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Novembre 25th, 2021 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

„Proştii au numai Certitudini, iar Deştepţii o grămadă de Dubii”

În aceste vremuri de COHOAX, a apărut o nouă meserie:
Bineînţeles că au apărut şi „lucrătorii” şi „întreprinzătorii” de rigoare.
Deci există CINEVA care plăteşte „lucrătorii” şi are un PROFIT de pe urma lor.
Cine sunt „întreprinzătorii” ?
FOLLOW THE MONEY ! … şi noi ştim că numai ELITA PRIVILEGIATĂ are aceşti Bani.
Gates, Soros, Bezos, Zuckerberg şi alţi „binefăcători” sunt desigur printre „întreprinzători”.
Noi susţinem că această ELITĂ este PSIHOPATICĂ, deci
nu mai este cazul să ne exprimăm opiniile despre ea şi acţiunile sale.
La prima vedere este ceva pozitiv când se intenţionează a deschide calea Adevărului şi a se combate Minciuna.
La o abordare mai atentă
însă, ştiind noi DEŞTEPTAŢII că azi TRĂIM ÎNTR-O MINCIUNĂ cultivată de o ELITĂ PSIHOPATICĂ, ne vin în Minte nişte DUBII PUTERNICE.
Nu cumva cei care şi-au asumat această misiune de FACT CHECKING au altă menire decât cea reclamată ? Nu de alta, dar pretenţia lor de a fi deţinători exclusivi ai ADEVĂRULUI, îmi aduce în minte motto-ul acestui text:
„PROŞTII au numai Certitudini, iar DEŞTEPŢII o grămadă de DUBII”
Pretenţia de a fi deţinători absoluţi ai ADEVĂRULUI şi negarea
şi chiar CENZURAREA oricărei alte Opinii, este deci o dovadă de PROSTIE. Iată cum de fapt FACT CHECKERS sunt de fapt nişte PROŞTI, aflaţi evident sub EFECTUL DUNNING KRUGER ca şi Stăpânii lor şi eu o să argumentez în continuare această afirmaţie.
„Lucrătorii” din acest sector nu trebuie să ignore o întrebare ce poate fi adresată tuturor lacheilor Sistemului (Media, Politică,Poliţie, Armată, Justiţie, Economie, Educaţie, Sănătate) : „dacă în final se va demonstra că sunt în eroare, au în vedere CONSECINŢELE ?”
Le reamintesc
tuturor faptul că la Nuremberg, argumentul respectării ordinelor nu i-a scutit pe unii de Ştreang ! Azi asistăm cu stupoare la ignorarea crasă a NUREMBERG-ului !?
Ceea ce este diferit faţă de Trecut, este că azi suntem în pragul unei REVOLUŢII ce are în vedere SISTEMUL în totatalitatea sa, ci nu numai părţi ale acestuia. Se poate deduce că URMĂRILE vor fi mult mai TRAUMATICE pentru Vechea Ordine Mondială şi susţinătorii acesteia, dar din păcate, şi pentru noi.
Un lucru e sigur :
„Cine seamănă vânt, culege furtună” – proverb românesc
„Cu cât o Revoluţie e mai întârziată, cu atât va fi mai violentă” – JFK
Încercarea Sistemului de a frâna
Procesul Dialectic este contro-natura.
Violenţa Sistemului împotriva omenirii este
„o Forţă de Acţiune căreia i se va opune în mod natural o Forţă de Reacţiune, Egală şi de Sens Contrar”.
O să Argumentez în continuare pe scurt aberaţia FACT CHECKING-ului cultivat în ultima vreme:
ŞTIINŢA ste invocată adesea de Fact Checkers, la unison cu Media, Guvernanţi, Big Pharma şi Big Tech.
Toţi cei care
NU se aliniază GÂNDIRII UNICE sunt categorisiţi ca fiind ANTI-ŞTIINŢĂ !?
Vreau să reamintesc
în acest context vorbele lui Max Planck : “Science progresses one funeral at a time”. Adică, ceea ce azi e acceptat ca Adevăr, mâine se poate demonstra Fals.
Noi iluminiştii pitagoreici negăm printre multe altele, până şi Interpretarea Copenhagen asupra Mecanicii Cuantice, aşa că nu ne sfiim să combatem argumentat ORICE, inclusiv GÂNDIREA UNICĂ (PENSIERO UNICO / SINGLE THOUGHT) propăvăduită de fact checkers.
Când nu mai avansează ŞTIINŢA, sau când este frânată ?
Când PROCESUL DIALECTIC este întrerupt.
Cum altfel poate fi definită CENZURAREA Antitezelor de către Fact Checkers, decât ceea ce este: ÎNTRERUPEREA PROCESULUI DIALECTIC.
Procesul Dialectic este la baza EVOLUŢIEI.
Frânarea EVOLUŢIEI poate duce la INVOLUŢIE şi chiar EXTINCŢIE în cazul Omenirii,în caz de perpetuare a Frânării.
Noi ca iluminişti pitagoreici ar trebui să avem ideile clare despre
ŞTIINŢA EMPIRICIST MATERIALISTĂ pusă în slujba Vechii Ordini Mondiale (OWO) şi de aceea mă miră şi mă supără apelurile recente ale unor „iluminişti de fakebook” de a purta mască, de a se distanţa social, de a se vaccina împotriva RĂCELII, susţinând Tezele alarmiste ale OWO !? În opinia mea, e vorba de o INFILTRARE A ILUMINIŞTILOR PITAGOREICI !!! RUŞINE !!!
Cum poţi tu iluminist pitagoreic să vorbeşti precum Media, Guvernanţi şi Big Pharma ?
Cum poţi fi tu iluminist pitagoreic şi să propagi Narativa unui Gates, Soros, S
chwab (World Economic Forum), Charles (the prince of my balls), Bilderbergs şamd. ?
Aceştia finanţează inclusiv FACT CHECKING-ul, ca şi FALSE FLAGS-urile cu care destabilizează geo-politic întreaga planetă. Ambele au ca scop DIVIDE ET IMPERA !
Cum poţi tu să crezi că cei care au creat şi susţinut Sistemul sunt capabili să-l schimbe ?
Cum poţi fi tu iluminist pitagoreic şi să condamni
Ori eşti INFILTRAT, ori IGNORANT şi departe de a deveni GOD !?

Despre „oamenii de ştiinţă” ce proliferează pe ecranele TEMBELIZOARELOR, ce să mai vorbim !? Sunt toţi SLUGI CUMPĂRATE ALE SISTEMULUI !
ŞTIINŢA a devenit prin contribuţia lor şi a Fact Checkers-ilor, o NOUĂ RELIGIE, care asemenea celei Avraamice, propăvăduieşte CREDE ŞI NU CERCETA !?
La fel ca şi Religiile Majore, induc FRICA în Omenire.
Oamenii de ştiinţă empiricişti materialişti habar nu au CE suntem,
UNDE suntem şi DE CE suntem aici. Numai IDEALIŞTII RAŢIONALIŞTI ca noi, iluminiştii pitagoreici, pot răspunde de pe poziţii RAŢIONALE la aceste întrebări.
Cei care nu se aliniază GÂNDIRII UNICE, chiar dacă sunt eminenţe în domeniile lor de cercetare, sunt marginali
zaţi, batjocoriţi, şi chiar eliminaţi fizic !?
În schimb, jurnalişti, influenţeri, p
seudo oameni de ştiinţă, politicieni şi artişti IGNORANŢI umplu ecranele televizoarelor cu Mesajele OWO !? Ăsta e un semn clar de IDIOCRAŢIE !!!
„Spune-mi cu cine te însoţeşti şi-ţi voi spune cine eşti ” se zice pe la noi.
Puţini iluminişti sunt capabili să înţeleagă Mesajele Iluminaţilor Pitagoreici în favoarea Medicinei
Homeopate. Toţi au căzut în plasa Medicinii Alopate.
Mare parte din Publicitatea Mincinoasă din Media este ocupată (printre alte tâmpenii) de promovarea MEDICAMENTELOR, când „Natura oferă Leacuri pentru totalitatea bolilor”.
Nimeni nu vorbeşte de ADEVĂRATELE CAUZE ale bolilor:
Suprapopulaţia, Ignoranţa, Poluarea Aerului, Apei şi Solului, Medicina Empiricist Materialistă Alopată, Hrana Nesănătoasă Modificată Genetic în fuga după PROFIT fără studii aprofundate, Stresul provocat Omenirii de un Sistem Capitalist în care totul, inclusiv oamenii, este MARFĂ. Totul se supune Economiei de Piaţă, unde Economia este (după spusele lui DAVID SUZUKI) o formă de PSIHOPATIE. Cum poate fi categorisită altfel, de dată de peste 75% din Activităţile Economice actuale sunt FUTILE, fără REAL APORT SOCIAL, ci doar CONSUMATOARE DE RESURSE şi SURSĂ DE PROFIT pentru o ELITĂ PSIHOPATICĂ!?
Mulţi oameni de ştiinţă care ar avea potenţialul de a înţelege argumentaţia ştiinţifică a unor alţi oameni de ştiinţă integrii, dau dovadă de DISONANŢĂ COGNITIVĂ, din Comoditate şi dorinţa de a nu ieşi din Zona De Confort.
Intelighenţia a fost aproape în totalitate CUMPĂRATĂ de Sistem !!!
Omul de Ştiinţă VÂNDUT SISTEMULUI este un Mr. Hyde capabil să producă arme chimice biologice şi nucleare, fertilizanţi şi erbicide dăunătoare Ambientului şi Omului, tehnologii de control în slujba regimurilor totalitare, organisme modificate genetic fără studii aprofundate asupra nocivităţii lor, medicamente ce fac mai mult rău decât bine, că doar Big Pharma nu are nevoie de oameni sănătoşi şamd.

Cu toate astea, închei într-o notă optimistă.
„O mână de oameni determinaţi şi cărora le pasă, pot schimba lumea. Ei au făcut-o întotdeauna” spunea antropologa Margaret Mead.
Nu „majoritatea democratică” va forma MASA CRITICĂ ce va da bobârnacul final Sistemului aflat în plin proces de IMPLOZIE.

EROII sunt puţini la număr şi rămân în Istorie, pe când IGNAVI vor bântui pe vecie în LIMBO. Ei nu vor trece prin celelalte Cercuri ale Infernului şi nu vor ajunge în veci la LUMINĂ !!!





“Stupids have only Certainties, and the Intelligents a lot of Doubts”

In these times of COHOAX, a new profession has emerged: FACT CHECKING.

Of course, the necessary “workers” and “entrepreneurs” have also appeared.

So there is SOMEONE who pays the “workers” and has a PROFIT from them.

Who are the “entrepreneurs”?

FOLLOW THE MONEY! … and we know that only the PRIVILEGED ELITE has this Money.

Gates, Soros, Bezos, Zuckerberg and other “benefactors” are of course among the “entrepreneurs.”

We claim that this ELITE is PSYCHOPATHIC, so it is no longer necessary to express our opinions about them and their actions.

At first glance it is a positive thing when it is intended to open the way to the Truth and to fight the Lie.

On a more careful approach, however, knowing that we are living in a LIE cultivated by a psychopathic elite, some POWERFUL DOUBTS come to mind.

Don’t those who have taken on this FACT CHECKING mission have a different purpose than the one claimed? Not for nothing, but their claim to be exclusive holders of the TRUTH, reminds me of the motto of this text:

“STUPIDS have only Certainties, and THE iNTELLIGENTS a lot of DOUBTS”

The claim to be absolute holders of the TRUTH and the denial and even CENSORSHIP of any other Opinion, is therefore a proof of STUPIDITY. This is how FACT CHECKERS are actually STUPIDS, obviously under the DUNNING KRUGER EFFECT like their Masters, and I will continue to argue this statement.

Workers” in this sector must not ignore a question that can be asked of all the lackeys of the System (Media, Politics, Police, Army, Justice, Economy, Education, Health): “if in the end it is proved that they are in error, are you CONSIDERING THE CONSEQUENCES? ”

I remind everyone that in Nuremberg trial, the argument of obedience to orders did not exempt some from Death Penalty! Today we are witnessing with amazement the gross ignorance of NUREMBERG !?

What is different from the Past is that today we are on the threshold of a REVOLUTION that considers the SYSTEM in its entirety, but not only parts of it. It can be deduced that the CONSEQUENCES will be much more TRAUMATIC for the Old World Order and its supporters, but unfortunately, for us as well.

One thing is for sure:

“He who sows the wind reaps the storm” – Romanian proverb

“The later a Revolution, the more violent it will be” – JFK

The System’s attempt to slow down the Dialectic Process is counter-nature.

The violence of the System against humanity is “a Force of Action which will naturally be opposed by a Force of Reaction, Equal and Opposite.”


I will further briefly argue the aberration of FACT CHECKING cultivated lately:
SCIENCE is often invoked by Fact Checkers, in unison with Media, Governors, Big Pharma and Big Tech.

All those who do NOT align with SINGLE THOUGHT are categorized as ANTI-SCIENCE !?

In this context, I want to recall Max Planck’s words: “Science progresses one funeral at a time.” That is, what is accepted today as Truth, tomorrow can be proven False.

We Pythagorean Illuminists deny, among other things, even the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, so we are not afraid to argue ANYTHING, including the SINGLE THOUGHT (PENSIERO UNICO) preached by fact checkers.

When does SCIENCE no longer advance, or when is it slowed down?

When the DIALECTIC PROCESS is interrupted.

How else can the Censorship of Antitheses by Fact Checkers be defined, other than what it is: INTERRUPTION OF THE DIALECTICAL PROCESS.

The Dialectic Process is the basis of EVOLUTION.

The braking of EVOLUTION can lead to INVOLUTION and even EXTINCTION in the case of Humanity, in case of perpetuation of Braking.

We as Pythagorean Illuminists should have clear ideas about the EMPIRICIST MATERIALIST SCIENCE put in the service of the Old World Order (OWO) and that is why I am surprised and upset by the recent calls of some “fakebook illuminists” to wear a mask, to distance themselves socially. , to be vaccinated against COLD, supporting the alarmist theses of the OWO !? In my opinion, this is an INFILTRATION OF THE PYTHAGOREAN ILLUMINISTS !!! SHAME ON YOU !!!

How can you Pythagorean Illuminist speak like the Media, Governors and Big Pharma?

How can you be a Pythagorean Illuminist and propagate the Narrative of a Gates, Soros, Schwab (World Economic Forum), Charles (the prince of my balls), Bilderbergs and so on ?

They also fund FACT CHECKING, as well as FALSE FLAGS that geo-politically destabilize the entire planet. Both aim to DIVIDE AND EMPIRE!

How can you believe that those who created and supported the System are able to change it?

How can you be a Pythagorean Illuminist and condemn the SPIRIT FREE SOURCE and thus defend the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY that underlies the PROFIT OF MULTINATIONALS?

Either you are INFILTRATED, or IGNORANT and far from becoming GOD !?

About the “scientists” that proliferate on the screens of the Media, what more can we say !? They are all BUYED SERVANTS OF THE SYSTEM!

SCIENCE has become through their contribution and that of the Fact Checkers, a NEW RELIGION, which like the Abrahamic one, preaches BELIEVE AND DO NOT RESEARCH !?

Like the Major Religions, they induce FEAR in Mankind.
Materialistic empiricist scientists have no idea
WHAT we are, WHERE we are and WHY we are here. Only RATIONALIST IDEALISTS like us, the Pythagorean Illuminists, can answer these questions from RATIONAL positions.

Those who do not align with SINGLE THOUGHT, even if they are eminent in their fields of research, are marginalized, mocked, and even physically eliminated !?

Instead, journalists, influencers, pseudo scientists, politicians and IGNORANT artists fill TV screens with OWO Messages !? This is a clear sign of IDIOCRACY !!!

“Tell me who you’re with and I’ll tell you who you are” they say.

Few illuminists are able to understand the Messages of the Pythagorean ILLUMINATI in favor of Homeopathic Medicine. They all fell into the trap of Allopathic Medicine.

Much of the Advertising in the Media is occupied (among other nonsense) by the promotion of MEDICINES, when “Nature offers Cures for all diseases.”

Nobody talks about the TRUE CAUSES of diseases: Overpopulation, Ignorance, Air, Water and Soil Pollution, Allopathic Materialist Empiricist Medicine, Genetically Modified Unhealthy Food on the run after PROFIT without in-depth studies, Stress caused to Humanities by the Predatory Capitalist System. Everything is subject to the Market Economy, where the Economy is (according to DAVID SUZUKI) a form of PSYCHOPATHY. How can it be categorized differently, since over 75% of the current Economic Activities are FUTILE, without REAL SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION, but only CONSUMERS OF RESOURCES and SOURCE OF PROFIT for a PSYCHOPATHIC ELITE !?

Many scientists who would have the potential to understand the scientific argument of other honest scientists, show COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, for convenience and the desire not to leave the Comfort Zone.
Intelligentsia was almost entirely PURCHASED by the System !!!

The Scientist SOLD TO THE SYSTEM is a Mr. Hyde capable of producing biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, fertilizers and herbicides harmful to the Environment and Humankind, control technologies in the service of totalitarian regimes, genetically modified organisms without in-depth studies on their harmfulness, drugs that do more bad than good, because the Big Pharma doesn’t need healthy people, and so on.

However, I conclude on an optimistic note.

A handful of determined people who care, can change the world. They always did ” said anthropologist Margaret Mead.

It is not the “democratic majority” that will form the CRITICAL MASS that will give the final push to the System that is in the process of IMPLOSING.

HEROES are few in number and remain in History, while IGNAVI will haunt forever in LIMBO.
They will not go through the other Circles of Hell and will never reach the LIGHT !!!


Novembre 25th, 2021 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă



Adults who get vaccinated for COHOAX are, in my opinion, either IGNORANT or EASY TO MANIPULATE by a System proven BROKEN today, but that does not make me hate them, but to pity them. When you do not understand that BIG PHARMA, MEDIA and GOVERNMENTS do not aim at the GENERAL INTEREST, maybe it is good to undergo a Genetic Experiment, because we are already too Many and too Stupid !?

If you don’t understand that VACCINE ABUSE is as harmful as ANTIBIOTIC ABUSE, maybe it’s better for Mother Nature to intervene to make a little SELECTION !?

The data of the problem are much more serious when the PARENTS decide that their own children should be vaccinated, although it is known for sure that COHOAX does not affect them at all. The question for them is this:


The LOGIC answer is:


Doesn’t that seem like an EXACERBATE INDIVIDUALISM?

Don’t you think they are DISTORTED PARENTS?

Of course, it is not surprising that such PSYCHOPATHIC BEHAVIOR of 90% of the population (“Democratic Majority”). It is known that they are IGNORANT, ZOMBIES, DRONES, IGNAVI.

What about the SYSTEM? Give children the FREEDOM (???) to choose their GENDER, but not to be vaccinated or not !?

The Press in Service of the System immediately brought to our attention the case of a child who obtained in court the right to be vaccinated despite the opposition of his parents. But this is the EXCEPTION, not the RULE!

Does a child have the KNOWLEDGE needed to decide on very complex issues?

NO !!!

It is true that in general “The chip does not jump far from the Trunk”, so maybe it’s better this way !?




Adulţii care se vaccinează pentru COHOAX sunt după părerea mea ori IGNORANŢI, ori UŞOR MANIPULABILI de un Sistem demonstrat azi FALIMENTAR, dar asta nu mă determină să-i urâsc, ci să-i compătimesc. Atunci când nu pricepi că BIG PHARMA , MEDIA şi GUVERNANŢII nu au ca obiectiv INTERESUL GENERAL, poate e bine să te supui unui Experiment Genetic, pentru că deja suntem prea Mulţi şi prea Proşti !?

Dacă nu pricepi că ABUZUL DE VACCINURI este la fel de dăunător ca şi ABUZUL DE ANTIBIOTICE, poate e mai bine să intervină Mama Natura să facă un pic de SELECŢIE !?

Datele problemei sunt mult mai grave când PĂRINŢII decid ca proprii fii să fie vaccinaţi, deşi se ştie cu siguranţă că COHOAX-ul nu-i afectează deloc. Întrebarea este în cazul acestora următoarea:


Răspunsul LOGIC este:



Nu vi se pare că sunt nişte PĂRINŢI DENATURAŢI ?

Desigur că nu e de mirare un astfel de COMPORTAMENT PSIHOPATIC de dată de 90% din populaţie („Majoritatea Democratică”) e IGNORANTĂ, ZOMBI, DRONE, IGNAVI

De SISTEM ce să mai vorbim ? Lasă copiilor LIBERTATEA (???) de a-şi alege GENUL, dar nu şi pe aceea de a se vaccina sau nu !?

Presa Aservită Sistemului ne-a adus imediat la cunoştinţă cazul unui copil care a obţinut în instanţă dreptul de a se vaccina în pofida opoziţiei părinţilor. Dar asta este EXCEPŢIA, ci nu REGULA!

Are un copil CUNOAŞTEREA necesară pentru a decide în chestiuni foarte complexe ?


Este adevărat că în general „Aşchia nu sare departe de Trunchi”, aşa că poate e mai bine aşa !?

You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy

Giugno 12th, 2021 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

”You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy !”

Marzo 5th, 2021 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă

You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy !”
(Ro. – Eng.)

Există un eminent iluminist care susţine că OWO nu are o AGENDĂ şi că reprezentanţii săi „s-ar căca pe ei de frică”
zilele astea!? Menţionez din nou că ceea ce face şi zice e foarte important pentru CAUZA ILUMINISMULUI PITAGOREIC, dar … nu e suficient, ba uneori, chiar dăunător acesteia.
World Economic Forum-ul din aceste zile este PROBA că Morgue@Co greşeşc fundamental.
Pentru început, să aflăm care este AGENDA OWO
pentru următorii 10 ani, expusă pe scurt în acest filmuleţ care fixează 8 Obiective:

1. „Nu o să posedezi Nimic şi o să fi Fericit – totul îţi va fi închiriat şi-ţi va fi distribuit de Drone”.

Foarte frumos principiul, dar nu se specifică dacă Bezos, Gates şi ceilalţi ultra-bogaţi se vor conforma!? Deocamdată, se vede tot mai clar că ei devin tot mai bogaţi, iar restul tot mai săraci.
Apoi, e dificil de imaginat miliarde de drone la lucru pe toată planeta.

2. „SUA nu va mai fi unica Super-Putere pe glob, ci vor fi mai multe”

Faptul este deja evident în ceea ce priveşte SUA, dar discursurile lui Pu
tin şi Xi Jinping la WEF nu prevăd aproape NIMIC din ceea ce noi ca iluminişti pitagoreici avem în Minte pentru Viitor… se profilează mai multe IMPERII cu TENSIUNILE de rigoare ce le vedem deja crescând îngrijorător.
Să se fi inspirat
KLAUS SCHWAB, liderul WEF, din „1984” în care se prevedea existenţa a TREI SUPER-PUTERI în luptă pentru CONTROLUL GLOBAL???

3. „Nu o să se mai moară din lipsă de organe de transplant, deoarece TEHNOLOGIA le va procura la nevoie”

Desigur că ÎNDÂRJIREA TERAPEUTICĂ nu poate decât să favorizeze BIG PHARMA.
O vedem şi zilele acestea cu Cohoax-ul…
De ce să nu ne preocupăm de CAUZELE BOLILOR mai mult şi de EFECTE mai puţin? Doar suntem SUFLETE NEMURITOARE şi noi iluminiştii punem pe primul plan MINTEA şi apoi CORPUL.
Asta e
oarecum precum CONFESIUNEA pentru credincioşi: păcătuiesc liniştit, că apoi mă rog la YHWH şi mă iartă.
În final, am serioase dubii că INTERVENŢII DIN AFARĂ asupra AVATARULUI creat de MINTEA noastră pot atinge Perfecţiunea Divină. Mulţi Mr. Hyde abia aşteaptă să se manifeste, după cum ne învaţă Istoria Ştiinţei.
Numai un IGNORANT poate accepta Proprietatea Intelectuală după cum e legiferată astăzi:
„Directiva privind protecția legală a invențiilor biotehnologice” (98/44 / CE), autorizează brevetarea unor organisme întregi de plante și animale, precum și a părților, organelor și genelor oricărei ființe vii, inclusiv a omului, fără a fi nevoie de informați „donatorul” sau pentru a obține consimțământul său. ”

4. „Vom mânca tot mai puţină Carne”

Aici sunt total de acord, ştiut fiind că animalele de consum sunt principalele poluante ale apei, solului şi aerului… nu întâmplător cei mai mulţi morţi de RĂCELILE din aceste zile sunt în zone cu puternice Industrii Zootehnice. Sper ca măsura să se extindă şi la Lilieci, Pangolini, Şerpi, Peşti de tot felul şamd. E drept că aceste fiinţe sunt mâncate deoarece populaţiile respective sunt prea NUMEROASE şi asta ar fi CAUZA principală. Deci, rememoraţi
al zecelea şi ultimul punct de pe Georgia Guidestones:
Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

5. „Un Miliard de persoane vor emigra din cauza Crizei Climatice, deci trebuie susţinut MULTICULTURALISMUL”

Din nou se contemplă EFECTELE şi se ignoră CAUZELE.
Noi iluminiştii pitagoreici avem ideile clare (nu toţi!?) în ceea ce priveşte MULTICULTURALISMUL. Nu e mai RAŢIONAL ca fiecare să poată sta Acasă la el
şi să beneficieze de Oportunităţi Egale ???
„Bananierii nu cresc în zone sub-polare şi Brazii nu cresc la Ecuator”.
Nimeni nu e Negru, Roşu, Maro, Galben sau Alb fără MOTIV!!!
Măsura justă ar fi ca Statele Puternice să ajute pe cele Slabe pentru a împiedica DEZRĂDĂCINAREA / MIGRAŢIA
, mai ales că e vorba şi de Poliţe din Trecut de plătit şi mai ales, să impună în aceste ţări de emigraţie un sever CONTROL AL POPULAŢIEI. De asemenea, nu trebuie uitată influenţa nefastă a RELIGIILOR MAJORE care trebuiesc drastic contrastate.

6. „Marii Poluanţi vor plăti o Taxă pe Carbon iar combustibilii fosili vor avea un Preţ Globalizat”

În principiu este o măsură bună, dar tenta GLOBALISTĂ este evidentă ca şi
în cazul ”Welcome Refugees”şi asta nu e bine. Să ne imaginăm Lumea Tripolară sau Multipolară şi o să pricepem rapid că GLOBALIZAREA ca ultimă Resursă de Supravieţuire a Capitalismului, este ZOMBI.
Că ne place sau nu, că vrem sau nu vrem, SUVERANISMUL se va instaura pentru o bună bucată de vreme. De fapt, se practică şi azi, că tot citim „Consumă Româneşte”, „Consumă Italieneşte” şamd. fără excepţii, nici chiar în cazul Pieţei Comune a Uniunii Europene… numai iluminiştii de fb nu pricep asta. Ei continuă cu susţinerea Propagandei Globaliste a OWO.

7. ”Vom călători spre Marte şi vom căuta Extratereştrii”

Desigur că numai ce
i de teapa lui Elon Musk pot ignora imensele probleme de rezolvat de pe Pământ şi pot investi RESURSE importante pentru scopuri FUTILE!? În ceea ce priveşte EXTRATEREŞTRII, se vinde o altă NARATIVĂ precum acelea ale lui YHWH@Co.

8. „Monedele Occidentale vor fi supuse la Teste de Rezilenţă şi se va spijini DEMOCRAŢIA prin ajustări acolo unde va fi nevoie”

Deja când se vorbeşte de MONEDE şi DEMOCRAŢIE, mi se urcă sângele la cap… deja când se vorbeşte de World ECONOMIC Forum mă albesc, deoarece este ştiut că „Ştiinţa” Economică este o formă de Boală Mintală, nicidecum o Ştiinţă
(David Suzuki)!?


Aşa cum am mai scris şi în cărţile anterioare, Vechea Ordine Mondială (OWO) a priceput în sfârşit că dacă Omenirea dispare, dispar şi ei cu tot neamul lor de Privilegiaţi!? AGENDA lor este evidentă după cum rezultă din cele scrise până aici: vor să-şi menţină CONTROLUL şi PRIVILEGIILE implementând un Scenariu „1984” pentru care au dotarea tehnologică necesară şi Controlul Mediei, Finanţelor şi Politicii.
În aceste condiţii iluminiştii de fb cad în Capcana Sistemului de „Divide Et Impera” şi deşi vorbesc mereu de Unitate, sucumbă în faţa unor Manipulări referitoare la Libertatea Negativă, Anarhism, Genderism, BLM,
Migraţionism, Multiculturalism, preluând Retorica Sistemului în aceste chestiuni. În acelaşi timp, deşi se declară sprijin pentru Revoluţii Anti-Capitaliste, nu se scoate o vorbă de sprijin pentru ţările unde acestea se produc, sau pentru ţările unde Propaganda Capitalist-Imperialistă nu are succes (Bielorusia, Siria, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia şa.).
Chiar şi faţă de „Agresiunea asupra Capitoliului”, care a fost de fapt o Înscenare a OWO,
un False Flag, s-a adoptat de către iluminiştii de fb o poziţie similară cu Media, Multinaţionalele din Silicon Valley şi de pretutindeni, Guvernele Liberale, Finanţa şi tot ce mai răspunde AGENDEI OWO … inclusiv Lady Gaga. Este adevărat că trumpanzeii s-au dus la Capitol cu Motivaţia greşită, dar cel puţin au demonstrat că au coiţe, spre deosebire de „revoluţionarii de tastieră”. Dacă aceştia din urmă ar fi fost PRINTRE „AGRESORI”, poate ar fi motivat divers acea acţiune şi ar fi convins o bună parte din trumpanzei în acea direcţie!?
Puţini iluminişti au aplaudat faptul că totuşi Trump este primul preşedinte american care nu a început un Război, unul care a înfruntat făţiş Media, Big Tech şi Multinaţionalele de tot felul ce conduc de fapt Lumea!? REVOLUŢIA s-a făcut mereu şi se va face şi de acum înainte, pe teren, cu arma în mână dacă e necesar, ci nu din fotoliu sau fb!!
Iluminiştii trebuie să creeze o Masă Critică de Revoluţionari.
Unde pot pescui, mărind astfel masa celor deja Iniţiaţi?
Din rândul Anarhiştilor de Stânga, a Libertarienilor de Stânga, a socialiştilor şi a comuniştilor de pretutindeni, care sunt oricum mai aproape de Idealurile Meritocraţiei Iluministe
decât Stânga Regresivă Liberală Masochistă, ba chiar şi a Trumpanzeilor care nu sunt toţi Red Necks, printre ei fiind şi Victime socio-economice ale Sistemului actual.
DIVIDE ET IMPERA este Arma Principală a Sistemului!
Iluminiştii de fb, nu numai că nu caută Unitatea, dar chiar şi în rândurile lor sunt eliminaţi cei care exprimă IDEI NOI aflate de cele mai multe ori pe linia Principiilor Iluministe!?
Vorbesc din proprie experienţă, fiind eu eliminat de hiperieni şi desprietenit de o mulţime de „prieteni”, pentru a fi militat pentru FREE SOURCE,
împotriva COXOAX-ului şi alte idei noi!?
Acestora le aduc la cunoştinţă că Inventatorii vaccinului anti-polio l-au OFERIT GRATIS, fără a avea pretenţii de Proprietate Intelectuală, ca să dau exemplul cel mai elocvent legat de actuala poziţie a Big Pharma.
Se pare că puţini îi pricep pe Platon şi Rousseau, deşi afirmă contrariul!?
S-a ajuns până acolo încât a refuza Terorismul Sanitar
Nejustificat Ştiinţific actual, echivalează cu o Libertate Negativă, ca şi cum Statul Plutocratic s-ar ocupa cu adevărat de Interesul General!? Trebuie să fi stupid să crezi aşa ceva. După cum am mai spus apropos de această chestiune, produsul lui Plus cu Minus, dă Minus!?
DA, unui Stat Puternic, dar numai dacă e Meritocratic Iluminist!!

NUMERELE demonstrează deja pe deplin că ADEVĂRUL este altul decât cel promovat de iluminiştii de fb.
Care va fi urmarea?
Minarea Credibilităţii Iluminismului!!
Până şi Locust Party a dat forfait, deoarece a transmis Mesaje ce nu au stârnit Interes, având o
gamă redusă de Idei în ciuda lungimii textelor (chiar bănuiesc cine e autorul…). Totul împotriva lui Trump şi aproape Nimic împotriva lui Biden!? Pentru mine, mai periculos pentru Omenire este Biden şi vă veţi convinge curând!! Trump ştiam din ce aluat este, dar Biden ne duce cu zăhărelul.
Dacă se citesc comentariile la postările lui Morgue, se vede imediat că numărul mare de urmăritori e în cea mai mare parte departe de Principiile Iluminismului Pitagoreic.
Hiperianismul a devenit un Cult şi asta nu e deloc bine!
Se face apologia Statului Puternic şi Ştiinţei şi nu se pricepe că actualele State sunt OLIGARHII cărora ne opunem prin definiţie (inclusiv CHINA unde sunt cei mai mulţi Miliardari din lume şi de unde a pornit COHOAX-ul), iar Ştiinţa este pusă exclusiv în slujba PROFITULUI şi MATERIALISMULUI EMPIRICIST. A te opune Statului Oligarhic este o DATORIE, ci nu o Libertate Negativă !
A promova FREE SOURCE e forma cea mai înaltă de ALTRUISM !!
A demola CAPITALISMUL înseamnă şi scoaterea sa din Dicţionar !!

ILLUMINATI, batti un colpo!!!

Pentru că vorbesc despre ILLUMINATI, fac următoarele precizări importante:
După 2009 odată cu publicarea culegerii de postări de pe primul site cu titlul „The Illuminati’s Secret Religion”, illuminati sunt împărţiţi în trei grade:
1. Cei care au Citit, ÎNŢELES şi Împărtăşit cele scrise în această Carte de Căpătâi. Aici pot fi încadraţi şi mulţi iluminişti de Facebook.
2. Contribuitorii care dezvoltă Ideile Iniţiale. Aici sunt încadraţi şi Autorii Seriilor.
3. Consiliul Celor 12 compus la acea dată de 5 Maeştrii din SUA, 5 din Europa, unul din Rusia şi unul din India

După cum e specificat în Cartea de Căpătâi, GÂNDIREA CRITICĂ trebuie să fie stimulată, fiind singura Modalitate de Devenire. Este Baza Procesului Dialectic. Noi toţi putem greşi, dar fără DEZBATERE, nu se stimulează DEVENIREA. Din păcate unii iluminişti nu pricep asta şi au transformat unele platforme în CULT-
uri unde orice Idee Nouă este pusă în seama TROLLING-ului şi a Efectului DUNNING KRUGER (deseori cei care practică aşa ceva sunt sub acest Efect fără să-şi dea seama !?)
Consider că ILLUMINATI trebuie să intervină URGENT pentru remedierea situaţiei !!
Suntem în pragul unei MARI SCHIMBĂRI şi mulţi iluminişti au luat-o razna !!

”You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy !”

Is there an eminent illuminist who claims that OWO does not have an AGENDA and that its representatives “would shit on theie pans for fear” these days !? I mention again that what he does and says is very important for the CAUSE OF PYTHAGOREIC ILLUMINISM, but it is not enough, sometimes even harmful to it.

The World Economic Forum these days is the PROOF that Morgue @ Co is fundamentally wrong.

Let’s find out what the OWO AGENDA for the next 10 years as briefly outlined in this video that sets 8 Objectives:

1. “You will not own anything and you will be happy – everything will be rented to you and distributed to you by Drone”.

Very nice principle, but does not specify whether Bezos, Gates and the other ultra-rich will comply !? For now, it is becoming increasingly clear that they are becoming richer and the rest poorer.

Then, it’s hard to imagine billions of drones at work all over the planet.

2. “The USA will no longer be the only Superpower in the world, but there will be more”

This is already obvious in the United States, but Putin and Xi Jinping’s speeches at the WEF foresee almost NOTHING of what we as Pythagorean Illuminists have in mind for the Future … more EMPIRES are looming with the TENSIONS we already see growing alarmingly.

Was KLAUS SCHWAB, the WEF leader, inspired by “1984” which provided for the existence of THREE SUPER-POWERS in the fight for GLOBAL CONTROL ???

3. “People will not die from lack of transplant organs, because TECHNOLOGY will procure them when needed”

Of course, THERAPEUTIC STRENGTH can only favor BIG PHARMA. We see it these days with the Cohoax …

Why not worry more about the CAUSES OF DISEASES and less about EFFECTS? We are only IMMORTAL SOULS and we illuminists put the MIND first and then the BODY.

Finally, I have serious doubts that OUTSIDE INTERVENTIONS on the AVATAR created by our MIND can reach Divine Perfection. Many Mr. Hyde can’t wait to show up, as the History of Science teaches us.

Only an IGNORANT can accept the Intellectual Property as legislated today:

”The Directive on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions (98/44 / EC), authorizes the patenting of entire organisms of plants and animals, as well as parts, organs and genes of any living being, including man, without any need to inform the “donor” or to obtain his consent.”

4. “We Will Eat Less and Less Meat”

Here I totally agree, knowing that the animals for consume are the main pollutants of water, soil and air … not coincidentally most of the COLD deaths these days are in areas with strong Livestock Industries. I hope that the measure will be extended to Bats, Pangolins, Snakes, Fish of all kinds and so on. It is true that these beings are eaten because the respective populations are too NUMEROUS and that would be the main CAUSE. So, remember the tenth and final point on the Georgia Guidestones:

“Be not a cancer on Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.”

5. “One billion people will emigrate because of the Climate Crisis, so MULTICULTURALISM must be supported”

Again the EFFECTS are contemplated and the CAUSES are ignored.

We Pythagorean Illuminists have clear ideas (not all !?) regarding MULTICULTURALISM. Isn’t it more RATIONAL for everyone to be able to stay at home and benefit from Equal Opportunities ???

“Bananas do not grow in sub-polar areas and firs do not grow at the equator.”

No one is Black, Red, Brown, Yellow or White without REASON !!!

The right measure would be for the Strong States to help the Weak to prevent MIGRATION, especially since these are Past Policies to be paid and especially to impose in these countries of emigration a severe CONTROL OF THE POPULATION. Also, we must not forget the unfortunate influence of MAJOR RELIGIONS that must be sharply contrasted.

6. “Large Pollutants Will Pay a Carbon Tax and Fossil Fuels Will Have a Globalized Price”

In principle it is a good measure, but the GLOBALISTian tint is obvious as in the case of “Welcome Refugees” and that is not good. Let’s imagine the Tripolar or Multipolar World and we will quickly understand that GLOBALIZATION as the last Resource for the Survival of Capitalism, is ZOMBIE.

Whether we like it or not, SOVEREIGNISM will be established for a long time. In fact, it is still practiced today, that we keep reading “Consume Romanian”, “Consume Italian” and so on. without exception, not even in the case of the Common Market of the European Union … only fb illuminists don’t understand that. They continue to support OWO’s Globalist Propaganda.

7. “We will travel to Mars and search for Aliens”

Of course, only those like Elon Musk can ignore the huge problems to be solved on Earth and can invest important RESOURCES for FUTILE purposes !? As for the ALIEN, another NARRATIVE like those of YHWH @ Co.

8. “Western currencies will be subjected to Resilience Tests and DEMOCRACY will be supported by adjustments where needed”

Already when it comes to COINS and DEMOCRACY, my blood rushes to my head … already when it comes to the World ECONOMIC Forum I turn white, because it is known that Economic “Science” is a form of Mental Illness, not a Science (David Suzuki ) !?


As I wrote in previous books, the Old World Order (OWO) has finally realized that if Humanity disappears, they will disappear with all their people of Privileged !? Their AGENDA is obvious as it results from what has been written so far: they want to maintain their CONTROL and PRIVILEGES by implementing a “1984” Scenario for which they have the necessary technological endowment and the Control of the Environment, Finance and Politics.

Under these conditions, the fb illuminists fall into the trap of the “Divide Et Impera” System and although they always talk about Unity, they succumb to Manipulations regarding Negative Freedom, Anarchism, Genderism, BLM, Migration, Multiculturalism, taking over the Rhetoric of the System in these matters. At the same time, although support is declared for Anti-Capitalist Revolutions, there is no word of support for the countries where they occur, or for countries where Capitalist-Imperialist Propaganda is not successful (Belarus, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia and so on.).

Even the “Capitol Assault,” which was actually a staging of the OWO, a False Flag, has taken a similar stance by the FB illuminists as the Media, Silicon Valley Multinationals, Big Pharma, Liberal Governments, Finance and everything else supporting the OWO AGENDA … including Lady Gaga. It is true that the trumpeters went to the Capitol with the wrong motivation, but at least they proved that they have balls, unlike the “keyboard revolutionaries”. If the latter had been AMONG “AGGRESSORS”, maybe they would have motivated that action differently and would have convinced a good part of the trumpeters in that direction !?

Few illuminists applauded the fact that Trump is the first american president not to start a war, one that has openly confronted the media, big tech, and multinationals of all kinds that actually rule the world !? THE REVOLUTION has always been made and will be made from now on, on the field, with the weapon in hand if necessary, but not from the armchair or fb !!

The illuminists must create a Critical Mass of Revolutionaries. Where can they fish, thus increasing the mass of the already Initiates?

Among the Left Anarchists, Left Libertarians, Socialists and Communists everywhere, who are anyway closer to the Ideals of the Illuminist Meritocracy than the Masochistic Liberal Regressive Left, and even the Trumpansees who are not all Red Necks, among them are also socio-economic victims of the current System.

DIVIDE ET IMPERA is the Main Weapon of the System!

Fb illuminists, not only do they not seek Unity, but even among them are eliminated those who express NEW IDEAS that are often on the line of the Pythagorean Illuminism Principles !?

I speak from my own experience, being eliminated by the Hyperians and befriended by a lot of “friends”, for being militant for FREE SOURCE, against COXOAX and other new ideas !?

I would like to inform you that the Inventors of the polio vaccine offered it for FREE, without claiming Intellectual Property, to give the most eloquent example of the current position of Big Pharma.

It seems that few understand Plato and Rousseau, although they say otherwise !?

Has it gotten so far that refusing the current Scientifically Unjustified Terrorism is tantamount to Negative Freedom, as if the Plutocratic State were really dealing with the General Interest !? You must be stupid to believe that. As I said before about this issue, the product of Plus with Minus, gives Minus !?

YES, to a Powerful State, but only if it is Meritocratic Illuminist !!

THE NUMBERS already fully prove that the TRUTH is different from the one promoted by the fb illuminists.

What will be the result?

Undermining the Credibility of the Pythagorean Illuminism !!

Even Locust Party gave a forfeit, because it sent Messages that did not arouse Interest, having a small range of Ideas despite the length of the texts (I really guess who the author is …). Everything against Trump and almost Nothing against Biden !? For me, the most dangerous for Humanity is Biden and you will soon be convinced !! Trump knew what dough it was from, but Biden takes us with the sugar.

If one reads the comments on Morgue’s posts, one immediately sees that the large number of followers is for the most part far from the Principles of the Pythagorean Illuminism. Hyperianism has become a Cult and that’s not good at all!

Wake up guys, because the OWO win again !!
There is an apology for the Strong State and Science and it is not understood that the current States are OLIGARCHES we oppose by definition (including CHINA where are the most Billionaires in the world and where COHOAX started), and Science is put exclusively in the service of PROFIT and MATERIALISM. Opposing the Oligarchic State is a DUTY, not a Negative Liberty T.F. !!

Promoting FREE SOURCE is the highest form of ALTRUISM !!

Demolishing CAPITALISM also means removing it from the Dictionary.

ILLUMINATI, batti un colpo!!!

Because I’m talking about ILLUMINATI, I make the following important clarifications:

After 2009, with the publication of the collection of posts on the first website entitled “The Illuminati’s Secret Religion”, the Illuminati are divided into three grades:

1. Those who have read, UNDERSTAND and shared what is written in this Primordial Book. Many Facebook illuminists can also be included here.

2. Contributors who develop the Initial Ideas. The Authors of the Series are also included here.

3. The Council of 12 composed at that time of 5 Masters from the USA, 5 from Europe, one from Russia and one from India

As specified in the Primordial Book, CRITICAL THINKING must be stimulated, being the only Way of Becoming. It is the basis of the dialectical process. We can all be wrong, but without DEBATE, BECOMING is not stimulated. Unfortunately, some fb illuminists do not understand this and have turned some platforms into CULTS where any New Idea is attributed to TROLLING and the DUNNING KRUGER Effect (often those who practice such a thing are under this Effect without realizing it! ?)

I believe that ILLUMINATI must urgently intervene to remedy the situation !!

We are on the verge of a GREAT CHANGE and many illuminists have gone crazy !!


Gennaio 10th, 2021 No Comments   Posted in Dacia Iluministă


We live in exceptional times due to an increasingly clear AGENDA even for a Blind.
As I said before, the UNSUSTAINABILITY of the current SYSTEM is the CAUSE and no one can deny that.
Capitalism as we had it, we will not have it from now on.

OWO understood this and initially invented a Pandemic, which is nothing more than a FALSE FLAG to implement a New Social, Economic, Political and Financial Paradigm that would further secure their Privileges.
I repeat that PART of the measures that are taken and especially those that will be taken, are absolutely necessary if we want to exist as a species. Obviously, the OWO has not considered other Rational Measures, because they are Psychopathic and Irrational.
A vision for the Future based on LOGIC and REASON, we presented 5 years ago in the Black Book and in the other two wrote during the current Crisis (”Corona Tsunami” and ”The Chinese Drop”).
Now at the end of 2020, I will draw a parallel between WHAT IS BEING DONE and WHAT SHOULD BE DONE by referring to some measures put in place by the System:


Isolation is warmly recommended as a measure of individual and collective protection, but on the other hand nothing or too little is done on the issue of Globalization and the Free Movement of Capital and People that defines it !?
It is ridiculous to impose Lockdown and Isolation on one’s own citizens and to open ports for Economic Emigrants, as is the case in Masochistic Liberal Multiculturalist Europe. Most emigrants are Islamic, and their Qur’an has clear “guidelines” for “hosts.”
In the current context of making a large part of its population available, it is IRRATIONAL to update the KALERGI PLAN (which is the basis of the European Union).
MULTICULTURALISM is incompatible with the POWERFUL STATE as firmly stated by the PYTHAGOREIC ILLUMINISM !!!

The human and material resources that are used for emigrants must be used at THEIR home. One cannot be Tolerant of the Intolerant, because otherwise the Right makes Political Capital at the expense of the IGNORANCE of the Liberal Regressive Left and can establish totalitarian regimes with roots in the past.
The diversion to the countries of emigration of part of the Resources involved in the Military Complex and the abolition of the large neo-colonial transnational corporations, can in a short time cancel the current socio-economic gap.
“No one should be left behind!” it is our motto.
Of course, this Help must be conditioned by the Acceptance of our Values ​​(I mean Illuminist Values) and by the awareness of the General Interest of Mankind. In this sense, the renunciation of the Major Religions and the excessive population growth must condition this Aid.
In this context, the condemnation of NATIONALISM by many fb illuminists is aberrant: decide if you want the STRONG STATE characterized by MONOCULTURALISM, or the WEAK MULTICULTURALIST STATE !? Do you see USA and others ?? Just wait and you’ll see !!
When the whole globe adheres to the Illuminist Values, we will be able to put Nationalism to the test, but until then, HEALTHY SOVEREIGNTY and NATIONALISM that is not related to Fascist Ideas, must not be condemned!
“Humanitarian” NGOs are designed by people who use only the Reptilian and Limbic Brain, not the NEOCORTEX! They are “Contemporary Slaves Traders” for the OWO !!!


This is a fair measure, but it must be applied Rationally, that is, by making fair SYNTHESES, in order to have the most important Positive Effects, without having Traumatic Side Effects.
It is said that SHOPING should be avoided, but for the time the measures are being taken have Negative Effects: after many days of Lockdown, it is normal that at the end of Isolation people rush into shopping malls and shops. The best solution is E-Commerce and it is already noticing a significant increase in it. What is wrong is that it is run by private individuals like Bezos, who fill themselves with money at the expense of small traders.
THE SOLUTION already presented by us?
NATIONALIZATION of all Distributors of Goods.
Of course, this will lead to the dismissal of a large number of people in a relatively short term.
Here are concentrated almost all the FUTILE ACTIVITIES of mankind, so they must be drastically ELIMINATED or RESIZED.

Man must move to Resources maximum possible , not vice versa.
Obviously, it cannot be done by clapping the hands and that only a STRONG STATE can implement such a thing, especially since we will continue to see other occupations on the verge of extinction or drastic resizing in the financial, banking, insurance, administrative, political fields. , professional sports, tourism, restorative and so on.
Access to the ski slopes has been banned these days, but this is a measure that creates great economic and psycho-physical discomfort.


It is about scheduling a stay of several days or even weeks (we will see later how such a thing is possible), within a COMMUNITY (village, town, neighborhood), in one or more hotels in the same tourist locality, the transport being exclusively by public transport, individual transport being excluded, just as weekend tourism will be excluded. The Negative effects of the current closure are particularly serious both from the economic point of view and from the physical and mental health of the population, the Practiced Sport being particularly beneficial to it.
Only from the above, and it follows the need for a STRONG STATE, the only one able to manage the new circumstances. In the case of Tourist Resorts it becomes obvious that COMMUNITY PROPERTY of all facilities (hotels, restaurants, infrastructure, medical and other services) offers greater prospects of EFFICIENCY from all points of view. So, it is necessary to NATIONALIZE and establish COMMUNITY PROPERTY, as in all the other fields.
In COMMUNITIES, there can be in our vision true Cultural, Entertainment and Restoration Centers with positive social, economic and psychological repercussions. The model of the State Cities, of the Phalansters, of the Communities, of the Venus Project, must be updated for our days, and we at the Dacia Movement foresaw it many years ago.
COMMUNITIES would be mono or multi-occupational: we can have Artistic, Scientific, Educational, Sanitary, Tourist, Agricultural, Industrial, Service and so on Communities.


These have been practically closed by moving to Online Education, which is nonsense. The school is done (or should be done, because it is not yet understood) not only in the classrooms, but also in Laboratories, Creativity Workshops, Community, Field, Interaction with the Production of goods and services and so on.
The INTERNET must be used for KNOWLEDGE.

Obviously, the SYSTEM does not need SMART PEOPLE and this explains the current aberrant restrictive measures. Only a Fool can believe that OWO is considering the protection of the Elderly by closing schools … the less pensions are paid, the better for them !!!
BOARDING SCHOOLS in which students of any grade are grouped according to Myers-Briggs personality types in specific training, without excluding the interaction with various personality types in the rest of the time.
In short, we are campaigning for an updated “Spartan” School for the third millennium. This implies a weaker interference with the FAMILY, a concept that must be reformed. THE SCHOOL of any degree must be given to the most competent teachers, educators, psychologists, because the Future of Humanity depends on children. Obviously, even in this case, the best organizer can only be the STRONG STATE, any private initiative being excluded.


It seems that in Italy, the Great Infection started from the stands of a stadium at an international professional football match. The fact is that stadiums are the exact opposite of Social Distancing, not to mention related activities, just as toxic to the human psyche: Betting, Consumerism, Cult of Ignorant Multimillionaire Celebrities, Gallery Violence (hooliganism), all without any Social Contribution, but only an Economic one, for the privileged few.

SPORT can be the object of Performance, but released by the MARKET ECONOMY. The television can be used for Sports Events, without public participation.
An professional athlete can NOT earn more than other categories much more useful to society !!!


As few know, we live in a “pathogen soup.” This “soup” is more and more virulent, as the Environmental Conditions are more and more bitter to Life, responsible for this state being the HUMANS. Pathogens are a major part of the planet’s immune system. To reduce their virulence it is enough and necessary to reduce our Impact on Nature. It is no coincidence that the last words on Georgia Guidestones are repeated: LEAVE ROOM FOR NATURE!
If someone believes that VACCINES or THERAPEUTIC STUBBORN can protect us from Extinction, as long as we do not fight the CAUSES, we are lost as a species! MEDICINES generally combat EFFECTS and not CAUSES, and it is obvious to any Rational Man that “it is better to prevent disease than to combat it.”
There is a lot of case for sanitation, but as usual it is considered only Combating the Effects, but not the CAUSES. We at ”Dacia Movement” do it all the time and I will give some situations that are not enaugh contemplated, but ESSENTIAL in this matter:


We still use these fuels, although for decades we have Eco-Compatible Technologies: we go with cars based on technologies over 100 years old, we still heat with wood even in cities, we do not yet have efficient and ecological public transport systems , we fill mailboxes with Advertising, Bureaucracy is still largely based on paper, public transport and freight is still based on outdated means, and so on.

It is necessary to RADICALIZE the measures to reduce the POLLUTION as much as possible.


It is also responsible for the weakening of the Immune System, as we live more and more immersed in true Electromagnetic Storms, often avoidable. It is enough to see the thousands of TV, Radio and Telephone networks largely futile and even harmful to mental and physical health of people.
Nobody says that they should be completely eliminated, but only Optimized and Rationalized.
This Electromagnetic Environment interferes with our Energy Field, with our MIND and therefore with our BODY, but no one today is institutionally concerned with ascertaining the Effects.

Televisions and Radios must be Limited and Specialized to meet the demand for Information, Culture, Knowledge and Entertainment and must be exclusively the responsibility of the Powerful Illuminist Meritocratic State.
We cannot talk about TELEVISIONS and other Media without talking about ADVERTISING.
Tons of Paper, Hours of Transmission, Occupied Public Spaces, thousands of people involved in this FUTIL field are sufficient REASONS to justify the ELIMINATION of this activity.
ADVERTISING must be done “on the product”, the INTERNET providing everything that needs to be known.
Mobile telephony must also meet Rational Social Requirements. We must stop being Zombies staring for hours at some JUNK MEDIA distribution screens: Communication must be fundamentally Interpersonal and Virtual only in special cases of Necessity.
And in this case it is time to establish a BALANCE and RATIONALITY, General principles of the Future Society.


As long as the blanket of the poor is widening, including in the West, as long as entire nations struggle in severe poverty, any action to curb the TRAFFIC OF PATHOGENS will be useless.
GLOBALIZATION, the mobility between countries and continents, the movement of Goods and People, with the particular case of the UNCONTROLLED MIGRATION due to it, favor the process, so they must be stopped immediately.
Many believe that the planet can feed more than the current 7.5 billion, without taking into account that we already breathe, drink and eat SHIT … and this in the conditions in which billions of people cannot afford that either.
We are also against Permaculture. No one can compete with Mother Nature. No Artificial Soil can replace the NATURAL SOIL.
It is a particular case of UNSUSTAINABLE GROWTH, specific to the CRAPitalist System.
What could be more favorable to PATHOGENES, if not a MALNUTRIED MAN, who drinks DIRTY WATER, who breathes NOXES ???

THE IMMUNITY of this category of people is particularly weak and favors not only the Transmission of Pathogens, but also their increasing Virulence.
In the current crisis, it has been shown that the virulence of pathogens is higher in polluted areas.
Instead of spending money on weapons, wars, “humanitarian aid” that are actually dust in the eyes, junk production, aberration of Planned Obsoscence, consumerism and so on. it would be better to make a “Marshall Plan” to eradicate Poverty globally!


When we talk about Sanitation, Pathogens, Junk Food, Overpopulation, we can not ignore the Main Cause: EXACERBATE CONSUMPTION OF ANIMAL MEAT.

It is already proven that Industrial Animal Husbandry is the main source of air, water and soil pollution on a global scale.
In addition, Antibiotics and Hormones administered to animals in Industrial Animal Husbandry endanger our IMMUNITY to pathogens, much more than any seasonal flu virus. Not to mention the fact that especially in Asia, where ALL viruses come from lately, “everything that moves” is eaten, starting with dogs and cats and ending with manis and bats !?
Even Pets have an exaggerated presence, without a Rational Justification. Dog poop, to give just one example, is increasingly present in the environment of big cities, to the detriment of human health. Increasingly ridiculous dog breeds fill the apartments of people unable to socialize with those of their own animal species !?
In particular, dogs should be neutered and thus reduced their presence in human society, except for those who have a certain social utility.
Pets must be drastically adapted to the Principles of Sustainability. In the current crisis, the presence of dogs in the public space increased, with many people buying them in order to justify their “escape” from their homes in Lockdowns !? Isn’t this a matter closely related to HYGIENE ??? Some NGOs fill their mouths with Animal Rights, ignoring the Right of Humans Survival !? The Pet Industry is a totally UNSUSTAINABLE industry.

The proliferation of pets is linked to a Negative Freedom: “I do what I want in my own interest even if it harms others”


We live more and more based on what is called Junk Food, Discount Foods, largely Genetically Modified Without Discernment, produced by large food corporations driven only by the Chase for Profit. This Phenomenon is also characteristic at 360 degrees in the Production of Consumer Goods, the PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE being today studied in the faculties and put into practice also in the service of PROFIT, in the service of MAMMON.
It is time to return to Healthy Eating based on Agriculture and Natural Animal Husbandry.
We must also return to Long-Term Products.
In a word, we must apply the Illuminist Principle of putting QUALITY first, not QUANTITY.
Mankind today consumes RESOURCES far beyond what Mother Nature can REGENERATE!
A HAPPY DEGROWTH is required without appeal if we still want to survive as a species !!!
This obviously implies ANOTHER LIFESTYLE, balanced, scientifically supported according to Vital Resources and Needs. Obviously, the EXCESSES OF THE ELITE must be abolished and CONSUMERISM abolished.
Who Consumes Resources More Than the Current Elite?
The 100% Inheritance Tax and a just Reward Grid will end it:
It is obvious that only a Powerful Illuminist Meritocratic State can govern such a Peaceful Transition.


The time has come to quantify the immense resources consumed in these activities. Again we discuss BALANCE and REASON:
ROUND TABLE, OPTIMIZATION and COMPETENCE need to be implemented urgently, and we have foreshadowed everything that needs to be done in these areas, so I will not return. THE PARTIES, which are only Divisive Factors, will disappear, the DIALECTICAL PROCESS taking place within the Round Table System of the Most Meritorious.
The OCCAM’s RAZOR must be actualized urgently.
The administration must be “relieved” by Embassies and Economic Representations. Also, the INTERNET can eliminate almost completely the Local and National Administrations.
No one should worry about how this redundant workforce will be used, because it will open up opportunities in areas not yet considered: Water, Soil and Air Protection, Implementation of New Technologies, redefining Agricultural, Animal Husbandry and Industrial Strategies, revolutionizing Education System and so on.
Of course, this involves the REQUALIFICATION of a large number of people.
However, humanity would benefit from much more FREE TIME in the conditions of applying the measures of HAPPY DEGROWTH.


It is useless to fight the Effects of Unsustainable Development and the Health of Humanity increasingly affected, if we do not eliminate the MAIN CAUSE: GLOBALISM.
As we projected at the Dacia Movement, LOCALISM, COMMUNITY and SELF-SUFFICIENCY are absolutely necessary in the conditions of HAPPY DEGROWTH.
GLOBALISM is largely responsible for the Consumption of Fossil Fuels, Pollution of all kinds, Global spread of Pathogens and Pests of all kinds, Uncontrolled Migration, the proliferation of Economic Wars and so on.
Everyone must “stay at home,” in the environment in which he was born.

International trade will be made in our vision based on BARTER principle, without the intermediation of Standard Currencies, and domestically the only valid Currency will be the National Currency.
Air, Land and Water Transport must be drastically reduced to the Necessary Strict, without affecting the Standard of Living too much … again EQUILIBRIUM and REASON are required.


At the moment, the CHURCHES are fully compromised either by ignoring the measures to preserve the health of the population, as well as by the support they paradoxically give to the OWO Governors. The implosion of the System actively supported by CHURCHES, will facilitate the gradual liberation of mankind from YHWH @ co.

The starting point will be the transfer of Church Properties, including Places of Worship, to Community Property. There is no Rational Justification for the intervention of the Churches of any kind in the productive, educational or health processes. They have no COMPETENCES in these areas.
Also, including for the cessation of Mobility due to religious manifestations outside the Community, the activity of the Churches is restricted to the afferent territory. In order to prevent the infection of the population with various pathogens, any deviation from the rules of hygiene, including crowds of people, is prohibited. Priests will be employees of the State with an income comparable to that of a kindergarten educator. The services will be broadcast exclusively on the Internet, without public participation in churches. The ceremonies will be free and exclusively with the family members involved. The monasteries will be transformed into objectives that meet the General Interest, in the same way as the big villas and luxury hotels.


Everything that today requires the presence of an audience will be largely channeled to the Internet, Radio, Television, or Local Representations of Traveling Artist Communities organized for this purpose. These Communities (Communities or Phalanster) will benefit from the State of resources corresponding to the important role they have in people’s lives.


Of course, at this moment everything I wrote here but also in previous books seems to be UTOPIA. I can assure you that it is preferable to update such a UTOPIA, instead of plunging into the DISTOPIA that OWO prepare for us.
I’m convinced that the New World will be like this, or won’t it be at all !?
I have been meditating (not in the spirit of eastern religions) on the Future of Mankind for many years, and so far nothing we have foreseen in our books has been (yet?) Unconfirmed.
Your choice …