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Marzo 13th, 2020 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

L wrote, “Someone was inspired tonight, but remember for every word you said there’s another you on the far side of the multiverse which said exactly the opposite words with the same conviction, and another you for all possible combinations in between.”

Remember, there’s no such thing as the multiverse. It’s a manmade fallacy that constitutes the biggest possible violation of Occam’s razor and the principle of sufficient reason. Only people that despise reason and logic believe in the Multiverse – the wet dream of the clowns that believe that existence can randomly pop out of non-existence for no reason, via no mechanism, to no purpose.

The Multiverse is every bit as miraculous and magical as “God”. In fact, it’s just the atheist materialist’s version of God. Instead of saying, “God (Design) is responsible” for whatever, the atheist materialist says, “The Multiverse (Randomness) is responsible”.

The atheist materialists have merely replaced God, the supposed eternal Creator, with infinite random creation out of nothing at all – an even worse idea, and totally irrational.

Randomness is just another name for irreducible CHAOS. According to irrational people, Order magically appears out of Chaos. According to rationalists, Order has always existed and only ordered things are possible.

Given a reality governed by the principle of sufficient reason (absolute rationalism), randomness is impossible since randomness, by definition, is that which lacks a sufficient reason. There has been no idea more damaging to science than the irrational assertion of empiricists that randomness exists. No one can perceive randomness. It is a non-empirical hypothesis, and any claim that anything happened randomly can automatically be reinterpreted in terms of sufficient reasons, i.e. total NON-randomness. Will you choose random (irrational) non-explanations, or rational explanations? Your choice.

Anyone who opposes the PSR is irrational. Science opposes the PSR and champions randomness. Science is irrational. Science irrationally uses mathematics, the quintessential rationalist subject, the very fact of which demonstrates that randomness is impossible.

Randomness is exactly that which is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE. No mathematical formula or argument could ever be presented to explain randomness. Mathematics is entirely predicated on the PSR.

Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: posibil text care spune „SCIENCE IS IRRATIONAL”

USA Today

Marzo 6th, 2020 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

The Americans say they live in the best country in the world. Another way of looking at the USA is as a prison camp for all the nutjobs and castoffs of Europe. Europe seems a model of sanity in relation to the USA. The maddest European country is the UK – the country closest to the American psyche, and of course the colonial superpower that gave birth to the USA. The English settlers that colonized America were Puritan fanatics who imagined they had a special covenant with God (which is why America now has such a close relationship with Zionism).
The USA was founded by religious zealots – extremist Protestants who found Europe not nearly mad enough for them.The USA is full of non-conformists, dissidents, anarchists, anomics, libertarians – all the people who were booted out of Europe for their extreme beliefs, all the people that couldn’t fit in.
The USA likes to think of itself as a modern nation. In fact, it seems much more like seventeenth century England, defined by religious maniacs and refusing to accept modernity. The Republicans, the Trumpanzees, are not people of the 21st century. They are atavistic creatures, much more at home in the period of the Salem witch trials (1693). Trump’s fans are evangelical Christians who believe that Trump was sent by God to help them hunt down witches (liberals, socialists, communists, Catholics, and so on).
Why do Americans hate communism so much, despite knowing literally nothing about it (the number of Americans who have read even one word of Marx is probably below 10, and they were religious nutcases looking for ammo)? It’s because it reminds them of Catholicism – the collective, the universal Church.
You cannot understand the American psyche without understanding the Protestant psyche, and the Protestant revolt against Catholic community and authority. Protestants were the archetypal anarchists and libertarians, justified by nothing but their personal faith and opinions.
Why didn’t the USA become a model nation? Why didn’t it learn from all the mistakes of the nations of Europe? It was because it was always an anomic, divergent, Protestant society of the most extreme kind. America is manifestly NOT the most tolerant country in the world – European nations are far more tolerant – but it’s certainly the most religious advanced country in the world. You would expect the supposed most modern nation to be the least religious, not the most religious.
We need a New America, a New World Order – free at last of the WASP zealots that control America, a nation that actually learns from all the mistakes of the past and doesn’t repeat them in new and even worse ways.
Protestant America was the prime location of the slave trade. Protestant America spawned the first Nazis – the white supremacist, racist, slavery-endorsing Confederacy. Trump’s America is the Confederacy reborn. Abraham Lincoln would be turning in his grave if he could see what had become of the Republican Party, now the Confederate Party. Lincoln would stand for the Democratic Party if he were alive today. Some Republican nut waving a Confederate battle flag would assassinate him.
Isn’t it amazing that the USA REFUSED to become a modern society? It wanted to remain a backward, God-fearing nation of faith. No advanced country on earth would have its Head of State refer to God at the end of every speech. What is “God bless America” all about? It’s the sign that the USA was founded by religious lunatics and remains in thrall to religious lunatics. It’s time the USA left the 17th century behind and left Christianity behind. It’s time for the modern world to be populated by modern nations that never refer to mainstream religions – the superstitions of the ancient world.


Evangelical Protestants: Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know

Marzo 6th, 2020 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă



Evangelical Protestants: Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know (The Anti-Christian Series Book 9) by [Weishaupt, Adam]


Evangelical Protestants: Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know


It’s a striking feature of Protestantism that so few Protestants know anything about the founder of their religion. Martin Luther, the prophet of Protestant irrationalism, is one of the most pathological figures in religious history. Would any sane, rational person wish to subscribe to a religion whose founder declared, “Reason is the Devil’s greatest whore; by nature and in manner of being she is a noxious whore; she is a prostitute, the Devil’s appointed whore; whore eaten by scab and leprosy who ought to be trodden under foot and destroyed, she and her wisdom… Throw dung in her face to make her ugly. She is and she ought to be drowned in baptism… She would deserve, the wretch, to be banished to the filthiest place in the house, the shithouse.”
Protestantism is the gospel of unreason, and attracts only the irrational. It’s difficult to imagine that the reformation of Catholicism could produce something even worse, but Luther managed it. Protestantism is practically deranged, reflecting the deeply disturbed mind of its founder.
Making extensive use of Luther’s own words, the Pythagorean Illuminati, the oldest secret society in the world, have produced an incendiary, polemical attack on the religion that has come to be most closely identified with the evils of Western capitalism. Protestantism is the religion of Mammon. It is an anti-religion. It is for people who do not want to relinquish belief in God, but have no interest in expressing any authentic spirituality and love for their fellow man.
Do not read this book if you are an Abrahamist. This book is only for rational, intelligent, open-minded people.
 The religion of the Illuminati is called Illumination (or Illuminism) and belongs to the Gnostic tradition of enlightenment. It promotes reason and knowledge and is totally opposed to religions of faith.

The world needs psychological therapy

Marzo 1st, 2020 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

”Every problem in the world is psychological. The reason why the earth is so cruel, wretched and depraved is that is being deliberately run according to psychopathic values. It is governed by the Shadow and the Persona rather the Ego and the Self (in Jungian terms); by the Id and the Pleasure Principle rather the Ego, Reality principle and Superego (in Freudian terms).

The people in charge of the world are psychopaths. They project their psychopathy onto others. Corporations are psychopathic. All the main institutions of the world are psychopathic; central banks, armies, police forces, parliaments, senates, supreme courts, high courts, the media. The Catholic Church says it cares for the poor yet the Vatican is one of the richest places on earth – a psychopathic contradiction. Islam claims to be about peace and submission yet its prophet, Mohammed, was a soldier who personally ordered and watched the deaths of hundreds, and whose followers in the present age are characterised in many people’s minds by the horrors of suicide bombing – a psychopathic contradiction. Orthodox Jews proclaim the glory of “God” and yet look like the most dismal, grim, joyless fanatics on earth – a psychopathic contradiction. The Hindu religion supports the Caste system – one of the most psychopathic human institutions ever devised, whereby the “untouchables” are deemed fit only for cleaning toilets and eating rats.

“Royal” families live under the psychotic delusion that they are special and beloved of God. As if. Only Satan loves royalty. Celebrity culture is psychopathic. The super rich are psychopathic. The division of wealth in the world is psychopathic. History has more often than not been the record of the progression of human psychopathy. No one in their right mind, if they were starting from scratch, would design the world the way it is now – racist, sexist, divided, full of hatred, conflict, unequal wealth and resources. Does the present world not meet all the criteria of a world created by Satan, the ultimate psychopath? He and his archons stand behind the worst of humanity’s psychopaths – the Old World Order, the Power Elite. They have constructed an entire system of psychopathic rules that enrich them and allow them to indulge every whim, while sentencing the rest of humanity to soul-destroying, meaningless lives.

The ancient Gnostic portrayed the world as a prison planet. In fact, it is more accurately described as a mental asylum. The vast majority of people are having breakdowns. The world is mentally ill. It is repressed, in denial, regressing to infantilism. The world needs therapy. It needs to lie on the psychiatrist’s chair and confront its problems. It is attracted to everything that is most harmful to it. It is out of balance, baffled, bewildered, full of toxins, neuroses and psychoses, having daily nightmares.

Yet we already know the answers to all of this psychosis and psychopathy. The only thing preventing the cure is the fact that the psychopaths are in charge and don’t want to be cured. No psychopath in history has ever thought he had a problem. So, how shall we stop the psychopaths and run the world according to rational, psychological rules that promote the health and happiness of the whole of humanity? The Star Trek society is one where human beings have learned to rid themselves of their psychopathic heritage. Their world is rational, sane, balanced and harmonious, everything our world is not.

Don’t we deserve to escape from the asylum?The time has come for us to liberate ourselves. We have the answers. Psychology is the key to the next stage of the world’s evolution. We just need to apply our minds. And when we have accomplished that, we can focus on the most important task of all: the salvation of our souls.”

Excerpted, page 406

© The Illuminati’s Secret Religion

The Four Riders of the Apocalypse

Marzo 1st, 2020 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

Arnold Toynbee (1889 – 1975), a thinker heavily influenced by Spengler, contended that the essential entity that constitutes world history is not a region, an ethnic people or a nation, but a civilization, and he maintained that each civilization passes through five stages: genesis, growth, breakdown, disintegration, and dissolution (death).

Islam, with the Arab Spring, has entered its breakdown phase. It will suffer an increasing identity clash as its old, tired ways conflict more and more with modernity, and it will split into traditionalists and modernisers and a great schism will develop, as happened between Catholicism and Protestantism, and into the gap will flow a rationalist Enlightenment that will eventually kill Islam (just as rationalism has already dealt a fatal blow to Judaeo-Christianity, but the zombie refuses to die for the time being).

The West has also broken down (as the current financial crisis continues to prove) and could disintegrate rapidly. In fact, the sooner it dissolves, the better. There’s no point in prolonging the agony. Capitalism danced on the grave of Communism in 1989 and now it too has died just a few decades later. Communism collapsed with astounding speed, and the same thing could easily happen to capitalism.

The genesis of a new culture lies in the human response to some profound change in the natural or social environment, requiring an urgent adaptation. We can imagine that our rival human species – Neanderthal Man – died out because he failed to adapt at a critical juncture. We did adapt and we prospered. Neanderthal Man didn’t and suffered a long, lingering death. That’s the pitiless lesson from history to all of us. We could literally become extinct if we don’t find the right adaptation. For humanity, only one adaptation is possible – we must leave behind the ignorant, superstitious, faith-driven, irrationalist Mythos-based past and embrace a rationalist, knowledge-based Logos future. If we don’t, we’re finished. Our extinction is certain.

The Four Riders of the Apocalypse are circling us: global warming and increasingly extreme weather conditions, continual famines and droughts, overpopulation, shortage of drinking water, failure of capitalism, increasing personal expectations, serious possibility of deadly global pandemics in an interlinked, overcrowded world.

Praying to God won’t save anyone. Mythos won’t save us. It’s Logos or death.

A creative, committed minority fosters the new culture and it can grow rapidly. However, when their original creative impetus fades, decay sets in. The original creative minority becomes an uncreative, dogmatic “establishment”, upholding the old ways. A priest caste and a “noble” caste (the rich) run the civilization in their own interests, in the form of privileged minorities dominating the weak, submissive majority.

They create a “universal State” where their paradigm is present everywhere and everyone is programmed to obey the paradigm, and this is usually accompanied by an extremist religion (such as Judaism, Christianity or Islam) and a “universal Church” that actively seeks to destroy all outsiders, freethinkers, heretics, blasphemers and infidels that challenge the orthodoxy and thus cows everyone else (the common herd, the sheeple).

Yet it’s precisely because a paradigm becomes so fanatically entrenched that its demise is rendered inevitable. It can’t adapt, can’t respond to new facts. It’s so deeply dug in, it can’t get out again. As soon as the Catholic Church refused to accept the evidence furnished by Galileo’s telescopes and preferred the scriptural position that the sun revolves around the earth, it was finished. The Catholic Church is a prime example of a great institution that becomes more and more irrelevant and powerless with every passing year. It has almost no positive influence in the world. Few people listen to it or obey it. Billions pay lip service, but don’t authentically believe. Catholicism is a twitching corpse, with post-mortem gas emerging from its orifices, giving the illusion that it’s still moving. Can anyone imagine a Catholic Church 1,000 years from now? Yet, because it built its foundations so deep, it remains standing. Nevertheless, it’s already an irrelevance. No forward-thinking person would ever say to himself, “Hey, I had better join the Catholic Church!”

How can Catholicism reinvent itself? It can’t. Hence it has no future. That’s true of all rigid paradigms. Only dialectical paradigms – paradigms in which change and becoming are inbuilt – can adapt to new information. Had the Catholic Church been dialectical, it would have accepted Galileo’s evidence. It was anti-dialectical and didn’t.

Catholicism is now the kingdom of night. It will never see the dawn. It’s all over. And it’s all over too for Judaism, Protestantism and Islam. They are all “dead men walking”. This is the planet of the living dead.

Excerpt from HyperHumanity

Mike Hockney

Artwork by Doug Van Houten

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