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Academia Iluministă (33)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

Meritocratic Social Capitalism:

This is a hybrid, a dialectical synthesis, of capitalism (thesis) and socialism (antithesis), preserving what is best in each and discarding the rest. The economic macrostructure – by which we mean banks, stock markets and regulatory bodies – are all controlled by expert, meritocratic, publicly accountable officials who will be dismissed without compensation for poor performance, and who will never receive outrageously disproportionate bonuses simply for doing their job. They will be rewarded for providing stable growth. The economic microstructure will be capitalist – individuals and collectives can set up businesses and trade without State interference. There will be competition, profits, markets, choice and everything that is good about capitalism, with none of the downsides. The State Bank, not private banks, will lend to businesses.

This new form of social capitalism will ensure that no capitalist individuals ever become so rich that they can dictate to governments. We will not be ruled by banks or capitalist corporations that are outside the political system and unaccountable to the people and that can leave the country if they so wish. We will be ruled only by officials who can be fired by the people if they do a bad job.

Just as it would be insane to entrust the defence of a nation to private armies with their own agendas (they would start wars to boost their share price!), it’s insane to entrust the economic defence and stability of a nation to private banks and corporations with their own private agendas that have nothing to do with the welfare of the State and the people. That’s why the infrastructure of the State must be socialist (for the people) rather than capitalist (for private individuals).

We are not communists. We are rational capitalists who appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of both capitalism and socialism and see how they can be integrated in a natural and highly productive way. This is an economic evolution, not revolution.

There will be no more vast multinational corporations that blackmail governments: all corporations and companies will be small or medium sized; they will be bespoke and integrated with their communities and nations, working in harmony with the State to bring prosperity to all of the people.

There will be no more casino banking, banks that are “too big to fail”, hedge funds, “shorting”, and speculative financial derivatives instruments . There will be no more psychopathic spivs and speculators driving the economy into the ground in pursuit of higher profits and bonuses for themselves. We will thus bring to an end the insane cycles of boom and bust that characterise free-market capitalism and which devastate the lives of so many innocent victims.

We will replace the “testosterone” modus operandi of free-market capitalism with the “oestrogen” of social capitalism i.e. women rather than aggressive young men will become far more prominent. We will seed society with metaphorical “oxytocin” – the Moral Molecule – that increases bonding, harmony and community. At the moment we have a testosterone society given over to selfishness, self-interest and ruthless competition between families and individuals as they all fight to be top dog.

Testosterone has had a good run for its money. Now it’s time for an oestrogen and oxytocin society without boom and bust, without aggression, without savage, destructive competition.

You want a new society, a new economy? – meritocratic social capitalism delivers everything you want. It ends boom and bust. It ends the rule of elite, dynastic families of extreme privilege who rig the game of life in their own favour. Everyone, regardless of sex, race, sexual orientation or background gets an equal opportunity.

Consider these two questions:

1) Is it rational for a political process to elect “leaders” who have no actual power because all of the real power resides with external super rich individuals, banks and corporations that can use their wealth and power to buy the political system and enforce their will? Can anyone deny that banks, corporations and the super rich tell Presidents what to do? If the President is the embodiment of the will of the people, it means that unelected and unaccountable banks, corporations and super rich individuals are telling the people what to do. That’s what democracy has delivered: a system in which the people get to choose a powerless figurehead who simply does what the non-elected, unaccountable elite decide. Therefore democracy must be abolished. No political system supposedly operating in the interest of all the people can be subject to external influence by groups and individuals that have no interest at all in the well-being of the people. Is Wall Street on the side of Main Street? You’d need to be insane to think so. Who shapes government policy – Wall Street or Main Street? Is there any question? Which institution has its fingers in every pie all across the world? – the Zionist-Masonic leviathan of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs runs the world. Haven’t you realised that yet? Solution? – CLOSE DOWN GOLDMAN SACHS AND BAN ALL OF ITS OFFICIALS FROM SERVING IN GOVERNMENT. Simple!

2) Is it rational for dynastic families – such as the Rothschilds – to be able to use their incredible wealth and power to dictate the shape of the world generation after generation, and always in their own favour? Why should a rich family of today be allowed to determine the fortunes and prospects of the families of the future? How do you prevent a rich and powerful family from arranging the future to suit itself i.e. to guarantee its descendants a luxury life regardless of merit? You can stop the super rich controlling the future once and for all by introducing 100% inheritance tax. This automatically means the end of dynastic family rule. It means the end of privilege and the rise of equal opportunities and a world of merit.

Isn’t it time to join the meritocratic movement of social capitalism and equal opportunities? This is a real political movement with actual solutions for the ills of the world. Don’t protest mindlessly against the ruling regime. REPLACE THEM. Meritocratic social capitalism will inevitably replace democratic free-market capitalism. Meritocratic social capitalism is the dialectical successor of democratic free-market capitalism. The Old World Order has had its day. It has hit the dialectical buffers. Now it’s time for the New World Order based on merit, social justice and equal opportunities.

Bring the rule of the rich bankers to an end.
Bring the rule of the global corporations to an end.
Bring the rule of democratic puppet politicians in the paid service of the elite to an end. Bring the rule of dynastic families of privilege to an end.

Why do you allow 1% of the people to control 33-42% of the wealth? Are you the biggest suckers of all time? How can you stand any reasonable chance in life if 1% of the people have gathered approaching half of the nation’s resources for themselves? All of those resources are not accessible to you and in fact are designed to perpetuate the wealth and power of the 1% i.e. they are an active weapon being used against you.

The elite don’t care about you. They have no interest in your welfare. They don’t want you to succeed. They don’t want anyone anywhere to challenge their hegemony. They have used religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam to make the people slaves, to keep them terrified and on their knees. What is the concept of hell if not a terrorist tactic to terrify superstitious and stupid people into submission? Islam means submission. To be a Muslim is to declare yourself a slave of God. What sort of sick person imagines that God is a slavemaster or that he’s interested in sending people to perpetual hell? God is reason, well-being and health. He’s not some sick fuck psychopath who wants people bowing to him and perpetually terrified of him. He doesn’t order fathers to kill their children as Jehovah/Allah ordered Abraham. Everyone who bows to “God” is a slave.

It’s time for humanity to escape the Age of Slavery; the Age of Abrahamism. Judaeo- Christianity goes hand-in-hand with democratic free-market capitalism.

We are advocates of the dialectic of freedom and choice. We are opposed to those who use money as a weapon to advance their own interests and damage those of everyone else. Rich parents do not spend a fortune sending their children to elite private schools and colleges because they are interested in YOUR success. They want you to fail. You are designed to fail. That’s why you went to shit schools and had shit teachers. You’re factory fodder.

The elite don’t want trash like you competing with them, so they arrange the whole system to ensure that you can NEVER compete. What’s more, they even get you to agree to being a second class citizen. Well, if you didn’t agree you would be trying to overthrow them, wouldn’t you? Since you’re doing nothing to advance the cause of meritocracy (which means the complete destruction of all systems of privilege, especially private education for the rich elite) then you’re clearly assisting the elite and you agree with them that they should be on the top tier of life while you should be a second-class citizen.

Ultimately, people are treated like shit because they want to be and deserve to be. If they didn’t, they would fight. They’re not fighting ergo they’re content with their lot. Q.E.D.

Get off your ass and start shouting about meritocracy from the rooftops and advocating the one measure that is sure to destroy the rich elite – 100% inheritance tax. Stop the rigged game of life. End the cartels, monopolies and oligopolies. Stop the robber barons and carpetbaggers, the spivs and speculators.

Meritocracy is about turning politics into science, about applying the scientific method to create better and better answers to all social, psychological and political problems. The rich despise science because most of them are hopeless scientifically. Science is not included in “cultural capital”. Science is the subject of true merit because no one can bullshit their way through science, and privileged connections won’t take you far unless you actually know what you’re talking about. A technocratic society run by scientists, mathematicians, technologists and engineers is a disaster for the elite.

100% inheritance tax:

What do the elite fear above all? – having their wealth taken from them. What does 100% inheritance tax achieve? Precisely that – the complete and irrevocable end of dynastic wealth.

Imagine a world in which the rich realised they would lose all of their money and assets to the Commonwealth at their death. They would have to spend, spend, spend, wouldn’t they? A huge amount of cash and assets would be pumped into the economy. Recession would turn into growth and this time there would be no boom and bust economic cycle because there would no longer be any point in the rich seeking to bend every rule in the book to make themselves richer, knowing that all of their money would eventually end up with the Commonwealth.

The world can be changed overnight – just by stopping the rich elite in their tracks. If you really do believe in the 99% versus the 1% then demand the introduction of the tax that guarantees the victory of the 99% percent – 100% INHERITANCE TAX, the bedrock of meritocracy. Anyone who opposes 100% inheritance tax is a friend of privilege and the rich elite. Anyone who opposes 100% inheritance tax is a supporter of a two-tier society where those who can pass on resources are the winners and the rest are losers: permanent second class citizens.

Merit or privilege? Meritocracy or democracy? Free-market capitalism or social capitalism?


100% inheritance tax could be combined with a general cancellation of debts. The rich are the creditors and the poor are the debtors. Debt cancellation instantly transfers wealth from the elite to the ordinary people. The rich got us into this crisis so why shouldn’t they pay?

Debt cancellation would lead to the collapse of the banking system and the stock market. Capitalism would become insolvent. GOOD!!!! The State could then take control of the banking sector, the stock market and the corporate sector and start implementing social capitalism. The former elite would no longer have any power, wealth, influence or voice. Isn’t that what we all want? Why were the elite bailed out in 2008 and the ordinary people saddled with huge debts to pay for it? Why are bankrupt banks paying out vast bonuses at the taxpayers’ expense?!

It’s time for the people to take charge of their own destiny. That means having the courage to say “No” to the elite.

On the “Path of Illumination” facebook page, MS said: “Just yesterday I had a discussion with someone about 100% inheritance tax. They started to disagree and said why should an inheritance that I want to pass on to my child be taxed 100% and how am I supposed to ensure that he/she gets what I worked hard for? I offered the solution to teach your child about the business you set up from A to Z. Everything that you learned, make sure he/she learns. That way he’ll have the knowledge, which is more valuable than having the money, and then he can rejuvenate this business that you started and even improve it, rather than giving everything that you worked for to him/her just to have it run into the ground. The perfect rebuttal to the antagonism of the 100% inheritance tax!”

This is an excellent answer, but it also reveals the disturbing selfishness and lack of community spirit of the other individual. The person questioning 100% inheritance tax is only thinking of his own private situation. He doesn’t care about children who aren’t the beneficiaries of rich parents or parents who “worked hard” (whatever that means: no highly paid businessman ever works as hard as a poorly paid coal miner! – in fact, there’s almost an inverse relationship between hard work and how much you get paid). He puts ZERO thought into their welfare. In other words, he has tacitly declared war on them. If he cares nothing about them and wishes to disadvantage them by passing on benefits to his children that are unavailable to other children, why shouldn’t they display equal contempt towards him and have zero consideration towards his welfare and that of his children? In fact, why shouldn’t they make his life hell on earth?

DS said, “When I first read about the tax, I thought ‘Ooh, that’s a bit steep!’ But when I contemplated it, and learned more about the AOI’s vision of a better future, the fairer it looked. Something that occurred to me is that in actual fact, it is already in place in Australia for the little guy anyway! More so, the government squeezes the money out of you BEFORE you die!! I won’t blabber on how (nursing homes, etc.). And the little guy doesn’t fathom the rich person’s world and the astronomical riches they hoard. We are just so used to being screwed by The Powers That Be that we initially mistake it for another way to be screwed. As Captain Picard said in the Star Trek movie: “The economics of our time are somewhat different to yours(ours).”

DS is absolutely right. Anyone who has nothing to pass on has already been subjected to 100% inheritance tax while alive.

People who transmit overwhelming financial advantages to their children are effectively determining the shape of the future and disadvantaging the children of poor parents. No one has any legal or moral right to do harm to others. Every time the super rich hand on vast wealth, they are actively harming everyone who is denied the same access to this wealth. They have therefore committed a crime against those others, just as if they had mugged them or robbed them.

MS said, “I couldn’t agree with you more DS. With the application of the 100% inheritance tax and then social capitalism with meritocracy, things would not only change, but vastly improve. But first as I said in an earlier post, each country (I used America as an example since that’s where I’m from) needs to break free of the OWO debt-based currency and wipe out their deficits so that we can really start fresh. As long as the OWO has each country by the balls with their debt-based currency, nothing will change.”

That’s right again.

As soon as you overcome the OWO’s endless propaganda on behalf of the hereditary transmission of wealth, you realise that’s it’s just another version of the hereditary right to rule of medieval monarchs. Why should the children of the future be subjected to the rule of the children of today’s monarchs (as in the UK)? If people alive today wish to be the subjects of a monarch, that’s their choice – but they cannot choose on behalf of unborn generations too. They have no such right.

The principle of heredity is that the unborn should be subject to the conditions of the present, rather than having the inalienable right to choose for themselves how they wish to run things.

Inheritance is precisely that attempt by some families (the elite) to make themselves perpetually superior. 100% inheritance tax is the absolute remedy to their machinations, the guaranteed way to prevent the elite succeeding in their arrogant and narcissistic ambitions to rule the world in perpetuity.

How can any self-respecting human being object to be judged on their own merits and efforts rather than those of their parents? Honourable men and women should be appalled and insulted that anyone wishes to give them an inheritance that they themselves did not earn.

For an adult, it should be a thing of shame to parasitically profit from the earnings of others, even if those others are your parents. Will you be a permanent appendage of your parents? Can’t you make your own way in life? Are you too feeble, too inept, too untalented to carve your own path in life and prosper from your own efforts?

The Libyan Revolution:

So, a brutal tyrant got what he deserved after being dragged from a sewer pleading for the mercy that he never showed anyone else. A few weeks ago, he was in a luxury palace, but then he took the journey from palace to gutter – shouldn’t the global elite join him? Yet there was something extraordinarily disturbing about the events in Libya. Every Muslim shown on TV – men, women and children – incessantly yelled the cry of all Islamic suicide bombers, the cry of the 9/11 mass murderers: Allahu Akbar! (God is Great). Not once did any of them say anything else.

Why didn’t the freedom fighters who did all the hard work, took all the risks and did all the fighting yell, “WE ARE GREAT!” Where the fuck was “Allah”? Where was his contribution? Why did the fighters attribute victory to Allah and not to themselves? Moreover, by the “logic” of the Libyan revolutionaries, the decades of tyranny they endured were also the will of Allah i.e. he deliberately inflicted misery and cruelty on them. Why, therefore, didn’t they curse Allah during all those long years? Allah can never lose in this game. He is thanked and glorified for victory but never blamed and reviled for defeat. This is a one-way bet. Such a system in which a certain figure is revered in all circumstances is a manifestation of absolute brainwashing.

All Muslims are robotic. There’s no point in talking to them because you already know what they’re going to say. They will simply repeat their Koranic programming over and over again. They won’t say anything radical. They won’t engage in any freethinking. They won’t exercise free speech. They won’t talk about humanism, atheism, agnosticism, skepticism, science, philosophy, enlightenment. All they will ever say, to the point of nausea, is Allahu Akbar, Inshallah (Allah willing) and As-Salamu `Alaykum (Peace be with you.)

The Libyans have got rid of one dictator but not the Cosmic Dictator who stands behind all the rest – Allah. No Muslim can ever be free. Every thought they have, every word that emerges from their mouths, is controlled by the Koran. They read that book constantly and indeed many of them memorise the whole thing. That book is completely internalised by them – it might as well be hard-wired. Every word is ingrained in their minds. They literally cannot think unKoranically. They don’t read other books and thereby have a selection of rival ideas to choose from. They don’t read anything that challenges and mocks the Koran. No, the Koran is sacrosanct and programmed into every fibre of their being. They are mind controlled in every conceivable way. In Christian countries, you can read any amount of criticism of Christianity, but there is NO CRITICISM of the Koran in Islamic countries. The idea of free speech in Islamic countries is a contradiction in terms. If you spoke out against the Koran you would be beheaded as an apostate or infidel. How can the Libyan rebels claim to be free? They don’t know the meaning of the world. Until people in Muslim countries can freely criticise, debate, condemn and joke about the Koran, Mohammed and Allah, no Muslim will EVER be free.

We encourage everyone to read Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, the ultimate dystopian novel. In this astounding novel, Orwell shows how the totalitarian State doesn’t simply want to monitor and control your behaviour, but actually strives to create an impoverished language (“Newspeak”) that makes it impossible for you to think outside the parameters it sets. It wants to create a language that makes the very possibility of thinking subversive thoughts inconceivable. The vocabulary and grammar of the language would be so constrained, so well designed to favour the stance of the dictators, that there would be no words or grammar available to shape a free thought, a subversive idea. You would obey like an automaton because Newspeak would have so conditioned your thoughts that you could not do otherwise. Every thought you were capable of having would be defined beforehand by your mind controllers.

What could be more disturbing than the ability of dictators to shape language itself, to determine what thoughts you were able to think?

But Newspeak has already happened. IT’S THE KORAN! Muslims cannot think outside the Koranic box. Not one Muslim could ever utter the words: FUCK ALLAH! Such a formulation of words is impossible in Islam. All free thinking, skepticism, free choice and free speech is impossible in Islam. This evil religion has succeeded in making itself impregnable. It is the PERFECT brainwashing system because it has literally made criticism impossible. It does so by the 100% control of people’s thoughts, the words they are able to use, the concepts they are able to formulate.

Just as Winston Smith, the protagonist of Nineteen Eighty-Four, ended up agreeing that 2 + 2 = 5, so would any Muslim if that’s what it said in the Koran. After all, if you don’t agree with the Koran you go to hell! Who cares about reason and mathematics?!

Orthodox Judaism is every bit as bad as Islam, of course, as is Christian Fundamentalism. But so is democratic free-market capitalism. There are hundreds of millions of brainwashed Westerners who simply cannot contemplate replacing democracy or free-market capitalism. They have endured endless propaganda by the capitalist media machine to indoctrinate them. They all have the equation freedom = democracy = free speech = choice = free-market capitalism drilled into them and they are incapable of analysing this equation and finding it absurd and false in every way.

THINK! Escape from the Matrix. Challenge every idea. Use your reason. Don’t swallow the brainwashing mantras of the elite.

Meritocracy is about liberating the human mind. There can be no sacred cows. Rather than constraining what you can think, the Meritocratic Movement wants you to be able to think any thought at all – total freedom of the mind. The idea that you should be compelled to read one book over and over again and commit every word to memory is anathema and must be prevented by law. All fanatical religions that brandish “sacred texts” should be illegal. They are brainwashing machines supremely and irrevocably opposed to freedom. All ideas should be challenged, mocked, dissected, joked about. No one should have to hold back because of the religious beliefs of others. If a Christian, Muslim or Jew can’t handle their sacred books being ridiculed, burned, condemned and shown to be irrational garbage, TOO FUCKING BAD!!! We, the Movement of Dialectical Freedom, won’t allow anyone to shape our thoughts and control what we can think. If we hate YOUR gods, we will say so, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Social Types:

Sociologist David Riesman spoke of six sociological types. First, there were the “Adjusted” (those who conform with the norms of society), the “Anomic” (the maladjusted who are at odds with social norms and often criminals or members of the underclass) and the “Autonomous” (those who can adjust to social norms when they desire, but are capable of defining and creating their own identities, regardless of society’s conventions).

Riesman subdivided the “adjusted” category into three further social types:

1) TRADITION-DIRECTED: those who subscribe to ancient ways of doing things because “things have always been done that way”; they are extremely conservative, conformist and respectful of authority; they are usually highly religious – Muslims, Christian Fundamentalists and Orthodox Jews are classic examples of tradition-directed people; these people are usually on the right or even far right of the political spectrum; they are extremely intolerant towards those who don’t share their traditions; the American Republican Party is tradition-directed and committed to “God, family and country”.

2) OTHER-DIRECTED: those who are obsessed with what their peer-group is thinking, with keeping up with the latest fashions and trends; they are terrified of being cast out from their group of friends and will adopt whatever views are adopted by everyone else; they crave the esteem, approval and recognition of their peer group; they are highly susceptible to groupthink and lack authentic individuality; they have no convictions other than that of not being seen as strange and different by others; they are highly flexible and adaptable because they are so uncommitted to any ideological stance (in complete contrast with the tradition-directed); most are liberal, relatively left wing and, in America, typically support the Democratic Party.

3) INNER-DIRECTED: these are the people who adopt their parents’ values – their parents being people of firm convictions that may be at odds with those of their local community or society at large – and use them as an unshakeable moral compass, allowing them to resist the fanatical doctrines of the tradition-directed and the obsessive pursuit of fashion and short-term gratification that characterises the other-directed; they have no clear political stance, but may be more attracted to independent candidates.


Are you a Settler, Prospector or Pioneer?

Contemporary sociologists have recast the tradition-, other- and inner-directed types as “Settlers”, “Prospectors” and “Pioneers”.

1) Settlers are the tradition-directed, religious, right-wing, conservative types who blabber on about God, family and country all of the time. They’re obsessed with “morality” (as defined by them, their prophets and holy books). They are highly conformist, conventional and dedicated to finding stability, security and predictability. They are obsessed with “right and wrong”, are wary of change, and have a strong sense of place; they often stay in the same place for their whole lives and have tremendous patriotic feelings. They are rule-bound – because rules provide the regulation of their lives that they crave. Settlers never think for themselves or subscribe to any new, radical ideas. They don’t read books. They are extremely set in their ways and are the primary supporters of “the establishment”. They adopt a “one-size fits all” view. Consider Islam: every Muslim reveres the Koran and no Muslim is capable of thinking in any way other than Koranically. To embrace any other type of thinking would render them no longer Muslim. Islam is a mould that all Muslims get poured into and they emerge as identikit, brainwashed Koranic machines incapable of free thought. If the Settlers had their way, everything would stay the same forever, just as the Muslims secretly want to live forever as seventh-century desert tribesmen, like their prophet Mohammed. The Koran was designed for seventh-century Arabia, so what’s the point of 21st century “truths” if you think God spoke to humanity conclusively and forever in the Koran fourteen centuries ago?

2) Prospectors are other-directed, adaptable liberals who follow fashion and whatever’s “in”. They are not slavish followers of any ancient rules, laws or customs. They can invent new moral codes as they go along, thus outraging the Settlers. Their views, their morals, their beliefs are experimental, fluid and flexible. Everything is forever changing. Prospectors are pragmatic; they want to be winners and definitely to avoid being “a loser”. They will bend rules; everything is acceptable other than “getting caught”. Prospectors, unlike the Settlers, open the door to new ways of doing things, new ideas, new religions and philosophies. They are always sifting for gold and trying to get rich quick. They are explorers, adventurers, experimentalists, those who test and push the boundaries in pursuit of new thrills. They are ambitious, enjoy success, and seek the esteem of others.

3) Pioneers are the inner-directed, with firm values. They want to be authentic and to be “true to themselves”. They are often highly intelligent, creative and unconventional. They have a global and even cosmic perspective. They are innovative, visionary and ethical, valuing community spirit.

Settlers, Prospectors and Pioneers are the three tribes who will decide whether there will be a new society or not. The Settlers will side with the establishment, hence are the enemies of the New Society. At most, they will ask for a few reforms that will soon enough be repudiated by the elite. The Settlers are terrified of anything radically new. Prospectors and Pioneers are the ones who will make the difference.

One group is the eternal enemy of progress – the Settlers. These are the religious fundamentalists, the blinkered fanatics, the right-wing conservatives, the rule-bound supporters of ancient, disproven traditions and religious beliefs. They revere authority. They are natural monarchists. They have a great desire to bow and kneel to higher powers, whether they be kings, presidents, popes or gods. They are pathetic, cowardly submissives, unable to think for themselves or challenge authority. Jews obey 620 completely pointless rules – such as not mixing wool and linen (!) and not switching on electric lights on the Sabbath – because they revere tradition and can’t imagine getting rid of all of this old, rancid, irrational, superstitious junk. What kind of human being conceives of God as someone who cares whether you are wearing something with linen AND wool, or whether you turn on a light? Such a God isn’t worthy of the name. In the humanity of five hundred years from now, Settlers will no longer exist. They will be as extinct as the dinosaurs. They can’t adapt. They are stuck in the past and can’t move forward, so the dialectic will leave them behind and they will fade into oblivion.

What’s our core message? Never kneel to anyone, including “God”. Never bow to anyone. Reject anyone who wants to establish a master-slave relationship with you as the slave. If “God” wants to be your master, fuck God. Never be a Muslim, Jew or Christian. These people are barely human. They are pathetic slaves who regard God as a terrifying monster who threatens people with eternal hellfire. God doesn’t threaten anyone. Why would he? Fuck any “God” who threatens you. He’s the Devil. Respect yourself. Free yourself. Know yourself.

“The way you change things is by getting people behind you, not by huddling together in a righteous and self-congratulatory embrace.” –Anthony Painter

Sociologists have demonstrated that all successful groups rely on “commitment mechanisms”. People must be committed to a cause. It has to become part of their identity. Religions have been extremely successful because they promise their committed believers paradise for compliance and hell for disobedience. The rich have been extremely successful because they deliver wealth and power to those committed to their cause, and poverty and mediocrity for everyone else.

A loose alliance of groups with no agreed stance, with no commitment, can never succeed. They will become bored, restless and drift off.

The protest groups of the world must unite under a single banner. Shouldn’t that banner be Meritocracy? Because of the elite’s brainwashing, you may remain unconvinced by Meritocracy, but ask yourself this – do you want the elite to stay in power, or do you wish to be rid of them? Meritocracy is the only system the world has never tried – precisely because it is supremely rational and dialectical, a smart solution for smart people. Isn’t it time to create the Smart Society of freedom, choice, and reason: the Society of the Enlightened?


People are either serious about changing the world, or they’re not. If they are then they must bring about the end of the reign of the super rich and privileged, of monarchs and nobles, of popes and priests, imams and rabbis, of bankers and their puppet politicians.

The Hour of Decision has come. Do you have the courage to change this world, or will you let the elite off the hook yet again?

100% inheritance tax destroys the dynastic elites. It forces the rich to start offloading their assets straight away and to spend big style, thus reinvigorating the global economy. Meritocracy destroys the networks of nepotism and cronyism that turn our world into two tiers, with the 1% on top and the 99% as their abject slaves.

It’s time for a New World.

1776 – the American Revolution
1789 – the French Revolution
1917 – the Russian Revolution

The Wasteland:

Interested in the Illuminati? Study the coded Arthurian Romances. Go and see Wagner’s Parsifal. Study the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Go and see Goethe’s Faust. Study Dante’s Divine Comedy. Go and see Tarkovsky’s Stalker. Embrace the Light. Walk the Path of Truth, the hardest path of all, the path that all Questers of Enlightenment must take.

The Armageddon Conspiracy.

The Armageddon Conspiracy = the Illuminati’s 21st century coded Arthurian novel

The Armageddon Conspiracy = the Plot to Kill God

Who is “God”? He is Jehovah, Christ, Allah. But he is NOT God (Abraxas). He’s the Devil. Humanity cannot live until the Devil dies.

Saint-Just, the great French Revolutionary and Illuminatus, demanded the death of the tyrant king Louis XVI. Even more so, the tyrant “God” must perish.

No matter how the Abrahamic God cloaks himself, whether in the coat of Judaism, Christianity or Islam, he remains an eternal criminal against which the whole of humanity must take up arms. The Abrahamic God is crime itself. How did he sign his Covenant with Abraham? – by ordering Abraham to murder his own son to show how good a slave he was. Only slaves could ever kneel to this diabolical “God”.

“God” cannot reign innocently, and plainly never has. “God” is a usurper of the Rights of Man. He seeks to strip the human race of its rights and impose his hatred of freedom on us all. He is the quintessential enemy of human freedom and Reason itself. One need only look at the slaves who worship him to see how he degrades, imprisons and makes idiots of the human race.

The Abrahamic God is the essence of evil and the greatest enemy humanity will ever face. There can be no pardon for this monster. This Torture God must reign or die.

Will you join the plot to kill the apex predator that preys on humanity?

Don’t worship God. BECOME GOD! When everyone is part of a Society of the Divine, a Community of Gods, there will be no more human slaves on their knees to an invisible Sky God who exercises his power not through being real but through being imagined to be real. When it comes to religion, perception IS reality.

Do you believe in the Illuminati? We don’t. We ARE the Illuminati.

We are the Lizard Kings.

We are the Mathematikoi.

We are the Coming Race.

We are the HyperHumans.

For the infantile conspiracy theorists, “Illuminati” stands for whoever they don’t like. Are the Illuminati Zionists, Jesuits, Communists, Socialists, Freemasons, Knights Templar, Liberals, Knights Hospitaller, pan-dimensional, shape-shifting, alien lizards, Wall Street bankers, the CEOs who run the corporatocracy, the Washington D. C. WASPs who facilitate the corporatocracy, the super rich who lobby and pay for their own agenda to be foisted on the people, the dynastic families of power and privilege who ensure that their rule stretches down the generations (the Old World Order)?

It’s self-evident who the enemies of the people are: the cabal visibly running the world. There’s nothing hidden or secret about them. They’re right in front of our faces. They are those who run global capitalism, free-market capitalism, consumerism, “freedumb and dumbocracy”, bread and circuses, media propaganda, the security services, those who uphold dynastic property rights, inheritance, privilege, cronyism, nepotism, those who uphold hereditary monarchy, those who support ancient, decrepit, evil religions, those who support greed and selfishness in the name of “liberty”, those who support psychopathy and the relentless manipulation and exploitation of the masses in order to siphon more and more power, wealth and resources into the hands of fewer and fewer people.

These people have nothing to do with the Illuminati. They are the OPPOSITE of the Illuminati. They are the 1% of psychopathic humans who feed on the rest. They are the vampire humans, the insatiable hawks who love nothing more than to feast on doves. Just as turkeys are fattened for Christmas, so are the doves fattened (made morbidly obese) so that the Elite never have to worry about these lumbering, slow-minded morons and slaves.

Get Real. Get Active. Get Going.

Isn’t it time to become ILLUMINATED?!


The Movement Rebooted.

The Illuminati are portrayed by conspiracy theorists and Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists as the puppetmasters of the world. The world’s real puppetmasters are self-evident: they are the 80 individuals who own more wealth than half the world’s population. The 80 are the Archons of free-market capitalism, and are propped up by the vast capitalist infrastructure that exists solely to serve their private, selfish interests. They are mired in privilege, cronyism and nepotism. The governments and nation states of the world are fully in their service and never under any circumstances do they take any action against them.

This is the most unequal period in human history. By next year, 1% of the world’s population will own more wealth than the other 99%. Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Oxfam International, asked, “Do we really want to live in a world where the 1% own more than the rest of us combined? The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering and despite the issues shooting up the global agenda, the gap between the richest and the rest is widening fast.”

The wealth of the richest 80 doubled in cash terms between 2009 and 2014. Increasingly, wealth is inherited and used to finance lobbyists who are paid to further their wealthy clients’ own interests, and not those of the people … of private wealth, not the Commonwealth. All elected politicians are puppets of the Old World Order of dynastic wealth and power.

The true Bible of the Power Elite is Ayn Rand’s toxic Atlas Shrugged, her sickenening hymn to selfishness. Nearly all conspiracy theorists are fanatical Randroids, and they are absolutely right that we are their Nemesis. Our mission is to bring to a permanent end the anti-democratic and anti-meritocratic rule of the privileged, dynastic elites that run the world and create a false consciousness in the sheeple that blindly support them.

Conspiracy theories are used by the Elite to promote the agenda of unrestrained free-market capitalist globalism. Conspiracy theories are all about calling into question the inherent legitimacy of governments and nation states, so that they can be replaced by capitalist markets, wholly controlled by the rich Elite … by the 80.

The 80 are unelected and unaccountable to the people, and that’s exactly what Elitism – supported by legions of right-wing anarcho-capitalist libertarians and anti-Jacobin conspiracy theorists – is all about. The right wingers of the world are all about promoting private interest over the public interest, self-service over public service, selfishness over altruism, irrationalism over Reason, greed over need, narcissism over respect for others. Right wingers are on the psychopathic spectrum. They invariably love themselves and rail against anyone or any group that seeks to stand up to them and stop the hawk predators from feeding on the innocent, harmless doves.

Capitalist Globalism – making the whole world dance to the Old World Order’s economic rule in perpetuity – is the supreme expression of imperialism. Capitalist Globalism is the One World Government that the rich Elite are implementing to ensure that they rule every corner of the globe.

The biggest “nation” of all … the One World system of Global Capitalism, which rules everything … is the ultimate gangster, and all the rest of us are the prostitutes, begging for money from the Elite while they fuck us up the ass.

Just as Judaism, Christianity and Islam have always been terrorist religions – terrorising people with the threat of the wrath of “God” and eternal pain and suffering in hell – so free-market capitalism has never been anything other than gangsterism, where those with capital point a gun at the head of those without. It’s time to stop being the slaves of the Elite. It’s time for the people to rule.

The End of Privilege, the End of Nepotism, the End of Cronyism, the End of Dynastic Wealth and Power.

Inheritance is the precise mechanism by which the dead tyrannically rule over the living. When you’re dead, you’re dead. Your wealth does not live on to be inherited by nepotistic scroungers who did nothing to earn it. Inheritance is welfare for rich folk, and no decent person would ever accept it. Inheritance is how the rich control the poor and keep them in their “place”. It’s how the dead rule from beyond the grave. The dead have no legal rights and no stake in the world of the living. Post mortem transfers of wealth, power and influence must be made illegal via Pro Life legislation, i.e. legislation designed to ensure that corpses cannot dictate the future of the human race via selectively handing on decisive financial advantage to the chosen few (the “Chosen People”).

The mission of the rich elites is to set up their families to rule over the rest of us in perpetuity. They call for zero percent inheritance tax, and inheritance is of course the means by which they transmit overwhelming advantage across the generations, how they rig the system, and how they establish the all-powerful cartel from which all the rest of us are excluded if we are fools and cowards enough to go along with it. What is the antidote to dynastic rule, and what is it that the rich elites hate and fear more than anything else? … it’s one hundred percent inheritance tax. Anyone who opposes this tax – the tax that ensures that no dynasty can rule the world via inherited wealth (parasitical wealth, unearned by the deadbeats and dead heads who pathetically grab it because they are incapable of standing on their own two feet and earning their own money by their own sweat and effort) – opposes human progress and freedom. Anyone who resists total inheritance tax supports anti-meritocracy and the dynastic rule of rich elites. We note that all the cretinous conspiracy theorists rage against inheritance tax, and call it “communism” – exactly as required by their rich puppetmasters. Here’s the simple truth of the world:

1) Thesis: Free-market Capitalism … unequal opportunities and unequal outcomes.

2) Antithesis: Communism … equal opportunities and equal outcomes.

3) Synthesis: Meritocracy … equal opportunities and unequal outcomes.

Meritocracy is about the smartest, most talented people … from any background, no matter how humble or disadvantaged … getting to the top so that the rest of us can benefit from their expertise, intelligence and merit. It’s not a question of a rising tide of money raising all boats, but of a rising tide of intelligence and talent.

The proper function of the State is to optimise itself through optimising each and every one of its citizens. It has to maximise the potential of everyone, from any background. The optimal State is the one governed by its smartest and most meritorious citizens – Plato’s Philosopher Kings, who are not allowed to accumulate any private wealth and must be devoted entirely to the public good, the opposite of today’s rulers of the world.

Every person must be allowed to go as far as their talents take them, and that means they must not be up against a rigged system of privilege, cronyism and nepotism, designed to favour the children of the Elite and to obstruct the progress of everyone else.

Free-market capitalism exists to free the capitalists and enslave everyone else. Aren’t you sick of being a slave? Then do something about it. Get off your fucking ass.

No Taxation Without Representation.

The American rebels against British imperial tyranny rightly demanded representation in Parliament. Nowadays, you routinely find American “patriots” demanding the end of government, and its replacement by the market. So, here’s a question for all the “patriots” … given that the markets are run by and for global banks, global corporations, and the global super rich, in what way are the markets accountable to the people? Can we vote the “market” or its controllers out of office? Can we fire any of the big market makers and players? Are we represented on the boards of any of the big market makers and players? Do the ordinary people have any say at all over the market? And, if they don’t, isn’t that tyranny? The market is tyranny without a face, or the face of the rich carefully hidden behind a faceless abstraction so that we can’t see the tyrant stamping on our face.

The Divine Conspiracy.

What is the Armageddon Conspiracy? It’s the Plot to Kill “God” … the Abrahamic Torture God, the Abrahamic Terrorist God … The Devil God who orders fathers to murder their own children as a test of slavish, blind obedience.

Illuminati Coded Fiction.

“The Armageddon Conspiracy” by Mike Hockney – the ancient Solomonic plot to kill the Abrahamic God, brought into the twenty-first century.

“The Millionaires’ Death Club” by Mike Hockney – no one is safe from the world’s smartest, most glamorous, most stylish elite who will go to any lengths, even murder, to have their “fun”.

“Prohibition A” by Mike Hockney – Dante’s nine circles of hell are transported to Manhattan for the ultimate game of life and death.

“The Last Bling King” by Mike Hockney – the plot of the elite to own the whole world in perpetuity, and the ingenious counterplot to overthrow them.

These are the Books of the Revolution!

Have you unlocked the code?

Join the Illuminati Revolution!

The Illuminati – How to Become God.

The God Game – Want to Play?



The world is in thrall to the past. The shadow of primitive, superstitious, uneducated desert tribesmen continues to be cast over the world. Billions continue to subscribe to bizarre, irrational and even evil belief systems. Their deranged ideas and attitudes infect every world institution and prevent the world from moving forward. Perhaps only 20% of the human race is enlightened, while the vast majority remain ignorant, almost militantly so. It’s as if they don’t want to move into the future.

The Illuminati is a dialectical society, seeking to achieve humanity’s omega point – union with the divine order. Only through our enlightened, rational manifesto can that dream be brought into being. The old gods must perish so that new gods may live. Those new gods will be human beings. Don’t you want to become God? Then learn from the past, and correct the errors that have held back humanity. It’s time to revalue all values. It’s time to be free. It’s time to achieve apotheosis.

It’s time for the Illuminati.

The End


To all of our detractors and enemies, FUCK YOU!!!

This has been a HyperReality Production by a communication cell of the Illuminati.


The Armageddon Conspiracy: The Plot To Kill God



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