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Academia Iluministă (16)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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Jiren Gray în Pythagorean Illuminism


Religion is supposed to bring humanity into contact with the divine – with God, Nature, a Higher Power, a sublime quality that transcends the human condition. It should be inspirational, rapturous, giving shape and meaning to our lives. It should never be associated with greed, violence, hatred, division, intolerance, selfishness and domination. Yet the most casual glance at history shows that religion has left horror and destruction in its wake. How can the reality of religion be so different from what it’s supposed to achieve?

Religion, judged by the consequences it has had for humanity, is more like the work of the Devil than of God. It has generated legions of zombies, so brainwashed they will kill people in the name of their supposedly merciful, peaceful, loving, forgiving, compassionate God. It’s time to face the grimmest of facts: religion is evil. Or, rather, the religions that have assumed dominance in the world are evil. They succeeded precisely because they are evil. They are Satan’s work, his instruments for imposing his will on humanity. Isn’t that the most credible interpretation of the religious history of the world? Is Jerusalem the city of God or the capital of hell?

Religion is a system of mind control. It’s time to reclaim it and make it what it was intended to be – humanity’s greatest gift. The main religions make no sense. Frankly, they are absurd. That could perhaps be overlooked if they had succeeded in making the world a better place, a paradise. But they haven’t even though they’ve had thousands of years to do so. They claim to teach love, peace and being generous and helpful towards others, so where is the New Eden? Where is the Golden Age? Where are justice, peace and prosperity for all? And since these religions haven’t delivered, why haven’t they been replaced by something more effective? Why do people cling to failure?

This is a wicked world filled with war, greed and intolerance. Fanatical suicide bombers murder innocents in the name of their God. Surely they mean Satan. Don’t we detect the smell of sulphur emanating from these people?

The main religions serve only one purpose: to control your behaviour and make you their slave. They try to dictate to you every second of the day with their inflexible dogmas, commandments and rules. They have proved immensely valuable to the powerful, rich and corrupt. The mainstream religions and the Old World Order work hand in hand to make our lives miserable. Isn’t it time we wised up? If the main religions aren’t benefiting us, isn’t it time to change them to ones that do?

The pagans of ancient Greece and Rome fought political but never religious wars. They didn’t wage jihads and crusades. They didn’t excommunicate people and burn them at the stake for religious transgressions. They didn’t martyr themselves in the name of Zeus and Jupiter. The only ancient nation that engaged in explicit holy war was (surprise, surprise) Israel. The Hebrews exterminated the Canaanites in the name of their God. They even claimed that their God accompanied them into battle in the Ark of the Covenant. So much for love and peace.

The Greeks, Egyptians and Romans had many gods. When they conquered other countries, they frequently absorbed the gods of the vanquished into their own pantheon. In religious terms, they were for the most part extremely tolerant and open-minded. Their pagan religions offered great freedom, inspiration, ecstatic moments and a variety of routes to exploring and experiencing the divine. There were no fierce, bearded prophets, no holy scriptures claiming to be the true word of God, no Inquisitions to eradicate heretics. These pagan religions understood that humans are diverse, while the Abrahamic religions demand slavish conformity.

The God of Abrahamism is usually pictured as an old and bearded man living in the sky, suitably invisible in normal circumstances, constantly staring into your mind and ready to send you to hell if you violate his rules. Of course, all the followers of other religions go straight to hell, yet although he sends these people to a place of eternal suffering, he still loves YOU. This perfect, universal God apparently has a favourite race: his “Chosen People”. Why? Did he create only a small percentage of the world’s population? If not, why does he reject the rest of the human race? And if this perfect, all-powerful being who created us didn’t want us to commit “sins”, then we wouldn’t be able to, would we? So clearly, he wants us to sin so that he can then punish us for our transgressions. He gets off on it. He’s a sadist, a torturer.

It’s also strange that his holy texts, given to us in his own, infallible words (supposedly), are so badly written, so hard to understand, so heavily coded and, even worse, so full of inconsistencies and illogicalities that they are quite beyond belief. Come on, a perfect God should be able to articulate clearly what he wants from us, shouldn’t he?

If this God is perfect, why is he so jealous, cruel and violent (the Old Testament reads like the adventures of a psychopath – read it for yourself and you’ll be appalled)? Does he really desire slavish worship by dumb, bowing humans eternally reciting holy texts like mindless parrots? Most of us would be bored to tears by constantly hearing the same uninspiring prayers. Why does God find it so exciting?

What about so-called tolerance? Christianity wasn’t spread by love, but by fire and sword. Muslims are ordered to kill Christians and Jews. Jews think God chose them, though he seems to disagree judging by millennia of expulsions, pogroms and persecutions, culminating in the Holocaust!

So, one question can’t be avoided. Isn’t “God” an impostor? Isn’t he the Father of Lies who has pulled off the most daring impersonation in history?

Ladies and gentlemen, let us introduce you to Satan, the great deceiver. Who else could be behind the millennia of carnage carried out in the name of “God”? As soon as you understand that it was Satan all along, everything becomes crystal clear. The Gnostics saw the truth millennia ago. Why has everyone else been so slow on the uptake?

Satan loves conflict, war, intolerance, hunger, pain, suffering and everything else we have had inflicted on us by religious fanatics. That’s the God of the Christians, Jews and Muslims for you! The Eastern religions’ Devil is the toxic doctrine of karma that gave birth to the abominable Hindu caste system and the idea that we are being punished for sins committed in previous existences. Now do you understand why the world is so wicked, so full of suffering and misery? Humanity has been worshipping the wrong guy. The God most people pray to is the Devil.

It’s time we left behind these monstrous, false religions of Satan. Let’s turn to a religion of reason, hope and freedom that celebrates the True God, not Satan. Let’s turn to Illuminism: the religion of light, the religion of enlightenment. What is the purpose of religion? It is to provide answers to the profoundest questions such as: What is the meaning of life? Who created the world? Why does evil exist?

No one needs temples, churches, priests and rabbis for any of that.

Islam – the Dark Ages:

“In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.” Would you stone a couple of young lovers to death? Could there ever be any legitimate religious reason for killing lovers who have done no harm to anyone? No? Muslims think differently. In video footage that shocked the world www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKWrTRw8fSE a large crowd of Afghani Muslims was seen stoning a young woman standing in the middle of her own grave, dressed in a blue burqa so that none of her features could be seen. When she attempted to crawl out of the hole dug for her, she was finished off with gunshots. Her male lover was then brought out and the vicious mob quickly finished him off with their stones. Is Islam a religion or a psychosis? How can anyone who kills lovers say that they believe in a most merciful God? More like the Devil. Islam is a time machine for taking badly educated people 1400 years into the past where they can live like primitive tribes people, cut off from modernity. No one does this to Muslims. They do it to themselves.

The Jewish religion is much older than Islam, but the Jews have mostly stayed in touch with modernity. In fact, they have often been the vanguard of new thinking. There are precious few Jews in comparison with the number of Muslims and yet the Jews have had an almost infinitely greater impact on cultural and intellectual life than the Muslims. Why? Because they have respected education. The Koran, on the other hand, is a book of anti-education.

Here is some drivel by an extremist Islamic Jihadist group called The Truth Army.

Bringing you Truth videos from all over the world to enlighten the masses, fight against ignorance, and destroy the NWO. 9/11 was a satanic Illuminati freemasonic ritual to usher in the NWO, which is comprised of 2 parts:

1. War against Islamic Sharia being implemented as a political system.

2. War against freedom, sovereignty, and prosperity of all of humanity.

The satanic Illuminati dominate several aspects including banking, political, military, media, and economic spheres of influence worldwide.

They are currently destroying the Western world and finalizing the shift of economic power over to the East, specifically China. China is already a model NWO state due to the atheistic nature of the government and totalitarian control of the people.

The long-term goal for the world is massive population reduction through wars, famines, disease, sterilization, abortion, and other means to destroy humanity which the dark Illuminati do in order to please their master, Satan / Shaytan / the Devil. They wish to hasten on the arrival of their awaited one, the Antichrist / False Messiah / The Deceiver, because in their corrupted belief system they believe that they will become supreme and immortal beings by doing this great evil in the world.

They are deceived, and are the worst of mankind. They will have their punishment in the Next Life, and will have no refuge from The Creator of the worlds. The only way to achieve victory against the lies, death, and corruption of the satanic Illuminati is through Truth, Life, and Justice.

The masses of humanity must be educated as to who the true enemy is. We must know ourselves as well as the enemy so that we may effectively fight and destroy the NWO Antichrist system. The time has come to unite all of humanity against the forces of darkness to destroy them if we wish to ensure our own survival.

Educate each other
Unite on all levels
Stand up for the world and future generations

There are more than enough resources in the world for everyone and much more. The death mentality of the Illuminati promotes scarcity, ignorance, and wars, while the righteous people of the world promote wealth, knowledge, wisdom, peace, science, and prosperity.

The Victory of the Righteous Believers is Written.

The God-fearing people of the world shall achieve Success in this life and The Next.

All Power is with God, The Creator of all the worlds.
All Praise is due to Allah.
Peace to the Truthful Ones.
Peace to The Truth Army.


Note how this almost exactly matches the rhetoric and analysis of the anarcho-capitalist “Truthers”, and how it inverts the truth in virtually every conceivable way. The Truth Army want to impose Sharia Law on everyone and “unite” the planet under the totalitarian, brainwashed ideology of Islamic Fundamentalism. An Islamic world would be even worse than the present world controlled by the OWO. In fact, it’s hard to conceive of an Islamic-ruled world as being in any way distinguishable from hell.

Muslims don’t want a New World Order for the simple reason that they seek to drag humanity back to the ignorance and savagery of the deserts of Arabia of 1400 years ago. The explicit agenda of Jihadists is to implement, at the point of the sword, gun, improvised explosive device and bomb-belt, global Sharia Law, kill all infidels, apostates, atheists, agnostics, skeptics, freethinkers, blasphemers, homosexuals, heretics, and stone to death any young lovers who have flouted the wishes of their extremist families.

It’s actually pointless to attempt to engage in any rational debate with these people. They are brainwashed beyond any hope of redemption. They will never progress. The problem is how to live in peaceful co-existence with them when they are committed to violently imposing Islam on the rest of the world, just as their Prophet was a savage man steeped in blood who waged savage war against all non- Mohammedans.

This is one of the greatest dilemmas imaginable. Every country in Europe has seen the rise of right-wing parties and the reason is always the same – they want to prevent illiberal Muslims from backward countries coming to Europe and infecting Europe with their ignorance and fanaticism. This is not a racial issue, but purely religious and cultural. Hindus have had no difficulties in integrating in European countries. Hindus who come to Europe are typically smart, liberal, open-minded, tolerant, and happy to befriend and mix with the Europeans. Muslims, on the other hand, refuse to integrate. The only reason they come to Europe is to partake of the higher standard of living. They actively hate Europeans and openly say that all Europeans will go to hell unless they convert to Islam.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s formula for dealing with those who insist on placing their particular will over the General Will was that they must be “forced to be free”. Anyone who aspires to govern a country must be able to take hard decisions. As a tolerant, rational person, how would you deal with the intolerant and the irrational, those who wave an extremist book in your face which, they say, they are commanded to obey on pain of death?

Muslims, Orthodox Jews, Christian Fundamentalists, anarcho-capitalists and the dynastic elites such as the Rothschilds would never accept any of the Rebooting Laws. They would fight to the death to prevent them being implemented. They are stuck in the past.

No healthy State would permit babies to be attacked and genitally mutilated. If an adult wants to be circumcised, that’s his business, but a baby gives no consent, hence must be defended by the law of the land from being circumcised merely to gratify the beliefs of others. A baby has absolute human rights, and foremost amongst those is the right not to be made a human sacrifice in order to satisfy “God” (i.e. Abraham had no right to take his son’s life no matter who ordered him to do so), nor to be genitally mutilated or physically attacked in any way for the sake of “God”.

In the Bible, it is clear that “God” decrees that no human being has any rights whatever. He allegedly exterminated 99.999% of the human race in the Great Flood. When the Nazis killed six million Jews, they were indicted for waging aggressive war, for war crimes and crimes against humanity. When God almost wiped out humanity, not a single indictment was brought against him. Why not? If “God” contravenes the Declaration of Human Rights, shouldn’t he be put on trial just as the Nazis were? This is a fundamental issue because it relates directly to how religious parents treat their children.

All religious parents think that God has an absolute right to kill anyone, no questions asked. Why? Because he is the “Creator”. These same parents think they have the absolute right to kill and mutilate their children, just as if they were God, because, in relation to their children, they are the Creators. So, in Pakistan and many other Islamic countries, “honour” killings are rife. Anyone (usually teenage girls) who shames their family by having an affair, a romance, not agreeing to a forced marriage, marrying someone inappropriate etc, forfeits their life and is murdered, usually by their father, brother or uncle.

Jewish and Muslim parents automatically subject their baby sons to genital mutilation. Religious parents think they have the unquestionable right to brainwash their children into believing the same things that they do. Well, do they have such a right? Is it consistent with human rights? Isn’t it time all religions were placed on trial and explicitly challenged under human rights legislation? Isn’t it time monarchs were put on trial to determine whether they have any right to refer to human beings as their “subjects”?

We live in an absurd world where contradictory laws are allowed to co-exist. Either we have a constitution and a rule of law or we don’t. If we do then no one can be exempt, and that includes religions and monarchs. “God” himself is not above the law. If there is a commandment saying, “Thou shalt not kill”, why isn’t “God” subject to it, especially since he claims to be loving, forgiving, merciful, peace loving, and compassionate? If “God” has the right to kill human beings no questions asked then we are his worthless, disposable slaves and he is a tyrant. If we are not slaves then he has no right to dispense with our lives as he sees fit.

The Black Holocaust:

What is the greatest crime in human history? It concerns precisely this issue of slavery versus absolute human rights.

A book called The Black Holocaust for Beginners by S. E. Anderson estimates that 100 million Africans died as a direct result of the slave trade and slavery. Who were the slave traders? They were Christians and Muslims (and Jews supported slavery too).

Here are some of the comments posted on Amazon about this book.

The information was priceless. It hurt my soul and brought me to tears to know that people who claim to follow God walk so casually in the footsteps of Satan. The cruelty inflicted on innocent men, women and children was incredible. It speaks volumes about the spiritual depravity of the European and Arabian people that they could allow and participate in such atrocities. Our children and children all over the earth must read this book so that they will know, so that they will never forget, and so the human family will never allow this to occur ever again.

Anderson and Holley rightly tackle a topic that deserves study. However, they de-emphasize the well-developed Islamic slave trade that kidnapped more than 11 million Black Africans from their homes between 700 to 1900. This slave trade began centuries before the Atlantic trade and continued for centuries after.

Islamic scripture fully embraces the institution of human slavery. Mohammed left many instructions to slave owners. This express endorsement of human slavery by Mohammed accounts for the fact that human slavery was not abolished in Saudi Arabia until 1964 and not until 1968 in Kuwait. Islamic slavery was no less brutal than the Atlantic variety. Male slaves were routinely castrated and forced into military service. Female slaves become sexual servants whose children were not their own.

The systematic exploitation, enslavement and extermination of Africans in the Western Hemisphere dates from the start of the European slave trade around 1500 BCE to the conclusion of the American Civil War in 1865. The Black Holocaust killed millions of African human beings and is (because of the social prejudice and dehumanisation necessary to justify slavery) the most under-reported event in western history. The Black Holocaust for Beginners is an ideal introduction to this incredible human chronicle of suffering and is a “must” for every school and community library black studies and American history collection.

I’ve been reading everything “black” I could get my hands on since I started my awakening. I stumbled upon the Holocaust book in a small bookstore in Albuquerque, NM and had it read by that afternoon; I couldn’t put it down. I was so impacted upon by the pictures, particularly of Sister Translator hanging from her tongue because she could speak to many and because she dared to strike a white man. It was so very interesting to learn about the Arab slave trade, especially the current state of affairs regarding slavery in Mauritania and the Sudan. Of great interest to me was the numbers Mr. Anderson cites. My husband, who is also a Black activist, has said for year he felt there were 100-150 million involved; it’s easy to see there were really more than that. I applaud Mr. Anderson’s bravery in writing a book about things no one wants to hear. I was moved to tears. Thank you, Mr. Anderson and may the Lord of your Fathers richly bless your life for your contribution to the cause.

We hear endlessly about the Jewish Holocaust, and almost never about the Black Holocaust. Why not? Cui bono? The horrific treatment to which Africans were subjected was a direct consequence of Judaeo-Christian and Islamic beliefs. Africans were heathen infidels, hence destined for hell, hence fully deserving of whatever they got. If God had wanted them to be spared he would have made them People of the Book. Because he didn’t, he clearly wanted them to be slaves, and he placed zero value on their lives. Thus goes the logic of those who believe in a Satanic “God” who thinks nothing of exterminating the Canaanites, drowning the world and subjecting everyone to Original Sin, which means that they then merit eternal hellfire.

The Jewish Holocaust may be viewed in a similar light. Since Christianity asserts that all Jews are going to hell for rejecting Christ, why would there be anything wrong with stuffing them in death camps? They were the damned, just as the Africans were before them. At the Nuremberg Trials, Goering’s defence should have been that Christianity condemns all Jews to hell. All of the Christian prosecutors should have been asked on oath to say whether or not that they agreed that all Jews were hell-bound. If they did (as they would have to if they claimed to be Christian) then on what grounds were they condemning the Nazis for creating hell on earth for the Jews?

The Nazis were merely hastening God’s inevitable judgement. In a world of human rights, there would be no holocausts. Abrahamic religion creates holocausts. What do you expect from a religion that reveres a patriarch prepared to kill his own son in a holocaust? Abrahamism is a religion of murder, mutilation, brainwashing and slavery. It is completely unacceptable in any civilised world.

African Americans provide a crucial test of justice. Because of their history, they have never had easy access to capital in a society based on capital. They have been the victims of racial discrimination for centuries. They have typically been stuck in ghettos and given a poor education. Sport and entertainment have allowed a few to escape but for most there’s no way out. They have never been part of the elite. They have never benefited from privilege. They are not part of the magic circle. All of this gives them moral authority and makes them one of the logical groups to lead the New World Order.

The Sacrifice:

The defining motif of the Abrahamic religions is that the Abrahamic “God” ordered Abraham to perform human sacrifice on his own son, and Abraham agreed. Abrahamist apologists try to explain this away by saying that God intended no harm to the boy. So, let’s test that hypothesis. Imagine the scene. Abraham heroically says to God, “I will never kill my son for you or anyone else. It’s an utterly monstrous and immoral suggestion. One would think you were the Devil rather than God to be able to give such a vile and evil order.”

Are we expected to believe that God would say, “No problem, Abe. I had no intention of letting your son die anyway, and I agree with you about the Devil thing. It was just a test. No biggie.” To which Abraham replies, “Thank God for that, if you’ll pardon the expression. I mean if I had agreed to kill my own son, I’d be a nut, wouldn’t I? And you’d be a nut for asking me to do it. We’d both be psychopaths, wouldn’t we? We’d be evil monsters. You’d be the Devil and I’d be the servant of evil. Obviously, you wanted to make sure that I would never be so deranged as to do something beyond depravity just because you ordered it, right?”

(The biggest tragedy in human history is that Abraham didn’t say this! Think of all the trouble we would have been spared.) God says, “Em, er….I guess so.” Abraham says, “So, what you’re really saying is that I needn’t slavishly obey you and I should exercise my own judgment at all times. I should be free to make up my own mind rather than doing what you say all the time. Right?” God says, “Uh, um, yes, well, I suppose so.” Abraham says, “What a great God you are. I don’t need to do everything you tell me. You’re never going to punish me. I love you. You’re the best. You have truly given me a Paradise to live in.” You think that’s how it would have gone down? Or how about what really would have happened?

God, with fire and brimstone pouring from every orifice, screams, “You dare to defy the Lord thy God?!!!! You have one instant to do what I ordered. If you don’t, I will kill you and your son this second and punish your souls in hell for eternity.” In other words, the story of Abraham is the story of divine Terrorism, with Jehovah the cosmic Terrorist. If Abraham had not been willing to obey orders, he would certainly have been killed, and his son too. His choice was simple – agree to kill his son or suffer eternal hellfire. What choice is that? What “God” forces someone to make such a choice? – only a Satanic God.

It is impossible to excuse Jehovah’s behaviour and his horrific order. To realise that you simply have to ask yourself what Jehovah would have done if Abraham had said no. Abrahamists have fled from that question because they know the answer. The story of Abraham is a very simple one. Abraham’s “God” says, “Obey me or die.” Abraham is allowed to live only if he is prepared to perform the ultimate crime of slaughtering his own child. Any other response would have resulted in his death and his being sentenced to eternal hell. So, what would you do?

What was it the Nazis said in their defence? “We were only obeying orders. If we didn’t we would be killed.” Isn’t that Abraham’s excuse too? We condemn the Nazis as monsters, yet half the world reveres Abraham and thinks he is a mouthpiece of God. How fucked is that? Abrahamism is nothing but the rule of Terror. In Abrahamism, a Terrorist deity demands absolute obedience. What reason do we have or not naming that deity Satan? How could he be any other? There is no conceivable Abrahamic defence. They are Devil worshippers, pure and simple. No good God would ever order anyone to make a human sacrifice of his son.

This “God” should be resisted, not worshipped. He is a monster, a deranged psychopath, the essence of Universal Terror. He does not ask you to worship him, he orders it. If you don’t do so, he kills you. If you do what he says, he promises you heaven, if you don’t, he vows to send you to hell. Where is the morality, the love, the compassion, the mercy, the forgiveness? They don’t exist. Abrahamism is basic Pavlovian conditioning based on punishment and reward.

Jehovah’s equation is the starkest and most brutal imaginable – obey or perish. And how does that differ from what Satan would say? In what way is it possible to distinguish Jehovah from Satan? In the Islamic version of the tale, it is Ishmael not Isaac who is to be sacrificed. Incredibly, the Muslims relate that Shaytan three times pleaded with Abraham to spare Ishmael’s life and three times Abraham violently drove him away by throwing stones at him. This event is “celebrated” every year at the Islamic Hajj.

Obviously, Shaytan didn’t go up to Abraham and say, “Hi, Abe, pleased to meet you – I’m Shaytan, the Prince of Darkness, the cosmic force of absolute evil.” So, Abraham didn’t KNOW it was Shaytan. He simply made that interpretation because a stranger was asking him to do the precise opposite of what Allah was commanding him to – to spare his son’s life rather than kill him! In fact, as the Father of Lies, wouldn’t Shaytan be far more likely to call himself something else? – Allah, for example! (The Satanic Verses controversy was all about Shaytan passing himself off as the Angel Gabriel in order to deceive Mohammed, so why couldn’t he go one better and pass himself off as God? – the ultimate deception.)

So, what we have is someone calling himself Allah demanding human sacrifice, and a stranger pleading with Abraham not to do it. Surely only a sick mind would side with “Allah” against the stranger. Abraham was unquestionably psychotic, with a lust for blood. He was more than happy to carry out the order, which why was he was picked in the first place.

If someone came up to you in the street, said he was God and ordered you to kill someone, and another person, a stranger, screamed at you not to do it, would you naturally believe the first guy, regard the stranger as Satan, and get your dagger out? That was Abraham’s view of the situation, and half of the modern world agree with him. And then these psychos wonder why the world is evil? It’s because of THEM. Allah orders Ishmael’s death and Shaytan begs for Ishmael’s life. Which one is good and which evil? Only a monster would be unable to give the right answer. Which are you? – a monster or a decent, moral human being?

Who would ever consider perpetrating human sacrifice just because someone calling himself “God” commanded it (where was the proof provided that Abraham’s God was what he claimed to be? – it’s simply stated as a fact, yet all the evidence of his behaviour points in the opposite direction). In the modern world, anyone who heard a voice in his head telling him to kill people would be instantly sectioned under the Mental Health Act. Isn’t it extraordinary that half the world think such a person is the prophet of God? The horrific suspicion must remain that Earth is the cosmic mental asylum, the dumping ground for the universe’s nutters. That would explain everything at a stroke, don’t you think?

Abrahamism – not a religion but a mental illness. The Abrahamists are the damned. They are the followers of the true Satan and the story of Abraham is the surest proof of that. No sane person could possibly wish to emulate Abraham and raise a dagger to slaughter his own flesh and blood. How could anyone ever have imagined that the “God” of Abraham was anyone other than Satan? Who but Satan would command his prophet to perform human sacrifice? Would the True God ever do something so sick, grotesque and perverse? The Abrahamists proclaim that it is your sacred duty to slavishly obey “God” no matter that he is ordering you to murder your own child. To mindlessly follow orders is an unimpeachable and unarguable “good”, they say. Is it? Or is Abrahamism the religion of those who abdicate all moral responsibility for their own actions and claim that it’s all the “will of God”? If it is, you might as well be a robot. You have no free will and you are not human.

Billions of humans have worshipped the Devil for millennia and that’s why the world is so fucked, as the Gnostics saw with startling clarity. Surely it’s time for humanity to turn to Abraxas, the True God of Light, Reason and Freedom. The religion of Abraxas has no holy texts, no fanatical prophets, no churches, temples, synagogues or mosques. There are no rules, commandments and regulations. There are no prayer books or hymns. There are no dress codes, no Sabbath days, no threats of eternal hellfire. There is no mutilation of babies, no brainwashing, no inbuilt intolerance.

Instead, there is true spirituality. There is the philosophical, scientific, mathematical, psychological, artistic and religious endeavour to maximise human potential, as driven by the cosmic dialectic. Human beings are pre-Gods. To worship Satan or any deity or demon is anathema. Abraxas desires no worship. Why would he? He is our guide, opening the way for those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear. No human being should ever be on his knees to “God”. No human being should ever bow and scrape or pray and beg for divine intervention. Knowledge is our salvation, not faith. The latter was Satan’s greatest invention. What better trick than to create a system that despises knowledge, reason and logic and instead sanctifies blind obedience?

When Satan declares that you must make a human sacrifice of your own children to prove your faith then, if you sign up, you have removed yourself from the world of the sane, and voluntarily checked yourself into the cosmic mental asylum where the maddest behaviour is praised. Suicide bombings, honour killings, beheadings, hangings, stonings, floggings, Inquisitions, Witch trials, burnings, garrottings, crusades, jihads – all are welcome in Satan’s terrestrial abattoir. The “faithful” are the butchers and the sane are their human sacrifices.

Fuck Abraham.
Fuck the Jews.
Fuck the Christians.
Fuck the Muslims.
Fuck the Hindu caste system.

They are all Devil worshippers. Their existence has cursed this world and turned it into hell. They are the CAUSE of human misery. We will never be free until we are free of their mad, evil beliefs. No decent human being could ever mount any intellectual defence of Abraham, the world’s first psychopath.

Abrahamism on Trial:

Imagine in the present day that a group of Jews, Muslims or Christians said that Abraham’s God had appeared to them and declared that the modern world had run out of faith and a new Covenant was required, to be made in the blood of their children. Previously, God had stayed Abraham’s hand at the last moment, but this time the actual deed was demanded since things were so bad in the world.

So, these people go ahead and slaughter their children. How should the Government respond? Should it order the immediate arrest of all these evil murderers? Or should their religious beliefs be respected? After all, these people are no different from Abraham himself, a figure celebrated by half of the world. The people arresting them might be Abrahamists themselves, prepared to kill their own children if God ordered it.

There is a FUNDAMENTAL clash between human rights and Abrahamist religions, and it is one that must be addressed. That basically means that if the Abrahamists do not renounce and denounce Abraham then their religions should be declared illegal on the grounds that they are incompatible with the Declaration of Human Rights. No one anywhere has the right to take life because they heard the voice of God in their head ordering them to do it. That is no defence.

Abraham’s actions would have been deemed illegal in any modern country – he took his own son hostage, bound him and then got ready to kill him. He would be charged with kidnap and attempted murder in the present day. So, should not these same countries that would put Abraham in jail for life declare unequivocally that the same thing should have been done to Abraham in the past i.e. his actions should be retrospectively judged as unlawful, and all adherents of Abrahamism should be compelled to take an oath solemnly condemning Abraham? Of course, that would mean the end of Abrahamism.

But why is that we are the only people on earth willing to expose the criminality that lies at the heart of Abrahamism? Why is this subject glossed over? What’s the point of having laws against murder and human sacrifice if religions sanction these things?

Religion II:

“Every Stoic was a Stoic; but in Christendom where is the Christian?” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mainstream religions are systems of mental illness and their purpose is to spread their particular brand of madness. They are viruses of the psyche, the crack cocaine of the mind. When you become addicted you’re totally fucked, and you become addicted astoundingly fast. In no time at all, you can be contemplating blowing up yourself and hundreds of others in the name of “God”. Any healthy society would regard mainstream religion as more toxic than the drugs trade, doing infinitely more damage. Islamic terrorism is religious terrorism. It’s done for religious reasons. The War on Terror should therefore be recast as a War on Islam in particular and mainstream religion in general. Religion is Terror. Read the Torah, Bible or Koran and you will realise that these religions are designed to do nothing but terrify you into submission: hell-fire if you resist; paradise if you comply.

Christians believe that if you aren’t baptised, you will go to hell. So, baptism isn’t something you do as a positive choice born of enthusiasm, but out of absolute terror of what will happen if you don’t. For centuries, Catholic theologians were content to say that any baby that died at childbirth without the benefit of baptism went straight to Limbo – the edge of hell. Jews and Muslims believe they will go to hell if they are not Circumcised. Again, we see pure Terror being used to control people’s behaviour and beliefs.

Abrahamism = Terrorism. Most of its power comes from the eternal hell to which it promises to send people if they disobey. Poorly educated, superstitious, submissive people are horrifically susceptible to threats of hell. Here is truth – any religion that relies on Terror to get its message across is evil and Satanic by definition. The religion of the True God would never make blood-curdling threats against people. Why would the True God want to harm, torture and terrorise people? Any healthy society should declare as illegal all religions that are built on Terrorism. Therefore Abrahamism has no place in the modern world.

Now the Islamic maniacs are sending out schoolboys in school uniform to carry out suicide bombings. Is there no end to this psychosis? The War on Terror should be the War on Abrahamism. This is the 21st century. These ancient religions belong to another time, another pre-conscious, bicameral world. They have no role at all in modernity. Everyone who subscribes to them is mentally retarded. These religions existed long, long before the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, Darwinism, Freud, Jung, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, modern philosophy, modern mathematics, modern science, modern medicine – the entire modern world.

Every Abrahamist is basically saying that the whole modern Age has been a complete waste of time and hasn’t added a scintilla of anything of worth to the dusty old “holy” books of Abrahamism. Abrahamism = Religion for Dopes, Dummies and Dunces. Abrahamism will perish because its followers are stupid and won’t be able to keep up with modernity. It has already happened with Islam – the most backward religion on earth. Muslims are regressing to the primal slime. They are undergoing reverse evolution. “In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.”

They really are your Enemy:

The propaganda war can be fought in many ways. A YouTube video cleverly shows the ways in which Muslims have been demonised and the Western forces glorified: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anUTRdomg44.

“We” are heroes; “they” are savages and monsters. We are good, they are evil. We are normal, they are strange. We are right, they are wrong. We are kind, caring and democratic. They are brutal, cruel and totalitarian. We support freedom but they want to enslave everyone. Everything the video says is true. It provides an excellent analysis of how to create a convenient, stereotyped enemy. But now consider the clear subtext of the same video. It’s asserting that Islam is being deliberately maligned in the West as part of a grand conspiracy. However, anyone who knows anything about Islam knows that it uses all of the same techniques depicted in this video against the West. The UK is full of Jihadists who have watched endless videos that are the mirror image of this one – portraying Muslims as innocent victims or glorious and heroic martyrs and Westerners as devils and demons.

So why was this video made? Why did it choose to focus on Islam rather than, say, the Vietnam War? Is it in fact expertly made Islamic Jihadist propaganda? The subtext of any video is something to which you should pay particular attention. Always deconstruct it. Always find its centre. What hidden story is it trying to convey?

The reality is this – sometimes the enemy really is the enemy. Sometimes the bad guys really are the bad guys. The West should never have attacked Iraq and Afghanistan, but no one can deny that Islam has been begging for trouble. It keeps getting more and more aggressive and fanatical. When novelist Salman Rushdie was sentenced to death for writing The Satanic Verses, and those who translated his book were attacked and even murdered, it became clear that Islam had become pathological. It wasn’t the West that turned Islam into a backward, extremist ideology. Many people are now arguing that the West made the mistake of being excessively tolerant towards Islam rather than condemning it as utter barbarism. If you want to know the “truth” about Islam here are a couple of recommended reads: Understanding Muhammad by Ali Sina and The Truth about Muhammad: Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion by Robert Spencer.

Above all, read the Koran, the sacred text of Islam, and judge for yourself the supposedly exact word of God (in Arabic) personally dictated to Mohammed by the Angel Gabriel. Study Sharia Law. Study Islamic communities. Let no one deceive you. Islam is, to any rationally minded person, a staggeringly dangerous and horrific belief system that has always constituted an immense danger to the human race. More and more, Jihadists and their fellow travellers are trying to create an unofficial alliance with Western conspiracy theorists. Ask yourself a simple question. If 9/11 was a “satanic Illuminati freemasonic ritual to usher in the NWO”, why was it immediately greeted ecstatically by Palestinian Jihadists and why does it feature in Jihadist videos as an example of true heroism against the infidel and the Great Satan of America? Can any sane person deny that the 9/11 airplanes were hijacked by clearly identified Muslim maniacs whose every step beforehand has now been tracked in great detail?

These people will try to get you to join the Islamic Jihad against the West. Don’t buy it. Don’t take our word for it that Islam is evil – read the Koran for yourself. The message of the Koran is unambiguous – submit to Allah and his prophet Mohammed or else. It’s a protection racket conducted with extreme menaces: do what we say and we’ll protect you from hell; disobey and we’ll send you there right now. There is not a single feature worth admiring in Islam. There is not one line of the Koran worth remembering. It’s a mental vacuum. Sometimes, the propaganda against certain groups is accurate and necessary. If you are a supporter of Enlightenment values, you are an automatic enemy of Islam. Islam rejects every pillar of the Enlightenment. It has no role to play in modernity. It is the essence of Endarkenment.

According to the makers of the video we discussed, all the suicide bombings, beheadings, amputations, mutilations, honour killings, floggings, stonings, hangings, book burnings, flag burnings, hate-filled demonstrations, fatwas, death threats and plots against novelists and cartoonists, executions of filmmakers and book translators, assassinations of blasphemers, persecutions of minorities, murder of apostates etc etc are just a Western myth and wicked fantasy, a cynical exercise to make Westerners fear and loathe Islam without any justification. None of it happened at all. The Muslims are peace-loving, gentle, compassionate and merciful people. Dream on. We’re not falling for it.

In Italy, a man called Mohammed (naturally) murdered his own daughter (slitting her throat 28 times) because she refused an arranged marriage and was too “Westernised”, hence had brought shame on her family and on Islam. Every year, 5,000 Muslim girls and women are murdered by male family members in the name of “honour”. Who weeps for them? Who demands justice for them? Who takes any action against this annual slaughter? No one at all! Yet we are told we have the wrong idea about Islam, that it’s all evil Western propaganda. We are in the midst of the propaganda war to beat them all. Jihadists who despise the West and loathe freedom are trying to portray themselves as innocent victims. Why? To stop you taking the measures that must be taken against them in the name of reason, morality and freedom. The more they can sow seeds of doubt in your mind, the less of a threat you are to their plans for global Sharia Law. The wolves are donning the sheep’s’ clothing in order to manipulate you.

Don’t believe anyone. Don’t believe us. Think for yourself. Use your reason, intuition and judgement.

The Jihadists are now attempting to ally themselves with all of those who oppose the privileged elite that run the world. But the Jihadists are not your friends. They are worse than the privileged elite. The elite at least allow you to cling to the illusion of freedom. If you’re unfortunate enough to live under Sharia Law, even the illusion is stripped from you.


A Sky News report (February 8 2011).

The founder of a New York TV station set up to promote tolerance and understanding has been convicted of beheading his wife in the studio. Muzzammil Hassan did not deny killing his wife Aasiyah, but had claimed he was the victim of ongoing domestic violence. However, the jury took just an hour to reject his claim that the killing was justified because of the “abuse” he described. The couple ran a Muslim-oriented TV station in Buffalo which they hoped would promote cultural understanding following the September 11 attacks. Hassan, who defended himself in court, was arrested in February 2009 after walking into a police station and telling officers his wife was dead. Mrs Hassan’s body was then found at the TV station they started in 2004. Prosecutors said the 46-year-old bought two hunting knives less than an hour before the attack, then lay in wait inside the studios. CCTV captured some of the assault in which the victim was stabbed more than 40 times in the face, back and chest and then beheaded. Hassan had been given divorce papers just a week before his wife’s body was found.

Islam is an insult to human freedom and dignity. That’s a simple fact. Arguably, Islam is the most evil religion the world has ever endured: Satanism brought to logical perfection. It despises EVERYTHING that the Illuminati stand for. The “Truth Army” is the opposite of what it purports to be. It’s the army of lies, mania and unapologetic Devil-worship.


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