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Academia Iluministă (29)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia


The Mathematical Key:

“All things are numbers.” –Pythagoras

Philosophy can usefully be reduced to three main positions:

1) Idealism: mind is primary. Matter is a mental construct, a creation of the mind.

2) Materialism: matter is primary. Mind is a material construct, a creation of matter.

3) Panpsychism – an intermediate position between idealism and materialism. Mind and matter both exist, but all matter is imbued with mind (i.e. mind is everywhere and in all things).

Panpsychism lies closer to idealism because it supports the primacy of mind and the possible existence of mind without matter but not the reverse position of matter existing without mind.

What is science? In fact, it is nothing but mathematical materialism i.e. the materialist philosophy expressed mathematically. Science has destroyed all opposition because nothing else matches the power of mathematics. Science only has one rival – a rival that has hitherto been secret – ILLUMINATION. And what is Illumination? – it is mathematical idealism, and can also be characterized as mathematical panpsychism. The key point is that it employs exactly the same decisive weapon as science – mathematics – except it does so much more thoroughly, to the extent that science is finally revealed as an incomplete subset of Illumination. All of the great mysteries are answered in that part of mathematics which deals with the key arena ignored by science – namely three numbers: zero, infinity and the “imaginary number”, i.

Illuminism, a position based on mathematical idealism/panpsychism, asserts that a) mind is primary and can exist without matter b) matter can never exist without mind c) Mind is everywhere and present in all things d) Mind and matter are entirely MATHEMATICAL.

Matter can be considered a mathematical function of mind. Matter is real, but only as a dimensional implementation of the functions of dimensionless mind. Mind is dimensionless matter and matter is dimensional mind. The two states are related by mathematical TRANSFORMS such as the Fourier Transform.

The concept of the Mathematical Transform is the key to mind-matter interaction. It is the SOLUTION to Cartesian mind-matter dualism. Mind and matter are simply transforms of each other.

A Fourier Transform can convert a frequency spectrum into a time/space representation, and an inverse Fourier Transform can do the opposite and convert a time/space function into a frequency spectrum. Likewise, mind and matter are connected by a mind transform to matter and an inverse matter transform to mind.

What is the brain-mind complex? It’s just a fantastically complex living computer that performs Fourier Transforms and their inverse, and this is what constitutes the mind-matter interaction and how they communicate with each other and make sense of each other. The mind is a dimensionless frequency domain and the brain is a dimensional time/space domain. Fourier Transforms can convert time-space functions into frequency representations, and inverse Fourier Transforms do the reverse.

Consider these statements by Michael Talbot in his famous book The Holographic Universe: “Roughly speaking what Fourier developed was a mathematical way of converting any pattern, no matter how complex, into a language of simple waves. He also showed how these waveforms could be converted back into the original pattern. In other words, just as a television camera converts an image into electromagnetic frequencies and a television set converts those frequencies back into the original image, Fourier showed how a similar process could be achieved mathematically. The equations he developed to convert images into waveforms and back again are known as Fourier Transforms.

“Fourier transforms enabled Gabor [the Nobel Prize winner who invented holography] to convert a picture of an object into the blur of interference patterns on a piece of holographic film. They also enabled him to devise a way of converting those interference patterns back into an image of the original object. In fact the special whole in every part of a hologram is one of the by- products that occurs when an image or pattern is translated into the Fourier language of waveforms…Only one conclusion could be drawn. The brain was using Fourier mathematics – the same mathematics holography employed – to convert visual images into the Fourier language of wave forms.”

Talbot’s final position is that: “Despite its apparent materiality the universe is actually a kind of 3-D projection and is ultimately no more real than a hologram.” Talbot isn’t quite right. The universe is real all right, but it does indeed operate first and foremost according to Fourier mathematics and it does therefore have a great deal in common with the principles of holography.


There’s no reason to believe that other transforms, unconnected to Fourier transforms, can’t also carry out important operations in the brain-mind dynamic. The reason we particularly emphasize Fourier transforms is that the time-space domain on the one hand and frequency domain on the other, linked as they are by the Fourier transform, seem to provide the most natural description of matter and mind. The time-space domain is that of the material world and the frequency domain is that of mind.

Moreover, the broader subject of Fourier Wave Analysis from which Fourier transforms are derived is integral to the Schrödinger wave equations of quantum mechanics. In the book Introducing Quantum Theory, J.P. McEvoy wrote: “[Fourier] developed a method of solving equations by expressing any mathematical function as the sum of an infinite series of other periodic functions…When [Schrödinger] was considering [his] wave equation, Fourier’s well- known technique was called the method of Eigen values (Eigen is German for “certain”). The trick is to find the correct functions and the amplitudes of each that added together by superposition, would reproduce the desired solution…any periodic function is equal to a sum of simple harmonic functions…Thus, the solution of Schrödinger’s equation – the wave function for the system – was replaced by an infinite series – the wave functions of the individual states – which are natural harmonics of each other. That is to say, their frequencies are related in the ratio of whole numbers, or integers…

Schrödinger’s remarkable discovery was that the replacement waves described the individual states of the quantum system and their amplitudes gave the relative importance of that particular state to the whole system…In other words, contained within the well-established and well-understood mathematics of Eigen value functions was the underlying quantization of atomic systems…Schrodinger’s equation has been universally recognized as one of the greatest achievements of 20th century thought, containing much of physics and, in principle, all of chemistry. It was immediately accepted as a mathematical tool of unprecedented power for dealing with problems of the atomic structure of matter. Not surprisingly, the work became known as wave mechanics.”

In chemistry, atoms are building blocks used to construct molecules. Countless molecules make us – human beings. But now we see from the above quotation that atoms can in turn be mathematically decomposed into simpler building blocks: they are just combinations of simple mathematical waves describing all possible quantum states of the atom, some being more probable than others. Ergo building blocks of simple mathematical waves (sinusoidal waves) are at the root of the ENTIRE MATERIAL WORLD. And according to mainstream quantum theory, all we can ever know about a quantum system is what state it will PROBABLY be in at any one time.

Is it not astounding? “Reality” starts to dissolve, to be replaced by nothing other than endless combinations of simple mathematical waves.

Why is there so much diversity and variety in the world? Why are there so many patterns? It’s because of mathematics. Is it not a thing of absolute wonder that we can take simple sinusoidal waves and from combinations of these we can build a whole world? We just need to combine the waves in more and more complex ways to create a more and more complex world. Eventually these wave combinations are so complex they can ponder their own existence. We are just such mathematical functions! Human beings are, so to speak, the physicalisation of immensely complex wave equations. If we could analyse ourselves mathematically rather than via our senses we would be presented with a mind-boggling array of simple waves all superimposed on one another. The waves would have different frequencies, amplitudes and phases but they would all nevertheless be simple waves.

Everyone has heard of “brain waves”, both metaphorical and actual. Four types of waves are associated with brain activity: Beta (13-40 Hz, the highest frequency waves), Alpha (7-12 Hz), Theta (4-7 Hz) and Delta (0-4 Hz, the lowest frequency waves).

The Beta state is associated with peak-concentration, heightened alertness, visual acuity and cognitive activity. The Alpha state is linked to deep relaxation, to meditation and trance. It accesses the creativity of the unconscious and acts as the gateway to higher states of consciousness. And it covers the frequency range in which the “Schuman Resonance” occurs – this is the resonant frequency (7.83 Hz) of the earth’s electromagnetic field.

The Theta state is elusive and extraordinary – a kind of limbo state. We experience this twilight state only fleetingly as we first awake, or, alternatively, as we drift off to sleep. The Theta state is like a waking dream. We can experience flashes of vivid imagery and hallucinations and we are responsive to stimuli and information beyond our normal conscious awareness. This is the domain of “lucid dreaming”. Theta has also been linked with learning and memory. Theta meditation is said to increase creativity, to enhance learning, aid stress reduction and activate intuition and extrasensory perception.

As for the Delta state, this is associated with deep sleep and is associated with healing, relaxation, recuperation, regeneration and restoration. In Delta, we are “repaired” and made ready for the next day’s exertions.

In summary, beta waves reflect normal waking activity – thinking and problem solving when the eyes are wide open; slower alpha waves are associated with a quiet, relaxed mind when the eyes are closed and meditation is taking place; theta waves are associated with drowsiness and the encroaching sleep state; delta waves occur during sleep itself.

We might say that beta waves = consciousness; alpha and theta waves = bicameralism, hypnosis and pre-consciousness; delta = deep sleep and the unconscious. Evolution is about the journey from slow, low energy brain waves associated with the unconscious to higher frequency, higher energy waves reflecting consciousness. Are there unidentified waves higher than beta that might take us into the realm of the consciousness of the gods? Is that where our higher destiny lies? Imagine that we could construct “God machines” that shape our brain waves into the patterns associated with gnosis and divinity. Would these machines not be the equivalent of the Holy Grail itself?

Analysis of brain wave activity may be the key to changing the world. The particular characteristics of a person’s brainwaves almost certainly reflect his personality type. We could perhaps change people’s behaviour by bombarding them with waves in which they are deficient. For example, imagine that Abrahamists are deficient in beta waves (they are less conscious and more bicameral than rational people). Could we beam beta waves at them to stimulate and regulate their beta wave activity and enhance their consciousness, making them more rational? Equally, could we bombard a person in their beta state with alpha and theta waves in order to stimulate enhanced creativity, or with delta waves to summon their unconscious into consciousness? In short, could there be an entire undiscovered and unexplored science of brain waves that might revolutionize education, spirituality and the way people think and behave? Could we eliminate Abrahamism and privileged elites via brain wave devices?

Of course, there is the physical barrier of the bone of the skull that provides an effective block to low-power waves escaping from inside the head or being beamed into it. Nevertheless, ways could be found to address such difficulties. The CIA’s notorious MK-ULTRA project intensively researched how to remotely implant ideas in people’s minds.

In his book, Physical Control of the Mind, Toward a Psychocivilized Society (1969), Dr Jose Delgado wrote of two-way radio communication with the brain involving a device implanted in the brain to transmit electrical impulses capable of restraining aggression or stimulating calming sensations of pleasure.

He showed that it’s possible to equip people with minute instruments called “stimoceivers” (or “transdermal stimulators”) for radio transmission and reception of electrical messages to and from the brain. He considered it possible for the stimoceiver to provide a reciprocal feedback link between humans and computers, allowing neurons and microchips to work in synchronisation to allow for the medical control of neurophysiological functions. He thought it might be possible to detect the onset of an epileptic fit and send corrective signals to inhibit the attack.

The Wikipedia entry on Delgado provides the following helpful summary:

Delgado’s research interests centred on the use of electrical signals to evoke responses in the brain. His earliest work was with cats, but he later did experiments with monkeys and humans, including mental patients.

Much of Delgado’s work was with an invention he called a stimoceiver, a radio which joined a stimulator of brain waves with a receiver which monitored E.E.G. waves and sent them back on separate radio channels. This allowed the subject of the experiment full freedom of movement while allowing the experimenter to control the experiment.

The stimoceiver could be used to stimulate emotions and control behaviour. According to Delgado, “Radio Stimulation of different points in the amygdala and hippocampus in the four patients produced a variety of effects, including pleasant sensations, elation, deep, thoughtful concentration, odd feelings, super relaxation, coloured visions, and other responses.” Delgado stated that “brain transmitters can remain in a person’s head for life. The energy to activate the brain transmitter is transmitted by way of radio frequencies.”

The most famous example of the stimoceiver in action occurred at a Cordoba bull breeding ranch. Delgado stepped into the ring with a bull which had had a stimoceiver implanted. The bull charged Delgado, who pressed a remote control button which caused the bull to stop its charge. Delgado claimed that the stimulus caused the bull to lose its aggressive instinct.

Although the bull incident was widely mentioned in the popular media, Delgado believed that his experiment with a female chimpanzee named Paddy was more significant. Paddy was fitted with a stimoceiver linked to a computer that detected the brain signal called a spindle. When the spindle was recognized, the stimoceiver sent a signal to the central gray area of Paddy’s brain, producing an ‘aversive reaction’. Within hours her brain was producing fewer spindles.

Delgado stated: “The feasibility of remote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated […] The ultimate objective of this research is to provide an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the directional control of animals and to provide practical systems suitable for human application.”

Never forget that brain wave activity is pure mathematics. All of our thoughts are contained in these waves. Nothing can exist outside of mathematics. There is not a single part of us that is not absolutely reducible to mathematics and, in particular, to the building blocks of existence – waves.

Illuminism can also be characterised as mathematical monism. The universe comprises a single substance. We might call it “energy” but all that energy actually does is perform mathematical operations. Energy is indistinguishable from what it does and what it does is perform mathematics – nothing else. Energy is “living mathematics”, so to speak. Mind is dimensionless energy and matter is dimensional energy. Mind and matter DO MATHEMATICS and that’s all they do. The difference between the two is that mind is dimensionless mathematics in the frequency domain and matter is dimensional mathematics in the space-time domain. They communicate and interconvert via mathematical transforms. EVERTHING is a function of mathematics, and not a single thing exists outside mathematics. Everything that seems completely unmathematical – such as feelings and irrational decisions – is in fact mathematical when properly understood. What is an emotion? It’s information in the broadest sense. What is information? – mathematical signals. If there were no mathematical signals, there would be no information. If there was no information, there would be no emotions. Nothing can exist if it cannot be boiled down to mathematical signals and information. There is mathematics and nothing besides.

Everything to do with God, souls, the afterlife, consciousness, mind and how mind and matter interact is an expression of mathematics. A Grand Unified Theory of Everything is possible because ultimately everything is just one thing – mathematics. The universe is intelligible because it is ordered according to the laws of mathematics. Any universe not based on mathematics would be unintelligible and contain no order, organisation or information. Such a universe would be utterly meaningless. Such a universe cannot exist.

Mathematics is meaning. Mathematics is evolution. Why? Because mathematical functions have one crucial property – they can become more complex. The universe is nothing but an infinite mathematical function growing more and more complex, so complex eventually that it becomes conscious and can reflect on its own mathematical nature. Consciousness is self-aware mathematics. Human beings are MATHEMATICAL entities. We are functions, nodes of a cosmic mathematical equation that is in the process of solving itself. The answer to the cosmic equation is GOD! And we can all become God by becoming mathematically optimised.

Any system of thought or belief divorced from mathematics is pure BULLSHIT with zero truth content in any practical sense. The Torah, Bible and Koran do not contain a single mathematical equation hence are utter nonsense from beginning to end. These books say not a single truthful thing about the nature of the cosmos and existence.

Science is mathematical materialism, and it’s thanks to mathematics that it’s so successful. Science fails in the last resort because it does not define mind as an independent entity. Illuminism is the ultimate system of thought because mathematical idealism/panpsychism incorporates mathematical materialism i.e. science is a subset of Illuminism. Illuminism is that which answers all of the issues regarding what lies beyond science. In that sense, Illuminism is pure metaphysics but of a singular nature. All of the metaphysical assertions of Illuminism are actually statements of mathematics, just as all statements of science are. Mathematics unifies physics and metaphysics. Mathematics unifies and explains EVERYTHING.

This is the Gospel of the Illuminati.

Autonomous Humanity:

The world should be designed for optimisation of the individual through education. The whole world should be an academy for producing free, independent, self-defining, self-creating, autonomous, adventurous, creative individuals. This is the doctrine of positive liberty.

Autonomous Humanity. A culture of autonomy. HyperHumans. Supermen and Superwomen. The creation of a spiritual economy, an economy of mind, ideas, art, creativity, performance. Good meme factories. Stop the spread of unhealthy memes and the dangerous viral transmission of toxic ideas – above all, Abrahamism.

A New Religion?:

IMAGINE THAT A GROUP OF WILD-EYED, bearded men came into your town proclaiming a new religion: “We worship a God who demands that fathers kill their children to prove their absolute obedience.” It wouldn’t take off, would it? They’d be arrested and jailed. Hold on a moment – IT DID TAKE OFF! There are billions of these people and they call themselves Jews, Christians and Muslims. By failing to utterly repudiate Abraham’s monstrous agreement to murder his own son because a voice in his head told him to, by saying that they too would show exactly the same level of obedience – because that’s what you are signing up to when you declare Abraham as your patriarch – these people have shown themselves the most evil and dangerous people imaginable.

Let no one be in any doubt about Abraham’s status. He is called the First Jew, the First Christian and the First Muslim. He is exalted precisely because he was so obedient to “God” that he was willing to make a human sacrifice of his own son. Any normal man would have proclaimed this God the Devil and vowed to fight him to his last breath, but not Abraham. Abraham, in truth, is the FIRST SATANIST. He was prepared to shed blood, to take a life, to appease his God. This is the origin of all Satanic ceremonies of human sacrifice. They are simply emulating Abraham, their first Master of the Black Arts.

In the Bible, Cain is condemned for killing Abel, yet Abraham is celebrated for being about to slit the throat of his own, innocent son. What the fuck!?

The whole of the Torah, Bible and Koran is founded on the story of Abraham. The “quality” that is most celebrated about him is his willingness to do murder on behalf of God. And has that not been the central characteristic of Abrahamism? It has generated endless legions willing to murder in God’s name. The maniacs flying their hijacked planes into the Twin Towers died with the words “Allahu Akbar” – God is Great! – on their lips as they committed suicide while simultaneously performing mass murder. Can anyone say that they weren’t acting in entirely the manner prescribed by Abraham and his God? While Abraham was about to plunge his blade into his son, wouldn’t he too have been saying, “God is great!”

Abrahamism, isn’t just sick, it’s EVIL. It’s pure Satanism, and that was true right from the beginning. Anyone who calls themselves a Jew, Christian or Muslim is proclaiming themselves a servant of the Devil, willing to kill anyone who opposes the Devil, and even to kill those, like Abraham’s son, who are just innocent children. How many babies were killed on the hijacked planes on 9/11?

Abrahamism is pathological. It ought to be treated as severe psychopathy, and everything should be done to eradicate it. No healthy nation would tolerate this hateful, mad, murderous religion.

Imagine the story of the True God and Abraham. Wouldn’t he have said to Abraham, “Never take a human life under any circumstances. Thou shalt not kill. Never wage war. Never make weapons. Never kill, never murder, never massacre. Above all, NEVER KILL IN MY NAME for I find the taking of life the greatest possible abomination, sin and crime, and anyone who takes a life will assuredly burn in hell forever and be eternally damned. Anyone who says my name as they commit murder will be consigned to the lowest circle of hell where their punishments will be infinite both in extent and in pain.”

Isn’t it rather curious that Abraham’s God didn’t say THAT?! Isn’t that what a moral, loving God of peace and harmony would say? Why was it that from the outset, killing in God’s name was established as the primary element of Abrahamism? Holy War, Crusades and Jihad were implicit in Abrahamism from the beginning. God made no attempt to anathematize murder. Far from it, he showed that he was willing to order murder, and he expected his order to be obeyed to the letter. In the story of Jephtha’s daughter, a teenage virgin was put to death by her father because he had made a solemn agreement with God to kill the first thing that came out of his house if God granted him victory in battle. God did not attempt to save the girl’s life. He is the God of human sacrifice.

Why would “God” be granting anyone victory in battle, and why would he want to agree to a mad promise to kill the first creature to come out of a house (and given that he allegedly has foreknowledge, he knew exactly who it would be). How can anyone worship this monster? He is the antithesis of God and that was blindingly obvious from the start. Why did the ancient Gnostics see who he was straight away while the rest were completely blind? Was it because the Gnostics were people of reason, knowledge and pagan philosophy while the Abrahamists were irrational, ignorant, fanatics of faith?

The War of Enlightenment has been going on since the dawn of time. The Jews, Christians and Muslims have always been on the wrong side – the Devil’s side. Abrahamism must be obliterated. It is the source of the evil of our world because it was never anything other than Satan’s religion to control the world. We will never be free, we will never have a rational world, we will never have peace and harmony, until the evil billions of Abrahamists are no more. They must CONVERT to reason. They must see the light – or they can have no future.

Abrahamism is the greatest lie and deception in history. Billions of people think they are glorifying God when in fact they are worshipping the Devil. That has been obvious from the every moment “God” ordered Abraham to kill his son. That order could never under any circumstances have come from the lips of the True God, from a God of peace, love and morality. REASON allows us to see that instantly, but the Abrahamists are not people of reason. They are ignorant. They are slaves and fanatics. They can’t think. THEY are the reason why our world is fucked. They are the cause of everything that’s wrong. Their beliefs are the source of the poison and pollution. They are alienated from the True God to the maximum possible extent – because they actually worship his antithesis: the DEVIL.

To all Abrahamists – why aren’t you ashamed of yourselves? Your beliefs are a disgrace. They are contrary to reason and almost comically stupid – but no one’s laughing because you have subjected the world to a reign of terror with your extremism and fanaticism. Nineteen Muslims didn’t carry out 9/11; it was carried out by ALL Muslims. 9/11 is the precise meaning of the Islamic religion, its Abrahamic logic carried out to the letter. “Slaughter the infidels. Show no mercy. There is no God but God and everyone who rejects him will burn forever in hellfire. Jihad and martyrdom – the fast track to the highest heaven, closest to Allah.” These are YOUR beliefs. Take personal responsibility. You are EVIL. You are followers of the Prince of Darkness.

And exactly the same is true of Christianity and Islam. The most violence and murder in world history has emanated from Christian countries, and they have taken their lead from the Terror God of the Jews, the source of all the world’s ills.

Abrahamism is a Doomsday Machine. It’s a death star. It’s the true Armageddon Conspiracy against the world. It longs for the Apocalypse, for the “Rapture”. It’s a death cult. It stands convicted of the accusation the Romans levelled against it – utter hatred of humanity.

All Abrahamists – you are DEGENERATE. You have been found guilty of TOTAL DEPRAVITY. YOU are the original sin of humanity. Isn’t it time you became GOOD and repudiated your Devil God of human sacrifice? Can’t you see that a God who orders a father to murder his son can NEVER be God? It really is as simple as that. There is no possible justification for “God’s” command to Abraham. It is unacceptable and every good and decent person must reject and resist Satan, who is the true deity of the Jews, Christians and Muslims, as their history of mass murder century after century has proved beyond doubt.

Religion, the Koran, AK-47s and hand grenades:

In Somalia, a radio station run by an Islamist group ran a Koran-reciting and Islamic general knowledge contest.

1st Prize was $700 and an AK-47 assault rifle.
2nd Prize: $500 and an AK-47
3rd Prize: $400 and two hand grenades.

Who says Islam isn’t wedded to violence? Can you imagine the religion of the True God dispensing assault rifles and grenades to the “holiest” students? But the Devil’s religion would certainly issue as many deadly weapons as possible, wouldn’t it?

Your Choice:

Abrahamists choose to define themselves as those who would willingly kill their own children if “God” ordered it. We define good, sane, rational human beings as those who would do the opposite. This is the most basic moral issue of all. Is taking an innocent life moral if the order comes from “God”? This, manifestly, is what Abraham concluded. He should instead have concluded that it could not be God that gave such an order and that taking the innocent life of children is prohibited in all circumstances and especially by the True God. Had Abraham been moral, we would have been spared the rule of Satan over our world. As it is, billions continue to follow Abraham’s evil example and fall on their knees to worship Satan – Allahu Akbar! Let there be no doubt: all Abrahamists are Satanists. They refuse to condemn Abraham’s evil choice to murder his son because a voice in his head ordered him to. They are therefore an extreme, murderous danger to the rest of humanity.

The Unholy Trinity:

These are the three crosses upon which humanity has been crucified:

Abrahamism: the creed of the Terror God, the ultimate master torturing a slave population.

Karmic thinking: the nonsense that present woes are caused and are deserved by the sins of past lives.

Privilege: the division of humanity into the elite and all the rest.

We must pull out the nails and climb down from the crosses. It’s time to be FREE.

The Media:

Rupert Murdoch = the evil Emperor of the Evil Empire.

Murdoch and his ilk have created trash addicts, junk fiends and sleaze merchants. Murdoch, naturally, is a Christian. What else would you expect? He has been blessed by the Pope – no surprise there. What is the Vatican if not the Synagogue of Satan?

Rupert Murdoch, an Australian with American citizenship (that’s patriotic loyalty for you!), is the person responsible for the British national psyche of sleaze, trivia, and celebrity culture. He should be arrested and prosecuted for the damage he has done to Britain.

“When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.” –anonymous. That’s consumerist Britain and the world at large for you.

British tabloid newspapers are notorious throughout the world. They are the gutter press. They are the voice of the sewer. Murdoch is their King Rat. Who will call in the rat catchers to purge us of this plague of vermin?

Where is our Pied Piper?

Never forget this – power lies in the PERCEPTION of power. To overcome the powerful you need only puncture the illusion they have created around themselves.

The Light of Reason:

The three books: The God Factory, The God Game: How to Create the Universe and The Illuminated Soul set out the Logos basis of Illuminism, hence are what truly define the Illuminati and make it unique in world history. Illuminism is a religion based on zero “divine revelation”. Rather, it is constructed according to pure reason, and in fact pure mathematics since it is, ultimately, the statement that mathematics alone determines what can exist, what existent things can do, and how consciousness can comprehend the nature of reality. Mathematics is the basis of ontology and epistemology, and both are unified in mathematics. Existence and knowledge are, in a sense, the same thing. We can have true knowledge only of mathematical entities and only mathematical entities can exist, hence we can have absolute knowledge of everything, but only via the language of mathematics. Everything else is an approximation or mere opinion. Mathematics alone is a complete system of thought, of logic and reason, of right and wrong. Mathematics is infallible. If someone makes an error in mathematics, other mathematicians will soon reveal their mistake. Mathematics has no forgiveness or tolerance for error or opinion. There are no hiding places. “Faith” never comes into it. God is a mathematician, not someone who orders fathers to kill their sons. How can such a deed ever make any sense? Why would “God” want any father to be so slavishly obedient to him that he would slaughter his own son? Is that what “God” seeks – hordes of obedient son-murderers? What kind of God is that? It’s certainly not the True God, the mathematical God of Reason.

Many atheists consider Darwin’s theory of evolution the proof that God does not exist. On the contrary, evolution is the basis of God’s existence. God is not the creator of the universe but rather its ultimate outcome, the optimal expression of the inherent potential of the cosmos. He is the maximum actualization of possibility. Physicists say that anything not forbidden is compulsory. God is the compulsory apex of cosmic evolution.

Modern science has led to a complete loss of a religious sensibility in the Western world. Religious assertions increasingly sound crazy and ridiculous. The irony is that religion is ultimately scientific and mathematical. There is no contradiction between science and religion. It is not religion that is abolished by science but atheism.

Welcome to the world of the scientific, mathematical God of cosmic evolution. God not only exists, he is inevitable. And we can all become God – we can all understand EVERYTHING and have infinite power – via MATHEMATICS. Mathematics is the “Philosopher’s Stone”, the means by which we can alchemically transform base metal into gold.

Our Reward:

Our work [that of the authors of this series of books] has not gone unappreciated within the Illuminati. The Eighth Degree of the Illuminati (the first of the three Mystery Degrees) have unanimously voted to admit us to their ranks, and our formal initiation will be taking place shortly.

Moreover, the Grand Master has informed us that he wants us to be the official documenters of the Mystery Degrees of the Illuminati, although none of that work will ever be released into the public domain.

The Restructuring of the Illuminati:

By the end of this year, all of the information provided to Illuminati members up to and including the Sixth Degree of the Illuminati will be in the public domain. As a consequence, the Grand Master of the Illuminati has announced a radical restructuring of the society.

From now on, the Illuminati will have five rather than ten degrees. The first six degrees have been rolled into a “public” degree – the first degree of the new structure. Anyone who has read all of this website and the additional books associated with it, and shares our general outlook and values, is entitled to the status of a First Degree Illuminatus. The existing membership of the first six degrees of the Illuminati have now all been promoted to the Seventh Degree, which is the Second (“private”) Degree of the new structure. The three Mystery Degrees remain as before and these, in essence, constitute the secret aspect of the Illuminati for the initiated only.

So, WELCOME TO THE ILLUMINATI! If you have got this far, you are now a First Degree member. Why don’t you work on your own bespoke version of Illuminism and create your own symbols, oaths and ceremonies? We will post the best ideas on our website next April.


The symbol of the new Illuminati is the pentagram, an ancient symbol revered by Pythagoras because it is full of linear relationships reflecting the golden ratio. The regular pentagram is shaped like a human being with a head, two outstretched arms and two legs. The head points to heaven.

The inverted pentagram has the head pointing downwards to hell. The suggestion is that the human spirit has become subservient to matter and is being dragged down into worldly corruption. The two pentagrams superimposed on one another produce the most special Pythagorean number – 10. They represent the dialectical conflict between man’s spiritual and material sides.

What have we achieved?:

The information provided to the first six degrees of the Illuminati is designed to constitute a Grand Unified Theory of Everything. An entire analysis of all of the major religions of the world is provided, revealing their flaws and strengths (if they have any), so that all members are aware of what it is they are choosing to reject. Most followers of mainstream religions not only have no idea of other religions, they don’t even know anything about their own religion and follow it as a matter of culture, habit and brainwashing, not of knowledge. Their religious affiliations are therefore of zero worth.

We provide an analysis of all the major political systems of the world and show how they are all deficient in comparison with our political system – MERITOCRACY.

We provide an analysis of three economic systems: free-market capitalism, communism and National Socialism. The optimal economic system is a hybrid of these systems and we refer to it as social, public or meritocratic capitalism, which is subordinated to the requirements of the Meritocratic Constitution and not of free markets (which are invariably not free and are rigged by rich cartels).

We provide an in-depth psychological analysis of the world and explain why people behave as they do, and how their deficiencies can be remedied.

We provide a new model of society based on community rather than on the selfish family unit.

We provide a synthesis of philosophy, mathematics and science called mathematical idealism (or mathematical panpsychism), which provides the RATIONAL rather than faith-based foundation for religion. Illuminism is the world’s SOLE rational religion grounded in Logos rather than Mythos. Science – which is in fact mathematical materialism – is a subset of mathematical idealism. Science is nothing other than a version of Illuminism lacking the three most important numbers in the world: zero, infinity and the imaginary number. These three numbers are the ones that define time, mind, consciousness, the soul, the afterlife and God i.e. the primary concepts of religion are actually mathematical concepts. Anything that cannot be defined mathematically is meaningless. Mathematics alone provides Absolute Truth. Nothing else can. Nothing other than mathematics exists. Any philosophy, religion or science that does not invoke mathematics is bogus. Mathematics is the anchor of the universe.

Illuminism offers an entirely integrated and consistent worldview. It offers the world an optimal political, economic and psychological system, one capable of turning humans into Gods. It offers a rational religion that requires no faith and needs no Creator God to whom we are all enslaved. It guarantees a soul, an afterlife and the opportunity to become God on the basis of the only source of infallible truth – mathematics. It explains all paranormal phenomena mathematically. It explains time mathematically.

Illuminism is the explanation of EVERYTHING. It has attracted, in secret, many of the world’s finest minds who have worked on it patiently for millennia to bring it to its current omega state.

If you are looking for the truth – a truth that embraces religion – Illuminism is your only choice. Illuminism has no religious competitors. Its only opponent is atheistic scientific materialism, and that, ultimately, is seen to be a subset of Illuminism that suffers from a catastrophic misunderstanding of two numbers in particular – zero and infinity. Science cannot produce a Grand Unified Theory of Everything because it cannot handle zero and infinity in its equations. The last hope of scientific materialism – so-called M-theory – attempts to make it impossible for the number zero to exist. If zero doesn’t exist then division by zero can never take place and thus catastrophic infinities can never appear in the equations of science. There’s just one problem – why should nature allow all numbers other than zero to have an actual, real existence? How can you have a mathematical system lacking its origin? Mathematics without zero (hence also without its inverse, infinity) is what we describe as “incomplete”. The mathematics of Illuminism is based on COMPLETE MATHEMATICS. There are no missing numbers. Even the imaginary number is assigned ontological reality in Illuminism (the imaginary number frequently appears in science and engineering equations, but no one knows what it’s doing there and it’s regarded merely as a necessary instrument for getting the right answers). Whereas “real” numbers are the basis of space, “imaginary” numbers are the basis of time. What could be simpler?

The mathematical formalism of Illuminism addresses all of these mathematical issues in great detail.

Illuminism, when it becomes widely known, will sweep the world. Why? Because every single rational person on earth will embrace it. The whole scientific community will come onboard once they see that Illuminism is nothing but science with three numbers added: zero, infinity and the imaginary number; but these happen to be the most important numbers of all that address the BIG questions of existence. Scientists will see that Illuminism, not M-theory, is the true Grand Unified Theory of Everything because it is based on the only possible candidate for unifying ontology and epistemology: complete mathematics.

This is the gospel of the Illuminati.

“Number rules the universe.” –Motto of the Pythagorean School (the Illuminati)

Forum and Comments:

WE HAVE ADDED A BASIC FORUM and comments page to our website. Any trolls who wish to flame us, remember to leave your full name and address to make it easier for our field operatives to track you down.

To all Abrahamists, you are the damned and if there were a hell, you’d certainly be going there. In fact, you’re already there – because your own thoughts must be hell. To all conspiracy theorists, you’re nuts and retards. WE ARE THE LIZARD KINGS – and if you oppose us, we will pan-dimensionally come to your house and make your existence hell on earth. Moreover, we will send aliens from Nibiru to give you anal probes! (Then again, perhaps not – you’d enjoy it too much.) If you’re a hippie, a flower power person, a New Ager, a member of the “Love Brigade” and so on, go and buy books on Fourier analysis, quantum mechanics, relativity theory and Leibnizian Monadology i.e. enter the world of reason and stop being such emotional, sentimental babies. You’re not five years old. This is the REAL WORLD.

To all the fantasists, please go straight to David Icke’s website without passing Go. There’s nothing for you to see here. If you have something meaningful to say, say it meaningfully. Use proper grammar, use a spellchecker, reflect on what you’re about to say, polish it until it shines and then post it. Make it a thing of quality. Given that ours is a high quality website, we don’t want it contaminated by junk, drivel, rubbish, deranged rantings and moronic observations. Think before you post. Be a high quality person. Posterity will judge your efforts! Don’t be cheap, pathetic and a jerk.

Are we clear? So, let the SHITSTORM be unleashed! Trolls will come from far and wide to attack the Illuminati’s website. Did you know that many trolls are undiagnosed autistics?


Apparently, a number of people are now claiming to be Magus. Firstly, “Magus” is three people, not one. Secondly, why would members of a secret society reveal their identity? It defeats the purpose, does it not?

There’s endless nonsense on the internet about our website. From time to time, we look at the absurd comments, hypotheses and conjectures and have a good laugh.

Someone “definitively” stated that Amada Crowley, the alleged illegitimate son of Aleister Crowley, composed the site. That would be a neat trick given that he’s dead! Then again, no one ever truly dies in conspiracy land. Or perhaps we are experts in necromancy and we have summoned him from the dead to guide us. Or perhaps we are the loyal followers of Amado. In fact, we’d never even heard of him until we were presented with the “proof” that we were in fact him. We must be in extremely severe denial.

Almost everything you read about our site elsewhere will be preposterous beyond words. We’ve never come across anyone with any interesting analysis.

Amusingly, or extremely worryingly, there are numerous conspiracy theories about this website that are almost as ridiculous as some of the 9/11 stuff.


Arsene Wenger, the erudite French manager of Arsenal Football Club in London, has an economics degree from the University of Strasbourg. On 12 September 2011, he said, “I am convinced that Europe will go into a huge financial crisis within the next three weeks, or three months, and maybe that will put everything into perspective again. Football is not untouchable. We live by people going to the stadiums and from [sponsors] advertising to people who buy products. All our income could be a little bit under threat in the next few months.”

Wenger may well be right. A catastrophe may engulf Europe very shortly, and it will bring down America with it, and the whole global economy.

The bankrupt banks of the West were bailed out by transferring their debts to nation-states. But the nation-states are now bankrupt and can’t service their debts. Greece, in particular, can no longer meet its financial obligations and will default on important payments. At that point, the Euro currency may collapse. If the Euro goes down, it’s possible and even probable that the world economy will go down with it.

The Ruling Council:

The twelve members of the Ruling Council of the Illuminati have now divided into six groups of two. They have gone to six European countries: Greece, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and the UK. The last in the list is deemed to be the nation that most resembles France of 1789.

Will the British Revolution join the Russian, French and American Revolutions in the annals of history? Watch this space.

The world economic meltdown could happen at almost any time, and this time, unlike in 2007/08, people will know that things aren’t going to get any better. Western capitalism is in a terminal condition. Where is the priest to deliver the last rites?

The Illuminati:




We are the advocates of THEOGENESIS – the birth and growth of Gods.

The Illuminati were the leaders of the First Enlightenment, but final victory was not secured. So now it’s time for the Second Enlightenment, the War of Reason versus Faith, and this time complete victory must be achieved. This time the process must go all the way. Abrahamism and privilege must be eradicated from our world. It’s time to bring the light to all the dark corners of the world. This is our declaration of war on all the forces of endarkenment. This is our declaration of independence. This is our charter of freedom.

A New Humanity. A New Direction. An equal chance for everyone.

We will create our own Eden and our own Tree of Knowledge, from which everyone will eat without fear. We will have a Tree of Life that invigorates everyone.

Revalue all values. Start again. Build paradise. No monarchs, no popes, no preachers, no prophets, no princes, no privileged elites.


We are the Plan. We are the Answer. Join the Resistance. Change the world.

We are the Illuminati. And this has been our gospel.


Abraxas = Simon Magus


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