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Academia Iluministă (24)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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Jiren Gray în Pythagorean Illuminism

Family versus Community:

“The family looks inward upon itself; there is an intensification of emotional stress between husband and wife, and parents and children. The strain is greater than most of us can bear. Far from being the basis of a good society, the family is the source of all of our discontents.” –Anthropologist Edmund Leach

Governments never talk about it, but there is actually a huge tension between the nuclear family and the wider community. The nuclear family is anti-communitarian. Houses for nuclear families are small, anti-social units where all sorts of neuroses can grow unchecked. The nature of these isolated social units is such as to create a “them and us” mentality. Families become dog-eat-dog units, ruthlessly pursuing self-interest and with no regard for community. Is this healthy? And what happens when parents get divorced and the family fragments? Because it ignored community, it now has no social network and support system to fall back on. Many such families have to turn to the welfare state instead, at great expense to the taxpayers. The present leaders of the world are creating a disjointed, fragmented, mentally ill society. There’s no solidarity, no community, no physical social networking (only the cyber variety).

The nuclear family is the sanctification of negative liberty, and any attempt by a party of positive liberty to change the world necessitates putting the family at the heart of the process of radical transformation. The three “Rebooting Laws” all target the family. You can only have a new society if you have a new model of the family.


“DH” drew our attention to container housing projects and new types of sustainable, modular, flexible homes. We are in urgent need of a whole new approach to housing. Our best designers should be tasked with producing housing projects that come with integrated solar panels, wind turbines, ways of collecting rainwater, waste recycling facilities, fibre optic cabling for high speed internet access etc. We need visionary, economic, sustainable, eco-friendly community projects.

Rather than small family units shutting themselves away from each other, we need community housing that encourages sociability, cooperation and solidarity. We could allocate people to communal housing projects based on the compatibility of their Myers-Briggs personality types and their hobbies. Imagine being surrounded by likeminded people enthusiastic about the same things that thrill you rather than by complete strangers with nothing in common and with habits and beliefs that irritate the hell out of you. Where we live is one of the most important factors in our life, so shouldn’t we put a hell of a lot more care and consideration into it? Wouldn’t you like to find friends for life in your local environment? We can make it happen in a Smart Society based on psychology.

The more you are integrated with your community, the more altruistic and happier you will be. You will have friends, allies and collaborators everywhere.

One of the main aims of a meritocracy is to move society away from the dominance of a small, elite super rich ownership class – the classic capitalist model – and towards social ownership whereby the people own the means of production and benefit from the profits, which are then reinvested in the development of the people rather than being appropriated by private individuals for their own benefit.

We advocate collaboration, communitarianism, mutualism, group ownership. We advocate cooperatives and syndicates. Groups and communities should be given vastly more support and importance than rich individuals. Imagine a world where all companies are run by their workers and not by the bosses, where the workers vote on strategy, finance, who gets paid what, who gets promoted, who runs the business. In other words, we replace the current hierarchical, pyramidal model of business where the Old World Order are at the apex and where everyone else dances to their tune in a rigid, authoritarian system in which workers are forced to be deferential, compliant and docile. The new model must be a meritocratic Round Table system where the workers all take part in the decision making process, and those who have the most meritorious ideas which command the greatest support are the ones who drive the company forward.

Every worker will have a stake in the company. The more successful the company is, the more successful each worker will be. Everyone gets a just share of the profits, rather than the profits all being channelled upwards to the capitalist bosses. Everyone should love going to work, should feel valued and productive, should know that their voice will be heard and that any good ideas will be taken up and implemented.

In our capitalist world, all but the bosses are alienated from their work. We need a new world where people love their work because they experience genuine fulfilment through it. No one should be alienated from an activity that takes up a third to a half of their day. It’s folly and madness to be in a job you hate, and society should place immense effort into getting you into employment you love.

Nobel Prizes:

The USA, UK, Germany and France have won the most Nobel Prizes. Relative to the size of its population, the UK is the most successful Nobel nation. 22% of recipients of the Nobel Prize have been from Jewish backgrounds, from a global Jewish population of just 0.2%. However, none of the Jewish winners have been Orthodox Jews with beards, strange hair, funny hats and dark suits. They have all been liberal Jews and many of them were or are in fact atheists, agnostics or deists – certainly not followers of Yahweh. The vast majority have been from America. The lesson to be learned is that, in academic circles if not in its general dumbed-down culture, America provides an excellent intellectual environment for minority groups such as the Jews (and increasingly the Chinese) who have a very strong work ethic and devotion to education.

Muslims have won staggeringly few Nobel Prizes – in fact, it has been said that only three or four observant Muslims have won. The reason for such a catastrophic failure is simple. Islam is a retarded religion with utter contempt for education, intelligence and rationality. Groups such as the Taliban – the standard-bearers of Islamism – have the same level of intelligence as desert tribes of 1400 years ago. They haven’t evolved one iota. If you want to be stupid become a Muslim. If you want to be intelligent get as far away from Islam as possible. Smart people sign up to smart religions and philosophies. The most intelligent religion on earth bar none is Illuminism. Illuminism is the Grand Unified Theory of Everything. It is packed with the highest possible mathematical, scientific, philosophical, psychological and religious knowledge. The average Muslim couldn’t get past page 1 of the Book of Illuminism. That’s just a fact. It’s not because Muslims are inherently stupid – it’s because their religion makes them stupid.

There’s nothing sadder than seeing human beings cursed by primitive belief systems to live out their lives in horrific ignorance. Muslims claim that the real reason they have won so few Nobel Prizes is that there’s a Jewish conspiracy against them. There’s no conspiracy: Muslims simply never achieve anything of intellectual worth. There were brief times in the distant past when Muslim thinkers were the match of Westerners in science, mathematics and philosophy but only when they were allowed to think freely in tolerant, liberal, and enlightened regimes, all of which were soon crushed by Islamic fundamentalists who despised any hint of anything that might contradict the Koran. If you wish to read an analysis of the respective Islamic and Jewish Nobel Prize trends, here are a couple of good links:



The Psychological Box of Tricks:

Psychology is the study of the mind, of how we behave, of our motivations, hopes and fears. Skilled psychologists can manipulate their fellow humans, for better or worse. If you study psychology for yourself, you’ll be better armed to avoid being manipulated. You’ll instantly see through the lies of the elite. And you’ll know yourself much better.

The Old World Order utilize advanced psychology to break us. They love compliant, obedient citizens and brainless voters who don’t cause trouble. Their “system” is designed to create just such feeble citizens. We must resist the brainwashing. It’s like the deadly Kraken, surrounding us with its tentacles, and gripping us in a death embrace. Cut off the tentacles. Resist the mind control. All of our key institutions are designed to mould us into the shape desired by the elite. We need a new flexible mould that we have designed ourselves.

The education system is designed to produce fodder for the capitalist sausage machine: people who obey and never ask difficult questions. The capitalist state has no need for rebels, geniuses and heroes. The elite do not want anyone to stand up to them and challenge them for the best jobs. So, from the moment you enter the education system, you are indoctrinated about fulfilling your role in society i.e. the one that most suits the elite. You are never educated to be yourself.

Schools churn out work droids with little imagination or intelligence. They create conflict between different psychological types, allowing the dominant bullies to rise to the top (just as the bullies of the elite rose to the top).

The education system should be based on a simple set of rules.

1) Teach everyone the basics: reading, writing and counting.

2) Find out what makes every pupil tick. Direct pupils towards the areas in which they can flourish, and take them away from the areas where they will fail. Make everyone feel good about themselves. Build their self-esteem. Establish what they’re good at and give them the praise and encouragement they deserve.

3) Give them a real education: education for education’s sake, not for the business needs of the elite.

4) Identify their psychological type. Separate them from hostile psychological types and surround them with those with whom they will be friends and allies. Our society is sadly lacking in basic friendship. Teach each personality type how best to cope with opposite types, thus avoiding conflict and creating harmony.

5) Cultivate everyone’s unique talents. Treat them all as potential geniuses for whom the sky is the limit.

6) Teach pupils how to think and ask questions.

7) Teach them how to avoid being brainwashed.

8) Teach them to aim for the stars.

9) Teach them lateral and critical thinking.

10) Teach them “deconstruction”.

11) Teach them to challenge “sacred” texts.

The schools of today do not encourage creativity, general knowledge and budding genius. Learning by heart, compliance with systems/methods, doing everything by the book is the key to good grades. This sterile approach is important for your later life: shut up, work and submit to stupid laws and regulations. Some people would jump out of the window if the law demanded it.

After leaving such a school, you are a “perfect” citizen i.e. a slave of the elite’s system of control. You’re a fully-fledged member of the Matrix, and you will never want to escape. Like everyone else, you will care only about making the most money for the minimum effort. And what kind of life is that?

Universities are more of the same. More and more people flood into them, standards fall, and barely-educated people emerge, often with huge debts. They are now forced to take any job to pay their debts. More and more courses are based on what is required by “industry” (i.e. the capitalist elite). Students have been betrayed and cheated by the universities. We need a revolution in education. Television is another favourite weapon of the Old World Order.

Not only do they broadcast uncreative, dumb and useless junk to poison our minds, they also try to program our subconscious to worship key brands of the elite. We “must” have these brands or we won’t have a fulfilling life, supposedly. Goods can’t buy us happiness, but it’s amazing how many fools think they can. Many women have actually elevated shopping to the status of a religion. They worship it. It’s the purpose of their lives, their greatest pleasure. Who but a shallow consumerist could enjoy the selfish, materialistic, narcissistic shopping-fest deified by Sex and the City?

TV also broadcasts politically correct news so that we don’t ask awkward questions about why there are so many billionaire Jews and Masons in America, or they bombard us with scare stories to make us afraid so that we will turn to the elite for protection. Fear is a primary tool of control. People can’t think straight when they are afraid. They become highly suggestible. Islam makes full use of the fear of hell that torments primitive minds.

One of the best descriptions of TV is found in the radical movie Network: “We deal with illusions, man. You’ll never hear the truth from us.”

TV is excellent for promoting the ruling ideology. Ideologies are nice, neat packages for people who are too lazy or dumb to develop their own opinions. Why study complicated books, do a lot of hard research and think for yourself if you can just pluck an ideology off a shelf instead?

The top politicians know the herd mentality all too well. Political parties promote simplistic ideologies. If you buy into one, you become the enemy of the others. People start arguing with each other over nonsense, and fail to see the big picture. In Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift satirized the absurd differences between different factions by having them squabbling over which way to cut open a boiled egg. The “big-endians” were the sworn enemies of “small-endians”.

Every political party claims that all other parties are incompetent. The logical conclusion is that all parties are incompetent, and, indeed, so they are. So why do we support any of them?

Laws and regulations are created to protect the elite from us, not the other way round. They are made ridiculously complicated and presented in incomprehensible small print and jargon so that only an elite priesthood – the lawyers – can interpret them, and of course they always interpret them in favour of the elite, which was the whole point in the first place. And they take huge fees for doing so, usually at our expense. Who needs lawyers? They are pointless.

Clashes between incompatible personality types, or compatible personality types that have been indoctrinated with opposing ideologies, cause most conflicts.

We like people who behave like us, and dislike those who don’t. We can’t empathize with those who seem to operate according to different rules. We can’t anticipate their “moves”. They baffle us and make us feel anxious. If we lived in a society that was focused on helping us to understand others, all of these problems could be alleviated.

The OWO are not interested in social harmony. Divide and rule is their mantra. If people started agreeing with each other, the OWO would lose their power. They rely on conflict and the inability of people to unite against them.

The shadow – a concept formulated by Jung – is the primitive aspect of ourselves, the part we’re ashamed of and try not to think about too much. Our forbidden desires take root here. The more we try to pretend they’re not there, they more they control us. The shadow grows ever bigger. When it has accumulated enough power, it takes over, and we might commit monstrous acts.

Look at the Catholic Church’s great scandal: priests molesting children. Because of the requirement for celibacy, the priests have been overwhelmed by this denial of their sexuality, and it has erupted in the worst way. But here is an even more interesting revelation. Apparently child abuse by Catholic priests is much lower than in other religions and amongst other adults who are in control of groups of children. So, the Catholic Church, once so powerful, is now an easy scapegoat, taking all the blame when it should be spread much more widely. Isn’t it time we started holding enquiries into the levels of child abuse in all other religions? Can anyone doubt that child abuse amongst Fundamentalist Muslims, Orthodox Jews and Evangelical Protestants is on an enormous scale? Let’s get it all out in the open.

It’s healthy to have fun. In fact you should be able to do anything you like if it brings no harm to others. If religious believers were told that sex is good, healthy and fine, we would solve endless problems in society. Sigmund Freud thought that all neuroses and psychoses were sexual in origin. He may have gone too far but no one can doubt the importance of a good sex life for combating the sinister contents of the shadow. The state should do everything it can to encourage healthy, consensual sex.


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