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Academia Iluministă (41)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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The Illuminati aspire towards a future condition known as “HyperHumanity”, populated by HyperHumans (abbreviated as HHs or H2s). The underlying notion is that as human beings manifest more and more of their inner divinity – as they evolve towards gods – there will be an inevitable, radical and irreversible transformation in human society. HyperHumans will view current humanity as we view cavemen.

The HyperHuman is a being of supreme creativity, intelligence and spirit. H2s turn their backs forever on the trivia that consumes contemporary humanity. More and more, today’s world resembles a global shopping mall. Is that the purpose of life – to shop? Is “retail therapy” the height of human aspiration? Did we evolve from the primordial slime for no other reason than to buy “stuff”?

Walk through the main street of any town or city and you will see a shrine to consumerism. So, who can deny that contemporary culture has defined the meaning of life as shopping? If it had defined it as human excellence, main streets would look entirely different. But excellence requires effort on the part of people. Shopping requires only money. Shopping has become so successful because it follows the path of least resistance. You shuffle around from shop to shop like the undead; you exercise your precious “freedom and choice” by going to this shop rather than that shop, by buying this object rather than that one. You fetishise the objects you buy. They are your brand. Your identity is invested in them. If you have purchased “well”, you feel happy. You use your iPhone to tell your friends about your new objects. You go on Facebook to post pictures of your objects and to chat about them.

If you define yourselves by objects then you yourself become an object. If your mentality is attuned to buying then you yourself can be bought.

In the Sex and the City movie, the protagonists enter a gargantuan walk-in wardrobe, and practically faint. It’s as though they have entered the sanctum sanctorum, the holy of holies, and with their weary, mortal eyes beheld God in all his glory. Women in the cinema audience whoop, shriek and weep tears of joy and envy. They are on the point of multiple orgasm.

Wardrobes have become tabernacles. Shopping malls are our new cathedrals. Money is the Holy Spirit. Sales assistants are priests. Tannoy announcements are the voice of the Oracle. Objects are the sacred host containing the flesh and blood of God.

Life = Shopping. Is that the divine equation? Is that the great secret of human existence? Is that why the gods breathed life into the ancient clay? Is that why Prometheus stole the sacred fire? All so that we could push around shopping trolleys and have coffee at Starbucks? Have we all gone insane?

What kind of humanity is this? This can’t be the real thing. These “humans” are simulacra. The real humanity is somewhere else. Isn’t it time to find our missing selves?

This series of books moves forward on several tracks: religion, philosophy, culture, science and mathematics, history and psychology. We make no apologies for that. There is a concept known as “Renaissance Man”, exemplified most particularly by Leonardo da Vinci. Renaissance Man is skilled at everything, interested in everything, buzzing with energy and creativity in all fields. His mind is exploding with ideas. He crackles with potential and possibility. He is practically electric. If you touched him you would receive a shock. He almost glows. Now imagine Renaissance Man magnified a thousandfold. That is what a HyperHuman will be like.

We want to attract the attention and support of the Renaissance Men and Women of today. We don’t want any shoppers. People write to us to say our articles on religions and politics bore them. Why don’t we stick to esoteric matters, they say, or philosophy and science? Why don’t we “focus” our message? They thus prove that they are not our kind of people. We don’t need or want such people. They can be of no use to our agenda.

Humanity cannot be transformed in any meaningful way on a laborious person-by-person basis. To transform humanity, society itself must be transformed. To transform society requires political transformation.

Political, social and psychological thinking has always been critical to the Illuminati. Any group that seeks to bring about meaningful change must have a sophisticated and integrated understanding of humanity. As for the human spirit, it must be cultivated to its maximum, and that can only happen in a religious context.

Meritocracy is our political platform. Illumination is our religious platform. The “cosmic equation” r >= 0 is our scientific and philosophical platform.

Science, when it finally embraces the r >= 0 paradigm, will undergo a new Copernican revolution. r >= 0 reveals the link between the physical cosmos and the mental cosmos, the dimensional and dimensionless.

The equation indicates that there are two linked realms of “r = 0” (the mental universe, outside space and time) and “r > 0” (the physical universe, inside space and time) which exist as separate but interacting domains within the continuum of r >= 0. “r” refers to the distance between two points (both of which can be within an entity or each point can belong to a separate entity) and r >= 0 indicates that this distance can be reduced all the way down to zero. In relation to Cartesian philosophy, r > 0 implies a domain of extension i.e. matter, a physical world of individuated things in space and time, separated by real distances, while r = 0 implies a domain of non-extension i.e mind, a mental world of interconnectivity, outside physical space and time, where entities are not separated by any distance and nothing has any physical size. A black hole singularity and the Big Bang singularity are examples of situations in which the distances between all entities contained within them are reduced to zero. Nothing in these singularities has any extension and therefore, according to Descartes’ definition, they have entered the realm of mind. Scientific materialism denies the existence of the r = 0 domain, and is trying to find a way to make sense of black holes and the Big Bang that avoids dimensionless singularities. (The cosmic equation is explained in much more detail in others books in this series.)

Thanks to the cosmic equation, philosophy, religion and science come together in a coherent, integrated whole. There is no place for faith, common sense, or the deceptive evidence of our five senses. Our senses are directed at utility – what is useful to us in our everyday existence – not at truth.

We are advocates of a New World Order. We endorse a New Psychology – we want psychology to be at the heart of education, society, economics and the family. We advocate new community based ways of living. The “nuclear family” in its little, square, antisocial, box-houses is only one way of living. It should never have been allowed to become the fundamental, de facto building block of society. People deserve a choice. Family is fine for some people; others require community i.e. to live in supportive groups with people with whom they have no family ties. Failed families are a catastrophe for all concerned, and who picks up the pieces if there is no alternative to the family model?

We particularly advocate that people should have the opportunity to live in calibrated communities of people of similar psychological type – people who are on your wavelength and with whom you are likely to become lifelong friends and allies.

People need effective support networks. For many people, family has failed to provide such networks, so they live in various states of isolation, fragmentation and alienation. When the family “grid” fails you, you have a real problem in a family-based society. Single-parent families struggle in a society based on two-parent families. People who move around a lot may lose touch with their old networks and find it difficult to establish new ones. Highly intelligent and creative people may struggle to find like-minded people in a dumbed-down culture. Radicals may struggle to find other radicals. The exceptional can’t fit into a mould suitable for the average. Nietzsche wanted to live in a small commune of geniuses, but society does not provide communes for the extraordinary. All of these problems can be avoided with a modicum of thought and a move away from a society based on the monolithic model of the family. The family is a one-size-fits-all concept, but the world is much more complex than that. For some, the family is the greatest thing imaginable, for others it has proved a curse. Shouldn’t a sensible society provide alternatives?

Having good friends around you, people you understand and trust, is vital to your personal well-being and a well-functioning society. Psychological profiling can match you up with friends for life, and also allow you to understand why you are not on the same wavelength as various others with whom you come into contact. Many conflicts are caused by nothing more than misunderstandings based on how people of different psychological types view the same data. Thinkers, sensers, intuitives and feelers all have a different way of “seeing” the data. Often, they can’t comprehend how someone could possibly have viewed a shared event so completely differently. We all lack empathy and sympathy with those who are psychologically different from us. It’s no one’s fault. No one is more “right” than any other. But we need to find a way to get round the problem because it is a huge one. Psychology offers the answer. Psychology needs to become embedded in every aspect of life, especially in the workplace and in politics.

The Old World Order are strong supporters of isolated family units that operate according to ruthless self-interest, that are in fierce competition with each other over scarce resources such as the best schools, houses and jobs. Divide and rule. It’s easy to control families, much harder to control communities. The OWO have no interest is using psychology to improve society, just to manipulate it.

We seek transformation on all fronts. We seek a revaluation of all values, to borrow Nietzsche’s immortal phrase. Family values, religious values, social values, educational values and political values all need to be revalued.

At the heart of all of the different strands of our movement is a single, unifying idea – the dialectic. We wish to place the dialectic at the centre of human existence. Everything should be ceaselessly evolving onwards and upwards, guided by the dialectic.

The dialectic harnesses the triad of thesis, antithesis and synthesis in a systematic, scientific manner based on evidence and reason. Psychologically, the dialectic is a tool for exploring the shadow, and resolving all of the issues that hold us back from becoming our higher selves. We become better, superior, higher, by resolving the contradictions that surround us and inhabit us – the resistances, the hurdles, the setbacks, the roadblocks, the objections, the inner demons, the puzzles, the riddles of our lives. Every institution, every organization, every business, every activity, every endeavour, and, most of all, every person, should experience continuous dialectical improvement.

In a practical sense, the dialectic involves embedding “Devil’s Advocates” throughout society. Historically, the Devil’s Advocate was a learned person appointed by the Catholic Church to oppose a proposition to make someone a saint. He had to build a case for why sainthood should not be conferred. To overcome his strenuous counter-arguments, evidence for sainthood had to be extremely persuasive. Only the strongest candidates would survive the scrutiny of the Devil’s Advocate. Now the term is applied to anyone who opposes an argument in order to expose any flaws it may contain. The better the Devil’s Advocate (the antithesis), the better the thesis has to be to defeat it. An American air force saying proclaims, “It takes a great enemy to make a great airplane.”

Every institution that produces a “thesis” (which could be anything: a song, a shoe, a law, a service, a meal, a method of banking, a psychological innovation…whatever) should be matched with a Devil’s Advocate institution that seeks to find faults with it, and to suggest refinements, improvements or completely new ideas. These should, in turn, be matched with a third set of institutions known by the term of Tertium Quid (Latin for “third something”). These correspond to the synthesis phase of the dialectic. Their function is to look at what has been produced by the thesis and the antithesis phases and to create a third thing, a better thing, a higher thing (the synthesis), from the two inputs, which then becomes the new thesis (as a prototype). This is then returned to the thesis phase, where the prototype is refined and resubmitted to the antithesis phase, and so on, until the original thesis has arrived at its omega point of completion. In this way, everything can be scientifically, systematically, and continuously improved.

The Illuminati are organized along these lines. Those who are involved with the thesis are called “Visionaries” (since they have the original creative vision), those with the antithesis phase as the Devil’s Advocates, and those with the synthesis phase as Synthesizers (alternatively as Harmonisers).

The Visionaries tend to be INTJ types (“masterminds”), the Devil’s Advocates (“scientists”) INTP, and the Synthesizers are feeling and sensing types, both introvert and extravert. The 3-person cell that is responsible for this site comprises one INTJ, one INTP and one INFJ. This series of books is by no means dialectically perfect, but if it were refined and improved several times over, it would be as perfect as we could make it. The more complex something is, the more iterations it requires, and the more people should be involved. But, in principle, everything in the world can be handled in exactly the same way – medicine, education, politics, government, law, banking, economics, sport, entertainment, science, anything at all.

Isn’t it time for a Scientific Society? – for the world to have the scientific method and dialectic at its heart, guiding everything it does, purposely helping it to evolve towards perfection? Can any democrat honestly answer what the objective of democracy is? Where is it leading us? No country on earth has ever stated its objective. Well, we have no hesitation in stating ours. The purpose of our society is to create a community of gods. We aim to perfect every aspect of human existence through scientific, philosophical and psychological means. The scientific method, the Evolutionary Principle, and the psychological principle of maximum self actualisation, are the mechanisms to drive us to perfection. These are all elements of the dialectic.

What does democracy offer? Greater consumer choice. Big deal. How can that satisfy the greatest aspirations of the human race? That’s why democracy is destined to be superseded.

Democracy – so-called “people power” – reaches its end when people are given a vote and shops. What kind of objective is that? Is that it? Is that all? Is that the great vision of “freedom and democracy” for which people gave their lives? Get real.

We want to replace the global shopping mall with a global paradigm for pursuing ever-higher levels of human excellence. The “scientific method” is almost synonymous with the dialectic. Hypotheses are proposed and then tested in the real world. If they fail hopelessly, they are discarded. If they are reasonably successful, they are refined and improved then tested again. Eventually, after many iterations, they will reach their omega point of perfection where they are in complete accord with all experimental data and it is impossible to refine and improve them any further. Politics, religion, psychology, the family, institutions, companies, products, and individuals – they can all be radically improved.

Why assume that religions such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism are the last word in religion? Clearly they’re not since they have all been a dismal failure. But no Christian, Muslim or Jew will ever accept that everything they believe should be tested and, if necessary, rejected. They regard their holy books as infallible, eternal, unchallengeable and perfect, as the unchanging Word of God. Hence religious extremism, fanaticism and hatred of anyone who disagrees with them is built into these Satanic religions. Holy wars are the inevitable consequence of Holy books. That’s why Satan authored them. What better way to create conflict and division?

Democracy believes it is in no need of reform. Constitutions are never updated. Parliaments are never changed in the institutional sense. Why not? Is the 21st century the same as the 18th? Then surely there should be a new constitution to reflect new times? It makes no difference if you change the personnel in Congress and the White House because all politicians are a reflection of the prevailing “system”. If you want real change, you don’t put a different guy in the White House, you replace the White House and Congress with new institutions i.e. you change the system.

Is capitalism perfect? Are corporations perfect? Are consumer products perfect? Are services perfect? Are families perfect? Are individuals perfect? If not then where are the explicit dialectical mechanisms to ensure that our society is always getting better? Are institutions in the business of hiring extremely critical people who want to highlight all of the flaws that need to be addressed, or do they just want cheerleaders and yes-men who never argue, never complain and never challenge the powers-that-be. Rebels, whistleblowers, revolutionaries and radicals are all vital for the dialectic and should all be embraced rather than rejected.

In ultra-capitalism, everything is left to the mystical “market” – almost a religious concept – to sort out. But a market is not a designed, intelligent, purposeful, teleological process, transparent to all. Instead, a market is a shady entity, massively susceptible to corruption and manipulation by cartels, and to “insider knowledge”. The Old World Order love markets because they know how to control them for their own selfish purposes, except when the market suddenly falls apart because of unresolved contradictions that have been allowed to build, and boom dramatically turns to bust. The intelligent dialectic can and must replace the dumb market.

The whole world should be an arena dedicated to putting forward “theses” of suggested improvements, “antitheses” to oppose and test the theses, and syntheses to take forward the best of the theses and the antitheses, thus creating new higher theses, from which we can begin all over again, rising higher each time round, until, at last, we can go no higher.

Is that not our real purpose – to go as high as we can, to conquer the highest peaks, to stand with the gods on the summit of Olympus, breathing the rarefied air of divinity? Do you achieve that in a shopping mall?

We are advocates of continual progress, change and evolution. All of us are works-in-progress. We are all unfinished. There should be no sacrosanct ideas beyond challenge, no taboos that cannot be broken, no commandments set in unbreakable stone, no holy texts with changeless words written in fire. Dogmatism is all about establishing laws that are never allowed to be called into question. We reject all dogmas. There are no sacred cows. Everything must justify itself dialectically or be swept aside as irrelevant.

What are the alternatives? To be a Muslim suicide bomber on a martyrdom operation? To be a zombie capitalist consumerist listening to muzak and giving money to the “Man” – the greedy, selfish capitalist super billionaire? To be a Jew permanently waiting for the Messiah who never comes? To be a Christian waiting to be “Raptured”? To be stuck on Facebook forever, posting pictures of yourself that get older and older, sadder and sadder, reflecting your increasingly wasted life? To watch reality TV wannabes for the rest of your life? To worship sporting stars from your armchair until Doomsday? Is this all that humanity is capable of?

Control is all about inflexible rules. You MUST obey. In a dialectical society, there are no such rules, so control is transferred from the rules to the people, as it should be. When it comes to rules, cui bono? Always those who set the rules; never those who are subjected to them.

The dialectic smashes all of the old systems of control. It smashes the power of the established elites that live by the old rules. The dialectic permits the intelligent revaluation of all values. It analyses every institution on earth, and provides a mechanism for bringing it to evolutionary, dialectical perfection.

Pho’, the visionary Phocilitator, quotes an unknown author who said, “If you’re not giving the world the best you have, what world are you saving it for?” That’s what it’s all about – everyone giving their best and becoming the best they can possibly be. All the institutions of the world should be geared up for that purpose – maximizing human potential, actualising all of our greatest possibilities.

Capitalism, the dismal, sterile, idiotic, spiritually dead, imagination-free, prevailing ideology of the Western World sets as its highest goal the consumption of junk in order to enrich the elite who control the manufacture of the junk. The OWO have no interest in maximizing your potential, only their own. Capitalism is happy to take the worst from you providing it makes someone a fast buck. Capitalism is about driving people towards imperfection, where they are totally dependent on consumer items to give them fake confidence – the “beauty” industry being the most insidious example. It is really the “ugly” industry, its purpose being to make everyone feel inadequate.

We can’t let them hold us back any longer. It’s time to sweep them aside. We are a new, superior thesis; a higher stage of evolution. Our sights are set on the stars and the furthest celestial planes, not on shopping malls. We want to hear the Music of the Spheres, not the muzak of the mall.

The OWO preach the gospel of self-interest. We preach the gospel of enlightened self-interest i.e. the best possible world is not one where you are a king with unlimited power and the rest of humanity are on their faces in front of you as subjects barely recognizable as human beings (the OWO “vision”), but one where everyone is a god, everyone is performing at their optimal level, at their very best, and, collectively, they are producing paradise on earth. It’s impossible for a handful of people to build Golgonooza, the wondrous City of Imagination. It needs everyone, bringing their own unique gifts. All of us are improved by the quality of the people with whom we interact. If they are people of excellence then we will be too. If they are scum, they will drag us down into the sewers with them. So we have to use our intelligence, imagination and psychology to raise people up, not to cast them down.

Their fate is my fate. My quality is defined by their quality. Therefore it is in my interest to help them as much as I can, and to ask them to help me as much as they can. Together, we rise. Apart, we fall. The OWO’s agenda is to make us all fall, while they remain insulated in their high tower of privilege. How much longer will we tolerate being their slaves?

Where are the people’s champions, the great tribunes like the heroic Gracchus brothers of Rome? Where are the brave Knights of the Round Table determined to bring down the OWO’s pyramid? They are out there. It’s time to fulfil their calling, their destiny. The dialectic seeks out those imbued with the spirit of the age.

Angels and Demons:

Does Dan Brown’s book and movie Angels and Demons present an accurate portrayal of the Illuminati? No. Does it contain grains of truth? Yes. Several people mentioned by Brown in his novel were Illuminati members. The Illuminati have always been favourably disposed to science. And the Catholic Church was, historically, the greatest enemy of the Illuminati. But times have changed. The Catholic Church is dead. It just hasn’t realised it yet.

The Catholic Church:

The Pope, the head of the Catholic Church, styles himself as the “Vicar of Christ”, Christ’s earthly representative. He is, according to the laws of his Church, capable of making ex cathedra infallible statements. The Catholic Church asserts that it preaches eternal truths. Yet consider its violent and bloody history. It launched a “holy” crusade against the Cathars – a religion founded by the Illuminati – and all but exterminated it. The notorious Inquisition was first established with the Cathars in mind, and then extended to all “heretics”.

The Catholic Church launched several crusades against Jews and Muslims in the “Holy Land”. In the First Crusade, they captured Jerusalem and massacred virtually the entire population: Jews, Muslims and even Eastern Christians. Crusaders were offered “plenary indulgences” – unlimited forgiveness – for any killing they did in the name of their “holy” cause. Any crimes they committed would be forgiven, and so they went on one of the greatest criminal rampages in history. And all in the name of “God”.

For several centuries, the Catholic Church tortured and burned tens of thousands of witches and heretics, again all in the name of “God”, all in the name of Christ who supposedly preached loving your enemies, forgiveness, peace and turning the other cheek.

The official position of the Catholic Church is Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus – “Outside the Church there is no salvation.” All non-Catholics are damned. All Jews, all Muslims, all Hindus, Buddhists, Protestants, Atheists, Agnostics, Sikhs, etc. The Catholic Church reaffirmed its position at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965): “Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it.”

However, statements were also made at the Council that seemed to completely contradict this position by claiming that non-Catholic Christians might have a valid path to salvation. Some Catholics regarded these statements as heretical, and refused to acknowledge the conclusions of the Second Vatican Council, and nor did these traditional Catholics acknowledge the legitimacy of the succession of Popes since the Second Vatican Council. Their case is valid. Clearly, Protestants are aware of the Catholic Church and have refused to enter it, so how can they be anything other than damned in terms of Catholic theology? Otherwise, what would be the point of being Catholic rather than Protestant? And why did the Catholic Church burn many Protestants as heretics in past ages if the Protestants had a valid path to salvation? It makes no sense at all.

The Catholic Church, in order to be politically correct, has become a muddled joke, making incoherent, illogical and contradictory statements because it does not wish to appear illiberal. It no longer stands for anything at all.

Yes, the Illuminati despised the Catholic Church. But look at the Catholic Church now. Old, enfeebled, powerless. It has apologised for the excesses of the Crusades, but it has not, and cannot, disown them. If it did, it would be admitting that the Catholic Church made mistakes, that the Pope was fallible, that the truths of the Middle Ages are not the truths of now i.e. truth is relative and not absolute.

Similarly, Jews condemn the Papacy for not doing enough to save Jews during the Holocaust. Yet why should the Papacy, which in the past launched Crusades against the Jews, which believes that all Jews are going to hell for rejecting Christ, utter a single breath of apology? How can you apologise to a race that you believe is damned to hell? How can you shake hands with Muslims when you think they are all hell bound? How can the Pope have tea with non-Catholic kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, and leaders of other religions? All of it is grotesque hypocrisy.

The Catholic Church is now just an essentially harmless, politically correct PR machine, terrified of telling its “truths” for fear of offending others. It has “spin doctors”, marketing departments, public relations experts – like a Wall Street corporation. The Illuminati stopped fearing the Catholic Church long ago. It has nothing left to say, no threats left to deliver. Stalin asked how many divisions the Pope has. He has none.

Angels and Demons is absurd. The Illuminati are fighting the Old World Order of the rich and powerful, and the puppetmasters standing in the shadows who long ago realised that the Catholic Church had nothing left to offer. Within the logic of its own theology, the Catholic Church has become heretical since the Second Vatican Council, and its Popes are now anti-Popes from whom only lies flow.

Forget the Catholic Church. In a few hundred years, or even sooner, it will be as relevant as the religions of the ancient Greeks and Romans.


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