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Academia Iluministă (49)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia
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THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES OF BOOKS outlining the religion, politics and philosophy of the ancient and controversial secret society known as the Illuminati, of which the Greek polymath Pythagoras was the first official Grand Master. The society exists to this day and the author is a member, working under the pseudonym of “Adam Weishaupt” – the name of the Illuminati’s most notorious Grand Master.

The Illuminati’s religion is the most highly developed expression of Gnosticism and is called Illumination (alternatively, Illuminism). Dedicated to the pursuit of enlightenment, it has many parallels with the Eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. It rejects the Abrahamic religions of faith: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, considering these the work of the “Demiurge”; an inferior, cruel and wicked deity who deludes himself that he is the True God, and who has inflicted endless horrors on humanity.

If you wish to judge for yourself how deranged the Demiurge is, you need only read the Old Testament, the story of the Demiurge’s involvement with his “Chosen People”, the Hebrews. You may wonder why the “God of All” entered into an exclusive and partisan Covenant with a tribe in the Middle East several thousand years ago, why he promised them a land (Canaan) that belonged to others, and why he then actively participated with them in a genocidal war against the Canaanites. Even more bizarrely, according to Christian theology, he then despatched all of those Hebrews, whom he had supported so fanatically, to Limbo – the edge of Hell – when they died. They couldn’t go to Heaven because they were indelibly marked by the “Original Sin” of Adam and Eve. Only the atonement provided by the agonising death of God’s “son”, Jesus Christ, could wipe the slate clean and allow the Hebrews to be released from Limbo. But there was a catch. Only those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour were eligible for Paradise.

Of course, the Chosen People of “God” have almost entirely rejected Jesus Christ. Therefore, from the Christian perspective, nearly all of the Chosen People are now in hell proper. Don’t you find God’s behaviour distinctly odd? Indeed, unbelievable? Don’t alarm bells start ringing? Doesn’t the behaviour of this God sound rather more like what would be expected of Satan?

Remember that this same “God” ordered Abraham to perform human sacrifice on his own son, Isaac. Abraham, rather than rejecting this monstrous command, rather than denouncing the creature that gave it as evil incarnate, agreed to butcher his own flesh and blood to demonstrate how slavishly and mindlessly obedient he was – the prototype of all psychopathic, fanatical “believers”.

Does God’s command to Abraham sound like something that would ever pass the lips of the True God? We pity you if you think it does because you are surely a creature of the Demiurge and one of the legions of the damned. If, however, you doubt the credentials of the Abrahamic God, you may be receptive to the message of the Illuminati and our future-oriented, rational, scientific, mathematical and dialectical religion of light – Illumination.


“The statesman shears the sheep, the politician skins them.” –Austin O’Malley

“Politics and the fate of mankind are shaped by men without ideals and without greatness. Men who have greatness within them don’t go in for politics.” –Albert Camus

“In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant.” –Charles de Gaulle

Changing the Paradigm:

England, one of the great Protestant powers of history, was once a devout Catholic country. The Pope gave its king, Henry VIII, the title of Fidei Defensor (defender of the faith) because he had launched a ferocious written attack on Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism.

But Henry’s Spanish wife, Catherine of Aragon, failed to give him a male successor, so he sought a divorce to allow him to find a new wife to provide the boy he craved. Catholicism does not permit divorce and the Pope was unwilling to finesse a deal with Henry whereby the marriage would be annulled on some technicality.

Henry broke with Rome, appointed himself the head of the new “Church of England” and demanded from his bishops that they sanction his divorce. He was now a Protestant, just like Martin Luther, though he continued to follow many of the Catholic ways of old and hypocritically retained the Pope’s title of Fidei Defensor, used by the British Royal Family to this day even though they proved conclusively that not only would they not defend the Catholic faith, they would actively persecute it. Many English Catholics were appalled by Henry’s conduct and rose in righteous rebellion, but they were crushed one by one, and the leaders suffered the horrific fate of being hung, drawn and quartered for high treason.

The English people were good, loyal and faithful Catholics, and had been for a thousand years, until their king decided he wanted a divorce. Yet, within decades, England was virulently anti-Catholic. It introduced innumerable laws against Catholics, burned their priests at the stake and subjected them to relentless persecution and discrimination. The hostility can still be seen and felt to this day. The question is this – how can good Catholics be turned into Catholic persecutors within a couple of generations?

We mention this piece of history because there are many people who pour scorn on the Illuminati’s political system of meritocracy (designed to replace the existing system of representative democracy) and consider it unachievable, just as many 16th century English Catholics never imagined that their children would become fanatical Protestants. The critics of meritocracy particularly revile the 100% inheritance tax, which is the sine qua non of the meritocratic vision. This measure is expressly for the purpose of destroying dynastic wealth i.e. unless you prevent the possibility of family wealth being transferred from generation to generation, you will always be the victim of privileged family elites like the Rothschilds and Bushes. These elites, with their enormous prestige and influence, invariably form an unelected and unaccountable shadow global government – the Old World Order (OWO) – based on their private wealth and power with which they can buy and manipulate all of the governments of the world. In every way, the existence of a privileged elite is antithetical to meritocracy, and indeed to democracy. What’s the point of electing prime ministers and presidents if they are in fact pawn of people whose names were never on any ballot paper? Only a fool participates in a bogus election that does nothing but provide the front men for an unseen regime whose manifesto is never anything other than its own self-interest.

To a meritocrat, it is breathtaking that so many families, even those with no assets to pass on, are such fierce defenders of the rights of family inheritance. It is BECAUSE of this attitude that the OWO rule us. We can be free only when the elite’s money is taken from them and they can no longer use it as a weapon against us. The Old World Order are so successful precisely because they have the tacit support of most ordinary families. These families are clueless, submissive, irrational, credulous groups of morons, infected by “faith” in Abrahamism and the ludicrous rhetoric of “freedom and democracy” (which is more accurately (“freedumb and dumbocracy”). They have bought the OWO’s ideology hook, line and sinker. They have a false consciousness (constructed for them by the relentless media propaganda of the ruling elite) and they live in bad faith.

We would give up in the face of this resistance and cretinism of the masses if we did not already know that the ordinary families of today are as irrelevant as the ordinary Catholic families of 16th century England. The opinions of the anti-meritocrats count for nothing. All that matters is who has power. Who controls the agenda? Who dictates the consciousness of the people?

Henry VIII used a combination of terror, bribery and corruption and realpolitik to get the ruling elite fully onboard with his new Church of England. They then rapidly demonised Catholicism over the next few decades and, critically, brainwashed all of England’s schoolchildren.

In just one generation, the mentality of a nation can be irrevocably changed. It doesn’t matter a damn what the dinosaurs think and believe. It doesn’t matter what they say about 100% inheritance tax.

After just one generation of meritocratic government, the meritocratic principles will become second nature, and the people will be baffled that previous generations once lived differently and permitted privileged elites to flourish.

The brilliant scientist Max Planck wrote, “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”

That’s exactly the way the world works. We can’t ever persuade convinced Abrahamists, democrats and supporters of dynastic family power that they are wrong – they are beyond help in that regard. But if meritocracy becomes the ruling paradigm, the Abrahamists and the fans of privilege and the OWO will die out and their archaic belief system will become as extinct as the Flat Earth Society. The education of children is the key to a new world order. Once children are liberated from the beliefs of their parents and given a tailor-made, optimised education, the world will be transformed by that fact alone.

If you are a true meritocrat then you are a visionary and you are in tune with the dialectic of freedom. You see and understand things that the dumb, brainwashed sheeple will never grasp.

What is our great task? It is essentially this – to bring together all of the smartest, most active and creative people in the world who are not part of the ruling paradigm of the OWO. We don’t need any kind of majority of the sheeple. We’re not democrats, after all. We have said over and over again that the vast majority of people in this world are submissive sheep. They will go with the flow, whatever it is. That’s their nature: to follow the path of least resistance; to do whatever is required of them by the powers-that-be. That’s why Catholic England rapidly became Protestant England. No Catholic would have thought it possible, yet it happened with remarkable speed.

The movers and shakers dominate this world, not the hewers of wood and drawers of water. One active person has more effect than ten passive people. One leader is worth a thousand people. A “messiah” is worth half a world. Ergo, the game is to bring the whole active resistance to the Old World Order under a single banner. To be victorious, we need only about 5% of the population on our side, providing that the 5% consists of the smartest, most determined, most creative, most committed people in all the lands. In other words, we need the heroes. The hero monomyth is at the core of our project because only heroes can change the world. The highest heroes are world-historic figures. Any group that can assemble all of the heroes cannot lose. Where the heroes go, the rest of the world follows.

So, our task is not to appeal to the brainwashed masses, who are already irretrievably lost, but to attract those, like the Nietzschean Übermenschen, who will create the future.

The old gods are dead. The highest heroes are the new gods, and only through them will the rest of humanity attain divinity. Meritocracy is the platform for the greatest exemplars of the human race, those who will give birth to a new world, those who will reach up and pluck the bright stars from the heavens.

We don’t need to convince the sheeple of anything. We don’t need to persuade Abrahamists that they are fatally deceived. We don’t need to fight the OWO. We just need the heroes, the Supermen and Superwomen who can alter the destiny of worlds.

Are you such a person?

Bank Robbers in Designer Suits:

Do you want to see the world created by the OWO in 3-D and full Technicolor? Watch the film-documentary Inside Job by Charles Ferguson. If you don’t crave a French-style Revolution by the time the closing credits roll, there’s something wrong with you.

Inside Job forensically dissects the astonishing gangster culture that governs our world. Yet virtually no one saw this movie even though it won an Oscar for best documentary. It suffered the usual fate of vital films – receiving a very limited release. Art house cinemas showed it, but most multiplexes wouldn’t touch that sort of thing with a bargepole. The dumbed-down masses couldn’t imagine anything worse and more boring than watching a documentary explaining exactly why our world is the way it is. Anyone who is not interested in this topic is beyond help. Inside Job is so important that it ought to be one of the most successful films of all time: everyone should be going to see it. It should be shown in every school. The fact that so few are interested in it illustrates how docile the sheeple are, and how brilliant is the brainwashing job done on them.

Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson wrote, “When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his ‘proper place’ and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary.”

That’s the world the OWO have crafted. They have created a population that would rather spend all of its time watching American Idol and Lady Gaga videos than scrutinizing how the elite came to be so rich and powerful. Such a population poses no threat at all to the OWO, which is exactly why they designed things that way.

Think of what has been done to the people in order to make them so hostile to learning the truth of the prison they are in. Think how brilliantly the OWO have performed their task. Even when their evil is fully exposed in painstaking detail, it doesn’t make the slightest difference. The members of the OWO could walk around dressed as Satan himself, in horns and hooves, and still they would be worshipped as God.

That’s why heroes alone can save the world – the few who have seen through all of the lies and are ready to act, to lead, to use their personal gifts to transform this world of ours. Achieving a democratic mandate is not our priority. The mandate we seek is that of the true heroes. Ours is the Hero Flag, and under that banner we shall inevitably triumph.

Here is the ruling ideology of the OWO that the heroes must smash:

1) The super rich are morally and intellectually superior to everyone else.

2) They deserve all of their wealth and power because of 1).

3) Wicked, Godless communism would result if you deprived them of their wealth and power. The world would be plunged into chaos.

4) It is your God-given duty to obey the super rich in every way because they are the ones who enjoy God’s favour i.e. they are God’s chosen appointees and any resistance to them is an attack on God himself. It is the “divine right” of the wealthy to rule.

5) If you work hard enough, you too could become super rich, so don’t complain.

6) The super rich are all about family and if you love your family you will emulate the super rich and their strong family values.

7) It would be theft and a crime against God for the State to remove the wealth of the super rich.

8) The super rich are being rewarded by God, and the poor punished by God. Your wealth is the surest sign of your closeness to God. You are evil if you are poor – why else has God given you nothing?

9) The poor are the damned and the rich the saved.

10) The rich are God’s elect.

11) The super rich are the only legitimate authority in the world. Everything they do is by definition legitimate. You have no legal grounds to challenge them.

12) They have the absolute right to impose their views on everyone else: to brainwash them, to control the education they receive, and to control the media that educates, informs and entertains them.

13) Wealth is proof of God’s favour ergo any attack on wealth is Satanic.

Of course, “Mammon” should replace the word “God” in this list, but the ordinary person no longer draws any distinction since all they dream about is becoming rich, about becoming a high priest of Mammon. Money, in our world, is freedom, power, status, prestige, desirability and delight all rolled into one. Money is the panacea the ancient alchemists sought. All of our problems would end if only we had enough money.

The Mammonites are everywhere. There has never been a more powerful religion in history. The OWO have proved that money can buy the world’s soul and control every feature of this planet. Cicero said, “There is no fortress so strong that money cannot take it.” The OWO have taken every fortress in just this manner. “Resistance is futile,” they brag as they wave their bags of gold.

We have no truck with democracy. Why not? Because the people are completely debased, corrupted and retarded. They have accepted their own slavery and subjugation. They think it is fully justified. They are delighted to endlessly distract themselves with the junk the elite put in front of them. They are not a “people” at all: merely a bread and circuses mob of performing puppets and gawping spectators. They are not humans but rather human impersonators. It’s even questionable whether they have true souls.

The hero, the superman – the man or woman who would be God – is the antidote.

If you are a meritocrat you will have found yourself developing a kind of nausea when you contemplate the sheeple. How could humanity have fallen so low you will think? And how can such people help the dialectic of freedom when they have embraced slavery so eagerly? They refuse to take the actions necessary to save themselves. They put on their own manacles and sing, “Hallelujah! – give us heavier chains!”

The people must be saved, but they can’t save themselves. Only the free can change the world. Only heroes are free. They are self defining, self creating. They don’t wait on others.

Would any democrat dare to utter the immortal slogan of Nietzsche: “We, however, want to become those who we are – the new, the unique, the incomparable, those who impose on themselves their own law, those who create themselves!” Only such individuals have the strength to dream, to seize life, to transform themselves and others. What do the rest matter? Who needs their endorsement? They will never agree with us because they have sold their souls to the Devil.

Congratulations to Pho’, the visionary Hip Hop artist, and all those who assisted him in creating his H.E.R.O. Volume 1 Collection – an astoundingly innovative, inspirational and ambitious work, illustrating true grandeur of vision. It’s a mystery that Pho’ isn’t yet a global phenomenon, but his time will surely come. He makes smart music for smart people, music with something to say, music that seeks to change the world.

The War of the N’s and S’s, T’s and F’s, I’s and E’s:

We are hard-wired for conflict. The reason for that is that large groups of us have nothing in common with other large groups with whom we are forced to share the planet. We humans, in our various different groups, perceive the world differently. We conceptualise it differently. We have totally different value systems. It’s quite possible that we could get on better with Martians than with some of our neighbours. No one could be more alien to us than those who have a radically different understanding of the world and way of interacting with it.

Are Abrahamists even human? Do people who vote for the Republican Party belong to the same species as everyone else? It’s actually more than a question of brainwashing. What these people believe is a reflection of how their brains are configured. A person who is sensing oriented with feeling as his auxiliary function, or feeling oriented with sensing as his auxiliary function, is not someone who is thinking his way through life, not someone who is intuiting the truth of things.

The sensers and feelers go through life cut off from the cerebral side of life. Is it any wonder they succumb to irrational belief systems, that they place faith over knowledge? They can’t do otherwise because they don’t actually have any firm idea of what reason is. They don’t interact with it on a daily basis. It’s something obscure and alien to them, whereas irrational nonsense is what they trade in day in and day out. These people have no contact with Logos (reason) – they are driven by the simple Mythos “logic” of stories and emotions, a style of logic which makes claims such as cowboys in white hats are good and those in black hats are evil (which was once the rule in all cowboy movies, just in case the retarded Abrahamist audience couldn’t work out good and evil conduct for themselves!).

If we analysed those who believe in the Abrahamic religions and those who don’t we would discover astounding psychological differences. In Myers-Briggs terms, Abrahamists would be over represented by S’s, F’s and E’s and non-Abrahamists by N’s, T’s and I’s. In other words, the conflicts of the world are about different types of brain wiring and psychological types.

It would be almost impossible for a Myers-Briggs INTJ personality type to persuade an ESFP of the truth of anything because the latter doesn’t care about the truth in any rational way. As we said, they are Mythos-based rather than Logos-centred. They subscribe to emotional stories rather than abstract logic. They are thrill seekers rather than contemplatives. They want to wallow in sensory information – their perceptions – and feelings rather than bring conceptual order to the world. The two groups have no common language. They can’t communicate. Their frameworks of reality are incommensurate.

The idea that you can have a rational debate with any person is a myth. Huge numbers of people have no idea what reason is. Literally. Their minds just don’t work that way. A rational person can barely understand the concept of “faith” because it demands that they abandon reason in order to believe something that has no rational basis. Why would they ever be attracted to such an idea? Yet a person who has very little grasp of reason will have no difficulty at all. If someone tells them an engaging, emotional story that they buy into and then says that they must believe this to be wholly true even though there is no evidence for it, these people will say, “Fine with me.” They are driven by emotions and sensations, not facts. If faith provides them with comfort and courage then they will eagerly embrace it. The truth content of their beliefs doesn’t come into it. It’s irrelevant.

The ancient Gnostics were the first religious thinkers to be repelled by the idea of faith and to take a resolute stance against it. They demanded knowledge. There can be little doubt that Gnostics are a different psychological type from believers. Atheists, skeptics and agnostics are also unable to accept faith.

The Pythagorean Illuminati sought to build everything on the most precise knowledge base possible: mathematics, the queen of the sciences. Not once did the Illuminati ever stray near the bizarre world of faith – the irrational world.

The more you contemplate “faith”, the more it seems indistinguishable from madness. When Luther described reason as the “Devil’s whore”, he was asserting that facts, logic, evidence and knowledge are no proper basis for understanding the world and instead non-facts, illogic, non-evidence and non-knowledge are the proper ways to approach life. WTF! The “revelation of God” in an ancient book of highly dubious provenance, and full of crazy assertions and rules, is how we should order and live our lives. Really?

It’s well known that the Christian gospels are merely a selection from many ancient manuscripts, others of which could have been chosen instead. The trouble was that all of these different potential gospels horrifically contradicted each other, even though they were all ostensibly about the infallible teachings of Christ. So “they” (the Church elders) chose the small set that were most consistent, but even within these there were many blatant contradictions. Why do so many people think these selected gospels are the revelation of God if they can’t agree on the basic facts of Jesus’ life? The identities of the authors of the four Christian gospels are shrouded in mystery and it’s not entirely clear that any of them actually knew Jesus and were eyewitnesses to any events in his life. All of them may be nothing but hearsay. Jesus’ apostles were mostly ill-educated fishermen unable to read or write, and Jesus Christ himself was probably illiterate given that he didn’t commit even one word to paper. You simply could not get a more dubious basis for a “revelation” on which to stake your life. No rational person is inclined to believe any of it.

What possible reason could anyone have for believing that a baby born of a “virgin” (the word “maiden”, meaning an unmarried girl, was actually mistranslated as “virgin”) 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem was none other than the God of the Universe rather than just another bastard Jew (literally)? Mary, the so-called Mother of God, unquestionably had premarital sex and attempted the most audacious and far-fetched cover-up in history, a lie so big and absurd that it has been eagerly embraced by billions of cretinous Christians ever since. They wouldn’t like to think of Christ’s mother as a delinquent teenager into casual sex and prepared to make up outrageous lies to try to save her bacon when she got pregnant – just like plenty of teens in the present day. Yet isn’t that far more credible than a “virgin” conception? Since when did claims that contradict science and all human experience become credible? If a teenage girl in the present day said she was pregnant through supernatural means she would be denounced as a liar or locked up as mad…so why is such a whopper believed because it’s two-thousand years old and made by a Jewess called Mary?

Let’s be charitable to Mary. Let’s say that what actually happened was that she met a con man passing himself as one of the Watchers – the angels that came to earth and seduced earthly women, thus giving rise to the race of Nephilim, the offspring of humans and angels. The Watcher seduced her then told her that he hadn’t genuinely had sex with her because he was an immaterial angel, hence she was entitled to claim she was still a virgin because she hadn’t had sex with a mortal man. She was more than happy to go along with the story, and even started to believe it herself.

The Illuminati actually decided to test this scenario, and sent out men pretending to be angels to see what effect it would have on women. The strategy was astoundingly successful – anyone who can convincingly tap into the “Angel Mythos” has the chance to be a Don Juan. Who can doubt that young Mary fell for just such a stratagem? All suggestible, submissive girls are prey for good-looking, unscrupulous men passing themselves off as angels. The Illuminati performed the ruse as an experiment; others do it as a way of life. Go out to a nightclub and try it for yourself, but make sure you actually know about angel lore!

Matthew 1:18 Whereas [Christ’s] mother was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child, of the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost?! Yeah, right!

Luke 1 26-35: And in the sixth month [of the pregnancy of John the Baptist’s mother Elizabeth], the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth. To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel being come in, said unto her, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women.” Who having heard, was troubled at his saying, and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said to her, “Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God. Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father, and he shall reign in the house of Jacob forever. And of his kingdom there shall be no end.” And Mary said to the angel, “How shall this be done, because I know not man?” And the angel answering said to her, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”

Of course, the Watchers were also called the sons of God! Is this the Gospel proof that Jesus Christ was an archon?!

One of the most notorious archons is called “Gabriel” – the “Angel” Gabriel, to be more precise! An archon is a human being with a higher, “angelic” soul which confers remarkable powers on him, and much-extended longevity (incidentally, have you ever wondered why many people in the Bible – such as Methuselah – were said to have lived for many centuries?). Gabriel it was who seduced Mary. She bore his son – Jesus Christ, the archon, a boy who also enjoyed out-of-the-ordinary powers. And Gabriel it was too who sought out Mohammed and recited the Koran to him. And thus the Arch Archon Gabriel has played one of the most significant roles in human history. There is no plot greater than the Gabriel conspiracy.

“Gabriel (i.e. man of God). One of the Archangels, sometimes referred to as the Angel of Death, the prince of fire and thunder, but more frequently as one of God’s chief messengers, and traditionally said to be the only angel that can speak Syriac and Chaldee. The Mohammedans call him the chief of the four favoured angels and the spirit of truth. Milton makes him the chief of the angelic guards placed over Paradise. In the Talmud, Gabriel appears as the destroyer of the hosts of Sennacherib, as the man who showed Joseph the way, and as one of the angels who buried Moses. According to the Koran, it was Gabriel who took Mohammed to heaven on Al Borak and revealed to him his ‘prophetic love’. In the Old Testament, Gabriel is said to have explained to Daniel certain visions; in the New Testament he announced to Zacharias the future birth of John the Baptist and appeared to Mary the mother of Jesus.” –Brewster’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable

Consider this: why did Gabriel meet Mary in private? Why did he not appear in front of Mary, Joseph and their parents, so that no one would get the wrong idea?

Consider this: why did Gabriel meet Mohammed in private? Why did he not announce the Koran himself to all the peoples of the world so that no one could doubt its veracity? Why are the greatest religious “revelations” always conducted in the utmost secrecy, making it impossible for them ever to be verified in any way?

The Illuminati conduct their affairs in secret to avoid the persecution of the followers of Gabriel and the OWO. But why should Gabriel – allegedly an angel of God Almighty, have to resort to secrecy rather than openness? Why does the God of “Revelation” not reveal himself? (Abraxas, the True God, is no God of Revelation – he is reached via reason, knowledge and gnosis i.e. he is the God of the enlightened, not of the endarkened.) It doesn’t make any sense, unless the purpose of the secrecy is to ensure that no one can rationally challenge the claims placed before them. They are designed to be matters of faith rather than reason, from which we can conclude that this “God” is not the True God of Reason, but rather the false God of psychological manipulation based on faith. He is the Demiurge, Satan.

Why did “God” learn carpentry of all things in Nazareth? Why was it not until he was 30 years of age that he suddenly started to perform “miracles”? Not the miracle of driving the Roman army of occupation out of the country, of course, since that would be too much like an actual, verifiable miracle that history would record.

So, “God” gets himself crucified by the Romans and then rises from the dead – taking care, as usual, to ensure that not a single person witnessed the event. Why didn’t he go straight to Pontius Pilate and Caiaphas, the High Priest of the Temple, and say, “Hey, guys, SURPRISE!” But of course that would make it a factual event rather than a faith-based event. Faith requires that there should never be a single objective witness and no evidence of any kind.

We can’t have facts getting in the way, can we? Why did Allah choose to send the Angel Gabriel to Mohammed in a cave to dictate the Koran to him? Why not do it in broad daylight in the middle of Mecca in front of thousands of people? Hey, way too many witnesses! Prophets are like serial killers – they always do things in the utmost secrecy without a single witness. If there were any witnesses, they probably killed them!

“God” is like some grand conspirator, sneaking around doing everything he can to avoid being seen. He’s the perfect criminal. He never leaves a trace. No CIS team could ever build a case against him. Strange, given that he allegedly created the world and us. Why does he hide himself from his creations? Why does he skulk around in the darkest shadows? As a matter of divine policy, he always acts through single individuals, and we just have to take their word for it that they’re telling the truth because they absolutely never provide any evidence.

But why should we believe them? Are we crazy? No rational person would take any of this nonsense seriously, but all rational people are compelled to live in a world where billions of irrational people treat this with literally deadly seriousness. They’ll kill you if you point out the myriad rational errors in their mad claims. In fact, they will call you mad! Or they will brand you as a heretic, infidel, apostate, demon, devil, tempter, corrupter, an evil influence, a servant of Satan, or whatever other demented label they can think up.

Consider the four “Temperaments” devised by David Keirsey: the Guardians, Artisans, Rationalists and Idealists. Which of these are the ones prone to faith?

The Guardians are defined by their desire for security. They are “Supervisors” (ESTJ in terms of Myers-Briggs personality types), “Inspectors” (ISTJ), “Providers” (ESFJ) and “Protectors” (ISFJ). None of these are intuitives, and the Providers and Protectors aren’t thinkers either. These latter ones are the most susceptible to prophets and preachers demanding absolute faith. They quite simply aren’t geared up for reasoning their way through the world.

As for the Artisans, they are sensation seeking. They are Promoters (ESTP), Crafters (ISTP), Performers (ESFP) and Composers (ISFP). As with the Providers and Protectors, the Performers and Composers are not skilled at thinking or intuition. Again, they are easy meat for the religions of faith.

As for the Supervisors, Inspectors, Promoters and Crafters, although they have a thinking capacity, it is not supported by intuition. In many ways, intuition is a kind of bullshit detector. An intuitive can “smell” lies.

Nietzsche, a genius of intuition, wrote, “I was the first to discover the truth, in that I was the first to sense – smell – the lie as lie…My genius is in my nostrils…”

Intuitives smell the biggest possible fish when it comes to faith. Non-intuitives don’t have that advantage.

“Faith” is a virus that spreads through the Guardian and Artisan classes, and unfortunately these make up 80% of the human population. The Guardians – the security seekers – are the bedrock of “family values”, “freedom and democracy” and Abrahamism. They will cut your throat to defend the self-interest and privileges of their families. They are the ones who would fight to the death to prevent 100% inheritance tax. They would perceive it as the ultimate attack on their family security. The Artisans – the sensation seekers – are the worshippers of celebrity. They are the primary capitalist consumers. They love to shop. They are obsessed with fashion, thrills, socializing, parties, vacations, fast cars, video games etc.

The Rationals – the knowledge seekers – are the Field Marshals (ENTJ), the Masterminds (INTJ), the Inventors (ENTP) and the Architects (INTP). All of these are highly rational and intuitive and the least likely to have anything to do with faith.

The Idealists are identity seekers and are Teachers (ENFJ), Counselors (INFJ), Champions (ENFP) and Healers (INFP). They have a certain susceptibility to credulity because they lack the thinking function, but their intuition can usually steer them away from danger.

Virtually everyone who reads our series of books will be a rational or an idealist. We would expect zero interest from guardians and for just a few curious artisans to come this way. This is a society for intuitives, and intuition has a profound relationship with gnosis. In fact gnosis is ultimate intuition.

We seek to bring together all of the rationals and idealists. Unfortunately, the extraverts amongst them often work for the Old World Order. Many senior members of the Old World Order are ENTJs and ENTPs. They are the brains of the OWO operation, and the ENFJs and ENFPs often act as their propagandists and are the ones who can so successfully make an emotional connection with the people.

All aspects of life can be analysed in terms of the introversion-extraversion, intuition-sensing and thinking-feeling dichotomies. The whole of history has been a battlefield between different mental ways of engaging with the environment. In a world of rationals, there would be no such phenomenon as faith. Abrahamism, quite simply, would not exist.

Rationals and idealists are outnumbered four to one, so we can see that they have tended to be the victims of the guardians and artisans.

They have been the heretics, the witches, the freethinkers, the atheists, skeptics, agnostics, Gnostics, rebels, revolutionaries, visionaries, dreamers and utopians. But if they acted as one, they would be unstoppable because they are so gifted. That’s why we want to bring as many as possible together under the meritocratic banner.

We, the intuitives, have a huge obstacle to overcome – the old world of the guardians and artisans, those mired in the past, in conservatism. They are driven by their senses and emotions, not by reason and future-possibilities. They are afraid of change, of new ideas. The concept of a New World Order terrifies them. They can’t think their way through problems. They are superstitious and intellectually primitive. Only such people could continue to revere ancient texts that have been disproved and discredited in every conceivable way. The reason they cling to old ways is that they gain emotional security from them and they can’t think their way beyond them. While intuitives always look to the future, the sensers never stop gazing at the past. They see the past as safe and understandable in their terms; the future as problematic. Intuitives love the future because that’s where their minds are most at home – imagining new possibilities.

Books, TV, films, music, religions, political parties – our tastes in these reflect our brain-wiring and psychological types. If you knew the psychological profiles of all the people who vote at the Oscars, you would have no difficulty in working out who would win the prizes.

Rationally, it might seem impossible for the intuitives to beat the sensing types given that there are so many more of the sensers, and the sensers’ belief systems are so deeply ingrained. But the intuitives have the advantage of being much smarter, and the numbers game is irrelevant because the vast majority of people are submissives and will do whatever they are told by dominants.

The Zeitgeist series of films is highly geared towards intuitives. Project Venus and Project Earth are the quintessence of visionary intuition. The strongest critics of Zeitgeist are, of course, the Old World Order and the conservative sensers.

One thing that must be clear from what we have said is that there will be no groundswell of public support for meritocracy leading to the resource and technology-based future society envisaged by Zeitgeist where money is no longer needed. We aren’t fools. We know that the sensers are far too entrenched in their traditional and conservative ways.

So, we can win only by being a) much smarter b) much more heroic c) much more dominant d) much more cohesive e) much more focused. We have to undermine the faith of the sensers in their leaders and system. We have to attack from every angle, sow endless seeds of doubt. We have to remove their will to resist. This is a psychological war, and those who are best able to use psychology will prove victorious.

Kierkegaard wrote about The Instant – the moment when eternity intersects with time, the moment of decision, the moment when you have to choose once and for all which side to fight on. Well, The Instant is here. You can no longer avoid it. This is the time for heroes. Will you be one of them? It’s your choice.



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