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Archive for Luglio, 2019:
Dacă ați ales partea noastră, sunteți un iluminist (oricum, în teorie). Cu toate acestea, iluminismul nu este doar un cuvânt – este un SCOP al vieții. Este o filozofie, un scop, un rezultat, o soluție. Este adevarul. Dacă sunteți un iluminist, înseamnă că sunteți un individ rațional, dedicat, inteligent și pasionat, cu viziune pentru un viitor glorios. Te privești ca pe un formator de soartă, o figură istorică a lumii. Aveți o ambiție uluitoare și sunteți în căutarea perfecțiunii. Dacă nu ești, atunci nu ești iluminist. Nu e de glumă. Valorile noastre sunt Revoluția totală și nu ne vom opri la nimic pentru a ajunge acolo. Dacă nu partajați aceeași unitate, nu pierdeți timpul (și chiar mai rău – timpul nostru). Mişcă-te. Suntem bolnavi și obosiți de chat-ul nesfârșit, de planurile neactualizate, de visul fără acțiune. Nu este nicio finalizare.
Din păcate, mulţi din această categorie par atraşi de Revoluția noastră. Chatterati, discussionati și vechii „așteaptă-și-vezi-ce-fac-toți-ceilalți-apoi-aplaudă-ca-o-focă-în-timp-ce-stă-pe-margine”.
Care este ideea ta cea mare? Ai una? Dacă nu, de ce dracu nu ai? Dacă ai fi citit chiar și o fracțiune din lucrările Illuminati, ai fi găsit mijloace nesfârșite de inspirație și o multitudine de lucruri care trebuie făcute. Dacă nu faci nimic și nu ai de gând să faci nimic, atunci de ce dracu te-ai asocia cu o mișcare activistă?
Dacă tu nu ești un Creator, ajută-l pe unul care este. Alăturați-vă unui Proiect și puneți-vă în practică toate Talentele pe care le aveți. Dacă nu aveți o abilitate specifică, ce vă împiedică să atingeți una? Prea lenes? Prea greu?
Ce nu înțelegi? Dacă sunteți membru al cercurilor noastre, sunteți Avangarda Erei Iluminismului. Faci parte dintr-o mână de oameni care se vor ridica pentru a schimba și a forma Lumea din nou, pentru a o elibera de toxinele canceroase care o ucid. Ești un Filozof-Războinic, un soldat al Mamei Pământ, un agent al Spiritului Mondial însuși. Dacă nu vă vedeți ca atare, nu ați înțeles în mod clar NIMIC din milioanele de cuvinte scrise de noi care au încercat să vă învețe.
– Illuminati
If you have chosen our side, you are an Illuminist (in theory, anyway). Yet llluminism is not just a word – it’s a life’s pursuit. It’s a philosophy, a goal, an outcome, a solution. It’s the Truth. If you are an Illuminist, it means you are a rational, dedicated, intelligent, and passionate individual with a vision for a glorious future. You view yourself as a fate shaper, a world historic figure. You possess astounding ambition and are on a quest for perfection. If you aren’t, then you aren’t an Illuminist. Don’t kid yourself. Our values are Total Revolution, and we will stop at nothing to get there. If you do not share this same drive, don’t waste your time (and even worse – our time). Move on. We are sick and tired of the endless chatter, the unactualised plans, the dream without the action. There is never any follow through.
Sadly, more of the same appear to be drawn to our Revolution. Chatterati, discussionati, and the old wait-and-see-what-everyone-else-is-doing-then-applaud-like-a-seal-while-standing-on-the-sidelines gang.
What’s your Big Idea? Do you have one? If not, why the fuck not? If you have read even a fraction of the Illuminati’s works, you would have found endless means of inspiration and a plethora of things that need to be done. If you aren’t doing anything, and have no plans on doing anything, then why the fuck would you associate yourself with an activist movement?
If you aren’t a creator yourself, then help one. Join a project and put whatever talents you have to good use. If you don’t have a specific skill, what’s preventing you from attaining one? Too lazy? Too hard?
What don’t you understand? If you are a member of our circles, you are the VANGUARD of the Age of Illuminism. You are part of a handful of people who will rise to change and shape the world anew, to regenerate it from the cancerous toxins killing it. You are a philosopher-warrior, a soldier of Mother Earth, an agent of the World Spirit itself. If you don’t view yourself as such, you clearly have not understood a single thing that millions of words have been trying to teach you.

Tags: Filosoful Războinic
Whatever else can be said of them, Muslims are not Last Men. They don’t care about comforts and petty trivialities. They are collectively united by a singular culture, and want to see that culture spread.
In the Western world, no such unity exists. Though the West is the best (because it is the least ignorant), reason has begun to eat itself. No one knows what is true anymore, and no one really cares. The only concerns Westerners have is that they have enough bread and circuses to last them. Give this to a population, and they will never rebel – even when they are under siege. They will literally sit around in denial, hoping that things will just “blow over,” all because they do not want to give up their comforts. They don’t seem to realise that their comforts will be forcibly taken away from them in due course anyway. By refusing to fight, they are ensuring such an outcome. Westerners are giant infants. They are the Id crew. They have become soft, decadent Last Men who will surely be conquered by savage primitives (Hunters) if they don’t turn themselves around. Muslims (Hunters) are committed to a cause higher than themselves. Can the same be said of the West? You must be having a fucking laugh. The average Westerner couldn’t care less about anything outside their daily bubble. They have had it too good for too long. They have no idea what it’s like to fight for freedom and hold onto precious values worth dying for. No one respects anything. People think of themselves as supreme individualist “freethinkers,” but what they actually are are a bunch of apathetic, pathetic Last Men who just want to live comfortably. To get the average Westerner off his fat ass and onto the streets to campaign for something worthwhile is practically impossible. They don’t want to risk their Last Man lifestyle. They are happy to ignore any and all issues (as long as those issues don’t affect them directly). Just look at liberals. These sick fucks don’t want to wipe out even sicker fucks (Muslims and the alt-right) from their midst. Instead, they want to live among them, while giving them no real say in what happens. What the fuck do they think is going to be the outcome of such an endeavour? They have no idea about Will to Power, the Hegelian dialectic, or Vico’s cycles. Liberals are dumb fucks who have been allowed to control the social narrative (which the right-wing elite wholly support, since liberals are ineffectual clowns who will never make a mark on the world). Liberals are unwitting puppets of the elite. If they truly want to make a difference, they will join radical Illuminist Meritocrats and take up arms in righteous battle. Anyone who thinks that the upcoming conflict will be peaceful is either ignorant or completely retarded. This story may have a happy ending (as long as our forces of light prevail), but the journey to that ending will be anything but happy. Struggle and violence are certain. Just look around you – it has already begun.”
Tags: Apatia Vestului
„Gazdă a Porcului
Automate orbite cu mâinile unite în reverență
Îngenunchează fără Minte, dar nu înțeleg niciodată
Cât de sterp, încurcat în straturi de simboluri
Pretinzând că slujesc Focul Arcane cu Cântări Goale
Anafura putrezește cu trupurile lor
Templul Universului pe care ei nu îl cunosc
Și Puritatea ce pretind că aparent întruchipează
Una dintre hoardele sectare ignorante
Noi vom rupe gâtului celor care bănănăiau
În Întunericul Ignoranței Lor Acceptate
Vom călca peste fiecare icoană falsă a lui Dumnezeu
Scăldați-vă în Lumină Vie sau în propriul dvs. sânge
Zdrobiți Gazda Porcului
Înlăturați-i Paharul De Vin
Beţi din Potirul Luminii
Consumați această Putere Cosmică
Pentru ca cei cu ochii să vadă, să privească
Pe cei care refuză să-i lăsăm să suporte mirtul sfinților
Pentru ca cei cu urechi să audă, lăsați-i să primească
Cei care refuză să-i lasaţi aruncați în gol
Destăinuitori de Cunoaştere
Splendoare în spatele Soarelui
Lucifer Logos Christos
Arcana Luminaris”
~ Religia Secretă a Illuminati
Liberul Arbitru
Do You Have a Free Will?
Philosopher David Hume said the question of the nature of free will is “the most contentious question of metaphysics.”
Most people take it for granted that they exercise free will, yet the evidence seems to indicate overwhelmingly that they don’t.
1) If God knows everything, including the future, that means he knows what you are going to do before you do it. Hence you have no choice about what you are going to do. Hence you have no free will.
2) Everything has a cause. Human actions, choices and decisions have a cause. If something has a cause, a specific effect will inevitably follow. If you are part of an inexorable chain of cause and effect, at what point can you make a free choice? According to the philosophical position known as determinism, there is no such point. Hence you have no free will.
3) According to the contrary position – indeterminism – some human actions, choices and decisions, do not have a cause and hence are free. But if an action is uncaused i.e. there is no reason for it, then it is random, purposeless and pointless. Hence there is free will, but it is contrary to the cause and effect evident all around us, and it results in uncaused, random behaviour. And that is not what anyone realistically means by free will.
4) Compatibilism asserts that a distinction must be drawn between causation and compulsion. An action can have a cause and still be free provided that no compulsion is involved (like having a gun put to your head). But if the causes of your actions are ultimately given to you by your genes and/or by your childhood environment where your character was moulded, then these were things over which you had no control, hence your choices and actions are governed by forces outside your control, hence you have no free will.
5) Agent causation theory says that an action is free when an agent, and nothing else, causes it to happen. But there is no clear definition of what a free agent actually is. Is it the free originator of an action or is it the constrained by-product of forces over which it had no control (such as genes or environment)?
6) Imagine that a supercomputer could be built that could create a complete simulation of both you and the world you live in. Imagine that every detail of your life was perfectly programmed into it. Imagine that the simulation of you and your world was run a day in advance of your life and it transpired that 99% of the simulation exactly matched what you actually did the following day. Most people are extremely predictable. Their daily routines are well known. Their tastes are known. Amazon can send you book recommendations based on your previous book choices and mostly get it right. Advertisers can easily manipulate you. Opinion pollsters can accurately determine your likely voting preferences simply from your zip code postcode. Friends and family can predict what gifts you will like and dislike. You yourself know the experiences you are likely to enjoy and those you will probably hate. You seek out the former and avoid the latter. Your life seems to run along railroad tracks. So in what way are you really free? Hence you have no free will.
Free will is essential to Illumination. Without it, there is no morality. People must be free to choose but if their freedom turns out to be illusory then no one can be rewarded or punished for making the “wrong” choices. Religion is meaningless without free will. Everyone might as well be an automaton carrying out pre-programmed instructions.
Illumination teaches the following:
1) God has no foreknowledge of what anyone will do and makes no attempt to predict what anyone will do. Why would he? Concepts such as predestination and determinism are anathema to morality.
2) Imagine a long line of dominoes, expertly set up so that once the first is pushed the last will definitely fall over in due course. This is a model of the chain of cause and effect in the physical world. But if dominoes are replaced by humans, what then? Many humans might be happy to act as dominoes but perhaps a group near the end will decide that they no longer want to stand in line and will walk away before they are pushed by those behind. The chain of cause and effect will be broken. But how is that possible? Aren’t humans part of the physical world, of the chain of physical cause and effect? Illumination teaches that the physical and mental worlds are two aspects of the same world, and control can be switched from one to another depending on the strength of mind present. This means that four different types of cause and effect are possible: a) physical cause and physical effect (the domain of science) b) mental cause and physical effect (the domain where we mentally choose to carry out physical actions) c) mental cause and mental effect (the process of organised thinking) d) physical cause and mental effect (the senses collect the physical information that is used by mental processes). The chain of physical cause and physical effect can run parallel to the chain of mental cause and mental effect. The chains of physical cause and mental effect and mental cause and physical effect allow the physical to impact upon the mental and vice versa. In the case of dominoes, there is insufficient mind to alter the chain of physical cause and effect. In the case of humans, sufficient mind is present and can lead to control being transferred from the chain of physical cause and effect to an alternative chain of mental cause and mental effect (making plans to do something else) and mental cause and physical effect (walking away to carry out the alternative activity). In the absence of strong mind, there is no free will, only the chain of physical cause and physical effect, but where strong mind exists, it can choose to break free from the chain of physical cause and physical effect and replace it with an alternative chain of mental cause and physical effect. It is the fact that different chains of cause and effect are available to us and that we can choose one over another that allows us to say that we have free will. But is it genuine free will or are our choices somehow foisted on us?
3) If the mind of a human is shaped by physical factors such as genetic inheritance or childhood environmental inheritance (over which no human has any control), is the mind ever free? Isn’t it the slave of factors not of its choosing? Does a person with stupid parents and raised in a poor, crime-infested ghetto have true free will? Can he genuinely choose any course of action, or must he necessarily follow a path laid down for him by his poor-quality genes and hostile environment? Are criminals born or made? If children born in slums were taken away from their parents and raised in the homes of the richest people in the land, and given the finest education available, wouldn’t their “free” choices be entirely different? In other words, is a person’s character the product of factors outwith itself? If so, no one can be judged on the basis of their character since that character would be radically different if the processes that formed it were changed e.g. by being removed from a deprived environment and placed in a privileged one. Illumination teaches that reincarnation is the way out of the impasse. In a particular life, a person’s choices are constrained by the circumstances of his life, most of which are outside of his control, but over a number of lives freely chosen by a soul, the soul’s true character can emerge. If a person raised in a violent slum behaves violently, can he really be condemned? If a person born in privilege, with every advantage laid on a plate for him, leads a respectable, prosperous life, can he really be praised? Surely not. Yet in the religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, a soul can be condemned to hell for eternity on the basis of the outcome of a single lifetime. In these religions, no consideration whatsoever is given to the circumstances in which someone is born and raised. (The soul is imagined to be a free agent, completely unaffected by genes and environment: a scientifically absurd position to hold.) There is no justice in these cruel, Satanic religions. A soul can justly be judged and condemned only if, over a number of incarnations, it consistently chose the worse over the better, good over evil. A single life is no basis for judging a soul; a soul must be tested over a number of incarnations.
In a later article, we will reveal the true nature of reincarnation. It has no connection with the absurd concept preached by Hinduism and Buddhism. No “karma” is involved in reincarnation. This is a nauseating doctrine, used to justify appalling abuses and the creation of a caste of “untouchables” condemned to a living hell as unclean pariahs. Nor is the abolition of the self the goal of reincarnation. Few concepts are as badly misunderstood as reincarnation.
Excerpted, page 173
© The Illuminati’s Secret Religion
Artwork by Adam Howie
Tags: Liberul Arbitru
Hegel referred to the basic substance of the universe as “Geist”, a complex German word that expresses notions of both mind and spirit. Geist is dialectically evolving towards what Hegel called ‘the Absolute’ – God. The Absolute represents the complete control of the physical world by the mental. It is a state of Absolute Knowledge and Absolute Freedom. The Absolute understands itself perfectly. Hegel is often interpreted as an idealist, denying the existence of the physical, but in fact, like all Illuminists, he considered the physical and mental to be two aspects of a single substance.
However, he certainly regarded the mental as the dominant aspect of the single mind-matter reality – the dialectical process is all about bringing mind to its highest possible expression – and to that extent can be regarded as an idealist. Hence “Geist” is carefully chosen to emphasise the mental aspect.
There is no word that perfectly captures the nature of the basic substance of the universe: the arche, the first principle. The Ancient Greek philosopher Anaximander used the word “apeiron”, which is usually translated as “a substance without definition that gives rise to all things and to which all things return, a sort of primal chaos.”
Illuminists most usually use the word “Becoming” to describe the single fundamental substance of the universe. “Becoming” is technically an adjective rather than a noun, but Illuminists prefer this word over any other because it makes clear the difference between Illumination and the false religions of Being such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
“Becoming” emphasises the changing, dynamic nature of the universe, the evolutionary, dialectical aspect that drives the universe forwards and upwards. “Being” on the other hand is frozen, static, conservative, resistant to change. Mathematician Roger Penrose has proposed that there are three kinds of reality: physical, mental and mathematical, all connected in an unknown and deeply mysterious way. In fact there is only one reality, which presents itself in two ways: mind and matter.
Mathematics, it is true, is more than just a language created by the mind. It might be said to be a deep expression of Nietzsche’s Apollonian ordering principle that seeks to shape the Dionysian chaos. Mind and matter, if they are to avoid an existence of meaningless chaos, must have a strong core of order and organisation, a tendency to obey natural laws. That tendency will never be precise, but it will be reliable on average, hence the statistical emphasis of modern Quantum Theory.
Mind and matter both have mathematics built into them. Mathematics can be defined as the science of pattern. Mathematicians look for patterns in numbers and space, in the physical world and abstract worlds. The mind cannot help looking for patterns. Humans look at the clouds in the sky and start to see meaningful shapes. People have reported seeing the face of Jesus Christ on slices of toast. At all times, the mind tries to shape and pattern sensory data. All of this is mathematical in nature.
Baseball players, basketball players, American football players, soccer players and most other sportspeople engage in remarkable feats of intuitive mathematics. Think of the skill involved in catching a ball while on the run: the catcher is subconsciously calculating the speed of the ball, its trajectory, wind speed, his own speed, the conditions under his feet, the interception point, the orientation of his hands etc. The person involved may know nothing about mathematics as an academic subject, he might even be hopeless at the subject, yet he can solve this complex maths problem as he’s on the move without carrying out a single conscious calculation. Autistic savants can carry out prodigious calculations in their heads faster than professors can solve them with a calculator. These examples prove how deeply embedded in the psyche mathematics is.
The Ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras – another great Illuminist (and the first to be identified with Illumination’s fundamental doctrine of the transmigration of souls) – claimed that numbers are the arche. He also said that a mathematical Law called Harmony controlled the universe. Pythagoras is associated with the mystical idea of the Music of the Spheres (also known as Musica universalis – universal music): the most beautiful and perfect music of all, which permeates the entire universe but can be heard only by God. Music is audible mathematics. It is the sound of the Apollonian order in the universe. It has such a powerful effect on us because it resonates with the mathematical intuitions buried within us. When we hear harmonies, we are listening to orchestrated numbers; we are directly experiencing universal order in the form of musical notes. Discordant music, jarring notes are the province of Dionysian disharmony.
Schopenhauer said that music was a “copy of the will itself” and there’s much truth in this. Illumination is a religion that holds mathematics in the highest regard and assigns to it an elevated status, but it is not a separate reality as Roger Penrose believes. It is part of the fabric of mind and matter. It is the language of the fundamental ordering principle.
Excerpted, page 161
© The Illuminati’s Secret Religion
Artwork by Joshua Hehe