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Academia Iluministă (56)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

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THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES OF BOOKS outlining the religion, politics and philosophy of the ancient and controversial secret society known as the Illuminati, of which the Greek polymath Pythagoras was the first official Grand Master. The society exists to this day and the author is a member, working under the pseudonym of “Adam Weishaupt” – the name of the Illuminati’s most notorious Grand Master.

The Illuminati’s religion is the most highly developed expression of Gnosticism and is called Illumination (alternatively, Illuminism). Dedicated to the pursuit of enlightenment, it has many parallels with the Eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. It rejects the Abrahamic religions of faith: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, considering these the work of the “Demiurge”; an inferior, cruel and wicked deity who deludes himself that he is the True God, and who has inflicted endless horrors on humanity.

If you wish to judge for yourself how deranged the Demiurge is, you need only read the Old Testament, the story of the Demiurge’s involvement with his “Chosen People”, the Hebrews. You may wonder why the “God of All” entered into an exclusive and partisan Covenant with a tribe in the Middle East several thousand years ago, why he promised them a land (Canaan) that belonged to others, and why he then actively participated with them in a genocidal war against the Canaanites. Even more bizarrely, according to Christian theology, he then despatched all of those Hebrews, whom he had supported so fanatically, to Limbo – the edge of Hell – when they died. They couldn’t go to Heaven because they were indelibly marked by the “Original Sin” of Adam and Eve. Only the atonement provided by the agonising death of God’s “son”, Jesus Christ, could wipe the slate clean and allow the Hebrews to be released from Limbo. But there was a catch. Only those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour were eligible for Paradise. Of course, the Chosen People of “God” have almost entirely rejected Jesus Christ. Therefore, from the Christian perspective, nearly all of the Chosen People are now in hell proper. Don’t you find God’s behaviour distinctly odd? Indeed, unbelievable? Don’t alarm bells start ringing? Doesn’t the behaviour of this God sound rather more like what would be expected of Satan?

Remember that this same “God” ordered Abraham to perform human sacrifice on his own son, Isaac. Abraham, rather than rejecting this monstrous command, rather than denouncing the creature that gave it as evil incarnate, agreed to butcher his own flesh and blood to demonstrate how slavishly and mindlessly obedient he was – the prototype of all psychopathic, fanatical “believers”.

Does God’s command to Abraham sound like something that would ever pass the lips of the True God? We pity you if you think it does because you are surely a creature of the Demiurge and one of the legions of the damned. If, however, you doubt the credentials of the Abrahamic God, you may be receptive to the message of the Illuminati and our future-oriented, rational, scientific, mathematical and dialectical religion of light – Illumination


“Science is the record of dead religions.” –Oscar Wilde

“Science is a cemetery of dead ideas.” –Miguel de Unamuno

“The progress of science is strewn, like an ancient desert trail, with the bleached skeletons of discarded theories which once seemed to possess eternal life.” –Arthur Koestler

The Imaginary Dimension:

“Nature is written in that great book which ever is before our eyes – I mean the universe – but we cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language and grasp the symbols in which it is written. The book is written in mathematical language, and the symbols are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without whose help it is impossible to comprehend a single word of it; without which one wanders in vain through a dark labyrinth.” –Galileo

If you want to debate the existence of God with scientists, you do not go armed with a “holy” book. You have to bring your knowledge of the science of the soul. Your science has to be better than theirs. You have to show them where they are in error.

The first motto of the Illuminati (under Grand Master Pythagoras) was: “Number rules the universe.” Mathematics is the basis of organization, hence of life, hence of mind. A universe that did not operate according to mathematics would be incomprehensible, irrational, and nothing but random chaos from which no life and no consciousness could ever emerge.

So, the ultimate question, as Pythagoras realized, was: where does mathematics come from? How and why does the cosmos understand mathematics? Moreover, if the cosmos is based on mathematical rules and humanity can understand mathematics then it follows that humanity can unlock the secrets of the cosmos and read the Mind of God. Science is how humanity uses mathematics to comprehend the universe. But science historically made one catastrophic mistake: it let empirical data be its sole guide rather than empirical data and mathematical logic.

The cosmos did not design itself according to data; it was designed on the basis of logic. If you wanted to understand a computer program, would you study the output of the program or the code of the program itself? Scientists have attempted to work back from the data to the program; philosophers have tried to understand the program with little regard to its output. The proper approach is to come at the problem from both angles at the same time. But logic will certainly provide the best starting point. If we can understand the logic of the designer (whether we are referring to “God” or “Nature”), then we can unravel his design. We have to attempt to walk in the designer’s shoes. How would we do the design? What would our guiding principles be? There can be no doubt that one day a program will be designed whose output is a perfect simulation of the world we see around us. It will reveal what happened at the Big Bang – and before. We will be able to run the simulation backwards and forwards. The program’s logic will be the same as that used by the Designer, and will be awesomely perfect. It will be based on the most elegant mathematical concepts. If we did but know it, all of the answers already exist in our minds. We “simply” have to extract them.

Design rule number one: Use ALL of mathematics. Why? Because why would you use only a subset? By using all of mathematics, every possibility remains open; by using a subset, certain options are rendered impossible. You would have to be able to calculate all of the consequences of excluding certain numbers before you proceeded with your design. What would limited mathematics provide that was superior to unlimited mathematics? What would be the sufficient reason for using a subset of mathematics rather than its entirety?

So, Nature is based on “complete” mathematics, but, strangely, no mainstream mathematician or scientist has ever defined what complete mathematics is. And therein lies the Achilles heel of science. You can’t begin to understand the cosmos until you understand what complete mathematics is.

The question can be framed in two other ways: 1) Does the cosmos reflect all conceivable numbers and, if so, what are all the conceivable numbers? If the cosmos doesn’t reflect all conceivable numbers then why not? What would be the sufficient reason for preferring some numbers over others, for using some and ignoring others? 2) How many dimensions are required to accommodate all conceivable numbers? Why would the cosmos use anything more than the minimum number of dimensions?

So, you cannot begin cosmology until you have fully defined the instrument that cosmology is based on: complete mathematics. Unfortunately, cosmologists have let data rather than logic guide them. And thus, after many attempts and theories involving anything up to 26 dimensions, they have arrived at 11-dimensional “M-theory” as their latest candidate for explaining everything. This is probably the most complex mathematical theory ever devised. Yet it is unquestionably wrong because it isn’t based on mathematical completeness. Not a single M-theorist can explain why the cosmos should be based on the rather peculiar number of 11 dimensions, as the theory requires. If 11 dimensions isn’t the minimum number of dimensions required for complete mathematical expression then M-theory is in error.

We know exactly what the right number is – it can be worked out with simple logic – and it isn’t 11. M-theory claims that the extra “hidden” dimensions are curled up so infinitesimally small that they will never be directly detected. Why would Nature operate in such a way? This sounds more like metaphysics than science. It bears all the hallmarks of forcing a theory to fit any relevant data by inventing ingenious but faintly ridiculous tricks. The theory’s complexity derives from having to accommodate all of the trickery involved. When you discover that M-theory can be subdivided into five distinct 10-dimensional “superstring” theories, and one 11-dimensional “supergravity” theory, it begins to seem as though scientists are spending their time trying to make rival theories fit together rather than solving the real mystery.

The best theory for analysing mathematical completeness is Einstein’s special theory of relativity which concerns itself with the most magical entity of all… Light.

We take light so much for granted, yet all of the profoundest enigmas are encapsulated by light. In science class at school, everyone learns that light is the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but “light” can also refer to the entire electromagnetic spectrum, visible and invisible, and that’s the sense in which we will use the term. Particles of light are called photons, from the ancient Greek word photos, meaning light. (An alternative designation is luxon, from the Latin word lux, meaning light.)

Consider this quotation from a popular science book: “If you could attach a clock to a light beam it would not tick at all. We say that to a photon, time does not go by at all (maximum time dilation) and the whole Universe has zero size (maximum length contraction)!!” –Jim Al-Khalili (Black Holes, Wormholes & Time Machines

This statement is made rather matter-of-factly, and the writer doesn’t dwell on it as he rushes on to more conventional material. But what could be more radical and mind-blowing than what he has just said? Shouldn’t he have written his entire book on this subject alone? He has hurried past the astounding fact that light does not experience space or time. This is a startlingly good example of how eminent scientists can so dismally fail to appreciate the implications of what their discoveries are screaming at them.

Photons have no mass. So, immediately we are presented by the baffling question of what a massless particle is. When we think of particles, we usually imagine (no matter how inaccurately) tiny, hard balls which, of course, have mass. They are solid, substantial, tangible entities, the building blocks of the real world. We could theoretically touch each and every one of them. But how can you touch a particle with no mass? What would you be touching? Is it a scientific fiction to call a photon a particle given that, in essence, we define particles as having mass and yet a photon has no mass?

So, putting it all together, a photon has no mass, and experiences neither time nor distance. It is not “dimensional” in any conventional sense. Are bells starting to ring?

A photon comprises a combination of electric and magnetic fields, oscillating at right angles to each other, travelling at 300,000 km per second (in our frame of reference, but not in its own).

Visible light – “white light” – isn’t white at all. It’s a blend of all the colours of the rainbow, as experiments with prisms showed long ago. But what is colour? If we had a miraculous super microscope and we trained it on a beam of white light, would we initially see “white photons” and then, as we increased the magnification, would these decompose into tiny, discrete red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet photons whizzing around in a rainbow jumble? If white photons don’t actually exist but the colour white is instead a composite phenomenon of photons of many different colours then we are acknowledging that we are able to see a colour that isn’t “real”, that is constructed from an underlying reality. In fact, colour isn’t a primary property of objects; it’s a derived, secondary property. Photons are distinguished by frequency, wavelength and energy content, not by “colour”. Colour is a mental construction – it’s how our brains interpret photons of different frequencies i.e. it exists in our minds, not in the world.

A hypothetical computer mind might simply analyze and register the numerical values of the frequency or wavelength of photons, and the question of colour wouldn’t arise. If we all had the genes for colour blindness, the expression “the sky is blue” would never have occurred to us. That shows how dependent colour is on our perceptual apparatus. The visual cortex of our brain ignores photons of ultraviolet light, infrared light, radio waves, microwaves etc. They are all around us, but they’re invisible because our eyes didn’t evolve the means to “see” them. What else is hidden from our senses?

The next equally bewildering enigma of photons is that they all travel at the same speed. Even if there were an infinite number of them, each and every one would travel at an identical speed. Even more bafflingly, no matter what speed an observer is travelling at, any measurement he takes of the speed of light in a vacuum will always yield the same result. An observer travelling at 99.99% of the speed of light isn’t 0.01% slower than the speed of light; he’s the full speed of light slower i.e. if he turns on a torch, the light beam will still shoot away at light speed. Light, in itself, has no concept of relative speed. It doesn’t care whether something is stationary or moving at 99.99% light speed – from light’s point of view, both situations are the same. Light will escape from either situation at its usual speed. Therein lies one of existence’s greatest enigmas.

If a woman in a car is travelling at 99 mph, she is travelling at 99% of the speed of another car travelling at 100 mph. That’s the common sense view of the world and speed. Light does not obey common sense. In fact, common sense is often your worst enemy if you want to understand the essence of existence.

It is reason that revealed the mysteries of light to humanity, not common sense, not our five senses. Had we followed the dictates of common sense and our eyesight, we would never have penetrated the ultimate secrets of light.

Many people have difficulty contemplating the human soul. They think that an immortal, massless entity with no dimensions that exists outside space and time is inherently preposterous. But they are perfectly willing to accept the existence of light. Yet what is light? Einstein’s special theory of relativity says that it is an immortal, massless entity with no dimensions that exists outside space and time.

Hasn’t the penny dropped yet? Since Einstein, we have had scientific proof, verified by countless experiments, that something completely uncontroversial and unquestioned – light – has exactly the “physical” attributes commonly assigned to the soul. So, is it any longer tenable to assert that the concept of the soul is scientifically ridiculous? If it is then the concept of light must be equally ridiculous. If we took one further step of attributing mind to light, the theory of light would become the theory of souls.

We have already said that many things exist (e.g. ultraviolet light) that affect us and yet are invisible to us. Their existence is revealed by reason, followed by experiments. How would we know if a light beam contained mind or not? Science does not attribute independent mind to anything, not even to human beings. “Mind”, for scientists, is something that mysteriously emerges from matter and is entirely defined by and dependent on matter. The once-popular, quasiscientific theory of behaviourism regarded the human mind as completely irrelevant. All that was important to a behaviourist was that if you applied a particular stimulus to a human being, you would get a certain measurable and predictable output: some observable type of behaviour. The stimulus and the resultant behaviour could be studied scientifically. The ingredient that existed between the stimulus and the observed behaviour – the human mind – was deemed of no consequence. It was deemed nothing but a “black box”.

Which scientific equation has “mind” explicitly written down as a variable, along with the x, y’s and z’s? There is no such equation. Science cannot investigate light’s hypothetical “soul” properties because it doesn’t have the “vocabulary” for doing so. That, of course, does not mean that those properties are not there. Invariably, science ignores something if it cannot find the right theoretical means of describing it.

Science, when it finally embraces the r >= 0 paradigm, will undergo a new Copernican revolution. r >= 0 is the “cosmic equation”, revealing the link between the physical cosmos and the mental cosmos, the dimensional and dimensionless.

The equation indicates that there are two linked realms of “r = 0” (the mental universe, outside space and time) and “r > 0” (the physical universe, inside space and time) which exist as separate but interacting domains within the continuum of r >= 0. “r” refers to the distance between two points (both of which can be within an entity or each point can belong to a separate entity) and r >= 0 indicates that this distance can be reduced all the way down to zero. In relation to Cartesian philosophy, r > 0 implies a domain of extension i.e. matter, a physical world of individuated things in space and time, separated by real distances, while r = 0 implies a domain of non-extension i.e. mind, a mental world of interconnectivity, outside physical space and time, where entities are not separated by any distance and nothing has any physical size. A black hole singularity and the Big Bang singularity are examples of situations in which the distances between all entities contained within them are reduced to zero. Nothing in these singularities has any extension and therefore, according to Descartes’ definition, they have entered the realm of mind. Scientific materialism denies the existence of the r = 0 domain, and is trying to find a way to make sense of black holes and the Big Bang that avoids dimensionless singularities. (The cosmic equation is explained in much more detail in others books in this series.)

Thanks to the cosmic equation, philosophy, religion and science come together in a coherent, integrated whole. There is no place for faith, common sense, or the deceptive evidence of our five senses. Our senses are directed at utility – what is useful to us in our everyday existence – not at truth.

Think of light with two aspects: inner and outer. The outer is probed by science. The inner is nothing less than the domain of the soul.

The universe can be comprehended rationally and intuitively. It cannot be comprehended through the sort of commonplace thinking that imprisons most people in their humdrum, unenlightened lives where blind faith is regarded as the extension of common sense. Christians, Muslims and Jews believe in a common sense world, and anything beyond common sense – such as the nature of God, the soul, the afterlife etc – is placed in the arena of faith, whereby you have no choice but to believe what some prophet said in some ancient book.

No sensible person would wish to conduct their life on such a dubious basis. Instead, they seek authentic knowledge. Believing any old rubbish because “someone said so” is ludicrous. You must use your own intelligence to penetrate the deep mysteries of life. And, above all, your intelligence must be capable of transcending common sense and dogmatic belief.

Are you ready to escape from the jail of your mind?

Common Sense – “Intelligence” for Dummies:

“Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.” –Einstein

The greatest enemy of enlightenment is “common sense”. In day-today life, common sense “works”, which is why ordinary people revere it. Most managers in the workplace are good at common sense i.e. knowing how to play the system, to obey the rules, to pander to higher managers, to avoid radical ideas, to highlight their modest successes and blame others for their failures, and to stick firmly within the domain of the conventional, acceptable and uncontroversial. Unfortunately, they’re hopeless at everything else. All geniuses, on the other hand, can “see” far beyond the realm of common sense. They use imagination, intuition and visionary ideas as their guides, not the trivialities of common sense. What would you rather be – a middle manager with a comfortable common sense life, or a genius who has unlocked the door to the mysteries of existence? Tragically for humanity, most people aspire to be middle managers. That’s the extent of their ambition, that’s as far as their horizons stretch. These are the sort of people that Nietzsche scornfully branded as “Last Men.”

A common sense person will always choose blandness, banality, and conformity. A common sense person wants to be the same as everyone else, just a bit more successful. Only the exceptional are capable of rejecting the whole idea of imitating the masses. Nietzsche described the conformist, brainwashed masses as the “common herd”, spending their lives grazing on trivia.

Hard-nosed business people and many ordinary men and women celebrate common sense and sneer at “intellectuals”. In many countries, “intellectual” is a term of abuse; intellectuals are regarded as pointless, useless individuals, wasting their time on speculative, impractical nonsense. Yet if hostile aliens told us that they were about to exterminate our world unless we could show why humanity deserved continued existence, it would be the works of our greatest intellectuals and artists that we would provide as evidence. We wouldn’t show the aliens spreadsheets, profit and loss accounts, managerial PowerPoint presentations, our bank accounts, our houses, our journey to work, our cars. No, we would show them the paintings and frescos of Michelangelo, Raphael and Da Vinci, the sculptures of Rodin, Degas and the ancient Greeks, the philosophies of Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus, Descartes, Leibniz, Hegel, Nietzsche, the works of the greatest mathematicians such as Gauss, Fourier, Euler, Riemann, Cantor, the scientific equations of Einstein, Dirac, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Feynman, Clerk Maxwell; we would show them the work of Crick and Watson on DNA, we would tell them of Darwinism, of Freud, Jung and Adler, we would furnish them with the works of Shakespeare and Goethe, we would give them the poetry of Byron, Shelley, Yeats, Eliot, the music of Beethoven, Mozart and Wagner.

We wouldn’t present the aliens with a list of the wealthy, celebrities, CEOs, bankers, lawyers, accountants, entrepreneurs, senior managers, hedge fund bosses and top traders. Why not? Because, in truth, we all know that these people in no way reflect the glory of humanity – of human potential expressed to the maximum. So you have to ask yourself why they are accorded such importance in our society when, in the higher scheme of things, they are regarded as irrelevant and even shameful. The rewards they receive for their mediocre efforts have no relationship to their worth as human beings or their contribution to human excellence. But they are all masters of common sense and seizing business opportunities.

No true genius ever pays court to common sense. Human greatness does not live in the bland, sterile, commonplace, dumbed-down arena of common sense. Sure, common sense will help you to survive, but it will never take you anywhere near the truth of life. Common sense is the worst tool imaginable for understanding reality. It always leads people away from knowledge and towards prejudice, just as Einstein observed. What your common sense tells you is “out there” isn’t there at all. Our common sense deceives us. Its function is to enable us to exist as animals on Earth – it does nothing to take us on our journey to divinity, to exist as souls in the celestial planes. The Abrahamic religions try to solve that gap via faith. The Gnostic religions teach that only knowledge can help us, but this is no ordinary knowledge. This is transcendental knowledge that takes us far beyond the confines of what our ordinary senses proclaim. Our senses are tuned into this world while our minds need to be tuned into that world. Gnosis is the supreme knowledge to be attained, knowledge of the r >= 0 cosmos.

Lesson One – if you want to “know”, leave common sense behind. It can offer you nothing of substance. Common sense is “intelligence for dummies”. Real intelligence makes no use of it.

“Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them, while on the other hand to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgment upon anything new.” –Galileo

As Galileo observed, commonplace thinking leads to arrogance and prejudice – just look at the deranged Tea Party with their simplistic nostrums. These people are all rooted in common sense and hatred of any “fancy ideas.”

“Everything you’ve learned in school as ‘obvious’ becomes less and less obvious as you begin to study the universe. For example, there are no solids in the universe. There’s not even a suggestion of a solid. There are no absolute continuums. There are no surfaces. There are no straight lines.” –Buckminster Fuller

Humanity, for the most part, lacks imagination. People can’t see beyond what seems “obvious”. They have such a strong attachment to common sense that they prefer it to reason. Their “gut instincts” are tied to common sense, not to reason. In a “fight or flight” situation, it will be a rare person who pauses to reason his way out of the dilemma.

Leibniz said that the best account of the world is the one that is “simplest in hypotheses and the richest in phenomena.” If you were God, isn’t this exactly the creative principle that you would employ i.e. the simplest solution that provides the most possibilities? The universe appears immensely complex, yet humanity, via science, seems to have made a remarkable degree of sense of much of it. If the universe is based on rational principles (i.e. is not some random, lawless, chaotic, incomprehensible arena), why should the exercise of reason be unable to reveal its secrets? If the principles of reason are universal then they apply to God as much as humanity; the better we become at reasoning, the more we become Godlike, as Plato and Aristotle were keen to assert. The biggest obstacle we have is that our minds have evolved in a way that makes it difficult, though not impossible, for us to discern the true nature of reality. If common sense and the evidence of our senses on the one hand, and profound scientific, logical and mathematical reasoning on the other, are not aligned then this means that we are continually deceived by what we take for granted.

Ill-informed non-scientists often sneer at science. In truth, they have no comprehension of what science says and they refuse to budge from their common sense opinions by which they are permanently enslaved. Certain people have an enormous interest in maintaining a common sense set of opinions because, crucially, no one needs to be an expert to make pronouncements based on common sense. Common sense could be defined as Lowest Common Denominator thinking – i.e. the most basic, least sophisticated, least demanding level of thinking. Common sense thinking favours stupid people because it is infinitely closer to their view of the world than it is to the abstract, complex, visionary thinking of geniuses. Common sense is all about “dumbing down”. Read the Koran, the Torah or the Bible and you will find no complex ideas at all. In the Bible, Jesus Christ delivers childish parables. In the Torah, Moses barks out simplistic rules and commandments (how does switching off electricity on the Sabbath, as many Jews do, bring them any closer to God?). In the Koran, “Allah” provides a fixed formula for life that requires Muslims to do nothing but obey – to “submit”. Freethinking, dissidence and non-conformity are anathema in these religions.

Stupid people flock to such religions. They are designed for stupid people. They are successful because most people are stupid. They are dumbed-down religions for dumbed-down people. Plato complained that he had created the perfect state, but where were the perfect people? The tragedy of humanity is that it is held back by humanity. It has never turned to its greatest minds. It has never placed its trust in the most meritorious. It has never valued “heresy” – the ability to choose differently. Instead, it has burned the heretics.

If humanity were intelligent, the Abrahamic religions would not exist. In the future, when humanity is guided by Illumination and is on course to achieve its divine potential, the Abrahamic faiths will seem like a bad, far distant, primitive memory of horror, and no one will be able to comprehend that humans once held such absurd beliefs.

Once someone acknowledges that common sense is wrong then it follows that they are placing themselves at the mercy of experts, of the geniuses of the human race who have developed abstract and bewilderingly complicated techniques for understanding the truth of existence. If advanced mathematics is the language of Nature rather than common sense opinion then most people are screwed, right?

What’s the point of hanging on to simplistic and false opinions? To comfort yourself? To pander to your vanity? Deep down, most people realize they don’t have a clue about the mysteries of life. Some have a spiritual yearning that brings them to websites like ours, and they are to be applauded, yet the vast majority arrogantly dismiss anything they don’t understand and bury their heads in the sand like the good ostriches they are. They lap up the religions of faith because these don’t demand anything difficult of them.

What is a believer? He is someone who thinks that he is a good person and that he is certainly going to heaven. Well, that’s not a hard position to hold, is it? If you ask such a person about quantum mechanics, relativity theory, advanced mathematics, advanced philosophy, advanced theology, he won’t have a clue what you’re talking about, but what does he care? He’s a believer. He’s saved. God loves him. End of story.

Now you can see why the religions of faith have spread like a cancer across the globe. They require no knowledge. In fact, they despise knowledge. Never forget Martin Luther’s insane declaration, “Reason is the Devil’s whore.” The Abrahamic faiths are all about common sense in day-to-day matters – obeying rules, laws and commandments set by the powers-that-be in the name of “God” – with the mysteries of life being consigned to a compartment marked, “No need to worry. If I believe in God I will be OK.” They can then get on with the rest of their lives – watching junk TV, eating junk food, getting drunk, getting high, getting married, doing dreary jobs, waving the patriotic flag, shopping, going to church on the Sabbath, going to the baseball game or football match yada yada yada: all the sad, soulless nonsense that passes as the “glory” of humanity. In fact, most of us are sad robots on permanent Auto Pilot. We insult the glories of which we are truly capable, that we could attain if we succeeded in releasing our higher selves.

It’s time to stop shopping, to stop believing, to stop being enslaved by common sense. It’s time for humanity to turn to knowledge, to Gnosticism.

Ordinary people would like to think that common sense is the right tool for understanding the world, and that philosophers, scientists and mathematicians are wrong and perverse to seek “deeper” truths of reason that contradict common sense.

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” –Galileo

Galileo is being somewhat simplistic in this instance. There is no obligation for truths to be easy to understand. Why shouldn’t they be paradoxical and mystical? Imagine that all truths were mathematical i.e. that you could not hope to comprehend the universe unless you were a skilled mathematician. At a stroke, almost all of humanity would be excluded from any hope of discovering the truth of their existence. After all, mathematics is one of the most hated subjects on earth, reviled by schoolchildren all across the globe. When did you ever see a mathematics celebrity? When did you ever see a prime-time TV programme about mathematics? In fact have you ever seen any TV programme on mathematics? If there were such a programme would you watch it or would you switch over (to watch yet another soap opera, rom com, panel show, reality TV show etc).

Robert Heinlein said, “Democracy can’t work. Mathematicians, peasants, and animals, that’s all there is – so democracy, a theory based on the assumption that mathematicians and peasants are equal, can never work. Wisdom is not additive; its maximum is that of the wisest man in a given group.”

Most people would be appalled by the idea that they were cut off from the truth because of lack of mathematical acumen, which is why the religions of faith are so much more popular than mathematics, science and philosophy. You don’t have to be smart to “believe” – any fool can believe anything – but you do have to be smart to understand philosophy, science and mathematics.

“There are those who reason well, but they are greatly outnumbered by those who reason badly.” –Galileo

There are many people who are proud to say that they despise mathematics, but only a fool would be pleased to be useless at this subject. You might not have much aptitude for it, but you should not hold it in contempt, as most people do. Science – the most successful of all human endeavours, from which all of our technology is derived, is founded squarely on mathematics. The clowns who loathe mathematics wouldn’t be so happy if someone took away all of their gadgets, yet without maths, science and technology there wouldn’t be any gadgets – no LCD TVs, iPods, iPhones, iPads, cell phones, DVDs, playstations, cars, planes, medicines, electric guitars, light bulbs, internet, electricity etc.

The religions of faith couldn’t care less about mathematics, science or technology. They say, “You’ll be fine as long as you believe in Jesus/Allah/Jehovah. Screw mathematics.” That’s why cultures that promote faith are backward.

Islamic nations are hell-bent on returning to a pre-industrial existence like that of the Arabian desert of their prophet Mohammed. Will you find Einstein’s theories or quantum mechanics in the Koran? “Who has need of these godless ideas?” That’s what the imams say. Every last one of them is scientifically illiterate. If you listen to the stupid then you will become stupid. That’s the inviolable Law of Dummies.

Islam represents the desire to be stupid. Islam is a belief system that God wants us to be dumb and to do nothing other than robotically obey the contents of a single book – the Koran. Islam is a belief system that proclaims that you deserve to die if you don’t slavishly adhere to the Koran. The point of life, Muslims say, is to do nothing other than obey like machines. What an inspiring vision of life. What a celebration of human potential. For Islam, free will and freethinking are Satanic. They lead you away from the Koran, and hence towards hell-fire. That’s your reward for thinking for yourself – hell. What God would punish people eternally for thinking? How can anyone doubt that it is in fact Islam that is Satanic, as are all religions that try to stop people from thinking?

If you want to become a genius then make sure your nation is run by geniuses. The Old World Order (OWO) – the elite dynastic families that have always ruled the world – don’t want the people to be smart. Nothing, in fact, could be more damaging to their agenda. Imagine that all schools were equally good: then money couldn’t buy a better education and secure better life opportunities. That would be a catastrophe for the privileged elite. Their whole basis of power is that they can use their wealth to buy unassailable advantages over others. They want you to be stupid, to be “believers”, to operate according to common sense.

Muslims would be happy to live in caves. Their religion was born in a cave, when Mohammed allegedly had the Koran dictated to him by the Angel Gabriel. It is a religion of caves, of anti-technology, anti-evolution, and anti-knowledge. It is a religion of dark places and cold stone. Women are expected to cover themselves from head to toe because, apparently, all Muslim men are permanently sexually inflamed and the slightest sight of a woman could incite them to the most extreme crimes. What a dismal and terrifying religion. It is a religion of the shadow, and the cave is the most suitable emblem for it. The Koran is the Book of Darkness.

A Christian pastor threatened to burn a few copies of the Koran because it was “of the Devil”. What was the response? Did the Muslims ignore this man? No, they reacted with violent demonstrations full of snarling, murderous hate. People died. Thus proving the pastor’s point. Islam’s sole response to criticism is mass, rent-a-crowd protests and extreme, deadly violence. Is this a religion or a psychosis? Muslims are incapable of accepting free speech. They want to kill everyone who disagrees with the Koran. Therefore this is the deadliest of all religions. They howl in protest at the possibility of the Koran being burned, yet this same book advocates burning all people in eternal hell-fire if they fail to worship Allah. What’s more outrageous: burning a book or burning the whole non-Islamic human race? What is the true scandal and provocation? When will Islam be put on trial for advocating the death and eternal punishment of all non-Muslims? Why should the intolerable be tolerated? Why should the intolerant be treated with tolerance? Why should Islam be appeased? Why isn’t every Muslim spokesperson on earth asked one simple question: do you or do you not advocate that all non-Muslims should suffer hellfire, as the Koran decrees? If they say “yes”, they have placed themselves outside the scope of tolerance and respect. If they say “no”, they have placed themselves outside Islam.

If Christians say that Jews and Muslims (who explicitly reject Jesus Christ) can go to heaven then they have admitted that Christ is pointless in terms of Salvation, hence there is no longer any reason to be a Christian. If Muslims say that Jews and Christians (who explicitly reject the Koran and Mohammed) can go to heaven then they have admitted that the Koran and Mohammed are pointless, hence there is no longer any reason to be a Muslim. If Jews say that Christians and Muslims (who explicitly reject the tenets of the Jewish faith) can go to heaven then they have admitted that God does not have a unique Covenant with the Jews, and that all of the many Jewish laws and prohibitions are pointless in terms of Salvation, hence there is no reason to be a Jew. The inescapable logic of these religions, if they wish to continue to have a point, is that only they are right and everyone who disagrees with them is wrong, and will suffer hell-fire as punishment. In other words, these religions have inbuilt hatred and contempt for others. They are guaranteed to create conflict because they are mutually exclusive. Why should such hateful and despicable ideas be tolerated in the 21st century? These religions are an intrinsic abomination. It is nauseating when a pope shakes hands with a rabbi or imam when he believes that both are going to hell (and likewise they think he is going to hell). What hypocrites! The last thing that matters to these people is honesty.

These religions all speak of nothing but peace while their histories speak of nothing but violence. If you tell all those who disagree with you that they are going to hell, how can you expect peace and mutual respect? What part of “you’re going to hell unless you agree with me” is peaceful or respectful? If you tell others that you are the Chosen People, why are you surprised when they hate you? The answer is real simple – stop calling yourselves that! But these people will never stop. They are imbued with hatred and contempt for others. Their rhetoric of peace is belied by their actions, by the extremist dogmas to which they subscribe, by the death and destruction they will dish out to“preserve” their beliefs.

In truth, the age of the Abrahamic faiths is over. Catholicism, permanently discredited by the child abuse scandal, is turning into an irrelevance before our eyes. Islam, an utterly backward religion, rages against modernity. The Jews are dying out and becoming increasingly inbred and retarded. By the end of this century, none of these religions will still exist.

The 9/11 hijackers are said to have offered up their blood sacrifice to Allah. What God would accept a “gift” of an aircraft full of screaming, terrified men, women and children? The Jews are no better. Consider the tale of the great Jewish hero Joshua, the leader of the Hebrew conquest of Canaan:

So was Joshua (actually “Yehoshua,” meaning “Yahweh is salvation”, and rendered as “Jesus” in Greek) a peaceful, gentle soul, considerate of others, merciful and compassionate? Or was he a genocidal, exterminatory maniac, fully supported by his equally savage God, Yahweh?

And never forget that this bloodstained, murderous religion of Joshua was also the religion of Jesus (Joshua/Yehoshua) Christ.

The only reason Christians and Jews aren’t living in caves is that, historically, their leaders were violent psychopaths who saw the need for more and more deadly weapons of war. They needed mathematicians, scientists and technologists to provide more effective killing power. Then, when capitalism and the industrial revolution came along, the fat cats saw that mathematics, science and technology could deliver even bigger profits via machines, gadgets, chemicals etc.

So, humanity’s greatest achievement – science – has been fuelled by greed and violence. Imagine if a different fuel were used: the vision of Zeitgeist’s Venus Project, for example. What couldn’t humanity achieve? Could we build a bridge to heaven? In Norse mythology, Bifrost was such a bridge, coming in the wondrous form of the rainbow. Where are our rainbow bridges? Where are our towers to the stars? Where are our portals to God?

“You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.” –Galileo

There’s a great deal of truth in this. Muslims, Christians and Jews cannot be taught while they cling to the words of their prophets and holy texts. Their minds are not receptive. They are locked down. Teaching is a two-way process; it requires someone with the ability to communicate and someone with the equally important ability to listen. Keeping an open mind is astonishingly difficult. Humanity, as a whole, is full of closed minds, narrow outlooks, and dangerous prejudices.

And it’s getting worse. Who will lead us out of the land of bondage in a great Exodus for the modern age?


The Illuminati have always accorded mathematics the highest possible status. Pythagoras regarded it as divine. Quite simply, it is the core language of the universe. It is the language by which the r = 0 and the r > 0 domains first communicated, and which defines their interactions in the past, now, and forever. It is woven into the fabric of the cosmos. Nature is living mathematics. Music is the sound of mathematics. Reason is the logic of mathematics. Consciousness is self-aware mathematics. Humanity is walking, talking, feeling, aspiring mathematics. God is the perfect culmination of mathematics. The universe is rational, ordered, and comprehensible only because it is mathematical. Without mathematics, existence would be impossible as anything other than immortal chaos and randomness, devoid of life and any possibility of anything meaningful ever happening. Mathematics is the first language of God. It is also the first language of all human beings, but it is carried in us unconsciously rather than consciously.

Completely stupid sports people who can’t add two and two can nevertheless instinctively solve the most difficult mathematical problems. A dumb golfer who can strike a ball hundreds of yards in a high wind and make it land inches from a tiny hole hasn’t achieved that feat by some random mechanism. His brain has unconsciously factored in the distance from the hole, the type of club needed, the weather conditions, wind speed, wind direction, force to be exerted on ball, desired trajectory etc. He does it all intuitively. If he got out a piece of paper and tried to perform an explicit mathematical calculation, he wouldn’t have a clue where to begin. Yet he does the calculation effortlessly in his subconscious. If he didn’t, he could never be a successful golfer. When he plays golf, the golfer is a mathematical wonder machine, performing prodigious calculations in the blink of an eye. Baseball players, hitting a ball or catching it, are the same. Football players, basketball players, ice hockey players…all of them are masters of instinctive mathematics, judging speeds, angles, forces, and trajectories with supreme ease.

Inside us all, no matter how much we might consciously detest and fear mathematics, is a mathematical genius. If we could bring that unconscious genius into consciousness, humanity would bound forward with God-sized steps. Otherwise, we are condemned to the kind of world where the inmates are running the asylum.


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