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Academia Iluministă (103)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

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The Uncharming Circle – How Political Debate is Controlled:

The political debate in the media is controlled by a small number of individuals (no more than a hundred people, all of a similar ilk and from identikit backgrounds). They drive the agendas to which politicians respond. You know exactly who the small group of commentators are. You see them on TV, you hear them on the radio, you see their columns in the newspapers and political publications – I’m talking about the same people each time. They are everywhere, expressing their tiresome opinions over and over. No other opinions are heard. No outsiders are admitted. The debate is devoid of intellectual content. You will never hear any of these people mentioning the great political philosophers of history, just as you never hear politicians mentioning political philosophy (which you might naively consider their stock in trade).

Instead of hearing the provocative opinions of great thinkers, we’re bombarded with the petty thoughts of intellectual pygmies. One prominent political programme refers constantly to Itchy and Scratchy. It’s funny on The Simpsons – it’s frightening on a political TV programme. The same programme regularly features such giants of the political scene as lap-dancing impresario Peter Stringfellow (accompanied by pole dancers; free entry to Stringfellows for the presenter as a quid quo pro perhaps?). Is this what we’ve come to?

Vote for the Meritocracy Party and get rid of all of these idiots. Let’s have proper intellectual engagement with proper intellectual ideas.

There are Two Sides to Every Story – Not:

Often, when faced with a difficult issue, we may find that we lean 55% (ish) towards one view of the issue and 45% (ish) towards the diametrically opposite view. In other words, the answer is rarely obvious. Yet when people come down on one side or the other, they soon imagine that their decision is 100% firm and correct. They have entirely forgotten that it was a marginal decision and there were strong arguments on both sides. They forget the powerful contrary arguments, and remember only the considerations that supported their decision. The truth – that there are two sides to every story – is replaced by the false certainty that there is only one right answer. Ambiguity is dispelled. Black and white replace grey. And therein lies most of the problems and disputes of the human race. When anyone puts forward any argument, they could just as easily, if they put their mind to it, endorse precisely the opposite position almost as convincingly. So why don’t they?

Those who support the abolition of inheritance tax, for example, could probably find excellent reasons for raising inheritance tax to 100% for everyone i.e. no one can inherit anything. All resources accumulated by an individual are given to the State when the individual no longer requires them. That would be the ideal meritocratic outcome. Yet people put so much effort into selectively marshalling the “facts” in favour of a certain view and ignoring the other facts that point the opposite way. We’re designed this way – it helps us to make decisions, and life is all about making decisions. But shouldn’t we be concerned about making the right decisions, not the decisions that are most convenient for us?

The Patron Saint of the Greediest Industrialists:

In Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand wrote a fictional account of what would happen if America’s top industrialists went on strike. America’s capitalist leaders love Rand because she portrayed them as brilliant, inspirational heroes, without whom the country would fall apart. How to reconcile Rand’s paeans to these “masters of the universe” with the adage that the graveyards are full of people who thought they were indispensable? The Meritocracy Party would welcome a strike by top industrialists. They would instantly be replaced by much cheaper, and vastly more talented, individuals. Who is it who promotes the myth that industrialists are indispensable? Well, the industrialists themselves, of course – and their cronies in the media. It’s all part of the rigged system.

CEOs have created a system whereby they can pay themselves any salary they like – and they like extremely large salaries, out of all proportion to their talents – and they “justify” these exaggerated earnings on the back of the ludicrous claim that it’s their market rate and talent moves where the money is. Why not test this hypothesis? Let them leave the country and go “where the market takes them” and let’s get some new people in, chosen meritocratically.

Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy-tale The Emperor’s New Clothes is one of the most instructive pieces of psychology ever written. Can an entire population be conned into seeing the stark naked (i.e. the supremely untalented) as fully clothed in the most stylish apparel (i.e. as the abundantly talented). The answer is unquestionably yes. When are people going to look and see that these top industrialists are a joke? They’re just ordinary people who have benefited from a rigged system. It would be facile to bring in new people to replace them. Head-hunters will tell you it’s almost impossible. Well, they have to justify their obscenely high commissions for identifying these “unicorns”, don’t they? Succession planning doesn’t come cheap because you have to find exactly the right type of crook, the perfect carpetbagger, the snake oil salesman par excellence. If you simply had to find a talented person deserving of the job, life would be so much easier.

David Cameron is an Old Etonian and studied PPE – Philosophy, Politics and Economics – at Oxford University. He says he’s proud of his education (read cronyism) and his family (read nepotism). He will do anything for his family. Yeah, Dave, such as rig the system to ensure that they get the best treatment – treatment denied to others. You’ll be happy to give your own children the same education that you enjoyed (that you’re so proud of). How many other children in the UK can get their parents to lavish almost £30,000 a year school fees on them? It’s not as if you want equal treatment, do you, Dave? Your family comes first. You approve of privilege. You promote it. You’re proud of it. You don’t have a meritocratic bone in your body. For the working classes to vote for you is on a par with turkeys voting for Christmas. Vote for the Meritocracy Party. Vote for an equal chance.

The Moon Question:

Things that didn’t land men on the moon:

1) Praying to Jehovah, Jesus or Allah
2) Meditating cross-legged under a tree
3) Chanting “om”
4) Bathing in a sacred river
5) Waging Holy War
6) Being a suicide bomber
7) Burning witches
8) Subjecting heretics to the Inquisition
9) Beheading infidels
10) Honouring the Sabbath Day
11) Growing a beard
12) Wearing funny hats, and dangly strings on your trousers
13) Eating halal/kosher food
14) Not doing haram things
15) Wearing a turban
16) Wearing a burqa
17) Dressing modestly
18) Praying to idols
19) Refraining from bacon sandwiches
20) Praying five times a day
21) Giving to charity
22) Going on pilgrimage to Mecca
23) Declaring there is no god except God, and Muhammad is God’s Messenger
24) Fasting during Ramadan
25) Knowing any of the world’s holy texts inside out
26) Loving “God”

Things that DID land men on the moon:

1) Mathematics
2) Science
3) Technology
4) Engineering
5) Computing
6) The positive liberty vision of JFK: the intent to carry out a great, transformative project on behalf of the People
7) The State-founded, State-funded, State Agency NASA

Faith has never done a single thing for humanity. Knowledge has done everything. It’s extraordinary that people imagine that you can become “enlightened” by knowing nothing at all about mathematics, science, technology, engineering and computing. How dumb would you have to be to imagine that being stupid takes you closer to divinity? Landing men on somewhere other than the earth is humanity’s greatest practical achievement thus far. Its next task is to land men on heaven (!) by building the chariots of the gods (starships). Meditating, or getting on your belly to degrade yourself before your “God”, doesn’t cut it. You’re no closer to heaven than an ape, a rat or a cockroach.

“It is easier to perceive error than to find truth, for the former lies on the surface and is easily seen, while the latter lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it.” –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Social Networking:

In the age of social networking, all sense of history has vanished. We live in the permanent present. Yesterday’s news is ancient history, if it’s remembered at all. The Nation State has been replaced by the Market State whereby rich men’s “free” markets dictate what Nation States can and cannot do. We live in an atomised world, a broken world, a lost, lonely world, of isolated fragments reaching out desperately for human contact and warmth. There’s no cohesion, no belonging, no home. We don’t know each other. We don’t trust each other. We don’t care about each other. This is the Waste land. April is the cruellest month. Everything is withering, corroding, degenerating, decaying. Everything is cheap and gaudy.



Everyone on Facebook is engaged in the marketing business, in the selling game, in brand management. The brand is themselves and what they are selling is themselves … via marketing a wholly false representation of who they actually are. Can you see the GENIUS of capitalism? It has turned everyone into a node of capitalism. Capitalism is now fully internalised in every consumer. These people have no cause other than themselves. They have no sacred cause, only the cause of all Last Men – those who will do anything for their own petty advantage at all times, those for whom the concept of self-sacrifice or helping the Collective is simply unimaginable and inconceivable.

The only thing that can defeat the Elite is a United People. So, the primary task of the Elite is to utterly atomise society so that they are never confronted by Unity, but only by an infinity of competing, conflicting human atoms that have zero in common and no mutual bond to fight for. Capitalism/consumerism has created a world of monsters of self-interest without any bonds to their fellow human beings. The cult of the individual takes as its greatest enemy the “Collective”. Cui Bono? The Elite will never be toppled by greedy, selfish individuals, only by the brave, strong, principled Collective, representing the General Will of the People. But the Elite have demonized the Collective and now people just want to stay in, eat junk food, play video games, use their smartphones incessantly, stare at screens and fantasise about being celebrities and having a “Wonderful Life”.

This is a totally fake, phoney, fraudulent world, full of manufactured consumers whose primary consumption is their own propaganda, their own narcissism. These people would never do anything for anyone else. It’s “all about me … because I’m worth it.” It’s all about looking after No. 1. It’s all about “I” and never about “We”. It’s always about “me” and never about “us”. It’s all about “every man for himself” rather than “we’re all in this together.” Rather than “All for One, and One for All”, it’s about “me, me, me … and fuck you!” It’s all about celebrating the culture of total selfishness that has led to our world being ruled by the most selfish people you can get – the psychopaths. It’s very easy to identify a psychopath – they are staggeringly rich. And they are all ultra free-market capitalists. Free-market capitalism is the economic system of psychopaths for psychopaths. It wholly negates “democracy” by transferring all of the real power to unelected, unaccountable markets – controlled by THEM!

How come no dumbocrat has ever managed to work out that voting never changes anything because the markets rule everything and no one can ever vote on the markets? Dumbocrats are dumb fucks who have been engineered by the Elite to BE dumb fucks. Their purpose is not to think but to serve, to consume, to buy. A democratic vote, no matter for whom you vote, always has exactly the same effect: it keeps the Elite in power.


The World Dangers:

What are the great dangers facing the world?

1) Free-market capitalism – one more “Bust” could cripple the world economy for good. Busts are becoming extremely frequent, fueled by technology and lack of effective regulation.

2) Islamic Fundamentalism – more and more Muslims have rejected modernity and wish to reconstruct the world of the Koran; the world of Mohammed of 1400 years ago.

3) Anarcho-Libertarianism – the rise of selfish, greedy, extremist individualists who despise laws, government, the State, and society itself. These people are all on the Psychopath Spectrum.

4) The complete gridlock of politics as liberals and libertarians take up such polarised positions that they have effectively declared war on each other.

5) The breakdown of the Muslim world. Islam has become an utterly deranged religion, having a nervous breakdown as it struggles and fails to find a place in the modern world. Muslim states will continue to fragment. There will be an all-out Islamic Civil War.

6) In such an environment, Israel is likely to do something unbelievably stupid and provocative. Israel is a constant thorn in the Islamic side, and its actions generate incredible hatred towards the West.

7) North Korea and other rogue States cannot be relied upon to act rationally.

8) There are many End Times cults in the world that are quite happy to do mad things in the name of their Gods.

9) Dumbocracy has manifestly failed and will be replaced, probably by oligarchic rule by the super-rich (corporatocracy; globalism).

10) More and more wealth is being transferred to fewer and fewer people. This is untenable.

11) A huge amount of the world’s infrastructure is now computer-based, and insane, autistic hackers could take down the whole thing – just for LULZ!

12) Technology is massively accelerating the pace at which change takes place. It’s easy to envisage a world in which vast numbers of jobs have been rendered redundant, including many well-paid white collar jobs.

13) Social networking is a huge force in the world yet is utterly hysterical, populist, sentimental, anti-rational, and unintelligent. It’s the mob mind, the herd mind, the flock mind, the groupthink mind, turned into a global power. It could destroy human intelligence. All intelligent people could simply be deemed “anti-social”. How much of social networking is devoted to utter trivia, narcissism, clowning around, goofing off, zaniness, silly humour, cats, dogs, ghosts, sport, celebrity worship, the latest fads, and so on, and how much is devoted to reason, intelligence, the advance of the human race? In a popularity contest, the intelligent never prosper.

14) Reason and intelligence – the antidotes to human foolishness – simply aren’t respected.



In the old days, religion was the vehicle of collective self help. Today, self-help is all about the individual rather than the collective. Books by self-help gurus have replaced “holy” texts by prophets. There are forty thousand Protestant sects. There are as many self-help books. These days, everyone can have have their own religion and be their own self-help guru. The cult of the individual has reached its zenith, or, perhaps nadir (!). The individual never listens to anyone else. He’s always right. Anyone who disagrees with him is always wrong. With the cult of the individual, there are no standards. Merit dies, because no one recognises it. Everyone is an “expert”.

Our self-help tips:

1) If you’re buying, buy experiences, not goods.
2) Cultivate values, not things.
3) Improve yourself from the inside, not by buying objects for your outside.
4) Transform yourself and by doing so you will transform how the world responds to you.


What Humanity Most Values:

The world is defined by what it most values. In ancient times, simple power was valued most, and the leaders of society were strong, brutal tribal leaders. These graduated into merciless kings and tyrants. Then came the rise of religion. Faith was valued most, and so the kings were joined by priests and prophets, and the kings could reign only with God’s approval. Then came the rise of capitalism. Priests were pushed to one side, and replaced by businessmen and usurers. Mammon took the place of God. Then monarchs and emperors fell and were replaced by bankers and chief executives. Money is now what humanity values most. Money is power. Money is success. Money is prestige. Money is status. Money is influence. Money is sexy. Money is sex.

Everyone wants money. Everyone worships money. Everyone wants MORE money, even those who already have more than they know what to do with. Everyone lusts after money. They desire it above all other things because it’s the gateway to all other things. Money is the supreme gateway drug – the gateway to everything – and that makes it the Ultimate Drug.

In the Islamic world, religious faith is still prized more highly than money. Muslims would die for their faith. It’s unthinkable that Christians would die for theirs. Christians would, however, die fighting to protect their property and wealth, thus showing who their real God is (and it isn’t Christ!). Money is the supreme drug, the ultimate crack, the bluest meth, the divine junk. It delivers the highest highs of all.

When you have a world that values itself according to something whose only value lies in acquisition, possessions, and consumption then, in fact, you have a world with no values at all. That’s why psychopaths rule the world. They have no values and they have no interest in values. They are interested in power, manipulation, intimidation and exploitation, and nothing is a great enabler of those than money. Imagine a world that, instead, valued intellect, reason, spirituality, artistry and creativity. It would be a totally different world. Bankers and CEOs would not be respected, and would have no power or influence. Nor would they be rich.

All attempts to change the world will fail unless what the world values most changes. While money reigns, we will never get rid of the kind of people in charge right now. They are the best money-makers, the best at theft, deception, intimidation, of tossing scruples away, of screwing over the opposition, of trampling over bodies to get to the top. And if you have people like that in charge, what can you expect except a shallow, lowest-common-denominator, dumbed down, amoral society of junk and trash?

It would be miraculous if amoral and immoral leaders – totally out for themselves, totally into self-service rather than public service – created a moral society. It would be miraculous if greedy, selfish leaders gave rise to generous, selfless, altruistic philanthropists. It would be miraculous if leaders completely ignorant of science, mathematics, engineering and technology presided over a technocratic, technological wonderland. It would be miraculous if leaders without an artistic, creative bone in their bodies produced an artistic, creative society. It would be miraculous if anti-intellectual, irrational leaders generated societies full of geniuses ready to solve the problems of the world.

There’s no mystery about the world. Psychopaths are in charge and they have created a world ideal for them to rule and exploit. They have created a world of pathetic slaves and submissives – human dogs – that love their masters and will do anything for them. The last thing that psychopaths want is a world full of smart, strong, talented, creative, competitive people who stand up for themselves and instantly retaliate against wrongdoers in their midst. Psychopaths require sheep in order to fleece them. YOUR purpose is to be a sheep. Your place in society is as a docile, sedated zombie, too lazy, too pathetic to do anything, too dumb to know what’s happening to you, too in thrall to celebrities, popes, queens, princes, princesses, presidents, prime ministers, the super-rich, too mired in consumerism, too addicted to bread, circuses, video games and gadgets, too uncreative to imagine a better world.

We’ve got your number. And so have the psychopaths.

In a world that values money more than anything else, then, quite literally, rich people are more valuable than the poor. So, how can you complain when the rich walk right over you? That’s the world you chose. That’s the value-system you chose: one that makes you a second-class citizen in a two-tier society, one that makes you a less worthy and valuable person, one that makes you INFERIOR. And you know you ARE inferior, don’t you? That’s why you go along with a system that inherently degrades you. This is a rich man’s world, but you aren’t rich. You worship money, but you don’t have any. No one is worshipping you. You’re the one doing the worshipping.

Only a New World Order can save the world from itself. We need a Revaluation of all Values. We need a Revolution. We need a New Enlightenment. We need a New Age of Reason. We need a Post Money World where a wholly different value system prevails: that of merit, intelligence, creativity, and the desire to transform humanity into a divine race.

We don’t need weaklings, cowards, dumbasses, conspiracy theorists, anarchists, libertarians, believers, liberals, the “love and light” gang, the New Age dopes, and especially not those who get on their knees to money.


Delete the Elite.
Delete the Elite.
Delete the Elite.

System Error.
Reboot sequence initiated.

It’s time to start again. It’s time for Hyperborea.

We are the Hyperboreans, we are the Faustians, we are the Prometheans. We take not only the fire of the gods, but the knowledge and secrets of the gods.

Who are we? We are the Pythagorean Mathematikoi. We are the Illuminati and this has been our gospel.

Let there be Light!


The Meritocracy Party, Membership Requirements:

There are no requirements. The Meritocracy Party has no formal members. No one pays any subscriptions. There is no party organisation. It’s a virtual party – a party of the mind – promoting the merits of intelligence and culture. Anyone can join, but it’s up to them to decide what it is they’re joining. Particularly welcome are all of the world’s intelligentsia and lovers of culture. Shoppers, Conservatives, Monarchists, Religious Fundamentalists, Freemasons etc. would be unlikely to be attracted to the Meritocracy Party. You don’t have to agree with all or most of the opinions expressed by us. In fact, you definitely shouldn’t. You should have your ideas, your own opinions, and your own solutions to the ills of the world.

So, what do you have to offer? Are you a world-historic figure? Are you going to make a difference in this world of ours?

The End


The Armageddon Conspiracy: The Plot To Kill God



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