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Academia Iluministă (28)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

The victories that must be won — Continued:

Education versus Indoctrination.

Most people in the world aren’t educated. Rather, they are indoctrinated with ridiculous dogmas. Look at Muslims. They are remarkably stupid because of Koranic brainwashing.

Muslims have been conditioned to be deferential. They are terrified of being individuals, of speaking out against nonsense. There are many atheists and skeptics in the Christian West. Why is there no tradition of atheism and skepticism in the Islamic world? It’s because there was no Islamic Enlightenment, nothing to counteract the Koranic brainwashing. Muslims have rendered themselves subhuman because they have allowed themselves to be terrified into believing the most embarrassing hogwash conceivable. Anyone who rejects reason relegates themselves to the domain of animals – the less than human – and we shouldn’t be afraid to say so. The world has pandered to the stupid for far too long. Did you know that the Koran actually teaches that the Earth is flat? It must be right. After all, “God” wrote it and he created the world. Yeah, right!!! Just how dumb would you have to be to think the Koran said even one true thing? Only a complete failure of reason would stop you from laughing out loud as you read page after page about camels and goats and making sure you wipe your ass with your left hand.

A Muslim woman said that Muslim men must have a beard because “it’s in the Koran.” Why doesn’t such a woman ever stop to wonder why the alleged Creator of the Universe would be interested in the facial hair of men? Is bushiness of beard the measure of holiness? But, of course, Mohammed – a bearded man seeking to impose a visual brand on his followers to distinguish them from clean-shaven pagans – would be extremely keen to claim that God demanded that men have beards. Are all clean-shaven men to go to hell? What, for not having a fucking beard?!!!

“Holy texts” set themselves against reason and knowledge. Such texts are incompatible with education. In any nation that values education, “holy texts” must be rejected. They should be banned from schools. They should actually be thrown on ceremonial pyres designed to consign ignorance to the flames forever.

Reason versus Love.

Forget love. It’s reason that the world is short of and reason that will propel the world forward. The Enlightenment wasn’t about love but about reason. Love is an emotion and we have to escape excess emotionalism if we’re to have a rational society.

All the new age, hippie rhetoric about love is nauseating and reveals a deep hatred of reason and intellect. Love is a quality most often trumpeted by stupid people, incapable of any hard analysis of the world. They think that love = peace = harmony = perfect world. In fact, love = hate = division = conflict = war = violence = greed = narcissism = egotism = selfishness = privilege = everything that’s wrong with the world. For “love” to have any meaning, it must be involved with a judgment that one thing (the loved thing) is better than another (the unloved thing), and the rejected thing then becomes “other”, an object of hatred. Hitler loved Germany, so he hated Germany’s perceived enemy – the Jews. The Jews love their God, so they hate everyone who does not. Privileged families love themselves and hate non-privileged families. Love AUTOMATICALLY summons hate, hence is a catastrophe. When are people going to wake up to the horrific truth of “love”?

Reason, not love, is our salvation. Reason is emotionally neutral and objective. Love is entirely subjective.

Mythos versus Logos.

Love goes hand in hand with Mythos-thinking while reason is the core of Logos-thinking. Mythos is all about emotions, stories, parables, fables, delusions, wishful thinking, while Logos is about rationality, logic, analysis, facts, evidence.

The great divide in our world is between Mythos and Logos and, if we apply the commonly quoted “80/20” rule, we can assert that 80% of the world are Mythos thinkers who are attracted to simplistic, stupid religions that provide emotional comfort and facile, false “certainty”. The Enlightenment was about the rise of Logos. At best, 20% of the world are Logos thinkers and they are responsible for 80% or more of the advances of the human race.

In other words, we have a disastrous imbalance of Mythos and Logos thinking. Mythos has a place, but it ought to be subordinated to Logos. The division between science and religion is the division between Logos and Mythos, and there can be no question that science has proved enormously more beneficial to humanity than religion. Anyone capable of rational analysis would conclude that religion has had nothing but malign consequences for humanity, while science has showered humanity with gifts. So why do all governments still relentlessly favour Mythos over Logos?

Logos must be given pride of place and Mythos exposed for what it is – the inferior partner that should be ignored when anything serious is being discussed. Mythos should be what guides us when we are at play, and Logos when we are at work.

Mythos is subjective, crazy nonsense, albeit emotionally seductive, while Logos delivers real, meaningful, objective progress according to methods and evidence.

All schools should be compelled by law to enshrine the supremacy of Logos over Mythos. Consider the Creationism versus Science debate. Creationism is pure Mythos and asserts that something is true because an old book says so, without a single fact, mathematical equation, scientific theory or any evidence at all, while science provides facts, evidence, sophisticated theories that explain all manner of phenomena, a detailed intellectual and rational framework, and an objective view completely divorced from a subjective book produced by ancient, scientifically illiterate Jews. How can there be any debate at all about which provides the right approach and the infinitely more plausible solution?

It’s insane to try to use Mythos against Logos. There can only be one rational winner. Unfortunately, people aren’t rational. Look at Islam with its fanatical adherence to the ludicrous Koran – pure Mythos. Is there such a thing as an intelligent Muslim? How can anyone who believes even one word of the Koran be intelligent? It’s a contradiction in terms. It contains not one reference to Logos thinking. But stupid, superstitious, emotional people of faith “understand” the Koran (because it’s so simplistic) and are clueless if they pick up a book on mathematics, philosophy or science. Doesn’t that say everything?

Creationists tried to have the teaching of evolution banned from schools. It ought to be the other way around. Any anti-scientific claims to truth should be prevented from being taught in schools. How else will we produce rational people unless we teach them rationally?

Serving God versus Becoming God.

Humanity’s relationship with God is paramount and shapes our collective destiny. If we serve God then he is our master and we are his slaves. We are expected to be on our knees to him. Our duty is to obey him, regardless of what he says or does. Even if he orders a father to kill his son – a psychotic order – Abrahamists will willingly obey because they are servile, brainwashed automata who have no personal concept of good and evil. Why didn’t “God” want people to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil – because then they would conclude that he was evil (as his infinite cruelty and violence have demonstrated all too clearly to any rational person who has taken the trouble to read the grotesque and nauseating Old Testament).

Everything changes if you are Becoming God rather than serving God. Then you can make up your mind about good and evil. You can get off your knees and stand on your feet. You have no respect for those false gods – monarchs, popes, preachers, prophets, the super rich, the privileged elites – who claim to be God’s voice on earth.

The world has a clear choice: a master-slave model such as the Old World Order has always implemented, or a meritocratic model where anyone from any background can rise as high as their talents permit and no permanent master class and slave underclass are ever allowed to form. This is the basis of the Illuminati’s New World Order.

We must never again be slaves of God. We must have a contract/covenant with God whereby we tell him what we expect of HIM. It’s not for him to dictate to us. We will create Gods in our own image. They must serve our interests, not we theirs. We are all becoming God, so we need bow to no one. God is our guide, our exemplar, the light that shows us the way to join him. God is never a tyrant over us, demanding that we worship him and get on our knees and avert our eyes.

Tradition-, Other- and Inner-directedness versus Autonomy.

Has your life been dictated by an ancient religious book, community elders with long beards and an insular, ghetto community where everyone knows what’s expected of them and everyone knows everyone else’s business? Then you are tradition-directed.

Has your life been dominated by your peer group? You’re terrified of being disliked, ostracised, different from everyone else. You follow whatever fashion your peers follow, whether you like it or not. You’re terrified of telling them to fuck off and doing your own thing. Then you’re other-directed.

Has your life been lived in your parents’ shadow? Are you a clone of them? Do you share all of the same values? Then you’re inner-directed, driven by the deep values your parents have instilled in you. You will stand up to traditions and peers if they contradict your inner value system. But these are not actually your own values. They have been chosen FOR you, not BY you.

It’s wrong for anyone to be controlled by traditions, peers or parents. The State must be committed to producing AUTONOMOUS individuals who are self-defining and self-creating. What this means in practice is that the State education system should provide a wide range of ways of approaching life, and children should choose whatever makes most sense to them and is most compatible with their nature, character and personality. They become true individuals who have chosen the type of person they are going to be, not had it imposed on them by others. Autonomy is the essence of freedom. Free people will never be slaves. They will be natural meritocrats.

Materialism versus Spirituality.

The capitalist world is one of objects. People themselves are objectified. The acquisition of objects is the highest good in our society and your status is dependent on how highly others value the objects you own. This system is spiritually dead. It creates soulless zombies in shopping malls, aimlessly shuffling from one purchase to the next in a conveyer-belt process that never ends. You can never have enough objects. You will always need the latest upgrade, the latest fashion, the highest status objects – and these are permanently changing. There is no endpoint, but when your personal end comes (your death), all you have to show for it is a lot of junk that your relatives then consign to the garbage dump. And that metaphorically and even literally is what became of your life on earth – it joined the rest of the garbage. Is that how you want to live your life?

The State must introduce spirituality into our lives, not via master-slaves religions but through the aspiration that all of us are engaged in a sublime project to create a Community of Gods, a Society of the Divine. The pursuit of our own perfection will ensure we never become trapped in the status game, objectified, defined by our possessions rather than who we really are.

Children versus Parents.

Parents are often deemed to have absolute rights over their children, to the extent that parents are allowed to cut off the foreskin of an 8-day old baby boy without a single voice of protest being raised. The parents’ belief system literally has an effect on the little boy’s bodily integrity.

He is parentally “branded”. He had no say in at all. His consent was neither sought nor required. His parents were treating him as an object, a slave, a thing to which they could do anything they liked.

Is that acceptable? Isn’t it the worst thing imaginable? The function of parents is to love, nurture and support their children, it’s not to impose their own beliefs on them. If we genuinely say we are advocates of freedom, how can we let children be the slaves of their parents? Every baby is embraced by freedom the moment they are born. No major decision can be taken about their future without their consent. The function of parents and the State is to provide children with a framework that keeps all options open until the child is mature enough to make his own free choices.

Eros versus Thanatos.

Eros is the principle of life, energy, growth, vitality and an ascending trajectory while Thanatos is the principle of death, decay, degeneration, depression and a descending trajectory. Our world is full of Thanatos forces. Abrahamism – with its obsession with hell – is nothing but death. Capitalism – the cult of the object that even turns people into objects – is pure death. The privileged elite who reduce everyone else to mere bystanders, spectators and non-persons is the gospel of death.

“Pascal’s wager” probably encapsulates the cult of death better than anything else. The wager is this: 1) if God exists and you obey his laws, you will achieve the maximum possible gain (eternal joy in heaven) while if he doesn’t exist your maximum loss will be your opportunity to live as you like on earth and 2) if God exists and you don’t obey his laws you will achieve the maximum loss (eternal pain in hell) and if he doesn’t exist your maximum gain will be that you can do whatever you like with your mortal life on earth.

Pascal thought it was a no-brainer that you should rationally wager on God’s existence because your potential loss is so great if God exists but you act as though he doesn’t, and your potential gain isn’t all that much if he doesn’t in fact exist and you choose to do whatever you want. But the wager is much more complex than Pascal seemed to think. If there is no afterlife then, if you obey some book of lies, you have thrown away the only life you will ever have. This is an infinite loss since you will never again get a chance to live.

Moreover, if “God” is an entirely different type of being from the one Pascal envisaged then it’s possible you are sentencing yourself to eternal pain by NOT living life as fully as you can. What if God punishes those who chose to believe lies rather than live life?

What if you can become God only by living a succession of great lives where you are true to yourself and not to some ancient book of revelation?

The entire basis of Pascal’s wager is terror. This was a man who was petrified of God, the afterlife and indeed of life itself. Who wants to sign up to a wager of fear? Is that rational? Abrahamism functions entirely on this basis. It makes you afraid to live. In drowns you in the darkness of Thanatos.

All gospels of fear, terror and death must be INFINITELY rejected. They are an insult to life, just as Pascal himself was.

Nietzsche wrote of the “depraving of Pascal, who believed his reason had been depraved by original sin while it had only been depraved by his Christianity!” and described him as “the most instructive of all sacrifices to Christianity.”

Positive Liberty versus Negative Liberty.

Negative liberty is about being free FROM. Positive liberty is about being free FOR. Negative liberty is associated with right wing distrust of the “big State”; the State should exert minimal interference in people’s lives. The self-interested, self-absorbed, selfish family is the essence of negative liberty.

Positive liberty is associated with grand transformative projects to create a new type of human being. Ancient Athens, Sparta, Rome, the French Revolution, Nazism and Communism were all positive liberty initiatives. The family is often distrusted by positive liberty States, being viewed as a divisive and subversive element within the State that seeks its own advantage rather than the advantage of all. Whereas the positive liberty State is concerned with what Jean-Jacques Rousseau called the “General Will”, the negative liberty State focuses on the particular wills of families, sectional groups and institutions. Negative liberty plays the “divide and rule” game. Different interest groups are played off against one another and a stable Game Theory solution is sought. Negative liberty is not unlike the “MAD” (Mutually Assured Destruction) Cold War between America and the Soviet Union. All groups in the State are regarded as selfish units relentlessly pursuing their own self-interest. Just as Adam Smith spoke of an “invisible hand” guiding free market economics to arrive at reasonably stable solution, so the negative liberty doctrine assumes that a similar invisible hand brings all of the competing, selfish entities within society to a stable equilibrium. This is a dog-eat-dog world full of suspicion, selfishness and obsession with status.

The positive liberty doctrine considers it impossible for society to be healthy if groups are continually at each other’s throats. Positive liberty States are obsessed with unity rather than the cutthroat diversity and division of negative liberty States. Positive liberty States can lead to dangerous conformity while negative liberty States generate toxic alienation and distrust between people.

What the Illuminati advocate is communitarian, autonomous, meritocratic positive liberty. Individuals should be fundamentally independently minded and autonomous, but they should rationally understand that a community where everyone seeks to help each other is infinitely stronger than one where everyone is out to put everyone else down and to create a competitive advantage. Meritocracy is a natural partner of autonomous positive liberty whereas privilege goes hand in hand with negative liberty.

Religious Truth versus the Real Truth.

Mainstream religions promise the “truth” to everyone, which is one reason they are so successful. But what if the truth is a function of intelligence? Then the most intelligent can have access to truths denied to stupid people.

How many people can understand Einstein’s theories? Well, if Einstein has discovered real truths, these are not truths that ordinary people will ever grasp, right? Why should truth be open to everyone? Is genius? There is no prima facie reason why truth should be “democratic”. And, if it isn’t, some people will inhabit the world of truth much more meaningfully than others.

Hegel was of the opinion that only the philosophically minded had access to the highest truths. He regarded art and religion as ways by which non-philosophers could achieve some contact with the truth, but at a simplistic level in comparison with philosophy.

Can you imagine any religion telling the truth about truth? – i.e. that it is completely false to assert that truth is equally available to everyone.

Control versus Freedom.

The elite of society are terrified of losing everything, as in the French Revolution. They are therefore obsessed with control. Religious leaders are obsessed with control, as are business leaders, political leaders, leaders of all institutions. Those at the top are terrified of losing control. So they build control into everything. Stifling, authoritarian hierarchies are everywhere.

Isn’t it time for freedom? A world of autonomous individuals would not be one in which those individuals would tolerate being controlled. We have to get to the state where no one is controlled and groups of people come together cooperatively to achieve common goals. The most meritorious people for each task will take charge since that’s the rational thing to do, but, as the tasks change, so will those who are most meritocratic.

Wolves versus Dogs.

Dogs are tame wolves. They were bred for tameness so that they could be controlled and managed. We have to move away from the world of dogs and wolves. There’s no place for rigid systems of control and hordes of docile, sedated, tame and timid workers.

The autonomous individual is never a tame dog, nor is he a wolf praying on others.

It’s well known that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Hasn’t that been proved endless times? So there must be clear limits on power, and above all that means restricting the amount of money anyone can have. Money = power so no one can be allowed to have too much money.

The powerful have always abused their power and that abuse must be stopped by law.

Quality versus Quantity.

Capitalism is all about quantity. What price? What profit? How many units sold? What cost? How many employees? And so on.

We should be moving instead to a world of quality. If an activity does not raise the quality of the human race, it should be illegal. How will we make a better world if we don’t have higher quality people?

Meritocracy is about quality (what are your qualifications) while democracy is mere quantity (a head count). It’s impossible for democracy to improve the quality of the human race for the simple reason that democracy makes no reference at all to quality. It simply doesn’t enter into the democratic ideology. Meritocracy is purely about quality and only via meritocracy will human beings be turned first into supermen and superwomen and finally into Gods and Goddesses.


These are all the individual battles that must be fought and won to bring the Great War of Enlightenment to its end. The capitalists, the Abrahamists and the karmists are the forces of darkness. They are on the side of superstition, faith, greed, irrationality, privilege and submission to God. The Gnostics, the Agnostics, the Atheists and the Skeptics are the forces of light. They are on the side of knowledge, reason, altruism, meritocracy, art, science, mathematics, philosophy, psychology and freedom.

The individual battlegrounds have many common themes. Ultimately, they all revolve around reason, freedom and quality. Enlightenment is fundamentally about using rational means to generate the highest quality, free, autonomous individuals.

Humanity, if it is to take a divine leap forward, must prove that it has learned from the past. It can do so only by erasing most of the past. It’s a monumental and breathtaking disgrace that the deranged beliefs of ancient Jews still infect billions of people in the 21st century. How can any sane person in this day and age believe that the Creator of the Universe ordered a father to make a human sacrifice of his own son in order to test his obedience? Note that no one ever considers the psychological damage to Abraham’s son who knew for a fact that his own father was prepared to murder him in the name of God. There was no moral dimension at all to God’s deadly order, only an immoral one. It was an order of pure, Satanic evil and anyone who tries to defend it simply shows himself to be as evil as his master.

The sole purpose of God’s order was to establish an absolute and permanent relationship of master and slave between humanity and himself. All human beings must obey him without question, even if it means killing their children. You would need to be mentally fucked beyond repair to have anything but revulsion towards Abraham’s “God”. He is not God but the Devil. We can eradicate the Devil’s power over us by eradicating Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Nazis spoke of the Final Solution and there does indeed need to be a final reckoning of the Abrahamic question. Humanity is finished unless it slays Abrahamism once and for all. The long overdue death of Abrahamism is the sine qua non for human freedom. It ought to have died out when it was categorically refuted by science, but, being irrational, it has proved immune to facts, evidence, logic and reason. That’s exactly why it’s so evil and dangerous. You can’t negotiate with Abrahamists. You can’t rationally disprove their beliefs, not because of any problem with your disproof but because they fundamentally reject rational discourse and they won’t listen to you i.e. they have abolished the tool that proves that they are wrong. They are beyond help.

Who are the Abrahamists? – they are irrational, superstitious morons who believe in disproven, toxic nonsense. They stand fully opposed to science, mathematics and philosophy. The Enlightenment was all about overcoming Abrahamism. All Abrahamists are enemies of the Enlightenment. There is not one, good, decent, intelligent Abrahamist. They are all ineradicably evil. They are depraved enemies of humanity. The only good Abrahamist is, ultimately, a dead Abrahamist (and if that sounds callous, remember that these people have always happily exterminated anyone who chooses not to share their belief in their Torture God). Abrahamists corrupt and degrade our world and infect it with unreason. Abrahamism has been the most grotesque curse on humanity, the channel by which Satan has seized control of our world. Abrahamism must perish. It has nothing at all to offer the human race. It is the gospel of the slave, of all those who despise reason and freedom.

Only those individuals who are prepared to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil are conscious human beings. All of the rest are the damned. The greatest metaphorical act in human history was when the first woman ate the Eden apple. That act, far from being the original sin, was the first act of human consciousness, the first proof that humans themselves could be Gods. It was also a declaration of war on “God” – the false God, the Demiurge, the Jewish God, the God of divine master and human slave. How much better this world would have been if not one Jew had ever appeared in this world, if Abraham had rejected the Satan that ordered him to kill his son. The essence of Judaism and Abrahamism is that if a voice in your head tells you to kill your own flesh and blood you will do so without question. All of the psychopathic behaviour of Abrahamists down the ages stems from the JEWISH principle that humans must obey God no matter what. That is the sole Jewish “contribution” to the world – the doctrine that we must be God’s slaves. The Muslims have embraced the doctrine even more thoroughly and call their religion SUBMISSION. Be in no doubt, the only true religion is Illumination, the religion of FREEDOM.

The Jews infected the world with the master-slave ideology. They are to blame for the malignant history of the world and that fact must be unambiguously acknowledged before humanity can move on. All gospels of human enslavement to God must be repudiated. The only gospel that should be heard in the world is that of freedom.

EVERYTHING stems from this conflict between slavery and freedom. The slave religions place faith and obedience above all else. Illumination, the religion of freedom, places reason, knowledge and logic above all else – because these are the instruments of freedom and consciousness. The Enlightenment was all about how to increase reason and freedom at the expense of faith and slavery. But victory has not been achieved. An uneasy standoff now prevails, but the slave religions are continuing to grow at an alarming pace in the Third World amongst the legions of the illiterate and superstitious. The Great War of Enlightenment must now be decisively and definitely won. The Jewish crime against the world must be erased. Had their doctrine of slavery to God never been born, humanity could now be living in Paradise. Their doctrine of slavery to God soon enough gave rise to slavery to Man, in the shape of privileged elites who proclaimed that their right to rule was God-given. To resist being their slaves amounted to defiance of God himself, a crime worthy of eternal hellfire. This terrifying ideology has shaped our world ever since. The interests of Abrahamism and the Old World Order coincide perfectly. They are both all about human slavery.

Nothing has damaged the world more than the beliefs of the Jews. Israel’s two bastard children – Christianity and Islam – have trebled the catastrophe. The greatest tragedy of human history is that the ancient Greek pagans – perhaps the greatest human beings of them all; Pythagoras in particular – faded into oblivion and had to watch from the shadows while the insane Jews captured the world with their Torture God of heaven and hell. The Jews brought TERROR into our world, and it has never left us. Terror must be removed and that means removing Abrahamism. Now it will not be Isaac or Ishmael lying on the sacrificial slab but the Devil-God of Abraham himself, getting what he fully deserves. For his infinite crimes against humanity, he deserves no mercy and he shall get none. His name is LEGION, for his atrocities are countless. This monster, this beast, exterminated the whole human race apart from Noah in his Ark. Now humanity must take its revenge against the cosmic murderer and terrorist. This is the “God” of the Inquisition, of the witch burnings, of the extermination of the Gnostic Cathars, of holy war and jihad, of 9/11. “God” flew the planes into the twin towers, no one else. Now he must perish once and for all. He is the ultimate enemy of the people, humanity’s torturer who has held us against our will in the darkest torture chamber in existence – hell itself.

The Armageddon Conspiracy by Mike Hockney was all about the Illuminati’s ancient plot to kill this monster-God.

How dare any Abrahamist or capitalist stand in our way. How dare they defend their Satanic Lord. The barbarians must be destroyed. The damned must reap their just desserts. The Devil-God of Abrahamism must be eliminated. The Old World Order must fall.

This is the Illuminati’s State of the Union address. This is the Illuminati’s blueprint for a New World Order. This is the Illuminati’s Declaration of War.

You are all called as soldiers to this war. This is the war of the Second Enlightenment. The purpose of the First Enlightenment was to end privilege (monarchy) and faith (Christianity). There was a modicum of success, but the privileged and faithful are still with us. Many who claim to be enlightened are not enlightened at all. How can any enlightened person be a Christian, Jew or Muslim? The agenda of these ancient, decrepit systems of superstition were the central target of the Enlightenment. These religions remain as benighted as ever. They have no connection with reason, knowledge and plausibility. We always feel embarrassed on behalf of academics when they proclaim themselves “believers”. And we always think they should be fired. How can people of faith be allowed to remain in institutions of reason? It’s absurd. Luther was exactly right when he said that reason was faith’s deadliest enemy. So how can any person claiming to be rational also declare himself a believer? They might as well believe in elves at the bottom of the garden.

Destroy the pillars of faith. Topple the towers of ignorance. Burn down the synagogues of superstition.


The Lawgivers:

SOLON (638 – 558 BCE) WAS AN ATHENIAN STATESMAN credited with laying the foundations for democracy – its first tentative appearance in world history. Cleisthenes (570 – 507 BCE) later carried forward Solon’s work and earned the title of “the father of Athenian democracy” by introducing democracy proper.

Lycurgus (800 – 730 BCE) was the lawgiver of Sparta who established the famous military orientation of Spartan society based on the three Spartan virtues of equality, military fitness and austerity. Community rather than family was the bedrock of the Spartan State, with all of the men living in barracks. All seven-year-old boys were removed from home and placed in the equivalent of a military academy. Family life was entirely subordinated to the needs of the military State.


There is no more important person in any State than the Lawgiver. Solon brought an end to the worst abuses of the aristocratic families of Athens and ushered in the prototype of the new age of democracy, which Cleisthenes was later to shape into full democracy. In Sparta, Lycurgus also curtailed the influence of the family and produced a State based on the concept of the Band of Brothers (and Sisters – Spartan women were radically different from the women of the rest of Greece, being far more active, liberated and independent). The Spartans became one of the most brilliant fighting forces in world history despite never having a particularly large army, given that Spartan citizens were never numerous. One Spartan soldier was so well trained and effective as to be worth around ten of the soldiers of a rival army.

The Spartans were different from the Athenians not because Spartans and Athenians were different types of human being but because the laws under which they were governed produced citizens with profoundly different strengths, aptitudes, qualities and character. LAWS CREATE PEOPLE. Good laws produce good citizens; stupid laws create stupid people. Getting its laws right is a State’s most important task, yet most States are preoccupied with how to establish the set of laws most favourable to the privileged elite.

The laws of the Athenians produced constant debate between the citizens because Athens was a direct, active democracy (unlike the indirect, passive democracies of the modern age). Athenians were argumentative (dialectical) and this trait gave rise to great intellectuals and a wondrous culture. The Spartans, on the other hand, were highly disciplined and obedient to their leaders and thus perfect soldiers. Their respective qualities weren’t inborn in the Athenians or Spartans. They were the outcome of the laws used to mould them. (Similarly, religious leaders such as Moses, Buddha, Jesus Christ, St Paul, St Augustine, Mohammed and Luther were all lawgivers, whose laws created characteristic people. Look at modern Muslims with their robotic behaviour and their refusal to challenge the Koran and thus become rational, freethinkers. It was Mohammed and the Koran that made them into stupid, submissive sheeple; the clue is in the name of the religion – Islam MEANS “submission”, and it produces brainwashed, submissive people.)

In exactly the same way, modern lawgivers can lay down laws that will give rise to perfect human beings, to supermen and superwomen. All we need to do is rationally construct laws, using all of the lessons we have learned from human history, to achieve the goal we desire – the birth of the HyperHuman: the strong-willed, self-creating, self-defining, independent, autonomous individual who bends the knee to no one, who has the highest possible self- confidence and self-esteem and knows he will become everything he has it within him to be.

If you were the 21st century Solon or Lycurgus, what laws would you give to the world to shape the perfect human race? That is what you ought to be contemplating, not conspiracy theories, mystical hogwash and new age, lovey dovey bullshit.

Plutarch provides an account of the reforms carried out by Lycurgus to make it the famous city-state it became. Some of the highlights are shown below, including 1) the redistribution of land, 2) making money so heavy and cumbersome that it was hard to use and entirely obvious how much of it people had (and easy to detect any corrupt transactions) 3) communal eating and 4) creating a happy, united and virtuous people:


8) A second, and a very bold political measure of Lycurgus, is his redistribution of the land. For there was a dreadful inequality in this regard, the city was heavily burdened with indigent and helpless people, and wealth was wholly concentrated in the hands of a few. Determined, therefore, to banish insolence and envy and crime and luxury, and those yet more deep-seated and afflictive diseases of the state, poverty and wealth, he persuaded his fellow-citizens to make one parcel of all their territory and divide it up anew, and to live with one another on a basis of entire uniformity and equality in the means of subsistence, seeking pre-eminence through virtue alone, assured that there was no other difference or inequality between man and man than that which was established by blame for base actions and praise for good ones.

9) Next, he undertook to divide up their movable property also, in order that every vestige of unevenness and inequality might be removed; and when he saw that they could not bear to have it taken from them directly, he took another course, and overcame their avarice by political devices. In the first place, he withdrew all gold and silver money from currency, and ordained the use of iron money only. Then to a great weight and mass of this he gave a trifling value, so that ten minas’ worth required a large storeroom in the house, and a yoke of cattle to transport it. When this money obtained currency, many sorts of iniquity went into exile from Lacedaemon. For who would steal, or receive as a bribe, or rob, or plunder that which could neither be concealed, nor possessed with satisfaction, nay, nor even cut to pieces with any profit? For vinegar was used, as we are told, to quench the red-hot iron, robbing it of its temper and making it worthless for any other purpose, when once it had become brittle and hard to work.

10) With a view to attack luxury still more and remove the thirst for wealth, he introduced his third and most exquisite political device, namely, the institution of common messes, so that they might eat with one another in companies, of common and specified foods, and not take their meals at home, reclining on costly couches at costly tables, delivering themselves into the hands of servants and cooks to be fattened in the dark, like voracious animals, and ruining not only their characters but also their bodies, by surrendering them to every desire and all sorts of surfeit, which call for long sleeps, hot baths, abundant rest, and, as it were, daily nursing and tending. This was surely a great achievement, but it was a still greater one to make wealth “an object of no desire,” as Theophrastus says, and even ‘unwealth,’ by this community of meals and simplicity of diet.

31) It was not, however, the chief design of Lycurgus then to leave his city in command over a great many others, but he thought that the happiness of an entire city, like that of a single individual, depended on the prevalence of virtue and concord within its own borders. The aim, therefore, of all his arrangements and adjustments was to make his people free-minded, self- sufficing, and moderate in all their ways, and to keep them so as long as possible. His design for a civil polity was adopted by Plato, Diogenes, Zeno, and by all those who have won approval for their treatises on the subject, although they left behind them only writings and words. Lycurgus, on the other hand, produced not only writings and words, but an actual polity which was beyond imitation, and because he gave, to those who maintain that the much talked of natural disposition to wisdom exists only in theory, an example of an entire city given to the love of wisdom, his family rightly transcended that of all who ever founded polities among the Greeks. Therefore Aristotle says that the honours paid him in Sparta were less than he deserved, although he enjoys the highest honours there. For he has a temple, and sacrifices are offered to him yearly as to a god. It is also said that when his remains were brought home, his tomb was struck by lightning, and that this hardly happened to any other eminent man after him except Euripides, who died and was buried at Arethusa in Macedonia. The lovers of Euripides therefore regard it as a great testimony in his favour that he alone experienced after death what had earlier befallen a man who was most holy and beloved of the gods.


REASON is humanity’s salvation. Reason allows us to construct rational laws that will transform the human condition. Reason allows us to escape the past, to escape false Gods and stupid beliefs. Our future is inextricably linked to reason and if we turn our back on reason we are finished.

We must turn to Lawgivers who will provide us with a constitution that enshrines reason as the highest good and the central axis of the State. Anything that subverts reason should be outlawed. In particular, that means that no religions of faith should be permitted in a rational State. What do the superstitious, irrational religions have to offer the world? – nothing at all!

The Elite’s “Justice”:

Plato in The Republic reported that Thrasymachus, a sophist and orator, declared that justice, or right, is simply what is in the best interest of the stronger party: justice is simply a code of behaviour imposed on men by their rulers. In other words, might is right.

This is the underlying basis of the elite’s approach to justice. It is whatever suits their interests. It has zero connection with anything else.

Political Degeneration:

Ancient Greece city-states were governed according to three basic models. Each of these models had an optimal condition and a dangerous condition into which it typically degenerated:

Autocracy – rule by one person e.g. a king; it degenerated into Tyranny.

Aristocracy – rule by the “best” people; it degenerated into Oligarchy and Plutocracy.

Democracy – rule by the ordinary people; it degenerated into Ochlocracy (mob rule).

What is Meritocracy? It’s a modern version of ancient aristocracy. It seeks to identify the best people to run the State. To avoid any slide into plutocracy, it prohibits inheritance and prevents anyone from becoming excessively wealthy. To prevent any slide into oligarchy, it uses democratic votes amongst suitably qualified people to remove people from office if they are acting against the interests of the people.


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