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Academia Iluministă (101)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: unul sau mai mulţi oameni, costum şi interior

The Platonic Future:

THE WORLD WAS RULED from the beginning by wolves. All monarchs have been wolves. Religious leaders were always wolves preaching a wolf doctrine of “obey me or perish”. Capitalists have been extreme wolves preying on the poor. We need to escape from the control of wolves. We need Platonic philosopher-kings and Guardians. Unlike Plato, we now have an immense battery of psychological tools at our disposal to identify benevolent rulers and distinguish them from the selfish psychopaths who want to exploit humanity for their own ends. We can create a “philosopher-king” psychological template. Let’s imagine that John F. Kennedy really was a Camelot figure and had come from an entirely meritocratic background rather than one of extreme wealth and privilege i.e. imagine an idealised version of the flawed reality. We could psychologically profile such a leader and then seek similar traits in all future leaders. We could keep adjusting the template as we go along in response to any flaws that become apparent. Eventually we could know right from the outset whether the candidates for high office will govern for the people or for themselves. We will be able to exclude all greedy, selfish, wolf characters from all positions of influence over the people.

Plato talked of having “Guardians” who lived in a commune and were raised from childhood to be the leaders of society. They would all be philosophers, with no greedy, selfish, materialistic aims. Their only interest would be the optimal governance of the State for the good of all. These days, we could psychologically identify just such Platonic Guardians. Equally, we could subject all of the political, banking, regulatory, business, stock market and economic leaders who brought the world to the brink of the financial catastrophe to psychological tests and create profiles of those who must never again be allowed anywhere near the levers of power. Leadership can be converted into a science. Simply by using psychological profiling, we can identify those capable of running the world competently and those sure to be a disaster. We don’t need elections, spin-doctors, lobbyists, campaign donations from Goldman Sachs and all the rest of it. We KNOW who the bad wolves are. We can exclude them. Whatever you think of President Obama, he clearly isn’t up the job. In fact, it’s hard to think of anyone in Congress who’s fit for purpose. We don’t need to endure these people. We can create a whole new political class based on psychology rather than on “who you know”. Privilege can be entirely removed from the political equation.

Politics is primarily an arena for extraverts, but introverts are much more likely to be wise and altruistic leaders. In our new system, introverts would begin to predominate. Also, women and representatives of minority groups would be much more likely to create a radical departure from the failed ways of the past. A New World Order means finding new ways to do everything, to escape from the mistakes that brought us to the vile world we presently endure. We simply need to identify the traits of those who led us to disaster and prevent them from leading us ever again. There’s nothing intellectually difficult about changing the world. You could transform it beyond recognition in a single generation. But it’s having the will to destroy the existing order that’s the true stumbling block. It has rightly been said that those that don’t learn from the past are condemned to repeat it. The tragedy for the world is that many people have learned from the past – but they’re not the ones in charge. The ruling order continues to be the same and continues to pursue the same old policy of extreme self-interest and privilege. The horrific truth is that they WANT to repeat the past because the past is exactly where they have always held power. That’s why they’re called the Old World Order. They don’t want anything to change, except in the sense of updated and more efficient ways of maintaining and extending their power.

The key to genuine change is to change exactly that type of person who has always risen to the top of our society. Such people have invariably been psychopaths and sociopaths with extraordinarily little interest in the welfare of anyone other than themselves. In fact, they have taken delight in humiliating others and doing everything to highlight the gulf between the top tier of society and everyone else. The “top” people are obsessed with status – and status is all about showing that you are much richer and more powerful than others. The precise purpose of the status game is to create a radical difference between high status and low.

The Meritocratic Constitution:

A Constitution does not need to specify endless details, clauses and sub clauses. It simply has to state all of the central concepts upon which the State will be founded. In the Meritocratic Constitution, the ten concepts listed below should all be in an ascending trajectory within the Meritocratic State:

1) Merit
2) Freedom
3) Equality of Opportunity
4) Dignity
5) Psychological well-being
6) Reason
7) Quality
8) Creativity
9) Aspiration
10) Community

If any citizen considers that any aspect of the State is falling short in regard of any of the above, he can bring a case to the Supreme Court, the institution charged with defending and promoting the Constitution. The Supreme Court is the highest institution in the Meritocratic State, above the Presidency. Why? Because nothing is more important than the Constitution and no one, no matter how powerful, is allowed to defy the Constitution. The Constitution, not any individual person, is the guarantor of the Meritocratic State.

It must be stressed that the Supreme Court is a Philosophical Court, not a legal one. In a Meritocracy, lawyers will find their status in catastrophic decline. The Philosophical Supreme Court will be composed of Platonic Guardians under the leadership of a philosopher king elected from amongst their number. The function of the Philosophical Supreme Court is to constitute a kind of living embodiment of the Platonic Forms of Absolute Standards. The Guardians will never be perfect, but they will be the best thinkers humanity has to offer. None of them will be rich. It will be a prerequisite of service on the Philosophical Supreme Court that there can be no question of financial impropriety. All of their financial dealings will be completely transparent. They’re not there for the money; they’re there to serve the people.

In addition, there will be various other Philosophical Courts. Each age group will have a Philosophical Court of people of that age to represent that group’s interests. So, there will be a Court for teenagers, for 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90+. Minority groups can have Courts, if they so desire. Everyone should feel that one Court or another speaks for them. Using the mechanism of Courts, it could be possible to do away entirely with politicians, lobbyists and lawyers, who have proved themselves inept, selfish and corrupt. If catastrophe happens on your watch, should it not be compulsory for you to resign or be fired? Why is there any need for debate? Everyone associated with the financial meltdown should no longer be in power. Tragically, nearly all of those who caused the catastrophe are still running the world. That’s because the system is designed not to kick their sorry asses into touch. These people have no honour, nobility or integrity. Many of them don’t even think they did anything wrong!

Philosophers versus Lawyers:

It has been said that lawyers become more eloquent the higher their fee. In ancient Greece, Socrates and Plato were bitter enemies of “sophists”. Socrates and Plato were philosophers – lovers of wisdom – while the sophists were “wise men”. Why should lovers of wisdom and wise men not get along famously? Aren’t they almost the same thing? Socrates and Plato certainly didn’t think the Sophists were wise but, rather, cunning and disreputable, willing to use their intelligence to present specious arguments to bamboozle and persuade the ignorant. The Sophists were itinerant teachers cum lawyers, selling their services to the highest bidder. They would defend any position if the money was right. So, clearly, exactly like modern lawyers, they had no regard for the truth at all. The idea that America should have a Supreme Court composed of lawyers is surely one of the sickest jokes in history. No sane person would trust a lawyer with a bottle of water, never mind a Constitution. Look at the Supreme Court’s conduct in the Bush versus Gore election. Does that not stand as one of the greatest travesties in world history? It certainly had nothing to do with truth, justice or the Constitution. It was an entirely politically motivated judgement, taken by political appointees of the political party that was the beneficiary of the Court’s decision. How can any Court have any integrity if its members are political appointees?

Socrates and Plato were right to despise the Sophists. The world has always been full of a certain type of pseudo-intellectual who is very happy to prostitute his mind in order to make a lot of money. He is motivated by Mammon not by Truth. That’s why you can’t let rich people anywhere near important public jobs. They have excluded themselves by their greed. They are manifestly interested in self-service, not public service. Wealth and altruism never go together. John Maynard Keynes said, “Capitalism is the astounding belief that the wickedest of men will do the wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.” Therefore Law 1 of the Meritocratic State should be an absolute prohibition on any wealthy person serving in government. Extreme wealth must become anathema, a thing of shame and disgrace. It must be purged entirely from the human condition. After all, how can it possibly help the State in any way for a very small number of its citizens to be ridiculously rich?

The Age of the Rich must have the curtain brought down on it. Never again should wealth direct the fate of the world.

The Past versus the Future:

The rule of dogma (past) versus the rule of reason (future).

The rule of the privileged elite versus the rule of the meritocratic elite.

Religion versus science, mathematics, philosophy, psychology and sociology.

Mythos Logic versus Logos logic.

Ptolemy’s cosmology (earth created by God and placed at centre of the universe) versus the infinite universe (earth has no special place and there is no Creator God).

Creator God versus Evolutionary God.

God the Tyrant versus God the Mentor and Guide.

Man as the slave of God versus Man becoming God.

Devotion, faith, obedience, acceptance of social order versus intellect, freedom, autonomy, independence, merit, choice, knowledge.

It’s time for humanity to remove the chains of the past. We must EVOLVE. The Muslims, Jews and Christians expect us to be in thrall to the Koran, Torah and Bible a billion years from now. Is that not INSANE?!! We must move onward and upwards and leave the retards behind to sink back into the ancient slime that gave birth to them. Good riddance.

“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” –Thomas Paine

Why Privilege is Wrong:

“In the first part of ‘Rights of Man’ I have endeavoured to show…that there does not exist a right to establish hereditary government…because hereditary government always means a government yet to come, and the case always is, that the people who are to live afterwards, have always the same right to choose a government for themselves, as the people had who have lived before them.” –Thomas Paine

“All men being originally equal, no one by birth could have a right to set up his own family in perpetual preference to all others forever.” –Thomas Paine

Once, the elite used the principle of heredity to ensure dynastic control down through the ages. As Thomas Paine recognised, hereditary rule places obligations on those not yet born. They are slaves even before they exist. As hereditary rule faded away in many countries, it was replaced by a new version based on money and privilege. The rich can rule over us in perpetuity because of the power conferred by money. The system of privilege, exactly like that of heredity, shapes the lives of future, unborn generations. In a world of privilege, your future is not in your own hands and your merits count for nothing. Because of the failure of your parents and grandparents to become rich, you are now doomed. The odds against you being a success are simply astronomical. You will need to be blessed with extraordinary good looks, or sporting talent or entertainment ability – anything that the rich value and can exploit to make themselves richer – or you’re well and truly fucked. Even before you were born, your fate was decided, and the same was true of your parents, your grandparents and all earlier generations of your family line. You were born for slavery, to be the servants of the rich elite. Is it just and fair for people to have their fate decided by what happened in the past? – by events that had nothing to do with them?

What is the central principle of meritocracy? It is that each new generation starts afresh, unburdened by the past. How is this achieved? By 100% inheritance tax. All the wealth anyone has accumulated is returned to the commonwealth upon their death. This means that it’s impossible to transmit wealth and power from generation to generation. In such a system, what happens now can NEVER AGAIN decide the future lives of the unborn. Meritocracy ensures that for the first time in history human beings are free from the moment they are born and they do not need to care at all about how successful or unsuccessful their parents were. Their fate is in their own hands, no one else’s. The past won’t determine them. Instead, they will create their own future.

The world can be reduced to two extremely simple formulas:

1) Heredity/Privilege: the past shapes the future and controls the unborn. This is overwhelmingly the most popular formula of our world. This is the core doctrine of the OLD WORLD ORDER. Practically everyone believes that parents should be allowed to pass on wealth to children and that the State has no right at all to intervene. None of them grasp that this single act makes slaves of the unborn. BUT NO ONE HAS ANY RIGHT TO ENSLAVE FUTURE GENERATIONS.

2) Meritocracy: what we do, not what anyone else does, determines our future; all of the unborn are given an equal opportunity. This is the cornerstone of the NEW WORLD ORDER. Until heredity and privilege are destroyed, we can never be ourselves, we can never be authentic, we can never be self-determining and self-creating, we can never be in control of our own destiny. All monarchs, all nobles, all dynastic elites, must be obliterated. There can be no human freedom until the past of heredity and privilege is eradicated once and for all. Robespierre and Saint-Just, two of the Illuminati’s greatest heroes, sought to exterminate those who denied the French people their freedom. Too cruel? Too harsh? Well, the same task can be achieved by a single tax – the 100% inheritance tax, the single most important tax in human history, the tax upon which the fate of humanity, and human freedom itself, rests.

Are you for freedom or against it? If you are for it, you must consign dynastic elites to the dustbin of history. Wealth and power must, by law, be prevented from being transmitted within families. All wealth must be transferred to the COMMONWEALTH, the wealth of ALL of the people. In a world of privilege, the only winners are the privileged. Any non-privileged person who supports inheritance is attacking himself and sabotaging his own self-interest. Such a person is a fool for now and forever. Our world is overflowing with the stupid, and it was the privileged that made them stupid – because their stupidity suits the privileged in every possible way.

“If one class in society is obliged, in order to live, to secure the acceptance by others of its services, whilst another class can do without them, because of the resources already at its disposal, resources that, however, are not necessarily the result of some social superiority, the latter group can lord it over the former. In other words, there can be no rich and poor by birth without there being unjust contracts.” –Durkheim

“The question whether one generation of men has a right to bind another, seems never to have been started either on this or our side of the water. Yet it is a question of such consequences as not only to merit decision, but place also, among the fundamental principles of every government. The course of reflection in which we are immersed here on the elementary principles of society has presented this question to my mind; and that no such obligation can be so transmitted I think very capable of proof.–I set out on this ground, which I suppose to be self-evident, ‘that the earth belongs in usufruct to the living’: that the dead have neither powers nor rights over it. The portion occupied by an individual ceases to be his when himself ceases to be, and reverts to the society. If the society has formed no rules for the appropriation of its lands in severalty, it will be taken by the first occupants. These will generally be the wife and children of the decedent. If they have formed rules of appropriation, those rules may give it to the wife and children, or to some one of them, or to the legatee of the deceased. So they may give it to his creditor. But the child, the legatee, or creditor takes it, not by any natural right, but by a law of the society of which they are members, and to which they are subject. Then no man can, by natural right, oblige the lands he occupied, or the persons who succeed him in that occupation, to the payment of debts contracted by him. For if he could, he might, during his own life, eat up the usufruct of the lands for several generations to come, and then the lands would belong to the dead, and not to the living, which would be the reverse of our principle.” –Thomas Jefferson

Year Zero = the end of privilege; the start of human freedom and merit.

The Perfect State:

OVER AND OVER AGAIN in the West, the message goes out that the parents must be allowed to decide the fate of their children: to determine what beliefs to give them, to what school to send them, what values to instil in them, how to discipline them. It is regarded as outrageous that the State should interfere. But look at what’s happening in the East, in China. It’s rapidly becoming the world’s top economy, and churning out entrepreneurs, mathematicians, engineers, musicians, and so on, of a fantastically high calibre – all within a centralised command and control system run by the Communist Party. In China, it’s regarded as entirely natural for the State to set the tone, not parents. The State even decided how many children a family should have. Chinese parents have internalized the values of the State and, given the population of China, have realized the imperative of maximizing their children’s talents. The phenomenon of the “Tiger Mother” – the mother determinedly pushing her children to achieve great things through constant hard work and practice – has now started to create waves in the West too. China has, as yet, no privileged elite (other than those associated with the Communist Party) to ruin and corrupt it, but that will change over the next few decades unless the Chinese introduce enormous inheritance taxes to stop the new breed of multi-millionaires forming a future dynastic elite. Historically, China has always seen the State as more important than individuals, while the West has championed the individual over the State. In fact, Western individualism is regarded as one of the reasons why the West proved so much more successful than the East after the birth of Western science (before then, China was more advanced than the West).

The optimal solution is one where the purpose of the State is to create autonomous individuals whose talents and strengths are maximized. Who is better able to accomplish the task? – the family unit which has, typically, two mediocre parents as it controllers, or the State which has, potentially, the finest minds out of hundreds of millions of people to direct it? To put it another way, since the State can assemble the nation’s greatest geniuses to determine how to bring up children in the best possible way while the family can, at best, muster only two religiously brainwashed, academically average parents, which of the two alternatives is likely to know best how to produce the finest, highest achieving children? You would need to be insane to trust the job to parents. And what about dysfunctional one-parent families, or families where the parents are working all hours, or where the parents are illiterate and of subnormal IQ, or where parents are alcoholics, religious fanatics, drug addicts, or where parents are suffering mental health problems, and so forth? How can this disastrous range of parental types lead to sensible, optimised outcomes? Why should children have their futures ruined by inept parents? But if all children are put under the full control of the State, they can all expect exactly the same maximised education, regardless of the failings of parents.

The sad fact is that most parents ruin their children’s lives because they don’t know any better. They do the best they can, but most are hopelessly inadequate. How many parents have detailed knowledge of the latest psychological and sociological research regarding how the mind and society works? Why are ignorant, stupid, religiously indoctrinated parents regarded as the fount of all wisdom? It’s crazy. It has suited the Old World Order, with their doctrines of “family first” and “negative liberty” – minimal State interference – to have the family as the central unit of society. That model has given them the power and control over society that they have always sought. The last thing the OWO want is a State full of supremely talented, autonomous individuals who will no longer tolerate being treated as second-class citizens. The OWO, as a matter of policy, have always undermined the power of the State. The Illuminati, on the other hand, as exponents of positive liberty – the doctrine that the State should seek to produce a perfect world – have always seen the State as the sole means of bringing heaven to earth. Stupid families will never manage it, nor selfish, self-absorbed individuals always looking out for No.1.

Hegel, one of the Illuminati’s greatest Grand Masters, is often accused of “State worship”. The Illuminati do indeed revere the State, but only the meritocratic State run by the finest minds – not the sort of monstrous State we see in America run by a privileged elite in Washington D.C., controlled by lobbyists and the super-rich, promoting the interests of Zionist banks and corporations at all times. Such a State is an abomination, a catastrophe, an absolute inversion of the true meaning of the State. The real State can have only one function – to optimize ALL of the people. There can be no privileged elites, no two-tier societies, no “them and us”, no “one law for them and another for everyone else”, no “looking after No. 1” and so on. The State must be seen to be acting in everyone’s interests, and there should be no conceivable doubt about that. There can be no entrenched elite.

The anti-State, pro-family propaganda of right wing conservatives has been a catastrophe for the world. The State, not the family, is the sole guarantor of universal standards of fairness, justice and equal opportunity. The State is a fundamentally left wing conception while the family is invariably right wing. The family, as history has demonstrated all too clearly, is always preoccupied with its own interests. The world of the family is a world of vicious competing units striving with all of their might to climb up the status tree and push everyone else down. The Old World Order is the inevitable and logical product of a society based on the sacrosanct family. Inheritance is an intrinsically family-centric doctrine. It cares nothing for the Commonwealth. This is the central problem with the family: it is always seeking its own maximum advantage and cares nothing for others. In fact, one of the family’s defining doctrines of success is that others must fail. All families secretly want other families to trip up so that they will then enjoy an advantage over them. That’s no basis for a healthy society.

The central philosophy of the State is that the best world is the one where cooperation between people is maximized, not minimised. If we all do our utmost to help each other, we all prosper. Your good fortune is my good fortune, and mine yours. We are not trying to cut each other’s throats, as in the family model. Cooperation is imperative and critical. It must be ingrained in every fibre of society. The best model for society is the scientific community. All scientists share and share alike. Each scientist is reliant on the work of other scientists. Every scientist wants to make a huge discovery of course, so an element of competition is always present, but every scientist knows that science would collapse if all scientists jealously guarded their research and never shared anything with their peers. Collaboration and sharing are essential to the enterprise. Science is optimized not through competition but through cooperation.

The right wing view of the world is that the best society is a product of brutal competition between families. Manifestly, this doctrine is wholly false, but no one intends to change it because it is perfect for the privileged elite. They have no incentive to change anything. The left wing view is that cooperation must be the bedrock of society, but left-wingers have never yet come up with a viable model to supersede the family model. But such a model now exists. It’s the meritocratic model of the Illuminati. The key to this model is psychological profiling. The reason why all left wing utopias collapsed was that there’s an inherent problem with the human race – personality types that are so different as to render them like warring tribes, seeking entirely different things from life and disagreeing with each other over everything. These tribes resemble the competing families of the right wing model of reality. But psychology provides the answer. We can now tailor the world for the members of all the different tribes. We can separate those tribes that are likely to be in conflict with each other, and unite those that will cooperate. Inter-tribal conflict will be minimised and cooperation maximised. The left wing model of a caring, sharing, collaborative, cooperative, meritocratic society based on the Commonwealth can become a reality. We really can build utopia by using our knowledge of psychology and sociology.

The right wing “game theory” of life where ruthless units of self-interest savagely compete with each other but manage to attain a state of sullen, suspicious equilibrium – just as American and Russia did in the Cold War – has had its day. Now we must adopt the left wing view of life that reflects the strengths of the most successful group in the history of the world – the scientific community. We have the knowledge to achieve it. All we need now is the will. We can build a world of merit rather than privilege where everyone has an equal opportunity, and where we are surrounded by friends rather than enemies and where we all want to cooperate with each other because we have finally grasped that we will be much happier and more successful if all of our neighbours are happier and more successful.

The Law:

In the context of society, the past must never be allowed to determine the future. The success or failure of parents should have no bearing at all on the success or failure of their children. The law must be constructed to ensure that all children start with an equal opportunity in life. The law must therefore automatically prohibit inherited wealth because such wealth can have no effect other than that of providing an unfair, unearned advantage to those who inherit it. The State must provide a tailored education for everyone, hence the influence of parents on their children’s fates will be minimized. Stupid, dysfunctional parents will not be allowed to ruin their children’s lives. The State is the sole guarantor of human freedom from the past. The Old World Order are determined to ensure that the past dictates the future. That’s the whole point of inheritance and privilege. The concept of hereditary power and wealth extending down through the centuries is the essence of the ideology of the dynastic elite families that have perpetually ruled our world to their supreme advantage and the disadvantage of everyone else.

Meritocracy, the keystone of the New World Order, is all about removing inheritance, privilege and hereditary rule once and for all. Only in such a world are equal opportunities and genuine freedom possible. If you are an advocate of freedom, merit and an equal chance for all then you must be opposed to inheritance, privilege and the family as the key unit of society. Family versus State; privilege versus merit; inherited opportunity versus equal opportunity. Those are the stark equations of our world. That’s the Old World Order versus the New World Order.



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