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Academia Iluministă (22)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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Jiren Gray în Pythagorean Illuminism

Someone sent us the following questions about meritocracy:

I have just read your introduction to meritocracy on your website. In the main I agree with your ideas but I do have a few questions for you:

1. When you mention people being elected to the various offices by people who have experience in those areas, do you mean that the people of the country should be divided according to their profession and vote for the “leader of their profession”? If so, as both a payroll accountant and a special constable would I have two votes, one for the chancellor and one for the home office or would I choose? How about the unemployed person who has never worked and can claim no expertise in anything? Does he vote or not?

2. What about people who do not wish to contribute to society? A recent walk around Lewisham town centre showed stickers up on lampposts saying “Back to work? No thanks, hands off our benefits!” This shows that clearly there are large numbers of people who have no intention of working or contributing on any level. What would be done about them?

3. The only point I disagree with in your aims section is that of abolishing inheritance, while I see what you are trying to get at here, I do think that it is a parent’s responsibility and natural instinct to give as much as they can to their children. I know a person who opposes leaving anything to anyone, mainly because he does not like anyone on earth, even his partner and rightly or wrongly I feel utter pity and contempt for this person and this strengthens my belief in leaving your possessions and wealth to your nearest and dearest. However the society that is truly meritocratic is one that does not use money so in that society inheritance would naturally be pointless.

4. Would a meritocratic society ban paying for education in favour of increasing the standard of state education? If so then how would you handle the fact government funded organisations have become extremely inefficient and poor quality due to the fact they have no need for efficiency, in effect they are unnatural businesses because they cannot go bankrupt. As such they are mistrusted rightly by most people.

As I said at the start, I mainly agree with your ideas and so would be interested to hear your responses to my questions. We responded as follows:

1) Yes, you get to vote in all areas in which you have demonstrable knowledge and expertise. A person without any knowledge or expertise would not get a vote since any vote accorded to them could not be exercised in any meaningful way – it would be a random vote based on nothing but emotion and prejudice, hence would not be permitted in a meritocracy.

2) If everyone were given a chance and raised properly they would obviously wish to contribute. The sort of people to whom you are referring are the inevitable products of the type of society we have at the moment where a privileged elite control all aspects of society. The privileged elite care absolutely nothing for the people of Lewisham, and just let the area rot. When people are treated with contempt they become contemptible. Their consciousness becomes dictated by the shitty environment in which they exist. Our society deliberately generates people who are unfit to work because it has no intention of properly investing in them to give them a chance. It ensures they get no decent education, that they live in deprived ghettos and they have no realistic opportunities. To talk about them as if they were people who actively chose from birth to be lazy, inept and contribute nothing to society is frankly obscene. If Prime Minister David Cameron were raised in Lewisham, he would be putting stickers on lampposts too.

3) Then you are plainly not a meritocrat. The Society of Privilege is one where rich families pass on overwhelming financial advantage to their children, at the expense of all other children. You say that it is a natural instinct for parents to want to give as much as they can to their children. Well, parents who can offer no financial advantages to their children should therefore be as determined as possible to prevent any other parents from doing so. Only a complete fool takes part in a game he can never win. The UK is a two-tier society. 7% of the population are privately educated and they secure seventy percent of the best jobs in the country. The 93% who are state-educated have to fight for the remaining 30% of good jobs. Anyone who subscribes to a system in which they are a second-class citizen is stupid. Any parent who cares for his children should wish to ensure above all else that they have a fair chance in life and are not second-class citizens. Any parent who allows his children to be denied the opportunities that are afforded to the children of rich parents is unfit to be a parent. Any good parent must demand 100% inheritance tax in order to ensure an unrigged system, fair to all, where the rich can’t buy success. Only in this way can all poor parents hand on as “much as they can” to their children. They are defending their children’s interests by ensuring that they have a level playing field. If they can’t pass on assets they can at least pass on fairness, justice, and equal opportunities.

4) It automatically follows that private education would be abolished. All systems of privilege would be abolished. Anything that permits the rich to use money to buy advantages unavailable to others would be abolished. Only in this way can true meritocracy ever arise. The central focus of a meritocratic government would be education. It would be the axis around which everything revolved and evolved. The meritocratic government’s primary responsibility is to ensure the best possible education for every citizen, to ensure that the potential of each student is maximised.

Government-funded organisations are inept because they are designed to be. The function of a society based on privilege is the maintenance of the privileged Elite. Thus our society succeeds perfectly in this regard. The state sector is nothing but a sausage factory to churn out compliant drones. It has no focus whatever on quality and excellence, hence is always inefficient and ineffective. In a meritocracy geared towards quality and excellence, anyone who is not up to the task would be fired instantly. All aspects of society would be continually monitored regarding quality and excellence and anything that was failing would be shut down and replaced with something of merit.

In a society of merit rather than privilege, there would be no hiding places for the unmeritorious. Everyone, from Day One, would be raised meritocratically and be fully culturally attuned with the aims of delivering the highest quality and excellence, and to recognise and condemn the unmeritorious automatically.

At Eton (the most elite private school in the world), all pupils have the highest possible expectations for their futures. In state schools in Lewisham, kids are prepared for a life of failure and zero expectations. Our entire national culture and social make-up has failure built in.

Yes, the ultimate aim of a meritocracy is to abolish money, thus rendering inheritance obsolete.

The choice is simple – a society of privilege such as we have now, or a meritocracy where privilege is destroyed and everyone starts the race of life from the same starting position. The most meritorious will win the race because of their talent and not because of the identity and wealth of their parents.

Meritocracy is not any kind of woolly, soft, liberal, caring, sharing ideology. It is radical, tough, hard, ambitious, demanding and it has the greatest expectations of people, which they are expected to fulfil. The lazy, snivelling and inept won’t be able to hide in a meritocracy. Meritocracy is an ideology of excellence and quality. It is explicitly intended and designed to be the best possible system for promoting human achievement and glory. The talented, the hard working, the geniuses, the movers and shakers will all be acclaimed and rewarded.

But one thing is certain – none of them will come from backgrounds of privilege because systematic privilege, the deliberate rigging of the system to favour the Elite, will be illegal since it contradicts the fundamental basis of a meritocracy.

We were then asked some follow-up questions:

You certainly have interesting opinions. I do like the idea of a fully meritocratic system with no money as an end goal, if that were to be brought in of course inheritance would become pointless. The system that is proposed seems to value knowledge over all other things, how about soldiers and other members of the armed forces? Where are they in the system as the key qualities in a private soldier is physical ability and following orders, not qualities one associates with a system that seems to revolve around everyone striving towards self-improvement. I am interested in what forms of merit are prized most in the meritocratic society proposed.

What sort of voting system do you propose? I have considered this in the past and had many debates with friends about the idea of a meritocratic system, if there was an established system in place then who would assess people’s knowledge? Would it be a case of you either have a vote or you do not or would someone like my Father, an accountant of more than 30 years’ experience have more of a say in who runs the country’s economy than someone with 2 years’ experience?

I agree that education is one of the most important things in a person’s life and I totally see what you are saying about people having low expectations of people from certain backgrounds. I think this is something that has come in over the last 20 years or so and has definitely led to a negative change in society. How would you propose improving education and at the same time making it free? We unfortunately do live in a very money driven society at the moment and I know that many of the better teachers teach in private education because the money is better. It is an interesting problem to be sure.

Please do not take offence at any of my comments, I very much enjoy all kinds of debate and often challenge ideas because I am interested in the discussion. I am very interested in the Meritocratic Party’s ideas, particularly as you took the time to write me such a long reply.

Our reply.

We have no regard for soldiers or police. They are the puppets of the elite. They would be replaced by a New Model Army and New Model Police Service based on merit and intelligence. The idea that stupid, obedient grunts who spend their whole lives obeying orders make the best soldiers is laughable. A smart army, better equipped, with enormously more initiative and education will make mincemeat of a dumb army no matter how disciplined and obedient to orders the latter might be. The killing fields of WWI just threw dumb soldiers’ lives away. Their discipline and ability to obey orders got them slaughtered.

Nothing like that could ever happen to a Smart Army.

A newly qualified accountant could easily be much smarter than someone with 30 years’ experience. When it comes to experience, have you had the same experience a thousand times, or a thousand different experiences? A meritocratic vote would be based on qualifications alone, but no weighting would apply because a genius would then be worth more votes than all the rest put together, and we don’t want to construct a new elite based on a handful of people. Voting is a trivial issue. People get a vote depending on the possession of a suitable qualification or a relevant job. No relevant job, no relevant qualification? – then no vote in that particular area.

All voting would take place online.

Psychology would become the guiding force of the education system. People would be classified according to their Myers-Briggs personality type and given the education appropriate to that type.

There are sixteen MB types, so there would be sixteen separate education systems, tailor-made and optimised for the people of each type, ensuring that no one feels alienated from the education system. We also seek to ensure that everyone gets the “10,000” hours thoughts to be needed to make them experts in a chosen field.

The new education system will initially be paid for by the proceeds of the 100% inheritance tax – which will reallocate the wealth of the privileged elite to the education of the people. As time goes on, the country will be vastly richer because it will be producing optimised, self-actualised citizens making the best possible contribution. The enormous “cost of failure” that plagues our society will be a thing of the past, and all of the money can be redirected to education and social excellence. GDP will grow by leaps and bounds in a smart, meritocratic society.

Frankly, we’re not a debating society and we’re not interested in people “challenging” us. Our system is a trillion times superior to anything that presently exists and the only “challenging” that takes place should be of the existing order of complete failure. Why don’t you “challenge” David Cameron and Nick Clegg, those two ultra-privileged millionaires running the UK?

None of your questions has caused us any pause for your thought, and you could easily have worked out the answers for yourself. Anyway, thank you for your interest, but we doubt that you will be someone making any serious contribution to a meritocratic future. There are people who want to make a difference and there are people who want to ask questions and accomplish nothing, and you’re one of the latter type.



Our reply may seem rude and harsh, but we are tired of people who simply want to pick away at everything we say. We have made well over five million words publicly available. No one who has read that material can be in any doubt regarding our general position. Sure, many details can be challenged, expanded, teased out and clarified, but that can be done when meritocracy is up and running. It will never be up and running if we get permanently bogged down with the “debaters”. Meritocrats must be people of action. They can’t be those who want to sit around all day long, stroking their chins thoughtfully while Rome burns.

In any case, meritocracy is astoundingly simple and requires no elaborate debates. It is about taking the measures necessary to ensure that the race of life is conducted fairly, without any possibility of being rigged, so that the winners are those who have earned their victory through glorious achievements that illuminate humanity, rather than those who have simply been given victory because they were born into privilege.

The appropriate measures – such as 100% inheritance tax – may be highly controversial but that’s because selfishness and privilege are ingrained in people’s minds and, deep down, most people would love to be able to rig the system in their own favour. That’s the central reason why the Old World Order have endured for so long; they are simply doing what the ordinary family dreams of doing.

To implement meritocracy means to bring about a revolution in human behaviour. It means, ultimately, that people must place the General Will over their particular will, the community over their own selfish desires. History has proved that human beings will do anything to secure their personal advantage. They will lie, cheat, steal, kill, exploit, enslave, manipulate, con and conspire to be top dog. And just look at the world those things have bequeathed to us.

Meritocracy is about accomplishment, creativity, a celebration of the human spirit and the exploration and maximisation of human potential. It’s not about shopping, instant gratification, getting one over your neighbours, fake status, or being King Rat in the grubby rat race of capitalist materialism. Nor is it about bowing and kneeling to “God”.

Meritocracy is about human excellence, not wealth. The super rich will have no place in a meritocratic nation since their wealth represents an intrinsic attack on equality of opportunity. The most meritorious will be handsomely rewarded, but never to the extent of becoming a separate species, as the super rich are. Meritocracy is about the journey to divinity, not the obsessive accumulation of riches and property. The dismal chapter in human history of greedy people continually grasping for more gold will at last be over. The new gold will be the human race itself as it transforms itself from base metal into God.

Meritocracy is nothing other than the rational attempt to eliminate all of the ways that people seek to use to game the system in their favour, regardless of talent. Ability does not flourish of its own accord. It has to be protected and nurtured, and its greatest enemy is privilege.

You have a simple question to ask yourself. Are you for merit or privilege? Should the rich be allowed to use their money and power to set up a system that guarantees their victory? What need is there for any debate? The question couldn’t be simpler. Are you prepared to fight privilege or not? If you are, don’t send us questions; tell us what you’re doing to change the world. If you’re on the side of merit then do something meritorious. Make a difference. Make sure the privileged can’t get away with it any longer.


The pillars of a meritocracy are: equality of opportunity, equality before the law and equal rights, but not equality of outcomes (which is a variable based on talent, creativity and hard work).

A society of privilege is a fundamental breach of the three pillars of equality. You cannot have equal opportunity in a rigged system in which the privileged have arranged every advantage for themselves. You cannot have equality before the law if the privileged elite are able to buy the law and use it for their own benefit. You cannot have equal rights if you are a second-class citizen in a two-tier society – which is what you get when people are divided into the privileged and unprivileged. The elite are the top tier, the first class citizens. The word “equality” in their mouths is an obscenity, yet rich politicians never tire of telling us that we are all equal and we’re all in it together.

What a sick joke, and it’s incredible that we continue to fall for it rather than getting rid of these hypocritical clowns. No one should use the word “equality” unless they are seen to be creating a system that actually delivers it in a meaningful way. Meritocracy is wholly committed to establishing the three pillars of equality. Only from this platform of equality are any unequal outcomes moral and just – because they have arisen through differences in merit and nothing else. Every person born into this world should know that everything is open to them if they are talented and hard-working enough to achieve it. There will be no invisible curtain drawn across the world that allows the privileged through and repels everyone else.

Be under no illusion – if you are not born into privilege in this world, you are not equal before the law, you have no equal rights and no equal opportunities. You are the loser in a game rigged against you from the outset, and only a person living in bad faith, or with a false consciousness, would continue to play a game that others are guaranteed to win. How can you consider yourself free when you know that others have manipulated the world to suit themselves? What does your “freedom” consist of? – being the stooge, the sucker, the patsy?

If you are a person of any quality, you must demand the end of this game and the creation of a brand new one, with a set of rules that gives you the same chance of winning as anyone else. There can be no privileged players for whom the rules have been specially constructed. Do not vote for or support any political party that is not committed to giving you an equal chance in the game of life. Rhetoric is not enough. Western politicians are forever spouting forth on the virtues of freedom and democracy, and saying how everyone is equal. In truth, we have freedumb and dumbocracy, and the reality of “equality” is that we are all equal but some of us are “more equal” than others i.e. we are not equal at all.

It’s a crime to accept the lies and hypocrisy of the privileged elite. It’s unacceptable. It’s an insult to yourself. It makes you a slave and a fool. Any self-respecting human being who becomes conscious that there is a privileged elite running the world in its own interests, of which he is not part, MUST fight back. You simply should not tolerate any system that is rigged against you.

Meritocracy II:

Meritocracy sees humans as individuals, not as resources. It strives to offer maximum freedom, achieved by raising healthy, well-educated and psychologically sane people. A meritocratic government doesn’t care about skin colour, sex, religion, nationality, status, name of your family or connections. Only your talents count.

Meritocracy awards the top jobs to only the most skilful workers, as recognised by their colleagues. Money or status can’t buy you top posts. The meritocratic state supports everyone in the quest of finding his true talents with which he can most benefit himself and society. A good government provides people with everything they need to lay the foundations for a fulfilling life. State and religion must be separated.

Everyone has his own relationship with God and doesn’t need state “religions” bitching over rules and dogmas. There can be no “faith” schools, and absurd ideologies such as Creationism will be judged as foolish and crazy as teaching that the earth is flat.

Abolish democracy.
Abolish the big banks.
Abolish the current legal system and replace it with a system of proper justice.
Abolish all those companies trying to poison us with cheap junk.
Abolish the private schools where the “elite” are given an exclusive education denied to the rest of us.

The great events of history usually originated in meetings behind closed doors, to which we had absolutely no access. Public debates typically begin as private agendas of the powerful, who then want to make the rest of us comply with what they want. It wouldn’t do for us to find out the truth, would it? It wouldn’t do for all of the board meetings of Goldman Sachs to be publicly televised, would it? Power, manipulation and the profit agenda demand the strictest secrecy.

The elitist, secretive and cabalistic pyramid structure of society has failed. All of the wealth and power is in the hands of the monsters sitting at the apex. They lock themselves inside luxurious, gated communities where they don’t have to mix with the likes of us. They despise us. They think we’re stupid, dirty, talentless, pointless, fit only to bow to them and serve their every whim. But they are parasites. We do all of the work and they take all of the money. If the base of the pyramid grows feet and runs away, the apex will collapse. Stand up and tell the Old World Order the word they most fear: “NO”!

Say No to the OWO. Say Yes to Freedom. A new dawn is coming. There are new stars in the sky. This is our time now. Prepare for government.

Social Mobility:

In any healthy society, people born into any circumstances, no matter how grim, would be able to rise to the top if they were hard working and talented enough. This is what social mobility is all about. You can easily move from one social class to another, and that includes downwards as well as upwards i.e. inept people born into rich families can be downwardly mobile because they aren’t talented enough to maintain their social position. In most Western countries in the last few decades, since the era of the super rich inaugurated by the evil monsters Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the USA, social mobility has gone into a steep decline and even into full reverse. Super wealth inevitably leads to massive privilege. Privilege is the deadly enemy of social mobility. Privilege is ABOUT ensuring that the rich stay rich and no one else gets admitted to the charmed circle. If you want increased social mobility you must support meritocracy and destroy privilege. Destroying privilege means attacking excessive private wealth.

It’s possible to analyse the whole of history according to the balance between private and public wealth. The elite have always been those with private wealth and in master-slave systems they have enjoyed 100% of the wealth – the slaves have none. That’s their ideal model. Systems such as communism have gone to the opposite extreme and attempted to abolish private wealth. Monarchies, oligarchies, feudal systems and dictatorships have concentrated wealth in a few hands. Socialism, democracy (as practised in the ancient world) and “people’s movements” have tried to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor. Robin Hood is the hero of redistribution – he took from the rich to give to the poor (Ayn Rand despised Robin Hood, unsurprisingly). History has been the never-ending conflict between these different ideologies, all of which have been concerned with the degree of private wealth that is sensible and healthy. Rightwingers are those who advocate extreme levels of private wealth and left-wingers are those who want an enormously more equal distribution of wealth. So are you on the left or the right?

Liberal centrists are those who don’t want the rich to be too rich, but also oppose any attempts to forcibly remove it from them – this approach tends to support the status quo, hence is a disguised rightwing stance. Many right-wingers are happy to adopt the rhetoric of centrist liberals because it allows them to keep their wealth while making the right noises towards the poor. A perfect example of all the ills of capitalism and privilege is found in a most unexpected place: European football. The rich football clubs just keep getting richer and richer, and they keep taking steps to increase their wealth, invariably at the expense of poorer clubs. There is no regulator to rein them back. Each top football league in Europe contains around 18 teams, two or three of which tend to be utterly dominant, winning between them all of the available trophies year in and year out. The other teams are just fodder for them, with no hope of winning.

The successful teams attract more and more fans precisely because of their success (everyone wants to back the winner), hence their revenues are continually growing, and the gap between them and the others is continually widening. More people come to watch the big teams and buy their merchandise, which even include things like credit cards, and they get a much higher share of TV rights because much bigger audiences watch them. They get vast amounts of sponsorship money from corporate brands that want to associate themselves with success, and they also get vast amounts of money for winning the competitions they enter.

Apart from the domestic leagues that they dominate, the top European teams qualify to play in an elite league – the European Champions’ League – where they play directly against each other, thus earning even more money. The poor, unsuccessful teams have no chance at all of ever qualifying for this rich man’s league. The top teams are able to pay their players and managers obscenely large amounts of money, so any good player for a “little” team automatically want to transfer to the rich clubs. Thus you end up with the perfect system of elitism and privilege, the winner-takes-all paradigm. Little teams have no chance at all. They can never win anything. They can’t compete. There is no social mobility whatever – no poor teams ever rise to the top league.

Even within the elite group, there are enormous differences. Real Madrid, the richest club in the world, earns more than twice as much as Juventus, the tenth richest club i.e. its income is more than 100% greater. Most clubs in Europe have an income around a hundredth to a twentieth of Real Madrid’s. How can they possibly compete? European football has killed competition in order to pander to the elite. This is always what happens when no one stands up to the rich. The situation is now irreversible, meaning that only a Revolution can effect any change.

The winner-takes-all paradigm is incredibly simple. The winners, because they are winners, get more of everything. They get more fans, bigger TV audiences, higher merchandising sales, a higher media profile. They attract the best players and managers, which ensures that they become even more successful. Slowly but surely competition dies and the elite teams have a complete monopoly on success, and thus the “virtuous cycle of winning” starts all over again, at an even more lucrative level.

European football is the shining beacon of absolute capitalism and privilege, the unchallenged rule of the elite. It has becoming sickening to watch – arrogant multi-millionaires strutting around a field. Ticket prices are so expensive that regular fans can’t even afford to go to the games any more. Football was once the sport of the working man. Now it’s the rich man’s chosen sport. Many billionaires have bought football clubs because they want a slice of this incredible action. European football is the least regulated sport on earth. It is ultra-capitalism in action, and it is nauseating. Just like religion, it attracts billions of poorly educated suckers and losers who try desperately to associate themselves with success. The footballing stars are like gods, staring down from enormous billboards all over the world. They are practically worshipped. Every young man aspires to be them. They get all the hottest women, all the best treatment, and mind-boggling amounts of money for kicking a plastic sphere around a field. European football has become the symbol of everything that is worst in the human condition. Every decent person should boycott it.

The Ideal Economy:

What features should the perfect economy have? One thing is certain: it must be based on competition. Soviet communism was a disaster because its economic backbone comprised state monopolies that were lazy, bloated, inefficient; where everyone, no matter how inept, was guaranteed a job for life and where there was no regard for whether there was any market for the goods being produced. There was no innovation, no interest in customers. Prices were fixed. Committees and bureaucracies ran everything. While communism suffers from monopolies, capitalism is plagued by oligopolies – powerful cartels that rig the market between them. All steps must be taken to avoid both monopolies and oligopolies. Competition should be fair, transparent and intelligently regulated. Fair, free markets are, for the most part, excellent mechanisms for deciding which companies are doing best competitively.

Unfortunately, most markets are rigged and information distribution is massively weighted in favour of certain players who get to hear important news before everyone else, hence can make a killing before anyone else has a chance to react. Insider trading is rife. Moreover, the market is geared up for short-term instant gratification rather than long-term investment. It’s driven by cycles of greed (boom) and fear (bust). Excessive exuberance or extreme panic can grip the market and cause chaos.

So, much more thought has to go into constructing sensible markets. The same information must be available at the same time to everyone. All insider trading must result in long jail terms. Anyone who participates in cartels must be imprisoned. All market players should be educated about the dangers of making decisions when gripped by fear or greed. Science and psychology are making great progress in relation to understanding irrational, impulse-driven decisions that people live to regret. Forewarned is forearmed. People can be trained to avoid the decisions they typically take when seized by frenzy. If markets can be tamed, they can be invaluable to an economy. Untamed markets, on the other hand, are potentially catastrophic and nothing which is so potentially destabilising can be left uncontrolled and unregulated.

Public rather than private capitalism (meaning that publicly accountable individuals are in charge of the vast bulk of a country’s capital) will signal the end of the extreme risk-taking, excessive bonuses and moral hazard all too evident in today’s horrific version of capitalism. Public capitalism could just as easily be called socialist capitalism or capitalist socialism. The central idea is that the best features of capitalism are combined with the best of socialism, while the worst features of both are omitted. If capitalism is the thesis and socialism the antithesis then socialist capitalism is the synthesis.

The Old World Order hate all mention of the word socialism because they know it means the end of their domination. As soon as you understand that socialism is nothing more than entrusting the wealth of the nation to society, to the people, rather than to a small elite of super rich and super privileged private individuals, you instantly become baffled by the hatred that so many Americans, for example, have towards socialism. Then you realise how brilliantly they have been brainwashed. These people have a false consciousness. They have completely bought into the vision sold to them by their masters, and they have become supremely hostile to their own self-interest. Untamed capitalism is a winner-takes-all ideology. What is needed is an everyone-wins system.

In the USA, between 2002 and 2007, 65% of all income growth went to the top 1% of the population. In other words, the rich just kept paying themselves more and more, and fuck everyone else. Who was going to stop them? The richest 1% of Americans hold 38% of private wealth, while the bottom 90% hold 73% of all debt. The top 10% possess 80% of all financial assets. Wall Street benefits and pay reached a record $135 billion in 2010. One in three white households will benefit from a substantial inheritance compared with only one in ten black households.

Isn’t it time for some sensible socialism to be added to free-market capitalism? What rational person could possibly object given the catastrophic credit crunch caused by the greed of the super rich and the lack of government regulation? Moreover, the great economic success story of the present day isn’t capitalist America but Communist China. The Americans were too dumb to add socialism to capitalism while the Chinese had the good sense to add capitalism to communism. They looked at what went wrong with the Soviet Union, learned the lesson with astounding speed, and changed their system.

Now that’s smart! We are entering the age of Chinese dominance unless everyone else gets just as smart. The Chinese have won and America has lost. Unless America gets with the program – combining socialism and capitalism – it will be completely out of the game in a few decades. But are Americans clever and flexible enough to change their ways, as the Chinese have done, or are they ideological fanatics incapable of changing their behaviour? The Republicans, the Ayn Randists, the anarcho-capitalist libertarians, the Christian Fundamentalists and the Tea Party have made it clear that they would die rather than accept any form of socialism. They want to supercharge capitalism rather than rein it back. They haven’t learned a thing. They will drag America to perdition if they are allowed to have their way.

China is now the example to follow, not America. The USA is yesterday’s news. It can’t keep up with the times, with the new thinking required for the modern world. It is committed to fanatical capitalist ideology rather than sensible dialectical progression. RIP America. Everyone is better off subscribing to a Commonwealth rather than a system of private wealth held by a handful of leviathans. Pure socialism and pure capitalism are both disastrous, both driven by ideology rather than dialectical progress, but their synthesis provides a sensible launch pad for the type of economic development that will eventually lead us to the technology-based, money-free, advanced economy of the future.


“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” –Harriet Tubman

So, what we have described is the Illuminati’s notorious “New World Order” that you’ve heard so much about over the years. Here’s what it guarantees:

The end of privilege.
The end of the super rich.
The end of the Old World Order and all privileged elites.
The end of Party politics and political lobbying.
The end of private capitalism.
The end of private banking (i.e. banking controlled by private institutions and individuals).
The end of Abrahamism.
The end of media moguls.
The end of the abuse, mutilation and brainwashing of children.
The end of existing armies, police forces and intelligence services that are the creatures of the elite and the enemies of the people.
The end of all cartels and private networks of families, relatives, cronies, co-religionists, fellow Masons etc.
Equality of Opportunity.
Equality before the law.
Genuine equal rights immune from privilege.
Public capitalism.
Public banking.
Dialectical politics.
A New Model Army and Police Service based on intelligence and psychology rather than brute force.
Tailor-made, psychology-based schools and academies.
10,000 hours to become an expert in your chosen field.

This is no pipe dream. This is a hard-nosed political, philosophical, social and psychological program designed to dialectically perfect the human race. It is grounded in reason, logic and the tried and tested scientific method, humanity’s most successful instrument of progress. So are you for or against us? Will you continue to support the OWO or fight and campaign to overthrow them? Will you support Henry Makow, Alex Jones, David Icke, the anarcho-capitalist libertarians, Ayn Randists and 9/11 “Truthers”? Or will you support Reason, Hope, Genuine Change and the Dialectical progression of the human race to its pre-ordained Omega Point? Your choice.

The New World Order is the answer to all of the world’s ills. Through the NWO, the Venus Project and the Star Trek vision will come to fruition. There is no other way. The future is in your hands. Will you stick with what you have or seek a brand new world that has learned all the lessons of the past? Now you can understand why the anarcho-capitalist libertarians, the Abrahamists and the Old World Order hate the Illuminati and the New World Order and have waged an endless propaganda war against us, even to the extent of roping in people like David Icke with his Illuminati-Reptilian tall tales. You would be amazed at just how many people think that the Illuminati are shape-shifting, pan-dimensional lizard people from Nibiru!

All of these people hate us for a simple reason: they know we represent the end of their world. We will bring the curtain down on their corrupt, evil, Satanic regime that has enslaved the world for so long. Anyone who opposes the New World Order is an enemy of the people and a friend and ally of the Old World Order and their tyrannical rule. The New World Order is a blueprint for a new world.

A new religion.
A new politics.
A new economics.
A Transformation.
An alchemical transmutation.
A true Revolution.
The only Revolution.
The Revolution that completes the dialectical journey of humanity.

The Venus Project is the ultimate New World Order.

Are you for it or against it?

We are the plan.
We are the answer.
We are the future.
We are the Dialectic.
We are the New World Order.

Watch the three Zeitgeist movies. Understand the way forward.

Zeitgeist: www.youtube.com/watch?v=guXirzknYYE
Zeitgeist Addendum: www.youtube.com/watch?v=EewGMBOB4Gg
Zeitgeist Moving Forward: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z9WVZddH9w

The Hip Hop Party:

“Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.” –Hegel

New ways of doing things can never arise from the existing ruling regime. They are entrenched in their corrupt ways, their networks of influence, their vested interests. Salvation must come only from those who have never been tainted by association with the established order. There is a popular, radical culture that stands outside the ruling regime – Hip Hop. Why shouldn’t Hip Hop become explicitly political; in fact why shouldn’t it become a political party ready to challenge the establishment parties? Why shouldn’t Congress be full of Hip Hoppas rather than Democrats and Republics? Hip Hop is already a thriving phenomenon with global cultural influence. Now it simply needs to take one step further and become a political party. There’s nothing to stop Hip Hop being a global party, a worldwide People’s Movement to oppose the Elite in each and every country of the world.

The nature of Hip Hop precludes it from being taken over and ruled by the Old World Order. Hence it becomes the perfect vehicle for new political ideas, voices and leaders. Hip Hop, being the product of black consciousness, is the authentic voice of the outsider, of the dispossessed, the persecuted, the “Other”. If Hip Hop became the ruling paradigm, it would invert all of the old, elitist power structures. It would unquestionably be committed to helping those who have previously been ignored and abused. Many African American political movements of the past were essentially communist, hence were an easy target for the generally right-wing American mindset. However, if Hip Hop espouses meritocracy then it becomes invulnerable to such attacks. The Elite like to think of themselves as the ultimate meritocrats – so they are the last people on earth who could ever condemn a meritocratic political party. That is their Achilles’ heel, the means by which they will be slain despite their apparent immortality.

The Elite defend their wealth on the basis that they are allegedly the most meritorious, hence fully deserving of immense rewards. However, what they can’t deny is that their immense wealth leads to unprecedented privilege – the opposite of meritocracy. You can’t be a supporter of meritocracy if you are also a supporter of privilege. The great Scottish-American philanthropist Andrew Carnegie (once the richest man in the world) realised the essential truth of this. He said, “By taxing estates heavily at death the state marks its condemnation of the selfish millionaire’s unworthy life. It is desirable that nations should go much further in this direction. Indeed, it is difficult to set bounds to the share of the rich man’s estate which should go at his death to the state, and by all means such taxes should be graduated, beginning at nothing upon moderate sums to dependents, and increasing rapidly as the amounts swell.” Carnegie was strongly of the opinion that enormous legacies to children were harmful to those children. More importantly, they are harmful to the State because they provide an unfair, anti-competitive advantage to some people, thus transgressing the Meritocratic Principle.

If the world’s richest man can come to this inevitable logical conclusion then every other rich person can hardly fail to see it too. They all know, deep down, that their wealth and privilege make them the enemies, not the friends, of meritocracy. So, to have a meritocratic world of equal opportunity – the best possible world – the wealthy must be subject to Carnegie’s Law: 100% inheritance tax, the transfer of all of a person’s assets at death to the Commonwealth where it will be invested in the people rather than in the privileged friends and relatives of the deceased.

Carnegie said, “The man who dies rich dies disgraced.” This is the motto of meritocracy. Meritocracy does not condemn wealth per se, but it certainly condemns wealth being passed on for the private rather than the public good. Such a process is, as Carnegie said, a disgrace, and should be made illegal.

The logic of meritocracy demands the implementation of the Carnegie Law, and no rich person could ever convincingly argue against that logic if he claims to be on the side of merit. No meritocrat could tolerate a system that confers riches on those who have done nothing other than be related to the meritorious. To become rich because of someone else’s efforts rather than your own is anathema.

True Hip Hop has no connection with privilege (although certain Hip Hop stars have unfortunately proved remarkably receptive to the blandishments of capitalism). Hip Hoppas are those who have had to fight the forces of privilege. Hip Hop is therefore the natural friend and ally of meritocracy. So hasn’t the time come for a multi-ethnic, international, meritocratic Hip Hop Party to challenge the ruling Elite once and for all? What young, idealistic, visionary, radical, passionate revolutionary wouldn’t want to vote for the Hip Hop Party? – the Party of the Global Revolution, of the New World Order, of the True World Order. Overthrow the old religions, the old elites, the old economic systems, the old ways of doing things. Revalue all values – to a Hip Hop soundtrack.

The Hip Hop Party.
The Meritocratic Party.
The Party of Reason.
The Party of Light.
The Party with a Plan.
The Party ready to assume control.

Hip Hop – the Revolution starts here. Hip Hop – the Soundtrack of the Revolution. Vote for the Hip Hop Party. Vote for a Hip Hop President. Vote for Freedom. Hip Hop – the Hero’s Journey. The Movement – the name of the all-encompassing phenomenon that will change the world in the next decade. The meritocratic Hip Hop Party – the political wing of The Movement. Hip Gnosis – the religious wing of The Movement, the latest incarnation of Illuminism, the sacred mission to make humanity divine, to lead the human race to the Omega Point of evolution; the project to become God. The name “Hip Hop Party” automatically differentiates it from all previous political parties. The name represents a decisive break with the dead past. The name terrifies the elite, the establishment, the privileged in-crowd.

Hip Hop is about a new way of looking at the world, at giving those who had no chance in the ancien régime, the best possible opportunities. They will go as far as their talents take them, and there will be no discrimination to hold them back. Hip Hop is an African American idea and is the authentic voice of those who have suffered the worst treatment in human history. What could be more just and right than that Hip Hoppas should take the most prominent roles in leading the world out of the darkness to which the Judaeo-Christians, the Muslims and the caste system of Hinduism have led us?

The Illuminati are predominantly white but, like African Americans, we know all about being persecuted, being the outsiders, knowing that it would take a miracle to beat the establishment. Yet the age of miracles is at hand, thanks to one thing: technology and, in particular, the internet. This is the tool that the people can use to bypass the gatekeepers and “official channels” that the elite have always used to control the world. Egypt – full of bicameral Muslims enslaved by the Koran – was able to use the internet to organise the overthrow of a dictator. Within a decade, Phase II will come – the overthrow of the Book of Slavery – the Koran itself. The time is ripe for the Book of Freedom – for the Gospel of Hip Gnosis, the new global religion for a free, intelligent, conscious humanity, liberated from ancient books of madness and evil. The Devil is losing his grip on our world.


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