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Archive for Ottobre, 2019:
Hyperian Manifesto
Băi, voi nu v-ați săturat? Să fiți mințiți, prostiți, furați pe față și scuipați între ochi de un Sistem care de zeci de ani nu a realizat nimic? NIMIC?! Soluția EXISTĂ! V-o redau aici din nou și o voi tot face cât timp trăiesc. CITIȚI! Părerile neargumentate ale unora nu mă interesează.
„SISTEMUL”… economic, educațional, religios. Există de fapt multe sisteme, dar le-ai observat măcar o clipă? Sau poate crezi că „așa e realitatea făcută să fie”. De „iluminare” ce zici? Sau „mântuire”, cum ar numi-o creștinii, neștiind măcar o clipă despre ce vorbesc.
Fără prea multe prezentări și introduceri, ofer aici traducerea adaptată a unui rezumat al unui curent străin, HYPERIANISM-ul, puțin cunoscut în Românica noastră nu-prea-cultivată, dar care își merită tot timpul acordat citirii lui. Succes și mulțumesc.
Hyperianism-ul e despre Rațiune, despre Logică, și despre mult mai mult de atât. E o Chemare la o Nouă Ordine Mondială (NWO), o Cale cu totul nouă despre cum pot fi lucrurile făcute. Cum a spus și Nietzsche, Trebuie Să Reevaluăm Toate Valorile și apoi să ne construim propriile Valori. Vechiul Sistem pur și simplu nu funcționează. Miliarde de oameni sunt înfometați, și mai multe miliarde cred în Superstiții expirate, iar cel mai bun lucru la care pot ei spera, e „să fie lăsați în pace”. Nu permit Transformarea, nu permit Schimbarea. Nicio Democrație de pe fața pământului nu a menționat măcar o dată care îi este Scopul. Ei bine, noi tocmai îl menționăm pe al nostru: să obținem cât mai multă Cunoaștere, să obținem Gnoza (gnosis), să devenim Zei! Să creăm o Comunitate De Zei. Să avem o societate dreaptă pentru prima dată în istorie, care îi ridică la înălțime pe toți membrii ei, nu doar Elitele Privilegiate.
Cum? Pai, e destul de simplu:
Credințele religioase (Creștinismul, Iudaismul și Islamul – care literar înseamnă „Supunere”) ne-au condus direct la Cruciade, Inchiziție și Arderea Filosofilor și Liber-Cugetătorilor („eretici”). Obediența lipsită de gândire nu e o Cale Spre Înainte.
Absurditățile misterioase ale Relativiștilor, Budiștilor și ale celor de teapa lui Alan Watts spun că nu există așa ceva numit Adevăr. Ei ne-au propăvăduit Meditația (curățarea mintii; practic, să nu gândești deloc!) și iluzia profundității. Nefolositor.
Materialismul Ştiințific a realizat cea mai mare parte din Progres și a creat Tehnologia pe care o folosim astăzi, pentru că și numai pentru că, s-a folosit de Matematică! Fără matematică și formule matematice, Ştiința nu ar fi fost în stare să prezică sau să explice nimic. E un fapt. Știința refuză să accepte că ceva neobservabil (punctul adimensional – monada – mintea – sufletul etern!) poate exista. Această ideologie anti-minte încearcă să ne transforme în mașini lipsite de Liberul Arbitru! Cât de bizar e asta?
Singura cale înainte e Matematica Ontologică. Suntem Cauze Necauzate (minți/monade) și avem Liberul Arbitru din plin. Universul este Rațional și Obiectiv, și putem soluționa absolut orice folosind numai Rațiunea și Matematica. Numerele sunt reale din punct de vedere ontologic. Nu există așa ceva ca „Materia” în sine – Materia este doar o expresie a Minții. Realitatea la bază nu este decât Matematică, Numere și Frecvențe.
Toate religiile vechi au eșuat și au ținut umanitatea pe loc, iar acest lucru e de neacceptat. Oamenii nu vor pregresa atât timp cât continuă să creadă în povești, să se închine la dumnezei tirani inexistenți sau să se supună orbește unor „sfinte cărți” false și contradictorii. Dacă pot fi considerate cumva, ele nu sunt decât cărți cât se poate de nesfinte! Acestea au condus omenirea pe o cale a distrugerii și la teroare de-a lungul istoriei lor. Privește de exemplu Islamul. Oameni sunt bătuți până la moarte din cauza a ceea ce a scris un analfabet care a trăit într-o peșteră acum câteva mii de ani. De ce tolerăm așa ceva?
Religia trebuie sa se bazeze pe Logos, pe Cunoaștere. Suntem Suflete Eterne, Matematice (altfel spus, Monade Leibniziane, Puncte Adimensionale sau Minți). „Nașterea” e conexiunea Minții din Sursă / Singularitate (domeniul zero-dimensional al frecvențelor) cu „Avatarul” sau Corpul, din Holos (domeniul 6-dimensional al Spațiu-Timpului). Vom accesa Cunoașterea și eventual vom deveni Zei. Un „Zeu” e pur și simplu o ființă cu Putere și Cunoaștere infinită. Reîncarnându-ne, vom continua să evoluăm mental până la punctul în care vom fi devenit cu toții Zei, de dată ce am devenit suficient de inteligenți și raționali. E inevitabil. Universul are un punct de terminare, un sfârșit de maximă actualizare și perfecțiune, și cu toții vom fi atrași neîncetat spre Îmbunătățire și Devenire, aprpiindu-ne de acea Perfecțiune.
Vechiul Sistem Economic a eșuat. „Democrația” capitalistă este de fapt o Plutocrație (condusă de cei bogați). Nicăieri în lume nu contează părerea oamenilor comuni. Precum în timpurile medievale când familiile regale conduceau, Stăpânii din Elita Financiară transmit Bogăția și Puterea lor dinastic, de la generație la generație la nesfârşit, asigurându-se că și le vor menține pentru totdeauna.
Dacă faci parte din Familia lor – dacă ești unul dintre „ei”, dacă ai cravata potrivită, descendența de sânge potrivită – ai totul de-a gata. Pur și simplu nu ai cum să pierzi! Cursa Vieţii (parabolă Iluministă) e măsluită, masa e înclinată și „casa” căștigă întotdeauna.
În timp ce majoritatea dintre noi ne începem viața cu aproape nimic, Elita Financiară aranjează Cursa Vieţii în favoarea ei prin Moșteniri masive și Fonduri Privilegiate. Aceștia sunt oportuniști, hoți și paraziți. Donald Trump a moștenit $400 milioane. Dacă n-ar fi moștenit nimic, am mai fi auzit noi vreodată de el? În termenii Cursei Vieţii, familiile ereditare ultra-bogate încep cursa cu 3 metri înaintea liniei de sosire, iar noi începem la 1000 km distanță. N-avem nicio șansă să-i prindem din urmă. Câștigul lor e garantat, și ei iau toate aplauzele – nu bazat pe Meritul lor, ci pe baza a cine au fost părinții lor. Nu ai fi tu un Fraier dacă ai accepta să fii un cetățean de clasa a 2-a, să iei parte la o Cursă care știi deja că a fost aranjată împotriva ta în toate felurile posibile?
Apelăm la schimbarea Capitalismului Globalist Prădător cu un capitalism moderat, social. Demolaţi Cultul Celebrităților și Clasa Elitei Financiare ce încearcă să se perpetueze drept Stăpânii noștri pentru Eternitate!
Oamenii și Ideile contează mai mult decât „Principiul Profitului” și materialista acumulare a bogăției. Implementați taxa de 100% pe moștenire morților, astfel încât toate resursele să fie returnate unui stat inteligent și binevoitor. Nimeni nu trebuie să acumuleze bani în exces, să zicem, 100 de milioane de dolari. Făcând asta ei sustrag din Resursele tuturor; iar tolerând acest lucru, accepţi indirect că miliardarii plutocrați precum Trump valorează de 100,000,000 de ori mai mult decât tine și merită de 100,000,000 de ori mai multe resurse. Numai un fraier desăvârșit ar accepta așa ceva în ultimă instanță.
Cu Taxa de Moştenire de 100% vom putea reinvesti toate aceste fonduri în beneficiul tuturor, nu doar a câtorva aleși. Vom putea investi miliarde de dolari într-o educație TRĂSNET și să construim sisteme și proiecte revoluţionare în beneficiul tuturor și vor ridica întreaga omenire pe o nouă Treaptă a Evoluţiei.
În primul rând, ce nu suntem noi: nu suntem anarhiști, libertarieni, conservatori liberali, socialiști sau comuniști. Suntem Iacobini și Radicali De Stânga. Noi pledăm pentru Meritocrație. Meritocrație reală, nu iluzia ei pe care o trăim astăzi.
Cu ce e ea diferită? Păi, în Capitalismul Prădător te alegi cu oportunități și recompense inegale. Nepotismul rulează agresiv. „Pe Cine Cunoști” reprezintă totul, iar „Ce Cunoști” (Meritul tău real) nu are loc în acest Sistem. Dacă ești destul de norocos încât să te naști în familia potrivită, începi cu milioane sau chiar miliarde de dolari. Alte familii încep cu nimic. Nu este o Cale sănătoasă pentru ca o societate normală să avanseze.
Apoi e Comunismul, care e opusul Capitalismului, și care e pur și simplu la fel de greșit – el conduce la recompense egale pentru absolut toată lumea și la corupție, eliminând astfel orice stimul pentru a o muncă remarcabilă și fapte mărețe – pentru că toată lumea va fi pur și simplu răsplătită la fel în orice caz. Ăsta e motivul pentru care a și căzut. Nu reprezintă deci o Soluţie.
Meritocrația e despre Oportunități Egale și Recompense Inegale! Meritocrația nivelează terenul de joc și le permite tuturor să concureze drept, dar unde vei ajunge din acel moment ține numai de tine și ești răsplătit în funcție de Meritul, Talentul și Contribuțiile pe care le aduci Societății.
Într-o Meritocrație, „pe cine cunoşti” devine irelevant și totul e despre „ceea ce știi”. Cei mai inteligenți, informați și capabili oameni în toate domeniile vor lua cele mai importante decizii. Nu e asta cea mai elegantă și rațională soluție? Dacă va fi necesar, liderii vor fi împiedicaţi să folosească poziția lor pentru a-și cultiva interesele private, exact ca în Republica lui Plato.
Meritocrația câștigă în fața Democrației din toate punctele de vedere. Democrația a eșuat! Pur și simplu întreabă-te: ar trebui să încredințăm soarta societății și progresul umanității Geniilor, Intelectualilor și Experților Ştiințifici, sau în mâna unor Oameni Mediocri? Dacă te-ai accidenta și ai avea nevoie de operație, ți-ai dori ca cei mai buni posibili, cei mai învățați doctori să fie acolo pentru a te trata, sau o persoană oarecare de pe strada? Consider că raspunsul e evident.
Meritocrația e singurul răspuns Rațional, cea mai bună Cale pentru optimizarea și înălțarea tuturor.
Succesul oricui, este şi Succesul nostru. Dacă vrei să aprofundezi mai mult viziunea noastră, caută pe google despre The Venus Project (Proiectul Venus) sau societatea descrisă în Star Treck: The Next Generation. E vorba de un Guvern Mondial! Celebritățile și Elitele Bogate şi Psihopate dispar din ecuație. Achiziția bunurilor materiale nu va mai reprezenta scopul vieții – totul va fi pentru dezvoltarea ta personală și contribuția adusă umanității în felul care te pasionează pe tine cel mai mult.
Aşa, sau ceva similar, va arăta Viitorul. Democrația capitalistă NU va mai exista în viitor, asta e sigur. Istoria avansează întotdeauna datorită dialecticii, iar dialectica ne îndreaptă spre un viitor meritocratic și iluminat! E vorba de cât de repede vom ajunge noi acolo. Dacă destui oameni ar dori schimbarea și ar acționa, lumea ar putea fi schimbată literar peste noapte. E atât de simplu.
– Thomas Foster – hyperian
Text adaptat după Traducerea lui Ştefan Gabi – hyperian
Hyperian Manifesto
(This is a long post but worth reading if you want a summary of what Hyperianism is.)
I’m seeing a lot of newcomers being confused about what Hyperianism represents, or asking whether/why we have political affiliations. Allow me to clarify.
Hyperianism is about reason and logic, but it’s about more than that. It’s a call for a New World Order, a completely new way of doing things. As Nietzsche said, we need to revalue all values and create our own values. The old system isn’t working. Billions are starving, billions more believe in outdated superstitions, and the best anyone can hope for is to ‘left alone’. There’s no transformation, no change. No democracy on Earth has ever stated what its purpose is. Well, we can state ours: to obtain knowledge, to obtain gnosis, to become Gods! To create a community of Gods. To have a fair and just society for the first time in history, that uplifts everyone rather than just the privileged elites.
How? Well, it’s quite simple:
Religious faith (Christianity, Judaism and Islam – which literally means “submission”) has led to the Crusades, inquisition and burning freethinkers and philosophers (‘heretics’) at the stake. Unthinking obedience is not the way forward.
Mystical fortune-cookie clap trap of the likes of the relativists, Buddhists and Alan Watts-types say there’s no such thing as truth! They have given us meditation (clearing your mind i.e. not thinking!) and the illusion of profundity. Useless.
Scientific materialism has made the most progress and created technology that we use today, because and only because it allied with mathematics! Without maths and mathematical formulae, science wouldn’t be able to predict or explain anything. That’s a fact. Science refuses to accept that something unobservable (such as a dimensionless point – monad – mind – eternal soul!) can indeed exist. It’s anti-mind ideology tries to turn us into machines with no free will! How bizarre is that?
The only way forward is ontological mathematics. We are uncaused causes (monads/minds) and we do have total free will. The universe is rational and objective, and we can work out everything using our reason and mathematics. Numbers are ontologically real. There is no ‘matter’ as such – matter is just an expression of mind. Reality at a base level is nothing but mathematics, numbers and frequency.
All the old religions have failed and held humanity back, and that is unacceptable. Humans will not progress as long as we believe in made up stories, bow to nonexistent tyrant gods and blindly obey outdated, contradictory and false “holy books”. If anything, they are unholy books! They have weaved a path of destruction and terror through human history. Just look at Islam. If you contradict the Koran in certain countries, you’ll get beheaded! Young couples are stoned to death because of what an illiterate guy in a cave wrote thousands of years ago. Why do we tolerate this?
Religion must be based on Logos, on knowledge. We are eternal, mathematical souls (alternatively Leibnizian monads, dimensionless points, or minds). “Birth” is the connection of the mind in the source (0-dimensional frequency domain) with the ‘avatar’, or body, in the holos (6-dimensional spacetime domain). We will acquire knowledge and eventually become Gods. A “God” is simply a being with infinite knowledge and power. Due to reincarnation, we will keep mentally evolving and we will all become a God, once we are intelligent and rational enough. It is inevitable. The universe has an endpoint of maximum actualisation and perfection, and all of us are being pulled relentlessly to improve and become closer to that perfection.
The old economics have failed. Capitalist “democracy” is actually plutocracy (rule by the rich). Nowhere in the world do the people have any genuine say. Just like in medieval times where royal families ruled, our financial elite masters transmit their wealth and power dynastically, from generation to generation indefinitely, making sure that they always maintain their wealth and power.
If you’re part of their family – if you’re one of “them”, if you have the right tie, the right bloodline – you’ve got it made. You literally can’t lose! The race is rigged, the table is tilted and the house always wins.
While most of us start with next to nothing, the financial elite rig the race in their favour via massive inheritances and trust funds. They are moochers, looters and parasites. Donald Trump inherited $400 million. If he inherited nothing, would we ever have heard of him? In terms of the race, the ultra-rich hereditary families start 3 meters from the finish line, and we start 1000 meters away. We can never catch up. They are guaranteed to win, and get all the applause – not based on their merit, but on who their parents were. Wouldn’t you have to be a loser to accept being a second-class citizen, to take part in a race that you knew was rigged against you in every conceivable way?
We call for the replacement of predatory, globalist capitalism with restrained, social capitalism. Down with celebrity culture and the permanent financial elite class that is trying to set themselves up as our masters in perpetuity!
People and ideas matter more than the “Profit Principle” and materialistic wealth acquisition. Implement 100% inheritance tax on the dead, so that all resources are returned to an intelligent and benevolent State. Nobody needs to hoard money in excess of, say, 100 million dollars. By doing that they are literally denying resources to everyone else; and by tolerating this we are saying that billionaire plutocrats like Trump are worth 100,000,000 more than you and deserve 100,000,000 more resources. Only a perpetual loser would ever accept this ultimatum.
With 100% inheritance tax we will be able to re-invest these funds in order to benefit everyone, not just a select few. We will be able to invest billions of dollars into top-notch education and create systems and transformative projects that benefit everyone and uplift humanity on a grand scale.
Firstly, what we are not: we are not anarchists, libertarians, Conservatives, liberals, socialists or communists. We are Jacobins and radical leftists.
We advocate meritocracy. Actual meritocracy, not the illusion of it like we have now.
How is it different? Well, in predatory capitalism, you’ve got inequal opportunities and inequal outcomes. Nepotism and cronyism run rampant. “Who you know” is everything, and “what you know” (i.e. your merit) doesn’t come into it. If you get lucky and you’re born into the right family, you start with millions or even billions of dollars. Other families start with nothing. That’s no way for a sane society to proceed.
Communism is the opposite and just as wrong – it leads to corruption and equal outcomes, thereby removing any incentive to do great work and perform great deeds – because everyone will simply be rewarded the same anyway. That’s why it collapsed. It’s not the answer either.
Meritocracy is about equal opportunities and inequal outcomes! Meritocracy levels the playing field and allows everyone to fairly compete, but where you go from there is up to you and you are rewarded in proportion to your merit, talent and contribution to society.
In a meritocracy, “who you know” becomes irrelevant and it’s all about “what you know”. The most intelligent, knowledgeable and capable people in each field lead and make the important decisions. Isn’t that the most elegant, rational solution? If necessary, the leaders are prevented from using their position to further their private interests, just as it was in Plato’s Republic.
Meritocracy beats democracy in every sense. Democracy has failed! Simply ask yourself this: shall we entrust the fate of our society and the progress of humanity to the geniuses and intellectuals, and scientific experts, or to average and mediocre people? If you were in an accident and needed surgery, would you want the best possible, most learned doctor there to help you, or some random person off the street? Surely the answer is obvious.
Meritocracy is the only rational answer, the best way to optimise and uplift everyone.
If everyone succeeds, we succeed. If you want to visualise our vision better, just think of the Venus Project or the society depicted in Star Trek: The Next Generation. It’s a one-world government! The celebrities and psychopathic rich elites are gone. The acquisition of material goods is no longer important – it’s all about improving yourself and contributing to humanity in the way that you’re most passionate about.
That, or something similar to that is what the future will be like. Capitalist democracy will NOT still exist in the year 10,000 CE, that’s for sure. History is always advancing thanks to the dialectic, and the dialectic points towards a meritocratic and enlightened future! It’s just about how quickly we reach it. If enough people wanted change and took action, the world could literally change overnight. It’s that simple.
– Thomas Foster – hyperian
Hyperian History Of The World (19th Century, Part 5)
Hyperian History Of The World (19th Century, Part 5)
Nietzsche’s radical philosophy signalled the end of an era for philosophy. Just as he had declared that ‘god is dead’, Nietzsche had attacked all manner of ‘idols’, including many greatly respected philosophers. Kant, Hegel and even Leibniz failed to escape Nietzsche’s scathing attacks. Perhaps Nietzsche was (understandably) frustrated by the fact that no religion, no philosophy, no science had succeeded in adequately explaining this reality in which he found himself, and so he felt the need to attack everything, to expose it all as empty and without true meaning.
Of course, Nietzsche’s biggest problem was that he was not a rationalist, and therefore lacked the means to distinguish between what was the real truth and what were empty falsehoods. Yet it was nonetheless true that even the greatest of rationalists, Leibniz, had not been able to truly express his philosophy in the purest rational terms because, as has been discussed, he lacked the mathematics with which to do so. Unfortunately, philosophy after Leibniz had actually seemed to move further and further away from mathematics (with science becoming more and more mathematical after Newton by contrast). Kant had started, in his earlier writings, with a more mathematical, almost scientific view of reality, which he had then rejected in his later, grander philosophy. Even Hegel, whose system was the most ‘complete’, had expressed it in metaphysical terms rather than mathematical, and mathematics was entirely absent in Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.
As philosophy became less mathematical and science more so, those seeking to understand reality were perhaps drawn more to science than to philosophy, as science would have seemed more rigorous, despite its basis in irrational empiricism. The problem was, of course, the sundering of academic disciplines. Mathematicians, those who held the keys to existence, were not sufficiently versed in philosophy and, as such, knew not how to use their keys. In the 18th century, Euler had actually discovered the equation which explained and defined all existence, yet had not realised that that is what is was. Unfortunately, no philosopher had made the connection either, yet mathematicians pressed on, making more and more discoveries, the significance of which they continued to fail to grasp.
In the early 19th century, another mathematician came along, Joseph Fourier, who, like Euler, made incredibly important mathematical discoveries, yet knew not their true significance. The biggest problem in philosophy was the mind/matter interaction problem which went back all the way to Descartes. Leibniz had partially solved the mind/matter interaction problem by showing that matter must be ultimately derived from mind, from the monads in his system, and that this must be done via some mathematical operations. Yet Leibniz had not discovered what those operations were.
It wasn’t until the work of Fourier that these mathematical operations were discovered. As he was a mathematician and not a philosopher, Fourier himself did not realise the implications of his own discoveries, but he can nonetheless be counted among humanity’s greatest geniuses by virtue of having made the mathematical discoveries necessary to solve the mind/matter problem.
Euler’s formula had shown that the exponential function could be expressed in terms of sine and cosine waves. Fourier built on this and discovered that every mathematical function can be expressed in terms of these simple waves, sine and cosine waves. From the analysis of these waves, Fourier realised that the same mathematical information can be presented in two completely different ways. Mathematical information can be presented in terms of a frequency domain as well as a space/time domain. Using a mathematical operation, known as the Fourier Transform, one can switch between the two domains.
These mathematical ideas provide the answer to Descartes’s problem. Leibniz had shown that each monad contains infinite energy, and energy is simply a collection of simple waves. The energy within the monads, within the realm of mind, is therefore represented by Fourier’s frequency domain and this same energy can be represented by Fourier’s space/time domain, via Fourier’s Transform, to form the realm of matter. Leibniz had shown that mind and matter were simply two forms of the same thing, and Fourier had (finally) provided the mathematics to show how it worked. Finally it could be shown how mind and matter can interact, by the fact that they are both presenting the same mathematical information in two different ways, related by Fourier’s Transform.
Of course, the true implications of Fourier’s discoveries were not recognised at the time, yet Fourier’s work was still hugely influential, particularly in science and engineering. By failing to utilise mathematics, philosophy was eclipsed by science in the 19th century, as science began to make progressions.
Religion had informed the worldview of the majority of people for so many centuries, yet now science was replacing religion, often offering completely alternative views of reality. In the 19th century this was shown most explicitly by the theories of Charles Darwin. The bible, which had been the source of knowledge for most ordinary people for centuries, simply stated that god had created the world and all the creatures in it. Darwin developed an alternative theory which proved devastating for religion.
Darwin asserted that the huge variety of species of life on Earth had all descended from common ancestors via a process which he called ‘natural selection’. Given that there were variations in the offspring of a species, those individuals which were better adapted to their environment were more likely to survive and reproduce. Therefore, over time, species would develop and evolve in various ways in response to changes in the environment. This theory of evolution was utterly in opposition to the religious ‘creationist’ view as, most significantly, Darwin’s theory required no creator at all.
Of course, there were flaws in the theory. Darwin failed to explain the origin of life itself (how did the first species appear?), he failed to explain exactly how variation occurs (his contemporary Gregor Mendel did explain this with his early genetic theory, but he was all but ignored while Darwin became a celebrity), and, of course, his theory was based solely on his empirical observations, and therefore had no rational basis at all. In fact, upon analysis, one realises that Darwin’s theory is ultimately based upon supposedly ‘random’ changes, some of which just happen to be suited to the environment.
Here the absurdity is revealed. If these changes are random, then every possible change has an equal chance of occurring. Given that only a narrow range of these changes would actually be suited to the environment of a species, the fact that such a variety of species has evolved, often with incredibly specific adaptations, and often over rather short spans of time, seems incredibly lucky. To go from single-celled organisms to the complexity of the human brain via a system of randomness just seems too good to be true.
In fact, a far less famous biologist had already developed a theory of evolution which addresses these problems, long before Darwin, yet these ideas are rarely discussed by scientists today. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck’s theory of evolution stated that there was some kind of complexifying force which drove evolution up a ladder of increasing complexity. To modern scientists this seems almost mystical and, of course, such a force could never be empirically observed, yet Lamarck’s theory at least accounts for the rapid increase in complexity which could never be achieved via randomness as Darwin later asserted.
The problem was, as ever, that these scientists were not philosophers and were not mathematicians. The three disciplines needed to be used together in order to truly understand reality, yet they had become far too separated.
Compared with the assertions of the bible, however, science certainly seemed to provide more rigorous explanations of reality and the power of religion was forever diminished with these scientific discoveries. Yet, later in the 19th century, even science would begin to show its fragility. Ever since Newton, physicists were happy with their deterministic view of the universe, based upon observable effects guided by simple mathematical laws. Yet it eventually became clear that things were not as simple as Newton had thought.
The most significant physicist of the late 19th century was James Clerk Maxwell, who delivered the first significant blow to the Newtonian view of physics. Maxwell studied both electricity and magnetism and eventually realised that they were simply two different expressions of the same phenomenon, namely light itself. Maxwell showed that both electric and magnetic fields travelled through space as waves moving at the speed of light. This unification of light, electricity and magnetism led to the idea of the electromagnetic spectrum, which Maxwell used to predict the existence of other forms of light such as radio waves.
This was very significant. Radio waves, and other types of light on the electromagnetic spectrum were not observable, yet their existence had been predicted mathematically, via the equations which Maxwell had developed. Whereas Newton had made his observations and then had developed equations to fit them, Maxwell had started with the mathematics and then declared that these waves must exist, without having observed them. This was a major shake-up to scientists who, once so certain of their view of reality, now began to realise that things were not as they had seemed. Physics was ripe for revolution, and in the next century chaos would certainly ensue.
Maxwell showed how science and mathematics were working together to improve their views of reality. Unfortunately they were still very much alienated from philosophy and, as such, there were still major flaws in their theories. Yet, nonetheless, 19th century science shows quite clearly that the reign of irrational religion was over once and for all, as Nietzsche said with his ‘god is dead’. Science would become the new power over the way in which people thought, yet, being based on empiricism, would be just as irrational as religion had been, yet in a far less easy to notice way.
– Brice Merci – hyperian
Hyperian History Of The World (19th Century, Part 4)
Hyperian History Of The World (19th Century, Part 4)
The 19th century was the time where we begin to see more clearly the split between philosophy and science. In prior centuries the goal of the two disciplines had been the same, that of explaining and understanding the nature of existence, so they had both been similar and related, with science even having been formerly known as ‘natural philosophy’. Yet the rivalry of Newton and Leibniz had created an irreparable split between them, one which became much more obvious in the 19th century.
The divisive figure for philosophy was, in fact, Hegel. Hegel’s philosophy represented the culmination of German idealism which had begun with Leibniz. Leibniz had actually come the closest to truly explaining reality, yet had begun to mathematicise his philosophy as best he could with the mathematics available to him at the time. Unfortunately, subsequent philosophers had abandoned this project in favour of more complex metaphysics, whilst science did make use of mathematics, although somewhat illegitimately given that science was based on empiricism and mathematics is the purest expression of rationalism. Hegel’s philosophy represented the most complete and complicated system of idealism, yet subsequent philosophers had great trouble with it.
As we have seen, Marx had revered Hegel, yet had misinterpreted him and had developed a materialist version of his philosophy which would nonetheless have huge real world impact. Other philosophers would be less kind to Hegel. The problem was that Hegel’s philosophy seemed so complete, yet was incredibly difficult to understand. It was as if they could tell that Hegel had developed a complete system of explaining reality, yet they couldn’t penetrate through the layers of complex, academic language in order to understand it. Thus they instead rejected it and philosophy has never been the same since.
The next significant philosopher after Hegel was Arthur Schopenhauer. Schopenhauer famously utterly rejected Hegel, referring to him as a ‘stupid and clumsy charlatan’ and describing his philosophy as ‘presumptuously scribbled nonsense’. Schopenhauer, therefore, simply ignored Hegel and went back to Kant and developed his philosophy from that starting point.
Schopenhauer’s key assertion was that the universe was simply a single, mental, striving Will to exist. This Will does nothing other than strive for its own continued existence. The Will as it is in itself corresponds to Kant’s noumenal domain and the physical expression of the Will corresponds to Kant’s phenomenal domain, as the subjective experience that the Will has as it continues to strive for its continued existence. Thus was Kant’s philosophy tied to the idea of mind striving for something. However, as Schopenhauer had rejected Hegel, he thought that the Will was one single thing on its own, rather than being individuated into many things as Hegel (and Leibniz) might have said.
Schopenhauer said that the Will strives constantly in such a way as to experience pleasure and avoid pain. However, when the Will does experience pleasure, it quickly becomes dissatisfied with that pleasure and begins to Will pleasure of a different kind. Therefore, the Will is never ever satisfied and simply continues to Will on and on. Thus Schopenhauer’s philosophy presents the ultimate pessimistic view of reality as opposed to Hegel’s very optimistic philosophy which says that the universe will evolve to perfection eventually. Schopenhauer asserts, rather, that the Will is the very source of evil and is itself purely evil because all it does it cause us to experience only fleeting moments of pleasure as small islands in an ocean of pain and suffering.
Schopenhauer saw the similarity between his ideas and those of eastern philosophies, particularly Buddhism. Buddhism also asserts that the striving for pleasure is what ultimately leads to suffering and therefore rejects desire and seeks detachment from the world in order to transcend it. However, Schopenhauer’s philosophy far more rigorously and logically shows how this idea leads to complete and utter pessimism. Anyone who feels attracted to eastern philosophy ought to study Schopenhauer in order to understand the dangers of this way of thinking, leading as it does to pessimism and, eventually, nihilism.
Regardless of the moral implications of Schopenhauer’s Will, his philosophy shows us that physical things have an ‘inside’ from which they are subjectively experienced, for example, our minds subjectively experience our bodies from the inside. It follows that this must be true for all physical objects, thereby proving that there is a fundamental mind that subjectively experiences all matter from the inside. Mind and matter are two sides to the same coin, just as Leibniz had said.
Schopenhauer proved to be very influential, mostly because his works were so much easier to read than Hegel’s had been. Following Schopenhauer, we now arrive at one of the most devastating and explosive philosophers of all time, Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche added a teleological element to Schopenhauer’s Will, turning it from ‘Will to Exist’ into ‘Will to Power’.
Nietzsche realised that Schopenhauer’s Will to Exist was not sufficient, as there are many occasions when one might Will something that actually causes pain rather than pleasure, if this then leads on to some increase in one’s power. Nietzsche realised that the Will wasn’t simply blindly striving to exist, but was rather striving to increase its own power, i.e. it had a teleological purpose.
If existence is all about Will to Power, then stronger Wills will succeed by dominating weaker Wills. For Nietzsche, morality became all about the strength of Wills. Stronger Wills who gain in power are good and weaker Wills who lose power are bad. Nietzsche realised that this gaining of power would eventually lead to the emergence of a new type of human, which Nietzsche called the Übermensch, or Superman, individuals who had gone beyond the traditional concepts of good and evil and who had increased their power to maximum.
As an atheist, Nietzsche saw the Superman as the highest level of humanity, however, if we tie in Nietzsche’s ideas with those of Leibniz and Hegel, we can say that the Superman is a human who has become God, or a monad which has dialectically solved and balanced its own internal mathematical operations. However, Nietzsche described the Superman in a more subjective way, in terms of morality and, in particular, Will.
Nietzsche’s concept of the Superman is immensely important to Hyperianism, for as Hyperians we intend to become that very higher form of humanity of which Nietzsche wrote. To pave the way for the rise of the Supermen, Nietzsche produced works which attacked pretty much every established mode of thinking in the western world, in particular its most influential religion, christianity. Nietzsche considered christianity to be the ultimate expression of a ‘slave morality’ as opposed to the ‘master morality’ of the ancient Romans for example. For the Romans, power was good, and individuals strove to make themselves better, to attain to higher levels of power. Christians, on the other hand, were encouraged to be weak and submissive, to accept the laws of christ and even to submit to their earthly masters, to ‘turn the other cheek’ and to ‘render unto Caesar’.
Nietzsche utterly rejected this kind of slave morality and advocated, not merely a return to the master morality of the Romans, but actually to reject morality entirely and to move ‘beyond good and evil’, to ‘revalue all values’ and produce a higher humanity. As Hyperians, we agree with this totally. Nietzsche summed this up in his famous statement ‘God is dead’. Nietzsche kills the idea of god as being the moral authority of the universe. Nietzsche then realised the true implications of this, that if there is no moral authority, then we are all forced to create our own systems of morality.
Nietzsche’s greatest strength was his ability as a writer. Perhaps in response to the dry, academic style of other philosophers, Nietzsche adopted a brilliantly creative style of writing, more akin to that of great poets and novelists than philosophers. Nietzsche’s books are thrilling, exciting and passionate, allowing the reader to identify with Nietzsche’s point of view and to understand how Nietzsche has arrived at his way of thinking. There is no greater antidote to dry academia than reading Nietzsche.
In his book, ‘The Antichrist’, Nietzsche provides the most devastating critique of christianity, revealing the terrible effect it has had on humanity and utterly destroying it. It is astonishing that this religion is still so widespread more than a century after the publication of this book, in which Nietzsche writes, “I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough, – I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race….”
What the philosophies of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche do is describe the subjective experience of the evolution of the monads described by Leibniz and Hegel. Leibniz’s mathematical description of monads and Hegel’s description of the Dialectic provide the objective analysis of what is happening in the universe, as if one was looking in from the outside. Schopenhauer and Nietzsche then provide the description of what this is like from the inner point of view of an individual monad, the subjective experience of an individual within the universe. Therefore, Schopenhauer and particularly Nietzsche added a moral dimension to the explanation of existence.
With Nietzsche, it is clear that philosophy has become something very different to what it once was. Whereas Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant and Hegel were all ‘system builders’, who each aimed to explain reality in terms of a philosophical system, Nietzsche, on the other hand, was more of a ‘system destroyer’ who attacked every system there was, savagely cutting to the core of them and revealing their flaws. As such, Nietzsche’s philosophy is exemplary when it comes to destroying the old world, but less so when it comes to creating a new world, his concept of the Superman notwithstanding. Nietzsche was, unfortunately, too much of an empiricist to create a system which could accurately explain reality, yet Nietzsche wasn’t really in that game. Perhaps Nietzsche realised that one must first destroy the old world before the new can be created, one must tear down everything one believes in, in order to understand the truth of reality.
Perhaps Nietzsche was some kind of a prophet, one who, with his concept of the Superman, foresaw the rise of Hyperianism. As a Hyperian, it is difficult to read the preface to The Antichrist and not think that Nietzsche was writing for us:
“This book belongs to the most rare of men. Perhaps not one of them is yet alive. It is possible that they may be among those who understand my ‘Zarathustra’: how could I confound myself with those who are now sprouting ears? – First the day after tomorrow must come for me. Some men are born posthumously.
“The conditions under which any one understands me, and necessarily understands me – I know them only too well. Even to endure my seriousness, my passion, he must carry intellectual integrity to the verge of hardness. He must be accustomed to living on mountain tops – and to looking upon the wretched gabble of politics and nationalism as beneath him. He must have become indifferent; he must never ask of the truth whether it brings profit to him or a fatality to him…. He must have an inclination, born of strength, for questions that no one has the courage for; the courage for the forbidden; predestination for the labyrinth. The experience of seven solitudes. New ears for new music. New eyes for what is most distant. A new conscience for truths that have hitherto remained unheard. And the will to economize in the grand manner – to hold together his strength, his enthusiasm…. Reverence for self; love of self; absolute freedom of self….
“Very well, then! of that sort only are my readers, my true readers, my readers foreordained: of what account are the rest? – The rest are merely humanity. – One must make one’s self superior to humanity, in power, in loftiness of soul, – in contempt.”
– Brice Merci – hyperian
„Dumnezeu, nu ne vrea proşti!”
The Universe Wants Us to Optimize Ourselves…
As it turns out, the mind simply is the electromagnetic spectrum, arranged as a frequency-structured singularity.
As it turns out, mathematics comes equipped with a complete explanation of how immaterial dimensionless singularities (minds) can interact with dimensional spacetime (matter). Ontological Fourier mathematics is all about how unextended frequency singularities generate, control and interact with a spacetime domain.
The universe has a mind and wants to do the best for itself. It wants to optimize itself, just as you want to optimize yourself. But you are part of the Cosmic Mind. You are one of its nodes. So, if the universe is trying to make the most of itself, that means it wants you to make the most of you, and it will do all it can to help you make the most of yourself – if, and this is the crucial point, you let it. Sadly, the average person does not.
What does Jung’s remarkable anecdote tell us? (about the scarab beetle). Basically, the universe knew what Jung and the woman were talking about, detected a nearby scarab beetle, and sent it to them, to increase the meaning of their interaction, and thus the overall meaning of the universe.
The whole mind of a human is present in every part of the human body, while the whole mind of the Cosmos (“God”) is present in every part of the physical Cosmos, hence knows exactly what is going on everywhere. In quantum mechanical terms, this is known as entanglement or non-locality. The ancient wisdom is also the basis of holography: the whole is in every part. There is nothing “woo” about this.
Just imagine that the universe is always scanning for opportunities such as this, and always striving to make them happen. However, imagine that there is also a force operating against the universe’s plan to increase meaning. This force is none other than human consciousness, which cuts us off from the universe, the macrocosm, and makes us dwell on our own little portion of the universe, the microcosm, where we are blind to the grand operations of the universe.
The optimized universe is the one where every part of the universe – all of us – are individually optimized. We all become optimized by working together to achieve exactly that, not by trying to put others down so that we can raise ourselves up.
Humanity is cut off from the truth: that we are all mind cells in one Cosmic Mind. We are Many in One, destined to cooperate with each other in the greater interest of the One (of which we are all part.}
We are all in a kind of game, a game to maximize our knowledge and experience of the game. We do so through the reduction of chaos, disorder, entropy. We manage this through cooperation, collaboration, communion, union, synthesis, integration, harmony and interconnectedness.
In fact, for everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear, synchronicity reflects the routine operations of the universe. The universe is always seeking to maximize meaning, and synchronicity is the default mechanism it uses.
Steve Madison
The Universe Has Your Back: Trust the Cosmos . Kindle Edition.
De luat „cu penseta”… o versiune OWO
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