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THE CHURCH (part 1)

Giugno 1st, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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Gheorghe Giovanni Ţeavă

Ralph Bakker
15 minute ·
THE CHURCH (part 1):

– wants the populace to accept suffering because this spineless act is the antithesis of all revolutionary instincts.

– revises history in order to cover up the enormous riches accumulated by priests and ‘saints’.

– wants citizens to forgive their enemies because the church works to protect capitalists from the wrath of the workers.

– twists the meanings of the scriptures in order to sell fraudulent visions of noble kings and kind rich men.

– preaches blind faith because that’s how they get the populace to stop asking important questions.

– uses sophisticated propaganda techniques in order to get the populace to believe that a mythic creature in the sky will save them.

– is a spiritually bankrupt organization because it treats human beings like customers to whom it sells false, decrepit, hopes.

– squeezes money out of the people by selling them an absurd vision of the world in which all is good and divine.

– works to crush the revolutionary spirit by painting revolution as immoral and submission as noble.

– thrives on guilt because those who are guilty will see their world from a blurred, deeply emotional, perspective.

– is like a multinational corporation and it makes a killing by selling people a sick, slavish, morality.

– thrives on fear because fear is the most efficient way of destroying both critical and creative thinking.

– uses the concept of hell in order to frighten the populace into a state of reflexive submission.

– services the upper class by instilling Pauline slave-morality in the heart of the populace.

– revises history in order to cover up the reality of countless clergymen getting fat while people in their communities starve.

– wants the populace to passively await a miracle because it does not want people to consciously revolt against oppression.

– teaches slave-morality because the indoctrination of slave-morality is the ideal way to control any population.

– is heavily into finances because the priests are nothing more than semi-spiritual bankers.

– teaches that salvation is sitting around waiting for some stupid myth to materialize, instead of standing up for ourselves in this life.

– sees God in the same way that billionaire investors see the stock market.

– is mental slavery because it demands obedience regardless of the situation or circumstances.

– uses sophisticated propaganda techniques to get people to pray mindlessly while the upper class is crushing the populace.

– pacifies the people by painting a picture of god as a benevolent dictator, as if there is such a thing.

– defines as heresy anything which denies it the ability to steal trillions from the human race.

– is an imperialist organization because missionaries did more damage to the third world than any army could.

– stands in the way of salvation by instituting a society in which human beings are enchained to dogmatic doctrines.

– uses propaganda techniques to sell visions of a life where things will correct themselves through inaction and false hope.

– operates on the basis of destroying any revolutionary momentum by invoking the name of God.

– thrives on fear because fear is the antithesis of life, freedom and revolution.

– wants the populace to accept suffering because those who passively accept suffering present no threat to ruling interests.

– is a hierarchal organization with a watertight command structure that puts the Nazi party to shame.

– pacifies the people by defining a ‘good’ person as a person who silently bears the brunt of exploitation.

– is like a multinational corporation, it works to spread its brand of dumbness in every corner of the world.

– suffocates the human spirit because the human spirit demands freedom, justice and equality.

– teaches slave-morality, just like the corporate wage-slave psychology, just like the educational system.

– pacifies the people by propagating the bullshit that all suffering is ordained by a cruel god in the sky.

– loves big business because they both work in tandem to rob the citizens of this world.

– is a machine used to turn the masses into infantile fools adoring imaginary creatures.

– stands in the way of salvation by insisting that salvation in this life is impossible.

– twists the meanings of the scriptures by placing the main focus on mindless submission to a mythic creature in the sky.

– thrives on fear because people who are afraid will believe any lie that the powerful throw at them.

– is identical to the bankers in the way that it persuades citizens to invest their spiritual energy into a rotting institution.

– defines evil as any political system which stops it from hoarding property with disgusting avarice.

– is an imperialist organization because it works to spread its nasty, self-serving, ideology to every corner of the globe.

– teaches slave-morality, this is why religious people will attack people of other religions, but not their corrupt rulers.

– services the upper class by providing religious rationales for profitable wars and destruction.

– uses sophisticated propaganda techniques to sell imperialist missions as philanthropic enterprises.

– defines salvation as avoiding revolution and starving to death while waiting for upper class thieves to miraculously become good.

– is an imperialist organization because it instills the slave morality in the heart of the third world.

– preaches monotheism because it wants to concentrate all of humanity’s spiritual power in one being that it controls.

– revises history in order to hide the brutal fact that its rhetoric is responsible for countless wars and murders.

– stands in the way of salvation by conspiring with ruling elites to suppress the human race.

– defines as heresy anything which questions the nature of its favorite and most profitable puppet, God.

– is a sham because it promises people heavenly rewards if they sacrifice their dignity and rebellious spirit in this life.

– loves big business because shortly after the missionaries arrive in the third world, the corporations follow.

– defines evil as any movement which longs to liberate people from their economical and political shackles, in this life.

– squeezes money out of the people by blackmailing poor citizens into making contributions, even whilst they starve.

– In order to combat the church, citizens must be shown the hypocrisy of an institution that speaks of peace yet endorses wars.

– preaches monotheism because that is the most efficient way of attaining a spiritual monopoly over the human race.

– teaches slave-morality, this is why it tells people to stupidly forgive their brutal oppressors.

– preaches blind faith because it wants the populace to blindly believe in its sick doctrine.

– is mental slavery because it treats numbing blind-faith as the ultimate achievement.

– short-circuits the natural flow of human spirituality by insisting that everyone conform to the same religious concepts.

– twists the meanings of the scriptures by emphasizing the benevolent brutality of its CEO God.

– preaches monotheism because it is easier to control the propaganda machine around one dictator.

– wants people to believe in stupid fairytales in order to fill their hearts with real fears of imaginary things.

– claims that salvation is the weakness of waiting when the people should be acting, standing, revolting.

– uses sophisticated propaganda techniques in order to implant a slavish morality in the hearts of the populace.

– is identical to the bankers in the way that it promises people prosperity in the after-life if they remain submissive in this one.

– stands in the way of salvation by conditioning the populace to behave in a passive and politically apathetic fashion.

– pacifies the people by painting a benevolent picture of the thieving superelite.

– is a sham because it stands in the way of revolution and anything that stands in the way of revolution is a sham.

– is a spiritually bankrupt organization because it works in tandem with armies to open up new markets for itself.

– is designed to profit the wealthy by keeping the people focused on imaginary afterlife rewards.

– suffocates the human spirit by turning human existence into a mindless chase for afterlife reward points.

– is a vile organisation because one of its goals is to create a sick society where citizens not only accept their slavery but are also happy with it.

– suffocates the human spirit by portraying spirituality as a God in the sky, watching us, just like the police state.

– wants the populace to passively await a miracle because it wants to dissuade them from revolutionary actions.

– is an elitist institution; this is why it teaches children to admire a dictatorial, brutal, God.

– is designed to profit corrupt governments by preaching the gospel of mindless imperialism.

– squeezes money out of the people by selling them hope in eternal salvation, whatever the fuck that means.

– uses the concept of hell to turn the psychology of human beings into a Pavlovian wasteland.

– is like a multinational corporation, it does not care about humanity’s wellbeing, just growing its customer base.

– insists that salvation is some messiah who will come and save humanity instead of humanity saving itself.

– pacifies the people by pretending that all is well while billions go to bed hungry each night.

– is physical slavery; it locks people in a room until they confess their undying belief in utter rubbish.

– wants the populace to passively await a miracle so that people don’t go out and start a necessary revolution.

– behave like capitalists in the way they create myths about prosperity and happiness.

– operates on the basis of undermining the struggle of the people by feeding them after-life fantasy bullshit.

– is designed to profit the ruling class by teaching the people to forgive their oppressors.

– wants citizens to forgive their enemies because the church itself is the enemy of humanity.

– squeezes money out of the people by stuffing their minds with false promises and idealizations.

– wants the populace to accept suffering because this renders citizens as harmless cowards.

– defines good as any imperialist, missionary, conquest which murders millions in the process and opens up new spiritual markets.

– defines good as any political system which protects its multi-trillion dollar portfolio of properties and assets.

– operates on the basis of robbing the people while feeding the fat priests and their upper class pals.

– services the upper class by using people’s donations to buy gold, stocks and all sorts of financial assets.

– is designed to profit the bankers because it is the Wall Street bankers who finance the church.

– thrives on fear because those who are afraid will remain forever encaged in self-doubt and anxious anticipation.

– suffocates the human spirit by reducing spirituality to something that citizen’s can buy in a building.

-machine is about as spiritually inclined as Goldman Sachs.

– defines as heresy anything which denies it absolute control of human spirituality.
