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Academia Iluministă (13)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: 1 persoană
Jiren Gray în Pythagorean Illuminism

The Dastardly and Brilliant Conspirators – DBC:

Our correspondent sent us this message: “I would like you to kindly review the following 50 unanswered questions about the world trade center attack:”

First off, we should say that all of the junk and complete nonsense we are about to wade through has already been comprehensively debunked at sites such as: www.911myths.com

Clearly, the person who sent us this list has no interest in researching any of the 9/11 debunking sites. There are many websites claiming 9/11 was an inside job and just as many debunking those websites. Our correspondent is the sort of person who avidly reads the “inside job” sites and completely ignores the others. He lives in a fantasy land, not realising that all of the “definitive” evidence he reads about so eagerly has already been totally discredited and rejected.

By and large, we will not be offering the answers to the fifty questions since that has been done exhaustively elsewhere. Instead, we will be concentrating on how moronic these questions are and we will be considering the mentality of the person who compiled the list and those people, like our correspondent, who are taken in by this gibberish. We will adopt a tone of mockery since how else can you show your contempt for the ranting and raving of the lunatics and madmen who have long since departed the rational world.

Fifty questions:

1) How come dead or not dead Osama bin Laden has not been formally indicted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as responsible for 9/11? Is it because the US government – as acknowledged by the FBI itself – has not produced a single conclusive piece of evidence?

That’s because the DBC (the “dastardly and brilliant conspirators”) know that Bin Laden didn’t do it – because THEY did! America has spent billions on pursuing Bin Laden as a complete smokescreen, and they have brilliantly made sure they never actually captured him, because that would prove disastrous. He would expose the whole sordid conspiracy. In fact, he’s actually in the protective custody of the CIA in a special Witness Protection Scheme for “Guilty Men who are not Guilty!”

America has imprisoned hundreds of Muslims in Guantanamo Bay for years. Astoundingly, not one of them has been formally indicted by the FBI. Is that because America doesn’t have a single conclusive piece of evidence against them? Or is because America has chosen to treat them as “unlawful enemy combatants” (denied the right of legal prisoners of war) in an ongoing terrorist war and is detaining them indefinitely as permanently dangerous combatants rather than as people to be processed by the American criminal justice system?

(Note: as of May, 2011, Al Qaeda acknowledged that the Americans successfully assassinated Bin Laden in Pakistan.)

2) How could all the alleged 19 razor-blade box cutter-equipped Muslim perpetrators have been identified in less than 72 hours – without even a crime scene investigation?

What?! It took the DBC that long? But surely the DBC had all of the details of the conspirators already – after all, they picked them!

In fact, all of the perpetrators were identified DURING the hijackings – the air stewardesses used the phones on the planes to provide the seat numbers of the hijackers to the authorities. Who the fuck needs a crime scene? Jack Ruby was identified within seconds of assassinating Lee Harvey Oswald. No one had carried out the required crime scene investigation!!! Unacceptable!

3) How come none of the 19’s names appeared on the passenger lists released the same day by both United Airlines and American Airlines?

Er, on the one hand it’s being suggested that the perpetrators were conveniently identified by the DBC within 72 hours without a crime scene investigation; now it’s being asserted that the DBC were so dumb that they hadn’t even worked out who they were going to finger for the crime, hence inserted the names afterwards. Are these the dumbest conspirators in history? They didn’t have their stooges and patsies ready to take the blame. This, of course, is the first thing to which conspirators attend. You must have someone to blame – that’s the whole point of the conspiracy.

In fact, because the hijackers were fully known, they were deliberately excluded from the passenger lists because they were murderers, not passengers. An entirely appropriate step to take, wouldn’t you say? The 7/7 bombers in London aren’t listed amongst the dead for exactly the same reason.

4) How come eight names on the “original” FBI list happened to be found alive and living in different countries?

How many John Smiths are in the world? How many people use fake identities? How many fake passports are in the world?

5) Why would pious jihadi Mohammed Atta leave a how-to-fly video manual, a uniform and his last will inside his bag knowing he was on a suicide mission?

Eh?!! Is he supposed to leave his last will in his hotel room for the cleaners to find?

Atta’s bags did not make it onto Flight 11 because his earlier flight from Portland was delayed. They were found later at Logan International Airport, containing his hijacking kit, including an airline uniform and flight manuals.

Most conspiracy theorists choose to say that the bag was obviously planted. And what does “pious” have to do with anything? The question is a non sequitur.

6) Why did Mohammed Atta study flight simulation at Opa Locka, a hub of no less than six US Navy training bases?

Because he was a DBC agent!!! Of course, if the DBC were smart, they would have made sure he trained anywhere else in the utmost secrecy. But these are evidently the dumbest conspirators in history!

7) How could Mohammed Atta’s passport have been magically found buried among the Word Trade Center (WTC)’s debris when not a single flight recorder was found?

Because the DBC ludicrously planted it there!!!! Actually, wasn’t it some other hijacker’s passport rather than Atta’s (namely Satam Al Suqami?) Come on, get your facts straight!

8) Who is in the possession of the “disappeared” eight indestructible black boxes on those four flights?

The DBC! Or perhaps the claim that black boxes are indestructible only applies to normal crash conditions. The Titanic was described as “unsinkable”. We all know how that turned out!

9) Considering multiple international red alerts about a possible terrorist attack inside the US – including former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice’s infamous August 6, 2001, memo – how come four hijacked planes deviating from their computerized flight paths and disappearing from radar are allowed to fly around US airspace for more than an hour and a half – not to mention disabling all the elaborate Pentagon’s defense systems in the process?

Because the DBC were in control of the whole of American airspace and all American air controllers were in on the conspiracy and should immediately be arrested and indicted by the FBI!!

The suggestion being made here is that America should be geared up for shooting down commercial airliners full of hundreds of people within seconds of any route deviation. Just imagine that on 9/11 American fighter planes were scrambled within minutes and shot down ten planes (because many planes deviated from their prescribed routes that day), six of which didn’t have any hijackers onboard. That would have played well, wouldn’t it?

On 9/11, no one in America associated hijacking with suicide missions. Only an insane person would expect hijacked planes, or planes behaving erratically, to be routinely shot out of the sky over American cities. Even now, would anyone shoot a plane out of the sky over a city? – you would cause much more damage than letting it crash in one location. Debris would rain down all over the city causing fires, death and destruction everywhere.

10) Why the secretary of the US Air Force James Roche did not try to intercept both planes hitting the WTC (only seven minutes away from McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey) as well as the Pentagon (only 10 minutes away from McGuire)? Roche had no less than 75 minutes to respond to the plane hitting the Pentagon.

Because he’s a member of the DBC! Or perhaps it’s because it wasn’t his job to be intercepting commercial airliners and shooting them down and you need the highest possible authorisation to start doing things like that. Or is America a military dictatorship?

11) Why did George W Bush continue to recite “My Pet Goat” in his Florida school and was not instantly absconded by the secret service?

“Abscond” – to run away secretly to avoid prosecution or punishment! Isn’t that putting the cart before the horse? Don’t you mean “extracted”?

Because he’s a member of the DBC! What better alibi?! Given that he was fully in on it, shouldn’t Bush be awarded an Oscar for looking like a gormless clown who didn’t know what the fuck was going on, and seemed utterly paralysed with indecision?

12) How could Bush have seen the first plane crashing on WTC live – as he admitted? Did he have previous knowledge – or is he psychic?

Both! He’s a pan-dimensional Reptilian shape-shifter. Also, the Florida school has a hook-up to the DBC’s live channel showing dastardly deeds!!! Apparently, the children were shocked to have been dragged into the dark secret and then forced to stay silent afterwards!

13) Bush said that he and Andrew Card initially thought the first hit on the WTC was an accident with a small plane. How is that possible when the FAA as well as NORAD already knew this was about a hijacked plane?

All over the world, it was reported that a light aircraft had crashed into the Twin Towers. A light aircraft crash was a comprehensible scenario; a hijacked commercial aircraft on a suicide mission was not.

The FAA and NORAD had no expectation that a hijacked plane would deliberately crash. No one would call it a terrorist event without a “crime scene investigation” i.e. doing things by the book.

The cretin who made up these questions wants, on the one hand, everything to be done according to standard procedure, and then on the other to be done according to unique procedures invented on the spot by people without any authority.

14) What are the odds of transponders in four different planes being turned off almost simultaneously, in the same geographical area, very close to the nation’s seat of power in Washington, and no one scrambles to contact the Pentagon or the media?

So, it has always been standard procedure in America for air traffic controllers to get onto the media to inform them about all strange happenings in airspace? Yeah, right? Should all American employees have a hotline to the media and the Pentagon, and instead of getting on with their jobs in a crisis they should have a chat with the media and the Pentagon instead?


Imagine the conversation to the Pentagon: “Four transponders have been switched off. We have no further information so I want you to start searching the skies for these planes and then blasting commercial aircraft with hundreds of passengers onboard out of the sky.” Yeah, right!

15) Could defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld explain why initial media reports said that there were no fighter jets available at Andrews Air Force Base and then change the reports that there were, but not on high alert?

Because he was feeding false data to the media because he was a member of the DBC!!!

In London on 7/7, emergency services attending one of the bombings were accidentally sent to the wrong place because of confusion over the address. In any crisis, things go wrong and confusion reigns.

16) Why was the DC Air National Guard in Washington AWOL on 9/11?

They were all in on it! The DBC told them to do nothing. Or maybe they, like most other people, had no idea what was going on, and no orders.

17) Why did combat jet fighters of the 305th Air Wing, McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey not intercept the second hijacked plane hitting the WTC, when they could have done it within seven minutes?

Yes, if they had known what we all know now. They didn’t know it at the time. There’s a useful phrase – the “Fog of War” – that’s used to describe the incredible confusion that often reigns during battles. Generals like to say that their battle plan is out of date the moment a battle begins. (“No plan survives contact with the enemy.” –Field-Marshal Helmuth von Moltke.)

It’s remarkable how the Conspiracy Theorists judge everything with perfect hindsight and have a touching belief in the infallibility of all government and military institutions. Did the Americans attack themselves at Pearl Harbor as part of a cunning plan to draw Japan into war? How else to explain the complete incompetence of the Americans on 7 December 1941?

18) Why did none of the combat jet fighters of the 459th Aircraft Squadron at Andrews Air Force Base intercept the plane that hit the Pentagon, only 16 kilometres away? And since we’re at it, why did the Pentagon did not release the full video of the hit?

Because someone needs to give the appropriate orders, and the Air Force commanders didn’t have the vaguest idea what was going on. There were all sorts of reports of transponders being switched off. No one knew for sure how many hijacked planes there were, and where they were.

The video? There wasn’t much to see!

19) A number of very experienced airline pilots – including US ally Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, a former fighter jet pilot – revealed that, well, only crack pilots could have performed such complex manoeuvres on the hijacked jets, while others insisted they could only have been accomplished by remote control. Is it remotely believable that the hijackers were up to the task?

The ringleader of the terrorists was an Egyptian – so the first person you would go to for impartial expertise would be the hated dictator of Egypt!

The autopilot on modern aircraft is so good that they can fly themselves. Pilots are there only for safety reasons. The job of a pilot is much less complex than you would imagine – and since when did Mubarak fly a modern airliner?!

20) How come a substantial number of witnesses did swear seeing and hearing multiple explosions in both towers of the WTC? What kind of explosions? All sorts of equipment within the WTC would have exploded due to the intense heat and fires.

As for the reliability of witnesses, try studying Psychology 101 and you’ll discover that witnesses are rarely to be trusted. Most are in shock, are in a highly suggestible state, and are hypersensitive to all manner of sensations and hallucinations.

21) How come a substantial number of reputed architects and engineers are adamant that the official narrative simply does not explain the largest structural collapse in recorded history (the Twin Towers) as well as the collapse of WTC building 7, which was not even hit by a jet?

How come a number of reputed scientists deny the reality of global warming while a much larger number ridicule the deniers?

A huge amount of debris fell on WTC 7, and it was blazing with many internal fires. You can check it out on YouTube.

22) According to Frank de Martini, WTC’s construction manager, “We designed the building to resist the impact of one or more jetliners.” The second plane nearly missed tower 1; most of the fuel burned in an explosion outside the tower. Yet this tower collapsed first, long before tower 2 that was “perforated” by the first hit. Jet fuel burned up fast – and by far did not reach the 2000-degree heat necessary to hurt the six tubular steel columns in the center of the tower – designed specifically to keep the towers from collapsing even if hit by a Boeing 707. A Boeing 707 used to carry more fuel than the Boeing 757 and Boeing 767 that actually hit the towers.

Designer of Titanic – “We have designed it to be unsinkable.” It’s touching how many non-engineers regard engineers as infallible. The Shuttle disasters? – “infallible” engineers again.

Everyone knows that the second plane hit at a lower level. Imagine that the planes had managed to strike the base levels of the Towers – the structures would have collapsed within minutes. It’s the incredible weight pressing down on any weak spot that leads to structural collapse. There was much more weight on the Tower 1 “weak zone” than the Tower 2 equivalent because the impact took place at a lower level.

From the official report: “The report concluded that the fireproofing on the Twin Towers’ steel infrastructures was blown off by the initial impact of the planes and that, if this had not occurred, the towers would likely have remained standing. This was confirmed by an independent study by Purdue University.” But they’re all in on it of course!

23) Why did Mayor Rudolph Giuliani instantly authorized the shipment of WTC rubble to China and India for recycling? Because he was on it and wanted to give the incriminating evidence to the Chinese and the Indians so that they could blackmail the conspirators!

24) Why was metallic debris found no less than 13 kilometres from the crash site of the plane that went down in Pennsylvania? Was the plane in fact shot down – under vice president Dick Cheney’s orders?

Eh?! Wasn’t Dick Cheney in on the conspiracy? So why would he order the plane to be shot down? Wouldn’t that constitute ABSOLUTE PROOF that the American government wasn’t responsible for 9/11?!

In their eagerness to stir as much shit as they can find, these dumb fuck Conspiracy Theorists have destroyed their own conspiracy theory. One second, 9/11 was an inside job. Next second, Cheney is ordering the hijacked planes to be blasted out of the sky! Talk about having your cake and eating it! On the one hand, Cheney is being accused of being part of the 9/11 conspiracy; on the other, he is being accused of a totally different conspiracy – covering up the shooting down of Flight 93! Jesus – that bastard can’t win.

The Conspiracy Theorists simply use a scattergun gun approach and hope that something sticks. They are the most intellectually dishonest people on earth. They are malicious troublemakers. “Truthers?” They are the biggest liars on earth!

25) The Pipelineistan question. What did US ambassador Wendy Chamberlain talk about over the phone on October 10, 2001, with the oil minister of Pakistan? Was it to tell him that the 1990s planned Unocal gas pipeline project, TAP (Turkmenistan/Afghanistan/ Pakistan), abandoned because of Taliban demands on transit fees, was now back in business? (Two months later, an agreement to build the pipeline was signed between the leaders of the three countries).

Yes, exactly right!! And so what? Is the suggestion seriously being made that the American government perpetrated the most heinous act of treason in history just so that a pipeline could be built that had been blocked by the Taliban? WTF!!

26) What is former Unocal lobbyist and former Bush pet Afghan Zalmay Khalilzad up to in Afghanistan?

Who cares?! Maybe he’s working on the pipeline project! Does that mean he was in on 9/11 and should be executed?!

27) How come former Pakistani foreign minister Niaz Niak said in mid-July 2001 that the US had already decided to strike against Osama bin Laden and the Taliban by October? The topic was discussed secretly at the July Group of Eight summit in Genoa, Italy, according to Pakistani diplomats.

Wouldn’t that be rather logical? He had been on their hitlist for some time. If they had moved a month earlier they might have stopped 9/11!! But, according to this scenario, Bin Laden clearly wasn’t a CIA agent, yet many Conspiracy Theorists have suggested he was.

28) How come US ambassador to Yemen Barbara Bodine told FBI agent John O’Neill in July 2001 to stop investigating al-Qaeda’s financial operations – with O’Neill instantly moved to a security job at the WTC, where he died on 9/11?

This is ridiculous. An ambassador to Yemen has no authority to give orders to FBI agents. Are we supposed to believe that the US ambassador to Yemen let it be known that she had interfered in an FBI investigation and then arranged for an agent to be assassinated as part of the 9/11 conspiracy? WTF!

29) Considering the very intimate relationship between the Taliban and Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and the ISI and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is Bin Laden alive, dead or still a valuable asset of the ISI, the CIA or both?

According to 27) Pakistan was aware that America wanted to kill Bin Laden. Now it’s being suggested that he was an ISI and/or CIA agent. Make your fucking mind up! This is the most ridiculous conspiracy theory in history, contradicting itself at every turn. (Note: as we now know, Bin Laden is definitively dead.)

30) Was Bin Laden admitted at the American hospital in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on July 4, 2001, after flying from Quetta, Pakistan, and staying for treatment until July 11?

Yes, America’s “Most Wanted” often use that hospital! WTF!!!

31) Did the Bin Laden group build the caves of Tora Bora in close cooperation with the CIA during the 1980s’ anti-Soviet jihad?

So what? The CIA were actively helping the anti-Soviet jihad. Everyone knows that.

32) How come General Tommy Franks knew for sure that Bin Laden was hiding in Tora Bora in late November 2001?

Because his intelligence officers told him, perhaps? Would you prefer that Franks didn’t have a clue where he was? Franks can’t win, can he?

33) Why did President Bill Clinton abort a hit on Bin Laden in October 1999? Why did then-Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf abort a covert op in the same date? And why did Musharraf do the same thing again in August 2001?

Because their plans changed! Are we back to the allegation that Bin Laden was working for the CIA? Make your mind up!

34) Why did George W Bush dissolve the Bin Laden Task Force nine months before 9/11?

So, doesn’t the existence of the bin Laden Task Force prove that he was NOT working for the CIA? Was he suddenly recruited to the CIA by Bush months before 9/11? WTF! Does he keep changing sides every few months?!

35) How come the (fake) Bin Laden home video – in which he “confesses” to being the perpetrator of 9/11 – released by the US on December 13, 2001, was found only two weeks after it was produced (on November 9); was it really found in Jalalabad (considering Northern Alliance and US troops had not even arrived there at the time); by whom; and how come the Pentagon was forced to release a new translation after the first (botched) one?

Is it being alleged that the tape was fake, or simply that the translation wasn’t accurate? Doesn’t America have an intelligence network whose job is to find out secret information long before troops show up? Or is America totally clueless despite spending billions on its intelligence services. Which is it?

36) Why was ISI chief Lieutenant General Mahmud Ahmad abruptly “retired” on October 8, 2001, the day the US started bombing Afghanistan?

Because he was suspected of being a friend of the Taliban, perhaps?! Wouldn’t that be the logical action to take? Even now, the ISI are suspected of being riddled with Taliban sympathisers.

37) What was Ahmad up to in Washington exactly on the week of 9/11 (he arrived on September 4)? On the morning of 9/11, Ahmad was having breakfast on Capitol Hill with Bob Graham and Porter Goss, both later part of the 9/11 Commission, which simply refused to investigate two of its members. Ahmad had breakfast with Richard Armitage of the State Department on September 12 and 13 (when Pakistan negotiated its “cooperation” with the “war on terror”) and met all the CIA and Pentagon top brass. On September 13, Musharraf announced he would send Ahmad to Afghanistan to demand to the Taliban the extradition of Bin Laden.

Wasn’t it stated by this cretin in Q.27 that America and Pakistan were planning a strike on Bin Laden within weeks. So, that’s why he was there, you dumb fuck.

38) Who inside the ISI transferred US$100,000 to Mohammed Atta in the summer of 2001 – under orders of Ahmad himself, as Indian intelligence insists? Was it really ISI asset Omar Sheikh, Bin Laden’s information technology specialist who later organized the slaying of American journalist Daniel Pearl in Karachi? So was the ISI directly linked to 9/11?

Yes. The ISI were, and still are, totally infiltrated by Islamists.

39) Did the FBI investigate the two shady characters who met Mohammed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi in Harry’s Bar at the Helmsley Hotel in New York City on September 8, 2001?


40) What did director of Asian affairs at the State Department Christina Rocca and the Taliban ambassador to Pakistan Abdul Salam Zaeef discuss in their meeting in Islamabad in August 2001?

The weather? Why wouldn’t the director of Asian affairs talk to a Taliban ambassador? Isn’t that her job?

41) Did Washington know in advance that an “al-Qaeda” connection would kill Afghan nationalist commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, aka “The Lion of the Panjshir”, only two days before 9/11? Massoud was fighting the Taliban and al-Qaeda – helped by Russia and Iran. According to the Northern Alliance, Massoud was killed by an ISI-Taliban-al Qaeda axis. If still alive, he would never have allowed the US to rig a loya jirga (grand council) in Afghanistan and install a puppet, former CIA asset Hamid Karzai, as leader of the country.

America had been relying on Massoud to take the fight to the Taliban. His assassination was acknowledged at the time as a major blow to American interests. America would have been perfectly happy with Massoud as the leader of Afghanistan.

42) Why did it take no less than four months before the name of Ramzi Binalshibh surfaced in the 9/11 context, considering the Yemeni was a roommate of Mohammed Atta in his apartment cell in Hamburg?

All the associates of Atta were identified extremely quickly. What is the suggestion being made here? That the intelligence services are inept, or that some cover up is going on? It’s baffling trying to keep up with this alleged conspiracy.

43) Is pathetic shoe-bomber Richard Reid an ISI asset? Well, he was certainly pathetic. Are we now switching our attention to the ISI? Were they responsible for 9/11 rather than Mossad and the CIA?

44) Did then-Russian president Vladimir Putin and Russian intelligence tell the CIA in 2001 that 25 terrorist pilots had been training for suicide missions?

The most serious allegation that can be levelled against the American government is that they knew something was imminent and, in effect, allowed it to happen. We have described it as an act of omission rather than commission. It suited their foreign policy objectives to allow a major attack to take place – which is an extremely different claim from the one that they committed the act themselves.

Also, note that this point is indicating that the Russians were giving the CIA vital intelligence about a forthcoming Islamic martyrdom operation. Of course, according to the conspiracy theory, the CIA and Mossad – not Al Qaeda – were behind 9/11…so were the CIA in fact feeding false information to the Russians!


45) When did the head of German intelligence, August Hanning, tell the CIA that terrorists were “planning to hijack commercial aircraft?”

See 44).

If the CIA and Mossad were behind 9/11, they were evidently extremely inept at keeping their plan secret. Apparently everyone knew about it. Or were Mossad and the CIA engaged in a dastardly campaign of misinformation and disinformation?


46) When did Egyptian President Mubarak tell the CIA about an attack on the US with an “airplane stuffed with explosives?”

See 44).

47) When did Israel’s Mossad director Efraim Halevy tell the CIA about a possible attack on the US by “200 terrorists?”

See 44). Hold on – weren’t Mossad involved with the CIA in the 9/11 conspiracy? Did they tell the CIA about their own joint conspiracy?


48) Were the Taliban aware of the warning by a Bush administration official as early as February 2001 – “Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs?”

And why wouldn’t America want to attack the Taliban given that they were hosting terrorist training camps?

49) Has Northrop-Grumman used Global Hawk technology – which allows to remotely control unmanned planes – in the war in Afghanistan since October 2001? Did it install Global Hawk in a commercial plane? Is Global Hawk available at all for commercial planes?

Aha, the remote-controlled-plane theory rears its head!!! So why did Cheney allegedly shoot down Flight 93 if it was a remote-controlled plane of the Zionist-American conspiracy? So, all the phone calls from the soon-to-be-dead passengers on the planes were faked? There were no hijackers, and it was all just made up? Suicidal fake pilots and aircrew were on the planes? Or maybe there were no passengers on the planes and all of their grieving relatives are liars and evil conspirators. Maybe all of the alleged victims are living in a witness protection scheme on a luxury desert island. WTF!

Just how low and desperate can this conspiracy theory get – it’s an obscene insult to all of the innocent victims of Islamic jihadism on 9/11.

50) Would Cheney stand up and volunteer the detailed timeline of what he was really up to during the whole day on 9/11?

He was obviously presiding over the most diabolical act of treason in human history, so he’ll probably take the Fifth! He was so evil that he even ordered Flight 93 – a plane that his conspirators had hijacked – to be shot down, and then he conspired to cover it up. He conspired against his own conspiracy!!!! WTF!!! THAT’s cunning!!!


It was suggested to us by our correspondent that these fifty questions were the “smoking gun”. As you can see for yourselves, they are ludicrous nonsense that no rational person could take seriously. Why do people waste so much time thinking up garbage? Have they got nothing better to do with their time?

We say this to the author of this collection of idiotic rubbish…So, on the one hand the planes were “remote controlled” or flown by “expert pilots” (obviously of a suicidal nature) and part of a conspiracy. On the other hand, they were being shot down by order of Dick Cheney, one of the alleged conspirators. Which is it? Can’t you make your fucking mind up? You haven’t spent even five seconds thinking through the logic of your position, such is your eagerness to apologise for Islamic maniacs who believe in a God who expects men and women to kill their own children if he commands it.

You have assembled a list of ridiculous points all of which have been addressed a hundred times over.

If you wish to believe that 9/11 was perpetrated by Mossad, the CIA and US Special Forces, that’s your prerogative. No rational argument will ever dissuade you otherwise. Why don’t you become a Muslim fanatic since that’s where your sympathies must lie?

It was suggested to us by the correspondent who sent this list that it was just “a fraction of the true story”. Well, God spare us from the rest of the shit if this is the calibre of material!

The correspondent wrote, “By the way, the best article I read about 9/11 accused the MOSSAD of masterminding the attack.”

Wow, we’re impressed! We prefer the shape-shifting lizard theory. Equally unbelievable but much more fun.

“Sorry for bothering you (one last time) with this subject though I find it of utmost importance for the society that is trying to liberate all humanity.”

The last people on earth who would represent the “liberation of humanity” are Muslims. They are slaves to Allah, Mohammed and the Koran and they would love to exterminate everyone who disagrees with them.

We can decode this statement as meaning that you have a dangerous 9/11 obsession, and you refuse to accept any evidence that contradicts your bizarre belief that super-rich American and Jews like to commit acts of high treason warranting the death penalty for no other reason than raking in a few extra bucks from foreign wars. You are a follower of the 9/11 religion, a new belief-system as cretinous and ridiculous as Abrahamism. You are insufficiently rational ever to escape from your mental illness. You ought to see a psychiatrist. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to despise the Zionist and American governments. Why would anyone need to invent excuses to loathe them?

In psychological terms, 9/11 is a projection of people’s anxieties about the way they are being governed onto a specific event that crystallizes their deepest fears about those ruling them. If only the conclusive proof could be found, they think, it would bring about the end of the tyrants.

But 9/11 is a just a distraction. We know the governments of the world are rotten to the core. We need to act now. We don’t need to waste our time chasing chimeras. Rather than becoming politically active and getting out and doing something, people spend all of their time digging up more and more nonsense about 9/11. It’s an excuse for non-action.

9/11 was a decade ago. Not one shred of credible evidence has ever linked the CIA or Mossad to the event despite tens of thousands of people dedicating every moment of their lives to uncovering every ludicrous detail, no matter how irrelevant, speculative or absurd, of 9/11 (as demonstrated by the fifty questions). The evidence that ties the event to Osama Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda is overwhelming. Why don’t people move on? Answer? – they can’t. They have “faith”. They have created a religion and now they don’t want to become heretics by admitting that it was Al Qaeda all along, just as the government said.


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