Yes. This is a good definition of meritocracy.

Q. Do the Illuminati believe in democracy?

A. No. They believe in meritocracy where the vote is granted to those who have demonstrated that they can think meaningfully and productively about the issues of the day. No one should get an automatic right to a vote simply by living long enough to reach their 16th, 18th or 21st birthday.

Q. Is the Illuminati fascist?

A. No. Meritocracy is opposed to fascism. Fascism is obsessed with racial purity, nationalism, patriotism and xenophobia. Meritocracy is opposed to all of these. Ironically, many of the people who denounce the Illuminati as fascists could themselves be accurately described as fascists. The nationalist American “patriots” who despise their government, who rail against the Illuminati, who hate foreigners, who have never ventured out of their country, would all be classified by the Illuminati as dangerous fascists. Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, is a classic example of an American patriotic fascist. The racist, slave-loving, Masonic Confederate States of America currently furnish most of the enemies of the Illuminati.

Q. Was Albert Pike a member of the Illuminati?

A. No. Pike was a racist, pro-slavery Confederate officer who loathed poor Irish immigrants arriving in America. He was a leading thinker in the type of Freemasonry that had become anathema to the Illuminati. Pike’s version of Freemasonry has been appropriated by the Old World Order since it is compatible with their aims and agenda. The supposed connection of Pike to the Illuminati is absurd. He represented everything that people like Adam Weishaupt fought against. Why would a society that wanted to overthrow tyranny support racism and slavery? It is unthinkable, and all the conspiracy theories that link Pike to the Illuminati are idiotic.

Q. Was Giuseppe Mazzini a member of the Illuminati?

A. No. He wished to join the Illuminati, and was originally viewed favourably. He went through several stages of initiation before being deemed unsuitable. He set up a false version of the Illuminati that soon disappeared. His false Illuminati is at the root of many of the sinister rumours that surround the Illuminati. However, it must be acknowledged that not all of his activities were deemed hostile to the interests of the Illuminati.

Q. Did the Illuminati ever cease to exist?

A. No. The Illuminati has been in continuous existence since its inception. There have been no breaks, though it has sometimes operated under alternative names to prevent detection by its enemies. It has never been suppressed, and has never disbanded.

Q. Is the Illuminati’s political vision based on Plato’s Republic?

A. In fact, Plato’s Republic is based on the Illuminati’s political vision.

Q. Are the Illuminati opposed to liberty?

A. No. They are champions of liberty. They want people to be as free as possible within a just, fair meritocracy. They oppose “freedom” where it allows disproportionate appropriation of resources (by the super rich, for example), thus starving others of resources and making others less free than they would otherwise be.

Q. Are the Illuminati linked to American “neocons”?

A. No. The neocons wish to impose the bondage of the Satanic Old World Order upon the whole of humanity. How could a revolutionary movement such as the Illuminati that has always sought to overthrow the forces of privilege ever be associated with “conservative” thinking? The Old World Order simply wish to extend their current political model all across the globe (best summarised as American “democratic” market capitalism). In no sense do they wish to create a New World Order. They aim to give the world more of the same; nothing new. The New World Order of the Illuminati means an entirely new economic, religious and political model for humanity, with meritocracy at its core. The Old World Order would have no place in the Illuminati’s New World Order. All of their wealth and power would be stripped from them. That, of course, is why they fear the Illuminati so much and why they spend so much time engaged in propaganda against the Illuminati.

Q. Did the Illuminati have a strong involvement in the Scottish War of Independence against England, the English Civil War, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the American Civil War, the Irish Easter Uprising, the Russian Revolution, the Cuban Revolution, and many other risings and revolutions?

A. Yes. There is Illuminati involvement in most revolutions, rebellions and uprisings. It is usually advantageous to the Illuminati to destabilise the power of the Old World Order in any part of the world at any time. However, the Illuminati will not support causes with which they have no sympathy, even if they might provide tactical gains.

Q. Do the many conspiracy theories involving the Illuminati have any basis in truth?

A. Most conspiracy theories are absurd – a hotchpotch of paranoid rants and crazy links between things that have no connection whatsoever. How can a secret society such as the Illuminati that has always opposed monarchy, excessive wealth and privilege be placed alongside the super rich, royalty and dynastic families in the pantheon of conspiracy theories? It is ludicrous and merely reflects the stupidity of the people who hold these nonsensical views. To say that the Illuminati, a society that has had to flee the persecution of the Old World Order, are the puppetmasters behind the scenes is too ridiculous for words. Any conspiracy theorist who is unable to distinguish between the Old World Order and the New World Order hasn’t even begun to understand the true nature of the world. Conspiracy theorists tend to assemble a list of everything they fear and hate then put them all together into one huge conspiracy, no matter that the pieces simply don’t fit together. Any conclusions that flow from such an idiotic collection of incompatible ingredients are invariably laughable. The Old World Order is extremely right wing. The Illuminati would be considered on the left (though, in fact, they reject many liberal, left wing nostrums). Saint-Just, Robespierre and Marat, all members of the Jacobin Club in revolutionary France, were senior members of the Illuminati. The only reason such people would visit Bohemian Grove would be to burn it down. It is always wrong to shoehorn right wing and left wing groups together.

Q. Are the Illuminati wealthy?

A. The Illuminati have many priceless artefacts in their possession. However, they would never sell any of these items since they reflect the history and the great religious secrets of the Illuminati. So, their wealth is simultaneously vast but in no way realisable. Some individual members are wealthy; most are not and some are distinctly poor.

Q. What are the secrets of the Illuminati?

A. The Illuminati have been open about their political agenda, but they will not comment expansively upon the most secret religious and spiritual matters until the moment is right.

Q. Are the Illuminati party to an astonishing religious mystery, a great secret?

A. Yes.

Q. Will the Illuminati’s forthcoming book The Soul Camera reveal any of their secrets?

A. This book will be a mixture of fact, fiction and disguised facts. The well-informed will gain many insights. For others, it will simply be a story.

It is in the name of truth, justice and freedom that the Illuminati will one day deliver the just, equitable and meritocratic New World Order humanity is crying out for.

“It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom – for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.” –The Declaration of Arbroath, Scotland, 1320


Quotations by Adam Weishaupt.

“When man lives under oppressive government, he is fallen, his worth is gone, and his nature tarnished.”

“This is the great object held out by this association; and the means of attaining it is illumination, enlightening the understanding by the sun of reason which will dispel the clouds of superstition and of prejudice.”

“And of all illumination which human reason can give, none is comparable to the discovery of what we are, our nature, our obligations, what happiness we are capable of, and what are the means of attaining it.”

“Nothing would be more profitable to us than a right history of mankind.”

“But I would have executed much greater things, had not government always opposed my exertions, and placed others in situations which would have suited my talents.”

“But alas, they are all sadly deficient, because they leave us under the domination of political and religious prejudices; and they are as inefficient as the sleepy dose of an ordinary sermon.”

“Morality will perform all this; and Morality is the fruit of Illumination.”

“My general plan is good, though in the detail there may be faults.”

“Whoever does not close his ear to the lamentations of the miserable, nor his heart to gentle pity; whoever is the friend and brother of the unfortunate; whoever has a heart capable of love and friendship; whoever is steadfast in adversity, unwearied in the carrying out of whatever has been once engaged in, undaunted in the overcoming of difficulties; whoever does not mock and despise the weak; whose soul is susceptible of conceiving great designs, desirous of rising superior to all base motives, and of distinguishing himself by deeds of benevolence; whoever shuns idleness; whoever considers no knowledge as unessential which he may have the opportunity of acquiring, regarding the knowledge of mankind as his chief study; whoever, when truth and virtue are in question, despising the approbation of the multitude, is sufficiently courageous to follow the dictates of his own heart – such a one is a proper candidate.”

“The tenor of my life has been the opposite of everything that is vile; and no man can lay any such thing to my charge.”

“Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery.”

One World:

Why is the idea of a one-world government so terrifying to so many people? What underlies this ferocious hostility to the idea of a united world, a single humanity, with everyone granted equal rights, civil rights and human right? Star Trek presents a one-world vision. How many people regard Star Trek as a totalitarian dystopia?

If a one-world government of the utmost merit were in power, who would condemn it other than racists, xenophobes and nationalists? – the legions of small-minded bigots and “patriots” who have never ventured more a few hundred miles from where they were born and know nothing of the world at large, nothing of history and culture.

The enemies of a New World Order are contemptible, petty minded, isolationist rednecks, ignoramuses one and all. They prefer to sail in their Ship of Fools over the edge of the Flat World they still inhabit. These people are dinosaurs, doomed to extinction.

Heaven on Earth?

Most people in the world believe in a creator God, and most believe in a heaven – a paradise where God resides with those of his creations who have attained salvation.

There is no suggestion that heaven is anything other than a one world order with a single benevolent and infallible leader. So, aren’t those believers who oppose a one-world order somewhat perverse? In a religious context, they fully support a one-world order under God, so why not a man-made one-world order? The best human world, many would say, is the one that best approximates heaven, and whose rulers best approximate the role of God, the supreme, benign ruler. Is such a world possible? Can human beings raise themselves towards the divine?

Would the members of the anti-New World Order movement oppose God in heaven? They appear to reject all forms of the brotherhood of man. They want to have separate countries, with different languages and different religions, with barriers and boundaries everywhere. They love building walls between themselves and others. Is it any wonder we live in such a divided, hostile, suspicious world when so many people are dedicated to alienating themselves from others? The members of the anti-New World Order movement are insular, petty, small-minded, with no grand vision of humanity. They have no vision at all other than arming themselves with assault rifles and shooting anyone who comes round to collect taxes from them. Can these people possibly be regarded as fine human beings? It is no wonder they hate the Illuminati so much.

The Archons:

These are the ultimate puppet masters: the “unknown superiors”. There are 144 of them and their task is to maintain the Old World Order in perpetuity. They are opposed by 36 equivalents – the Phosters (the Illuminators) – whose mission is to accomplish the overthrow of the Old World Order and the creation of a New World Order. The former outnumber the latter by four to one, and this reflects the degree of difficulty of defeating the Old World Order. We may be saying much more about the archons and their malignant influence on history in the forthcoming book The Soul Camera.

The Old World Order:

“[The professed object of the Illuminati is], by the mutual assistance of its members, to attain the highest possible degree of morality and virtue, and to lay the foundation for the reformation of the world by the association of good men to oppose the progress of moral evil.” –Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Albert G. Mackey

It is often claimed that neocons, Freemasons, various powerful secret societies etc are conspiring to create a New World Order – a oneworld oppressive government, supposedly. In fact the groups mentioned constitute not the “New” but the Old World Order and their agenda is to keep extending their existing political and economic model that has served them so well for so long. There is absolutely nothing new about it. “Globalisation” is their key word. That is their code for complete OWO control of the world. When former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown spoke of “the birth pangs of a new global order,” he was referring to the political and economic domination of the whole world by the OWO.

“New World Order” is a misnomer unless used in the context defined by the Illuminati. A New World Order means a new political, economic and religious configuration of the world. It does not mean an existing model simply extended further. A New World Order is precisely that – something never seen before. It is the gateway to a greater and nobler humanity.

The Old World Order’s plan is not mysterious or strange. It is the simplest one imaginable, and it is tacitly supported by many people who claim to oppose the Old World Order. It is this: how do I ensure that my family is more successful than other families? As soon as you let that thought enter your head you are damned. It is the gospel of the Old World Order, their morality, their path to “salvation”.

The issue could not be simpler. If you have the opportunity to place your family above more talented families, what will you do? Will you make the most of that chance, or will you refrain? Will you sacrifice the interests of your family to those of more talented strangers, or will you do everything in your power to give your family an advantage over those strangers? Do not call yourself a meritocrat if you want the untalented members of your family to prosper more than the talented members of other families.

The remarkably untalented Bush family has dominated American political life because it is the ultimate manifestation of the desire of the American family to glorify itself no matter that it lacks any trace of merit. But are not all families like that? That is what the Old World Order relies on. It succeeds because it is the ordinary family writ large. All typical families would do the same in their position. They would use their wealth and power to rig the system in favour of the members of their family. They do not care about the objective merits of their family, or of other families.

If you are a genuine meritocrat, you would support the most meritorious person over a close member of your own family. How many would actually do that in practice?

There can be a fair world only if there is a willingness to acknowledge the superior merit of others. That is the great challenge to humanity. It is also the only way for any family to get true justice. If you do not believe in merit then you will be ruled by rich and privileged families such as the Bush family. They have used their advantages to the maximum, and your children have paid the price. And you do not deserve any better.


The Old World Order II:

“When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his ‘proper place’ and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary.” — Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson

We resist two groups – the Old World Order and the group that stands behind them. For the time being, we shall say nothing more about the organisation that hides behind the curtain. The Old World Order are dupes, but they are unaware of it. Their game is the oldest one of all – power. How to get it and how to maintain it. These are the key points about the OWO, their modus operandi:

1) The OWO is a global network of dynastic families.

2) Their mission is to maintain the power and wealth of their dynasties in perpetuity.

3) Others are admitted to the charmed circle only if they can assist the interests of the OWO.

4) The OWO do not care about the welfare of ordinary citizens. Ordinary people simply do not show up on their radar as long as they go about their humdrum lives in the expected way.

5) The OWO have no plans to build concentration camps, or slave encampments or anything else. Such measures would consume vast resources, create unnecessary trouble and serve no useful function. The OWO can sedate the people by the use of TV, Hollywood, video games, porn, music, alcohol, recreational drugs, sport, social networking etc. All of these diversions ensure that the people will never rise up. While mindless mass entertainment exists, the OWO require no concentration camps to control the people.

6) The Bush family is the quintessence of the OWO. Father and son belonged to Yale’s Skull and Bones secret society and both became presidents. Another son is a former Governor of Florida and a potential future president. How can one family in a so-called democracy have achieved this degree of power?

7) The Bush family illustrates the workings of the OWO perfectly: very rich, very powerful, very connected, and likely to bestride the American political scene for generations.

8) The OWO do not obsessively control every aspect of life. What they do is take active steps to massively increase the likelihood that they and theirs will have vastly better chances in life than everyone else. George Bush, with his limited abilities, would have achieved nothing significant in life were his name not Bush. Yet because that is his name, he was an American President. The OWO always put family above talent. This is practically enshrined as an American principle, and enjoys huge popular support, yet its inevitable consequence is that it creates unmeritocratic family dynasties that endure for millennia, and you can be certain the Bush family will continue to be such a dynasty.

9) Most people are familiar with America’s great dynastic families: they are associated with oil, banking, entertainment, media, military, the intelligence services and politics.

10) The OWO are international. American dynastic patriarchs have much more in common with Russian oligarchs than they do with ordinary Americans.

11) The Old World Order’s models are the Roman Empire at the time of Augustus Caesar, and the English monarchy at the time of Henry VIII.

12) The OWO are advocates of dynastic rule. Look at America: George Bush, father and son – both American presidents; the Kennedys – they could have been in power for decades had they not broken the rules of the OWO and paid the price; the Clintons – husband was president and wife still could be; daughter might be in the future. Dynastic presidencies have become de rigueur in modern America. How did this come about? By accident or design?

13) The Roman emperors advocated “panem et circenses” – bread and circuses. As long as citizens have fast food and cheap entertainment to pacify them, they will not cause serious trouble. Revolutions occur when the ordinary people are starving and have nothing to distract them from their suffering. Can a revolution be launched in the absence of these factors?

14) The Romans had a patrician class (the wealthy and powerful) and a plebeian class (the ordinary people). Isn’t it the same in America? The super rich, the Ivy League brigade, spoiled heiresses, the political, media, military, business, banking and legal elites. They are the American patrician class. Everyone else is a plebeian.

15) Roman gladiators were worshipped by the plebeians. What do the Americans have? – super-celebrities from Hollywood, TV, rock ‘n’ roll and sport, worshipped by legions of American plebeians.

16) In ancient Rome, artists and intellectuals were a joke. They were usually Greek slaves. Look at artists and intellectuals in America. They are not at the forefront of the national consciousness. The OWO despise intelligence amongst plebeians and do their utmost to ensure that plebeians are poorly educated. They advocate and encourage “dumbing down”.

17) The Roman Empire was founded on slavery. So was America. The ordinary American people are still slaves. The only difference is that the oppression they suffer is not overt.

18) Look at the British Royal family. The Queen refers to the British people as her “subjects”. She can’t be removed as head of state. Her crown, her status, her wealth and power will be automatically transmitted to her son. No one else is eligible. Merit in Britain is effectively illegal since the head of state is never at any stage subjected to any meritocratic criterion. Britain remains one of the most class divided societies in the world.

19) Look at British politicians. Tony Blair, from a highly privileged background, was a recent prime minister, and now his children are being groomed to follow in his footsteps. The new British Prime Minister, David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party, is one of the richest men in the nation. He is an “old Etonian” (Eton College is the most privileged school in the world) and was a member of the super elite Bullingdon Club at Oxford University. His closest colleagues all come from similarly privileged backgrounds. Like Cameron, the current Mayor of London and the Chancellor of the Exchequer both attended the Bullingdon Club.

21) Three of the forty-four presidents have been members of the tiny, elite secret society Skull and Bones. What are the odds? John Kerry, the Democratic candidate in 2004, was a member of Skull and Bones. In other words, no matter if you voted Democrat or Republican in 2004, you would still get a Skull and Bones man in the White House. And you think you have a choice? Choice is an illusion in so called democracies. Democracy is an instrument used to control the people and make them vote for their OWO oppressors. You are much less likely to oppose someone for whom you have voted. You have bought into their mind control system. What good is a vote if you can only vote for the two people they decide to put in front of you? In order for them to be permanently in charge, they simply need to ensure that they control the process by which the presidential candidates are chosen. Then, when you vote, you are invariably voting for one of their people, not one of yours.

22) No doubt there are more Bushs, more Kennedys, more Skull and Bones members being lined up for future high political office.

23) If you’re not one of the patricians, you’re a nobody. People could choose to stand up and do something about it but they don’t because they have been stupefied by the rhetoric and propaganda of the patrician class, they have got their bread and circuses that keep them endlessly distracted, they have their gladiator heroes to worship, their army of imperial conquest to support, their conspiracy theorists to mock, and their ‘freedom and democracy’ to trumpet.

24) The symbolic head of the Old World Order is the Queen of England. When she parades through the streets, legions of people wave flags and cheer. They are ecstatic about being her subjects – her acknowledged inferiors in every way. That shows you the power of the tyrants. Now imagine a hereditary monarchy with executive power. That’s what the Old World Order seek. They dream of dynastic marriages. Imagine a future where the Prince of America marries the Princess of China. That’s what’s coming if the Old World Order achieves its full ambition.

The Old World Order is all about establishing a permanent patrician class. It looks to the mediaeval concept of the monarch appointed by “divine right” and able to pass the crown down the family line forever.

The Old World Order has in fact already achieved about 90% of its agenda. Ordinary people don’t get a look in when it comes to genuine power and the best jobs. They’re not in the game. They’re plebeians. What’s worse, they deserve to be. They have it within our power to overthrow the patricians at any time. Instead, they let them rule. There are no excuses.

The movie The Matrix is an excellent metaphor for the workings of the OWO. The controllers of the Matrix are the OWO. Most people are oblivious to the truth. Only a handful care, and only they see “reality”. Mr Smith and his fellow super agents are the OWO’s enforcers who will deal with anyone showing any signs of resistance. But they don’t need to intervene too much because hardly anyone causes any trouble. Even some who have tasted the truth (like “Cypher” in The Matrix) decide that they would prefer to go back to the world of enslavement (made delightful by the power of fantasy – the taste of “real” steak).

Are you happy to be a compliant citizen of the Matrix, or are you prepared to join the resistance? Wake up. Stop voting for the OWO. Stop supporting them. Stop making their lives easy. Stop bowing down to them simply because they are wealthy. Their wealth was gained through manipulation, not merit. If you are a slave to money then you are a pawn of the OWO. They control wealth and hence they control all those who buy into the wealth system.

Dick Fuld, former chief executive officer of the failed Lehman Brothers investment bank, made $500 million dollars while he was at the helm. A half a billion dollars for the man who presided over one of history’s greatest financial catastrophes! The bank no longer exists. Fuld is not in jail, is not being prosecuted, is not being pursued by state agencies to surrender his earnings that are now seen to be the profits of breathtaking speculation and incompetence that destroyed the bank.

Many people have paid the price of the collapse of Lehman Brothers. One person who did not was the man most responsible. That is the way the Old World Order operate. Everyone suffers except them. Isn’t it time to wake up and smell the coffee? There are still enough truth seekers in the world to make a difference. The flame of resistance has not yet been extinguished. And never forget – behind the Old World Order stands something much worse.

The Last Bling King by Mike Hockney presents a fictional version of the overthrow of the Old World Order by a group that resembles the Illuminati, though is not called by that name. The book shows that a secret group like the Illuminati can be a catalyst for change, but actual change comes about only when the people will it, when they change themselves from within. It shows that many people are seduced by the OWO, and that only a radical change in their inner selves will allow them to escape the OWO’s deadly Siren song.


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