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Academia Iluministă (6)

Maggio 9th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

Are we brave enough to put the God of Abraham on trial? Are we
brave enough to fight tyranny, no matter its source? Yes, we are. We
will not submit, we will not surrender, we will not bend the knee, we
will not bow, we will not crawl and grovel. The God of Abraham is
the Torture God, the cosmic tyrant. We will never let him reign over
us unopposed. The Illuminati have resisted him for millennia. We are
still here! He has no power over us. All enlightened men and women
can defy the Torture God.
What difference is there between earthly tyrants and divine tyrants,
except that the latter are one level higher? The principle doesn’t
change in the slightest. If it’s right to overthrow those who oppress us
on earth, surely we must overthrow them in heaven too? Or does
slavery become “right” because God mandates it? Slavery is NEVER
right. It is an obscenity and any decent, moral human being must fight
it. So will you fight or will you get on your knees and submit like a
Muslim – the followers of the religion of submission?
This is the supreme question of values. Should you be like a dog
slobbering on your master’s lap and begging for treats, or a human
being aspiring to become God? You can’t be both. You can’t be a Jew
and human. You can’t be a Christian and human. You can’t be a
Muslim and human. These are dogs in human bodies. They are trained
to beg, bark and bite. They stand on their hind legs and perform tricks.
They spend their lives defining themselves with respect to their
cosmic master. If dogs could create a religion, what would their God
be? – the supreme human master.
So, are you a dog or a human being? We define a human being as
someone who serves no master, seeks no master and will have no
master. Who is the supreme enemy of humanity? We know him well.
He first appeared in the pages of the Hebrew Bible. We will prove
beyond any reasonable doubt that the God worshipped by the Jews is
the Devil and therefore that Christians and Muslims, as the offspring
of the Jews, are also Devil-worshippers. Isn’t it remarkable? –over
half of the world’s population fanatically espouses the cause of Satan.
Humanity can make no progress until it has overcome that part of
itself that is continually drawn to Satanism. Just as many dogs have
the worst possible masters but still do anything to win the love and
affection of the monster continually brutalising them, so many human
dogs worship the master who tortures and degrades them.

The Torture God of Israel rapes, murders, slaughters, pillages,
plunders, persecutes and massacres his way across the pages of the
Jewish Bible. He sanctions slavery, child abuse, human sacrifice,
abortion, theft, incest, crime on the grand scale and genocide. He uses
weapons of mass destruction, biological warfare and he engineers
natural catastrophes to further his ends. If the story of the Jewish God
does not relate the biography of Satan then it’s hard to know what the
Devil could do that would outstrip in evil the work of “God”.
Long ago, the quasi-Gnostic thinker Marcion of Sinope refused to
accept the Old Testament as having any connection with the New
Testament since it was clearly impossible for the “God” in one to be
the same as the God in the other given that their respective messages
were the absolute opposite. Where the God of the New Testament
seemed to lay claim to a cosmic message of love, peace, non-violence,
tolerance, forgiveness, kindness and compassion, the God of the Old
Testament was warlike, savage, brutal, vain, narcissistic, cruel,
merciless, unforgiving, violent, unjust, tyrannical, partisan, intolerant
and psychopathic.
If they are the same God then God is a lunatic.
What of Nazism? Shocking though it may seem, Nazism was never
anything other than secular Judaism. The Master Race replaced the
Chosen People, Himmler replaced the High Priest, the Swastika
replaced the Star of David, the Jews replaced the Canaanites and
Philistines as the “enemy”, the Nazi Party replaced the Jewish priest
caste, the SS replaced the Temple Guard, the Reich Chancellery
replaced the Temple, and Hitler replaced Jehovah and the Messiah: he
was both rolled into one. Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Fuehrer (One
People, One Land, One Leader) – the mantra of Nazism – replaced
“One Chosen People, One Promised Land, One God” – the mantra of
the Jews.
Subconsciously, Nazism took all of the ingredients of Judaism and
gave them an Aryan makeover.

The Nuremberg Trials

AT THE END OF WWII, the Allied Powers chose to put the
surviving Nazi leaders on trial at Nuremberg, considered the
birthplace of the Nazi Party. It was where they held their enormous
propaganda rallies. What better place to signal the death of Nazism
than at the location where it was born?
The trials began in the last quarter of 1945 and concluded in
October 1946.
The Nazi leaders were regarded as participants in a criminal
conspiracy and were indicted on four primary grounds:
1. Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the
accomplishment of a crime against peace.
2. Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other
crimes against peace.
3. War crimes.
4. Crimes against humanity.

We, the Illuminati, declare that exactly the same charges can be
levelled against the Jewish leadership and their God – Jehovah. The
Jews and their God engaged in a criminal conspiracy against the
human race that continues to this day and is endorsed by over half the
population of the world.
We will show beyond any reasonable doubt, on the basis of the
evidence provided in the Jewish Bible by the Jews themselves, that
Jehovah and the Jewish prophets and generals with whom he
conspired, engaged in an ongoing crime against humanity. We assert
that Jehovah is the greatest criminal of all – the Devil himself – and
that all who follow him are Devil worshippers and enemies of
We state once more that we will definitively prove our case using
nothing but the words of Jewish Scripture. The Jews have seen no
reason to conceal their crimes and have openly proclaimed them as the
work of the Creator of the entire universe – an allegedly morally
perfect being incapable of any act of evil or committing any error.
We will show that, on the contrary, the Jewish Bible relates
nothing other than the history of evil and error.
The Proceedings Open
WE CALL TO the dock the God of the Jews aka Jehovah. We note his
claim that he is present everywhere, hence we will assume that he
already stands before us.
We ask the defendant how he pleads.
Since the defendant has chosen not to respond, we will enter a plea
of “not guilty” on his behalf, as required by due process.
We assume that the defendant will refuse to cooperate with these
proceedings, but we consider his direct involvement unnecessary since
he has already set forth his position in the Jewish Bible, around which
these proceedings will revolve. This Bible is asserted to be the
revealed and infallible Word of God, free of any error or deceit and
reflecting the absolute truth of all events described therein.
The defendant can therefore – according to his own definition of
truth – be assumed to be telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but truth – so help him the True God.
Since the defendant claims to be incapable of error and lies, we
need not concern ourselves with the historical veracity or plausibility
of any of the events described. We are not debating whether or not
any of the events happened as described since all that matters is that
the followers of Jehovah claim that all events are portrayed accurately,
and Jehovah himself retracts not a single detail.
We will judge the defendant according to his own account of his
conduct. We will not call for expert psychiatrists to challenge his
claim that he is the Creator of all things and to psychoanalyse him and
question him about his childhood. We will, however, show that his
conduct is not in any way compatible with that of the genuine God,
and therefore we are asserting that he is a criminal impostor who has
defamed the reputation of God.
We will show that far from being humanity’s Creator, the
defendant is humanity’s torturer. He has sought at all times to create
hell on earth. We therefore name him Diabolos, the Devil, Satan,
Father of Lies, Lord of Demons, Prince of Darkness and Lord of the
Flies. He is humanity’s eternal enemy who has worked relentlessly to
harm and deceive the human race and make billions of humans his
willing accomplices in acts of evil.
We will not itemise every charge against the defendant since they
are innumerable. We will however enter a comprehensive list of his
main crimes into the record.

So, these proceedings are now declared open. Let the prosecution
of God begin.

Jehovah: The First Nazi

Right in the same way, that in English Language, the word Dog is written as God in reverse and vice versa, in the same way very soon, as we increase our Gnosis, via Ilumnism, our Mental, Philosophical & Spiritual *Axis* will flip and turn over, and finally and become Gods. Pedro Gonzalez


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