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Archive for Aprile, 2020:
Desigur că voi fi acuzat cel puţin de lipsă de empatie pentru rândurile ce urmează, dar mă doare drept în cot, pentru că sunt convins că navigăm pe o corabie a nebunilor, iar eu sunt desigur printre puţinii sănătoşi care spun ADEVĂRURI, chiar dacă supără.
O să mă ocup de problema BĂTRÂNILOR atât de vehiculată azi de SISTEM, care cică e foarte grijuliu în materie şi nu ştie ce să mai facă pentru a-i proteja!?
Din capul locului trebuie să remarcăm că o face fără prea mult succes, de dată ce mor pe capete. Asta nu trebuie să ne facă să uităm că „la balegă moale, puţină apă trebuie” şi că nu avem încă statistici despre bătrânii morţi anii trecuţi de „gripele normale”… s-ar putea (mai mult ca sigur) să fim în prezenţa unei MANIPULĂRI care să aibă ca scop instituirea unor REGIMURI TOTALITARE de tipul „1984”.
Punctul de plecare pentru o ANALIZĂ RAŢIONALĂ a situaţiei din punct de vedere ILUMINIST, este că populaţia din tările „civilizate” este din ce în ce mai înaintată în vârstă, iar natalitatea este în cădere liberă.
Pe de-o parte avem ÎNDÂRJIREA TERAPEUTICĂ de a-i menţine pe bătrâni în viaţă, deşi sunt în marea majoritate a cazurilor nişte LEGUME, care au încetat procesul de DEVENIRE (BECOMING) şi se rezumă la A FI (BEING). Ei nu mai au niciun APORT SOCIAL şi sunt într-un stadiu PARAZITAR pe spinarea COMUNITĂŢII. Desigur că pentru „corecţii politic”, religioşii de toate felurile, adepţii „peace and love”, „societăţii civile” ONG-iste, politicienilor în căutare de popularitate, jurnaliştii sistemului şamd, este revoltător ce spun eu, dar nu şi pentru cei ca mine care cred că MINTEA / SUFLETUL este ETERN pe când CORPUL nu este, şi mai cred că SCOPUL VIEŢII ESTE DEVENIREA, iar când aceasta nu se mai produce, viaţa nu mai are sens.
De ce nu mor oamenii cu zâmbetul pe buze, cum o făceau strămoşii noştri?
Pentru că o religie străină adusă de prin pustii, a înlocuit-o pe a noastră care contempla NEMURIREA SUFLETULUI şi faptul că SUFLETUL ETERN este prizonier într-un CORP în Lumea Materială, care este „rea” prin definiţie. De aceea se bucurau la moarte şi-i plăngeau pe cei născuţi. Ei mai ştiau că sunt PARTE din Dumnezeu şi-şi permiteau să tragă cu săgeţi în zeii potrivnici… ca de la egal la egal. Ca PARTE DIN DUMNEZEU ca şi toate cele, ei respectau NATURA şi nu o considerau un „dar ceresc” al vreunui bărbos din ceruri, ci soră. Ei preţuiau LIBERTATEA mai mult ca orice, nu ca urmaşii lor netrebnici care acceptă o RELIGIE A SUPUNERII OARBE faţă de un DUMNEZEU TIRAN. PILEUSUL pe care-l purtau cei mai vrednici este şi azi simbol de LIBERTATE.
Erau mult mai DEŞTEPŢI şi nativii americani care atunci când nu mai aveau UTILITATE SOCIALĂ, se duceau să-i mănânce ursul. De asemenea, puţini ştiu că şi străbunii noştri se pare că aveau un obicei asemănătoar: din iniţiativa bătrânului devenit neputincios, i se punea pe cap o turtă, iar cel care urma să-i ia locul de căpetenie, i-o rupea cu o măciucă, cu cap cu tot. De aici şi vorba :
„ţi-ai trăit traiul, ţi-ai mâncat mălaiul”. Desigur că asta nu va place „dacilor cre(ş)tini”.
De ce să nu tratăm cu calm Moartea de dată ce ne vom REÎNCARNA pentru a face noi paşi pe calea DEVENIRII DUMNEZEU?
Pentru că religia altora ne vorbeşte de REÎNVIERE care este o ABERAŢIE.
Cât de PROST trebuie să fi să crezi într-o REÎNVIERE în vederea unei „judecăţi de apoi”??? De la această PROSTIE, derivă FRICA ce ne provoacă un SINDROM STOCKHOLM GLOBAL şi refuzul de a ieşi la LUMINĂ din CAVERNA LUI PLATON.
Dacă ne uităm azi la Lumea pe care bătrânii au făurit-o după renunţarea la propria religie, desigur că-şi merită soarta. Sunt pline bisericile de ei şi nu se mulţumesc cu asta, ba mai SPALĂ CREIERELE şi celor de după ei!?
Oamenii ăştia habar n-au CE SUNT, UNDE SUNT şi mai ales, DE CE SUNT AICI!? Dacă încerci să-i LUMINEZI cu GÂNDIREA celor mai INTELIGENŢI oameni din Istorie asupra RĂSPUNSURILOR la aceste întrebări fundamentale, se transformă automat în TROLLS, că „PROSTUL nu e prost destul, dacă nu e şi FUDUL”!?
Ei habar nu au de MATEMATICA ONTOLOGICĂ, de PSIHOLOGIA lui Jung, de FIZICA CUANTICĂ, de FILOSOFIA lui Pitagora, Platon, Hegel, Leibniz, de GĂURILE NEGRE şamd, dar te contrastează cu balivernele „cărţilor sfinte” pe care de asemenea nu le-au citit, sau în cel mai fericit caz, nu le-au înţeles!?
Uitaţi-vă apoi şi la cine cine conduce Lumea: regi şi regine, magnaţi, banksteri, corporatişti, jurnalişti, clerici, politicieni, chiar şi „oameni de ştiinţă”, aproape în totalitate BOŞOROGI. Asta nu înseamnă că TINERII sunt în marea lor majoritate la înălţime pentru a prelua frâiele omenirii, deoarece BOŞOROGII au avut grijă „să-i niveleze în jos” şi există dovezi că al lor Coeficient de Inteligenţă este în cădere liberă.
– Old World Order a avut grijă să pună pe primul loc FAMILIA pentru a-şi menţine peste generaţii PUTEREA, hotărând soarta COMUNITĂŢII nu numai din postura de BOŞOROGI, ci şi din aceea de MORŢI!?
MORŢI fiind, ei îşi plasează propriile odrasle (prin TRANSMITEREA EREDITARĂ A AVERII) la un pas de LINIA DE SOSIRE în vreme ce pulimea şi pizdimea trebuie să se alinieze pe LINIA DE START.
TAXA DE MOŞTENIRE de 100% cum prevedem noi iluminiştii pitagoreici.
”If you want to rationally guarantee that the dead cannot influence the world and the fates of the living, then you must declare that the dead have no rights at all. In particular, the dead have no right to transmit wealth to their chosen ones amongst the living since this is the origin of privilege, and privilege is that which must be eliminated in a meritocracy.”
– Excerpt from HyperHumanity
Mike Hockney
– OWO a avut grijă să inventeze RELIGII „ale păcii” care să te pună să întorci şi obrazul celălalt dacă eşti pălmuit, care să te îmbrobodească cu Karma, să declare că faci parte dintr-un „popor ales”, sau să te amăgească cu 72 de virgine dacă te arunci în aer.
Interzicerea acelor „cărţi sfinte” care au frânat DEVENIREA OMENIRII timp de prea multe secole.
„LIBERTATEA RELIGIILOR” este o LIBERTATE NEGATIVĂ (a fi liber DE ceva) fără a se ţine cont de INTERESUL GENERAL. Acesta din urmă nu are decât de suferit de pe urma IGNORANŢEI favorizate de religiile majore. Iluminismul promovează LIBERTATEA POZITIVĂ (a fi liber PENTRU ceva, în speţă, pentru INTERESUL GENERAL al omenirii).
– OWO a avut grijă să ne ţină OCUPAŢI, pentru a nu mai avea ocazia de a ne eventual DEŞTEPTA. Aşa se face că muncesc cu toţii pe ruptelea, şi bărbaţi şi femei, bătrânii ducându-i la Azil, iar copiilor luându-le eventual o bonă… apoi vorbim de FAMILIE ca nucleu de bază al societăţii!?
„Republica Obştească Dacia”… acolo muncim toţi şi muncim mai puţin, că eliminăm 75% din activităţile de azi dovedite FUTILE, copiii sunt preluaţi de STAT în Şcoli Internat pentru educaţie, avem Comerţ Electronic în locul Shopping-ului actual, Cantine de Cartier, Agricultură Biologică, Bunuri de Îndelungată Folosinţă, Oraşe Depopulate masiv pentru că acolo e sediul ACTIVITĂŢILOR FUTILE şi tot ce mai scriem noi în Cartea Neagră şi care aplicate, ar face actuala Criză imposibilă.
– OWO a avut grijă să implementeze GLOBALIZAREA ca să poată exploata RESURSELE LUMII A TREIA… vede cineva legătura cu DIFUZAREA VIRUŞILOR şi a altor DĂUNĂTORI??? Dar cu FUGA CREIERELOR, a PĂDURILOR şi a celorlalte RESURSE???
Înainte de a se realiza o Nouă Ordine Mondială, trebuie pornit cu STATUL SUVERAN alcătuit din COMUNITĂŢI COMPOSIBIL AUTONOME… vezi din nou Republica Obştească Dacia.
– OWO a avut grijă să fim MULŢI, PROŞTI şi BOLNAVI, caracteristici de bază pentru SCLAVII PERFECŢI. Trăim de acum „unul peste altul” şi ne-ar trebui vreo 5 planete ca să satisfacem tuturor NECESITĂŢILE VITALE. Şi planetei ăsteia i-am poluat şi distrus solul, apele şi aerul, în numele PROFITULUI unei ELITE PSIHOPATICE.
VAELRIU POPA intuia existenţa unei miriade de SUFLETE ROŞII ce pululă pe Pământ care nu dau SPAŢIU celor DE LUMINĂ din Înalturi. Imaginaţi-vă Spermatozoizii în încercarea lor de a fecunda Ovulul. Tot aşa, SUFLETELE DE LUMINĂ „nu au loc” de cele ROŞII. Drept urmare, omenirea devine din ce în ce mai PROASTĂ.
Pentru a deveni o COMUNITATE DE ZEI, trebuie să punem pe primul loc CALITATEA, ci nu CANTITATEA.
CUI BONO aşa situaţie???
În primul rând BOŞOROGILOR OWO, familiilor lor şi… BIG FARMA ce face afaceri de aur cu toţi RAMOLIŢII, inclusiv cu cei „comuni”.
Un lucru e sigur: OWO a priceput că trebuie făcut un SALT DE PARADIGMĂ şi tot ce se întâmplă în aceste timpuri de CORONAVIRUS nu e întâmplător.
Desigur că SALTUL DE PARADIGMĂ pe care-l au în vedere ILUMINIŞTII are altă faţă.
Vom avea de ales deci între EI şi NOI.
Vom avea un scenariu „1984”, sau cel de mai jos:
You can belive this or not
You can belive this or not.
The fact is that CONSPIRACIES have been and will be.
In DOHA they say:
Alsharq Today – الشرق اليوم
𝘼𝙧𝙚 𝙐𝙣𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙖𝙡 𝙇𝙖𝙬𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙃𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝘽𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙?
BY: Dr. Sulaiman Ahmad
This article presents a scenario that is proposed by many analysts, a scenario that close to a Hollywood movie, or perhaps a Bollywood one, though it is not necessarily the right one. Considering that the events that happened during the past 20 years could be part of an awful global scheme and with societies discovering the Internet, many theories, opinions, and hypotheses have emerged in an attempt to imagine the future. Many have gone far with their imaginations to the extent of hypothesizing who will live and who will die.
At first, many believed those were mere Sci-Fi scenarios or unrealistic symbolic stories at best. Yet, after digging deep into relevant theories and opinions published in 2004 and onwards, some started to believe that the possibility of a war against humanity is a debatable theory, open to all scenarios, with the aim to protect the most powerful and wealthiest classes around the world.
What the world is experiencing today due to Covid-19 may constitute a golden opportunity for those who wish to implement the international restructuring plan and to reduce world population by 25% so that the world regains its balance and vitality, as claimed by leaders of the “World Board”.
Based on the speeches of country leaders, and several analytical articles and previously programmed news reports, a number of researchers believe that the world is heading towards the worst scenario; given the nature of Coronavirus, which spreads horizontally affecting 60% -80%, a high death rate of 20% fulfills that purpose. It also achieves the plan set by the “World Board ”, according to which a large portion of the world population will be gone.
Some readings in this theory, which is adopted by its followers, note that the “World Board” believes that last century’s plan to control the demographic growth in this planet’s population in the 70s and the 80s has failed. Therefore, according to some analysts, it is logical to accept discussing the notion that: (Coronavirus is among a series of related events aimed to forcibly reduce world population).
Should this theory prove valid, a question emerges on the legitimacy of the need to reduce the world population and the adopted plan to achieve that.
It is clear that high population growth constitutes a huge burden on countries and drains its resources, jeopardizing industrial and economic advancement, especially that most countries suffer from many problems as a result of overpopulation:
The increase in demand for food and water resources – despite the increase in production-, the lack of development services, the increased burden on infrastructure, the increase in demand for energy resources and the inefficiency of distribution, the decrease in educational services, the increase in state debt, high inflation rates, and the rise in unemployment rates, difficulty of implementing development programs, high crime rates, air, water and land pollution, shrinking non-urban spaces, and increasing population rates threaten the future of life, and the sustainability of natural resources and areas that are being depleted, especially non-renewable sources such as: fuel and energy.
According to recent statistics, there are approximately 7.5 billion humans living on this planet, which are expected to reach 9.6 billion people by 2050 as per population estimates and statistics; this means we need another planet that can handle this increase, and it is up to you now to imagine the increased demand on natural resources. Such figures are a source of distress and concern for world theorists who have taken it upon themselves to plan the future of the world. From here, researchers were prompted to view Coronavirus from a different angle.
Most medical reports refer to the fact that COVID-19 does not affect children, without providing any explanation for this phenomenon; it is a virus targeting and killing only the sick and the elderly. This drives some to believe the idea that the behavior of this virus has a kind of programming and genetic engineering destined to perform this task, especially since major countries pursued a policy of “herd immunity” – secretly or publicly – in confronting the virus. Since there is no vaccine for the virus, only the strongest will survive; as the proportion of people aged 65 years and older makes up 9%, this means that the first stage of forced elimination targets the weakest groups on earth. This is the truth of the natural process, according to Darwin’s Theory of “Natural Selection” and Survival of the Fittest.
Since medical treatment for the sick and elderly is costing billions of dollars every year, without them participating in the production cycle, getting rid of them becomes acceptable for saving money for constructive and important projects.
Other readings circulating these days imply the “”World Board” plans to bring an end to homeless people and criminals; there are more than 10 million individuals in prisons around the world creating a low-ranked social classification. As a result, they are unworthy of reproduction and living, hence, according to these readings, there were considerations to integrate the Coronavirus vaccine with chemicals that affect fertility, meaning that these people will not be able to reproduce properly. This plan includes Eastern and Southern Europe countries and all countries constituting a so-called burden on humanity.
Many major countries may be aware of such a scheme, if any, and it has been implied that some categories controlling the world and its economy attempted in the 80s and 90s of last century to create a “New World Order” through transcontinental companies.
Some believe the U.S. was the first to push for this new order and tried to enforce it on countries, yet, did not achieve all its goals. This explains why it resorted to engineering and programming COVID-19, in a way that suffices and does not hold the state responsible before its people, per Chinese and Russian claims.
Besides, this scheme reinforces the U.S. power after claiming that other countries are competing with it.
Given the strict application of quarantine, and the resulting economic collapse of small and medium-sized companies, as it is being promoted by some entities and organizations around the world due to public lockdowns in the world, the post-Coronavirus economy will restore control to giants such as Amazon, which can cover the needs of the population in the U.S. and Europe by 60%, as well as “Alibaba” in Asia, along with giant IT companies that provide the technological infrastructure for the new digital world. This means that only five or six companies will be covering all the needs of the inhabitants of the earth.
If the majority of this theory’s supporter believe that this segment will control countries and their economies, how will this segment control the people?
There are some theories which suggest that China and most Asian countries strategically intended to control people through this virus via digital tracking and human behavior automation using cameras spread all over China which are capable of monitoring temperature degrees and human health conditions. In this context comes the mobile applications forced upon users, controlling who have the right to shopping and access public spaces like metro stations, in a manner communicating quarantine orders to people without human communication throughout the lockdown period.
If such theories were true, this experience, which is intended to include all countries around the world, is nothing but a digital detention covering and controlling the world. The result would be a massive database regarding the living style of every individual, which is a knowledge weapon for countries, allowing them to manage individuals as figures, rather than human beings.
With the spread of the virus and the global scare surrounding it, controlling the masses is no longer difficult, on the contrary, people have become obedient to a warning sent to them through a text message, or a written declaration, and we must accept that the world has overcome this complex.
In the post-Coronavirus era, practicing social control by countries would take place via a digital declaration of the government. By doing so, countries would determine their citizens’ behaviors, punishing methods, and social classification, as well as personal freedom and freedoms of belief and expression, may all be subject to the will of countries in the new world order. Similarly, key technology companies may contribute to the public’s compliance with this major societal adaptation.
In the same context, I have monitored Russian analytical platforms which believe that this scheme is in line with the elite world rulers, who are aware of the importance of removing the surplus population after the 2008 crisis. These countries have developed the plan and the vaccine for the Coronavirus, awaiting the right time to announce it; this vaccine is to be attached to a small chip produced by the “Intel” company, located in Israel, which would primarily allow the country to know the whereabouts of its carrier, health condition, body temperature, and blood pressure. With the spread of 5G technology, the chip holder will be in constant contact with a central network remotely directing humans.
Some Russian analysts believe that this plan is attended by about 1500 people, of whom approximately 300 are of global influence, 2000 people preparing the laws necessary to keep the plan running successfully, in addition to about 15,000 to 20,000 technicians, and other intelligence partners of major countries and international organizations.
As per this opinion, the plan should continue to work until 2024 where the first 18 months are the hardest in the transitional period due to Coronavirus rapid spread and its catastrophic results. The following 18 months will be used to develop a strategy to adapt, accept, and reshape the “collective mind” of the global community and its compatibility with the new world order.
The Russian perspective might be a bit of extreme, yet, it is possible that the world witnesses the deaths of millions, economic damage for the middle and poor classes, and confinement of societies in virtual and digital worlds, due to the novel Coronavirus.
Due to the exaggerated Coronavirus effect, the world population must become accustomed to the habitual acceptance of digital surveillance provided by artificial intelligence, in addition to controlling travel, public functions, and resources. Some claim this pandemic has enabled Europe, the U.S., and democratic countries to build such models under the pretext of saving millions of lives.
According to those who believe in the existence of this huge plan, implementing such a scheme requires following the principle of “you are either with us or against us”, in which countries are forced to join this new digital world order via economic blackmailing after suffering in fighting the Coronavirus. Humanity might then more fortunes, wars, conflicts, and famines in countries refusing to accept this change.
Lastly, this proposed theory might be entirely invalid; however, in case certain aspects of it were true at least, then we will be allowed to ask the following open question: Does this “World Board” plan intend to implement Darwin’s theory of natural selection and survival of the fittest, or those of Malthus and Lamarck who justified killing people in epidemics and wars when natural resources become scarce?
Tags: conspiracies
Universal Basic Income is a TRAP
As I said, OWO understood the need for DEGROWTH and SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, because they are not stupid … and here we have the CORONAVIRUS CRISIS. An opportunity for them, or a FALSE FLAG?
Here is a possible scenario for the future:
Billions of people will be forced to change their way of life from now on.
Many useless activities will disappear, or they will be assigned much lower weights.
Coronavirus on the one hand and Technological Progress on the other, will lead to the availability of a large mass of people.
There will be a “natural selection” both among the rich, who will become much less, and also among the poor. The latter will be of two types: socially assisted, holders of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) and workers who will have (let’s say) the double income of the former. Many IGNAVI will initially choose the first option which will of course be conditioned by the TOTAL SUBMISSION. It will be a rough form of SOCIAL BLACKMAIL. Between the two categories will soon start a “war of the poor” … “Divide at Impera”, right? Each group will want more resources in the detriment of the other, losing (again) out of sight … the “puppeteers”. There will no longer be the middle class (already on the verge of extinction today). Natural selection will continue among the poor who will only have access to Junk Food, Junk Education, Junk Helthcare, Junk Justice, Junk …That’s because the first ones have to disappear over time, and OWO knows how to do it.
Even within the Illuminati there are two camps related to Universal Basic Income and they have not yet reached an unique vision. Hyperians don’t deal with the issue either. We from the “Dacia Movement”, after long debates of 5 years ago, decided to oppose UBI.
Here’s why:
We have always considered DEGROWTH and SUSTAINABILITY (OWO came after us, and the Illuminists almost ignores the subject). Eliminating activities without social utility (futile) on the one hand and technological progress on the other, forces us today to take them seriously into consideration. Our solution that can be known from our books, is LESS WORK, AND FOR ALL, which eliminates from the beginning the SOCIAL BLACKMAIL, not to mention the HUMAN DIGNITY severely endangered by the “charity” UBI.
Obviously, OWO would not accept such a thing, because with so much free time, the “democratic majority” can read some Illuminati books for example!?
Few know that in Italy the “5 Star Movement” is campaigning for UBI (Reddito di Cittadinanza) and has even managed to introduce it. It is granted during the absence of an occupation, the state committing itself to make three offers of service, which, if rejected, lead to the loss of the right. The misfortune is that the state already has little to offer them for working today, and tomorrow it will be even worst! Paradoxically, it would be work, for example in agriculture, but there the payment is 5 euros / h in the happiest case, and this is because the (Private) Big Distribution makes Prices of agricultural products and they often do not even cover production costs. The small agricultural entrepreneurs therefore appeal to economic emigrants from underdeveloped countries. Why doesn’t the state subsidize them, with the 8 billion allocated to UBI ??? Simple: The State is Weak and does nothing else but the Interests of the Elite, not of the Citizens! A country that already has 10% unemployed today and many more tomorrow, remains with the tomatoes in the field if the romanians do not come to collect them!?!? Only a POWERFUL MERITOCRATIC ILLUMINIST STATE as we have designed, can manage EVERYTHING, not a CAPITALIST one… even SOCIAL.
Today I read a post by CORONA PARTY about GEORGIA GUIDESTONES, in which there was approval for all the points written except the first, which indicates a maximum world population of 500,000,000 people. However, they do not protest about the POPULATION CONTROL necessary for the future.
”Corona Guy – I am Spartacus.
Ah, right, I’ve been studying the Georgia Guidestones today. Here’s what they say …
1) Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2) Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3) Unite humanity with a living new language.
4) Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5) Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6) Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7) Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8) Balance personal rights with social duties.
9) Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10) Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Do you approve this message? I kinda dig these guidelines, except the shitty first one. The more of you fuckers there are, the more of you we can infect, and the more life we can have!
The Corona Party: Taking Over the World Person by Person.”
There were comments against the first two points, with which I disagree.
The figure of 500 million is only a number, but it is not far from the TRUTH from my point of view and I have argued on other occasions on this issue, including in the “Black Book”.
Specifically, the idea of an ACCELERATED ELIMINATION of 6 billion people cannot come to the mind of any healthy human being, but only to sick minds like OWO. There is talk in the environment of conspirators, especially about VACCINES and VIRUSES, but a sick imagination can come with other ideas.
We have in our minds a conscious and gradual reduction of birth rate, idea also accepted by CORONA PARTY. Already in the West “is practiced”, even if for reasons other than those we indicate.
At present, only IGNAVI multiply as rabbits.
Isn’t it time for them to stop reproducing so MUCH and IRESPONSIBLE?
Are we not followers of QUALITY, but not of QUANTITY?
Isn’t it the time to facilitate the REINCARNATION OF UPPER SOULS?
We all like SEX, but we can also use condoms because the act of REPRODUCTION must become RESPONSIBLE and respond first of all to the GENERAL INTEREST. Remember the volcanian of Star Trek?
The argument “terra can feed 10 billions” is RIDICULOUS: we already eat, drink and breathe SHIT, and many billions of people don’t even have it !? There are many states in which NATALITY is favored, without ensuring a standard of living corresponding to the 3rd millennium. Can’t they be denied ACCESS TO TECHNOLOGIES and AID in order to change their policy?
MAJOR RELIGIONS are other supporters of the increase in birth rate of their people. Can’t they be denounced and passed outside the law? And they, like predatory CAPITALISTS, need a LOT of SLAVES … a lot of DRONES.
I could argue hours in a row on this topic and I wonder why so many enlightened do not understand such a RATIONAL thing !? This is because they are victims of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, LIBERALISM, MULTICULTURALISM, EMOTIONS and FEELINGS with which their brain was washed and they cannot wake up. At this time I can not express my opinions for the above post, as I am increasingly censored by FAKEBOOK.
An issue worthy of attention in this context, is what we have pointed out in our books as well:
OWO has finally understood that the current PARADIGM is UNSUSTAINABLE and is looking for an EXIT ROAD, without losing CONTROL..they forces us to stay in the house although it is unproductive in the fight against the virus because we lack the SUN, MOVEMENT, SCHOOL, SOCIALIZATION, SALARIES etc. It is a more virulent flu, but it is not the first in the history of mankind. Nobody is talking today about OVERPOPULATION, PM10, POLLUTION, EATING STRESSED ANIMALS, INSIPID GMO VEGETABLES, IRADIATED FRUITS, FERTILIZERS, ANTIBIOTICS and EXFOLIANS etc.
THEY are responsible that the EARTH’S ANTICORPS are SO VIOLENT. Not for nothing is repeated the last point on the GEORGIA GUIDESTONE: Leave room for nature !!! Leave room for nature !!!
It seems that OWO has decided to move to DEGROWTH to be part of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, but in a way contrary to what we romanian illuminists have in MIND (the “originals” from other countries do not really treat the issue) !? If we, the RATIONAL ones, do not enter the GAME, then OWO will introduce a “1984” scenario. Lately, I have become pessimistic about the illuminists ability to counteract OWO TACTICS and STRATEGY. Their attitude is totally passive and conservative at this juncture. I come back saying that “we are talking about the sex of the angels and the ottmans are under the walls” !!!
Where were we? Ah, in CHINA and the crisis triggered by CORONAVIRUS that will end the GLOBALIZATION with epic consequences. I will allow myself to lay the foundations of a THEORY OF THE CONSPIRATION, because the CONSPIRATIONS are part of the History of Humanity … even the Illuminists “conspire”, right? I will start from Hegel’s DIALECTICS, which says that SLAVES are gradually becoming MASTERS, due to the “negligence” of delegating to them THE PRODUCTION OF THE social NEEDS. In short, my THEORY is that CHINA produced the current CRISIS with a precise purpose: GLOBAL CONTROL.
I said that in the happiest case, they will take the first step towards the Illuminist Meritocracy, but there is one more unhappy case: GLOBAL CONTROL.
Of course, these two extreme hypotheses can have several intermediate “variants”.
We will live and we will see!?
At present time, we can say that: either the West fell into the trap of China and stopped the engines of the economy WITHOUT REASON, or that the West cooperates with China for a joint project of type “1984”. Everyone is free to THINK and form their own OPINION; I will emphasize a few less contemplated aspects:
– The mortality caused by CORONAVIRUS is not greater than that produced by the previous Influenza, Suicides, Work-related accidents, Tobacco, HIV, Ebola etc.
I will not present the NUMBERS (TRUTH) that prove this, but they exist in the Official Statistics of recognized institutions and the work of TRUE JOURNALISTS such as the Italian guy whose video post I recently took over.
– CHINA overcame the crisis and began to PRODUCE and “help” (CHARITY) the “civilized world”.
– THE WESTERN COUNTRIES “STOPPED”, and GOVERNMENTS AND INSTITUTIONS OF THE STATE, supported by the PRIVATE MEDIA and the ”STATE MEDIA”(which only by state are not!), obliges us to stay in the house, to keep the Social Distance, to close the Schools, not to form GROUPS , they put the Army and the Repression Police on the streets, and the social networks (which are PRIVATE) allow themselves to CENSORE uncomfortable news like the one mentioned above. Don’t you think that it is a State and Media Terrorism ???
No doubt there are also beneficial consequences of the current crisis that make me optimistic: churches are closed, no more planes fly, no more cars and ships (air, water and soil are cleaner), and the Celebrity Industry, High Fashion, Sports on Money, Corporations, Crime, Shopping, Drug Use, Junk Industry, Party and Politicians Popularity etc. are in FREE FALL
Parenthesis: I am cynical and i claim that churches should be allowed to do their job, because we are already too many and too stupid !? It is important that we remain safe, we the RATIONAL ones and not get infected in the real and figurative ways. In this sense, I point out that in Romania more old women die than men, because they go and stay for hours in the churches, they lie down, they kiss greasy colored icons, they drink the ”blood of Jesus” with the same teaspoon, they take the ”Flesh of Jesus” from the hands of dirty popes. The misfortune is that Young people do not avoid being contagiated, because they are IGNAVI for the most too!?…
Children are also kept HOSTAGES in these TOXIC FAMILIES.…
I point out that a New York Cathedral has been transformed into a Hospital … In our Black Book this destination is indicated, along with Luxury Hotels, Celebrity Villas, Party Buildings, Corporations and Banks etc. In the matter of children in this context , in the next episode I will explain why this CRISIS would not be possible, or would have minor effects, if our COUNTRY PROJECT exposed by us in the “BLACK BOOK” would be applied.
Also beneficial is that the interest for the above activities, will be replaced by the interest for Science, Organic Agriculture, Industry of necessary products, Public Health, Environmentalism, Sustainability, Happy Degrowth, Trade without intermediaries etc. and especially, for the personnel related to these activities.
Another beneficial consequence is that more and more people will ask for large scale NATIONALIZATION, because if the STATE prints and gives money to the CAPITALISTS incapable of supporting the Economy from their own pockets, has also the RIGHT to become the OWNER!!! One thing is for sure: nothing will ever be as it is today!
Once again I reaffirm that preserving the term CAPITALISM, even SOCIAL, would mean that FUKUYAMA was right when he said that through CAPITALISM we have reached THE END OF HISTORY, which we Iluminists do not share at all.
We have another scenario: Illuminist Meritocracy.
Even for this we cann’t talk about the End of History, because everything is BECOMING… otherwise it DIES.
“The Snake that does not change its skin dies; as well as the Mind that is not open to other opinions! ” – Nietzsche
You hear me…?