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Academia Iluministă (46)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: unul sau mai mulţi oameni şi oameni stând jos

Revealed Religions versus Mystery Religions:

The major religions of the world are “revealed”. This term has two meanings. One is that God has personally revealed himself to us. A second is that no part of the religion is hidden i.e. the totality of the religion is available to all.

In Christianity, God allegedly became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ and directly communicated his message to us during the years of his ministry. His teachings are recorded in the New Testament. (One wonders why he didn’t bother to write down the precise nature of his religion. Oh dear, he was illiterate, wasn’t he? But why was he so evasive? Why did he continually resort to strange parables susceptible to multiple interpretations?)

In Judaism, God, in person, allegedly addressed prominent Jews such as Moses and the High Priests. On Mount Sinai, God personally provided Moses with his Ten Commandments and the “oral” Torah i.e. he communicated unmediated with Moses. The words given to Moses were straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. The oral Torah was later written down by Moses – it was completed on the day of his death – to become the sacred text of the Jews. (One equally wonders why Yahweh didn’t provide a written version of the Torah rather than presenting it orally. Why didn’t he appear to everyone rather than just one person? Why did he choose the Jews for this signal honour of being his “Chosen People”? And what did this say for his attitude to everyone else?)

In Islam, the illiterate tribesman Mohammed encountered the Angel Gabriel in a cave and Gabriel then perfectly dictated the Word of Allah to Mohammed, who perfectly recalled every word when he, in turn, dictated to the scribes who produced the first Koran. (One wonders why Allah didn’t deal with someone who could read and write rather an illiterate. Muslims think this is a great miracle whereas everyone else thinks it is bizarre, incomprehensible and unbelievable. One also must wonder why Allah didn’t provide a holy text directly, rather than using the Angel Gabriel as a dictating machine. And why was Allah so fond of Arabic? Couldn’t he provide a Koran in every language? Not too much effort for the Creator of the universe surely.)

In Hinduism, Avatars of the gods appeared periodically on the earth, but again seemed to have great difficulty in clearly communicating their message. Buddha wasn’t much better.

It is an astounding thing that the “old” religions claim to possess the word of God, directly from God, and yet the Torah, New Testament and Koran are amongst the most ambiguous and least persuasive books on earth. Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkein is more credible and consistent. Only people brainwashed from birth could believe in the nonsense spouted in “holy” texts.

For thousands of years, humanity has had direct access to the “Word of God” and yet no one can agree on what it is, and it has caused endless trouble and violence. Can God not communicate effectively? What sort of God is he in that case? What is for sure is that the earth has become no glorious paradise thanks to the holy words of “God”. Doesn’t the suspicion begin to form that the God of this world has more in common with Satan? – exactly as Gnosticism has always taught. It’s time to reject the Word of Satan – the Bible, the Torah and the Koran – once and for all.

In Buddhism, there is no God per se, but Buddha himself revealed the basics of the Buddhist religion.

With “mystery” religions, the situation is entirely different. The complete religion is not revealed to everyone. There are profound secrets, and the promise of startling, life-altering revelations. Those who want to know more must be initiated into the religion, and they may not be permitted to join in the first place. If the initiate desires to know the ultimate secrets of the religion, he must graduate through various degrees, involving increasing complexity and greater and heavier demands on him, to reach the highest level. Mystery religions are thus meritocracies.

Mystery religions do not provide a convenient holy text to all and sundry. Mystery religions do not provide the answers to everyone: the answers must be worked for, and are strictly reserved for those who show most dedication and commitment. Mystery religions involve transcendental ceremonies that often assault the senses in deliberately disturbing ways. Mystery religions take initiates out of their normal selves and ordinary lives, out of their comfort zones, and them plunge them into an arena where epiphanies are possible.

Mystery religions have nothing in common with revealed religions. Mystery religions are about the truth, about ultimate transformation, about opening your eyes to the full potential of the universe.

Revealed religions, on the contrary, are about old men in beards ordering you to bow, kneel and pray to a God from whom you are entirely alienated. Nothing is more tedious and more soul-destroying, than revealed religion.

Revealed religion is a mockery of true religion. It’s time for humanity to reject revealed religions which have done so much to kill off spirituality and to promote consumerism and materialism.

“What was once done ‘for the love of God’ is now done for the love of money.” –Nietzsche

Only mystery religion can restore humanity’s sense of the divine. Illumination, with an unbroken ancestry in the mystery religions of the past, is the religion that will replace all others.

Who are “we”? We are the Illuminati, an ancient secret society that has suffered endless calumnies and persecutions at the hands of Jews, Christians and Muslims. Our religion – Illumination – is based on Gnosticism, the pursuit of divine knowledge that allows adepts to enter into perfect union with God. To literally become God.

Who is “Adam Weishaupt?” Weishaupt (1748-1830) was the Illuminati’s most infamous Grand Master, whose name has become an Internet byword for evil Grand Conspirators – the men behind the curtain – plotting the destruction of the world.

Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s those who clutch the Bible who are the enemies of humanity, and who have conspired against freedom. Open your eyes. It’s time to see the truth that has been hidden from you for so long by those who seek to keep you in bondage to their deceit.

Catholic apologist Joseph de Maistre referred to the Illuminati as “[those] guilty men who dared to plan and even organize in Germany that dreadful, most criminal conspiracy to extinguish Christianity and royalty in Europe.”

De Maistre was right that the Illuminati wished to liberate the world from the tyranny of Judaeo-Christianity and monarchy. He was wrong that there was anything “criminal” about it. What could ever be wrong with attempting to spread the Enlightenment values of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity? Who would ever oppose such values? Only tyrants and despisers of the people.

If you are a monarchist or Abrahamist, you will certainly oppose the Illuminati. If you are repelled by monarchs, elites, priests, rabbis, imams, then the Illuminati may become your heroes.

The Plot to Kill God:

The Secret of the Solomon Key.

“Do we not hear anything yet of the noise of the gravediggers who are burying God? Do we not smell anything yet of God’s decomposition? – gods too decompose. God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.” –Nietzsche

King Solomon is one of the Bible’s most famous figures, responsible for building Israel’s great temple that housed the Ark of the Covenant. Yet Solomon died as an apostate. How could a man fabled for his wisdom reach the conclusion that his God was false? The Armageddon Conspiracy by Mike Hockney reveals the answer to this greatest Biblical mystery.

The Holy Temple of Solomon was not the house of God at all but a special chamber designed to contain a unique weapon, for which Solomon had the most astounding purpose in mind. Solomon, a man obsessed with witchcraft and magic, believed he had found the key to the supreme mystery of life. But he died before he could complete his mission. The world’s oldest secret society – the Illuminati – of which Solomon was the Grand Master, still exists and now, in The Armageddon Conspiracy, its members are about to perform the final cataclysmic ceremony Solomon had planned for so long.

The Armageddon Conspiracy, a coded novel based on information provided by the Illuminati secret society, provides the key to the mystery of Solomon, the apostate King of Israel.

If you read The Armageddon Conspiracy you will have to decide for yourself whether or not you are for or against the Illuminati. We have deliberately presented both sides of the story so that neutrals can make up their own minds. The following blurb gives you an indication of the choice with which you will be confronted. Which side are you on?


The Armageddon Conspiracy – Blurb One.

“The clock is ticking. In three days, the world faces Armageddon unless one woman can thwart the most incredible conspiracy in history – a ten-thousand-year-old plot to kill God.

The world is secretly controlled by a clandestine society of ultra powerful people. The Armageddon Conspiracy reveals the identity of this shadow organisation, an organisation stranger than anyone can imagine, so mysterious in its nature that its origins precede the very existence of the human race. All of history’s well-known conspiracy theories are aspects of their single conspiracy – a super conspiracy – that has as its goal the most stupefying outcome imaginable. The super conspiracy links the Old and New Testaments, the Cathars, the Knights Templar, the Alchemists, the Freemasons and the Nazis. It incorporates the three holiest religious relics of the Western World: the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail and the Spear of Destiny. And it’s inextricably linked to the most sacred site of antiquity – King Solomon’s Temple, standing above the rock where Creation began. The Armageddon Conspiracy has a truly terrifying climax. Can Creation be unmade?

Did Hitler hate the Jews so much that he even tried to kill their God? Did Solomon attempt exactly the same act millennia earlier? The End of the World is coming – 30 April 2012: the 67th anniversary of Hitler’s death.


The Solomon Conspiracy – Blurb Two.

“The madman sprang into their midst and pierced them with his glances. ‘Where has God gone?’ he cried. ‘I shall tell you. We have killed him – you and I. We are all his murderers.’” –Nietzsche

“When an SS officer commits suicide at the end of WWII, he leaves behind a document called The Cainite Destiny that hints at an incredible link between the Nazis and the Bible’s greatest pariah… Cain. Only one person – Cambridge professor Reinhardt Weiss – appreciates the document’s significance. His research is ridiculed when he claims he has begun to uncover an unimaginably dangerous conspiracy going all the way back to Adam and Eve. All of history’s best-known conspiracies, he insists, are different aspects of a single super conspiracy that directly connects the Nazis to the Knights Templar, the Cathars, the Alchemists, the original Freemasons and the early Gnostic sects. His work unfinished, Weiss dies in obscurity.

In 2012, the fate of the world hinges on whether The Cainite Destiny’s ultimate objective, which always eluded Professor Weiss, can be discovered. Adolf Hitler supposedly attempted to perform the final cataclysmic act, but failed for reasons unknown. Now the members of America’s most elite Special Forces unit have deserted en masse and they appear to be the latest inheritors of history’s oldest and deadliest secret mission.

When their backgrounds are checked, an extraordinary fact emerges. All of them are grandsons of American intelligence officers who, at the end of the Second World War, interrogated senior officials responsible for the treasure hoard that the Nazis had looted from all over Europe.

The deserters carry out a coordinated set of daring robberies, targeting holy sites associated with the three greatest religious icons of the Western World: the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and the Spear of Destiny…the Roman lance used to pierce Christ’s side at the Crucifixion, and which was coveted by Hitler.

It seems the American soldiers are the instruments of Cain’s ancient revenge. Are they planning the greatest crime of all? To kill God.”


Solomon the Heretic.

The Bible explicitly declares that Solomon worshipped enemy gods, and had many non-Jewish wives who influenced his religious beliefs (Kings 11:5-8): “He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Moloch the detestable god of the Ammonites. So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the LORD; he did not follow the LORD completely, as David his father had done.

Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Moloch the detestable god of the Ammonites. He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.” Such was the degree of his heresy that some religious groups openly debate whether Solomon was sent to hell.

The Holy Grail:

The True God is not physically present in the Demiurge’s universe. No traces of him can be found in the external world around us, but they are present in the inner world, and they are inside us in the form of the divine spark. Turn your attention inwards rather than outwards. The soul is the manifestation of God in this prison world of the Demiurge. Many find the soul elusive; it is the common tale of the modern world. As science advances, the soul appears to recede. Yet it hasn’t gone anywhere, as many of the books in this series prove. What could possibly be more mysterious and astounding than the soul? Isn’t that what everyone should be searching for? Isn’t it the greatest mystery of all?

The soul is not supposed to be easy to find. Scientific skepticism is simply another veil that has been thrown over it. But think of the overwhelming joy you would feel if you located and unlocked the hidden door, finding yourself in direct contact with your higher self, the divine spark itself. Is that not the true Quest for the Holy Grail? The Holy Grail is not, finally, an external object, although there is a specific and extraordinary object with that name. It is not a cup, a stone, the skeleton of Mary Magdalene or any other material entity in the straightforward sense. The Quest is spiritual, not physical, but it’s no less arduous. You are the Holy Grail. Each of us is. We are containers for the divine spark, but most of us are in a state of alienation from our souls.

“What ails thee?” is the famous Grail Question. It’s our alienation that ails us, that forms the wound that torments us. We are lost until we find our higher self. “Whom does the Grail serve?” is the other famous Grail question. It serves us. It serves God. We are becoming God. The divine spark is the direct link between God and us. The divine spark is the Holy Grail. And most of us will never find it no matter how hard we search. That was the fate of the vast majority of the Grail seekers. They travelled in the wrong directions, asked the wrong questions, believed in the wrong things, and virtually all of them failed, despite being the cream of Arthurian chivalry.

The greatest heresy of all as far as the Catholic Church was concerned was the declaration that we are not abject slaves of God (as they maintained), to be rigidly controlled by the Church, but rather that we are gods in the making. They were terrified of this idea. We are becoming divine, and we need no Church, no Pope, no sacraments, no grace, no Bible and no saints to help us. The Church is rendered powerless and pointless. We need the special knowledge – gnosis – that Gnosticism furnishes, nothing else. That was why the Holy Grail was such a heavily coded story. If the heresy had been apparent, anyone caught carrying the tale of the Quest for the Holy Grail would have been put to death.

As has been mentioned, the Illuminati do in fact possess an ancient object that is referred to as the Holy Grail, but we will not explain its precise function at this time other than to say that it’s very much concerned with the soul. Only a handful of members of the Illuminati, those who have attained the highest of the mystery degrees, are allowed access to it.)


Why are there secret societies? In ancient times, the process of initiation into religious mysteries was the most momentous episode in the lives of ordinary people. The process was carried out in a way that gave the mystai – the initiates – a profound and visceral experience. The ceremonies were often carried out in strange, unfamiliar places, in the dark, with the only light being provided by a few torchlights. The initiate was usually blindfolded, bound by ropes and at the mercy of others. Usually, he had to experience a terrifying encounter, often ending up being covered with the blood of a slaughtered animal. So secrecy, in the ancient mystery religions, was intimately related to the power of the religious experience. Many people nowadays are familiar with the sheer tedium of conventional religion, with a boring bearded man at the front of a mosque, church or synagogue droning on about dusty passages from a “holy” text. Ancient religion was nothing like that. It was central to your life; not something you did on Sundays. It was from this type of religious experience that Illumination emerged. In particular, its origins lie in the ancient Greek mystery religion of Orphism.

The second reason for secret societies is that the secrets the members hold can be highly dangerous. In the days of religious Inquisitions and persecutions, it was necessary for “heretics” to communicate secretly, otherwise they could find themselves being burned at the stake. If they were all captured and killed, their religion could die out. The Cathars openly professed their Gnostic religion, and were then the victims of a genocidal Catholic Crusade. Catharism is extinct now and precious little is known about it from the viewpoint of contemporary academic scholars.

During the centuries of the Inquisition, the Illuminati created an elaborate coded version of their religion, appearing in art, literature, and philosophy. The locations of priceless books and treasures, the identities of significant people, symbolic representations of the tenets of Illumination, were coded into paintings and books, many of them now famous works of art. (Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code famously explores hidden meanings of this type.) The Illuminati’s plan was to ensure that their religion would endure even if they themselves all perished. Future generations would have the capability of finding all that was concealed.

In the time of Adam Weishaupt, the Illuminati were actively engaged in revolution, and thus the utmost secrecy was required. Government secret police were everywhere. The Illuminati were officially banned at this time, although the ban had little real impact. In the present time, the Illuminati are not advocates of violent revolution, but rather “velvet” revolution. In that sense, no secrecy is required. Quite the reverse. The message has to be proclaimed.

By a similar token, the Catholic Church no longer has any power to destroy rival religions, so, again, the need for secrecy is removed. Illumination, the religion of the Illuminati, isn’t strictly secret at all since coded versions have been available for centuries for those with the eyes and the knowledge. (Moreover, in the work of Hegel, much of the Illuminati’s thinking has been rigorously set out by one of the greatest philosophers in history.)

But why are we now unravelling some of these codes for a wider audience? Quite simply, it has been judged that the time is right. In this series of books, we will be presenting sufficient information to give interested parties a profound insight into the Illuminati, and to dispel much of the absurd propaganda that attaches to the Illuminati.

It’s not the Illuminati’s teachings that are the secret aspect of the Illuminati – our enemies know those teachings as well as we know theirs – it’s the ramifications of those teachings that require the secrecy.

It’s all very well to say, “We are becoming God”. But what does that actually mean in a practical sense? What specific steps does someone take to get in touch with their higher self, to liberate the divine spark? What happens when they have mastered that ability? What are the implications?

The three highest mystery degrees of the Illuminati are concerned with these matters. This is the truly secret aspect of the Illuminati. Only a certain type of person can graduate to this stage. It’s nothing like the Freemasons where your friends, who are already members, can nominate you. We won’t say exactly who we’re looking for, other than to say that they usually know who they are and know how to approach us. Until recently, we relied on a particular question that would reveal whether the candidate had an intuitive understanding of the task and workings of the Illuminati, but because of a unique situation that arose with that question, it was decided it could no longer be used. Now, a new technique has been introduced. No details will be provided.

The Illuminati, by making their religious teachings readily available to all interested parties, can increase the likelihood of finding the people they are seeking. Friends, wealth, celebrity, status, popularity…none of these can influence the selection. That is a matter of regret – the Illuminati wishes nothing more than that it could be much more inclusive than it is – but the world is becoming less and less spiritual and the “right” people are fewer and fewer.

The Grail Religion:

The Holy Grail is the sacred and mystical centrepiece of the religion of the Illuminati. Knowledge, not faith, is what guides the Illuminati. The religions of faith are the religions of delusion and deception. They are the instruments of Satan who relies on the blind obedience of the faithful masses to manipulate humanity. Reason is the antidote to the Satanic influence of faith.

Gnosticism is concerned with the highest and most secret knowledge concerning the innermost workings of the cosmos. Gnosticism has nothing at all to do with faith. You can’t say, “I believe” and have all of your problems solved for you in a miraculous flash. You’re not “saved” just because you profess your allegiance to Jesus Christ or Mohammed.

Gnosticism is a religion which, to those steeped in the nonsense and poison of religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam, contains many ideas that would be deemed shocking, blasphemous, heretical and evil unless presented in their proper intellectual context.

Yet, as an atheist commentator in Britain pointed out, if a Martian came to earth and was presented with the Koran, the Bible and the Torah how would he go about deciding which holy text was correct? So why are Jews, Christians and Muslims so confident that they can do it? In fact, they’re all as absurd as each other.

Gnosticism is the key to transcending the traumas, travails and wickedness of this Satanic world. Gnosticism offers the possibility of a global spiritual epiphany.


In the world of dreams, the most vivid ones seem to contain profound meaning and appear like an attempt by a voiceless unconscious to communicate non-verbally with the conscious mind.

The ideas of those in the grip of inspiration often seem to be channelled to them from elsewhere. It’s as if their higher self is trying to contact them, but can’t achieve it directly. Instead, the contact takes the form of a profusion of powerful ideas welling up within poets, artists, visionaries and thinkers that they feel compelled to pursue. Often, they work with restlessness and excessive energy, almost as though he were possessed.

The movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind illustrates this kind of obsessive passion. Over time, these ideas may become more and more focused, and lead the seekers of truth to a moment of overwhelming revelation – an epiphany – when their higher self breaks through and communicates directly with their lower self. In Close Encounters, the truth seekers, at the end, depart with the aliens on their spaceship. Symbolically, this represents the lower self leaving with the higher self, and journeying to astounding new destinations. The seeker’s horizons have expanded beyond all imagining. The “aliens” represent out alienated higher selves, but when we journey with them, they are alien no longer. We are whole people again. We have found our divine spark. Now we know who we truly are.

The experience of alien abduction and being “probed”, which are reported by a surprisingly large number of people, are, in most but not all cases, vivid, dreamlike encounters with the higher self, usually visualised as an ethereal being of light. The aliens aren’t from “out there” but from “in here”. They are trying to communicate, trying to establish a link. To a mind that doesn’t apprehend what is happening these can be terrifying and disturbing lifelike encounters. Some people are certain they really happened, though virtually none is able to provide any supporting evidence; others think they are having a breakdown or are suffering from mental illness. In fact, these are wonderful opportunities for the lower self to enter the shining, glorious, numinous world of the higher self.

Much of the crazy talk about Nibiru, Chariots of the Gods, alien visitation, Reptilian earth invaders etc is a product of encounters with the higher self that were not understood by those experiencing them. Many people consider that the Egyptians were obsessed with the stars, but in fact it was the soul that transfixed them. The significance of astronomy was that it provided a star map for the soul to return whence it came – the universe of the True God. The universe of the Demiurge is the micro-universe, contained within the macro-universe, the universe proper. Several ancient groups thought they could provide a detailed map, plus secret passwords, that a soul would need to use to successfully escape from the Demiurge’s prison and reach the eternal realm of light.

Are you ready for a close encounter with your Higher Self? Are you ready to escape from the prison planet of Satan? May the True God, Abraxas, bless you.

Illumination/Illuminism – the Dialectical Religion:

There are no “sacred scriptures” in Illuminism. There is no requirement to “believe” the ancient writings concerning archons and Phosters. The Phosters “guided” the ancient Illuminati: they did not put everything on a plate for them and provide every answer to every conceivable question. The Phosters are helpers, not leaders. Their task is not to dictate to human beings and set down infallible words that must never be doubted or challenged.

The basis of Illuminism is to provide the information, the knowledge, to allow people to make up their own minds. “Enlightenment” is a task for an individual, not a group activity. You cannot achieve gnosis just because the person standing beside you managed to do it. Enlightenment is strictly personal. You must save yourself, not look to others to save you. There is no magic formula to recite. Only one object – the Holy Grail itself – could ever help you to enormously accelerate your progress to gnosis.

Illuminism is dialectical. It progresses. It takes into account new facts, new discoveries. It continually takes theses and antitheses and turns them into higher syntheses that will then form new, more complete theses, and so on, until the day the dialectical endpoint is reached, if such a day ever comes.

It is always becoming. It is not locked forever in the past as Judaism, Christianity and Islam are. These religions can never evolve. There is no scope for changing the message of the Torah, the Bible or the Koran. Imagine having to look back a million years to the death of someone on a cross as the most important event in human history, and as the means by which you will be “saved”. Do you think the human race of a million years hence will take that proposition seriously? Do you think they will consult a million-year-old book called the Koran or the Torah, each written in a desert amongst primitive tribesmen, to find the definitive word of God? You must be joking.

No, what the humans of the future will do is refer to the latest dialectical teachings of Illuminism, which is always up to date, as we have illustrated by showing the extraordinary ability of the ancient teachings of Illuminism to embrace the most difficult findings of modern science. Science itself cannot construct a conceptual model to unify all of science. Illuminism has provided such a model: r >= 0, the universe of the dimensionless and dimensional. That is the core truth of Illuminism that will never be demolished or changed.

Think for yourself. Save yourself. Enlighten yourself. Let no one control you. Your salvation is your business, not anyone else’s. It is up to you to make contact with the divine order. It is up to you to become God. No one else can do it for you. You can be everything you want to be if you put in the effort. No one says it will be easy. Why should it be? Why should it not be the most difficult and challenging task of all? After all, how can becoming God ever be anything other than the most difficult accomplishment humanly conceivable? But isn’t that precisely what makes it so glorious; the supreme endeavour, the ultimate quest, the final and surest meaning of life, of existence itself? That is why the Holy Grail is the most sought after object of all.


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” –Margaret Mead

Are you capable of being part of a small group that can change the world? Most people could never rise to the challenge. They are the Ignavi – those who will follow any banner placed in front of them – and the Last Men – those who survive by placing petty self-interest above all other things and know how to ensure they will be the last men standing. Their names will never be remembered.

You don’t have to be a member of the Illuminati to make a difference. The changing of the world belongs to everyone. Leaders are self-defining, self-creating, self-starting. They take an idea and they run with it. They inspire others. They don’t need anyone else’s approval, assistance or permission. Above all, they lead… can you?

The End


To all of our detractors and enemies, FUCK YOU!!!

This has been a HyperReality Production by a communication cell of the Illuminati.



“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” –Aristotle

“Nothing is more conducive to peace of mind than not having any opinion at all.” –Georg C. Lichtenberg

“The world will be the dwelling of Rational Men.” –Adam Weishaupt

“How much truth can you bear, how much truth can you dare?” –Nietzsche


The Armageddon Conspiracy: The Plot To Kill God



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