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Academia Iluministă (53)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: dungi
(Escape Captivity)

Work versus Jobs:

A central aim of the new meritocratic form of government and society will be to eliminate every “wage slave” job whereby people toil away at grim and unsatisfying jobs for a pittance in order to make some super rich capitalist even richer. Can anyone seriously imagine that the new hyper-educated, unsubmissive workforce that the new bespoke meritocratic education system will produce will be content to work in call centres, in factories and on assembly lines? It is IMPOSSIBLE.

The new education system is designed to alter the consciousness of the people so that they will no longer accept being second-class citizens and the puppets of the wealthy. Marx said, “It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being determines their consciousness.” In other words, the nature of the society we live in shapes our consciousness. In a radically different society with radically different values, we will have a radically altered consciousness. The whole world as it appears to us now will be swept away. None of the things we routinely accept now because it’s the way the “system” works will be acceptable in the meritocratic future. There won’t be any monarchs, popes, super-rich elites, Abrahamist pressure groups, junk consumerism, celebrity culture etc – all of these will vanish. That’s why it’s a New World Order!

We will be producing a new type of human being: enormously more educated, capable, self-confident, independent, unwilling to kowtow. None of the ways of doing things that are possible now because of our dumbed-down, docile, deferential, submissive society will be possible when the people emerging from schools and colleges have none of these negative traits. Basic income will be the last thing on their minds – they will have the highest possible expectations and aspirations. Who in their right mind would aspire to receiving “basic income”? No one in the new society will want any sort of minimum wage or basic existence. The new society has failed utterly if anyone thinks there is anything good about living at the “safety net” level. We are trying to create a Community of Gods, not a hippie commune of work-refuseniks and social dropouts.

Marx, following Hegel, emphasized the key concept of alienation. Marx said that almost all of us are alienated from our jobs and derive no satisfaction from them. The only people having a good time are the rich bosses with all of the power who don’t have to suffer the degrading treatment that everyone further down the food chain must endure.

We have to abolish this soul-destroying alienation. Hence all soulless, droid jobs must be eliminated. Over time, through superior technology and design, all such jobs will be automated. If we define a job as something you do to pay the bills then we aspire to live in a jobless world. If we define work as something through which you express your identity, exercise your creativity and attain fulfilment then we aspire to move instead to a world of work.

Everyone should be doing work that makes them happy, and into which they can pour their efforts and be in their element. We want to build the Society of Excellence. We will be moving away from the international capitalist model of mass production (quantity) and constant consumerism – which serves no other function than to make the super rich even richer – to national capitalism involving designer, bespoke production (quality). There will be no inbuilt obsolescence, no new upgrade every six months to keep the consumption machine moving.

All of the multinational leviathans – McDonalds, Starbucks, Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken yada yada yada – that bestride the world will no longer be able to set up shop. Instead, for example, there will be bespoke food outlets where those who love making and serving food will be able to devise their own menus and dishes and pour their own culinary creativity into the enterprise. We want huge numbers of profitable, bespoke small businesses full of committed people who love their work and make a good living rather than huge faceless corporations with a formulaic approach that channel enormous profits back to a handful of super wealthy individuals. There will be no grim call centres full of drones reading out scripts.

International capitalism is about standardisation in order to lower costs and raise profits, about having a consistent “brand” experience. Standardisation = Drone World, Droid Land, Zombie Central. International capitalism proclaims that big is beautiful. National capitalism is about the bespoke experience and promotes the opposite message: small is beautiful. The idea of excess profits and constant corporate growth will vanish because the State will cap the amount of money any individual can make, and will of course apply 100% inheritance tax at death. What we are implementing is, in effect, a mechanism for preventing multinationals from ever coming into existence ever again. National capitalism will be based on small and medium-sized enterprises. There will be no leviathans, no super rich private individuals using their money and power to dictate to the State.

We will turn capitalism into something healthy, creative, productive and fulfilling rather than a monstrous sausage machine churning out bland gloop all over the globe. We will be converting international capitalism of a few super rich global players into national capitalism of many well-off players. Ours is true capitalism rather than the out-of-control, super greedy contemporary version. Ours is socially responsible and prevents any possibility of private individuals opposing the General Will and dictating to the State to satisfy their selfish, particular will.

No more Rothschild and Bush dynasties! No privileged elite. International capitalism is hyper-capitalism for the sake of a tiny ownership class and we will replace it with public capitalism for the sake of all the people. Everyone will, more or less, be working for themselves rather than for a boss. Groups of people can combine their capital and become group owners. We seek to massively expand social ownership. At the moment, the multinational leviathans can quickly put any small competitors out of business. This will become impossible in the new society: it will instead be the multinationals that are put out of business.

Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered by British economist E. F. Schumacher is a classic text opposing contemporary capitalism, which Schumacher regarded as dehumanising. He argued that the workplace should, first and foremost, be a place of dignity and meaning. He advocated “smallness within bigness”, meaning that large companies should be decentralized and operate as a related group of small organizations.

He was keen to emphasize the importance of scale and the idea of “enoughness.” Western capitalism always aims for the biggest scale (lowest production costs), no matter how much damage ensues. Why were banks allowed to become too big to fail? Cui bono? Why did no one challenge the dangerous scale of the banking leviathans, so big they dwarf entire economies?

No one cares as long as the profits keep rolling in. The Profit Principle trumps everything else. And when it comes to enough, nothing is ever enough. The super rich have no concept of having enough. Like Oliver Twist, they always want more, but Oliver was starving in a workhouse and they’re not.

Schumacher attacked the conventional economic wisdom that growth is always good and that bigger is better. He asserted that society should aim to obtain “the maximum amount of well-being with the minimum amount of consumption.” Isn’t that eminently sensible? Schumacher’s ideas were quite fashionable for a time but were of course completely ignored by those in power.

Isn’t it time for Schumacher’s ideas to be back on the agenda? We would never have suffered the Credit Crunch if his economic thinking had prevailed. It was multinationals, global leviathans and banks too big to fail that brought us to the brink of catastrophe. Are we the dumbest humans in history or will we finally wise up and take action against all of the leviathans, monarchs and super rich? Schumacher said, “The less toil there is, the more time and strength is left for artistic creativity. Modern economics, on the other hand, considers consumption to be the sole end and purpose of all economic activity.”

Other quotations by Schumacher are equally profound:

“Character…is formed primarily by a man’s work. And work, properly conducted in conditions of human dignity and freedom, blesses those who do it and equally their products.” “Wisdom demands a new orientation of science and technology towards the organic, the gentle, the non-violent, the elegant and beautiful.”

“The most striking thing about modern industry is that it requires so much and accomplishes so little. Modern industry seems to be inefficient to a degree that surpasses one’s ordinary powers of imagination. Its inefficiency therefore remains unnoticed.”

“The way in which we experience and interpret the world obviously depends very much indeed on the kind of ideas that fill our minds. If they are mainly small, weak, superficial, and incoherent, life will appear insipid, uninteresting, petty, and chaotic.”

The human race has never lacked people with brilliant insight and wisdom. What it has always lacked is leaders with insight and wisdom. It has been cursed by greedy, selfish, self-interested leaders always looking out for themselves, their friends and family. Nepotism, cronyism and privilege have always been their watchwords.

Why do ordinary people never stand up to power? Why do they never question the legitimacy of monarchs and the super rich? Why are they cowards and slaves? Why are they so docile and submissive? There is nothing rational about contemporary society.

Marx said, “The real nature of man is the totality of social relations.” It cannot be stressed highly enough how important this statement is. If we create unhealthy social relations, we create unhealthy men and women.

Most of us exist in various states of alienation. Abrahamists are alienated from God. Employees are alienated from their jobs. Everyone is alienated from their political masters. In a society that worships money, most people are alienated from themselves and continually gaze enviously at those with enormous amounts of money and total freedom.

We have to address all of these different forms of alienation, and the primary target is the super rich because they are the ones who control our world. The existence of any class of super rich is simply unacceptable. The super rich automatically cause society to fragment. It is impossible to maintain social harmony and cohesion when some people are thousands of times wealthier than the average. How can anyone talk of any kind of equality when such financial disparities exist? As soon as unbridgeable inequalities are created, the world becomes a pyramid rather than a round table. People start gauging themselves with respect to others and they become obsessed with status. As soon as you have status wars you no longer have a community. The essence of a community is that its members have respect for each other. That mutual respect disintegrates in deeply unequal societies. The happiest societies are those in which inequalities are contained within a narrow range. Wide inequalities should be regarded as fundamentally anti-social.

The supreme problem for our society is that those who control it are profoundly anti-social and anti-communitarian. They are doing fantastically well and want nothing to change. They don’t want to see their wealth or power being eroded in any way. They can do whatever they like since no one has the guts to stand up to them. They see people as nothing but means to their economic ends, and not as ends in themselves.

One simple fact ought to be patently obvious to everyone. Society works brilliantly and does everything required of it for one group of people – those at the top. They are the people with the power to change things yet they are also the ones least motivated to change anything since they have everything they want.

Therefore, the people must a) change themselves and b) change those at the top of society. Any society is crazy if it doesn’t ensure that the leaders of society care about society and wish to serve its interests. Can anyone look at the leaders in any part of the world and fail to conclude that they are in it for themselves? They are GENIUSES at grabbing money and power for themselves. They are hopeless at helping the people. In fact, improving the lot of the people in any significant way would be counterproductive for them. Anything that the elite do that seems to help the people is an illusion.

In the 19th century, capitalism was about production – grim factories full of people doing shit jobs for twelve hours a day seven days a week. The owners wanted to squeeze out every penny of profit. They had no concern at all for the welfare of the people. No one ordered them to be inconsiderate bastards treating people like scum. They did it naturally. They had inbuilt contempt for ordinary humanity.

Now, capitalism is about consumption – people shopping rather than producing. Production is mostly automated, but someone needs to buy the goods. So we have shopping malls full of zombie consumers! The capitalist ownership class still hate the people, but their contempt is now expressed differently, and with the utmost hypocrisy. The corporations spend all of their time flattering and seducing the consumers, or filling them with fears and anxieties – the tactics depend on the nature of the product being sold. Corporations wage psychological war against ordinary people with a single aim: to get them to consume. They couldn’t care less about the welfare of the people. That just gets in the way of the Profit Principle.

Why do we allow people who hate humanity to be the leaders of humanity? Why do we allow psychopaths to become rich and powerful rather than putting them in therapy? We have to stop letting the crazies dictate to us.

We need an economy based on both production and consumption, but this time production and consumption should revolve around creativity and quality. There is nothing to stop us having an economy based on self-improvement, art, science, mathematics, literature, philosophy, design, film-making, music-making, psychology, and so on. The world would be full of self-employed people – acting as their own bosses – or small ownership groups. People could come together on a contractual basis to carry out projects of mutual benefit. The whole economy should be based on Schumacher’s principle that small is beautiful. We could have endless diversity, a profusion of small, specialist, bespoke companies offering unique products and services.

The aim is to gradually eliminate all “wage slave” jobs via better design and technology, and to get everyone involved in creative work in which they can express themselves and feel proud and fulfilled.

We want to switch from big is best to small is beautiful, from mass production to bespoke production, from drone and droid jobs to creative and diverse work portfolios. We need active, enthusiastic, productive workers, not passive workers doing the bare minimum. Workers need to express who they are through their work: not who someone else is. They should profit from their own endeavours; not create profits for others. They should become their real selves through their work. They shouldn’t be faking it and wearing masks. They should no longer be alienated from religion, education, politics, psychology or the workplace.

This enlightened type of thinking has been held back by one force only – the Old World Order who will not concede any of their power or wealth. The State must have the guts to confront these monsters and lay down the law to them. Their Age of Tyranny is over. It’s time for the people to be authentically free.

Capitalism is not evil per se. It is the particular implementation that is evil – the one designed to cater for a small super rich elite who call all of the shots and create global empires outwith the control of the State and the people. This model of capitalism is not a servant of the people, but a Dictatorship of Mammon. The world can be free only when the controllers are removed from power. Only one policy guarantees the end of the super rich – 100% inheritance tax.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen:

In 1789, the French revolutionaries issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. In 1793, a second and lengthier version was adopted. The full text is provided here and still represents a triumph of sensible principles:

The French people, convinced that forgetfulness and contempts of the natural rights of man are the sole causes of the miseries of the world, have resolved to set forth in a solemn declaration these sacred and inalienable rights, in order that all the citizens, being able to compare unceasingly the acts of the government with the aim of every social institution, may never allow themselves to be oppressed and debased by tyranny; and in order that the people may always have before their eyes the foundations of their liberty and their welfare, the magistrate the rule of his duties, the legislator the purpose of his commission.

In consequence, it proclaims in the presence of the supreme being the following declaration of the rights of man and citizen.

1. The aim of society is the common welfare. Government is instituted in order to guarantee to man the enjoyment of his natural and imprescriptible rights.

2. These rights are equality, liberty, security, and property.

3. All men are equal by nature and before the law.

4. Law is the free and solemn expression of the general will; it is the same for all, whether it protects or punishes; it can command only what is just and useful to society; it can forbid only what is injurious to it.

5. All citizens are equally eligible to public employments. Free peoples know no other grounds for preference in their elections than virtue and talent.

6. Liberty is the power that belongs to man to do whatever is not injurious to the rights of others; it has nature for its principle, justice for its rule, law for its defence; its moral limit is in this maxim: Do not do to another that which you do not wish should be done to you.

7. The right to express one’s thoughts and opinions by means of the press or in any other manner, the right to assemble peaceably, the free pursuit of religion, cannot be forbidden. The necessity of enunciating these rights supposes either the presence or the fresh recollection of despotism.

8. Security consists in the protection afforded by society to each of its members for the preservation of his person, his rights, and his property.

9. The law ought to protect public and personal liberty against the oppression of those who govern.

10. No one ought to be accused, arrested, or detained except in the cases determined by law and according to the forms that it has prescribed. Any citizen summoned or seized by the authority of the law, ought to obey immediately; he makes himself guilty by resistance.

11. Any act done against man outside of the cases and without the forms that the law determines is arbitrary and tyrannical; the one against whom it may be intended to be executed by violence has the right to repel it by force.

12. Those who may incite, expedite, subscribe to, execute or cause to be executed arbitrary legal instruments are guilty and ought to be punished.

13. Every man being presumed innocent until he has been pronounced guilty, if it is thought indispensable to arrest him, all severity that may not be necessary to secure his person ought to be strictly repressed by law.

14. No one ought to be tried and punished except after having been heard or legally summoned, and except in virtue of a law promulgated prior to the offense. The law which would punish offenses committed before it existed would be a tyranny: the retroactive effect given to the law would be a crime.

15. The law ought to impose only penalties that are strictly and obviously necessary: the punishments ought to be proportionate to the offense and useful to society.

16. The right of property is that which belongs to every citizen to enjoy, and to dispose at his pleasure of his goods, income, and of the fruits of his labour and his skill.

17. No kind of labour, tillage, or commerce can be forbidden to the skill of the citizens.

18. Every man can contract his services and his time, but he cannot sell himself nor be sold: his person is not an alienable property. The law knows of no such thing as the status of servant; there can exist only a contract for services and compensation between the man who works and the one who employs him.

19. No one can be deprived of the least portion of his property without his consent, unless a legally established public necessity requires it, and upon condition of a just and prior compensation.

20. No tax can be imposed except for the general advantage. All citizens have the right to participate in the establishment of taxes, to watch over the employment of them, and to cause an account of them to be rendered.

21. Public relief is a sacred debt. Society owes maintenance to unfortunate citizens, either procuring work for them or in providing the means of existence for those who are unable to labour.

22. Education is needed by all. Society ought to favour with all its power the advancement of the public reason and to put education at the door of every citizen.

23. The social guarantee consists in the action of all to secure to each the enjoyment and the maintenance of his rights: this guarantee rests upon the national sovereignty.

24. It cannot exist if the limits of public functions are not clearly determined by law and if the responsibility of all the functionaries is not secured.

25. The sovereignty resides in the people; it is one and indivisible, imprescriptible, and inalienable.

26. No portion of the people can exercise the power of the entire people, but each section of the sovereign, in assembly, ought to enjoy the right to express its will with entire freedom.

27. Let any person who may usurp the sovereignty be instantly put to death by free men.

28. A people has always the right to review, to reform, and to alter its constitution. One generation cannot subject to its law the future generations.

29. Each citizen has an equal right to participate in the formation of the law and in the selection of his mandatories or his agents.

30. Public functions are necessarily temporary; they cannot be considered as distinctions or rewards, but as duties.

31. The offenses of the representatives of the people and of its agents ought never to go unpunished. No one has the right to claim for himself more inviolability than other citizens.

32. The right to present petitions to the depositories of the public authority cannot in any case be forbidden, suspended, nor limited.

33. Resistance to oppression is the consequence of the other rights of man.

34. There is oppression against the social body when a single one of its members is oppressed: there is oppression against each member when the social body is oppressed.

35. When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is for the people and for each portion of the people the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties.

The modern Universal Declaration of Human Rights is clearly inspired by the original French Declaration. Note that Islamic nations are opposed to the Declaration. They deny that people should be free to change religion, they deny that women are men’s equals, and they deny that neutrality should be maintained when comparing religions (since Islam is always to be favoured).

Islam and Darwinism:

There is no task more difficult than attempting to reform a berserk, irrational religion such as Islam. Anyone who has the guts to try immediately takes their own life in their hands. Consider the case in the UK of imam Dr Usuma Hasan, a physics lecturer at Middlesex University and a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. When he made the claim that Darwin’s theory of evolution is compatible with Islam, he immediately received death threats from Islamic fundamentalists who declared that Darwin’s theory contradicted the Koran’s unambiguous statement that Adam and Eve were the first humans and were directly created by Allah. Hasan’s claims were deemed blasphemous and deserving of the death penalty.

How can you have a debate about anything when one group immediately sentences the opposing group to death? Hasan was compelled to retract his claims, and he posted a wretched note on the door of his mosque saying, “I seek Allah’s forgiveness for my mistakes and apologise for my mistakes.”

So, there you have it – a practising British scientist has been compelled by threats to declare the superiority of a bizarre book of desert revelations (made to an illiterate and brutal tribesman) over Darwin’s methodical 19th century research which has been accepted, in one form or another, by every credible scientist on earth. If such things can happen in Britain, one of the most advanced nations on earth and not under Islamic rule, imagine what would happen if the Muslims were actually in charge!

At the lecture he gave supporting his claim of compatibility between Islam and Darwinism, Hasan said that he was interrupted by “fanatics” who handed out leaflets declaring that Darwin was a blasphemer. One of the men said to Hasan, “You are an apostate and should be killed.” Hasan’s views were described at his mosque as a “source of antagonism in the Muslim community.” He was dismissed from his role as imam. He had stated, “Darwinism is not a matter of iman [belief] or kufr [disbelief], and people are free to accept or reject a particular scientific theory.”

In Saudi Arabia, clerics still commonly teach that the Sun revolves around the Earth, as it says in the Koran. So, don’t expect any Islamic Enlightenment. The fundamentalists have got their strategy perfectly worked out – just kill anyone who disagrees with you, and say you’re doing it in the name of Allah. Anyone who challenges you is a blasphemer and apostate and must be killed. That’s lesson 101 in how to ensure you remain retarded for eternity.

Islam is the religion for retards, the religion forever stuck in the Arabian desert of 1,400 years ago. Islam is not part of the dialectic of freedom and progress. It’s a permanent antithesis. The rational people of the world have no option but to pull up the drawbridge against Islam. Muslims cannot be allowed to infect non- Muslims with their irrationality and fanaticism. It’s not Muslims themselves who are the problem, but Islam as an ideology. It lends itself to mania. It encourages and demands fanaticism and intolerance.

All three Abrahamist religions should be regarded as an illness, as an infectious disease; a contagion. If you remain in contact with them, they will keep re-infecting you and you will never be cured. But if just one generation were freed from Abrahamism, this hateful religion would perish. All Muslims, Jews and Christians could be cured if they were released from the relentless brainwashing machine that grips them from the moment they are born.

The forces of irrationality are growing with astonishing rapidity. The time is short for the rational amongst us to change the world. Within forty years, it may be all over. The dialectic of freedom will grind to a halt, and even be reversed, and we will end up living in a world groaning under the tyranny of Sharia Law. Imagine the whole world ruled by the Taliban.

Islam is the greatest threat the world has ever known. It is even more toxic than the Old World Order. Don’t kid yourself that liberal Muslims will triumph. Pakistan was designed as a modern liberal democracy – look at it now. It’s a failed state full of Islamic extremists. All liberal societies, unless they take explicit and severe countermeasures, invariably succumb to the more committed, forceful and determined fanatics in their midst. In the West, the fanatical capitalists of super greed swept the liberals aside. In Islamic nations, lacking capitalism, the mad mullahs were the ones who grabbed power. Now the Muslims are outbreeding the Westerners and, if the present trends persist, first Europe and then America will fall to Islam.

Before long, Darwinists in the West will be executed for blasphemy. There will be death camps for non-Muslims, or they will be made to serve as slaves for Islam – as was done for many centuries in Islamic countries. There will no drugs, alcohol, rock ‘n’ roll, casual sex or bacon sandwiches. There will be no freedom. All women will have to wear burqas. Science and philosophy will be made illegal because they contradict the Koran. All food will be halal. “Moral” police will roam the streets, strictly enforcing Sharia rules and regulations. Thieves will have limbs amputated, and fornicators and adulterers will be flogged, and even stoned to death. There will be endless executions for the mildest transgressions.

You think this is scaremongering? Then you have never heard what is being preached in countless mosques all over the world. You just need to look at Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, Iran etc. to see that this behaviour is already being carried out day in and day out in Islamic nations. Many liberal Muslims will ridicule such thinking, but they will not be the ones in charge when the Darkest Hour comes. The fanatics – the dominant few willing to kill others and even themselves – are the ones who will be running the show. Only the biggest fools on earth cannot see what is coming. Nietzsche foresaw that the 20th and 21st centuries would be the most cataclysmic in history. There can be no doubt what the defining issue of this century will be – ISLAM.

Europe has several times in its history almost succumbed to the military power of Islam. Desperate, last-ditch battles were fought several times to hold back the Islamic tide. Had any of these battles been lost, Europe might well have fallen to Islam. The key battles were Poitiers in 732, Vienna in 1529 and 1683, and the naval battle of Lepanto in 1571.

Now the same outcome may happen via immigration and higher birth rate rather than force of arms.

The West was delivered from Christian tyranny thanks to the Renaissance, the Reformation (which split Christianity into warring factions) and, especially, the Enlightenment. What if these had never happened? We could be living under a Roman Catholic dictatorship with the Pope at its head. Scientists would be forbidden from contradicting the Bible and handed over, like Galileo, to the Inquisition if they dared to challenge Scripture. It was such a tyranny under which the Gnostic Cathars. They were subjected to the first Inquisition and then a holy crusade to exterminate them.

That’s the type of world that’s coming our way if Islam is triumphant. There has been no Islamic Renaissance, Reformation or Enlightenment and there will never be one because the Islamic fundamentalists have demonstrated that they will kill anyone who dares to disagree with them. It’s the 21st Century and Islam still refuses to modernize itself. In fact, it is more extreme and intolerant now than it was fifty or a hundred years ago. It is going BACKWARDS.

Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iran and Afghanistan are a vision of the future of the world. Only if the non-Islamic world acts now can the world be saved from Islamic hegemony. It’s the most important issue of all.

Only reason can save us. Otherwise we will be plunged into the ultimate Endarkenment.


Jung regarded alchemy as a projection of the collective unconscious onto the external world, and the pursuit of the philosopher’s stone and the transmutation of base metal into gold as the process of individuation whereby we transform the Ego into the Self. Alchemy once served as an excellent means of disguising heresy under a bewildering jargon, impenetrable to anyone other than the initiates and adepts.

However, it began to take on a life of its own and develop into a crazy hybrid of chemistry and mysticism. There is a specific type of alchemy that Illuminism still holds in the highest regard and keeps extremely secret, but what usually passes as alchemy is regarded as archaic and outmoded in relation to science, mathematics, philosophy and psychology. What does a discussion of the four ancient elements mean in an era of the Periodic Table, nuclear fusion and fission (scientific transmutation of the elements!)? The supreme ability – controlling and manipulating matter with the mind – isn’t achieved through antique alchemy.

If you find alchemical jargon stimulating and inspiring, by all means delve into this arcane subject and try to discover its secrets. However, it must be said that the alchemy you will find discussed in relevant books is a bit like Latin – a fascinating but dead language. The world has moved on. Mainstream alchemy was replaced by something much more powerful – chemistry – and the highest alchemy is now based on contemporary science and psychology, not on medieval manuscripts. Everything evolves and it can be counterproductive to keep looking to the past when the answers mostly lie in the present and the beyond.

Illuminism respects the past, but it doesn’t worship it. Humanity has much more knowledge now than in the days of Pythagoras. Which is the more profitable use of your time? – studying alchemy or quantum mechanics, the past or the future? Alchemy is Mythos and quantum mechanics Logos.

The past is seen as sexy and mysterious. Many people seriously believe that the ancients knew much more than modern humanity; that if only we could discover the greatest secrets of the ancients then we would know the Mind of God. Illuminism, on the other hand, teaches the gospel of the dialectic. The past provides necessary building blocks for the present, but the present is much more dialectically advanced than the past, so why look backwards to a time of greater ignorance rather than explore the incredible knowledge of the modern world? Be future-oriented, not past-obsessed.

Logos, not Mythos, is the path to knowledge. Old alchemy tells the story of spiritual transformation, but it does not actually deliver it. What is required is much more advanced knowledge based on Logos.

The Australian Atlantis?:

Did something like the Mayan civilisation once exist in Australia? Was there an advanced island civilisation that perished because of some cataclysm? Magnetic Island off the coast of Townsville (central North Queensland) is listed amongst a large number of sites in Australia with puzzling features and artefacts that hint at an extraordinary, untold history. See, for example:


It has been speculated that the ancient Phoenicians may have established colonies in ancient Australia, or even the lost tribes of Israel!

The Way of St James:

The Camino de Santiago – the Way of St James – is a collection of old European Catholic pilgrimage routes that reach their end at Santiago de Compostela in northwest Spain. Pilgrims have been walking these routes for over a thousand years. Catholicism, no matter its faults, has produced wondrously beautiful cathedrals, churches and art and even when Catholicism and Christianity have vanished, the artworks will remain.

We encourage everyone to go on a pilgrimage. You can follow an existing route, or create one of your own. Pick beautiful, spiritual places: ancient ruins, natural beauty spots, mountains, lakes, forests, cathedrals, picturesque villages, medieval walled towns, poignant battlefields, places of romance, horror, history, magic, delight: anything that heightens your feelings, senses, spirituality and intuition.

Wes Penre:

There are only a small number of genuine truth seekers in this world of ours. One of them is Wes Penre. For years, Wes attacked the global elite, calling them by the conventional internet name of the “Illuminati”. However, when he found out about the authentic Illuminati, he immediately made sure his readers were given corrected information i.e. he was one of those rare people who can break out of an existing paradigm and embrace new ideas. That’s the mark of someone genuinely interested in the truth. Economist John Maynard Keynes said, “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”

Surprisingly few people are capable of changing their opinions. They are locked in and they will never be coming out of their mental jail. 99% of people born as Muslims, for example, will die as Muslims and not once will it cross their minds that they are 100% wrong. As for Wes Penre, he is one of the few who are capable of retaining an open mind. He has laboured for years with little or no reward, often being abused and ridiculed for his efforts. It takes a special kind of person to spend year after year on a difficult and challenging enterprise. People typically give up on things after days, weeks, or a few months at most. Only people with real commitment and determination will make a difference in this world. It’s the rarest breed that perseveres without any conventional reward. The reward come in other ways, of course.

Could you devote yourself to a major undertaking for a decade? Wes’ current projects are at: http://battleofearth.wordpress.com/ andhttp://wespenre.com/ Check them out and support Wes’ work.

Tsunami and Kamikaze:

Humanity always stands in awe of nature when events such as the Japanese tsunami occur. Human beings suddenly seem so fragile, helpless and pathetic when nature flexes its muscles. The control which we imagine we exert over our world is revealed as nothing but shadow and illusion. But, of course, these events are not always regarded as natural phenomena. For many Abrahamists, they are the Will of God, hence there will be many malignant Christians, Jews and Muslims wondering what evils the Japanese have done to justify God’s wrathful retaliation. The Japanese aren’t Abrahamists, of course – so there’s a pretext straight away. They are being punished for being infidels, because they refuse to kneel and bow to the tyrant Yahweh/Allah/Christ and acknowledge Abraham, Moses and Mohammed.

The karmists will believe that the Japanese who died were paying their karmic dues for past crimes. As for ancient Gnosticism, it would regard this as another malevolent action of the wicked king of the earth – the Demiurge – in his eternal campaign to torture humanity in this hell. But nature is just nature and does what nature does. Moreover, a cataclysmic event that kills vast numbers can sometimes be seen as a sign of divine favour rather than Godly malevolence.

The Japanese word kamikaze means “divine wind” and refers to the providential typhoons that destroyed Kublai Khan’s two Mongol invasion fleets that would surely have conquered Japan. In WWII, the Japanese kamikaze pilots thought of themselves as a divine wind that would similarly destroy the American invasion fleet. When the Spanish Armada was ravaged by terrible storms in 1588 as it attempted the invasion of England, the event was proclaimed by Elizabeth I as God’s divine intervention on the side of the Protestant cause against Catholicism. Catastrophes can often be double-sided. Disaster is often accompanied by triumph.

The horrors the Japanese have suffered will be transformed in due course into new ways to fight future disasters. One day, humanity will indeed enjoy the control over nature that has hitherto been the province of the gods.

Our Comment.

Many of our correspondents are highly intuitive and have the ability to access a set of perceptions very different from those of ordinary people. Shouldn’t we be cultivating people with exceptional abilities and unusual ways of perceiving the world rather than making them feel alienated and strange? There are many people in this world with extraordinary gifts that we actively ignore because their gifts don’t fit with the prevailing paradigm. In the sort of new world we are advocating, all those people who have brains wired in exceptional ways will be nurtured and treasured. Through them, the rest of us will be able to gain the profoundest insights currently denied to us.

It’s the prevailing one-size-fits-all, identikit view of humanity that prevents the human race from appreciating those who fall outwith the ordinary parameters and who can therefore perceive the world differently from others. They are a vital resource; not people who should be shunned for being “abnormal”. Many “witches” who were burned at the stake in the Middle Ages were nothing other than women with unusual abilities, which were taken to be Satanic powers. How foolish their persecutors and killers were. Society often labels unusual people as mad when it should be using these people to unlock doors of perception that would otherwise be permanently locked to the rest of us.


Denial of Service.

“Look at what my lunch money bought ya – a ticket to the Guillotine.” –Pho’


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