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Academia Iluministă (2)

Maggio 5th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

Dan Groover‎ în Pythagorean Illuminism

The Mathematical Universe

WHEN PYTHAGORAS DECLARED THAT numbers were the arche– the fundamental stuff of the universe – he was announcing perhaps the greatest and most enigmatic insight in human history. There was no precedent for such a seemingly improbable assertion. Had humanity followed Pythagoras, we would now be gods. Instead, humanity chose to place its trust in people like Jesus Christ and the illiterate Mohammed and we have had to endure the religious Dark Ages of Abrahamism for 2,000 years, illuminated only by the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

It’s simply impossible to separate numbers and mathematics from the fabric of existence. If you want to comprehend reality you must realize that mathematics doesn’t reflect reality; mathematics IS reality. Ontology, the study of existence, is ultimately the understanding that mathematics alone determines everything that can and cannot exist. Anything incompatible with mathematics is impossible. All the things in life that you think have nothing to do with mathematics – such as feelings and desires – are in fact nothing but mathematics. By the end of this book, we intend to have proved to you that mathematics is quite simply all there is. The great secret of the universe is that it is living mathematics. All that is real is mathematical and all that is mathematical is real.

One number above all encapsulates the true nature of existence: ZERO. Scientific materialists do not believe that zero is a “thing”, an entity in the real universe. How could zero possibly have any reality, they say. It can’t be seen, it can’t be touched, it can’t be sensed, it can’t be detected – so it surely can’t be there. The philosophical position of materialism boils down to the simple assertion that zero is non-existent. Idealism, the opposite philosophical position, is, ultimately, the assertion that zero not only exists as a real entity but in fact entirely determines the rest of existence i.e. everything comes from zero (and zero of course is often called “nothing”).

Big Bang theory is typically characterised as the universe exploding out of “nothing”. But scientific materialism doesn’t know what “nothing” is and can’t offer any definition of “nothing”. It therefore magics the universe into existence like a magician pulling a rabbit from an empty hat, except it is pulling an entire universe out of God knows what.

Big Bang theory in the hands of idealists rather than materialists becomes something radically different. The universe does indeed spring from nothing, but this nothing has a very precise definition: it is the mathematical zero. Nothing is not just one zero, it’s an infinite number of them. Just to be crystal clear: existence is reducible to an infinite number of zeros which are actual, real, indivisible, indestructible, immortal entities. Leibniz, one of the greatest Grand Masters of the Illuminati and perhaps the most intelligent man in human history, called them monads (“units”). He also gave them another name: SOULS. Do you see?

To create a straight line (a one-dimensional entity), you must joint two points by the shortest possible path. But what is a “point”? It’s a “zero-dimensional” entity, something devoid of dimensionality. To put it another way, a point – the basic unit of geometry from which all lines, curves, shapes and functions are constructed – is none other than ZERO. A point is not a hypothetical tool of abstract mathematics to help us understand reality. A point is a monad, a real entity in the real world. The only reason why mathematics perfectly models our world is that our world is MADE of mathematics. Specifically, the universe consists of an infinite number of points – zeros– all being joined up in a host of different ways determined by the inexorable, flawless, laws of mathematics.

All one, two and three-dimensional entities originate in zero-dimensional points. They couldn’t exist if dimensionless points didn’t exist to precede them. Mathematical points underlie, underpin and form the basic building blocks of everything. Mathematically, all points are described by the number zero. But zero is more than just a mathematical point, it’s a LIVING being: a soul. It’s not conscious of course, although it can potentially become so, but only when it’s attached to a complex organism such as a human body with an enormously sophisticated brain.

We can’t see souls precisely because they’re zero, nothing, dimensionless, intangible. They are in the real world but not in the physical world of matter, yet matter is in fact nothing but particular arrangements of monads. In another book dedicated to the purpose – The God Game: How to Create the Universe– we will reveal the precise mathematics of this seemingly paradoxical situation which has utterly baffled the world’s greatest scientists and philosophers.

Our essential point is that mathematics isn’t a theoretical abstraction that helps human minds to understand the laws of science. Rather, mathematics is real and scientific laws are simply reflecting the mathematical structure of existence. Zeros, viewed objectively, are mathematical points. However, when viewed subjectively, they are MINDS – unconscious mental entities capable of evolving consciousness – and, in religious terms they are eternal, indivisible souls outside space and time that can never perish.

Thus we see that Descartes’ classic mind-body dualism is resolved mathematically. Mind is the domain of dimensionless, extensionless, mathematical points (zeros) and matter is the domain of mathematical, physical, extended entities assembled from enormous collections of points linked mathematically. There is in fact no mind-matter dichotomy at all. There is simply mathematics that comes in two flavours: dimensional (matter) and dimensionless (mind).

Carl Jung wrote: “[There are] sufficient reasons [for believing that] the psychic lies embedded in something that appears to be of a non-psychic nature.” He spoke of “a cosmic order independent of our choice and distinct from the world of phenomena.” He said, “The background of microphysics and depth-psychology is as much physical as psychic and therefore neither, but rather a third thing, a neutral nature which can at most be grasped in hints since in essence it is transcendental.”

The neutral tertium quid(third thing) that Jung was desperately seeking to identify is of course mathematics. It is neither pure mind nor pure matter but gives rise to both and explains everything about how they interact. All interaction between minds and bodies is mediated mathematically and minds and bodies are, at root, mathematical entities. Mathematics is EVERYTHING. There is absolutely nothing else. The only reason why the universe is ordered and intelligible is that it is mathematical. A non-mathematical universe is an impossibility. Without mathematics, without the dimensionless points that constitute the building blocks of all mathematics, nothing could exist.

All numbers are just different totals of dimensionless points. All shapes are simply organised collections of dimensionless points. All equations are simply ways of relating assemblies of dimensionless points. The mysterious “dark energy” that physicists are seeking is none other than the effect of the inexorable movement of dimensionless points. What is a black hole? – a dimensionless point (singularity). In a black hole, matter is crushed down to what it came from in the first place: dimensionless points. What was the Big Bang singularity? – a dimensionless point made up of an infinity of dimensionless points (because any number of dimensionless points can occupy the same dimensionless point since there are no physical limitations given that a dimensionless point does not exist in the physical world: from the point of view of the physical world, the Singularity appears to be “nothing”!).

There is only one possible candidate for explaining the entirety of existence: mathematics. Mathematics is the source of all absolute, Platonic knowledge. Mathematics perfectly unifies ontology (the study of existence) and epistemology (the study of knowledge). We have sure and certain knowledge of existence thanks to mathematics. Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and superior to science. Mathematics, unlike scientific materialism, acknowledges the reality of zero, hence of mind.

Scientific materialism should be rebranded as “Mathematical Materialism” while Illuminism is “Mathematical Idealism.” We can demonstrate that Mathematical Materialism (science) is but a subset of Mathematical Idealism. Mathematical Materialism is incomplete because it ignores the two most important numbers: zero and infinity. Mathematical Idealism is complete because it includes these two numbers.

Mathematics, not science, is true reality. Mathematics is the arche, as Pythagoras declared so brilliantly over 2,500 years ago! Mathematical truths are absolute and unimpeachable. Nothing else offers the certainty of mathematics. Mathematics is infallible and unarguable. Mathematics is either right or wrong. There is no mid-ground for opinion, debate, faith, wishful thinking or fantasy. Mathematics is the hammer of truth that smashes to pieces all falsehood. There is nowhere to hide with mathematics. It’s the ultimate bullshit detector. Why has no holy prophet ever been a mathematician? Why has the Abrahamist “God” never uttered a word of mathematics and never used a single mathematical equation? Because mathematics would ruthlessly and mercilessly expose all “holy” lies and false claims.

Mathematics has the same icy logic as the Guillotine. It chops nonsense to pieces. It kills liars. It decapitates all deceivers. Any claims to truth not expressed in mathematics are total bullshit, quite literally meaningless and worthless. Mathematics is the sole language of the truth. Deep down, everyone knows that’s the case. Mathematics is the most feared subject of all because it couldn’t care less about people’s feelings, wishes and delusions. Mathematics is the true language of the sacred. Equations are infallible Holy Writ.

All progress ever made by the human race ultimately derives from mathematics. Not a single word of the Torah, Bible or Koran has ever advanced the human condition. They are books for the stupid, for the anti-mathematicians who want to live in caves. It’s no coincidence that illiterate, innumerate Mohammed had his “revelation” in a cave. Why doesn’t the Koran begin with the equation 0 + 1 = 1? Then we could take it seriously.

Mathematical laws not scientific experiments offer us true knowledge. Science is always a feeble imitation of mathematics. Scientific experiments are certainly helpful and indeed vital, but they are not the essence of truth. Mathematics is the true gospel, the Voice of God, the Book of Life.

There are only two shows in town: Mathematical Idealism (Illuminism) and Mathematical Materialism (Science). Everything else is absurd, preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical and pure nonsense from beginning to end. The Abrahamist religions have ZERO truth content since they don’t mention mathematics once. They don’t feature a single mathematical equation. You simply couldn’t get further from the truth. Eastern religions have managed to intuitively grasp some mathematical truths, but they haven’t been able to express them meaningfully. They have remained trapped in nebulous mysticism. There is no mathematical clarity.

Illuminism alone is the answer to EVERYTHING. All other systems of thought are rendered null and void by Illuminism. We offer the Grand Unified Theory of Everything, linking religion, science, mathematics, philosophy, psychology and even the so-called paranormal. The reason these are all brought together in one package is that they are all reflections of the same underlying reality: living mathematics.

The universe is alive. It is an organism that is continually solving mathematical equations, first and foremost of which is the Equation of Consciousness. Mathematics – the universe – becomes free and undetermined at the point at which living equations become conscious of themselves.

Jung said, “My life is a story of the self-realization of the unconscious.” We say that the universe’s life is the story of the self-realisation of unconscious mathematics.

Another critical number that has been dismissed as “unreal” by professional mathematicians and physicists is one that features in endless engineering and scientific equations (including those of quantum mechanics): the so-called “imaginary number”, i, the square root of -1.

We assert that the reason this number appears everywhere is that it has ontological reality. In fact, it is the mathematical origin of the dimension of TIME.

So, Mathematical Idealism and Mathematical Materialism can be differentiated in terms of three crucial numbers. Mathematical Materialism denies that zero, infinity and the imaginary number have any real existence. Mathematical Idealism, on the other hand, asserts that zero is the ontological basis of Mind, the imaginary number is the ontological basis of Time and infinity is the ontological capacity of each individual mind – i.e. each Mind has infinite capacity and can literally become God! As for all the numbers between zero and infinity, these are the ontological basis of Space and Matter.

Thus we have mathematically defined space, time, mind, matter, soul and God. By bringing zero, infinity and the imaginary number from a theoretical, abstract domain into ontological reality, we have explained all of existence. There are no gaps. We have covered the range from zero to infinity in all possible directions. There is no room for anything else. Nothing can exist outwith Illuminism. It’s all-encompassing, absolutely complete and offers the only conceivable full explanation of everything. All you are required to do to become enlightened is to accept that mathematics, and nothing else, is reality. The universe is alive with the sound of music – audible mathematics, the Pythagorean Music of the Spheres that divine ears alone can hear.

This is the Absolute Truth. All other prophets, revelations and religions, are refuted once and for all. God, not to put too fine a point on it, is a mathematician. And so are we all. We are all the answers to the most complex equation of all: the conscious soul. The universe is nothing but a celestial factory which takes raw material – unconscious souls – and processes them mathematically until all of their infinite potential has been converted into actuality and they have become nothing other than conscious GODS!

We are living in the God Factory.

This is the Gospel of the Illuminati.

Mathematical Idealism can make sense of many of the mysterious and enigmatic ideas of the world’s greatest thinkers. Let’s have a look at a few. Schopenhauer claimed that all individuals were embodiments of an underlying, eternally striving, blind Will outside space and time.

We can now equate Schopenhauer’s Will to an infinite number of unconscious mental entities – monads, zeros – that exist collectively as a single dimensionless point. Each of these monads can, mathematically, become individuatedin space and time while, and this is crucial, retaining a foot in the dimensionless domain. In other words, monads can bestride two domains simultaneously: the dimensionless and the dimensional. Via the dimensional domain, they are separate in space and time and, via the dimensionless channel, they are all interconnected outside space and time and can thus exchange information instantaneously without any of the limitations imposed by Einstein’s supposed cosmic speed limit: the speed of light. This accounts for the extraordinary phenomenon of quantum entanglement whereby two correlated particles infinitely far apart can instantaneously know each other’s quantum state. This would be impossible if Einstein were right.

Jung’s concept of the Collective Unconscious can be characterised in exactly the same way as Schopenhauer’s Will and provides a perfect mechanism for explaining how all human beings can access a common set of psychic archetypes.

Likewise, Hegel’s Geist, Nietzsche’s Will to Power and Kant’s noumenal world can all be described according to the concept of monads outside space and time, outside sensory experience. These monads constitute the inner, subjective character of things rather than the outer, objective, scientific outer view of reality. Existence is all about this interaction between the inner and outer, subjective and objective, mental and physical, forming a permanent feedback loop that propels the universe forward dialectically.

Religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Theosophy and Anthroposophy can all be similarly analysed according to the monadic scheme of Mathematical Idealism (aka Monadology).

Only Abrahamism and its offshoots are entirely incompatible with Monadology. Abrahamism contains not one particle of truth. It’s fundamentally anti-mathematical in its conception. Ironically, if you could examine Abrahamism from the outside, if you could analyze individual beliefs of Abrahamists you would discover that, like everything else, they are mathematical signals. The world consists of mathematics and nothing besides. People’s beliefs, feelings, desires, joys and sorrows are, when viewed objectively, mathematical signals. However, people never get that external, objective view of their thoughts. They only get the inner, subjective experience. They are insidethe mathematical signals, so to speak. If someone kicks you in the shin, you will feelpain, but someone else monitoring your brain will see some signal flaring up somewhere. He is seeing objectively what you are feeling subjectively. You are inside the signal, experiencing it, and he is outside the signal, studying it.

The great illusion of life is that although there is nothing but mathematics and mathematical signals, we, as subjects, are within the ocean of mathematics as it relates to us and we experience it only in terms of subjective interpretations of mathematical signals. These interpretations are feelings, desires, intuitions and the constructed reality that we create on the basis of the data reaching our senses. We say “constructed reality” because we don’t ever see or experience true, unmediated reality. All data is always filtered through our brain-mind system and we can never experience anything in our lives that is external to that system.

We are imprisoned by the brain-mind filter we apply to everything. For example, there is no such thing as colour in the objective world. We constructcolour. Our brain-mind systems literally invent the subjective experience of colour. We do so because the fiction of colour is astoundingly useful. In other words, there is a creative component within us that can be applied to the mathematical signals reaching us. It makes perfect sense that this should be so: otherwise we would be androids rather than people. The difference between a man and a machine is that the former is a true instance of living, organically developed mathematics, while the latter is just an assembly of mathematical parts, devoid of organic development. The cells of our bodies are infinitely more sophisticated than computer chips.

If you want to understand how mathematical the world is, just stand outside and look at the sky, rivers, mountains, snowflakes, raindrops, flowers, buildings, bees. If you concentrate hard, you will begin to see nothing but endless patterns all merging into one another. What is the weather? It’s just an enormous equation, obeying the mathematics of “chaos theory”, solving itself anew every day. Planets trace elliptical paths. Bees build hexagonal hives. Cicadas live underground for exactly 13 years before emerging to mate to create the next generation. It’s all mathematics and nothing else. All of life is just variations of mathematical equations and patterns.

Just as the physical body has evolved many different structures, so has the mind. The psychic components described by the likes of Freud and Jung are mathematical components that work together mathematically to make us the sophisticated and multi-faceted creatures we all are.

If you could get a “God’s eye view” of the universe from outside it, all you would “see” is just an immense equation with infinite variables relentlessly unfolding in a bewildering dance of competing mathematical functions. We ourselves are self-contained and eternal nodes of the cosmic equation. We have our own solution to our own equation: to become God.

Here is reality in a nutshell:
1) In the beginning, an infinite number of zeros were all together in a single Genesis Point. This was the Cosmic Origin, the origin of all things, the mathematical dead centre of existence. The Genesis Point was dimensionless, extensionless, purely mental. In terms of material reality, it was “nothing”; completely undetectable. Just two numbers characterised the Genesis Point – zero and infinity. No other numbers existed.

2) In reality, the Pythagorean arche is just one number – zero – of which there are infinite instances. Zero is the fundamental unit of existence – the monad. There are infinite monads, which, mathematically, are dimensionless points. Thus it can truly be said that the universe came from nothing, or, to be more precise, from Zero. It came from an immaterial dimensionless point, containing an infinite number of dimensional points. In Kabbalah, the Alephis defined as the point that contains all other points. This is the perfect definition of the Genesis Point. The Aleph is where everything begins. The cosmos starts and ends with zero. Zero is the boundary of what can be.

3) How do infinite zeros become a physical universe? They manage it mathematically, naturally. Existence is all about how infinite zeros are converted into all the numbers between zero and infinity. This conversion takes place in an astoundingly simple way. All of the zeros, the dimensionless points, emerge from the Genesis Point into a six-dimensional universe consisting of three real and three “imaginary” dimensions (they’re not imaginary at all, of course; mathematically, they are actually just a ninety degree rotation of the real dimensions in a special direction outwith “real space”). The remarkable mathematical properties of the six-dimensional universal automatically create space and time – i.e. dimensionality – and hence the physical universe, in the event called the Big Bang.

4) But the story does not end there. The zeros emerge from the Genesis Point not in one vast burst, but in a controlled and relentless march. The physical universe keeps expanding under the pressure of this march of the zeros, and eventually the expansion becomes so extreme that the gravity (inter-particle attraction) created within the physical universe is overcome. All matter disintegrates into isolated atoms. As the march and the expansion goes on, even the forces that hold atoms together – electromagnetism and the weak and strong nuclear forces – are defeated, and matter disappears entirely from the universe, leaving only…ZEROS.

5) In other words, the universe comes from zero, creates infinite numbers between zero and infinity, and then returns them all to zero. The universe begins and ends with infinite zeros.

6) Pythagoras is gloriously vindicated. The evolution of the universe can be tracked purely according to the evolution of the number zero into all other numbers. But the arche isn’t all numbers, so much as one number – zero, the number of the monad. As we said, these Pythagorean zeros are not “mere” numbers. They are elemental minds; beings. They are monads. They are SOULS. They are ALIVE. Each monad has infinite potential, infinite mental capacity, infinite room for knowledge storage and memory. Each monad has one ambition: to convert maximum potential into maximum actualisation – to convert itself from a blank soul into GOD. Every other monad has exactly the same intent. Infinite monads want to become infinite Gods.

The universe is nothing but a mathematical formula on a cosmic scale for creating Gods. The universe’s sole purpose is to manufacture Gods. It’s a vast cosmic production line that takes potential and converts it into actualisation.

At the end of the universe – the Omega Point – every monad has become God. The universe has attained the condition of the Absolute. It is perfect. It is fully actualised. There is no potential left to be converted. The universe began as infinite blankzeros, and ended as infinite fullzeros.

And then what happens? The God Universe enjoys its perfection as long as it can, but bliss is not eternal. The process of converting potential to actualisation is in fact the greatest bliss that can be attained. Bliss evaporates when all potential has been optimised. The God Universe then has only one option: Divine Suicide.

And so the whole process begins again, and it can never end. This is an infinite system from which there is no escape. Existence can never cease. Zeros – monads, souls – can never be annihilated. They must choose how to handle eternal existence. That is the supreme question.

What is the best way to live an eternal life? The universe has given its answer. Had any final, permanent state of the universe been possible and desirable, we would already have attained it since eternity has already preceded this moment. And eternity stretches before us too.

The universe has decreed that the greatest pleasure, the maximum bliss, is to forever complete the cosmic journey from maximum potential to maximum actualisation: for “blank zero” to become all numbers between zero and infinity and be transformed into “full zero”.

Completing this journey is the cosmic orgasm, and the universe has no interest other than attaining this cosmic orgasm an infinite number of times.

Are we humans not driven in exactly the same way? We all want orgasm after orgasm, with the perfect, most attractive partners. Is that not what haunts our imagination, what we long for? Do we ever want it to stop? Do we want one perfect orgasm that will sate our desire for any further orgasms? No! We never want the orgasms to cease. We don’t want a final blissful state. The pursuit – forever – of more and better orgasms defines us.

As above, so below.

We are orgasm machines and God machines combined. And in fact becoming God is the greatest orgasm of all. We can’t get enough of it. And we keep repeating this orgasmic process for eternity.

Can anyone imagine a better solution to living forever? We have surely found the optimal solution: infinite orgasms!

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