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About MULTICULTURALISM and Tolerating the Intolerance

Febbraio 3rd, 2020 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

About MULTICULTURALISM and Tolerating the Intolerance:

Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: unul sau mai mulţi oameni, posibil text care spune „DIVERSE MONOCULTURE”
Hyperborean Meritocracy

2 ore

What do we understand by the term “multiculturalism”? We see it in terms of relativism, subjectivism, and “all truths”. The basic idea is that all cultures are equally good, equally worthwhile, equally truthful, equally valuable, equally deserving of respect, and that absolutely no one should ever condemn a culture. If they do, so the prevailing thinking goes, they are automatically racist and fascist. “Political correctness” is the tool used to defend multiculturalism. It is politically incorrect, hence unacceptable, to point out the manifest defects of many of the world’s cultures.

Since we are not relativists and subjectivists, and we are not politically correct, we do not hesitate to assert that it is insane not to judge cultures and call out those that are catastrophic for the advance of humanity. Every culture based on mainstream religion has proved disastrous for the world. Just look at the state of today’s world.

We are supporters of a diverse monoculture. The culture we endorse does not even exist in the world at the present time. We want a Logos, Apollonian culture of reason and logic to unite everyone. But beneath that overarching structure, we want everyone to be able to pursue their diverse Dionysian, Mythos pleasures in their own colorful and vivid ways.

Our assertion is that this is the only way to allow humanity to evolve to its next level.

The culture of Islam, for example, offers absolutely no prospect of human advancement. It is an ancient superstition, plagiarized from Judaism, whose sole objective is to get everyone on earth to submit to the god of Mohammed, to accept the Koran as the only worthwhile book in the world, and make everyone obey Sharia Law at the point of the sword. Imagine the whole world under the control of the Islamic State – that was more or less what Mohammed’s regime was like when he invented Islam and managed to bring the Arabs under his dominion.

If you do not stand in absolute condemnation of that culture – a culture that seeks the extermination of all other cultures in order to promote the most degraded vision of an abject humanity kneeling and groveling to an extraterrestrial tyrant – than you are a fellow-traveler, enabler, facilitator, sympathizer and codependent of that culture. And you are our enemy.

The essence of progress is to find and support good ideas and expose and discard bad ideas. Multiculturalism is the politically correct doctrine of extremist liberalism and New Ageism that no idea is ever bad, hence no belief system or cultural practice can ever be condemned.

This is a formula for the total retardation of the human race. Humanity has a huge propensity to succumb to bad ideas, and if no one stands up for good ideas and fights for them, the world will slip back into the Dark Ages and then the primordial swamps.

Already, vast swathes of our world exist in a pre-Enlightenment state. It’s as if advanced ideas simply never took hold in these places. Even a supposedly advanced nation such as the USA is significantly influenced by evangelical Christians, people who have nothing in common with the modern world, and no interest in the modern world. They dream of the Rapture and the Second Coming, not of humans building star fleets and exploring the universe. These people are Creationists who reject evolution, science, philosophy and mathematics, and believe that the Bible is all you need.

They are the essence of backward, failed humanity. We must achieve escape velocity from these cretins. We cannot allow them to retard the evolution of the human race. They have already done enough damage.

Fuck your Messiah. He’s the Dunning-Kruger Messiah.


Febbraio 1st, 2020 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

The “Left” is now badly splintered. The Left used to be all about standing up for the workers – the working class – against the oppressive class of exploitative owners that employed and more or less owned the workers. The Left was above all for blue-collar workers.

Today, the “Left” is mostly about liberal social values, virtue signaling, negative liberty (fear of strong government), identity politics, love and light, unconditional love, unqualified tolerance, subjectivism, relativism, “all truths” (everyone has their own path and own truth … anti-compossibility) and unrestrained self-expression.

A brilliant documentary highlighting the current crisis in the Left is “The Century of the Self” by Adam Curtis.

Wikipedia says, “To many in politics and business, the triumph of the self is the ultimate expression of democracy, where power has finally moved to the people. Certainly, the people may feel they are in charge, but are they really? The Century of the Self tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests?
“The Century of the Self asks deeper questions about the roots and methods of consumerism and commodification and their implications. It also questions the modern way people see themselves, the attitudes to fashion, and superficiality.
“The business and political worlds use psychological techniques to read, create and fulfill the desires of the public, and to make their products and speeches as pleasing as possible to consumers and voters. Curtis questions the intentions and origins of this relatively new approach to engaging the public.
“Where once the political process was about engaging people’s rational, conscious minds, as well as facilitating their needs as a group, Stuart Ewen, a historian of public relations, argues that politicians now appeal to primitive impulses that have little bearing on issues outside the narrow self-interests of a consumer society.
“The words of Paul Mazur, a leading Wall Street banker working for Lehman Brothers in 1927, are cited: ‘We must shift America from a needs to a desires culture. People must be trained to desire, to want new things, even before the old have been entirely consumed. […] Man’s desires must overshadow his needs.’”

We now live in a decadent and frequently degenerate society where all that matters is the satisfaction of primitive desires … a lowest common denominator, animalistic society.

Oscar Wilde said, “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” Hardly anyone looks at the stars now. They are entranced by life in the gutter.

The causes championed by the middle-class Left, all of whom are comfortably off, do not resonate with the working class, who struggle to put food on the table.

The working class are completely alienated from the agenda of the Liberal Left and many find it actively horrifying. Therefore, they are turning more and more to the right and to “traditional values”. They feel safe and secure with the traditional. They are unnerved by the increasingly exotic beliefs of the Liberal Left, beliefs which seem divorced from reality and more related to a world of unicorns, elves, otherkins and starseeds. Nothing like this planet of brutal, talking apes.

The Left ceases to be the Left if it is not standing up for the 99% against the 1% and seeking to end the power of the elites. These days, the Left spend all of their time munching avocado toast, sipping skinny lattes, and engaging in a champagne-socialist lifestyle in the swankiest parts of town while they celebrate how tolerant and open minded they are. These people have nothing in common with the working class, so the working class don’t feel in any way represented by them.

The right – with their hatred of the Other – have managed to get the working class onboard by selling them the message that things will be better for them if the Other is kept out. The Liberal Left, meanwhile, is all about welcoming the Other in, no questions asked, even if the Other subscribes to extremely dangerous religions such as Islam.

The Liberal Left is for the well-off middle class and has nothing to do with the working class. The Labor Party in the UK went down to a disastrous defeat because the party was viewed by many of the working class as an out-of-touch, London-centric, metropolitan elite, much more interested in rarefied, preachy SJW issues than anything connected with helping the poor. Hillary Clinton lost to Trump for exactly the same reasons, and the next Democrat presidential candidate will lose too if they keep playing the same old game. You have to help the workers, not sermonize to them.

Meritocracy must always be for the working class and for the overthrow of the super-rich elites. There can be no new society until the workers are freed from the lowest rungs of Abraham’s hierarchy of needs and no longer have to struggle with basic survival. That’s the root of all of their problems.

The class war has never gone away. It has yet to be won. The Liberal Left is not fighting the good fight. It has gone off in an entirely different direction based on absurd postmodern tropes and the ludicrous ideas of gurus such as Ken Wilber, and pointless religions such as Buddhism, which are about withdrawing from life rather than optimizing life. The Liberal Left spend their time meditating, doing yoga and being mindful, and no time at all engaging with the working class to bring about the Revolution.

The last people who would ever man the barricades are the Ignavi of the Liberal Left. Kumbaya!

There is now an enormous opportunity for a political party that truly stands up for the working class and is truly on the left. The liberal middle classes do not belong to the left. They are bland, banal centrists – Last Men, every last one of them. Fuck their avocado toast and their posh coffees! Fuck their Ken Wilber mind-rot. Fuck the Beatniks and the Hippies. Fuck the Love and Lighters. It’s exactly this drivel about unconditionally loving your enemies that is preventing the righteous Revolution from occurring.

Don’t kid yourselves. The 1% are the enemy. They always have been. We cannot have a New World until they are defeated once and all for all.

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The Compossibility

Febbraio 1st, 2020 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

Hyperborean Meritocracy

Wikipedia says, “Compossibility is a philosophical concept from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. According to Leibniz, a complete individual thing (for example a person) is characterized by all its properties, and these determine its relations with other individuals. The existence of one individual may contradict the existence of another. A possible world is made up of individuals that are compossible – that is, individuals that can exist together. Leibniz indicates that a world is a set of compossible things … a collection of things that God could bring into existence. Not even God can bring into existence a world in which there is some contradiction among its members or their properties.”

God is living mathematics, made of living monadic minds. It’s impossible for mathematical minds to do anything non-mathematical. Mathematical monads, in terms of their collective behavior, always choose what is most compossible. It is impossible for the collection of all monadic minds to bring into existence a world in which there is any contradiction among its members or their properties.

Libertarianism is an ideology that is incompatible with social compossibility. Extreme individualism and unrestricted “personal expression” is an Id ideology that collides head on with the Superego rules of society.

In Freudian psychology, the task is for the Ego (obeying the reality principle), to mediate between the Id (obeying the pleasure principle) and the Superego (obeying the morality principle). The Ego decides what is compossible.

Libertarians – extremist individualists with contempt for other people – reject the Superego. They see it as an instrument of the Collective, which they detest. Libertarians are therefore outside the pale of compossibility. No sane society would ever accept a group of hawk predators roaming around doing whatever they want, regardless of others.

It’s not what’s possible that counts. It’s what’s compossible that is all important. Compossibility is associated with the general will and possibility with the particular will.

In our society, it’s essential for the Id, Ego and Superego to all be reflected. We can’t have an Id libertarian society based on extreme individualism, or a moralistic Superego society based on extreme collectivism. We can’t dispense with either the individual or the collective. Via the Ego and the reality principle, we need to focus on what is compossible.

Why has the Liberal left gone so badly wrong, as badly wrong as right-wing libertarianism? It’s because the Liberal Left is an echo of libertarianism and promotes extreme self-expression and identity politics, regardless of compossibility. You can never impose on any society anything that is incompatible with that society, anything that is not compossible.

Let’s say that the USA is 50% conservative and 50% liberal. It is simply impossible for the conservatives to get 100% of their agenda enacted, and it’s equally impossible for the liberals to get 100% of their agenda enacted. If the USA wants to get back into any kind of harmony and unity, the position of the opposition has to be accommodated to some extent. But compromise has ceased to exist in polarized America, and that spells America’s doom, unless it can pull itself out of its death spiral. The Republicans and Democrats are both focusing on what is possible, not what is compossible. The “conservative possible” will never happen because of the resistance by the liberals, and the “liberal possible” will never happen because of the resistance by the conservatives. The compossible is a dialectical synthesis, but if this cannot be negotiated then America will fall into the chaos that marked the end of the Roman Republic.

The ideal society is the one that reflects the healthy balance between the individual and the collective.
We don’t support limitless self-expression and individual liberty. We support the maximum self-expression and individual liberty compatible and compossible with a fair and just society, serving all of its members with equal respect, according to the General Will (not according to countless warring particular wills).

We support a Compossible Society, not an Impossible Society of individuals doing whatever they want, without any consideration for others. All right-wingers – since they despise the Other and the Collective – want to build walls, create friction and indulge themselves, their family and their tribe at everyone else’s expense. These anomics always support inheritance, privilege, nepotism and cronyism, all of which are incompatible with compossibility and equal opportunities.

The liberals likewise have no consideration at all for their fellow citizens, the conservatives, who have very different beliefs, values, customs, and attitudes from themselves.

Only revolutions deliver massive change in a short time, and the most serious revolutions always provoke a bloodbath. Revolutions change the compossibility equation by destroying the opposition. Then anything becomes possible.

If you don’t want a revolution and the violence it entails, you had better start trying to befriend the opposition and reaching some kind of accord. Humanity seems less and less capable of this. According to Oswald Spengler, it’s impossible. Cultures, he insisted, inevitably die and are replaced by brand new cultures with a completely different worldview.

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