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Academia Iluministă (47)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

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Here are the central ideas and core tenants of Illuminism:


The following are the essential points of Illuminism, the logical premises by which it stands or falls:

1) Q. What is the arche, the fundamental substance of existence?

A. It is “minded”, formless, striving, dimensionless energy – Pure Will. Since it is dimensionless, it does not experience the “mortal” dimensions of space and time, hence is immortal. It has always existed and it will always exist. It is existence itself. It can never not exist. It accords with the First law of Thermodynamics which declares that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It cannot be brought into existence and nor can it be removed from existence; it has simply always existed. But, crucially, it can be transformed. Its quality can be improved until it’s perfect.

2) Q. How does the formless arche attain form?

A. Through the only thing that can provide absolute order, organization, system, stability, pattern, logic – mathematics, the queen of the sciences, the sacred science. Nothing else exists that can accomplish what mathematics can. It is the ONLY candidate for providing cosmic form, law and organized behaviour.

3) Q. In that case, where does mathematics come from? How is the cosmos able to understand mathematics?

A. Mathematics is in fact the surest proof of cosmic mind and intelligence. It is absurd to propose as materialistic science does, that mindless matter is miraculously able to organize itself in a host of complex ways according to the “laws of physics”. No scientist has ever explained where the laws of physics come from and how they are possible. Why those laws and not others? Why any laws at all? Why not eternal randomness and chaos? Why should matter be subject to law at all? Why should matter have any connection with mathematics? In fact, the cosmos “learned” mathematics over many eons by nothing more sophisticated than trial and error, evolutionary natural selection and dialectical progression: the principles that have guided all existence since time immemorial. The cosmos in itself – dimensionless energy – continually “spilled” out of itself into dimensionality. It is the nature of Will never to be “contained”. It will always try to reach beyond itself. This was a haphazard process since dimensionality is mathematical and mathematics did not yet exist in any coherent way. Each time Will entered the domain of partial, incomplete dimensionality, it learned some new item of mathematical information. After countless “experiments”, the Will had learned to count and understand geometrical shapes. Not in any conscious sense – more like the ultimate autistic savant. Its grasp of mathematics was strictly intuitive.

Mathematics was the first language ever learned by the cosmos; it is thereby the fundamental language of existence. It is the basis of all order and thought, of logic and reason, of mind, of consciousness. It is the essential framework providing the categories of understanding. It is the sine qua non. Mathematics can be considered as the true version of the Platonic Forms: eternal, perfect, unchanging, existing in a permanent ideal state to which the whole cosmos has access. They were not given to the cosmos as perfect Forms; rather they dialectically evolved and when they reached their Omega Point they were subject to no further change; they had achieved perfection and completion. Plato’s domain of perfect Forms is the domain of mathematics and it is now hard-wired into the cosmos (we might say that this domain is stored in the core memory of the cosmic mind, the Read-Only memory, to use a computing term.) The Will learned through its endless experimentation that only “complete” mathematics is stable and provides a proper framework for organization and order: all of Plato’s mathematical Forms must be used, not an incomplete subset. And so came the miraculous moment when the r = 0 dimensionless cosmos of mind deliberately poured itself out into the r > 0 dimensional cosmos, according to a perfect intuitive understanding of complete mathematics as eternal Platonic Forms. Formlessness flowed through the domain of mathematical Forms and emerged in the myriad forms we observe in Nature. Plato’s mathematical Forms are the origins of the laws of physics that shape the world we observe around us. They dictated the creation of the material world. This supreme, defining event was none other than the Big Bang itself.

4) It is essential for the cosmos to externalise itself, to physicalize itself, to alienate itself, in order to dialectically overcome that alienation and reach self consciousness. The teleological purpose of the cosmos is precisely that: to attain self-consciousness, to actualise all of the latent powers, potential and possibilities of raw mind. No scientist has ever explained how mind originates in dead, mindless matter. The truth is that the arche is alive and minded and always has been. There is no dualism between life and death, between mind and non-mind, between consciousness and non-consciousness. Everything exists on a continuum of actualisation of life, mind and consciousness. Humans have more of it (more actualisation) than plants which have more of more of it than rocks which have more of it than interstellar dust. The cosmos is based on monism, not dualism. To be precise, it is a dialectical monism. All dualistic systems – those based on two radically different concepts such as mind/matter, death/life, consciousness/non-consciousness – all fail for exactly the same reason: two unlike substances cannot interact.

5) Mathematical dialectical monism based on complete mathematics provides the answer to Leibniz’s requirement that the best account of the world is the one that is “simplest in hypotheses and the richest in phenomena.” Complete mathematics achieves precisely this. Nothing else could accomplish this with the same simplicity, consistency, efficiency and elegance. In fact nothing else is even conceivable.

6) Complete mathematics also addresses Leibniz’s fundamental question of why there is something rather than nothing. “Nothing” – zero – is something. It is a mathematical number, one of the complete set; in fact it’s at the very origin of the complete set. Complete mathematics asserts that all numbers have equal “reality”, hence zero is as real, has as much existence, as any other number. Zero can be defined as 1/∞. So, already, we can see that it is something and not nothing. In fact, any finite number divided by infinity equals zero. Zero is the twin of infinity – the other side of the coin, the flip side, the inverse – and contains all numbers. The question why is there something rather than nothing is really an implicit acknowledgement of the stance of scientific materialism that dimensionless existence is impossible.


The Mathematical Key.

Philosophy can usefully be reduced to three main positions:

1) Idealism: mind is primary. Matter is a mental construct, a creation of the mind.

2) Materialism: matter is primary. Mind is a material construct, a creation of matter.

3) Panpsychism – an intermediate position between idealism and materialism. Mind and matter both exist, but all matter is imbued with mind (i.e. mind is everywhere and in all things).

Panpsychism lies closer to idealism because it supports the primacy of mind and the possible existence of mind without matter but not the reverse position of matter existing without mind.

What is science? In fact, it is nothing but mathematical materialism i.e. the materialist philosophy expressed mathematically. Science has destroyed all opposition because nothing else matches the power of mathematics. Science only has one rival – a rival that has hitherto been secret – ILLUMINATION. And what is Illumination? – it is mathematical idealism, and can also be characterized as mathematical panpsychism. The key point is that it employs exactly the same decisive weapon as science – mathematics – except it does so much more thoroughly, to the extent that science is finally revealed as an incomplete subset of Illumination. All of the great mysteries are answered in that part of mathematics which deals with the key arena ignored by science – namely three numbers: zero, infinity and the “imaginary number”, i.

Illuminism, a position based on mathematical idealism/panpsychism, asserts that a) mind is primary and can exist without matter b) matter can never exist without mind c) Mind is everywhere and present in all things d) Mind and matter are entirely MATHEMATICAL.

Matter can be considered a mathematical function of mind. Matter is real, but only as a dimensional implementation of the functions of dimensionless mind. Mind is dimensionless matter and matter is dimensional mind. The two states are related by mathematical TRANSFORMS such as the Fourier Transform.

The concept of the Mathematical Transform is the key to mind-matter interaction. It is the SOLUTION to Cartesian mind-matter dualism. Mind and matter are simply transforms of each other.

A Fourier Transform can convert a frequency spectrum into a time/space representation, and an inverse Fourier Transform can do the opposite and convert a time/space function into a frequency spectrum. Likewise, mind and matter are connected by a mind transform to matter and an inverse matter transform to mind.

What is the brain-mind complex? It’s just a fantastically complex living computer that performs Fourier Transforms and their inverse, and this is what constitutes the mind-matter interaction and how they communicate with each other and make sense of each other. The mind is a dimensionless frequency domain and the brain is a dimensional time/space domain. Fourier Transforms can convert time-space functions into frequency representations, and inverse Fourier Transforms do the reverse.

Illuminism can also be characterised as mathematical monism. The universe comprises a single substance. We might call it “energy” but all that energy actually does is perform mathematical operations. Energy is indistinguishable from what it does and what it does is perform mathematics – nothing else. Energy is “living mathematics”, so to speak. Mind is dimensionless energy and matter is dimensional energy. Mind and matter DO MATHEMATICS and that’s all they do. The difference between the two is that mind is dimensionless mathematics in the frequency domain and matter is dimensional mathematics in the space-time domain. They communicate and interconvert via mathematical transforms. EVERTHING is a function of mathematics, and not a single thing exists outside mathematics. Everything that seems completely unmathematical – such as feelings and irrational decisions – is in fact mathematical when properly understood. What is an emotion? It’s information in the broadest sense. What is information? – mathematical signals. If there were no mathematical signals, there would be no information. If there was no information, there would be no emotions. Nothing can exist if it cannot be boiled down to mathematical signals and information. There is mathematics and nothing besides.

Everything to do with God, souls, the afterlife, consciousness, mind and how mind and matter interact is an expression of mathematics. A Grand Unified Theory of Everything is possible because ultimately everything is just one thing – mathematics. The universe is intelligible because it is ordered according to the laws of mathematics. Any universe not based on mathematics would be unintelligible and contain no order, organisation or information. Such a universe would be utterly meaningless. Such a universe cannot exist.

Mathematics is meaning. Mathematics is evolution. Why? Because mathematical functions have one crucial property – they can become more complex. The universe is nothing but an infinite mathematical function growing more and more complex, so complex eventually that it becomes conscious and can reflect on its own mathematical nature. Consciousness is self-aware mathematics. Human beings are MATHEMATICAL entities. We are functions, nodes of a cosmic mathematical equation that is in the process of solving itself. The answer to the cosmic equation is GOD! And we can all become God by becoming mathematically optimised.

Any system of thought or belief divorced from mathematics is pure BULLSHIT with zero truth content in any practical sense. The Torah, Bible and Koran do not contain a single mathematical equation hence are utter nonsense from beginning to end. These books say not a single truthful thing about the nature of the cosmos and existence.

Science is mathematical materialism, and it’s thanks to mathematics that it’s so successful. Science fails in the last resort because it does not define mind as an independent entity. Illuminism is the ultimate system of thought because mathematical idealism/panpsychism incorporates mathematical materialism i.e. science is a subset of Illuminism. Illuminism is that which answers all of the issues regarding what lies beyond science. In that sense, Illuminism is pure metaphysics but of a singular nature. All of the metaphysical assertions of Illuminism are actually statements of mathematics, just as all statements of science are. Mathematics unifies physics and metaphysics. Mathematics unifies and explains EVERYTHING.

This is the Gospel of the Illuminati.


Illuminism is reducible to an incredibly small set of ten rational assertions, namely:

1) As Pythagoras said, “All things are numbers.” ALL numbers are included in this statement. None are excluded. All numbers have ontological reality. An ontological number is an energy wave; the number being the frequency of the wave. (The precise nature of the “zero wave” is one we will defer for now.)

2) The universe of numbers provides a self-solving, self-optimizing equation, proceeding by way of the dialectic outlined by Heraclitus and Hegel.

3) The universe, objectively, is based on mathematical Logos (reason).

4) The universe, subjectively, is based on will, feelings and desire: these are the inner, living experience of mathematical functions.

5) The arche, the fundamental substance of existence, is ontological zero, the monad, as described by Leibniz. There are infinite monads. Each monad contains infinite numbers (energy) that sum to zero. A monad is an unconscious mind capable of becoming a conscious soul and finally of becoming God.

6) All objective properties of the universe sum to zero and the universe is subject to absolute symmetry to ensure that all properties sum to zero.

7) The “material” universe is produced by the interaction of the energy of monads; the monads themselves provide a perfect Cartesian grid – an absolute reference frame – against which all events are measured and registered.

8) The material universe is contained within a mental Singularity – the Genesis Singularity. There is in fact no such thing as the material universe. It is actually a universe of objective mental mathematical relations. It is its objectivity – the fact that it exists independently of our wishes, thoughts and feelings – that makes people think it is a physical “thing” that endures whether we are present or not. What scientists call materialism is actually mathematical objectivity, which has exactly the same features as materialism, with the exception that it’s ultimately all contained in the mind of the universe. The whole of existence fits into ONE DIMENSIONLESS POINT – THE GENESIS SINGULARITY. That’s all there is: one point comprising infinite souls/minds/monads/ potential Gods. To achieve a full mental understanding of the Singularity is to become God. All you have to know is the mathematics of infinite monads of infinite energy, all located in a single existential point constituting a perfect existential plenum.

9) The universe is seeking to become perfect, to reach its omega point where it becomes Absolute.

10) Every monad starts as blank potential, as the simplest possible set of functions and with the barest information. When it reaches its omega point, each monad becomes completely actualised. It has been transformed from the simplest to the most complex set of functions, corresponding to optimal information. It has become God. When the universe has become fully divine, it has reached the end of a Cosmic Age, and must start again. This is the moment of Divine Suicide, which, by the symmetry of life, is also the moment of Divine Rebirth.

To accept these rational assertions is what it means to be an Illuminist. All Illuminists are working on the alchemical project to transmute themselves from base metal into gold – God – through the acquisition of ultimate knowledge. The Mind of God is the one that understands that matter is a manifestation of mind, hence can be mentally controlled. Such a mind attains an even greater degree of control over “reality” than that exhibited by Neo in the computer simulation depicted in the film The Matrix. At the end of the Matrix trilogy, Neo – God – commits divine suicide in order to allow the world to start again.

The Matrix is an almost perfect Mythos account of Logos reality. If you replace the computer simulation aspects of The Matrix with ontological mathematics, you have more or less arrived at the universe of the Illuminati. In The Matrix, Neo is the Chosen One becoming God. In Illuminism, everyone can be Neo. Everyone is chosen, yet most remained mired in blindness and ignorance, and actively helping the forces of darkness – all the dialectical forces that are preventing the attainment of the Omega Point (the Absolute, Perfection).


Our own individual existence – the fact that we can say, as Descartes did, “I think therefore I am” – means that we can be certain of several things:

1) By virtue of our own existence, it is proved that non-existence is an impossible state and therefore that there is an infinity of existence. The universe of existence has no limits whatever. It stretches to … infinity. That’s an indisputable rational fact.

2) There is no further point contemplating non-existence. Had this state been true (and hence existence false), we wouldn’t be here to think about it. But it is false now, false in the past and false forever. We will later provide a logical mathematical argument to explain why existence is preferred over non-existence, but there was never any time when any “decision” had to be made. Existence has always been true and non-existence always false. Existence is an eternal and indissoluble fact. Existence is the way it is and it can’t be otherwise. Non-existence, as the mutually exclusive “partner” of existence, can be ruled out forever as a subject worthy of our consideration. (A Creator God making existence spring out of non-existence – creating something from nothing – is also logically and permanently refuted. There can be no Abrahamic
Creator God, and all Abrahamists are wrong and deluded. That’s a fact.)

3) The fundamental stuff of which we are made – the fundamental stuff of existence – is eternal. It is infinitely old and it will endure eternally. It cannot perish. It cannot be annihilated. There is no means to stop it from existing. That, of course, goes for us too – our immortal souls. The existence of immortal souls is just about the surest and most logical concept you can possibly have.

4) The fundamental stuff of existence is capable of producing mind, life and consciousness. We know this for the simple reason that we ourselves are living creatures with conscious minds.

5) There is an infinite amount of this fundamental stuff of existence that can give rise to mind, life and consciousness.

6) The universe of existence is infinite in extent. It does not co-exist with regions of non-existence that limit its scale. It is UNLIMITED in any definition of time and space that we choose to apply. It is everywhere and it is eternal.

7) Whatever this fundamental stuff of existence is, it is ultimately what defines us, our thoughts, our lives and the universe itself. We are the way we are because it is the way it is. Its properties make us. All of our properties are inherent in it.


What are the fundamental axioms of existence? Here is an initial set, all of which are intimately connected, and flow one from the other and into each other:

Axiom 1: Non-existence is impossible.

Axiom 2: Existence cannot be created from non-existence and existence cannot disappear into non-existence.

Axiom 3: Existence is everywhere and forever.

Axiom 4: Anything that exists is eternal in terms of its constituents.

Axiom 5: There are no limits on existence, hence it is infinite.

Axiom 6: The universe is infinite.

Axiom 7: Nothing can be added to existence or subtracted from it, but existence can continually transform itself.

Axiom 8: Any transformation of existence must reflect the inherent properties of the fundamental units of existence since otherwise things previously non-existent things would be coming into existence in contradiction of Axiom 1, the fundamental basis of existence. In particular, there is no such thing as EMERGENCE where novel, previously non-existent phenomena are said to be appear as a result of mixing ingredients in certain special ways.

Axiom 9: A key corollary of Axiom 8 is that mind, life and consciousness must already be present in some form in the fundamental units of existence; otherwise, these would have to be treated as non-existents that suddenly came into existence through some miraculous emergence, in contradiction of Axiom 1.

Axiom10: The fundamental units of existence are therefore in some sense alive.

Axiom11: The fundamental units of existence are therefore in some sense imbued with mind, and consciousness is a potentiality of mind even if it may be difficult to express it (mind in its basic condition is unconscious; alternatively, we might say that consciousness is the highest expression of unconsciousness, or unconsciousness is the lowest expression – ground state – of consciousness).

Axiom 12: The fundamental units of existence are unconscious or pre-conscious, and consciousness is nothing but a more complex version of the mental processes involved in unconscious or pre-conscious minds i.e. unconsciousness and consciousness exist on a spectrum and are not wholly different states. Consciousness is more advanced, more complex,
unconsciousness. Since this is such a key point, we will give an example. A sleepwalking human being is not conscious and yet can walk, talk, and perform complex tasks. The difference between an unconscious and conscious human being is that the latter can reflect on what he is doing and remember it. The actual mental tasks performed may be identical in both cases and indeed there is a great deal of evidence that unconscious acts can be performed more expertly than conscious acts, as in the sporting arena where sportsmen and women often fail when they become overly conscious of what they are doing and leave the “zone” where they had previously been doing things effortlessly (and essentially unconsciously). Consciousness is different in quality from unconsciousness, but is not different in kind. It’s a more complex and sophisticated version of the same phenomenon. If you think about it, all human beings are continually acting according to unconscious factors as well as conscious ones, and these are seamlessly integrated to provide the appearance of 100% conscious control, when the truth is rather different. But what this means is that consciousness and unconsciousness are not two different “substances”, but the same substance expressed with higher or lower quality, with greater or lesser expression of its inherent potential.

Axiom 13: It follows from Axiom 12 that the universe is capable of performing minded, purposeful, intelligent acts, just like a sleepwalking human being. The universe can be conceived as an unconscious, sleepwalking, living intelligence. It is not stupid, lifeless, mindless robotic, mechanistic and purposeless, as scientific materialism asserts.

Axiom 14: It follows from Axioms 12 and 13 that the universe is inherently teleological: it has purposes that it seeks to fulfil, and above all, it seeks to become conscious as the best means of enacting its purposes.

Axiom 15: It follows from the previous Axioms that the universe is an evolving, purposeful organism or mind – not a lifeless, clockwork mechanism obeying implacable machine laws, as is so often characterised by scientific materialists.


Understanding Illuminism Comments:

“I’d like to make sure that I interpret Illumination correctly. Here are 18 statements that describe what I’ve understood form it. As a critical person, I’ll try to deconstruct them in another letter. I think it will be interesting to you what a former very staunch atheist has made of what you said and what weak points he finds:

1) Everything is in its fundamental form is the arche – which can be both material and non-material.

2) Arche is ever-changing, ever becoming. Change is what unifies existence with non-existence, something with nothing. Nothing is Something due to be (a potential), Something is Nothing that was (an actualization).

3) The arche, in its most rudimentary form has discrete nature and consists of an infinite number of massless and formless particles, outside of space and time, called monads.

4) These monads are not only objective entities, they can subjectively experience events, i.e. they’re alive.

5) The immaterial aspect of the universe is mind. It is eternal, spaceless and timeless, although mental time and space occur there. Mind has infinite potential, infinite ideas, that need to be actualized.

6) In the beginning of the Universe all monads exist unseparated, forming a great Oneness.

7) So that the monads can experience separation and individuation and gain self-knowledge, the material world is created (by them).

8) Through a large number of lives and deaths souls gain more and more experience of the material world with the final goal to achieve complete knowledge of themselves, their purpose and all the mysteries of existence. Life and death are in fact different aspects of the existence of the soul. Life represents the soul existence in both material and immaterial domains, while death – only in the immaterial. The soul is eternal. It moves from body to body via reincarnation. It is the bearer of individuality.

9) Consciousness gradually develops through many lifetimes. The degree of consciousness separates non-living from living entities, humans from animals etc. Humans are between the stages of narrating sentience and meta-consciousness, i.e. consciousness reflecting on itself.

10) Evil comes from separation, both spacetime and separation between different consciousness. A third layer of separation is also suggested – between the soul and the ego. Good comes from the desire for unification and regaining of the oneness.

11) The nature of the universe is dialectical – it is a battle of opposites – good vs. evil, separation vs. oneness, matter vs. mind, entropy vs. negentropy. This opposition, however, doesn’t lead to an eternal standstill rather it produces new conditions and states of existence, where all contradictions are resolved. The synthesis then becomes thesis on its own account and produces an antithesis, because the Universe always strives for balance. From the new contradiction, a new synthesis arises and so the story goes on until the final synthesis of mind and matter – the Universal Synthesis. Then the end of history, the Omega point, occurs when no events of significance happen. A divine suicide takes place. The Universe begins a new cycle.

12) The Universe can actually be described as a computer performing the mathematical operations of differentiation and integration. Existence is cyclical, but no cycle looks like the previous one. Existence itself is an end and not a means. Big Bangs and Big Crunches alternate. Mind and matter separation and re-unification occur in an endless cycle. It is best described by an ever unfolding spiral. One of the weak points of Illuminism is that it (as far as I know) doesn’t answer the question when the first cycle of this succession of cycles took place and what was there before it. Because in a succession, even if infinite, there always has to be a first member. Of course one can say that between two cycles there is no physical time, so they cannot be determined in such a manner, but succession of cycles means that one precedes the other regardless of whether time flows or not.

13) Humans are potential Gods.

14) Understanding of the secrets of Nature can be achieved by inner experience, through Gnosis. The Holy Grail is an object that can accelerate the process.

15) Humans use their dominant left brain, which is responsible for details, material reality, the things that happen now and here. It is egoistic, concerned with the I and its immediate survival. In their right brain resides a second personality, their eternal self, their soul. The right brain is holistic, mathematical, philosophical, and represents the connection humans have with the eternal mental domain. It is concerned with the global picture and is more altruistic. Gnosis is achieved by establishing contact with this second personality, with our unconscious. The process is described best by Jung and his Individuation Program, the God Program.

16) Humans can choose to perpetuate the existence of their ego, by trying to achieve a physical immortality, or to establish contact with their immortal self. (Well it is my conclusion – it is based on the dialectical logic – if immortality of the consciousness can be achieved by becoming our higher self, then the antithesis of it will be immortality, based on avoiding contact with the eternal self and perpetuating the ego instead.)

17) I also draw a conclusion, from all I’ve read during the past year, that the current State of Man is not natural. In the past, we had a connection to the right brain and no fear of death, could use telepathy, build giant monuments. But because of the intervention of an egoistic power (the Demiurge) we lost this connection and our perspective of the world shifted – we were more separated than ever, now even separated from ourselves. We entered the world of Good and Evil, of existential fear the world of the ego, of the left brain.”


There is certainly no leap of faith involved in Illumination. What it does involve is absolute confidence in reason, particularly as regards mathematics. Illuminism is based on the numbers zero and infinity – which are, by definition, beyond the reach of scientific materialism. Scientific materialism, the basis of atheism, is the faith-based position that the numbers zero and infinity do not have ontological reality, although it has no means of disproving their existence and, in mathematical terms, it’s irrational to deny their existence.

Illumination, on the contrary, is the position that existence is “living mathematics” and that all numbers have ontological reality, including zero, infinity, negative numbers and imaginary numbers. Illumination then becomes a “simple” exercise of explaining what all the different numbers mean. Imaginary numbers are time, real numbers are space and the spacetime continuum is therefore an arena of complex numbers. Negative real numbers represent “antispace” (antimatter) and negative imaginary numbers are anti-time. Zero is the number of immaterial existence (the mind/”soul”/life), and infinity (infinite mathematical energy) can be
contained within zero as long as positive infinity is cancelled by negative infinity, and positive imaginary infinity is cancelled by negative imaginary infinity, leaving a resultant of zero.

Illumination is based on the absolute, immutable, eternal truths of mathematics, not the provisional truths of science (which can be overturned at any time by new experimental data inconsistent with prevailing scientific paradigms). Science is inherently not a subject that can deliver absolute truth. Atheism, which derives its justification from science, can therefore never be anything but a provisional position – waiting to be falsified/refuted.

Mathematics is not provisional. It provides unarguable knowledge. If everything is mathematical then there is an absolute, unarguable answer to existence. Illumination is based on the Monadology of Leibniz, the inventor of calculus and the greatest genius in human history. Leibniz was the supreme logician and rationalist.

You’re absolutely right that Illumination and atheism are the only credible shows in town. We reduce these two positions to how consistent they are with mathematics, and calculus in particular. Our approach is extremely technical, and that’s the level at which we wish to have any fruitful discussion. In this series, we will demonstrate the numerous logical fallacies – blatant contradictions of mathematics – that lie at the heart of scientific materialism.

Science and atheism both fail because they are insufficiently mathematical.

Illumination is the religion, philosophy and science of MATHEMATICS. We assert that absolutely everything can be explained mathematically, and that only our system offers the eternal, immutable certainties that people seek. Whether people like the answers is quite another matter. The truth has no obligation to be nice and comfortable. As it turns out, mathematics offers everything that any religious person could ever want, but that’s because of the extraordinary properties of numbers, not because of any preposterous “Creator”.

Most of us were atheists too before we found Illumination. We’ve all tried putting dents in it, but we have all failed. If you can find a flaw, we’ll be delighted to hear from you – but you will need to express your findings in mathematics before we can engage with them.

Our website and books are about giving people a feel for what we’re talking about without laying
heavy-duty mathematics on them – but the real position of Illumination can only be understood via highly technical mathematical considerations.


Consider these principles Pythagoras taught to the Mathematikoi.

(1) Reality is mathematical at its deepest level.

(2) The cosmos exhibits order because it obeys mathematical laws.

(3) If the cosmos were not mathematical it would be permanently chaotic and random. No form of organization would ever have emerged. No life could have arisen.

(4) Mathematics is the first language of the cosmos. Mathematics underlies reason, order, organization, pattern, logic, and form.

(5) God is mathematics come to life.

(6) God is mathematical perfection.

(7) The thinking mind, both human and divine, is born of mathematics.

(8) The mathematics of humanity can evolve to the mathematics of divinity: the latter is simply an inferior version of the latter.

(9) Through the understanding of mathematics, humans can comprehend the Mind of God.

(10) The human soul reflects the mathematics of eternity.

(11) Mathematics and philosophy can purify the soul spiritually.

(12) The human soul can rise to union with the divine.

(13) Certain symbols have a mystical significance via which the secrets of God are revealed.

(14) God has filled the cosmos with mathematical messages (codes) to the human race to provide the answers to all of our questions. We need only read the codes, but to do so we must learn to see through God’s eyes.

(15) Good and evil have their origins in mathematics. Good is associated with those who wish to live in harmony with others; evil is the result of the desire to destroy harmony by treating others in a lesser way than one would expect to be treated oneself. Good people seek harmony; evil people seek discord. Good people seek cooperation, evil people seek to put others down in order to raise themselves up.

(16) God wants all good people to join him. He rejects all evil people.

(17) Emotion is based on music, and music on mathematics. All of our emotions are reflected in music. Music can make us happy, sad, tearful, and ecstatic. It can rouse us to dance. It can plunge us into despair. It can deliver serenity. It can make us restless. It can inspire us, or crush us. It can allow us to enter into communion with others. It can raise our minds to the level of the divine. Through perfect music, we can glimpse the perfect mind of God.

(18) All things have a profound inner grasp of mathematics. Even when they do not know it, all things are carried along in the eternal flow of mathematics, the river of enlightenment.

(19) Those who do not understand mathematics are those who have not had what is buried within them brought into the light of reason.

(20) Light and sound are mathematical. In the afterlife, we hear the Music of the Spheres and see the infinitely dazzling light patterns of eternity.


Found in Gödel’s papers after his death was a fourteen-point outline of his philosophical beliefs, centered on hyperrationalism. The fourteen points, all of which are extremely Leibnizian, are:

1) The world is rational.

2) Human reason can, in principle, be developed more highly (through certain techniques).

3) There are systematic methods for the solution of all problems (also art, etc.).

4) There are other worlds and rational beings of a different and higher kind.

5) The world in which we live is not the only one in which we shall live or have lived.

6) There is incomparably more knowable a priori than is currently known.

7) The development of human thought since the Renaissance is thoroughly intelligible.

8) Reason in mankind will be developed in every direction.

9) Formal rights comprise a real science.

10) Materialism is false.

11) The higher beings are connected to the others by analogy, not by composition.

12) Concepts have an objective existence.

13) There is a scientific (exact) philosophy and theology, which deals with concepts of the highest abstractness; and this is also most highly fruitful for science.

14) Religions are, for the most part, bad – but religion is not.


Putting It All Together.

Illuminism has no connection whatsoever with faith. We don’t expect anyone to “believe” a single word of what we have said. Our religion has no time for those who cling to Holy Scripture and the words of dead prophets. All faith-based religious statements are intrinsically absurd and quintessentially UNBELIEVABLE. That’s the supreme irony of the Abrahamic religions. They are all about belief, yet no one with a brain and power of rational thought could ever believe them.

We have presented Illuminism as a set of philosophical, religious, mathematical and scientific statements. Slowly but surely we have constructed the edifice that everyone can now see for themselves. We have quoted no holy books of Illuminism that you must accept without question; we have quoted no prophets of Illuminism whom you must believe utterly or suffer eternal hellfire.

Every statement we have made is capable of being analysed and challenged. If you think you can improve Illuminism, go for it! Illuminism is a dialectical religion; it is perfecting itself, just as the cosmos itself is. That is the fundamental nature of the dialectic.


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