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USA Today

Marzo 6th, 2020 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

The Americans say they live in the best country in the world. Another way of looking at the USA is as a prison camp for all the nutjobs and castoffs of Europe. Europe seems a model of sanity in relation to the USA. The maddest European country is the UK – the country closest to the American psyche, and of course the colonial superpower that gave birth to the USA. The English settlers that colonized America were Puritan fanatics who imagined they had a special covenant with God (which is why America now has such a close relationship with Zionism).
The USA was founded by religious zealots – extremist Protestants who found Europe not nearly mad enough for them.The USA is full of non-conformists, dissidents, anarchists, anomics, libertarians – all the people who were booted out of Europe for their extreme beliefs, all the people that couldn’t fit in.
The USA likes to think of itself as a modern nation. In fact, it seems much more like seventeenth century England, defined by religious maniacs and refusing to accept modernity. The Republicans, the Trumpanzees, are not people of the 21st century. They are atavistic creatures, much more at home in the period of the Salem witch trials (1693). Trump’s fans are evangelical Christians who believe that Trump was sent by God to help them hunt down witches (liberals, socialists, communists, Catholics, and so on).
Why do Americans hate communism so much, despite knowing literally nothing about it (the number of Americans who have read even one word of Marx is probably below 10, and they were religious nutcases looking for ammo)? It’s because it reminds them of Catholicism – the collective, the universal Church.
You cannot understand the American psyche without understanding the Protestant psyche, and the Protestant revolt against Catholic community and authority. Protestants were the archetypal anarchists and libertarians, justified by nothing but their personal faith and opinions.
Why didn’t the USA become a model nation? Why didn’t it learn from all the mistakes of the nations of Europe? It was because it was always an anomic, divergent, Protestant society of the most extreme kind. America is manifestly NOT the most tolerant country in the world – European nations are far more tolerant – but it’s certainly the most religious advanced country in the world. You would expect the supposed most modern nation to be the least religious, not the most religious.
We need a New America, a New World Order – free at last of the WASP zealots that control America, a nation that actually learns from all the mistakes of the past and doesn’t repeat them in new and even worse ways.
Protestant America was the prime location of the slave trade. Protestant America spawned the first Nazis – the white supremacist, racist, slavery-endorsing Confederacy. Trump’s America is the Confederacy reborn. Abraham Lincoln would be turning in his grave if he could see what had become of the Republican Party, now the Confederate Party. Lincoln would stand for the Democratic Party if he were alive today. Some Republican nut waving a Confederate battle flag would assassinate him.
Isn’t it amazing that the USA REFUSED to become a modern society? It wanted to remain a backward, God-fearing nation of faith. No advanced country on earth would have its Head of State refer to God at the end of every speech. What is “God bless America” all about? It’s the sign that the USA was founded by religious lunatics and remains in thrall to religious lunatics. It’s time the USA left the 17th century behind and left Christianity behind. It’s time for the modern world to be populated by modern nations that never refer to mainstream religions – the superstitions of the ancient world.
