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Academia Iluministă (69)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

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Kabbalah in a Nutshell:

JEHOVAH, the supreme narcissist, wishes to see himself in all his glory. But how is the Infinite to be captured – how can Infinity gaze upon Infinity, how can Infinity be captured in a mirror. Wouldn’t the mirror itself need to be Infinite? It can’t be done. The closest God can get to seeing himself is to create a finite world that will act as a finite mirror in which he will see a finite version of himself.

So God as Logos, the principle of Cosmic Reason, emanates or creates an idea of himself – Adam Kadmon, the Heavenly Man, made in the image of the Logos. But this is an Idea, not a physical actualisation, not a truly independent mirror. Therefore, Adam – Earthly Man, humanity – is formed from matter (the “stuff” of the finite domain) – in the image of Adam Kadmon.

When Earthly Adam perfects himself in the finite domain and becomes Heavenly Adam (in as near an approximation as physical reality permits), then God gets as close as possible to the idea of his own perfection, albeit at the level of the finite rather than infinite.

Heavenly Adam (Adam Kadmon) has all the qualities required to complete the task of Divine reflection. In the final analysis, he is both mirror and viewer, object and reflection.

God gazes at the image of God and the image of God gazes at God, and in that union of gazes, that synergy of the finite and the infinite, the apex of existence is achieved. For Earthly Adam – now Adam Kadmon himself, God’s perfect image – the deal is the sweetest of all. He, the perfection of the finite, is allowed to gaze upon and contemplate infinity (the unlimited, the much greater than the finite self), while the infinite, of necessity, must gaze at something lesser than itself, but at least with crystal clear detail and definition.

The Ten Spheres of Kabbalah:

KABBALISTS Talk of the Ein Sof: the infinite, endless, boundless, limitless. They say that God is never revealed directly to humanity, but only through his “virtues and deeds”. If Ein Sof is unfathomable, Ein is even more so. Ein is the hidden, transcendent God that can never be apprehended by humanity at all, resembling, to all intents and purposes, nothing at all.

At the end of their journey of enlightenment, Kabbalists do not expect to “know” God but, rather, to encounter his divine spirit in some mystical way and be possessed by him (as Christian Pentecostalists seek to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit). Their path consists of mastering ten sephirot (“spheres” or “enumerations”) that emanate from the Ein Sof. The upper sphere, closest to the Ein Sof, is called the “crown”. The ten sephirot are:

1 Keter “Crown”
2 Chokhmah “Wisdom”
3 Binah “Understanding”
4 Chesed “Kindness”
5 Gevurah “Severity”
6 Tiferet “Beauty”
7 Netzach “Eternity”
8 Hod “Splendour”
9 Yesod “Foundation”
10 Malkuth “Kingship”

Sometimes “Keter” is replaced by “Daat” (“Knowledge”), which is the conscious manifestation of the unconscious (or “above consciousness”) Keter. Some people consider Keter too lofty to include in the sephirot since it’s too close to the Ein Sof.

Wikipedia describes the Sephirot in the flowing terms:

Keter (“Crown”): Divine Will to create/Infinite Light of the Creator/ the Hebrew name of God “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh-I am That I am”.

Chokhmah (“Wisdom”): First unbounded flash of an idea before it takes on limitations/ male light/ Divine Reality/ first revelation/ creation from nothingness.

Binah (“Understanding”): the infinite flash of Chokhmah brought into the vessel of understanding to give it grasp of breadth and depth/ feminine vessel that gives birth to the emotions/ reason/ understanding brings teshuva: return to God.

Daat (“Knowledge”): Central state of unity of the 10 Sephirot, also called the Tree of Life.

Chesed (“Kindness”): Loving grace of free giving/ love of God/ inspiring vision.

Gevurah (“Severity”): Strength/ judgment/ intention/ withholding/ awe of God.

Tiferet (“Beauty”): Symmetry/ balance between Chesed and Gevurah in compassion.

Netzach (“Eternity”).

Hod (“Splendour”): Withdrawal/ Surrender/ Sincerity.

Yesod (“Foundation”): Connecting to the task to accomplish/ wholly remembering/ coherent knowledge.

Malkuth (“Kingship”): Female vessel for the pregnant nurturing of the male lights of the emotional sephirot into action/ becomes the Keter Will source for any subsequent lower level in Creation/ accomplishment/ realization of the Divine Plan.

The Sephirot are said to reflect the physical organs of a human being according to the following scheme:

Keter (Crown) = Skull
Chokhmah (Wisdom) = Right brain
Binah (Understanding) = Left brain (or Heart)
Daat (Knowledge) = Central brain
Chesed (Kindness) = Right arm
Gevurah (Severity) = Left arm
Tiferet (Beauty) = Torso
Netzach (Victory) = Right leg
Hod (Glory) = Left leg
Yesod (Foundation) = Sexual organ
Malkuth (Kingship) = Mouth

Just as Christian souls had to ascend through spheres to get to the Empyrean, Kabbalist souls had to “ascend” through the ten spiritual spheres (sephirot) to reach the Ein Sof (as Spirit, not as God as he is in himself, which is said to be unknowable in the manner of the supreme Kantian noumenon).

This has been compared with the mathematical idea of the limit of an infinite series whose sum can be approached more and more closely as we add more and more terms, but never actually reached since that would require infinite terms. God similarly evades us, say the Kabbalists. We can get nearer and nearer, we but we never reach the final destination.

The Kabbalist movement came to prominence in central Europe in the 12th century. It reached its zenith in Spain in the 15th century, but then, in 1492, Torquemada engineered the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, with the unintended consequence that Kabbalah spread all over Europe. Poland and Russia provided relatively safe homes for Kabbalists. Another destination was Jerusalem in Palestine.

The modern Hasidic movement – those incredibly weird-looking people with an assortment of fashion-victim hats – are Kabbalists. As is Madonna, of course. If only she were more intelligent, she would realise she’d been a sold a pup. But, hey, being a celebrity don’t make you smart, as they say.

It’s baffling that anyone would want to be a Jew and worship the Torture God, Jehovah, when they could opt instead for Gnosticism, Neoplatonism or Hermeticism. At times, Kabbalah seems like gibberish, reflecting the Jewish propensity for autism and obsessive compulsive disorder. It’s hard to imagine that any non-Jews (apart from celebrities with Jewish friends, agents and managers) could take it seriously.


The highest level of Sephirot (Keter = Crown) is equated with Yahweh. The lowest level (Malkuth = Kingdom) is Shekinah, the presence of God in the material world.


The first of the Sephirot exists at the edge of the Void. It is said to contain all that was, is and will be, the place of first emanation and final return. It is I AM THAT I AM – Yahweh, the first discernible manifestation of God. Note that Yahweh is an expression of two higher realities: Ein Sof and, highest of all, Ein.


The most mysterious of the Sephirot is called Daat, and is often omitted from the list of Sephirot. Through this gateway, God may enter at will to directly intervene in existence. In the human sphere, Daat is knowledge that comes directly from God and seems to appear out of nowhere like the most powerful intuition (similar to gnosis). Daat is the Tree of Life, and we might also call it the Tree of Knowledge i.e. it could be regarded as the combination of the two sacred trees of the Garden of Eden.

The Divine Beam:

Kabbalah talks of the void being surrounded by a glowing sphere of Endless Light. The act of Divine Creation described in the Book of Genesis consisted of a single beam of light emanating from the enveloping light sphere and penetrating the void all the way to its centre.

This was the holy beam of the Divine Will, and it brought with it the Sephirot, the ten sacred stages of emanation. These were sometimes called utterances and it was said that the world was summoned into existence with these ten divine vocal commands.

The Biblical Mystery:

Was humanity created twice? Was the original human a hermaphrodite? Many commentators have pointed out that Genesis 1 in the Bible describes the creation of the world, and Genesis 2 does exactly the same with subtly different details. It has been suggested that God in fact made the world several times and did a botched time each time. Even his final attempt was a screw up with Adam and Eve disobeying him within six to twelve hours of their appearance in Eden. Then, when Jehovah later exterminated humanity apart from Noah and his family, the new Earth populated by his hand-picked people was soon even worse than the old Earth. Has God ever managed to do anything right?

So, why does Genesis 2 repeat Genesis 1 unless to hint that there was at least a secondary creation, and perhaps other hidden Creation attempts? Imagine a novel where chapter 2 repeated chapter 1 with slightly different details. It couldn’t be a mistake, could it? The author would obviously be trying to tell you something. So it must be with the Word of God. Or was the Cosmic Blunderer suffering from Alzheimer’s and simply forgot when he got to Genesis 2 that he was repeating what he had just said in Genesis 1? Is he a doddery old fool?

Genesis 1:26: Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image and likeness to rule the fish in the sea, the birds of heaven, the cattle, all wild animals, and all reptiles that crawl upon the earth.’

(“Let US”? How many monotheistic Gods are there? And note that humanity has God-sanctioned dominion over the animals, so let’s have no complaints about hamburgers. Did you know there’s a McDonald’s in Heaven!)

Genesis 1:27: So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

(Note the completely bizarre switch from “he created HIM” to “male and female he created THEM”. Is it being said that original humanity was hermaphroditic and double, as some ancient Greeks, including Plato, had suggested? Or is it being said that a man and woman were created EQUALLY, with no nonsense about Eve subsequently being made from Adam’s rib. Why can’t God communicate in simple English?!!!)

Genesis 2:7: Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.

Kabbalists noted a radical problem between Genesis 1:27 and Genesis 2:7. The former says: “God CREATED man” while the latter says “God FORMED a man”. Now, Created and Formed have different meanings. “Created” is FROM NOTHING. Formed is the rearrangement of something that ALREADY EXISTS, namely the dust of the ground in this case. So, was Adam created or formed, or are two different events being described?

Surely Genesis should be the most airtight part of the Bible, yet it has already fallen part by Chapter 2 (not that Chapter 1 was remotely convincing, you understand). If you submitted Genesis 1 and 2 in an exam, the examiner would think you were retarded and fail you. Surely we should expect more of God than that he should be the Cosmic Dunce wearing a yellow pointy hat with an enormous “D” on it. Only people with a subnormal IQ could take the Bible seriously.

Adam Kadmon:

The Kabbalists proposed that Genesis 1 actually referred to the creation not of Adam but the being called Adam Kadmon (meaning “Primal Man”). He is the Perfect or Complete Man, like the Platonic Perfect Form of Man. The Adam Kadmon Soul is said to be the primordial soul that contains all human souls.

In this view, Adam of Genesis 2 is formed in the image not of God but of Adam Kadmon (who was previously created hermaphroditically in the image of God). The earthly Adam is then given a soul from Adam Kadmon. Genesis 1 and 2 are thus reconciled. Ingenious, huh?

Adam Kadmon is the “original man” (“heavenly man”), created in the image of God. As the equivalent of an incorruptible, immutable, Eternal Platonic Form, Adam Kadmon takes no part in corruptible, earthlike, material essence. Material man is made of clay or dust, but not Adam Kadmon, who is a perfect Idea in the Mind of God.

Much of the intellectual underpinning of Kabbalism originates with Philo, a Jewish philosopher and contemporary of Jesus Christ who lived in Alexandria in Egypt. Philo held that Judaism was the sum-total of human wisdom, although he seemed to spend most of his time stealing from Plato. Philo’s Judaism, like St Paul’s Christianity, attempted to blend ancient Greek philosophy with Judaism. While Christianity tried to appeal to the pagan world, Philonic Judaism attracted Jewish mystics (who later became the Kabbalists). Kabbalah has a great deal in common with Gnosticism, Hermeticism and Neoplatonism. They all originated in Alexandria, with Kabbalah being the Jewish version of the other three systems. There were many disputes between Gnostics and Kabbalists because the Gnostics regarded the God of Kabbalah (Jehovah) as the Devil.

In Kabbalah, the eternal Platonic domain of Perfect Forms is relocated to the mind of Jehovah. To be more exact, the Perfect Forms are thoughts in the mind of an emanation of Jehovah that Philo called the Logos (the Word) – and Jesus Christ was of course later called “the Word” by Christians.

Adam Kadmon, the heavenly man, was the perfect image of the Logos (not of God himself as Ein Sof/ Ein who cannot be represented or have any likeness or image). Heavenly Adam was neither man nor woman but rather an incorporeal Idea. Earthly Adam, who was later fashioned from clay by the Logos, was corporeal and belonged to the world of the senses. In short, Adam Kadmon, primordial Adam, is the Platonic Idea, and Adam, Earthly Adam of flesh and blood, is the image, the inferior copy, the simulacrum of the Idea, brought to life by the Logos (whom Plato would have called the Demiurge).

Earthly Adam was formed as a man-woman (androgynous) and then the Logos separated them into Adam and Eve. So, the Idea of Adam pre-existed Adam’s earthly appearance. But imagine if Adam Kadmon himself could somehow incarnate on the Earth. Would he not be Man-God, the Messiah, the Word made flesh? In other words, it’s not too difficult for Christians to argue that whereas ordinary human beings are simulacra of Adam Kadmon, Jesus Christ was Adam Kadmon himself – the Heavenly Adam, the perfect image of the Logos come to the world. (So close is the relationship between the Logos and Adam Kadmon, the perfect Idea of the Logos, that they may effectively be regarded as one and the same. In Christian terms, this would make Jesus Christ Adam Kadmon.)

In this view, Adam Kadmon is the original man, and all actual men are his inferior copies. Nevertheless, the divine order is present in humanity. Earth is a lesser Heaven. As above, so below. Everything that applies to Adam Kadmon can equally be applied to humanity, just at a lower level of actualisation.

In the Zohar, the heavenly man, Adam Kadmon, is the embodiment of the ten divine manifestations – the Sephirot – hence earthly man is too, but imperfectly. The heavenly Adam stepped forth out of the original darkness and formed the earthly Adam, shaping him in his own image. That is the sacred link between man and God.

St Paul and “Adam Theory”:

1 Corinthians 15:45-50 45 The Scriptures tell us, “The first man, Adam, became a living person.” But the last Adam—that is, Christ—is a life-giving Spirit.

46 What comes first is the natural body, then the spiritual body comes later.

47 Adam, the first man, was made from the dust of the earth, while Christ, the second man, came from heaven.

48 Earthly people are like the earthly man, and heavenly people are like the heavenly man.

49 Just as we are now like the earthly man, we will someday be like the heavenly man.

50 What I am saying, dear brothers and sisters, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever.

According to St Paul, the earthly Adam with his body of flesh and blood can be converted into a heavenly Adam with a spiritual body. Thus St Paul effectively destroys resurrection theory and replaces it with “body transformation” theory. Physical bodies are converted into spiritual bodies when they go to heaven. This is much more like Platonism than Judaism, hence why it appealed to pagans. It’s remarkable that neither St Paul himself, nor of any of his Christian followers, realised he had killed Christianity by talking of spiritual bodies.

St Paul said: (1 Corinthians 15:13-14) But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen again. And if Christ be not risen again, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.

Yet it turns out he’s not talking about resurrection at all. According to his own words, the dead don’t get their physical bodies back and walk the Earth again. Rather, they are converted from material simulacra of Adam Kadmon to spiritual, and hence heavenly, copies of Adam Kadmon (the Logos). That isn’t resurrection – that’s matter being converted to spirit. It has absolutely nothing to do with resurrection, which is a materialistic theory. Isn’t it amazing that St Paul, the true founder of Christianity, didn’t even know what resurrection was even though he made it the keystone of Christianity?

Jesus Christ himself supposedly came back from the dead with a physical body that could be touched by Doubting Thomas. In Corinthians, St Paul, by speaking only of spiritual bodies, denies that Jesus Christ returned with a physical body: he has therefore denied the reality of Christ’s physical resurrection, the central doctrine of the Christian faith.

Why does no Christian seem to notice these rather important details? If Christ didn’t come back from the dead with a physical body then it means he came back as a GHOST – as a phantom, an apparition – and Thomas wouldn’t have been able to touch him.

Islam, of course, says that Christ’s crucifixion was an illusion, and Christian Gnosticism said that Jesus was never anything other than a phantom in the first place since no divine messenger would ever enter the evil physical world and put himself at Satan’s mercy.

St Paul, rather than refuting these heretical positions, has merely added fuel to the fire. If Christ came back to the Earth as an apparition then Christianity is a theory of GHOSTS interacting with the living! But if he did in fact come back as a physical being, how did he get to heaven (via ye olde rocket?). And if he was a physical being then St Paul was WRONG about spiritual bodies. Scheeez! Come on you Christians, explain yourselves. Get off your ass, Popey boy, and try making sense of your own religion. Aren’t you the Vicar of Christ? Aren’t you able to make ex cathedra infallible pronouncements? So why haven’t you infallibly cleared up all the mysteries of Christianity, especially those regarding the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Resurrection and the soul? Cat got your tongue? Why the deafening silence?

Resurrection, at its most basic, is the statement that people can come back from the dead. However, proper “Soul Theory” denies that true death ever takes place. The soul NEVER DIES. All that ever happens is that a physical body perishes, but the soul to which it was attached never dies, so what do people actually mean when they talk of “coming back from the dead”? Bodies die, not souls. Souls don’t come back from the dead since they never died in the first place, and dead bodies can’t be reanimated because that’s scientifically impossible.

In terms or reincarnation, everyone understands that a soul migrates from one body to another. At no time is the soul “dead” and at no time does it come back from the dead. Resurrection theory is the bizarre notion that a soul, although immortal, is forever linked to a single body. There is thus complete confusion over what happens to the soul at death. Do souls and bodies both die and then get restored to life together, or do souls separate from bodies and the soul goes to heaven while the body awaits physical resurrection at the “Last Judgement”, in which case what is a “spiritual body”? Is it a spiritual body or a physical body that gets sent to Heaven or Hell on Judgment Day? What’s the relationship between a soul and spiritual body? Can a soul exist without a spiritual body; if so what’s the point of a spiritual body? If a spiritual body is immaterial why does it need to wait until Judgment Day to be resurrected? And so on. No Christian has EVER managed to explain any of this. They say they have faith, but faith in what? They can’t even articulate what resurrection is even though it’s the foundation of their “faith”.


In Kabbalah, Adam Kadmon is the first being to emerge from the infinite Godhead, Ein Sof, and is essentially indistinguishable from the deity (just as God the Son is said to be essentially indistinguishable from God the Father in Christian Trinity theory). Humanity, having been created in God’s image, is comprised of the very same cosmic elements, the Sephirot, which comprise the “body” of Adam Kadmon. Adam Kadmon is humanity writ large. He is the cosmos with a body and a soul. He is the macrocosm and we are the microcosm. As above, so below.

The Kabbalah Division of the Soul:

THE ZOHAR, the primary book of the Kabbalah, says that the soul is divided into three parts: nephesh, the organic breath; ruach the spirit; and nechama the power of man, the most elevated aspect of the soul. The nephesh is the lowest grade of soul, the animal part. The ruach is a higher level of consciousness than the nephesh and sustains the animal soul. The nechama is the highest level of spiritual development.

When a person is born, the first soul he receives is the nephesh – the animal soul – through which a person has the opportunity to raise up his condition from the physical to a more spiritual level, at which point he acquires the ruach. If he raises himself to a still higher level he is adorned with the nechama.

The possession of an animal soul gives a human the scope to elevate that primitive aspect himself. If he succeeds, he has made the world a better place. All people are tasked with imbuing matter with spirituality in order to purify it and draw it upwards. Thus, a human being is a combination of brute and god, reflecting and mediating the forces of the cosmos. A person can help to improve the quality of matter by drawing himself towards God or can make base matter even baser by allowing primitive forces to overwhelm him.

The Tree of Life:

KABBALAH depicts the Tree of Life in the form of ten interconnected nodes, analogous to the ten Sephirot. The Kabbalist obsession with ten comes from the Pythagorean tetraktys. All systems based on ten are unwittingly paying tribute to Pythagoras and the Illuminati.


SATAN, the leader of the Fallen Angels, was the “tester” of Creation and of God. Satan is also the tester of humanity. Dialectically, Satan sums up all those forces that oppose the progress of knowledge, self-consciousness and the betterment of all. A monad (soul) can perfect itself and become God, but a monad can also make itself immensely powerful and then, instead of becoming God (with all of the benevolent connotations that implies), it can make itself Satan and seek to use its power in the pursuit of supreme selfishness.

The Abrahamic God – wishing to have power over everyone and to be worshipped and obeyed by everyone – is exactly how we define Satan. He is a false God who, in his egotism, imagines himself the True God. Just as any monad can emulate God (Abraxas), it can also emulate Satan (Jehovah).

Satan’s dialectical opponent is not Abraxas but Lucifer. A monad can evolve to a position where it is immensely powerful but absolutely committed to service to others rather than to itself. While Satan is the God of Selfishness and of all relentlessly selfish people (such as the super rich and privileged), Lucifer is the God of Altruism and all those who are helpful, selfless and cooperative are his followers.

Abraxas is the dialectical synthesis of Satan and Lucifer. Abraxas grasps the higher rational truth that selfishness is not always wrong, nor altruism always right. It’s imperative to achieve the right balance if you are to achieve self-perfection. Abraxas exists beyond good and evil: he is supra-moral.

All souls can become God, but they could equally stop at the prior stage of Satan or Lucifer. A universe of Satans would be truly Hell. A universe of Lucifers would be a kind of Heaven, but a lesser one because in order to maximise one’s own potential, one cannot always be obsessed with the welfare of others. Sometimes your own welfare must come first if you are to be all you can be.Abraxas, Satan and Lucifer may all be considered cosmic archetypes, but they are also real beings, the ones that first brought these archetypes into existence.

The universe primordially evolved a being who was utterly selfish at all times and that being has never changed his nature. He was and is Satan. He is the cosmic, archetypal Satan, but each world has its own Satan, and ours is the God of Abraham. All of the members of the Old World Order are Satans as works-in-progress. They are all destined to be future Satans tyrannising unfortunate future worlds, and they will have learned all of their lessons from the first Satan. Like him, they will consider themselves the only True God, who created everything.

Angels and Demons:

According to Kabbalah, each of us has an angel and demon allocated to us. They’re not guardian angels trying to save us or agent provocateurs trying to get us into trouble. Rather they are accountants of sin and virtue, calculators of good and evil. At the end of your life, their calculations are presented to the Judges of the afterlife and your fate is sealed without appeal.

The Four Worlds:

Kabbalists speak of worlds of existence: Emanation, Creation, Formation and Action. The divine order emanates from God. Creation can be thought of as the domain of Platonic Forms. The world of Formation is where matter is formed into shapes according to the templates of the divine Forms. The world of Action is where the Formed beings do things. Within humanity, there are four corresponding levels: divinity, spirit, psyche (soul) and body.

It is said that fallen Adam is initially stuck in the world of body and action, but as his spiritual qualities develop, he becomes increasingly aware of the Divine Presence at all levels. Adam Kadmon also has four levels called Will, Intellect, Emotion and Action. It is said that every one of us was present in Adam Kadmon before the Biblical Creation. We were therefore all pre-existent souls. Kabbalists say that the first chapter of Genesis is actually describing the copying of a pre-existent Divine World of Ideas (Forms) that emanated from God. Therefore, Creation wasn’t from nothing but from an emanated world containing all of the design templates of Creation.

Frankly, the Kabbalists seem to have one world too many: they prefer four worlds over three, but three would be more logical. In the Platonic scheme, from which Kabbalah is largely borrowed, there is a Domain of Forms and a material world where those Forms are physically copied. If we said that the Forms emanated from God, we would have three worlds: Emanation (Forms); Creation or Formation (material copies of Forms) and Action (the events of the physical world). “Creation” implies that matter is summoned from nothing while “formation” implies that pre-existing matter is shaped appropriately. Creation and formation technically contradict each other. In Kabbalah, there’s always a tension between emanation, creation and formation: only two from three are actually needed.

Jacob’s Ladder:

Jacob’s Ladder is nothing other than the ladder of existence, showing angels ascending to and descending from Heaven. Jacob is dreaming when he has his vision i.e. he is asleep when his spiritual awakening occurs. We are all asleep and we all need to be spiritually awoken. Then we can start ascending the ladder to heaven.

Kabbalah says that Creation is filled with spiritual beings such as angels who are not perceived by ordinary people but whose presence may sometimes be felt in sacred places where consciousness can be raised to a higher level.

Kabbalistic angels are not physical: they don’t eat, drink or have sex. Nor do they have any individual will. They are messengers of the upper worlds and they simply carry out the orders and tasks assigned to them. Apparently, God first taught the secrets of existence to the highest archangels who comprised the inner council of the Court of the Almighty. (This seems somewhat futile if all angels have in fact no will of their own.)

After Adam’s expulsion from Eden, an archangel called Raziel (whose name means “Secrets of God”) gave Adam a secret Kabbalistic book showing how he might return to Eden. Not only that, Raziel said that as the image of God, when Adam looked into the mirror of existence he would perceive the Divine Face itself.

Kabbalah has a cyclical view of time. Each cycle ends with Judgment Day. All spiritually perfected human beings blend into Adam Kadmon and this image of God then sees the reflection of its own divinity in the accumulated experience of perfected humanity. In that infinitely exalted moment, God beholds God. The image of God then merges with the reality of God and dissolve firstly into Ein Sof (Infinity) and finally into Ein (No thing). God has at last returned to himself. The universe has disappeared…until the next time. And there is always a next time.


The process of humanity perfecting itself can be thought of as a mirror, dirty and indistinct at first, being polished more and more until at last it can furnish a stainless reflection, perfect in every way. In Kabbalah, God continually hides then reveals himself. He oscillates between Deus Absconditus (the God Hidden) and Deus Manifestus (God revealed). Above all, he reveals himself to himself.

his is remarkably similar to Hinduism where the logic of that religion is that God creates Maya (Illusion) to hide himself from himself, and the purpose of the cosmic journey is to overcome Illusion and allow God once more to see himself as he really is. In Illuminism, the cosmic journey is about maximum potential being transformed into maximum actualisation (perfection), and then starting again. At the outset of the process, God is hidden. At the end, he is revealed.

So, there is a degree of similarity between these three views (Kabbalah, Hinduism and Illuminism). They all share the notion that there is a time when God is hidden and then loses himself through a certain process involving illusion, alienation, separation or exile involving the material world, and then, after overcoming many obstacles and false realities, God finds himself once more. In the case of Illuminism, God becomes fully self-conscious and attains an infinitely higher level than the one with which he began.

In none of these systems does existence come to a halt in the manner of the Abrahamist view where eternal bliss is achieved at the End of Days. As all logical religions understand, if a final state were possible, it would already have been reached since an eternity has preceded this present moment. We know that existence is cyclical for the simple fact that a) it is always becoming and b) we are 13.7 billion years out from the event known as the Big Bang. What happened before the Big Bang if not infinite previous Big Bangs that all unfolded according to the same cosmic script? And when our Big Bang universe perishes there will be another one along in due course. Becoming can never be converted into being, and becoming goes on forever. It’s always becoming and as soon as it attains any conceivable “final state” that merely signals the initial state of a new cycle.

Hidden Sparks of Divinity:

It is said in Kabbalah that sparks of Divinity are hidden in everyday objects. There are those that are always on the lookout for these “hidden lights” and seek to redeem or absorb them. Perhaps Kabbalists should invent “hidden light” detectors like metal detectors. Beep.


There are a few interesting ideas in Kabbalah but a lot of it is mind-numbingly dull – written by autistics, one would imagine, obsessively returning to the diagram of the Sephirot and then reinterpreting it over and over and over again until all meaning has vanished and just gibberish is left.


IN ILLUMINISM, God does not so much want to see himself reflected in a mirror, as to become self-conscious and know who and what he is. Once he has dialectically reached the Absolute, he has achieved Absolute Knowledge, Absolute Freedom, Absolute Mind and full consciousness of the Absolute Idea of God. Pythagoras and the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi both proclaimed, “Know Thyself.” That is the divine formula too: God wants to know himself. As above, so below.

The Illuminati:




We are the advocates of THEOGENESIS – the birth and growth of Gods.

The Illuminati were the leaders of the First Enlightenment, but final victory was not secured. So now it’s time for the Second Enlightenment, the War of Reason versus Faith, and this time COMPLETE victory must be achieved. This time the process must go all the way. Abrahamism and privilege must be eradicated from our world. It’s time to bring the light to all the dark corners of the world. This is our declaration of war on all the forces of endarkenment. This is our declaration of independence. This is our charter of freedom.

A New Humanity. A New Direction. An equal CHANCE for everyone.

We will create our own Eden and our own Tree of Knowledge, from which everyone will eat without fear. We will have a Tree of Life that invigorates everyone. Revalue all values. START again. Build paradise. No monarchs, no popes, no preachers, no prophets, no princes, no privileged elites.

We are the Plan. We are the ANSWER.

Join the Resistance. Change the world.


What have we achieved?

The information provided to the first six degrees of the Illuminati (now available through the AC [www.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk] website and series of books) is designed to constitute a Grand Unified Theory of Everything. An entire analysis of all of the major religions of the world is provided, revealing their flaws and strengths (if they have any), so that all members are aware of what it is they are choosing to reject. Most followers of mainstream religions not only have no idea of other religions, they don’t even know anything about their own religion and follow it as a matter of culture, habit and brainwashing, not of knowledge. Their religious affiliations are therefore of zero worth.

We provide an analysis of all the major political systems of the world and show how they are all deficient in comparison with our political SYSTEM – MERITOCRACY.

We provide an analysis of three economic systems: FREE-market capitalism, communism and National Socialism. The optimal economic system is a hybrid of these systems and we refer to it as social, public or meritocratic capitalism, which is subordinated to the requirements of the Meritocratic Constitution and not of free markets (which are invariably not free and are rigged by rich cartels).

We provide an in-depth psychological analysis of the world and explain why people behave as they do, and how their deficiencies can be remedied.

We provide a new MODEL of society based on community rather than on the selfish family unit.

We provide a synthesis of philosophy, mathematics and science called mathematical idealism (or mathematical panpsychism), which provides the RATIONAL rather than faith-based foundation for religion. Illuminism is the world’s SOLE rational religion grounded in Logos rather than Mythos. Science – which is in fact mathematical materialism – is a subset of mathematical idealism. Science is nothing other than a version of Illuminism lacking the three most important numbers in the world: zero, infinity and the imaginary NUMBER. These three numbers are the ones that define time, mind consciousness, the soul, the afterlife and God i.e. the primary concepts of religion are actually mathematical concepts. Anything that cannot be defined mathematically is meaningless. Mathematics alone provides Absolute Truth. Nothing else can. Nothing other than mathematics exists. Any philosophy, religion or science that does not invoke mathematics is bogus. Mathematics is the anchor of the universe.

Illuminism offers an entirely integrated and consistent world-view. It offers the world an optimal political, economic and psychological system, one capable of turning humans into Gods. It offers a rational religion that requires no faith and needs no Creator God to whom we are all enslaved. It guarantees a soul, an afterlife and the OPPORTUNITY to become God on the basis of the only source of infallible truth – mathematics. It explains all paranormal phenomena mathematically. It explains time mathematically.

Illuminism is the explanation of EVERYTHING. It has attracted, in secret, many of the world’s finest minds who have worked on it patiently for millennia to bring it to its current omega STATE.

If you are LOOKING FOR the truth – a truth that embraces religion – Illuminism is your only choice. Illuminism has no religious competitors. Its only opponent is atheistic scientific materialism, and that, ultimately, is seen to be a subset of Illuminism that suffers from a catastrophic misunderstanding of two numbers in particular – zero and infinity. Science cannot produce a Grand Unified Theory of Everything because it cannot handle zero and infinity in its equations. The last hope of scientific materialism – so-called M-theory – attempts to make it impossible for the NUMBER zero to exist. If zero doesn’t exist then division by zero can never take place and thus catastrophic infinities can never appear in the equations of science. There’s just one problem – why should nature allow all numbers other than zero to have an actual, real existence? How can you have a mathematical system lacking its origin? Mathematics without zero (hence without its inverse, infinity) is what we describe as “incomplete”. The mathematics of Illuminism is based on COMPLETE MATHEMATICS. There are no missing numbers. Even the imaginary number is assigned ontological reality in Illuminism (the imaginary number frequently appears in science and engineering equations, but no one knows what it’s doing there and it’s regarded merely as a necessary instrument for getting the right answer). Whereas “real” numbers are the basis of space, “imaginary” numbers are the basis of time. What could be simpler?

The mathematical formalism of Illuminism ADDRESSES all of these mathematical issues in great detail.

Illuminism, when it becomes widely known, will sweep the world. Why? Because every single rational person on earth will embrace it. The whole scientific community will come onboard once they see that Illuminism is nothing but science with three numbers added: zero, infinity and the imaginary number; but these happen to be the most important numbers of all that address the BIG QUESTIONS of existence. Scientists will see that Illuminism, not M-theory, is the true Grand Unified Theory of Everything because it’s based on the only possible candidate for unifying ontology and epistemology: complete mathematics.

This is the gospel of the Illuminati.

“Number rules the universe.” -Motto of the Pythagorean School (the Illuminati).



Since 1576, it has been impossible for any rational person to be an Abrahamist. An infinite universe full of stars inconceivably far away refutes any concept of a Creation centred on Earth. God did not make this world. He did not make Adam and Eve. There was no Garden of Eden, no Fall, no Original Sin, no need for Moses, Jesus Christ or Mohammed. The whole thing is just one enormous myth that has captivated the imagination of the human race and become tied to a sinister brainwashing machine used by certain powerful parties to control the credulous, superstitious masses.

There was a time when the myth was supported by the science of the day and it was plausible to be an Abrahamist, but modern science has destroyed the myth. The facts are utterly incompatible with any religion remotely like Abrahamism. It wasn’t stupid to be an Abrahamist 1,000 years ago, but it certainly is now. The Eastern religions are much more scientifically plausible than Western Abrahamism.

If humanity is rational, hasn’t the time come to accept the scientific facts and consign Abrahamism to its grave? Abrahamism is false from beginning to end. It is the most comprehensively refuted system of beliefs in human history. That billions continue to believe in the false and discredited religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is testimony to the most horrific conclusion – most human beings have no relationship whatever with the truth. They would much rather believe comforting lies and fantasies than scientific evidence and the laws of reason. They eagerly plunge themselves into the ignis fatuus – the fool’s fire – of faith. One day it will burn them to death.

The time has come for the values of the Enlightenment to prevail. It’s time for light and reason. It’s time for rational governments to take active steps to suppress Abrahamism. The hour has grown late. We must now cure the disease of faith and superstition. Abrahamism, with its boo-hiss pantomime characters and dubious heroes, has stridden the world stage too long. The curtain is falling. The show is over. The Abrahamist God – Jehovah/ Allah/ Jesus Christ is dead.

Thanks be to God – Abraxas!

The End


The Armageddon Conspiracy: The Plot To Kill God



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