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Academia Iluministă (10)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: unul sau mai mulţi oameni şi oameni stând jos
Jiren Gray în Pythagorean Illuminism

Double Agent? Madman:

On several occasions, we have been asked about “Hidden Hand”, a self-proclaimed Illuminati insider. He also declares himself an alien.

You can find a “dialogue” with him here:


And thus the people are deceived. These science fiction tales are ridiculous, a complete distraction from the tasks that need to be accomplished. How can the resistance hope to topple the towers of the Rothschilds and their ilk if they spend their time fantasising about Nibiru, the Hollow Earth, the Harvest, Reptilians and so on?

Such stories are planted by the Old World Order to keep the people preoccupied with nonsense. Wake up! While you spend time obsessing over the reptilians of Nibiru, or the giants living inside the hollow earth, you certainly won’t be posing any threat to the dynastic families that are ruling this world.

Why do you believe in reptilians? Because you are afraid to do something very simple: to stand up to other human beings who are just like you and strip them of their power. The Rothschilds have no power other than that which you choose to confer upon them. They are rich. So what? Are you a slave of money? How many Rothschilds are there? How many of you? You outnumber them millions to one, yet they don’t fear you, but you are terrified of them.

Nothing in this world can change until people are prepared to change themselves first. Nibiru and everything that goes with it is a way for people to absolve themselves of responsibility. They look to the stars so that they don’t have to look in front of their noses.

There are certainly profound mysteries in this world, but you won’t approach them until you have approached and conquered your inner fears. Your problems are here on earth, not on Nibiru. Stop wasting time with science fiction. Deal with the fact that a small group of dynastic families are making the whole world dance to their tune.

What do you believe about the Illuminati – that they were involved with the American, French and Russian Revolutions, or that they are creatures living inside the earth or are aliens from another planet? One of these scenarios is plausible, the others absurd. Which one will you choose?

While speculation about aliens may be fascinating, it won’t bring down the Old World Order.

One of the Old World Order’s senior families is the Bush Family. They have been elected by the people to Presidential office on three occasions. Do you think they waste any time contemplating Nibiru? You are puppets, voting for the puppetmasters. Isn’t it time to get real?

An Enquiry About “Hidden Hand”:

Q. “There is an interview with a supposed “Illuminati insider” called “hidden hand” posted on abovetopsecret.com and illuminati-news.com. We were curious what your take is on this?

In brief, the “insider” claims that the Illuminati (or, his version of the Illuminati) created free will (and thus, evil) in order to, paradoxically, help humanity by helping it to realize itself – “tough love”, so to speak. He also goes on to say that his Illuminati also created and empowered the OWO to become the OWO (i.e. that, in reality, his Illuminati and the puppetmasters of the OWO)…He claims, this too was done paradoxically to help humanity – tough love, again (yes, apparently, we were too complacent and needed some evil to help us along….). Basically he claims that with free will and the OWO, although evil does indeed arise, a greater good is achieved because humanity will should more quickly become aware of its true self/divineness – ultimately leading to a progression to a higher (and more divine-like) dimensional state of existence. Presumably without this catalyst provided by his Illuminati, humanity would have taken way too long to evolve to this next state…. What’s your take?”

A. We normally deny that “Hidden Hand” has any connection with the Illuminati because it leads to needless and damaging confusion, but the truth is that he was a former member who suffered a mental breakdown. Glimpses of genuine Illuminati teachings can be found in his article, but they are distorted almost beyond recognition. No one should take that article seriously, except as a curiosity.

It’s obviously ridiculous to assert that the Illuminati created free will and hence evil (how would they go about such a thing, exactly??), and equally ridiculous to claim that the Illuminati created the OWO. (It is however true that the Illuminati created Freemasonry in order to combat the OWO, only for Freemasonry to be infiltrated and corrupted by the OWO so that the OWO and Freemasonry are now practically synonymous.)

What is certainly true is that humanity must strive for selfrealization and that obstacles have been created to test the human race in the sternest way. The Illuminati are not the creator of the test, God is. The Illuminati are those who know the full nature of this test. The OWO are part of the test. The OWO are those who have been most corrupted by the real puppetmasters: those against whom the Illuminati direct most of their efforts. The overthrow of the OWO is one of the key goals that must be accomplished before humanity can move to the next level on its journey.

It is very much an Illuminati teaching that humanity is alienated from its true self, and must overcome this alienation in order to understand itself and evolve towards its true self and latent divinity.

Struggle is an essential part of this evolution. Without it, humanity would stagnate or become wholly fallen. There are some people who succumb to temptation in the most selfish, self-indulgent and egotistical way. These people will never evolve to a higher level. The damned are the OWO. They represent the forces of darkness which the Sons and Daughters of Light must overcome. Only when the OWO are defeated and there are no more masters and slaves on the earth, but, instead, meritorious equals, can humanity progress.

The Illuminati are a catalyst in the struggle against the OWO and are helping humanity to evolve to the next step, but the Illuminati are certainly not the ultimate puppetmasters. On the contrary, they are those who resist the ultimate puppetmasters.

The purpose of the ultimate puppetmasters is to prevent humanity reaching the next stage, and the OWO are their puppets for keeping humanity permanently in an enslaved and benighted state. Greed, money and earthly power drive the OWO. While the whole world holds these values, it cannot go forward. The OWO seek to ensure that all of us are drawn into the web of earthly vanities. They have succeeded to an incredible degree thus far, only occasionally suffering setbacks.

So, you will see that “Hidden Hand” says some things that reveal that he does indeed have an Illuminati background, but other things he says show that he has strayed far from the path of Illumination. If anything, he himself is now an ally of the OWO.

Do not listen to false prophets!

The Fallacy:

Here is some material from a website called “Illuminati News”.

Ironically, we find ourselves in agreement with much of what is said here. The reason we are drawing attention to it is that we wish to highlight the central fallacy that, in the end, makes sites such as these counter-productive.

Read the article and then our response (http://www.illuminatinews.com/):

“What is wrong with this world? Why all those civil wars, why all this chaos and disaster? Why can’t people just live together in peace? When conflicts arise, why is it so hard for the United Nations and other parties to stop the killing, despite peace negotiators and ambassadors?

“Is it that man is basically evil? Is it just human behaviour? Lots of questions. When we look around, it may seem like man is basically evil, but that is not true. There is good and evil within us all; it needs to be there for our basic survival. However, the society will eventually reflect the minds of their leaders, and if the leaders are implementing evil, the society will be evil as well, and people affected by a malevolent government will start acting like them. However, WE are the ones who appoint and accept our leaders, so ultimately the responsibility is yours and mine.

“All this chaos, genocide, ethnic cleansing and the overall disasters have a genuine purpose. It is all very carefully planned by a few men behind the scenes, high up in the society, above any power structure that the ordinary citizen knows about. It is a planned take-over to create a One World Government with those people on top, making the rest of us into their slaves in a Super Socialist State!

“Does this sound incredible and unbelievable? If this is totally new to you, I can truly understand that it sounds that way; especially if you as a habit have been relying on mainstream media for your information. However, if you want to know the real truth, I recommend you to continue reading from this web site, and I am sure this body of information will blow your mind. On a gradient scale, you will start getting the full picture. You will become very aware of what is happening in the world and why.

“Take one or a few pages at the time, because it is much to read, but it is vital for all of our survival to be aware of what this website will reveal. And if you are not familiar with the subject at all, I strongly advise you to start with the link called The Secret Order of the Illuminati.

“Are you voting for the Democrats or the Republicans? Does it really matter which? Is the difference that big?

“I will show you that the outcome, no matter whom you vote for, is already thoroughly outlined and predicted; not by the politicians themselves, but by the real powers, the “Shadow Government”, invisible to the general public. The political decisions they make are not in our best interest, but in theirs only. The tax money you are paying to your government so they can work on accomplishing our common goals actually go towards accomplishing their goals, which are very different from ours. What they are planning, and have planned for a long time, is a New World Order and a One World Government with them as the Rulers. Those powerful people are deeply into the occult and black magic, which I also will show on this website. The rituals are practiced within secret societies, such as the Freemasons and the Illuminati (nowadays they call themselves “The Moriah”, “Moriah Conquering Wind”, or simply “The Brotherhood”).

“So who are those people I am talking about? They are basically 13 super wealthy families and their off-shots, most of them International Bankers and royalties. Their bloodlines go back in time – way back to old Babylon and further. They are the same families, but under different names, that have influenced history almost since the beginning of time. It is mind-boggling, but hopefully this website will prove my point without any doubts.”

This website has four main categories:

Illuminati News (A thorough research on WHO and WHAT is controlling this world from the shadows, and what their plans are). UFOs and Aliens (Are UFOs and Aliens real, and if so, what are they?)

Rock ‘n’ Roll and Mind Control (Mind control within the music/art and entertainment industries, and how that affects us on a daily basis). Spirituality and Spiritual Solutions (Who are we and where are we heading? What are our spiritual potentials?)

My advice is to start with category one and go on from there. There is much to study and much to learn. Still, this website only scratches the surface of what there is to know.

The site is updated on a regular basis.

Good luck,

Wes Penre, Webmaster and Researcher

“They must find it difficult…Those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority.” –Gerald Massey, Egyptologist

The Response of The Illuminati:

Consider these two quotations from the article.

A) “It is a planned take-over to create a One World Government with those people on top, making the rest of us into their slaves in a Super Socialist State!”

B) “So who are those people I am talking about? They are basically 13 super wealthy families and their off-shots, most of them International Bankers and royalties.”

We, the Illuminati, are entirely opposed to royalty, to super-rich dynastic families and to international bankers. For millennia, we have actively sought their overthrow. We still seek it, more than ever. A one world, meritocratic government is a way in which the power of these tyrants could be shattered forever. Are there any monarchs, or super-rich people in the futuristic, meritocratic, One World Government envisaged by Star Trek?

The real agenda of the Illuminati News, and of most anti-Illuminati campaigners, is revealed in the phrase, “their slaves in a Super Socialist State.”

You have to ask yourselves this simple question: since when have socialists been fellow travellers with monarchs, dynastic families and international bankers? Socialism and communism are the polar opposites of right wing capitalism and royalty. The global power elite of the Old World Order despise socialism and communism.

Capitalism – the grossly unequal division of money and resources – is the bedrock of their power. But they have learned that when they overreach themselves, they court disaster – as shown by the French and Russian Revolutions. So, they used their intelligence and power and created the “middle class” – their buffer between the working man and their own power elite. The workers aspire to be middle class and the middle class aspire to join the power elite.

Capitalism requires zombified consumers in shopping malls, sedated by junk entertainment, in the thrall of celebrities. The idea, suggested by many conspiracy theorists, that the arch capitalists of the global power elite would kill consumers and build concentration camps for the survivors is mad. Would Microsoft prosper by killing computer users? It’s an insane thesis. The power elite want you to consume, not to think, not to rebel against your zombie state that they have created for you. Wake up!!!

We, the Illuminati, are not socialists, communists or anarchists – we are meritocrats who believe in the reasonable, but not excessive, rewarding of talent, hard work and good ideas – but, historically, we have often assisted left wing movements in order to aid our attack on the Old World Order (most famously in the cases of the French and Russian Revolutions.) Would a group of monarchs, dynastic families and international bankers ever have any desire to create a “Super Socialist State” when such a state is the precise reverse of everything they stand for? This is nonsense on a spectacular scale.

The people who say these things are merely compiling a list of their pet hates and shoehorning them all together, no matter how absurdly. They hate socialists, monarchists, Jews, government and laws. They are extreme right wing anarcho-capitalists who believe that “free markets” and the private sector can solve every problem.

The recent financial meltdown of the world economy is a direct product of their way of thinking – unregulated free markets, minimal state interference, the super greedy being allowed to set the rules and shape the economy.

These anti New World Order anarcho-capitalists are, in fact, close allies of the Old World Order. Their interests are frequently aligned. They share many of the same core beliefs. They are as much an obstacle to a better world as the Old World Order themselves. We desperately need a New World Order to save us from these lunatics.

The credit crunch is an illustration of how dangerous they are. Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, is the standard bearer of the anti New World Order militant brigades. He is their martyr. Is he any better than the mad Muslims of 9/11?

Here is the anti New World Order agenda:

1) Destroy Government
2) Destroy Socialism/Communism
3) Arm everyone with an assault rifle
4) Let the free market and the private sector set laws
5) Worship the materialism inherent in anarcho-capitalism
6) Maintain a nationalistic, xenophobic attitude towards others
7) They admire the “Wild West” and see themselves as heroic pioneers, speedy gunslingers and hard-working, Godfearing folk with small businesses that benefit the community. They believe they are the fastest guns in the West and that no one has any right to curb their lynch mob mentality and their delusion that they are in personal contact with “God”. They are essentially an American phenomenon and they simultaneously love and hate their own country. They are Luddites and backwoods people who hate modernity, technology and philosophy. Most of them have never set foot outside their state, and many come from racist Southern States that were historically part of the Confederacy. They are the people who would become marginalized and irrelevant in a meritocratic future. That’s why they fear the future so much and why they cling to the coat tails of their masters in the Old World Order.

Everyone who holds such beliefs is the sworn enemy of the Illuminati and the meritocratic and just New World Order that good and intelligent people have sought for millennia. Our enemies on the far right are overtly or covertly allied with the Old World Order of monarchs, bankers, business bosses, dynastic families, and share their passion for unrestrained capitalism. Far from being the solution to the world’s ills, the anti New World Order movement is a central part of the problem.

Isn’t it time to follow the righteous path of the Illuminati and start preparing for a glorious New World Order where the dynasties that have ruled for millennia are at last swept aside once and for all?

Postscript: The Webmaster of Illuminati News has been in touch with us in the name of his search for the truth no matter where it leads him. We applaud him for taking this step and we recommend the new page on his site: http://www.illuminati-news.com/00392.html. All those who are interested in the truth should reflect on this article. The Illuminati are not the enemy. You have been deceived by the Old World Order if you believe that the Illuminati are on the side of tyranny.

The Smokescreen:

Confusion surrounds conspiracy theory terminology, especially regarding the Illuminati, the New World Order (NWO), and the Old World Order (OWO). Who benefits from such confusion? The powers-that-be, those who wish to prevent the various resistance groups coalescing into a single powerful force that will at last challenge the elites that run the world.

One person who is trying to resolve the confusion is Wes Penre, Webmaster and Researcher at “Illuminati News”.

Wes’s site, though it contains many articles that, on the face of it, would seem to fuel the confusion, is probably in a good position to bring much-needed clarity. Nevertheless, he has a huge task ahead of him and it will take time. Also, people who think that they have it all worked out may find that they have to confront a whole new reality. Below we have quoted a communication from Wes that we fully endorse. We hope that through the efforts of people like Wes we can gradually create an alliance of all the forces that oppose the ruling order and bring about real change. The time to overthrow the Old World Order is coming. It can be by a velvet revolution. It can be by a spiritual transformation. But, one way or another, it must be done. Communication from Wes Penre (“Illuminati News”)

“I believe that the current situation is two-fold if we simplify it:

“1) Our first step is to have researchers distinguish between the Old World Order and the New World Order, and Illuminati vs. The Powers That Be. As long as researchers in general are confused about these terms, everybody else will be too. I was visiting the Armageddon website this morning, and I certainly understand the frustration from the real Illuminati when people like Albert Pike and other notorious OWO people are accused of being members of their secret society, but we have to understand that it’s all a misconception.

Most serious researchers (who are not OWO plants) are attacking the same people as the Illuminati are. We are all on the same side, but due to that we have fallen into the trap and unintentionally reversed the terms, it looks like we are attacking the real Illuminati, but we’re not. When we have said that Pike (I use him as an example) was an Illuminati member, we simply mean member of the OWO.

“I’m sure you see what I’m getting at here. As you know, I recently wrote the article which explains the difference between the OWO and the New World Order, and if everybody embraces the truth in that, we have a good start on something new. A huge confusion would be resolved and the masses would more easily understand what’s going on, and who is an enemy and who is a friend.”

2) The OWO is constantly refining their technology so they more easily can control the masses, and they are good at it. We are very close to the point where it will be almost impossible to reverse their Agenda. I totally agree with what the Illuminati say on their website regarding having the people in power reveal their associations with groups, religion, secret societies etc., but it’s a hard thing to accomplish (and they admit to that). The OWO would never give us that information voluntarily, and with the masses dumbed down and mind controlled like they are, I wonder if this is even possible to accomplish in reality. Maybe I’m just pessimistic when comes to this.

However, I like the idea and certainly want to promote it and work towards it to see what we can do. Then, the follow-up question would be: if we accomplish this goal and the connections are revealed, would the masses be willing to do something or would they just shrug their shoulders and say, ‘oh well, that’s too bad. It’s a corrupt society, but what can I say?”

“I have pulled my hair out so many times when I’ve seen and heard people support President Bush despite the results from his actions and the obvious stupidity he is showing in public. It’s almost like the masses can identify with his stupidity, so therefore they like him. That part is pretty discouraging.

“So what’s the solution? Well, I still think that 1) and 2) above should be emphasized and worked on. Education is fundamental! Then, when people realize what’s going on, they have to make a choice. Do they want to do something about the situation or continue being slaves? The answer seems obvious, of course, but both you and I know it’s not. Many people prefer being slaves than lifting their butts from the couch and do something. If so, that’s their choice.

“I believe groups like the Illuminati are extremely important, because they counter-act the OWO energy-wise and intellectually. But we both know that the Illuminati have existed for millennia, just like the OWO, and the OWO is still in power. So, when is this going to change? I realize that no group alone can change the world, but is it possible to win the race when the OWO are the ones with all the resources and the masses are asleep?

“That’s why I think the ultimate solution is spiritual. If everything is energy and energy vibrates with different speeds, that’s the basis for different densities and spiritual experiences. I can’t lay out my whole concept in an email, but it’s all on my website. I am not a “New Ager” or suggest this solution to ‘escape from reality’. It’s just like ‘all roads lead to Rome’, you know. That’s how it’s been for me with the spiritual concept.”

Many thanks to Wes for his comments and his hard work over many years to expose the workings of the Power Elite.

No You Can’t Barack Hussein Obama is a lightweight, Facebook politician who has done little in his life other than study and regurgitate the speeches of Martin Luther King. Is he a stooge of the Old World Order?

Obama has benefited from being the multi-cultural candidate par excellence: half black, half white, half Christian, half Muslim, half professor, half celebrity, half intellectual, half man of the people, half activist, half preacher, half establishment figure, half civil rights campaigner. He is a man for all seasons, a rainbow canvas upon which the masses can project any image they like. He has proved a mediocre if not disastrous president. Nothing significant has changed. The people who were wealthy and powerful at the start of his term of office will be wealthy and powerful at the end of it. Those who were impoverished and powerless at the start will be exactly the same at the end.

People wonder how the Old World Order could allow such a person to become President. If they are so powerful, why didn’t they stop him? The truth is that the Old World Order are expert players and know when to rein back. The degree of unpopularity of George W Bush was becoming a serious problem, and beginning to undermine the foundations of democracy. Since the Old World Order rely on democracy as their political vehicle for manipulating the sedated masses, they saw the need to perform a democracy makeover. New ingredients had to be injected to reinvigorate it. Who better to turn to than an unchallenging, charismatic black man? He poses no threat to the Old World Order’s agenda, yet he gives hope of change to hundreds of millions. At a stroke, the Old World Order have saved their necks. What they fear most is revolution: the sort of Illuminati inspired uprisings that overturned the decadent French monarchy in 1789 and the arrogant Russian imperial family in 1917. Democracy provides the stable political base from which they can extend their power. If democracy is threatened, so is the Old World Order. Obama is style over substance, soundbites over meaningful policies. He talks the talk but won’t walk the walk. In fact, his hands are tied. Rhetoric is the last resort of the man of no action. Obama provides the illusion of hope, but does not deliver. Yet who cares?

Democracy has been rescued for the next few years. The problem for the Old World Order is where they go next. Once Obama fails, people’s disillusionment will be much higher than before. Once the first black president is seen to be as ineffectual as the Masonic white presidents, what then? Even the most gullible supporter of democracy will wise up. And once the Old World Order’s political base is lost, everything is up for grabs. The sorry tale of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina reveals the real America. The world was horrified when it saw the conditions in which many Americans actually live. As many commentators observed, this was more like a third world country than the planet’s hyper power.

The media poodle controlled by the Old World Order do not usually show the astonishing poverty endured by so many Americans, their lack of the most rudimentary health care, their long hours working for a pittance. No, the media choose to focus on cretinous distractions such as celebrity culture. There are endless items on Britney Spears and Paris Hilton; nothing on the third world underbelly of the USA. The media tell “feel-good” stories, tales of heroism, tales of success, tales of the American Dream coming to life. They never tell the truth about America: an Old World Order tyranny where tens of millions live in dire conditions with no hope of ever escaping.

Nothing will change under President Obama. He made his way to the top of the pile because he knew how to play the game i.e. he knew how to secure the support of the Old World Order. He will do nothing to deliver poor Americans from their eternal bondage. And then what?

Members of the anti-NWO movement have described Obama as the Antichrist prophesied in the Book of Revelation. Yet this was the man who fluffed his lines when swearing his oath of office, and delivered an uninspiring inaugural address. Is that what Antichrists are made of these days?

Conspiracy Theories Explained:

The Illuminati encourage skepticism. We do not seek sheep. We seek those who can apply their critical faculties and see beyond the delusions and lies of the old, false religions.

Illumination – the ancient religion of the Illuminati – is not for believers who place blind faith in absurd gods and prophets. Many of our members began their journey as skeptics, cynics and atheists. To bring such people to illumination is a vastly more difficult task than preaching to the herds and flocks who wish to spend their lives on their knees worshipping deities in which no rational person could ever possibly believe.

Illumination is the most remarkable religion in history because it is the only one that convinces atheists they are mistaken. The reason for that is simple. The True God of Illumination has nothing at all in common with Jehovah, Allah or Christ. When God is defined in absurd ways, absurd conclusions flow. When the real nature of God is understood, all the mysteries of life fall into place.

So, step one – doubt everything you have been told about religion and find as many faults and flaws as you can. Step two – doubt everything you have been told about conspiracy theories and find as many faults and flaws as you can. Step three – doubt everything you have been told about science and find as many faults as flaws as you can. Step four – doubt everything you have been told about philosophy and find as many faults and flaws as you can.

Step five – now you are ready to open your mind to the truth.


Here’s what “DF” has to say about changing society:

The very first thing that needs to happen is an absolutely peaceful, quiet, weaponless (adhering to the NTSB safety code, not even a set of nail clippers in the crowd) assembly of 3-4 million Americans in Washington D.C. and New York to calmly walk into the UN, Congress, Senate and White House and not only dismiss, but take into custody every one of our illustrious ‘public servants’ and the UN personnel so we know where they are and what they’re up to until we have time to properly deal with them, a FEMA camp with the barest of accommodations (say Geneva Conventionesque) looks good from here.

First thing on my agenda would be to stop all American aggression and bring everyone home from everywhere: troops, spies, ambassadors, tourists everyone. At the same time as that’s being done I would go after the Goldmanites and their cronies, seizing The Fed, all the central banks and bankers and the members of the 13 families and every institution they inhabit globally. They would be held in one of their own FEMA camps until we could deal with them at a later date. I know what I personally would like to do to each and every one of them, suffice it to say barbaric would be a very mild description.

For a short period of time we would continue on with business almost as usual, except the wealth stolen from the global population by every thief connected with the OWO would’ve been compiled and redistributed evenly amongst each of the 6 billion + citizens of the world. This would level the OWO’s playing field and give everyone an equal opportunity. Along with this “money” would be a list of required purchases that would ensure everyone is linked in to the world around them through both satellite/cable TV and high speed internet, essential in the gigantic educational undertaking ahead and making every home a school and place of worship and eventually everybody a temple.

Everyone would have to be brought to the light gradually through education, first academically and spiritually then as everyone gets up to speed on their academic needs the process would naturally turn towards Illumination. As society progressed towards Illumination within each self, an Illumination would naturally prevail socially as well, negating any need for politics, money or laws.

The need of one would be as the need of the many, therefore the many would satisfy the need of the one by satisfying itself. Everyone’s life needs would all be met as a matter of course by society as a whole, each contributing his/her given talent to the fulfilment of the global community and the global community fulfilling each individual.

Those that stand out get greater rewards, but nothing that provides any type of advantage over another. Education is the key to the whole thing (it’s how I found you and if I can do it anyone can) and the process would have to start immediately to keep the short attention spanned, mostly ignorant population from falling into chaos.

Initially it would be done by involvement in all decisions made and constant communication utilizing TV and the internet to accomplish as total an inclusion as possible of the population. At the beginning of every week the issues of the week could be presented to the populace via TV, the population could return its answer via the internet during the week. The outcome could be reported the next week, acted upon immediately and new busines introduced until there is no more “business” and mankind has moved on to bigger and better things instead of being perpetually mired in political minutia.

Instead of a cumbersome government of thieves we’d only need one man: a “host” if you will or figurehead. For that matter it could be somebody new each week because everyone would have an equal say in what the majority rules and the person on-screen would just be a news-reader when you got down to it and the only unified action taken would be physical commencement of the jobs at hand which would be done at as local a level as possible to take advantage of each area’s talent.

This being only the most basic of outlines the only way to address any contingency that arises is through the communication system I outlined earlier. This would have the dual purpose of ensuring the majority ruled and would keep the population focused on the tasks at hand that continually enrich their lives.

Just the reward of discernible progress every day will be enough to inspire even the most hardened skeptics and get them on board. Housing will be a first concern as well as bringing people home from overseas. My simple answer to that will be if you left a house due to foreclosure, go back there. If it’s occupied find one that isn’t and set up shop, in the near future all that’ll matter is that you’re indoors, ownership won’t be an issue. As for the 6000, my civilized answer for them would be to strip them bare, flog them bloody, dress them in rags, brand/tattoo a fiery red M on their foreheads, cut out their tongues and seat them all in the Hollywood Bowl so they could watch all their “assets” everything that they own or worshipped go up in flames on a series of IMAX movies. When they’ve stopped weeping, rub salt in all their wounds than cast them out on the streets of the nastiest slums they created and let them rot there.

The hardest part of the whole plan will be to get 3-4 million people to do anything together for any reason, let alone overthrowing a soap opera government and a bunch of bankers. They’d all rather stay home and just watch it on TV.

Our Comment: We think there are many excellent ideas in here that could be fleshed out to contribute towards a viable plan for changing society. Can you help to put flesh on the bones? Providing everyone with equal, high-speed communication facilities is one thing that would be mandatory in a meritocratic society. No one should be denied access to the basic infrastructure of technology that everyone needs in the internet age.

As for the 6,000 tyrants of the OWO, they certainly deserve what “DF” suggests – a taste of their own medicine, so to speak. But perhaps the best way to punish them would be to build the perfect society for everyone that they wished only for themselves, and then to make them participate in it without any of their former advantages. We would pardon them all their sins against us because we are better than they are, morally superior. Now that they no longer had any power over us we could afford to be magnanimous. However, the will of the people will decide in the end.

We said to “DF”: We like the idea. We’ll put it on our website in due course. It will certainly get people to think.

“The hardest part of the whole plan will be to get 3-4 million people to do anything together for any reason, let alone overthrowing a soap opera government and a bunch of bankers. They’d all rather stay home and just watch it on TV.”

That’s exactly right. That’s always the main problem. The other huge problem is how do you get the police, army and National Guard not to open fire? The OWO would declare a state of emergency and martial law – how would anyone fight back if they had no weapons?

“DF” replied: I know the OWO would institute martial law. In fact I think they’d pull out all the stops and create another Tiananmen Square incident on an even grander scale to “set an example,” but we can’t prevent that. If we marched on Washington armed that would give them the excuse they’d need to justify their actions publicly and the dumbed-down fools would go along with it. It is quite another story however to gun down unarmed people whose only crimes are being there and not doing it sooner. I also know for a fact that all the agencies you mentioned are “brainwashed” into believing that killing their own family members would be the “right” thing to do if ordered to do so, but like the LT. Colonel that questions Obama’s birthplace, all these people have a conscience of sorts and would hesitate for at least a second if ordered to fire on their unarmed countrymen, after all they’re in the same boat we’re in, they’re losing everything to the OWO’s greed just like everyone else. Just because they are their “pit bulls” doesn’t give them any kind of immunity, that just makes them dumber than most.

Seeing an armed crowd would reinforce the “brainwashing” and they wouldn’t hesitate at all. Not only would we have to be unarmed, but the crowd would have to be quiet, shouting protest slogans, carrying banners and signs, creating any kind of chaos or confusion would agitate their “brainwashed minions” into action as quickly as visible weaponry would and even though this is a war of sorts, we don’t want any bloodshed if at all possible or at least we have to do everything within OUR power to prevent that while still accomplishing our goals and one thing everyone needs to remember…OUR CONSTITUTION GIVES US THIS RIGHT and THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE REQUIRES IT OF ALL ABLE-BODIED AMERICANS TO OVERTHROW AN OPPRESSIVE DESPOTIC GOVERNMENT …martial law or not. In my estimation (for what it’s worth) the only way to prevent that is to very visibly broadcast the entire event globally as it happens. They would be far less likely to open fire on a peaceful crowd with the whole world watching.

Our Comment: So, what do you think? Is DF right? On countless occasions we have witnessed in horror what the forces of “law and order” do to unarmed, innocent people.

Would you want to step out in front of the OWO’s pit bulls without any way of defending yourself? It would be fantastic if 4 million brave Americans could assemble and march unarmed on Washington D.C. and New York. We just can’t see it happening. As DF says, most people would rather stay at home to watch it on TV. In fact, if the Apocalypse came, they’d probably prefer to watch that on TV too.

The reality is that the OWO’s system of control works because most people buy into it. It will stop working when most people stop buying into it. It’s as simple as that.

The Mystery:

A few select individuals have been informed of the nature of the elaborate scheme the Illuminati use to protect their central secret. It has been decided to afford others the same glimpse. No one has ever solved the clues without the intervention of Illuminati guides. In most cases, Illuminati guides will contact you only if you have taken a significant step towards the solution. On occasion, other candidates are selected if they have shown patience, resilience and genuine insight into the nature of the problem. It is often several years before candidates are contacted.


The Threefold Enigma.

The many persecutions throughout history that the Illuminati have endured have, on several occasions, placed their secret in great danger of discovery by their enemies. The ruling council of the Illuminati long ago decided to devise a sophisticated puzzle to conceal their secret – the Holy Grail – but at the same time offer clues and hope to seekers. While most seekers are genuine, some are duplicitous and are sent by the enemy to infiltrate the Illuminati and attempt to steal or destroy the Grail. For this reason, the Illuminati must exercise the greatest caution.

This is the text of a message that the Illuminati have sanctioned to be sent to a handful of seekers – six last year – who appeared to be of the right calibre to make meaningful headway with the enigma over the next few years.


The Message.

“I have been instructed to inform you of the following, which you may or may not find useful. Perhaps it will give you an insight into the complexity of the challenge facing you, and indeed all seekers. Many seekers appreciate that they are confronting an immense problem, but most fail to perceive just how deliberately elaborate it is. It is for you to make your choices as you see fit.

“There are three profound mysteries involved in the search for the Grail, two of which are fake and carefully designed to protect the real mystery. The two fake mysteries were formulated at the same time – by the ruling council – hundreds of years ago. The two fake mysteries are ingenious and each has a unique, convincing and sensational solution. The two fakes have more ‘public’ clues than the real mystery i.e. the clues are easier to find, though they are by no means easy to solve. Each of the mysteries, including the real one, is allowed to evolve in the sense that additional clues can be provided at any time, particularly by way of stories and paintings. But false clues are also laid.

“There are intersection points between the three mysteries: certain key facts that all three have in common. Even if a seeker has become entrapped in one of the fake mysteries (both of which are as highly compelling as the real mystery), he will still have opportunities to switch to the real mystery if he makes the right choice at an intersection point. He will make the right choice only if he has the strength to abandon all of the work he has performed on either of the fake mysteries. This, in fact, is part of the test. Virtually no one makes the right choice because abandoning years of hard work is simply too difficult for most to contemplate, especially when they believe they have been making good progress. There is another trap: it is possible to move from one fake mystery to the other fake mystery, bypassing the true mystery. Several seekers have encountered this misfortune.

“Anyone who makes significant progress on the real mystery will certainly be contacted, but must then undergo a long vetting process to ensure that they are not working for the enemy. The enemy has on two occasions come within one step of reaching the final stage of the real mystery. Preventing the enemy from accessing the final stage is paramount.

“Your current status is classified as follows: you are making notable headway with one of the fake mysteries. You have encountered material that can direct you to an intersection point, but you have not yet moved in the right direction. You are deemed to have all of the necessary skills and attributes to move forward, but others have possessed such skills and attributes yet remained stuck in fruitless pursuit of fake mysteries. The fake mysteries are highly seductive but nevertheless valueless. No one has yet solved the fake mysteries, and some may even find them more alluring than the real mystery since they have implications that are as mind boggling as that of the real mystery, but they have not one particle of genuine evidence to substantiate them and are entirely speculative. (Imagine a painting that points, in an arcane way, to a manufactured mystery. A seeker might imagine that if he solves the painting’s code, he will advance closer to the truth. In fact, he has merely come closer to a false “truth”. But how would he know? That is always the dilemma.) The real mystery, on the other hand, is associated with indisputable evidence of its truth. If it did not have this evidence, it would long ago have been deemed unbelievable.

“I hope this information proves useful to you. It is hoped that you will enjoy the greatest of good fortune in your quest, and, if you do, you will be contacted. I’m sorry that nothing more definite can be said at this time. It is true that a more active period has been entered and many clues may become visible within the next few years, from a number of different and often unexpected sources. People like you will be in the best position to find them, but you will also have to sift truth from deception, and it is in the nature of deception that it often comes in the most desirable forms, while the truth can be plain, unadorned and shunned.

“Again, we offer you the greatest of good fortune. You are assuredly correct that he who is not searching for the Grail will never find it.”


How many people fully understand Zeitgeist?


Zeitgeist: www.youtube.com/watch?v=guXirzknYYE
Zeitgeist Addendum: www.youtube.com/watch?v=EewGMBOB4Gg
Zeitgeist Moving Forward: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z9WVZddH9w
Zeitgeist Orientation video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnK5mBCFTMg
Venus Project video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb5ivvcTvRQ

Are you one of the seekers?

From our Russian division in 1979 – Stalker by Tarkovsky. Can you cope with the many setbacks and tribulations on the long path to the truth? Can you confront the final enigma and remain undaunted? Can you enter the mysterious Zone and find the Grail?

Hundreds of seekers have contacted us in recent months. Many of these candidates are highly promising, but we must emphasise that few are chosen. Do you have the qualities required? Several clues will appear from a number of apparently separate sources over the next few years. Can you find your way through the maze? Can you put the jigsaw together?

The Soul Camera:

The Soul Camera, a novel that will appear soon, will dramatize the procedure that occurs when a seeker is recruited, and it will also reveal the perils that recruits face from the enemies of the Grail.

The Illuminati are on the verge of throwing light on their mysterious secret society. The Soul Camera – a carefully coded work of fiction – will reveal many concealed facts about the most esoteric organisation on earth.


What is the religion of the Illuminati?

What is their irrefutable evidence that their religion is true while all others are false?

Why are they alone the true guardians of the strangest and most compelling object of all – the Holy Grail?

Why are they unable to come forth and reveal their evidence to the world?

Who are their sworn enemies who have waged war for millennia against the Illuminati?

Which people are eligible to be recruited by the Illuminati and how does the process take place?

Why can some people never be recruited by the Illuminati?

Why is the Illuminati’s great secret the most shocking in human history?

Why are the Illuminati so reviled and feared by so many when, in fact, they are humanity’s greatest benefactors, those who stand between humanity and perpetual darkness and torment?

What is the nature of the secret society that stands in the shadows in bitter and deadly opposition to the Illuminati, controlling the Old World Order, and wielding power over nearly the whole of humanity?

“The Soul Camera” will provide the clearest insights ever provided into the mysterious and arcane world of the Illuminati and their astonishing mission to save humanity.

“The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins.” –Søren Kierkegaard

The End


The Armageddon Conspiracy: The Plot To Kill God



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