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Academia Iluministă (35)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia


THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES OF BOOKS outlining the religion, politics and philosophy of the ancient and controversial secret society known as the Illuminati, of which the Greek polymath Pythagoras was the first official Grand Master. The society exists to this day and the author is a member, working under the pseudonym of “Adam Weishaupt” – the name of the Illuminati’s most notorious Grand Master.

The Illuminati’s religion is the most highly developed expression of Gnosticism and is called Illumination (alternatively, Illuminism). Dedicated to the pursuit of enlightenment, it has many parallels with the Eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. It rejects the Abrahamic religions of faith: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, considering these the work of the “Demiurge”; an inferior, cruel and wicked deity who deludes himself that he is the True God, and who has inflicted endless horrors on humanity.

If you wish to judge for yourself how deranged the Demiurge is, you need only read the Old Testament, the story of the Demiurge’s involvement with his “Chosen People”, the Hebrews. You may wonder why the “God of All” entered into an exclusive and partisan Covenant with a tribe in the Middle East several thousand years ago, why he promised them a land (Canaan) that belonged to others, and why he then actively participated with them in a genocidal war against the Canaanites. Even more bizarrely, according to Christian theology, he then dispatched all of those Hebrews, whom he had supported so fanatically, to Limbo – the edge of Hell – when they died. They couldn’t go to Heaven because they were indelibly marked by the “Original Sin” of Adam and Eve. Only the atonement provided by the agonising death of God’s “son”, Jesus Christ, could wipe the slate clean and allow the Hebrews to be released from Limbo. But there was a catch. Only those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour were eligible for Paradise.

Of course, the Chosen People of “God” have almost entirely rejected Jesus Christ. Therefore, from the Christian perspective, nearly all of the Chosen People are now in hell proper. Don’t you find God’s behaviour distinctly odd? Indeed, unbelievable? Don’t alarm bells start ringing? Doesn’t the behaviour of this God sound rather more like what would be expected of Satan?

Remember that this same “God” ordered Abraham to perform human sacrifice on his own son, Isaac. Abraham, rather than rejecting this monstrous command, rather than denouncing the creature that gave it as evil incarnate, agreed to butcher his own flesh and blood to demonstrate how slavishly and mindlessly obedient he was – the prototype of all psychopathic, fanatical “believers”.

Does God’s command to Abraham sound like something that would ever pass the lips of the True God? We pity you if you think it does because you are surely a creature of the Demiurge and one of the legions of the damned. If, however, you doubt the credentials of the Abrahamic God, you may be receptive to the message of the Illuminati and our future-oriented, rational, scientific, mathematical and dialectical religion of light – Illumination.


“The Ancien Régime is a Satanic Order. The Illuminati’s noble and historic mission is to release man’s higher self by destroying the archons – the princes of the world – who prosecute Satan’s will and hold mankind in their thrall. Their corruption has reached its zenith in France. That diabolical tyranny is ripe for destruction. All that is required is a spark. We are the spark.” –Adam Weishaupt, Grand Master of the Illuminati, 1789

“Weishaupt seems to be an enthusiastic Philanthropist. He is among those (as you know the excellent Price and Priestley also are) who believe in the indefinite perfectibility of man. He thinks he may in time be rendered so perfect that he will be able to govern himself in every circumstance so as to injure none, to do all the good he can, to leave government no occasion to exercise their powers over him, & of course to render political government useless. This you know is Godwin’s doctrine, and this is what Robinson, Barruel & Morse had called a conspiracy against all government.” –Thomas Jefferson, 1800

The Oldest Secret Society in the World:

The Illuminati is an ancient secret society that seeks to bring about a New World Order based on the principle that everyone has it within them to literally become God. The series of books of which this is one, presents the Illuminati’s radical vision for a new humanity and provides a full account of the inner divinity of the human race.

The ten most influential Grand Masters of the Illuminati are: King Solomon the Apostate, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Simon Magus, Hypatia, Leibniz, Weishaupt, Goethe and Hegel. If these figures are not of interest to you then it would be pointless for you to venture any further into the world of the Illuminati.

The series of books presented by the Illuminati is not for the faint-hearted. It contains an enormous amount of philosophical, psychological, political, historical, scientific and religious content. If you are interested in embarking on the spiritual journey of your life then you have opened the door to a mansion of wonders. If, however, you have come in search of aliens, pan-dimensional lizards and evil Illuminists relentlessly plotting against the ordinary people of the world then you have arrived at the wrong destination. Henry Makow, David Icke, and Alex Jones and their ilk will be more to your taste.

Our aim, as it has always been, is to overthrow the network of elite, dynastic families of wealth and privilege that we refer to as the “Old World Order” that have run this world since the dawn of civilization, to their maximum advantage and to the extreme detriment of the people.

We are a radical and indeed revolutionary organization that seeks nothing less than to assist the ordinary men and women of the human race to ascend to the next stage of humanity’s divine evolution. We describe this higher level as the “Community of Gods” or the “Society of the Divine.”

It’s time to end the reign of the false prophets of religion, the fake gods of capitalism and democracy, and the tawdry idols that we call “celebrities”. We’re sick of the bankers and traders, the lawyers and accountants, the politicians and their “special advisers” the lobbyists and spin doctors, the agents and gatekeepers, the CEOs and chairmen, the advertisers, brand managers and marketing men. We’re sick of all the same faces of the “top” people and their relentless tricks and tactics to keep enriching themselves at the people’s expense. We’re sick of George W. Bush’s “Freedumb and Dumbocracy” that con people into voting for the rich and the apologists for the rich, and we’re sick of the Abrahamic religions that keep billions of people on their knees as slaves to a psychotic tyrant masquerading as God.

You know that humanity is capable of so much more. Isn’t it time to bring about real change? Isn’t it time to seize our divine inheritance?

We are the Illuminati. We are the messengers of the True God – Abraxas. Our sacred mission is to bring humanity into full union with the True God so that there is no longer any distinction between the human race and the divine essence. We are able to show how this can be achieved using Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity, and quantum mechanics. It’s time for humanity to open its eyes and see the divine light for the first time. Our religion is called Illumination. We have emerged from the shadows to cast the light of Abraxas on this benighted world; to bring Illumination – enlightenment – to everyone.

Those who regard Adam Weishaupt, the most controversial Grand Master of the Illuminati, as a monster attempting to create a sinister New World Order should prepare to have their prejudices challenged.

Weishaupt did indeed wish to overthrow conventional religion and all oppressive governments. He did indeed wish to create a New World Order, one that would free humanity from the grip of the Old World Order that has Satanically ruled the earth from the dawn of time and which continues to rule to this day. Weishaupt’s mission is not over. The New World Order is not built. The world is not Illuminated. All of you who wish to bring to an end the corrupt rule of rich elites such as those that run Wall Street, and evil dynasties such as the Royal Family of the United Kingdom or the Rothschild bankers, what are you prepared to do to assist our great endeavour to change this benighted world? It’s time to dispel the darkness. It’s time for Illumination. It’s time to go on a new quest for the Holy Grail.

“The stories of the Grail had been of the greatest importance to me ever since I read them, at the age of fifteen, for the first time. I had an inkling that a great secret lay hidden behind those stories.” –Jung

This series constitutes an unprecedented “experiment”, with one of its main aims being to defuse the absurd misinformation and disinformation that appears in enormous amounts on the internet regarding the Illuminati, making it the most controversial organization on earth. The Illuminati is the oldest secret society in the world, and currently comprises approximately 6,000 souls from all across the globe. The Order of the Illuminati offers ten “degrees”, of which seven are ordinary degrees and the remaining three “mystery” degrees. The ruling council comprises the twelve most senior members of the Illuminati (those who have attained the tenth degree and mastered all of the mysteries). The Grand Master is elected by the ruling council and remains in post until death.

This series of books is intended to provide interested parties with the equivalent of the information and training supplied to a sixth degree Illuminatus. This immense undertaking is one of a number of initiatives run by “communication cells” of the Illuminati. The series is administered by three adepts who have attained the seventh degree of the Order of the Illuminati.

For those who wish to get involved with building a new society based on the ingenuity, talents and power of the people, we recommend that you join “The Movement”. Where is it? It’s wherever you are. This is the dawn of hyperreality.

Join the resistance to the Power Elite. Build a New World Order in the name of the people. Make your contribution to a new society.

The present book serves as an introduction to the Illuminati, revealing an unprecedented amount of hitherto secret information, and disclosing the ancient origins of the Order.

The Illuminators:

The oldest writings of the Illuminati declare that the Order was founded by the Illuminators – the Phosters – sent by Abraxas, the True God, to counteract the malignant influence of the archons of the Demiurge, and to provide humanity with a means of escape from the Demiurge’s dark clutches.

The original members of the Illuminati to whom the Phosters imparted knowledge of the true nature of the divine order were nomadic holy men, mystics and philosophers. One of them encountered King Solomon and succeeded in enlightening the most famously wise man of the Old Testament.

Solomon made the first attempt to create a formal organization based on the teachings of the Illuminati. The prototype was called the Order of Solomon, but it disintegrated after the king’s death. Many centuries later, from its ashes, emerged the Knights Templar and then Freemasonry (nothing like the corrupt Freemasonry of the contemporary world).

Solomon chose to emphasize the mystical and magical elements of what he had learned from the Illuminati, and became a master in the use and command of esoteric forces. To his enemies – and there were many – he was regarded as a sorcerer. He was locked in conflict with the priests of Yahweh, the agents of the Demiurge’s archons, who yearned for his downfall. Solomon survived many plots against him, always managing to outmanoeuvre his foes. Rehoboam, his son, lacked his extraordinary skill and knowledge, and failed to pacify Israel’s warring factions. The kingdom split in two during his reign.

It was not until the sixth century BCE that the Illuminati finally became an organized Order, with Pythagoras, the famous Greek philosopher, mystic and mathematician serving as the first official Grand Master. While continuing to take a great interest in the magical and esoteric, he also set about moulding the teachings of the Illuminati into an adamantine edifice and synthesis of philosophy, mathematics, science and religion – an entirely integrated view of the world providing the knowledge necessary to overcome the false prophets of the Demiurge who preached “faith” over knowledge.

Here we will describe the intellectual development of some of the key ideas of Illuminism. Since the first Grand Master of the Illuminati was Pythagoras, it is to Ancient Greece that we turn. Anyone who studies the philosophy of the ancient Greeks will be struck by its brilliance, contemporary relevance and how all the seeds of a true understanding of life were furnished in just three centuries: the sixth to the fourth centuries BCE.

The Illuminati are often referred to as the “Bavarian” Illuminati thanks to the most controversial of the Illuminati’s Grand Masters – Adam Weishaupt. Since Weishaupt was an academic and great thinker, like Hegel and Leibniz, who wanted to rid the world of sadistic religions and tyrannical governments, it’s utterly perverse that he is now cast as a profoundly sinister man. Does anyone regard as Hegel or Leibniz as deeply sinister?

What is certainly true is that the Illuminati was headquartered in Germany for a very long time. It was when Germany was unified under Bismarck in 1871 that the Illuminati chose to move its base of operations since it was apparent that Germany was becoming militaristic and moving away from its cultural and intellectual greatness. The new headquarters was Scotland, which had always played a crucial role in the affairs and history of the Illuminati. It was there, for example, that the original form of Freemasonry was born from the remnants of the Knights Templar. The Scottish connection is alluded to in The Armageddon Conspiracy by Mike Hockney.

In the latter decades of the 19th century, the great German philosopher Nietzsche (not an Illuminatus) was so alarmed by the type of Germany that he found himself in that he started laying claim to Polish ancestry. His scathing opinions of the new Germany were shared by the Illuminati. Much of what he said about Germany could now be said of most of the Western world and perhaps, particularly, America. Germany, thankfully, has returned to being a great nation and it would be no surprise if the idealistic up-and-coming generation of Germany were at the forefront of changing the world for the better, in keeping with the traditions of the Illuminati.

America, too, can return to being the great nation that once inspired the world and seemed like a beacon of freedom. One way or another, it will be America that is the focus of major world events in the next few years. America is a deeply polarized society and one day something is going to give. Then it will be up to the good Americans to stand up and be counted, and to set an example that will inspire the world.

The Phoenician Connection:

What is the connection between King Solomon, the unofficial first Grand Master of the Illuminati, and Pythagoras, the first official Grand Master and the acknowledged founder of the secret society that exists to this day? (Of course, the name “Illuminati”, from the Latin word illuminatus meaning “enlightened one”, wasn’t one used by either Solomon or Pythagoras, who lived long before the Romans became a significant power in the world and before their language of Latin had spread far and wide.) At first sight, it would seem implausible that a Hebrew king should be linked to a Greek philosopher.

King Solomon famously invoked the help of the Phoenician king Hiram of Tyre to build his holy temple in Jerusalem. King Hiram provided him with cedar logs, fine stone, precious metals, stonemasons, metalworkers and carpenters to build a wonder of the ancient world. All of the most skilled Phoenician artisans were employed in the sacred task. Phoenician master craftsmen were responsible for the entire construction project, which took seven years to complete.

Solomon also had a beautiful palace built for him and called it “The Hall of the Forest of Lebanon” because it was fashioned from the famous cedar wood of Lebanon (the modern flag of Lebanon shows a Cedar tree). In this palace was The Throne Room, also called The Hall of Judgement, where Solomon pronounced his decisions in the cases that came before him, earning himself an eternal reputation for surpassing wisdom.

Of course, it was Solomon’s connection with King Hiram, and with Phoenicia’s greatest architect and master builder, also called Hiram (Abiff), that is central to the foundation myth and mystery of Freemasonry, which is fundamentally all about creating the perfect human temple from the raw material of one’s own self. We are all Hirams, seeking to fashion the ideal design, and to resist those who seek to sabotage us and to render our holy temples mere shacks, hovels and centres of idolatry.

Solomon created the first recognizable Order of the Illuminati (called the Order of Solomon and dedicated to the destruction of Yahweh), but it didn’t long survive his death. In the reign of Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, Israel descended into vicious faction fighting and civil war, resulting in the kingdom splitting in two, and the survivors of the Order of Solomon left Israel and settled in Phoenicia, in and around Tyre. This coastal city was in a perfect location, at the hub of the ancient world’s maritime “information superhighway”.

They kept the traditions of the Illuminati alive, albeit in no organized form since they had no agreed leader. The Order returned to what it was before Solomon: a loose confederation of wandering holy men, mystics and esotericists, passing in the night to exchange new secrets discovered in exotic lands.

Pythagoras’ father was a Phoenician merchant called Mnesarchus, who often trade with Samos, a Greek island colony off the west coast of modern-day Turkey, near the great Greek city-state of Miletus (in modern mainland Turkey) where philosophy was born. During a severe famine, Mnesarchus brought corn to the starving people of Samos and, as a mark of gratitude, was granted citizenship and a fine house.

Mnesarchus wasn’t an Illuminatus, but he was aware of the secretive group of wise men who were thought to have magical powers and secret knowledge derived from the famous Solomon. He was fascinated by them, and often gave them passage on his ship, but retained a certain wariness towards them, born of a vague fear.

While on business in the magnificent Greek city of Delphi in Greece, home of the famous oracle of Apollo, Mnesarchus learned that his wife was pregnant. Keen to know what fate had in store for his child, Mnesarchus consulted the Pythia, the priestess of Apollo who transmitted the oracles from the gods to men. (One of Apollo’s names was Pythios, hence his priestess was called Pythia.)

The priestess told Mnesarchus that his child would be a son, surpassingly handsome and wise beyond all other men, destined to shower great gifts on humanity.

The child was born on Samos (not at Sidon in Phoenicia, as some have claimed). Pythagoras was named after Apollo (Pythios), the Greek god of light. (Another of Apollo’s names was Phoebus – the “shining one”, and the sun was his symbol, making him a sun god.) Apollo was also the god of prophecy, of poetry and music, of healing, of intelligence and understanding, of reason, science and mathematics: an ideal divine patron for the Illuminati. The second part of Pythagoras’s name was derived from the ancient Greek word “agora” – the “marketplace” – in honour of his father who made his living from trading and selling in the market.

Legends surrounded the birth of Pythagoras. It was said that he was not a human child, but an avatar of a god – a deity taking human form to walk amongst men to help them, advise them and be their benefactor. Pythagoras was, according to most people who met him, an individual in whom the influence of divine inspiration was unmistakable and overwhelming. He was often called the Son of God, just like Jesus Christ centuries later. It was even suggested that Apollo was his real father, and that he was immaculately conceived, in the manner later attributed to Jesus Christ. In fact a great deal of the stories concerning Jesus Christ seem like direct copies of those told of Pythagoras. It was said that Pythagoras met his death by crucifixion by his enemies, in an open field. His enemies, well aware of his reputation, watched his body for three days and nights to see if any trace of his soul would become visible as it departed his body, or if the gods would come to retrieve him, or if a creature would come into which he would transfer his soul. Last but not least, there was speculation that he might come back from the dead, such was his reputation for miracles.

There was one other notion of what might be his fate; either the fabled Phoenix, to which Pythagoras often expressed his devotion, would swoop down and he would pass his soul into it, or he himself would transform into the Phoenix and fly away. In fact, at the end of the three days, Pythagoras’s body was said to have been struck by a single lightning bolt, utterly consuming his body, leaving not a trace.

Soon after Pythagoras’s birth, the Illuminati showed profound interest in Mnesarchus’s dazzlingly talented and precocious son, a child prodigy if ever there was one. And Magi from the East appeared in Samos, seeking the “child of wonders”. Sounds familiar? This happened centuries before Jesus Christ appeared on the scene.

From his tenderest years, Pythagoras sought and demanded knowledge. Above all, he loved to hear the strange stories told by his father of the mysterious men with whom he came into contact on his travels, particularly in the Phoenician coastal cities of Tyre, Sidon and Byblos. Young Pythagoras was transfixed, and vowed to find out every secret that existed in the world when he grew up. His father took him on many long journeys as part of his trading missions, and Pythagoras came into direct contact with the great sages of the world: in Egypt (land of the holy priests of Heliopolis, Memphis and Thebes), in Babylonia (land of Chaldean astronomy), in Persia (land of the Magi), and even as far as India and China.

The world’s wise men found Pythagoras’s abilities every bit as remarkable and unprecedented as was prophesied. He was such an extraordinary person that he easily found his way into the company of the most secretive priests, magicians, and sages all across the civilized world. He swiftly learned their esoteric knowledge and was initiated into their innermost mysteries. All of them recognized him as a demigod, and gave him all the assistance they could contrive. They directed him to others who could help his development, gave him glowing recommendations and references, and thus the whole world of esoteric knowledge simply opened up for him like a book. Pythagoras is often regarded as the first human to possess the same knowledge as Hermes Trismegistus, with whom he has often even been identified. He is therefore the world’s first “great initiate.”

Pythagoras took everything he had learned and melded it together into a grand synthesis of all the mystical and esoteric knowledge then known in the world. He was the first person to refer to himself as a philosopher – a lover of wisdom – and he was most assuredly that. The subject he was interested in above all others was that of the Phosters – a mysterious group of individuals who were said to have been sent from the heavens to guide humanity towards the divine light. They were reputed to appear to only the most worthy human beings, and to have secret knowledge without limit, founded primarily on mathematics. They were able to see “things” as numbers, it was said, and to understand the precise equations that linked everything. In modern terminology, we would say that they had a Grand Unified Theory of everything, such as contemporary physicists pursue.

The distinguished philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote of Pythagoras, “He was intellectually one of the most important men that ever lived…Mathematics, in the sense of demonstrative deductive argument, begins with him, and in him is intimately connected with a peculiar form of mysticism…Pythagoras is one of the most interesting and puzzling men in history…His religion was embodied in a religious order, which, here and there, acquired control of the State and established a rule of the saints. In the society that he founded, men and women were admitted on equal terms; property was held in common, and there was a common way of life…

“Personal religion is derived from ecstasy, theology from mathematics; and both are to be found in Pythagoras. Mathematics is, I believe, the chief source of the belief in eternal and exact truth, as well as in a super-sensible intelligible world. Geometry deals with exact circles, but no sensible object is exactly circular; however carefully we may use our compasses, there will be some imperfections and irregularities. This suggests the view that all exact reasoning applies to ideal as opposed to sensible objects; it is natural to go further, and to argue that thought is nobler than sense, and the objects of thought more real than those of sense perception. Mystical doctrines as to the relation of time to eternity are also reinforced by pure mathematics, for mathematical objects, such as numbers, if real at all, are eternal and not in time. Such eternal objects can be conceived as God’s thoughts…

“Rationalistic as opposed to apocalyptic religion has been, ever since Pythagoras, and notably ever since Plato, very completely dominated by mathematics and mathematical method…The combination of mathematics and theology, which began with Pythagoras, characterized religious philosophy in Greece, in the Middle Ages, and in modern times down to Kant. Orphism before Pythagoras was analogous to Asiatic mystery religions. But in Plato, St Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz there is an intimate blending of religion and reasoning, of moral aspiration with logical admiration of what is timeless, which comes from Pythagoras, and distinguishes the intellectualised theology of Europe from the more straightforward mysticism of Asia.

“I do not know of any other man who has been as influential as Pythagoras was in the sphere of thought. I say this because what appears to be Platonism is, when analysed, found to be in essence Pythagoreanism. The whole conception of an eternal world, revealed to the intellect but not to the senses, is derived from him. But for him, Christians would not have thought of Christ as the Word; but for him, theologians would not have sought logical proofs of God and immortality.”

Russell did not like Pythagoras, just as he disliked other radical thinkers such as Hegel and Nietzsche. A product of extreme English privilege and cynicism, completely lacking any spiritual sensibility, Russell simply could not understand either radical illiberalism (as in Nietzsche) or the ultimate journey towards union with God (Pythagoras and Hegel). In his commentaries, he scoffed at Pythagoras whenever he got the chance, but at least he was aware of Pythagoras’s stunning significance in world history.

The Illuminati are the intellectual soul of the world. Sadly, humanity has chosen war, greed, selfishness, vanity and money rather than the mind and spirituality as its gods i.e. it has decided to worship the Demiurge instead of Abraxas. Read the Bible. You will find ZERO intellectual content, but you will be overwhelmed by tales of violence and greed, and the psychopathic cruelty of the evil god Yahweh, better known as Satan, to whom the majority of humanity genuflects. The earth is a planet of Devil worshippers. It was not for nothing that many Gnostics considered this world as none other than hell, meaning that we – humanity – are the damned.

As he reached maturity, Pythagoras was all too aware of the wickedness of mankind. He detested the corrupt, dishonest, immoral, treacherous tyrant Polycrates who ruled Samos. With a vast navy at his disposal, Polycrates had made Samos an influential player in regional affairs. However, he often used his fleet for piracy, and had a habit of changing sides whenever it suited him, making him a marked man.

Pythagoras left Samos and made his way to the Greek colony at Croton in southern Italy – famous for its knowledge of medicine – where a group of Illuminists who had found a benign home there begged him to join them. As for Polycrates, his luck ran out and he was captured by his enemies and crucified.

It has been suggested that the magic Mediterranean island in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest was based on Samos, and the character of Prospero on Pythagoras himself. Certainly, Pythagoras was a figure of mystery and legend, a religious prophet and pure mathematician, a scientist and magician, a cross between Einstein and Merlin, striving to unite reason and mysticism, science and religion.

Shaman, showman and genius, there has never been anyone quite like Pythagoras, a man of supernatural charisma. At Croton, he created the Illuminati as a formal secret society, with himself as its first Grand Master, and with a specific mission to make its members worthy of the Phosters, from whom they would surely learn the final secrets of existence. Under his stewardship, the Illuminati became the precursor and template of all future secret societies.

So, that is the story of how Solomon and Pythagoras are linked, how Solomon’s kingdom of Israel became connected with the Greek world of Pythagoras via the beautiful and historic country of Phoenicia. The Phoenix flew over all these lands, a symbol of the spreading of spirituality and the inspiring possibility of starting anew, free of the shackles of Yahweh, the Demiurge.

The great Solomon, famed for his wisdom, was no worshipper of the monstrous God of the fanatical Jewish priesthood. One of the biggest lies in history was that the Temple of Solomon was built to honour Yahweh. In fact it was dedicated to Sophia, goddess of wisdom, as was entirely fitting.

Solomon, the wisest of men, attributed his wisdom to Sophia, and honoured her above all others. He is often accused of worshipping Syrian, Phoenician, Palestinian and Canaanite goddesses of love, sex and fertility, but in fact it was Sophia to whom he was devoted. And it was in the name of wisdom that Solomon conceived the plot to kill ignorance once and for all. The God of ignorance was Yahweh, and Solomon concluded that if this backward, negative, evil, stupid God had a purely physical existence and could be killed then humanity would at last be free and able to ascend to divinity. The novel The Armageddon Conspiracy by Mike Hockney is about this astounding plot “to kill God”, but set in the modern world.


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