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Academia Iluministă (43)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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A senior member of the Illuminati breaks his silence for the first time:

Q. Can you tell us what position you hold in the Illuminati?

A. I’m part of the 12-man Ruling Council. There are five Americans, five western Europeans, one Russian and one Indian. We have members in every country of the world, but there are fewer than 6,000 of us in total.

Q. People say that the Illuminati are exceptionally wealthy. Is that true?

A. It’s true that all twelve members of the Ruling Council are wealthy, but money, for us, simply funds our mission, nothing else. We are not worshippers of Mammon, as our accusers would have you believe.

Q. Are you intent on creating a New World Order?

A. The blunt answer is yes, but not in the way our enemies claim. We are liberators.

Q. Liberators of what?

A. Of the human race. That’s our mission. To set humanity free from… sorry I must stop there.

Q. Excuse me, why do you have to stop?

A. I was in danger of saying too much. I’m afraid I can’t speak freely, given the nature of the secret the Illuminati are protecting, and the power of our enemies.

Q. Are your enemies people like David Icke? Is he exposing your conspiracy?

A. We are conspirators, yes, but our conspiracy is entirely benevolent. David Icke is not necessarily an enemy of the Illuminati. He says many things with which we agree. His problem is that he has not correctly identified the true enemy. His enemy is the same as ours, but he does not understand their real nature and purpose. His lizard theory is of course preposterous and discredits all of the many sensible things he says. It’s most unfortunate that a clever man has played into the hands of our mutual enemy by presenting incredible theories that no rational person could take seriously.

Q. What do you mean by “mutual enemy”?

A. Icke makes many perceptive observations, but he erroneously calls the enemy the Illuminati and the New World Order and so forth. In fact, the enemy is the Old World Order – the people who have been in charge from the very beginning. They have no need to change anything because the world is already dancing to their tune. Their tyrannical dynasties have stridden the world stage for millennia. The last thing they want is a new world. Icke is correct when he identifies royal families, presidents, prime ministers, bankers, media barons, top business executives and so on as the enemy. He is wrong to call them the Illuminati. We are the very people who are waging the fiercest war against the enemy, trying to stop them choking the human race to death. We are the last and only hope for humanity. Everyone who opposes a New World Order is deluded – having swallowed the deceptions of the enemy – or is actively in the service of the powers that be: the Old World Order.

Q. Why are you breaking your silence at this time? And why did you choose to speak to me?

A. We chose you because you have a reputation for impartiality, fair reporting and protecting your sources. It’s true that we are a highly secretive organisation, but people misunderstand our secrecy. There are those who are secretive because they are part of a conspiracy to control, manipulate and oppress others. And there are those who are secretive because they wish to conceal themselves from those who would do them harm. Our enemy wishes to destroy us, and for that reason we must maintain our secrecy. Our enemy is very powerful and always searching for us. Our enemy has promoted the myth that we are somehow running the world. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are in hiding. We always have been. We are breaking our silence because every now and again, when we judge the time is right, we try to communicate our ideas in coded form to those with ears to listen. We are always looking to recruit those who are still free. The number is shrinking all the time.

Q. What do you mean by “those who are still free”?

A. Sorry, I can’t expand on that. Let me just say to you that we tried twice in the past to show a coded glimpse of the nature of our great secret. You have probably heard of the most mysterious manuscript in the world – the Voynich manuscript. No one has ever been able to decode it. The men who wrote it were members of the Illuminati and they were captured and killed before they could release the key to decoding it. The Arthurian legends were our other main attempt to enter popular consciousness and reveal our true purpose. They succeeded to an extent, but our enemies were able to confuse our message by releasing alternative versions of the legends. So, now we are trying again.

Q. In what way?

A. The Arthurian legends were imaginative fictions that alluded to the secret we are protecting…the Holy Grail, if you will. We prefer this fictional approach because it allows us to conceal the truth from our enemies. They are unable to distinguish between the fact and the fiction. But those who have ears for our message – they will learn the truth.

Q. So, you have created new coded “legends”?

A. In a manner of speaking. We hired a successful ghost writer to create four coded “novels” for us that would outline our purpose. The chosen writer was handsomely rewarded and sworn to secrecy. But… I apologise for pausing for so long. Let me just say that he will not be writing the fourth and final part. I am not permitted to tell you any more than that. We are seeking a new ghost writer to complete the task.

Q. Did your enemies find the writer? Did they harm him? Or recruit him, perhaps?

A. I cannot comment on any of that.

Q. The three completed novels are attributed to “Mike Hockney”. Is that a pseudonym?

A. Yes.

Q. On other pages of your website there are videos featuring the voices of several people. Are they members of the Illuminati?

A. No, certainly not. They work for a progressive, unconventional advertising agency that the Illuminati have used on occasion. Their brief was simply to advertise our novels in a non-threatening, almost amusing way. We think they have done a reasonable job. [These videos have been removed: the site is now maintained by three seventh degree members of the Illuminati. The sites that were depicted in the videos are of special significance to the Illuminati.]

Q. Are you claiming that the three novels partially reveal a great secret?

A. Yes. Let me be perfectly clear. The three novels are called The Millionaires’ Death Club , Prohibition a and The Armageddon Conspiracy.The fourth novel in the series (to be called The Soul Camera) will complete the revelation of the entire secret. But only for those with eyes to see, of course.

Q. I have read all three novels. I saw no real connection between them.

A. Then you have not “seen”. The task is not an easy one. You must be enlightened to perceive our secret.

Q. The Armageddon Conspiracy, in particular, seemed to hint at something truly extraordinary.

A. The writer went too far in this case. He disobeyed our brief and added elements that we had never intended. But, we must confess, he perhaps performed a great service for us. This book is the one that comes closest to revealing our precise secret.

Q. Why can’t you just tell us your secret? Why all of this cloak and dagger stuff?

A. If you knew what the secret was, you would understand perfectly. Let me just say that the secret, if revealed to the whole world at one moment, would lead to an unimaginable cataclysm. The very thing we most seek to protect would be destroyed. Everything we have worked for over many millennia would be lost.

Q. That sounds like an incredible secret.

A. It would be better for me if I knew nothing of this secret. My entire life revolves around it. I have had to live a constrained, fearful life because of it. All of us in the Illuminati have had to live this way. Some secrets are great burdens. This is the greatest burden of all.

Q. I really don’t know what to make of what you have told me. You must realise it sounds odd.

A. That can’t be helped. I wish the secret weren’t true. I wouldn’t believe it myself if I hadn’t seen the evidence.

Q. Why don’t you reveal the evidence? Then we will all be convinced.

A. The evidence automatically reveals the secret. Therefore I cannot reveal the evidence. Only new members of the Illuminati are shown the evidence.

Q. Is someone like me allowed to join the Illuminati?

A. Any suitable person can join. But to prove that you are suitable involves a long and arduous process. We must ensure that the enemy does not infiltrate us. It would be a catastrophe for the human race if the enemy discovered our secret.

Q. I am intrigued. But I’m not sure I’d want to go through your process.

A. I understand.

Q. Will you be making any further announcements?

A. Not in the foreseeable future.

Q. Thank you for speaking with me.

A. Thank you.

The Light in the Darkness:

The Illuminati has never numbered more than a few thousand members. A truly secret society cannot hope to retain its secrets if it reveals them to too many people. When the Illuminati attempts to spread its ideas to a wider audience, it does so via carefully chosen religions, organisations, secret societies and esoteric orders. These groups are often led by members of the Illuminati, but are not party to the core secrets of the Illuminati. They are given a flavour of the central ideas of Illumination, but are denied the complete picture. Even if these groups were to turn against the Illuminati, they would not be able to betray any primary secrets.

The Illuminati have created the following movements in the course of history: Ancient Egyptian and Greek Mystery religions, Druidism, Mithraism, several versions of Gnosticism, Alchemy, Catharism, the Knights Templar, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism.

Illuminati teachings have appeared, albeit in distorted form, in Christianity, Kabbalah, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and many other religions. The religions furthest removed from Illumination are Islam, mainstream Judaism, and numerous Christian sects that have appeared since the Reformation.

All religions based on faith rather than knowledge are contrary to Illumination. All religions that do not teach reincarnation are contrary to Illumination. All religions that posit a benign creator of the earth are contrary to Illumination. All religions that place humanity in an automatically degraded state in relation to divine reality are contrary to Illumination. Men and women are not afflicted by “original sin”. They are not guilty from the moment they are born as some religions would contend. They are not condemned by the sins of others (e.g. “Adam and Eve”). They are not subject to Christian predestination. They are not subject to karma.

The essence of Illumination lies in the word “Becoming”. Religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam are based on “Being”. Those who understand the difference between being and becoming will start to see how Illumination offers a radically different world view, one that is utterly breathtaking in the opportunities it offers to humanity.

But most people are not susceptible to the message of Illumination. The following words are by Nietzsche, but they could equally well be written by the Illuminati: “The conditions under which one understands me and then necessarily understands – I know them all too well. One must be honest in intellectual matters to the point of harshness to so much as endure my seriousness, my passion. One must be accustomed to living on mountains – to seeing the wretched ephemeral chatter of politics and national egoism beneath one. One must have become indifferent, one must never ask whether truth is useful or a fatality…Strength which prefers questions for which no one today is sufficiently daring; courage for the forbidden; predestination for the labyrinth. An experience out of seven solitudes. New ears for new music. New eyes for the most distant things. A new conscience for truths which have hitherto remained dumb.”

Illumination is not a religion for those who wish to debase themselves before a debased God. No God would wish to be in the presence of kneeling and bowing masses, of murmuring hordes of obedient, frightened slaves. Is God your friend or a tyrant? Why would you kneel to a friend? Would a friend ever ask that of you? Humanity can never be free until it recognises its true relationship to divinity, and that is not one of master and slave. If you venture into a church, a mosque or a synagogue you will be in no doubt that you are amongst slaves and that they worship a God who is their absolute master. They are abject before him. Such a God is drunk on his own power and vanity. He craves obedience. He despises those who think for themselves. Such a God is no God at all. Such a “God” is Satan.

There is an astounding difference between a God of Being – Satan – and a God of Becoming – the True God. The first offers you only slavery. The latter offers you the highest possible reward. Not merely salvation, but something that most people can barely comprehend: the ultimate Holy Grail.

Robinson and Barruel:

“Barruel’s own parts of the book are perfectly the ravings of a Bedlamite.” –Thomas Jefferson

“His [Weishaupt’s] intention was simply to reinstate natural religion, & by diffusing the light of his morality, to teach us to govern ourselves. His precepts are the love of god & love of our neighbour. And by teaching innocence of conduct, he expected to place men in their natural state of liberty & equality… The means he proposes to effect this improvement of human nature are ‘to enlighten men, to correct their morals & inspire them with benevolence. Secure of our success, says he, we abstain from violent commotions. To have foreseen, the happiness of posterity & to have prepared it by irreproachable means, suffices for our felicity. The tranquillity of our consciences is not troubled by the reproach of aiming at the ruin or overthrow of states or thrones.’” –Thomas Jefferson

It’s important for everyone to understand where the ludicrous idea was born that the Illuminati and the New World Order are sinister and terrifying and must be resisted. In 1797, Scotsman John Robinson wrote a book entitled Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies. (By “Reading Societies”, Robinson meant the philosophes – French for philosophers – a group of 18th century intellectuals promoting Enlightenment values. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Voltaire were two of the greatest philosophes. The motto of the philosophes might be said to be sapere aude: dare to know, almost a Gnostic slogan.)

You can read Robinson’s book here: http://www.sacred-texts.com/sro/pc/index.htm

Robinson said, “An association has been formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all existing governments.”

Robinson made considerable use of the work of a French Jesuit priest who had published a similar thesis. Abbé Augustin Barruel wrote, in Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, about a conspiracy involving the Illuminati and the Jacobins. He said the French Revolution was planned and executed by secret societies. Who are the modern disciples of Robinson and Barruel? The answer is intriguing.

The New Danger:

Barruel defined three types of conspiracy:

“Conspiracy of impiety” – against God and Christianity.
“Conspiracy of rebellion” – against monarchs.
“Conspiracy of anarchy” – against society in general.

He said that the conspirators desired the “overthrow of the altar, the ruin of the throne, and the dissolution of all civil society.” (He considered “civil society” to be a function of a divinely mandated order based on the rule of kings chosen by God. He said people must choose between monarchy and the “reign of anarchy.” Clearly, Barruel was no democrat or fan of the people.)

Barruel’s book offers a right-wing interpretation of the French Revolution, attempting to attribute the main cause to subversion by secret societies rather than the legitimate fury of oppressed people. He wanted to present the Jacobins and the Illuminati as criminals, traitors and agitators, with the latter as a hidden group standing in the background, orchestrating events via the Jacobins.

Robinson and Barruel are the fathers of the modern conspiracy theories that demonise the Illuminati as the “men behind the curtain” seeking to implement a New World Order, and able to manipulate governments. Of course, you also have to buy into their idea that the French Revolution was a “bad thing”. The Illuminati did indeed desire a New World Order, and that’s exactly what was delivered in France thanks to the Revolution. The Illuminati would have been killed by the tyrannical monarchy if they had gone about their business in broad daylight, so naturally they operated behind the scenes. Big deal! Yes, the Illuminati guided the Jacobin Clubs. So what?! Anyone in the modern day who doesn’t support the French Revolution is a right wing monarchist and Christian fundamentalist, pro-establishment, anti-democracy, pro Wall Street, pro Big Business, pro capitalism, pro elitism, pro the super rich. Yes, such people are right to loathe the Illuminati because we surely loathe them! To be against the New World Order is to support all those monstrosities we have listed. Anyone who is opposed to a New World Order is an enemy of the people.

Robinson and Barruel maintained:

1) The Illuminati are anti-Christian. Yes, this is absolutely true.

2) The Illuminati are anti-Monarchy. Yes, this is absolutely true.

3) The Illuminati conspired against Christianity and monarchy and used every tool at their disposal, including Freemasonry, to overthrow priests and kings. Yes, this is absolutely true.

4) The Illuminati sought a New World Order where conventional religion was abolished, and all monarchs, aristocrats and priests were overthrown. Yes, this is absolutely true.

5) The Illuminati worked with the Jacobins. Yes, this is absolutely true. (Several prominent Jacobins, including Robespierre and Saint-Just, were members of the Illuminati.)

We are proud to be all those things! So, yes, the thesis put forward by the two men was correct, though it completely failed to emphasise that the Revolution succeeded because the people were sickened by the tyranny and arrogance of Louis XVI and his aristocratic cronies. No one should forget what Louis’s wife Marie Antoinette joked when informed that the Parisian people had no bread and were starving. “Let them eat cake,” was her infamous retort. Could there be any clearer example of the callousness of these ultra-privileged people?

The simple question that all of the enemies of the Illuminati and New World Order – all those following in the wake of Robinson and Barruel – should ask themselves is this: why, ultimately, are you opposed to them?

To be opposed to the Illuminati and New World Order implies that you are an advocate of Christianity – such as Barruel (a Jesuit), and a supporter of monarchs and aristocrats, like John Robinson. (Robinson said, “Weishaupt took the name of Spartacus, the man who headed the insurrection of slaves, which in Pompey’s time kept Rome in terror and uproar for three years.” Unlike Robinson, most people regard Spartacus as a great hero, fighting to free men from slavery. Robinson preferred to characterise Spartacus as a terrorist. Bear that in mind the next time you hear the Old World Order’s propaganda about the War on Terror.) To be against a New World Order reveals that you support anti-Enlightenment values. You are on the side of the establishment, you’re conservative, right wing and reactionary. You support privileged elites, dynastic families and the super-rich who have wielded power over this world for millennia. Above all, you are a supporter of the Old World Order, as Barruel and Robinson certainly were. Nothing could be more horrific to you than having all of your power taken from you, as it surely would in a New World Order implemented in the name Liberty, Equality and Fraternity – the rallying cry of the French revolutionaries.

Weishaupt said of the Illuminati, “Its object may be said to be the checking the tyranny of princes, nobles, and priests, and establishing an universal equality of condition and of religion:” Are these not laudable aims? What manner of person would condemn them? – only the Old World Order and their fellow travellers who have everything to lose if the Illuminati rise to power.

One anti-NWO website says: “Certainly the twenty-first century attempt to turn everyone away from politics and Jesus Christ’s message of peace has been mightily successful. This tract [Robinson’s book] looks at the eighteenth century origins of this ambitious project. The idea was and is to make democratic government, through Masonic infiltration, so unworkable as to be rejected by the people. In exchange we get a global state apparatus run by private banks, global media barons, security and telecommunications companies.”

Firstly – newsflash – there was no democracy in France under Louis XVI! Secondly, democracy is now a tool of the Old World Order (the Illuminati will replace it with meritocracy.) Thirdly, the Illuminati want to smash the power of private banks, stop global media barons, and make sure that security, telecommunications and other types of company wield no power over the people. Therefore, this anti-Illuminati propaganda bears no relationship to the truth of the Illuminati’s objectives. (Global capitalism, the basis of the power of the Old World Order, is the vehicle for private banks and global media barons to rule the world. Isn’t it odd that anti-NWO conspiracy theorists rarely criticise capitalism and are frequently fervent supporters of this materialistic ideology that sustains the super rich?)

But something remarkable has happened in contemporary times. It is no longer monarchists and devout Christians alone who eagerly embrace the right wing conspiracy theories of Robinson and Barruel. Instead it’s a disturbing new group of fanatical right-wingers. They are supporters of libertarianism and, more particularly, anarchocapitalism.

Libertarians hate any interference by the state in their lives. They hate taxation. They hate government, especially “big” government. They detest left wing politics. They hate anything that is different from them. They are racist, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, illiberal. They hate privileged elites and big business. They hate Wall Street. They hate monarchy. They hate the banking system. They hate carpetbaggers. They hate authority. They hate the establishment. They hate science and technology. They hate the European Union. They hate mainstream religion and usually belong to radical Protestant sects.

Their origins lie in the many Non-Conformist and Dissenter sects that fled persecution in Europe centuries ago to find a new life in America. The ancestors of today’s red-neck libertarians were in conflict with the Church, the State, and the Monarchy. Nothing has changed. These libertarian radicals, in past years, were the sort of people who joined the Ku Klux Klan and now join angry militia and survivalist groups.

The libertarians are opposed to the Old World Order in some respects, and to the Illuminati in others. So they have conflated the two, as dumb asses always do. In their eyes, the Old World Order and the Illuminati are the same thing. In their weird world, the Old World Order and the New World Order are one and the same concept, even though they are complete opposites. That’s why you often hear these people saying that the Illuminati are bankers, monarchists, socialists, communists, Jews, Freemasons, atheists, Jesuits, even Reptilians i.e. everything they dislike and fear. That’s why the ranting nonsense that is directed against the Illuminati is preposterous. For instance, the Illuminati are frequently said to be Jewish and running the banking system. Anyone who has read this series of books will know how ludicrous these assertions are.

But the libertarian conspiracy theorists aren’t concerned with the truth. These “Truthers” are nothing but liars. They have concocted a laughable, ridiculous edifice that comprises two entities that are diametrically opposed: the Old World Order and the Illuminati. Because their central thesis is groundless, all of their conclusions are absurd. The entire grand libertarian conspiracy theory represented by people such as Alex Jones, Henry Makow, David Icke etc is nonsense from beginning to end and it’s therefore not remotely surprising that it starts to fly off into science fiction and fantasy with lizards, aliens, Nibiru etc all making an appearance in their increasingly bizarre freak show, their cosmic circus where only clowns are welcome.

Some members of the Illuminati have argued that the Old World Order are planning to create chaos throughout the world by adopting many of the ideas of the anarcho-capitalists. In the last thirty years, there has been massive deregulation of markets, exactly as advocated by the anarcho-capitalists. In countries like Britain, free market principles are being introduced into schools and hospitals, again exactly as the anarcho-capitalists desire. There is an ongoing debate in many countries about massively reducing taxes, again as the anarcho-capitalists want. Anarcho-capitalists are supporters of negative liberty rather than positive liberty, and the whole trend of contemporary society is towards negative liberty. Yet we have already seen where the free market and negative liberty lead us – to the credit crunch, the domination of the super-rich, the breakdown of community and the erosion of all spiritual values.

One senior member of the Illuminati now considers Jones, Makow and Icke to be active agents of the Old World Order who are obstructing and sabotaging the creation of a New World Order of positive liberty and meritocracy. They are enemies of the people. Do you imagine that Thomas Jefferson would have had any time for their ilk?

You have a clear choice to make. You can have anarcho-capitalism and/or the Old World Order. Or you can have the Illuminati and a New World Order. What’s it going to be?


“As Weishaupt lived under the tyranny of a despot & priests, he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, & the principles of pure morality. He proposed therefore to lead the Freemasons to adopt this object & to make the objects of their institution the diffusion of science & virtue. He proposed to initiate new members into his body by gradations proportioned to his fears of the thunderbolts of tyranny. This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment, the subversion of the masonic order, & is the colour for the ravings against him of Robinson, Barruel & Morse, whose real fears are that the craft would be endangered by the spreading of information, reason, & natural morality among men.” –Thomas Jefferson

“I believe you will think with me that if Weishaupt had written here, where no secrecy is necessary in our endeavours to render men wise & virtuous, he would not have thought of any secret machinery for that purpose. As Godwin, if he had written in Germany, might probably also have thought secrecy & mysticism prudent. I will say nothing to you on the late revolution of France, which is painfully interesting. Perhaps when we know more of the circumstances which gave rise to it, & the direction it will take, Bonaparte, its chief organ, may stand in a better light than at present.” –Thomas Jefferson


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