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Academia Iluministă (11)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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Jiren Gray în Pythagorean Illuminism

Nibiru – The Absurd Link Between The Illuminati And Aliens:

JC LeSinge (responding to a general question posed by an Illuminatus operating under an alias): Have you looked into the Nibiru Conspiracy? Sometimes referred to as ‘Nemesis’ or ‘Eris’. I actually asked two astrophysicists about this (just a chance meeting); their answer, eventually, once I’d managed to frame the question in a fashion they understood and they’d given me all the extra terminology (such as what an ‘AU’ is in astrophysics), their answer was ‘maybe’. I’ll let you look into it; the bottom line on Nibiru boils down to ‘Doom Planet’.

Illuminatus (operating as a skeptic): I can’t believe any astrophysicist would give any credence to Nibiru. It’s supposed to be a “12th” planet within our solar system – so any competent astronomer would be aware of it. Its orbit would have to be utterly bizarre, and probably defying the laws of physics, for it to come anywhere near us. What astronomers worry about is stuff heading our way from deep space that they can’t see and track yet: they’re not concerned about anything in an orbit in our own solar system.

Besides, earth has probably already suffered a planetary collision with a planet called Thea; the collision that produced the moon. If such a collision took place again, all human life would vanish. Arguably all life of any description would become extinct on earth. No conspiracy is going to keep that a secret!

Does Nibiru get hooked up to the New World Order and the Illuminati and the Reptilians somehow?

JC LeSinge: “Nibiru’s orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical, according to Sitchin’s books, taking it out beyond the orbit of Pluto at its farthest point and bringing it as close to the Sun as the far side of the asteroid belt (a ring of asteroids that is known to occupy a band of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter). It takes Nibiru 3,600 years to complete one orbital journey, and it was last in this vicinity around 160 B.C.E. As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system, as it is claimed for Nibiru, could wreak havoc on the orbits of other planets, disrupt the asteroid belt and spell big trouble for planet Earth.”

Illuminatus: Eh? Sounds like complete bullshit!!! Are they saying that Nibiru is going to collide with the earth, or that’s it’s going to collide with another planet that will then somehow affect the earth, or that it’s going to direct an asteroid in our direction, or that it’s going to alter gravity for the earth? One thing’s for sure – ancient Sumerians or Mayans wouldn’t have had a clue what “Nibiru” is going to do since they weren’t aware of half of the planets back in the day, never mind a rogue planet like Nibiru! Also, if it completes an orbit every 3,600 years then that means it has does its thing loads of times before – so why are we suddenly worried this time around? It doesn’t make any sense at all.

JC LeSinge: I’ll tackle Nibiru in reverse order…

Yes! The ancient Sumerians did indeed know about the solar system; they have a number of detailed astronomical charts that clearly show the sun and planets. The Mayans too were excellent astronomers; see the 2012 Mayan Calendar Conspiracy.

No, Nibiru is not meant to hit the earth; the elliptical orbit carries it near to the out range of the asteroid belt, not within; the Sumerian tablets translated by Sitchin describe the Annunaki crossing the asteroid belt ships to reach Earth.

Yes, of course it’s all hooked up with the Illuminati and the lizards: depending on to whom you listen, the Annunaki are the lizards and the Illuminati are the last of their human servants. Another version has it that the Annunaki are the giants and the lizards another species, either from another dimension or from the Hollow Earth.

There are variants on these two main themes; some have it that the lizards are coming, others that they are already here, and so on and so forth.

Planetary collision; by the figure 3600 years, Nibiru has theoretically passed close to the Earth at least three times in recorded history. Therefore: No, not all life would be extinguished. There are odd records around these times of comets and extreme weather, a couple of minor cataclysms, but no conclusive evidence.

Elliptical Orbit: The theory is that about half of solar systems are dual-binary, having two stars. The idea is that the Earth is unusual in having only one sun, and that somewhere out in the Oort Cloud or the Kuiper Belt (the outermost clouds of dust and asteroids that ring the solar system) there could be a large low-mass ‘aborted star’. The evidence for this is the slightly elliptical nature of the orbits of Pluto, Neptune and Uranus, as if something in the outer solar system were perturbing them.

This is what I put to the astrophysicists; they said that in theory the Oort Cloud is far enough out and dense enough that we could not reliably detect an object as big as Jupiter by the most commonly used means, and that people were studying just that sort of question.

Whether or not Nibiru was barrelling towards us didn’t come into the question; I was just curious if the basics of the theory were plausible. Apparently they are; “Maybe,” said the astrophysicists.

How about Hollow Earth? That’s a good one.

Illuminatus: So, is the theory that the Sumerians and Mayans were better astronomers than the ancient Greeks (who never mentioned Nibiru), and, more importantly, Kepler, Copernicus, Galileo etc? Bear in mind that western European astronomers only discovered Neptune in 1846, and that they were led there by Newton’s gravitational theory, which had revealed oddities in the orbit of Uranus, suggesting that another hitherto unknown planet was causing the effect. Bear in mind also that western astronomers had telescopes – and there’s no evidence whatever that anyone prior to them did. Also, given the Hubble Telescope and the work of many observatories, I don’t think any astronomer would claim that an aborted star is hiding in our solar system – well, apart from Jupiter itself, of course.

Anyway, doesn’t this all sound rather like Ron L Hubbard’s Thetan theory? Are the anti-NWO all secret Scientologists? The Nazis were quite keen on the Hollow Earth theory. I think Hitler, the SS and various Tibetan monks are hiding down there, powered by Vril!

So, I presume the Reptilians and Illuminati are keeping it secret that an invasion force is on its way from Nibiru? Why didn’t they conquer us last time round? Invasion craft must already have arrived in the past if the Reptilians are walking amongst us now? Why are they having to skulk around if they’re so powerful?

And why haven’t they stopped David Icke yet? Is he the main proponent of this theory? On a scale of 0 to 10, where are you on the Nibiru scale? A firm believer, or a total skeptic?

JC LeSinge: I’m not a ‘believer’ in anything; if I find an idea or opinion of mine is only a belief, I actively dismiss it as objective fact. I’m happy with the astrophysicist’s answer about Nibiru: “Maybe.”

Thing about all these Conspiracies Theories is that they could be true… but if they are then we will never know and it makes no difference to our lives. I like the sense of mystery; a few hundred years ago we’d have entertained notions of faeries in the woods, but in the modern day we prefer to contemplate aliens. I am logically sure that there are aliens, and reasonably convinced that intelligent life is more prolific on other worlds than is generally believed, but I suspect that if we were to encounter aliens, it would be a totally mundane process; big media hype, long wait while life returned to normal, then an alien cop appearing in CSI and suddenly your sister is dating one… society would hardly notice. If an alien invasion were touted as a serious threat, it would just replace the myth of terrorists that currently popular.

I don’t know that the Sumerians or Mayans were better than anyone else in particular, just that they were better than they generally get credit for. The Sumerians claimed that all their knowledge of the solar system came from aliens, or so I’ve read.

I’ve heard the idea that Jupiter is a failed star; one thing these astro-boffins I spoke to said was that there’s no working definition between a star and a planet other than apparent size. Jupiter is large enough support a mini-system of moons the size of the Earth, as is Saturn. They didn’t say there was a ‘dead twin’ star out there; just that people had been looking for something like that and that it would not be as easy to detect as we might think. They also said very clearly that it was an ‘idea’, not a ‘theory’.

Re L Ron… I do sometimes have this thought, yes, but there’s no cash-cult operating behind the scenes of the conspiracy circuit. There are a lot of people selling books and DVDs, and some folk get upset about that.

As to the rest, David Icke, the details of interaction between Reptilians and Illuminati, who’s who… that’s where it all become total supposition (as opposed to wild conjecture), and Conspiracy nuts get into long arguments about their own personal version of how it all fits together.

Hollow Earth… I like the Hollow Earth idea. It took me a while to come around to it, and I’m saying nothing one way or the other on inner-earth countries, people, animals, seas, etc. but it does make an odd kind of sense for planets to be hollow, like geodes, and it really is only an assumption that the Earth is a solid sphere; to my knowledge, this is one that no one can prove either way.

Illuminatus: Have you got any more conspiracy theories that I ought to know about? I love the way conspiracy theories mutate and become all embracing. For example, the Nibiru theory could be a stand-alone theory, yet suddenly the Illuminati and international bankers and reptilians etc all get thrown into the mix too. You have to admire the ingenuity of some of these conspiracy theories.

JC LeSinge: It’s not the theories that wacky; it’s the people who sit darkly muttering about them to anyone who’ll listen. A lot of it is based on fairly sound reasoning if unsound facts; a lot is just egomaniacal paranoid drivel. It really depends on who’s spouting it; a bunch of people I know on YT have recently taken a deeper plunge into the crazy pool lately. I’m staying out of their debates. What’s really funny is when you meet someone randomly in normal life who knows about conspiracy theories, whether they believe them or not.

Then there’s this tense ‘feeling each other out’ in conversation that basically amounts to whispering, “You know about the lizards, right?” and the person gives it “Shhh!”

New conspiracies… ok, life on the moon? There’s a guy does lectures based on CS Lewis’ Planets Trilogy, basically making a living by saying every word of it is true. Then there’s the other moon landing hoax theory; that the US went to the moon, found something incredible there, and faked the footage to make us all think it was a dead ball of rock. There are some who say the moon is artificial, and that the aliens have a base there. Apparently the gravity-well formed by the moon is the quickest and easiest way to get a shuttle out into space, and whoever controls the moon controls space flight from Earth to Mars.

Obviously there’s life on Mars too; I’m of the opinion that NASA would lie to us regardless and that the idea of a dead, barren universe is far more silly and illogical than the notion that there might be other in our solar system, intelligent or otherwise. That’s just my opinion though; have you seen CSI lately? Looks like Star Trek. Welcome to the 21st Century, we have communicators, all we need are teleporters and aliens and we’ll be off into the new millennium at last.

How’s that for a start?

Illuminatus: What was your theory about why so many people have turned to conspiracy theories? Did you say it was a replacement for a religion? Or the modern version of fairytales and goblins?

I find the moon stuff rather dull. Even Nibiru is better!

As for life on Mars, I think most scientists are expecting to find it (single cells and slime – not intelligent life!)

What do you know about the “13 bloodlines”?

JC LeSinge: Both: Conspiracy Theories fulfil the role of religion to ‘explain’ the unknown (“Aliens/Lizards/Jesus/Thor did it”). Part of the foundation of that idea is the similarity between Fairy tales and modern UFO Abduction myths.

The 13 Bloodlines… it’s the idea that there is only one Royal Family, the Saxe Coburgs, who have assimilated all other ruling dynasties in Europe and much of the world, and that this Royal Bloodline in 13 strands traces back through Jesus to the Lizard People from Nibiru who conquered Sumeria.

Re the Royals themselves, its true; about the first thing anyone ever learns is that ‘only a prince can marry a princess’ and that Royalty are special. That’s been going on for at least 1,000 years, so by now there IS only one European Royal Family. The rest of it stretches even my suspension of disbelief, to be honest. Somehow these 13 Bloodlines run the Illuminati, and therefore everything else.

Naturally, they rule the world and plan to kill us all very soon as the culmination of a 1,000 year plan to kill us all and rule the world. The inherent contradiction there is one most Conspiracy nuts miss.

Illuminatus: Are these the 13 bloodlines?


Can’t stand the Royal Family, so I’m glad they’re in the firing line!!!

I once heard a guy claiming that the Royal Family are part of a huge paedophile ring and that he was one of their victims. They use mind control via the Holy Grail, which is supposedly hidden under the victory bell on Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square in London.

Right, a few questions…

Are the 13 bloodlines descended from the Lizard people?

Is Jesus descended from Lizard people?

Why didn’t the Lizard people conquer the whole world while they were conquering Sumeria?

Can’t the Lizard people get reinforcements from Nibiru?

Presumably they have spaceships? Why is it important for Nibiru to come close to the earth?

Why did the Illuminati help with the French Revolution if they’re on the side of the 13 bloodlines (including the French Royal Family!)?

Yes, I’ve noticed that many conspiracy theories seem to conclude with most of the earth’s population being wiped out. I think the idea is that there are just too many of us, and 1 billion is a more manageable slave population.

JC LeSinge: Re ‘The Watcher Files’… Are these the 13 Bloodlines?

Could be, but then people also make shit up, right? I haven’t read enough on the subject to know off hand who the 13 families allegedly are, although I’d think HRH and the Pope would inevitably have to be on the list, and the Rothschilds are notoriously rich and secretive.

The Merovingians are supposedly the bloodline of the ancient Kelts who came through Northern Spain; their chief druids and kings descended from the Egyptians. There is some validity to that theory, but an archaeological link between Keltic Britain and Egypt via Spain doesn’t prove any more than that there was greater commerce in the ancient world than we generally believe.

1) Are the 13 bloodlines descended from the Lizard people? Yes, is the short answer. The 13 Bloodlines think they’re special because they descend from alien ‘Gods’.

2) Is Jesus descended from Lizard people?

Good question; I don’t know, but I’m sure plenty of people would say ‘yes’. Where Jesus fits into all this depends largely on a person’s religious views; about half of conspiracy theorists think Jesus is coming to save us from the evil Satanic conspiracy, the other half think every word of the Bible is propaganda and mind-control. I know which sounds more likely to me.

3) Why didn’t the Lizard people conquer the whole world while they were conquering Sumeria?

They did; every mythology on Earth has the story of the Lizard people conquering the world, it’s just that the Sumerian and Vedic accounts are the oldest and most explicit in their descriptions of UFOs and alien worlds.

4) Can’t the Lizard people get reinforcements from Nibiru?

Presumably they have spaceships? Why is it important for Nibiru to come close to the earth?

It’s important for Nibiru to come close to Earth for the same reason we can only reach Mars at certain times of year; there are only limited ‘windows’ in the planet’s orbit where Nibiru passes close enough to hop from there to here without some hi-tech sci-fi method.

The Sumerian Tablet (the one that Sitchin allegedly translated) and the Bhagavad-Gita contain descriptions of spaceships, so yes, otherwise how’d they get from there to here? The other option is that the Lizards are native to this planet, living inside the Hollow Earth, or that they’re pan-dimensional and arrive here by possessing clone human bodies or willing hosts (such as heads of state)…

Can they get reinforcements…? Presumably not; there was apparently a war or some schism between the Annunaki (there’s one theory that goes that the Lizard People are only one race among a number that visited Earth; other sources put the Reptilians as native to this planet and the people of Nibiru being ‘The Giants’ of legend).

Apparently, once they’d genetically engineered the human race, there was a disagreement; one bunch of aliens wanted to use us as slave labour, the others disagreed. It’s apparently the question of humans and what to do with us that sparks the war in multiple versions, and echoes the notion of a ‘war in heaven’ found in the Bible.

5) Why did the Illuminati help with the French Revolution if they’re on the side of the 13 bloodlines (including the French Royal Family!)

That’s a tough one… historically the Illuminati were aligned to revolutionary causes. The conspiracy theorists usually try and tie Adam Wieshaupt (the founder of the Illuminati) in with George Washington as part of some world-wide Satanic plot to overthrow ‘God’s chosen’ royalty… but that would completely contradict history, not to mention every other conspiracy theory going, and basic common sense.

Here’s one for you; leaving aside Evolution as the mainstream theory, which is more believable, the Biblical Creation Myth or the Ancient Astronauts theory (Nibiru etc)?

Illuminatus: Well, the reason I believe in life on other planets is that if Evolution can randomly produce life on this planet then there’s no reason why it shouldn’t do the same on other suitable planets too. In other words, I only believe in aliens because of Evolution. Without Evolutionary theory, I think the Biblical Creation Myth would actually sound more plausible than Ancient Astronauts. And, of course, I would immediately ask the question – who created the Ancient Alien Astronauts? In other words, I would still be in the realm of having to come up with a creation myth. So, I’m afraid, Creation myths always trump any theory that doesn’t involve Evolution.

Re ‘The Watcher Files’… Are these the 13 Bloodlines? Could be, but then people also make shit up, right? I haven’t read enough on the subject to know off hand who the 13 families allegedly are, although I’d think HRH and the Pope would inevitably have to be on the list, and the Rothschilds are notoriously rich and secretive.

Yes, I guess anyone could come up with anything, but I bet most of the 13 bloodlines that get bandied around are probably similar to the ones in the Watcher Files list. The Rothschilds will certainly be on every list!!! As for the Pope, he’s elected to his position, so there’s less reason to believe he’s connected with the 13 bloodlines.

Bloodlines rely on inheritance rather than election, although, of course, elections can be rigged to favour the candidates of the bloodlines.

The Merovingians are supposedly the bloodline of the ancient Kelts who came through Northern Spain; their chief druids and kings descended from the Egyptians. There is some validity to that theory, but an archaeological link between Keltic Britain and Egypt via Spain doesn’t prove any more than that there was greater commerce in the ancient world than we generally believe.

Well, there’s a theory that the Scots are descended from an Egyptian princess called Scota, and that Biblical characters supposedly went to Ireland and Scotland.

Yes, is the short answer. The 13 Bloodlines think they’re special because they descend from alien ‘Gods’.

Doesn’t DNA conclusively refute this? If they were descended from aliens they would definitely have different DNA from those who weren’t thus descended. And could they breed in the first place? Look at poor old Neanderthal Man. He must have been more compatible with us than Reptilians!

Good question; I don’t know, but I’m sure plenty of people would say ‘yes’. Where Jesus fits into all this depends largely on a person’s religious views; about half of conspiracy theorists think Jesus is coming to save us from the evil Satanic conspiracy, the other half think every word of the Bible is propaganda and mind-control. I know which sounds more likely to me.

So, are the two groups of conspiracy theorists always attacking each other? After all, each is Satanic in relation to the other.

They did; every mythology on Earth has the story of the Lizard people conquering the world, it’s just that the Sumerian and Vedic accounts are the oldest and most explicit in their descriptions of UFOs and alien worlds.

What mythologies are you talking about? Gods are certainly mentioned, but not reptilians. And I’m not aware of any conquest myths i.e. no one says a group of people from another world landed on this planet and fought and conquered the people who lived here. ‘Aliens’, ‘other planets’ etc would have been concepts that meant practically nothing to ancient peoples. I presume you’re referring to ‘gods from the sky’ being reinterpreted as reptilians from other worlds, and heaven and hell being reinterpreted as alien worlds. This is Erich Von Daniken territory, of course. It’s important for Nibiru to come close to Earth for the same reason we can only reach Mars at certain times of year; there are only limited ‘windows’ in the planet’s orbit where Nibiru passes close enough to hop from there to here without some hi-tech sci-fi method.

But look how much we’ve achieved in terms of space travel in just fifty years. You can be sure that in three thousand years from now, we’ll be doing amazing things in space (if we’re still around). If the aliens had primitive invasion craft thousands of years ago then they must be total retards if they haven’t become vastly more technologically advanced since then. And don’t they communicate with Nibiru? – in which case we should detect their transmissions. It seems to me that Conspiracy theorists spend far more time looking for ways to bolster this Nibiru theory rather than ways to demolish it. If they conquered us, why aren’t we enslaved in any obvious way? Why don’t they show themselves and exploit their power over us? Selfevidently, we haven’t been conquered since conquerors don’t go skulking around hiding from the people they’ve conquered. Did William the Conqueror immediately hide from the Anglo Saxons after the Battle Of Hastings? It’s crazy. And can the reptilians breed with us (highly unlikely!). And what’s their life span? Are they still giving birth? (implying female reptilians in the invasion force). Etc etc.

There are innumerable problems with this theory.

The Sumerian Tablet (the one that Sitchin allegedly translated) and the Bhagavad-Gita contain descriptions of spaceships, so yes, otherwise how’d they get from there to here? The other option is that the Lizards are native to this planet, living inside the Hollow Earth, or that they’re pan-dimensional and arrive here by possessing clone human bodies or willing hosts (such as heads of state)…

Ancient people had chariots. Gods, coming from the sky, obviously travelled in “sky chariots”. Sky chariots were then reinterpreted as spaceships. Where are these spaceships? Did none crash? Did they deposit their invasion force and then leave? But surely they would come back regularly to check on progress? Or is that what UFOs are? Hollow Earth????? Er, there’s no scientific evidence that earth is hollow and a vast amount of evidence that it’s not. What about volcanoes – where’s the lava coming from? What about earthquakes?

A hollow earth wouldn’t be a comfortable place for anyone! Where are the exit points to the surface? So, large, intelligent reptilian humanoids evolved inside the earth? What do they eat? What about the lack of sun? Can they see? Why did they come to the surface? Why go back inside once they had reached the surface? Etc. etc.

Can they get reinforcements…? Presumably not; there was apparently a war or some schism between the Annunaki (there’s one theory that goes that the Lizard People are only one race among a number that visited Earth; other sources put the Reptilians as native to this planet and the people of Nibiru being ‘The Giants’ of legend).

Apparently, once they’d genetically engineered the human race, there was a disagreement; one bunch of aliens wanted to use us as slave labour, the others disagreed. It’s apparently the question of humans and what to do with us that sparks the war in multiple versions, and echoes the notion of a ‘war in heaven’ found in the Bible.

And yet they are expecting reinforcements from Nibiru in 2012?

So now we’re making things even more complicated by introducing new alien races. So the Reptilians native to earth – though never seen by anyone – are waging a war against the Nibiru aliens (Giants of legend) who were here once before but have disappeared (since there are no giants anymore) – but are on their way back the next time Nibiru passes by. I presume all of these aliens are invisible and influence humans via mind control? Ah, genetic engineering. So presumably that allows them to manipulate human DNA at will? They didn’t do a very good job, did they? But, anyway, to what end?

What are they engineering us for? To kill us off? That wouldn’t make any sense. To enslave us? Well, why haven’t they already done it since they’re so far ahead of us technologically? Why did an alien faction decide not to enslave us even though the other one wanted to? What did they want to do instead? What other possible uses could aliens have for us? They want us to “love, serve and obey” them like the Christian God? Why don’t they have prophets and a religion? Why are they so secretive?

That’s a tough one… historically the Illuminati were aligned to revolutionary causes. The conspiracy theorists usually try and tie Adam Wieshaupt (the founder of the Illuminati) in with George Washington as part of some world-wide Satanic plot to overthrow ‘God’s chosen’ royalty… but that would completely contradict history, not to mention every other conspiracy theory going, and basic common sense.

What do these revolutionary plots have to do with advancing the agendas of different alien factions? Which faction are the Illuminati and Masons supporting, and which faction are they opposed to? I think we need to know! You never know, we could be on the wrong side! So God’s chosen royalty are the good guys who are heroically fighting against the Illuminati and Masons? Er, yes, that contradicts absolutely everything, doesn’t it!!!!!

Don’t you find all of this stuff seriously hilarious (!)? A lot of it is even more unbelievable than the Christian, Islamic and Jewish religions. And that’s saying something. The whole thing is completely incoherent. People keep adding new ridiculous elements that contradict existing elements, thus forcing someone to introduce yet more ingredients. The whole thing slides relentlessly into complete absurdity. It’s not at all clear who is conspiring, for what reason, whose side they’re on, what their objectives are, where they come from, what species they are….etc. etc. etc. And this is meant to be an improvement over the religious junk we’re already expected to believe? There must be as many conspiracy theorists as there are conspiracy theories i.e. everyone has their own version.

JC LeSinge: Good points re Evolution & Aliens; I hadn’t considered it from that angle. Also, good point about the Pope…unless the post always goes to someone with the right bloodline. Personally, I reckon the pope is evil, along with the Royals, without going into a single Conspiracy Theory; just look at history.

The Egypt/Celtic link; I read somewhere that the name Guinevere originates in Egypt, and there’s the Kell Bible found at Glastonbury that contains an Egyptian account of the Hebrew Exodus (no mention of God, but it does refer to Nibiru…allegedly). That the Kell Bible exists is generally accepted, but to get anything on-line about it, you have to pay the ‘translator’…

Re: DNA, Bloodlines, alien interbreeding…. “Doesn’t DNA conclusively refute this? If they were descended from aliens they would definitely have different DNA from those who weren’t thus descended. And could they breed in the first place? Look at poor old Neanderthal Man. He must have been more compatible with us than Reptilians!”

No, hah; 90% of human DNA is ‘junk’ DNA, meaning we don’t know what it does, so there could, at the outside of speculation, be all kinds of odd things hidden in there, from alien DNA to psychic powers and evolutionary leaps forward. Question is; what would happen if we could GM that junk DNA out of a person? Would they still be human, would they even be a viable life form?

And Conspiracy Theorists are always arguing, all the time, about everything; if they weren’t, they might actually be dangerous. Which mythologies contain Reptilians, Shining Ones, Sky Chariots and Giants? Um…all of them. Including the Bible. This is my specialist subject (seriously, I have a library of Joseph Campbell’s work and a books on every mythology under the sun).

The Norse myths feature Giants, shining ones and dragons, besides ‘magical’ weapons and vehicles. The Celts tell of a war between the Fomorians (reptilians), the Firbolg (giants) and the Tuatha De Danaan (shining ones), again with the ‘magical’ chariots and weapons. The Aztecs & Mayans worshiped reptilians and shining ones (Quetzequatl was a ‘feathered serpent’ who could assume the shape of a man, arrived and departed through a wormhole, accompanied by snakes….), the South African shaman traditions talk about lizard people hiding in the skin of humans, and again a war with the Shining Ones… obviously, the Bible has the Nephillim (half-breed human/angels), shining ones (angels) and the numerous references to demons as snakes and reptiles, besides the giants such as Goliath and the people of Jericho (who were giants, although that detail is often glossed over). The ancient Vedic myths of India, again, talk about lizard people, giants and shining-ones, alongside battles in the sky between ‘Vimana’, or ‘Sky chariots’… then there’s the Chinese and Japanese myths of dragons turning into men and living underground in palaces, and the shining gods who lived in flying palaces… The Sumerian/Babylonian myths, obviously, which are the source of the name ‘Nibiru’… Greek mythology has giants and shining ones, while there are plenty of reptilian hybrid creatures (medusa, the Sphinx, the Hundred-Arms, dragons…) I could go on and on. Celtic mythology is my main area, though; I can lay out the entire history of the Celts from Lugh to Arthur as a sci-fi epic if you like.

Not that I’m saying its fact, but it is a fascinating new way to look at all those old myths. What I think more likely than the Ancient Astronauts or the ‘It’s All Bunk’ theories is that human civilisation is about twice as old as we reckon and that this is not the first time we’ve achieved advanced technology; that the archaeological evidence is lacking I can account for in three ways. 1) vested academic interests, as affected Egyptian studies and Palaeontology; 2) Timescale; we’re talking pre-Sumerian and there’s precious little left to prove that even they existed or how they lived. 3) Arrogance; amazing inventions have been found from the ancient world, but we assume our ancestors were backward and so reject any contradictory evidence (such as Roman pumps, Greek sea-defences, Egyptian obsidian sunglasses…)

We/they can’t communicate with Nibiru (assuming it exists) for the same reason we can’t see it (yet); it’s out in the Oort Cloud AKA the Kuiper Belt. I spoke to my astrophysicist friend again; radio waves and so on don’t easily penetrate the dust cloud around our solar system. And yes, obviously, we can see the sky and stars and the Milky Way… I’m just repeating the answer I was given by someone who should know (I didn’t ask him directly about Nibiru, just the ‘Nemesis’ or ‘Eris’ object, which is a bit less wacky but in the same field.


As you can see, there is never any end to these debates. Each side can keep introducing new points almost indefinitely. Well-informed conspiracy theorists like JC LeSinge can bring to bear a host of pseudo-clever points. None of these points is capable of withstanding close scrutiny, but they are often persuasive and beguiling to naïve individuals who chance upon them.

Our message, as always, is to maintain a skeptical attitude. Ask yourself whether it is even remotely likely that things such as the Hollow Earth, Nibiru, Reptilians and Giants truly exist. It was an act of complete desperation when various conspiracy theorists decided to cross-fertilise alien theories straight from sci fi with older conspiracy theories surrounding the Illuminati.

For people who wish a quick and excellent overview of the Nibiru theory, you can find it here on Wikipedia:


This article comprehensively debunks Sitchin’s absurd theory, and by extension all of the nonsense talked in this regard by David Icke etc.

Any conspiracy theorist who endorses Lizard People, Reptilians, Nibiru or any other alien visitation scenario lacks any credibility.

These theories are ludicrous and distract people from the real task of overthrowing the Old World Order. These theories are, of course, fuelled by the Old World Order themselves in order to sow confusion and division. Because they are fascinating and seductive theories (combining science fiction with ancient history and mythology – the future and the past in a neat package), they attract widespread attention. But they are just new myths for a quasi-scientific, pseudorationalist age. In essence, they replace conventional religion with science fiction.

For anyone who’s interested, there are five “dwarf planets” in our solar system. They are: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris (Nibiru). Ceres is in the Asteroid Belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter. Therefore, this would make Eris/Nibiru the 13th and not the 12th planet from the sun. Unlucky for some, perhaps! (No doubt you will soon see great significance being attributed to the fact that Nibiru is the 13th planet.)

Keep it simple. There is only one issue – overthrowing the Old World Order.

The Illuminati are conspirators. We don’t deny it. But we are not conspiring with Reptilians or any other alien races. Our conspiracy has always been the same: to overthrow the dynastic family elites (the bloodlines) that have run the world from the start of civilisation – the Old World Order – and their selected collaborators. Their catastrophic reign has now given us a financial disaster that will ruin millions of ordinary people – but they will walk away unscathed as usual. Look at the example of Sir Fred Goodwin in the UK. He destroys an ancient bank – Royal Bank of Scotland – then is allowed to retire at just 50 years old and walk off, whistling, with a £30 million pound pension pot. The Old World Order can always arrange the best possible terms for themselves, no matter how great their failure. What about the ordinary RBS workers who have been thrown onto the scrapheap because of “Sir Fred’s” ineptitude? No vast pension for them, just the dole office. When are we going to wake up? Are we always going to stand aside and let these criminals of the Old World Order get away with it? If we do, we deserve everything we get!

There is a profound religious mystery underlying the struggle on earth between the Illuminati and the Old World Order, but it has absolutely nothing to do with aliens or Nibiru. We are prepared to slowly release more information about this mystery, but as the nature of the mystery becomes clearer, you will start to understand why it is so powerful and so dangerous, and why the Old World Order have relentlessly tried to stamp out the freedom fighters of the Illuminati.

Don’t forget, there is one simple reason why the earth is a wicked and fallen world – it was created that way. But the message of hope of the Illuminati is that it does not have to remain that way. Gnosis – true knowledge of the workings of the world – can deliver us all. A great spiritual awakening is imminent.


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