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Hyperianism – The Outer Circle (Activism and Optimization)

Agosto 11th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

Eva Omega‎
Hyperianism – The Outer Circle (Activism and Optimization)

The God Series authors have identified 3 main structures that obstruct the path to Higher Humanity:

1. The Rich Elite
2. Scientific Materialism
3. Religion
Predatory, free-market capitalism is a fucking monstrosity; a greed-fueled, soul-crushing, earth destroying monstrosity.. Everything capitalism touches turns to ashes. It is through capitalism that the rich elite are able to steal and accumulate unimaginable wealth and power (created by the people – that’s you!). They maintain their family dynasties through inheritance; you’re not part of the club and you never will be. Extraordinarily, common people admire the rich and long to be one of them.
According to science, “nothing” existed before the big bang. Not nothing as in, say, “zero” but nothing as in, non-existence. How absurd. Also, you have no mind, no soul, and free will is just an illusion. Oh, and one more thing.. life is meaningless, your life has no purpose and when you die you’ll just blip out of existence like that – and you won’t remember a thing! Now don’t you worry your pretty little head about it.
…Ugh, just kill me now and get it over with. Science is nothing more than the dogmatic religion of materialism. I defy you to find a more bleak position on life.
Eastern religions are based in mysticism and advocate for “enlightenment”, a kind of detachment from the world through meditation. Abrahamic, monotheistic religions are propagated through systems of generational childhood brainwashing. Children are told that they will burn for eternity in hell if they do not believe in God. They become people who are slaves to their god and never become gods themselves.

This is an unacceptable state of affairs.

Rationalism obliterates each of these flawed systems in one fell swoop. That’s where Hyperianism comes in.
We advocate and work towards the replacement of science with logic, reason, and ontological mathematics; the science of the future; the science of mind itself. Without mathematics, science has no legs to stand on, yet it can’t explain what math actually is and why it works. Hyperians know that math is fundamental to existence itself.
We also advocate and work towards replacing capitalism and systems of privilege with a Grand rational government of merit; a Meritocracy. This goal is a long way off, but in the meantime, we support the movement towards democratic socialism – this is a big step in the right direction.
In addition, we seek to abolish systems of religious brainwashing, and replace them with knowledge – proof – of your own inner divine nature. For those who are unaware, we have a FB group called Logical Youth which offers support and community to young rational minds who are trapped in religious households.

Hyperianism and ontological mathematics proves that we are eternal minds; we do not live just one life. If the conditions are sufficient for one of something to exist, then there is no sufficient reason why an infinite number of those same things could not exist. We all live endless lives. Your true purpose in life is to actualize your inner potential, your Innerstar, to become a talented and powerful mind that reaches towards Godhood itself.
Only you can create yourself by exploring your skills, igniting your passions and mastering your will. Then take your amazing self out into the world to unify with others who stand with our Sacred Cause.
Let’s bring this atrocious edifice of slavery to its knees, and together we’ll create a new world and a glorious new humanity, with Reason at its core.
We seek nothing less than a global revolution of the mind.
We are the digital torch bearers, the vanguard of The Age of Reason. 🔻👁🔺


Agosto 11th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

AMAZONOMACHY reexamined…
“Is the anti-abortion movement just applied misogyny — a derivative position from a general attitude of patriarchal contempt toward or fear of women’s sexuality and autonomy?” (question is from article in nymag 2018.)

If the creative and destructive powers inherent in a female are viewed objectively, it is easy to understand why conservative, irrational and less intelligent men are terrified of women. Women can create or end life via conception, birth and abortion. Women can refuse to have sexual relations entirely. Women can choose or refuse to have children. Back in more primitive societies, medicine women were highly esteemed and feared by the tribe. They were extremely knowledgeable about the birthing process as well as herbal contraception. They also knew precisely which herbs would abort an unwanted fetus. Female autonomy was protected.

At some point in human evolution, when men decided women had too much power and autonomy, medicine women were declared witches and male doctors took their place. At that point they lost control of their bodies. They became the property of men. Men also took over religion and removed the Divine Feminine from religion. Women were seen as the origin of evil. They were turned into inferior, subservient slaves. The knowledge and experience of their spiritual and bodily autonomy was brainwashed and conditioned out of them. Rape became the preferred and very effective method of domination in both peace and war. This of course is a very brief and imprecise historical description. Many women remain unaware of their collective past. Most of it has been left out or eliminated from history books. Fortunately, some of them research AND remember.

Risultati immagini per amazoane

Many women have a deep intuitive knowing. Some of them have managed to retain the knowledge of their innate autonomy. They refuse to be brainwashed and obedient, regardless of the abuse they experience at the hands of men and institutions dominated by them. They find a way to armor and protect themselves psychologically and physically. Some of them survive. Many don’t. Some of them retain their desire for a world where mutual respect between the sexes is embedded in education, law and family. Some of them lose their sanity. Some of them end up in prison for expressing themselves too directly. They communicate with each other. Because of modern technology they are now collectively recognizing the severity of the dangers they still face.

Conservative misogynist men in powerful government positions are attempting to disempower and gain control over women once and for all. It is happening worldwide. Unbeknownst to them, they are stirring a gigantic and ancient hornets nest. Women are half the population. Women have not forgotten. Women know what is at stake. Misogynist men are facing a war with fierce Warrior Women. In ancient times, this war was called Amazonomachy. Women will fight to the death.

Unity in Reason
Karen Shaw

“Nothing” versus Non-existence

Agosto 11th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă
Nu este disponibilă nicio descriere pentru fotografie.
The New Atlantis

21 ore

“Nothing” versus Non-existence

Perhaps the most misunderstood and problematic concept in human history is the meaning of nothing – void, emptiness, vacuum, space.

The ancient Greeks wrestled endlessly with this concept, but they never managed to produce a definition that resolved the issue once and for all. In fact, no clear-cut definition exists to this day in the scientific world. “Nothing” is particularly difficult for scientific materialists because their ideological position of faith (and “faith” is exactly the right word because scientific materialism is effectively a religion) is that only things that have a size (extension, dimensionality) exist. Existence, for a materialist, is revealed by the human senses. It’s all about empiricism – experience, experiment and observation.

A materialist asserts, in effect, that if our senses were sufficiently acute – in particular our vision – we could “see” and detect everything that exists, no matter how small it is. Everything that exists is physical i.e. it is an entity within space and time. It has dimensions. It has one or more of the following attributes: mass, volume, speed, energy, a wavelength, a frequency. All of these attributes are considered to have meaning only in relation to space and time.

If our senses or our physical, scientific equipment can’t in principle detect something then it is, according to scientists, non-sensical to talk of the thing having any kind of existence. A religious entity such as an immaterial and immortal soul that can’t be detected is regarded as superstitious and fanciful nonsense that can’t be taken seriously rationally or logically. Hence, all consistent scientific materialists are atheists. Those scientists who proclaim religious beliefs are fundamentally dishonest and deluded because atheist materialists are absolutely correct that materialism and religion are as mutually exclusive as existence and non-existence. If scientific materialism is true then religion is false. It’s as simple as that. There’s no scope for souls and, without souls, religion is absurd.

In philosophy, materialists and empiricists have waged an intellectual war against the idealists and rationalists.

It’s critical to have a basic understanding of the positions espoused by these four schools of philosophical thinking:
1) Materialism
2) Empiricism
3) Idealism
4) Rationalism

Materialism and empiricism are natural partners and drive modern science. Idealism and rationalism are also natural partners and put mind above matter. Idealists and rationalists have effectively been defeated by science since they have been unable to compete with its remarkable successes and its predictive and transformative abilities.

That’s where Illuminism comes into the picture. Illuminism is absolutely located within the tradition of idealism and rationalism but what Illuminists realised was that they must also lay claim to materialism and empiricism by showing that these are just subsets of idealism and rationalism.

Illuminism asserts that scientific materialism is perfect for studying the PHYSICAL universe – that’s what it’s designed for – but hopeless at addressing any of the big questions relating to life, mind, consciousness, God, souls and afterlife. All the primary questions of existence can be answered only within the idealist and rationalist context. We will have proved this to you by the end of this series of books and we will doso using the only possible tool – mathematics, the queen of the sciences.

Mathematics, unlike science, is not materialistic or empiricist. It is an expression of rationalism par excellence and it also absolutely in the tradition of idealism. The mathematical domain is nothing other than the perfect manifestation of Plato’s realm of perfect Forms: eternal, immutable, flawless Ideas. Is it not a remarkable thing that mathematics (a tool of ultra Platonic rationalism) is the mainstay of science (a materialist and empiricist ideology)? That ought to have set alarm bells ringing in the loudest possible way for scientific materialists and revealed that there was a catastrophic logical defect in their anti-rationalist approach. But it never has. They have simply ignored this question. In fact, it may never have occurred to them. Scientists in general are staggeringly unphilosophically minded – to their extreme detriment.

Excerpt from The God Game

Mike Hockney

Out-of-body Experiences.

Agosto 11th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

The New Atlantis.
11 hrs ·
Out-of-body Experiences.

Out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences and astral projection are all supported by anecdotal evidence but have no scientific support. How could a consciousness separate itself from the body in order to have such experiences? If there are no physical eyes, how is it possible to see? Yet a blind man can “see” in his dreams. But ultimately his vision comes from memory. There is no recorded case of a people blind from birth having an out-of-body experience or near-death experience in which they experienced vision. In fact, even if they could see, they wouldn’t know what they were seeing. Seeing is something that is learned. People who recover sight after losing it for decades have to relearn how to see.

Yet if a single case of out-of-body experience or near-death-experience could be cited that demonstrated that someone had seen without the use of physical eyes it would instantly be the strongest possible evidence for the existence of souls. There are now operating theatres in the world where coded messages have been placed on top of theatre equipment so that they are visible to anyone “hovering” above an operating table as part of a near-death-experience. No coded message has ever been reported by anyone claiming to have a near-death-experience. Yet what if that proof existed, but hadn’t been placed in the public arena? What if a secret society had already performed out-of-body experiments where coded information was successfully retrieved?

Excerpted, page 172

© The Illuminati’s Secret Religion.


Agosto 11th, 2019 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă