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Archive for the ‘Dacia Iluministă’ Category:
Out-of-body Experiences.
The New Atlantis.
11 hrs ·
Out-of-body Experiences.
Out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences and astral projection are all supported by anecdotal evidence but have no scientific support. How could a consciousness separate itself from the body in order to have such experiences? If there are no physical eyes, how is it possible to see? Yet a blind man can “see” in his dreams. But ultimately his vision comes from memory. There is no recorded case of a people blind from birth having an out-of-body experience or near-death experience in which they experienced vision. In fact, even if they could see, they wouldn’t know what they were seeing. Seeing is something that is learned. People who recover sight after losing it for decades have to relearn how to see.
Yet if a single case of out-of-body experience or near-death-experience could be cited that demonstrated that someone had seen without the use of physical eyes it would instantly be the strongest possible evidence for the existence of souls. There are now operating theatres in the world where coded messages have been placed on top of theatre equipment so that they are visible to anyone “hovering” above an operating table as part of a near-death-experience. No coded message has ever been reported by anyone claiming to have a near-death-experience. Yet what if that proof existed, but hadn’t been placed in the public arena? What if a secret society had already performed out-of-body experiments where coded information was successfully retrieved?
Excerpted, page 172
Tags: out-of-body experience
The Omega Point
Romas Nesvarbenskas:
De fapt, universul este o „Fabrică De Dumnezei” matematică și creează infiniţi Dumnezei în eoni de timp, prin optimizarea ecuației cosmice (funcția de undă universală), care este în întregime matematică. Universul, prin matematica ontologică dialectică, converge pe răspunsul perfect la toate. Această situaţie este cunoscută sub numele de Absolutul sau Punctul Omega.
Universul călătorește, matematic, de la Alpha la Omega, de la Potențial Perfect la Actualizare Perfectă. Chiar și acum, pe acest Pământ, oamenii se transformă în Dumnezei.
Antica și controversata societate secretă cunoscută sub numele de Illuminati a purtat, timp de mii de ani, un război împotriva monoteismului avraamic și a promovat doctrina „Devenirii Dumnezeu”. Indiferent cine sunteți, puteți atinge Divinitatea dacă vă ridicaţi din genunchi și încetați să slăviţi fără minte un „Creator” inexistent.
Matematica este Piatra Filosofală care poate transmuta metalul de bază (oameni obișnuiți) în aur (zei). Și tu poți atinge propriul tău Punct Omega divin și să-ți completezi călătoria cosmică – prin nenumărate Reîncarnări – de la Alfa la Omega.
”Romas Nesvarbenskas
In fact, the universe is a mathematical “God factory” and creates infinite Gods over eons of time, via the optimization of the cosmic equation (the universal wavefunction), which is entirely mathematical.
The universe, via dialectical ontological mathematics, is converging on the perfect answer to everything. This condition is known as the Absolute or the Omega Point.
The universe travels, mathematically, from Alpha to Omega, from perfect potential to perfect actualization. Even now, on this Earth, people are transforming into Gods.
The ancient and controversial secret society known as the Illuminati has, for thousands of years, waged a war against Abrahamic monotheism and promoted the doctrine of “becoming God”. No matter who you are, you can attain divinity if you get off your knees and stop mindlessly and slavishly worshiping a non-existent “Creator”.
Mathematics is the Philosopher’s Stone that can transmute base metal (ordinary humans) into gold (Gods). You too can attain your own divine Omega Point, and complete your cosmic journey – across countless reincarnations – from alpha to omega.”
Tags: Omega Point
Dacă ați ales partea noastră, sunteți un iluminist (oricum, în teorie). Cu toate acestea, iluminismul nu este doar un cuvânt – este un SCOP al vieții. Este o filozofie, un scop, un rezultat, o soluție. Este adevarul. Dacă sunteți un iluminist, înseamnă că sunteți un individ rațional, dedicat, inteligent și pasionat, cu viziune pentru un viitor glorios. Te privești ca pe un formator de soartă, o figură istorică a lumii. Aveți o ambiție uluitoare și sunteți în căutarea perfecțiunii. Dacă nu ești, atunci nu ești iluminist. Nu e de glumă. Valorile noastre sunt Revoluția totală și nu ne vom opri la nimic pentru a ajunge acolo. Dacă nu partajați aceeași unitate, nu pierdeți timpul (și chiar mai rău – timpul nostru). Mişcă-te. Suntem bolnavi și obosiți de chat-ul nesfârșit, de planurile neactualizate, de visul fără acțiune. Nu este nicio finalizare.
Din păcate, mulţi din această categorie par atraşi de Revoluția noastră. Chatterati, discussionati și vechii „așteaptă-și-vezi-ce-fac-toți-ceilalți-apoi-aplaudă-ca-o-focă-în-timp-ce-stă-pe-margine”.
Care este ideea ta cea mare? Ai una? Dacă nu, de ce dracu nu ai? Dacă ai fi citit chiar și o fracțiune din lucrările Illuminati, ai fi găsit mijloace nesfârșite de inspirație și o multitudine de lucruri care trebuie făcute. Dacă nu faci nimic și nu ai de gând să faci nimic, atunci de ce dracu te-ai asocia cu o mișcare activistă?
Dacă tu nu ești un Creator, ajută-l pe unul care este. Alăturați-vă unui Proiect și puneți-vă în practică toate Talentele pe care le aveți. Dacă nu aveți o abilitate specifică, ce vă împiedică să atingeți una? Prea lenes? Prea greu?
Ce nu înțelegi? Dacă sunteți membru al cercurilor noastre, sunteți Avangarda Erei Iluminismului. Faci parte dintr-o mână de oameni care se vor ridica pentru a schimba și a forma Lumea din nou, pentru a o elibera de toxinele canceroase care o ucid. Ești un Filozof-Războinic, un soldat al Mamei Pământ, un agent al Spiritului Mondial însuși. Dacă nu vă vedeți ca atare, nu ați înțeles în mod clar NIMIC din milioanele de cuvinte scrise de noi care au încercat să vă învețe.
– Illuminati
If you have chosen our side, you are an Illuminist (in theory, anyway). Yet llluminism is not just a word – it’s a life’s pursuit. It’s a philosophy, a goal, an outcome, a solution. It’s the Truth. If you are an Illuminist, it means you are a rational, dedicated, intelligent, and passionate individual with a vision for a glorious future. You view yourself as a fate shaper, a world historic figure. You possess astounding ambition and are on a quest for perfection. If you aren’t, then you aren’t an Illuminist. Don’t kid yourself. Our values are Total Revolution, and we will stop at nothing to get there. If you do not share this same drive, don’t waste your time (and even worse – our time). Move on. We are sick and tired of the endless chatter, the unactualised plans, the dream without the action. There is never any follow through.
Sadly, more of the same appear to be drawn to our Revolution. Chatterati, discussionati, and the old wait-and-see-what-everyone-else-is-doing-then-applaud-like-a-seal-while-standing-on-the-sidelines gang.
What’s your Big Idea? Do you have one? If not, why the fuck not? If you have read even a fraction of the Illuminati’s works, you would have found endless means of inspiration and a plethora of things that need to be done. If you aren’t doing anything, and have no plans on doing anything, then why the fuck would you associate yourself with an activist movement?
If you aren’t a creator yourself, then help one. Join a project and put whatever talents you have to good use. If you don’t have a specific skill, what’s preventing you from attaining one? Too lazy? Too hard?
What don’t you understand? If you are a member of our circles, you are the VANGUARD of the Age of Illuminism. You are part of a handful of people who will rise to change and shape the world anew, to regenerate it from the cancerous toxins killing it. You are a philosopher-warrior, a soldier of Mother Earth, an agent of the World Spirit itself. If you don’t view yourself as such, you clearly have not understood a single thing that millions of words have been trying to teach you.
Tags: Filosoful Războinic
Whatever else can be said of them, Muslims are not Last Men. They don’t care about comforts and petty trivialities. They are collectively united by a singular culture, and want to see that culture spread.
In the Western world, no such unity exists. Though the West is the best (because it is the least ignorant), reason has begun to eat itself. No one knows what is true anymore, and no one really cares. The only concerns Westerners have is that they have enough bread and circuses to last them. Give this to a population, and they will never rebel – even when they are under siege. They will literally sit around in denial, hoping that things will just “blow over,” all because they do not want to give up their comforts. They don’t seem to realise that their comforts will be forcibly taken away from them in due course anyway. By refusing to fight, they are ensuring such an outcome. Westerners are giant infants. They are the Id crew. They have become soft, decadent Last Men who will surely be conquered by savage primitives (Hunters) if they don’t turn themselves around. Muslims (Hunters) are committed to a cause higher than themselves. Can the same be said of the West? You must be having a fucking laugh. The average Westerner couldn’t care less about anything outside their daily bubble. They have had it too good for too long. They have no idea what it’s like to fight for freedom and hold onto precious values worth dying for. No one respects anything. People think of themselves as supreme individualist “freethinkers,” but what they actually are are a bunch of apathetic, pathetic Last Men who just want to live comfortably. To get the average Westerner off his fat ass and onto the streets to campaign for something worthwhile is practically impossible. They don’t want to risk their Last Man lifestyle. They are happy to ignore any and all issues (as long as those issues don’t affect them directly). Just look at liberals. These sick fucks don’t want to wipe out even sicker fucks (Muslims and the alt-right) from their midst. Instead, they want to live among them, while giving them no real say in what happens. What the fuck do they think is going to be the outcome of such an endeavour? They have no idea about Will to Power, the Hegelian dialectic, or Vico’s cycles. Liberals are dumb fucks who have been allowed to control the social narrative (which the right-wing elite wholly support, since liberals are ineffectual clowns who will never make a mark on the world). Liberals are unwitting puppets of the elite. If they truly want to make a difference, they will join radical Illuminist Meritocrats and take up arms in righteous battle. Anyone who thinks that the upcoming conflict will be peaceful is either ignorant or completely retarded. This story may have a happy ending (as long as our forces of light prevail), but the journey to that ending will be anything but happy. Struggle and violence are certain. Just look around you – it has already begun.”
Tags: Apatia Vestului