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Academia Iluministă (48)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

The Illuminati Paradigm Shift by Adam Weishaupt:

The Illuminati Series – Book 2/6:


What is the nature of the New Order proposed by the Pythagorean Illuminati, the world’s most controversial secret society?

The Illuminati advocate the replacement of democracy by meritocracy, the abolition of all monarchies, dynastic families and privileged elites.

How can the corrupt reign of the Old World Order finally be brought to an end? The Illuminati have proposed the most radical and revolutionary redistributive policy of all time: 100% inheritance tax. With this single measure, the iniquitous rule of elite families such as the Rothschilds and Bushes would be terminated.

The super-rich defy the natural law of the regression to the mean. The rich just keep getting richer, and the poor poorer. 100% inheritance tax restores the law of nature; it brings back healthy social equilibrium. It prevents the formation of dynasties that bestride the globe for centuries. It gives everyone a fair chance in life.

The world could turn at last to meritocracy where people get ahead on the basis of what they know rather than who they know; where hard work and talent count for infinitely more than having the right name and connections.

We live in a two-tier world of privilege where all those who do not belong to the charmed inner circle are second class citizens.

How much longer will you tolerate being pushed around by the elite? If you don’t want to be a slave all of your life, get off your knees. Stand up to the privileged criminals who run the world.

When they die, strip them of all their ill-gotten assets and return them to the people from whom they were stolen in the first place.

It’s time for the most radical paradigm shift. It’s time for meritocracy.


A Book Review:

“This is one book out of a series of books by the Pythagorean Illuminati. Just like all of their books this one is excellent and if you give it or any of them a chance you will come away with many new ideas. If you have any interest at all in life’s greatest mysteries you need to read the information that the true Illuminati provide. You should also check out the Illuminati’s website www.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk and their facebook pages/groupwww.facebook.com/pythagorean.illuminati andwww.facebook.com/groups/136240720298981/

The Illuminati Paradigm Shift is about shifting our concepts of how to most effectively run society for the benefit of all. The Illuminati’s political and societal aspects go hand in hand with their spiritual and religious aspects. To have healthy, rational people you need a healthy, rational society. We can talk all we want about enlightenment and finding our higher selves but in my opinion that will be virtually impossible for 99.9% of the people in the world until societies are completely revolutionized to give every single person the best possible education for their personality type and thereby giving them the greatest chance to actualize their full potential.

The good news is there’s a political system that will allow the people of the world the best possible chance of actualizing their full potential and creating a heaven on earth, a society of the divine as opposed to the hell hole we now inhabit. That political system is not democracy but Meritocracy and it is what this book generally focuses on. Meritocracy is about having the wisest, most rational and meritorious individuals running society for the benefit of all citizens. Meritocracy is about getting rid of the super-rich via 100% inheritance tax so that every single individual can start life from equal position and every single person will be able to go as far as their talents will take them. 100% inheritance tax would take the assets of a deceased individual and redistribute them to the commonwealth for the benefit of all. In a Meritocracy there will be no more privileged people who come from massively wealthy families with every advantage offered to them while others come from extreme poverty with absolutely no chance of bettering their lives.

Meritocracy just like everything the Illuminati stand for is about dialectical improvement. Nothing should be allowed to stagnate. Everything from individuals all the way to countries should constantly be doing everything they can to resolve contradictions and improve themselves. The way you improve is by experimenting to see which ideas work best. Nobody should say an idea will not work until the idea is actually put into practice and succeeds or fails based on its own merits. If the idea fails, it is discarded and then another idea can be attempted. If the idea succeeds then another idea can be added on and the experiment starts again until we get to a point where no more improvements can be made and that particular idea or plan will have reached its dialectical end point, its omega point. This type of constant experimenting and improvement is the basis of science so why is it not applied to everything in life?

If you want an idea of what a society based on Meritocracy would look like just watch Star Trek. The imaginary futuristic society of Star Trek is a Meritocratic society. Another less well known example is The Venus Project from the Zeitgeist documentaries. I desperately want to live in those societies. Meritocracy is the only way to get there and understanding Meritocracy is the first step. This book is one of the many by the true Illuminati that will help you take that first step. The second step is actually putting Meritocracy into practice and I think that needs to begin with 100% inheritance tax. If we wanted to we could have the 100% inheritance tax just apply to the super rich to begin with until everyone is on more equal footing. The eventual goal is to get rid of money completely and possibly switch to a resource based economy similar to what Zeitgeist proposes. But none of this speculating will matter until we actually do something about the situation we are all living in. What in the world are we waiting for?” –BG


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