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Academia Iluministă (19)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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Jiren Gray în Pythagorean Illuminism


THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES OF BOOKS outlining the religion, politics and philosophy of the ancient and controversial secret society known as the Illuminati, of which the Greek polymath Pythagoras was the first official Grand Master. The society exists to this day and the author is a member, working under the pseudonym of “Adam Weishaupt” – the name of the Illuminati’s most notorious Grand Master.

The Illuminati’s religion is the most highly developed expression of Gnosticism and is called Illumination (alternatively, Illuminism). Dedicated to the pursuit of enlightenment, it has many parallels with the Eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. It rejects the Abrahamic religions of faith: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, considering these the work of the “Demiurge”; an inferior, cruel and wicked deity who deludes himself that he is the True God, and who has inflicted endless horrors on humanity.

If you wish to judge for yourself how deranged the Demiurge is, you need only read the Old Testament, the story of the Demiurge’s involvement with his “Chosen People”, the Hebrews. You may wonder why the “God of All” entered into an exclusive and partisan Covenant with a tribe in the Middle East several thousand years ago, why he promised them a land (Canaan) that belonged to others, and why he then actively participated with them in a genocidal war against the Canaanites. Even more bizarrely, according to Christian theology, he then dispatched all of those Hebrews, whom he had supported so fanatically, to Limbo – the edge of Hell – when they died. They couldn’t go to Heaven because they were indelibly marked by the “Original Sin” of Adam and Eve. Only the atonement provided by the agonising death of God’s “son”, Jesus Christ, could wipe the slate clean and allow the Hebrews to be released from Limbo. But there was a catch. Only those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour were eligible for Paradise.

Of course, the Chosen People of “God” have almost entirely rejected Jesus Christ. Therefore, from the Christian perspective, nearly all of the Chosen People are now in hell proper. Don’t you find God’s behaviour distinctly odd? Indeed, unbelievable? Don’t alarm bells start ringing? Doesn’t the behaviour of this God sound rather more like what would be expected of Satan?

Remember that this same “God” ordered Abraham to perform human sacrifice on his own son, Isaac. Abraham, rather than rejecting this monstrous command, rather than denouncing the creature that gave it as evil incarnate, agreed to butcher his own flesh and blood to demonstrate how slavishly and mindlessly obedient he was – the prototype of all psychopathic, fanatical “believers”.

Does God’s command to Abraham sound like something that would ever pass the lips of the True God? We pity you if you think it does because you are surely a creature of the Demiurge and one of the legions of the damned. If, however, you doubt the credentials of the Abrahamic God, you may be receptive to the message of the Illuminati and our future-oriented, rational, scientific, mathematical and dialectical religion of light – Illumination.


“We, however, want to become those who we are – the new, the unique, the incomparable, those who impose on themselves their own law, those who create themselves!” –Nietzsche

“We new, nameless, ill-understood, we premature-born of a yet undemonstrated future, we need for a new goal and also a new means, namely a new health, a stronger, shrewder, tougher, more cheerful health than any has been hitherto.” –Nietzsche

“When man lives under oppressive government, he is fallen, his worth is gone, and his nature tarnished.” –Adam Weishaupt

Rebooting the World:

When your computer goes haywire, you reboot it. What happens when the world goes haywire? Where’s the reboot button?

Isn’t that a fundamental question? Isn’t it possible to return everything to its pristine condition? Isn’t there a mechanism for restoring the Garden of Eden, for bringing back the Golden Age of Saturn? If we can’t reset the world, doesn’t it point to a fundamental design flaw? If a natural reboot button doesn’t exist, can’t we create one using our human reason? How would we put right all of the mistakes of the past, the myriad errors committed by those who preceded us? Even now, most people are mired in the darkness of superstition and mad beliefs.

Democracy has a reboot button of sorts. It’s called an election. A bad government can be voted out and a new one voted in to start the system afresh. The trouble is the new gang looks exactly like the old. Nothing changes. The power behind the throne is still there. The puppet-masters hidden by the curtain are the same as before. The democratic reboot button pretends to work, but doesn’t. It’s part of the great democratic illusion.

Evangelical Protestantism can’t be reset because it says that the Bible is the perfect, immutable and eternal word of God. Islam says the same thing about the Koran, and Judaism about the Torah. The Pope theoretically has the power to reboot Catholicism but since Catholicism claims that it represents eternal truth, it would be absurd if the Pope suddenly did the biggest U-turn in history. Therefore, theocratic regimes have no possibility of a reboot button. Mistakes cannot be corrected.

Dictatorships have no reboot button either because the dictator can’t afford to admit he’s wrong. Only the dictator’s death permits a regime reboot. Soviet communism had no reboot button because, being totalitarian, it was locked into an ideology that couldn’t acknowledge error.

Capitalism has no reboot button. Those families with capital remain the same generation after generation. A lucky few are admitted to the charmed circle of top capitalists and an unlucky few disappear because they died without heirs or committed some crime that couldn’t be swept under the carpet, or gambled it all away or spent everything on living the high life – but those are rarities.

The Old World Order – the elite, dynastic families that have always ruled the world – have no desire for any reboot button for the simple and obvious reason that it would end their reign. Every top dog wants to bury the reboot button permanently. That’s one bone they don’t want anyone to dig up.

Most individuals have no reboot button. Once their identity is set, they almost never change their beliefs or ways of doing things. How many Orthodox Jews, Christian Fundamentalists or Muslims are capable of rebooting their beliefs? They are totally brainwashed and the purpose of brainwashing is to exclude the possibility of other choices.

Societies, institutions, companies, banks, religions, political systems…none of them have reboot buttons. Violent revolution, bankruptcy and collapse are the only ways to reboot things that are failing disastrously. Hardly rational and efficient, wouldn’t you agree? It needn’t be like this.

We can and must create a system that allows new generations to be released from the mistakes made by our ancestors. We can rocket-boost human evolution towards divinity if we know how to free the collective human mind of the junk and nonsense that has accumulated since the dawn of time.

Starting Over:

A computer would be unusable after a while if you couldn’t reboot it. The memory gets clogged, processes starts interfering with each other, rogue subroutines start hijacking all of the CPU. Everything grinds to a halt as inescapable infinite loops are generated. A blue screen crash is on its way.

The same breakdown process is true of almost anything. Death is a human blue screen crash. And reincarnation can be described as the ultimate reboot button – you get a whole new life and can start again. The ways in which humanity can be rebooted are actually extraordinarily simple in principle yet extraordinarily difficult to implement. There are only three issues that need to be addressed:

Wealth. If the rich keep getting richer, they become ever more powerful and influential, eventually establishing an untouchable privileged elite that takes active steps to maintain its position indefinitely. Above all, the members of the elite ensure that their wealth can never be rebooted because that would mean the end of their power.

A government that implemented a 100% inheritance tax i.e. that prevented a single penny from being passed on by any rich people to their heirs would, in that one law, have rebooted the wealth of the world, and ensured that it kept being rebooted generation after generation. With this law in place, it would be impossible for dynastic families of extreme wealth and power – such as the Rothschilds – to exist. Their power would be instantly dissolved. The current Rothschilds would be the last to the trouble the world with their super greed.

The vast majority of people in the world have no significant assets to pass on. A tiny number of families have an enormous amount of assets to transmit from one generation to the next. Why should the overwhelming majority be agreeable to this? If you want to help your children and your children’s children, the best thing you can do for them is to make sure that they are not the losers in a rigged system where the privileged are the guaranteed winners.

Who in their right mind wouldn’t support the “Wealth Reboot Tax”? This tax, by itself, would destroy the Old World Order. It’s that simple. Freedom from the elite is just one tax away. Of course, they know that better than anyone. They have had to wage the greatest psychological war in history to prevent the people imposing such a tax on them. Billions of poor and badly educated people have been mind controlled into thinking that there’s nothing wrong with the rich getting richer. That it’s good, it’s healthy, it’s morally right, that disaster would befall us if we taxed the super rich out of existence.

The “American Dream” encourages the suckers and losers to delude themselves that they too might be super rich one day, though the odds against it are simply astronomical. Well, time to get real. If you want fairness, justice, an end to privilege and to the ruling elite, there’s only one way to do it: reboot each person’s wealth when they die. Rather than being passed on to private individuals, a dead person’s assets should automatically be transferred to the Commonwealth – which is the wealth of all rather than the wealth of the chosen few.

What do the Old World Order most fear? – removal of their money and their dynastic privileges. That’s what 100% inheritance tax accomplishes, hence is the silver bullet, the holy water, the stake through the heart to destroy these undead, blood-sucking vampires. 100% inheritance tax is the legal and economic enforcement of equal opportunities.


Children are deliberately brainwashed by both their parents and their governments. Brainwashing is the mechanism that allows the virus of the old religions to be transmitted from one generation to the next and that allows the values of the elite to be permanently embedded in society.

You can reboot the world by ensuring that no such brainwashing is ever allowed to take place. All children should be protected by law from any attempt to brainwash them. Children should be taught as many different religions as possible, as well as atheism, agnosticism and skepticism, and all of these should be taught critically rather than “respectfully” i.e. their faults, flaws and illogicalities should be ruthlessly exposed and even ridiculed. Truth and reason should not defer to crazy beliefs just because they’re old and entrenched in society.

Children should be taught about different political and economic systems, again critically, with none being promoted as the “right and proper” systems as has been traditionally done with capitalism and democracy. It’s up to everyone to make up their own mind based on the evidence, rational argument and the quality and rigour of theory. Who could possibly object to that? – apart from fanatics frothing at the mouth. And aren’t they exactly the people we should be protecting impressionable minds from?

Anyone who thinks they have a convincing argument should have no fear of letting it take its chances amongst all of the other competing ideas. The type of people who want to genitally mutilate babies to ensure that they get their “brand” on them as early as possible have no place in any civilised society. Circumcision should be illegal in modern nations. It’s a barbaric, superstitious practice that stands as a fundamental attack on human rights.

The sort of people who want to psychologically terrify children with stories of eternal hellfire can’t be allowed to spread their poison unchallenged. The sort of people who proclaim that “greed is good” and “profit is God” can’t be given a free run.

The No-Brainwashing (Mental Reboot) Law is all that’s needed to reboot the collective Mind of humanity. Children will be released from the poisonous ideas of the past. Who can doubt that Abrahamism and capitalism will perish in one generation if children are given a free choice? If humanity isn’t irredeemably irrational then it will take the rational decisions that set it on a whole new path. Isn’t it time the human race put its mistakes and its childish past behind it?

Isn’t it time it consigned superstition and prejudice to oblivion? We are free. We are not obliged to believe what our parents believe. Should we believe in a flat earth or that the sun orbits the earth just because these were once popular beliefs? Abrahamic religions were prepared to burn people to death for asserting that it was in fact the earth that orbited the sun. Creationism, in the present day, rejects Darwinian evolution in every regard. Abrahamism is anti-science and is nothing more than ancient superstition enforced by the greatest and most violent brainwashing programme in human history. It has no place in modernity.

The Dialectic:

The dialectical process involves a thesis and an opposing antithesis, followed by a harmonising synthesis, which then becomes a new higher thesis which is opposed by a more sophisticated antithesis, which gives rise to a higher synthesis and so on in a continual, progressive rebooting mechanism, allowing a superior starting boot each time round the dialectical loop.

In Freud’s tripartite model of the human psyche involving the id, the ego and the superego, we see the rudiments of a dialectical system. The id, obsessed with its own pleasure and selfish drives, demands instant gratification of any of its desires, no matter how socially unacceptable. If we call this the thesis then it is opposed by the antithesis of the superego, which is concerned with morality, community, altruism, conscience, the rules of society, parental prohibitions etc. The ego, the pragmatic, rational agent that obeys the reality principle provides a synthesis of the conflicting demands of the id and superego.

In childhood and early adulthood, the ego may not be too good at its job, but as life experience and knowledge grow, it gets dialectically better and better. Unfortunately, in the West, we live in an immature, impulsive, pleasure-seeking society devoted to instant gratification, so the ego is much more attuned to the id rather than offering a proper balance between id and superego. If we could build into society healthy, functioning dialectical institutions, we could transform the world.

Every religion, company, bank, institution, school, university etc should be explicitly modelled on the dialectical human psyche i.e. there should be a highly energetic, passionate and selfish id component counterbalanced by an equally energetic and passionate component advocating altruism, morality, social responsibility, regulation, avoidance of unnecessary risk etc. Finally, there should be a rational, synthesis component which takes cognisance of the counter-claims of the thesis and antithesis and carries out the most rational strategy in the prevailing circumstances.

If we look at the recent financial crisis, there was a complete failure of the regulatory superego component. The id component (the hyper greedy and selfish banking system) was allowed to go berserk with self-indulgence, instant gratification and utter contempt for society as a whole. There was no ego component sufficiently mature to rein back the id and apply reason and pragmatism. The disastrous outcome was therefore both predictable and inevitable and any fool on earth should have seen it coming.

We live in the most infantile, stupid type of society, entirely geared to the unrestrained impulses of the id leading to endless cycles of boom (hyper-greed) and bust (hyper-fear). It needn’t be like this. We need a Dialectical Reboot Law that makes it compulsory for all aspects of society to be fully regulated by a superego component to curb id excesses, and with a rational ego component to reach a compromise between a particular institution and its regulator.

The West has just a few feeble, ineffectual, impotent regulators that are there for little more than appearances’ sake. The financial crisis fully exposed their incompetence. Regulators – Devil’s Advocates, so to speak – must be embedded in society and given real, meaningful powers, and be full of talented, strong-minded people. Above all, we need an entirely new component of society representing the synthesis phase of the dialectic. This function – Arbitration – decides what is permissible in any dispute between an institution and its regulator. In this way, the dialectic would become ingrained in everything we do, with the promise that it will lead us to higher and higher states of prosperity, progress and fulfilment. The American political system was designed on the basis of the “separation of powers” and “checks and balances”. Unfortunately, it didn’t go nearly far enough. The whole of society, not just politics, needs to be handled this way.

The Americans failed to realise that if there was an extremely powerful body outside the political process that could directly influence the political process then the separation of powers and the checks and balances were rendered irrelevant. The external body we are referring to is the banking system and corporate lobbying. These were able to use their financial muscle to buy the political process and make it do its bidding.

The great Illuminatus Thomas Jefferson was one person acutely aware of the danger. He said, “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” Was he wrong? Although the banks don’t explicitly control the issue of currency (that’s left to the Federal Reserve via the U.S. Treasury that actually prints the banknotes), they do so implicitly through their massive lobbying power that secures any outcome they desire in terms of the currency. The Federal Reserve is their poodle. Tragically, Jefferson’s wisdom was ignored.

All American politicians are in the pockets of bankers and corporations. Their political job is to promote Zionist, Masonic, corporate and banking interests – and to hell with the people, that bunch of suckers who have allowed their political system to be hijacked and prostituted. The harsh reality is that America’s elected representatives, the ones accountable to the people, are not running American politics. Rather, it is run by private men behind the curtain, unelected and unaccountable, and excessively rich, powerful and ruthless.

If you want a healthy political system you cannot under any circumstances have a private power above politics, but that’s exactly what you get if you allow the banks that control the economy to be run by private individuals. It would be insane to replace the American military with a private army commanded by private generals who could declare war on nations on their own account, regardless of the wishes of the people. So why is the banking system, the lifeblood of the economy, in private hands, able to do whatever it likes regardless of the wishes and interests of the people? The financial crisis was caused by bankers who had no investment at all in social responsibility and who wallowed in moral hazard – taking absurd risks with other people’s money for which they would suffer no penalty if anything went wrong but gain massive profits for themselves if things went right. It’s mad to allow banks to be in private hands. When it comes to privately controlled banking, cui bono? – the Old World Order, the Zionists and Masons, of course. Their great insight was that democracy – the so-called power of the people – didn’t amount to a hill of beans so long as they controlled the money, hence could buy and manipulate the politicians. Therefore, they became enthusiastic cheerleaders for democracy.

A private banking system is intrinsically anti-democratic and contrary to the interests of the people and to a healthy economy run for the benefit of the people.

So, there you have it – the three laws that can reboot the world:

The Wealth Reboot Law
The No-Brainwashing (Mental Reboot) Law
The Dialectical Reboot Law

These are the laws of reason and only the irrational will oppose them, or those who have a vested interested in the world staying exactly as it is – fucked for everyone other than them.

This is the formula for destroying the Old World Order and building a New World Order in which the people are free at last. We are just three laws from liberty. Isn’t it time we implemented these laws? Isn’t it time for the rebirth of the world? This time we’ll put right everything that went wrong first time round.

Earth I was the Demiurge’s dark and dismal creation. Earth II will be humanity’s own creation, and will crystallise the victory of reason over irrationality, knowledge over faith and superstition, light over darkness, good over evil.

The Race of Life:

Political systems are much easier to understand if they are reduced to their most fundamental elements. These are best illustrated in the context of what they imply for our chances in the race of life in which we are all engaged, like it or not.


In this approach, no one cares who wins the race because everyone is treated identically (in theory). The losers get the same rewards as the winners, hence there’s no incentive for any of the best runners to put in any effort. Everyone shuffles along, dragging their feet and yawning. There’s no glory, no hard work, no talent, no innovation, no progress. If you allow the lazy, the inept and the unimaginative to have the same rewards as the energetic, clever, meritorious and creative then you have guaranteed a lazy, inept, unprogressive society – and that’s exactly what the Soviet Union delivered. And that’s why it collapsed.


This race is all about how much capital you have, and that is overwhelmingly determined by how much capital your parents have given you. In the capitalist race of life, the privileged elite with capital and connections are allowed to start the race with an enormous and uncatchable head start over everyone else. Their success is certain. No one outside the elite has any realistic chance in life. The underclass actually begin behind the starting line and are sure to finish last.


A system that ought to be about ensuring that everyone starts from the same position – has been commandeered by capitalism and is nothing but the curtain the elite draw over themselves to hide what they’re really doing. Democracy, when tied to capitalism, is not the power of the people but government of the people by the elite for the elite. Privilege, elitism, inequality, capitalism and democracy all go together. In the race of life governed by these rules, your race is over before you are even born. Your chances are dictated by how someone else fared – your parents – in the race before yours. Who in their right mind would take part in a race determined by someone else’s efforts rather than their own, a race decided before they even set foot on the track?


This is the race run by gangsters and gangster regimes (such as many of those in Africa) that are explicitly based on bribery, corruption, criminality and violence. The crooks and the mobsters are sure to win. They’ll intimidate, injure and kill the other runners if necessary.


Your success in the race is dictated by how well brainwashed you are, how much you go along with the commandments, rules and regulations of the dominant religion. Heretics have no chance in this race. No one is free to run their own race. The race’s rulebook is a Bible, a Torah or a Koran, and the stewards of the race are bearded fanatics who’ll burn anyone who strays off the “right” track. If you are born under the dark star of Islam, for example, your whole life will run along train tracks of relentless prayer, memorizing the Koran, obeying every rule in the Koran, eating halal food, avoiding everything haram (forbidden), obeying the community elders. There is no possibility of being an individual capable of expressing yourself in your own way.


No race, no rules, no reason. A catastrophic free-for-all that, understandably, has never been tried anywhere on earth in any significant way.


Everyone starts from the same position. Equal opportunity is a defining pillar of meritocracy – no one can be allowed a privileged or underprivileged starting position. The winners of the race will be strictly the most meritorious: the faster runners, hardest workers, the most imaginative, most creative, and most talented.

The only race that any rational person would participate in is one where he has the same chance as everyone else. Why would you take part in a race you can’t possibly win because it’s rigged against you? If you continue to play along once you realise the race is fixed then you’re a coward and a slave and you deserve to be treated like shit.

The only acceptable winners in the race of life, the only winners no one can complain about, are those who are undeniably the best, the hardest working and most gifted. Everyone can complain about a winner who was picked before the race even began. The Queen of the UK is the head of state for no other reason than the identity of her father, the monarch who preceded her. Not a single thing about her is relevant other than that. She is the supreme symbol of the anti-meritocratic world where your life is decided by factors that have nothing at all to do with your own efforts.

The people of the UK are a slave people, mindlessly taking part in a race where the whole thing was decided hundreds of years ago. The UK is one of the most nauseating examples of a regime of absolute privilege where elite dynastic families have maintained an iron grip over the nation.

Everyone in the world who celebrates the wedding of someone such as “Princess Diana” or the “Prince of Wales” thereby shows their contempt for meritocracy and equal opportunities. All pro-monarchists are enemies of the People.

The Old World Order:

“Terrorism is war of the poor and powerless. War is terrorism of the rich and powerful.” –Peter Ustinov

Something is wrong with the world. Religions of “peace and love” spread violence and hate. Nations kill hundreds of thousands in the name of “freedom and democracy”, with the dead being labelled “collateral damage” – as if they were buildings rather than human beings. Media outlets that claim to stand for “truth and free speech” spew out nothing but lies and the propaganda of the elite. No voice is ever heard that offers any challenge to the owners of the media and the elite controllers of the world. Stock traders rig the markets to ensure a one-way bet for their insider cartels. Bankers use others’ money to enrich themselves, and if anything goes wrong they use others’ money to bail themselves out. Lawyers sell the law to the highest bidder as if it were popcorn.

Politicians, elected in the “name of the people” have nothing but contempt for the people. They are practitioners of self-service, not public service. Capitalism, the economic system of the rich elite who control the vast bulk of the capital, view human beings as nothing but consumers whose only function is to buy the objects they are selling to them.

Thus humans are transformed into zombies wandering in soulless shopping malls looking to buy “things” that they have been brainwashed into believing will make them “happy”. They themselves become “things”. The “happiness” of making a purchase is as fleeting as the usefulness of the object purchased. Obsolescence is inbuilt. In six months’ time, you will be told that the shiny, state-of-the-art object you have just bought is junk for losers and that all of the cool people have moved on to the new state-of-the-art object. And the treadmill goes on forever. Many women define “retail therapy” as the greatest pleasure in their life, their reason for being. Men worship sport and think that when multi-millionaires stride out onto a field, their own hopes and dreams are somehow embodied by these fake gladiators (who definitely WON’T be putting their lives on the line like the real gladiators).

We call this normal? We call this life? This is our definition of meaningful existence? What planet are we living on??

Who benefits from all of this? None of it has come about by accident. Someone has engineered this. Who? What if it’s all being orchestrated by a sinister global “elite” and has one simple purpose – to maintain the power, wealth, status and control of this elite in perpetuity? In other words, the world is designed by the elite to serve the interests of the elite, and has no other function. The meaning of life and the world is that the rich should keep getting richer – and FUCK everyone else! Is that not the bottom line of this world of ours, staggeringly obvious to everyone with eyes to see?

But the question is why those who do not belong to the elite should participate in this system that is so intrinsically hostile to their own interests. Why do the non-elite – the vast majority of humanity – tolerate the small number of elitists who govern them? In the past, the “masters” put physical chains on people, but things have moved on.

Now the masters’ chains are enormously more powerful even though they have no physical presence at all. The new chains are psychological and are fully accepted by those who are chained. The perfect prison is the one that is full of those who don’t realise they are in prison. The perfect prisoner is the one who puts on his own manacles and chains each day, then locks himself into his own cell. When you have turned human beings into prisoners who believe themselves free, you have achieved TOTAL control.

Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson wrote, “When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his ‘proper place’ and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary.”

The privileged elite are the ingenious gaolers. Millennia of experience have yielded them the keys to the human mind, the techniques to get people to choose slavery over freedom. The ideal slave is one who denies that he is a slave and yet acts exactly as slaves have always done – doing the bidding of his master come what may. Slaves who know they are slaves will hate their abject condition. They won’t work well. They will resist. They will be troublesome. It takes a lot of time and effort to control them. It costs money. What is the solution? They must be brought to the point where they CHOOSE to be slaves, where they actively will it. Of course, the name “slave” must be dispensed with, but there are plenty of euphemisms for it: employee, consumer, customer, voter, citizen.

It all comes down to the same thing…billions of people follow the commands of the elite and toil for the benefit of the elite. That is the essence of the master-slave relationship. In a free world of free men, human beings obey themselves and work for their own benefit. They look around and there is no elite to be seen because such a thing is inconceivable. Would the Supermen of Nietzsche tolerate being slaves of an elite? Would the “Community of Gods” of the Illuminati bow to “higher” gods?

The very concept of a master class imposing their will on a slave class is repellent.

In a movie about Catholic martyr Thomas Becket, a medieval Archbishop of Canterbury, Becket declared of an arrogant, rich Lord whose men had murdered a monk on his orders:

“We declare him excommunicate and anathema. We cast him into the outer darkness. We judge him damned, with the Devil and his fallen angels and all the reprobates, to eternal fire and everlasting pain.”

Scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRt2cKvJLlE

We metaphorically say the same thing of all masters. The concept of “master” must be permanently abolished. It must play no part in the human condition. Any worthwhile political system must be the one that addresses first and foremost the problem of the master, the problem of how to destroy the wolf that preys on us. Only when it is slain can we concentrate on building the world as it always should have been.

The elite mostly keep their dirty secrets well hidden. But if you open your eyes, you will see what’s really going on.

The facts: we are living under the control of a small but vastly powerful group. They are called the Old World Order because they have held power over us for millennia. They bear responsibility for the cruel, savage, selfish and greed-fuelled history of our world; the horrors have been committed specifically to allow them to have the type of world they desire – with them as masters and everyone else as their slaves.

Their goal is simple: to acquire as much money as they can lay their hands on, to achieve permanent power for themselves and their families and to have as much fun at our expense as possible. Instead of fighting each other for supremacy, they cooperate because there are enough fools and slaves to sustain them all, but only so long as not too many are admitted to the charmed circle.


Facts about the Old World Order.

1. The world is controlled by a global elite of 6,000 members.
2. 94% of them are male and the average age is 60.
3. 2% of the world population own 50% of the world’s wealth.
4. 1100 billionaires own twice as much wealth as the 2.5 billion poorest people.
5. The world’s 50 biggest financial institutions control a third of the world’s wealth.
6. The 250 biggest corporations generate nearly a third of the world’s GDP.

(Source: The Superclass and the World they are Making by David Rothkopf.)

Few of the Old World Order are elected (and those that are have had the elections rigged on their behalf). Few of them are accountable to the people in any way. Few of them interact with ordinary men and women. They live in exclusive, gated, luxury communities far from the citizens they control.

They are educated at exclusive private schools and colleges and they join elite secret societies in order to meet other members of the Old World Order. They marry amongst themselves. The vast majority have inherited their wealth and status. Talent and merit don’t matter to them; family connections are what count. “He/she comes from a good family” is their code for their own kind. If you don’t come from a good family, forget it.

Despite their greed, these people often present themselves as highly religious e.g. Goldman Sucks: “We are performing God’s work.”

They control practically everything worth controlling. They treat us with contempt. We are just the worker-droids and zombie consumers, the “cannon fodder” and flotsam and jetsam.

They use the education system to produce dumb, obedient, submissive and compliant slaves who won’t resist their masters. The Old World Order consists of the following categories:

The Super Rich
Top politicians
Top military
Top police
Media moguls
Religious leaders
Bosses of Intelligence Services
Top Bankers
Leading Entrepreneurs
Super celebrities


The members of the Old World Order are.

Nobility: the royal and aristocratic houses of the United Kingdom and Europe.

Family Dynasties: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Reynolds, Van Duyn, Li, Bush, Onassis, Brzezinski, Kissinger, Kennedy, Murdoch, Ackermann, Russel, Trump, Buffet, Sorros, McDonald, Merkel, Sarkozy, Bernanke, Greenspan, Gore, Clinton etc.

The following organizations serve the Old World Order: modern Freemasons (with a handful of notable exceptions who have retained the values of the original Freemasons), the Priesthood of AMEN, the Brotherhood of the Shadows, Skull and Bones, the Bullingdon Club, the Thule and Vril Societies, Bohemian Grove, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, B’nai B’rith, UNO, and NATO. There are many others – poodle organisations, bought and sold by their masters.

These groups manipulate politics, the economy, education, the media, the law, the military, public perception. They control our psychology. They make us buy into their “vision”.

How did the OWO get to where they now are? With the help of concentration camps, RFID chips, aliens and population reduction? Or with infinitely more elegant and lucrative methods that command our blind faith and allegiance? Never forget: the best slave is the one who thinks he’s free.

The methods the global elite use to maintain control over the people are:

1) De-mock-racy. You think you have a choice? Dream on. You can vote for whomever they choose to put in front of you. The candidates are carefully chosen by the Old World Order. Obama? – check out his list of corporate sponsors, including Goldman Sachs. His first chief of staff was the son of a Zionist terrorist. The OWO knew Obama was their boy, regardless of his rhetoric and background. A complete sellout. And, of course, if you didn’t get Obama then you would get Clinton instead. Call that a choice? Has your vote ever counted?

“If elections changed anything, they would be forbidden!” –Tucholsky

2) Free market capitalism

3) Psychology

4) Junk food and TV (bread and circuses)

5) Religion

6) Law

(The “law” is a playground for gangsters. Its purpose is to protect the interests of the elite. The last thing it serves is justice. Ordinary people don’t stand a chance. Everything is rigged. As Hildebrandt said, “It is not enough to have right. You also have to count in the legal system.”

7) Conspiracy theories

Many conspiracy theories are created and spread by the Old World Order to distract people and keep them busy with pointless, ridiculous nonsense. Instead of fighting against the global elite, many bloggers are obsessed with events that are never going to happen. They waste their time endlessly researching “chem trails” and the “orbit of Nibiru”. You won’t catch these people researching Pythagoras, Leibniz or Hegel – too much like hard work, too much like reality rather than fantasy.

Conspiracy theories belong to the landscape of Mythos rather than Logos. They are exciting stories, but have nothing to do with logic and reason. Most conspiracy theories are barking mad. That’s not to say that no one is conspiring – they certainly are – but there’s a clear difference between conspiracy theories based on the extent to which an elite group controls the media, as one example, and those that assert than pan-dimensional, shape-shifting lizard men are running around inside the hollow earth. The former is credible and rational, the second is for lunatics and the borderline psychotic. People who believe in the most outlandish of the conspiracy theories are actually suffering from mental illness, hence it is impossible to talk them out of their delusions.

8) The military and the police: the armed wing of the Old World Order, their bullyboys who enforce their will. All soldiers and police are traitors and enemies of the people.

The Fake Messiahs:

Who “saved” us from the global financial crisis? The very people who caused it. How did they save us? By piling vast debts onto us while making sure they kept their fat bonuses. They should be fired and in jail for their crimes against the people. They are legalised thieves who have stolen our money from right under our noses. Resist the controllers. Disobey their system. Show the elite they can kiss our asses. We don’t need to take this any longer. Don’t you want to be a knight sitting at the Round Table rather than a serf serving your lords and masters?

So are you going to continue your life as a “resource” or start the journey of becoming an authentic human being with a real contribution to make?

The Rigged System:

In the UK, the party of the privileged elite is the Conservative Party. Behind closed doors, Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron told senior City executives: “My father was a stockbroker; my grandfather was a stockbroker; my great-grandfather was a stockbroker.” Yes, David, we get the message loud and clear.

Cameron, who went to Eton, Oxford and was a member of the Bullingdon Club, is a person who owes everything to the background he comes from, yet he likes to say, “It’s not where we came from, it’s where we’re going that counts.” Of course, if he came from a housing project in one of the many deprived areas of the UK, he wouldn’t be going anywhere other than the local dole office. It’s incredible that the super rich are able, with a straight face, to deny that their background is in any way contributory to their success. Only a cretin would believe them.

Most of the donations to Cameron’s right-wing party come from hedge fund managers, financiers, bankers, private equity speculators, investment fund managers and stockbrokers. They are his paymasters and he dutifully does their bidding, not that he needs any prompting: their interests are his. His donors all come from the same background as he does. They are a hyper-efficient cartel feathering their own nests.

What we need is civic society, not selfish society. Some bankers and traders killed themselves at the height of the Wall Street crash in 1929. In 2008, the same type of people simply demanded higher bonuses. Many of the senior executives at Lehman Brothers were kept on at the taxpayers’ expense to unravel all of the financial positions of their bankrupt organisation. As “compensation”, they demanded bonuses as large as those they were receiving when times were good.

In other words, these guys know how to win whether their organisation is booming or is actually bust. In a healthy nation, they would have been told to clear up their own mess at their own expense or go to jail. Why should bankrupt bankers be allowed to dictate terms to the taxpayers? It’s insane. Which American taxpayers had any say in this? None! Whatever happened to no taxation without representation?

The bankers have set up a system akin to going to Vegas as high rollers and being given every pleasure and privilege the casino can offer. If they win, they keep all the profits. If they lose, they get us to pick up the tab. Nice work if you can get it!

Neil Barofsky, the US Treasury Department’s Inspector General, wrote, “We will end up in a similar or greater crisis in two, or five, or ten years’ time. It is hard to see how any of the fundamental problems have been addressed to date. [The bailouts] saved our financial system from driving off a cliff in 2008 [but] we are still driving on the same winding mountain road, but this time in a faster car.”

Another crash within ten years will signal the end of democratic capitalism. To avoid catastrophe, its replacement – meritocratic “public” capitalism based on public not private capital – must be standing ready in the wings.

The Kleptocracy:

The Old World Order run a corporate kleptocracy. They are always robbing us, exploiting us, manipulating us. The banks are a kleptocracy – government by thieves, stealing from the people.


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