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Academia Iluministă (9)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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Jiren Gray în Pythagorean Illuminism

Inside-Dopesters and Conspiracy Theories by Adam Weishaupt:

The Anti-Elite Series – Book 7/7:


The 9/11 “conspiracy” is the ultimate McGuffin – it’s nothing at all. There’s nothing there. It’s a red herring. Its function, though, is very real. It drives a secondary plot and an entirely different narrative. Its true purpose is to undermine the basis of government – any government, government in principle – and to “reveal” all government as a lethal threat to the people, as an eternal conspiracy.

The “Truthers” are anarcho-capitalist libertarians and supporters of Ayn Rand who want to destroy government. They are engaged in a vast and frighteningly dangerous conspiracy to replace government with enormous corporations acting according to the “market”, and outside any government control or restraint.

In this nightmarish new world, people would be brainwashed drones “owned” by corporate leviathans. There would be no freedom, no hope and no escape. Wake up. See what’s really going on. See past the smoke and mirrors.

Ask yourself that ancient question – cui bono? Who will benefit most from the Truthers’ new model of society? The answer is the same one it has always been: big business, the entrenched elite, the privileged few, the men behind the curtain. In short, the Old World Order. It’s the oldest story ever told. Will you go on being suckers forever? Wake up!

Have conspiracy theories become a new religion, providing the wonders and wow factor that were once the sole province of conventional religion?

This book is one of a series by the Pythagorean Illuminati. It exposes the absurd propaganda war that is waged by the “Truthers” against the Illuminati. It ridicules their precious 9/11 theory, their Nibiru conspiracy theory, and the ludicrous notion that the world is controlled by shape-shifting, pan-dimensional Reptilian humanoids.

There is only one conspiracy – that of the Old World Order, the privileged elite of dynastic families that have ruled the planet from the dawn of history.

Do not read this book if you are a closed-minded Abrahamist or conspiracy theorist. The material provided by the Pythagorean Illuminati is not for petty, cheap, narrow-minded religious fanatics.


A Book Review:

“This is one of a series of books by the Pythagorean Illuminati. Like every book in the series it is excellent and if you give any of them a chance they might just open your mind to all kinds of new ideas. If you have any interest at all in life’s greatest mysteries you need to read all of their books.

You should also check out the Illuminati’s website www.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk and their facebook page/group www.facebook.com/pythagorean.illuminati and www.facebook.com/groups/136240720298981/

Mind opening articles are regularly posted on the facebook page where you can discuss them with other people if you so choose. The Illuminati take many interesting and challenging subjects and do an excellent job of making the sometimes complicated ideas understandable to everyone.

“Inside-Dopesters and Conspiracy Theories” is a book that examines the pathology of the “gurus” that come up with conspiracy theories and the people who eagerly await the next installment of lunacy from their favorite nut job. Conspiracy theories have become a type of religion for many people throughout the world and the conspiracy theories being thrown around these days are catching up to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism on the insanity meter. What is crazier: a man born of a virgin who ran around two thousand years ago performing “miracles” and then came back from the grave like some vampire, or evil shape shifting Illuminati reptilians from the planet nibiru infiltrating society and preparing to take over the world by the end of this year? That one is a toss up.

It blows my mind that lunatics like Alex Jones, David Icke, Benjamin Fulford, etc. have millions more people buying their insanity then the Pythagorean Illuminati have even gotten to take one look at their website. It is a testament to the sorry state the world is in these days. How does psychosis look so much better to the vast majority of people in the world then reason, logic, and community? This needs to change rapidly if we have any chance left of creating a more equal and just world for all of the species on this planet. Please read the books from the true Illuminati so we can begin curing the massive insanity that has taken over this world.” –BG


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