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Academia Iluministă (60)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

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The Mind Mystery:

The key to God, religion, souls, the afterlife, mind is contained in the cosmic equation r >= 0. What this equation says is that although there is a single continuum of existence, it can be regarded as the interaction of two separate domains: one in space and time (r > 0) and one outside space and time (r = 0). We previously showed how light in its own frame of reference is outside space and time, yet is perceived by us as being in space and time. This dichotomy and paradox is the essence of existence.

Any mind perceiving the cosmos from the perspective of space and time can’t help but impose space and time on everything, including those things such as light that are not actually in space and time. Things that exist in space and time have a beginning and an end. They are mortal. They die. Humans die. The part of the human mind shaped by space and time dies. These are the facts of space and time. These are the facts of a life lived within space and time.

Yet part of the cosmos is not in space and time. It is immortal. It cannot die. It is not subject to the laws of space and time. It does not partake of those laws. Instead, it partakes of the radically different laws of an existence outside space and time. It has a fundamentally different perspective of the cosmos.

What does the universe look like from outside space and time? If everything is interconnected because there is no physical distance between any two things, how does that work? If no time ever passes, how can anything ever change? Isn’t everything just eternally frozen? Isn’t the universe outside space and time incomprehensible?

Certainly, we cannot hope to describe it in the familiar terms of space and time since these do no apply. Still, it is useful to have some kind of image in our minds.

The r = 0 cosmos is hard-wired to the r > 0 cosmos. The r = 0 domain is not in space and time, but is indissolubly linked to something that is (the r > 0 domain). So, the r = 0 DOES experience space and time, albeit at second hand. In particular, it experiences it informationally (mentally). Consider a time-lapse film. You film traffic going over a bridge for a 24-hr period. You then speed up the film and compress the 24 hours into, say, 24 minutes. The speeded up film looks both familiar and very different. The compressed film is operating according to different rules of space and time compared with the original film. Now speed up the film to infinity. What happens? If something is travelling infinitely fast, it does not experience the passage of time. It gets anywhere in no time. Everything is instantaneous. The time-lapse film ends as soon as it begins. All of the information it contained is processed instantly.

And now we get to the heart of it. An observer in the r = 0 domain perceives the r > 0 domain as running at infinite speed. Everything that happens is instantly reflected in r = 0. No time passes and yet information accumulates infinitely rapidly, in complete contradiction of the notion that nothing can change in a timeless environment. This is the ultimate time-lapse film. If you could view the r > 0 domain from the r = 0 domain you would experience all the events of the universe flashing past you at infinite speed, and yet not a single moment would ever elapse.

You wouldn’t experience “physical” time – the time of the r > 0 domain that can be measured with a clock, but you WOULD experience another type of time – psychological/mental time. In times of extreme danger, people report that time seems to almost stop. Each second passes much more slowly. This is not physically true of course, but it is mentally, and, in the pure mental realm of r = 0, this would be the only type of time that would be experienced: mental time.

The mind would be able to cope with distance in similar fashion. It would have a mental ability to differentiate all of the spatial events taking place in r > 0 even though it did not itself experience physical space.

So, in the r = 0 domain, physical space and time, measured by physical rulers and clocks, are replaced by a mental experience of space and space and time, measured by mental rulers and clocks. The statement that something is outside space and time is something of a misnomer. The precise meaning is that it is not subject to physical space and time.

The r >= 0 universe is a cosmic two-way feedback process. The informational content of the r > 0 domain (all the events happening everywhere) is fed into the r = 0 domain, which mentally processes the information and responds to it, which is then instantly reflected in the r > 0 domain, as scientifically demonstrated by the famous EPR paradox where quantum particles that are “entangled” are able to coordinate their behaviour instantaneously.

Some people claim that a domain outside space and time must already have experienced all future events. Such things have been said about God: he knows the future because he is outside time. This is utterly absurd. The future hasn’t happened yet. No one can know that which has not yet happened. They might be able to predict it, but they certainly can’t “know” it. We have now presented the proper philosophical, scientific and religious framework in which this matter should be contemplated: the union of two domains, one outside space and time, and one inside. The domain that is outside space and time is continuously and instantaneously updated by what’s going on in the r > 0 domain, but it never has access to any events that have not yet happened in the r > 0 domain. This is a simple impossibility. No one can ever know the future and all talk of precognition, seeing the future, travelling into the future and back again etc is pure fantasy. It can never happen. We can certainly influence the future and make certain events more likely to happen, but we cannot “know” the future. God cannot know it. No one can. People can have strong intuitions about the future, but that’s as far as it goes.

Two philosophical traditions have dominated Western intellectual thought: materialism and idealism. Materialism is the position championed by modern science. In this view, mind emerges from matter, and can have no existence independently of matter. This is the exclusive r > 0 universe. According to science and materialism, two numbers are excluded from physical reality: zero and infinity. Science says that a strictly dimensionless (zero-dimension) entity is impossible since in the material universe all things are dimensional by definition. Science also says that if the equations of physics produce infinite results at certain points then physics has “broken down” at these points and something must be wrong with the underlying theory.

One divided by zero equals infinity.
One divided by infinity equals zero.

Infinity is the “flip side” of zero. Zero and infinity are inextricably linked. If you exclude one, you exclude both. In short, the assertion of science is that the r = 0 universe does not and cannot exist. Yet no scientist queries the properties of light which, according to Einstein’s sacrosanct special theory of relativity, is massless, travels in “null” space and does not experience space and time i.e. is dimensionless. No scientist has ever realized that science has already proved materialism to be untenable. Dimensionless existence is the essence of light, which is the beating heart of relativity theory.

Idealism is the view that only mind exists. What we perceive as the external world is actually a mental construct. “Material” objects are mental rather than physical. This is the r = 0 universe. In this view, zero and infinity define reality. There are no solid, dimensional objects i.e. there is no matter. The assertion of idealism is that the r > 0 universe does not exist i.e. reality consists of an infinite number of dimensionless (zero-dimensional) entities; all other numbers are mental rather physical – the term “four dogs” would refer to four mental dogs rather than four physical, dimensional, material dogs. Many of the greatest philosophers have supported this position.

Illumination is the synthesis of materialism and idealism: r >= 0. Mind and matter co-exist. All numbers from zero to infinity are part of reality. No numbers are excluded mentally or physically. Nature has no preference for some numbers over others. It doesn’t discriminate.

Materialism and idealism are both subsets of reality, based on a fallacious view that Nature, for some unexplained reason, gives some numbers a greater “reality” than others. (In materialism, zero and infinity have no “reality”; in idealism only zero and infinity have “reality”.) Illumination is based on mathematical completeness. In the language of Gnosticism, this concept as known as the “pleroma”: the universe of “fullness”. Both materialism and idealism are examples of what Gnosticism calls “hysterema”: the universe of “deficiency”. Illumination, by incorporating all possible numbers, cannot be made any bigger. It lacks nothing. Materialism and idealism are both in the position of having to explain why they are deficient; why materialism excludes the dimensionless and why idealism excludes the dimensional. Neither ideology has ever successfully accomplished this.

Science has done an excellent job of explaining the r > 0 cosmos, but now it cannot go any further to produce a Grand Unified Theory of Everything until it confronts the two critical remaining pieces of the jigsaw: zero and infinity. While science blindly asserts that these numbers are impossible in Nature, it is doomed to failure. Nature accounts for all possibilities. It does not exclude anything. This MUST be the basis of any theory of everything. Clearly, if science has ruled out zero and infinity, it is a limited theory, hence not a theory of everything. Bizarrely, not a single scientist has ever comprehended that any theory of everything must specifically address everything. The r >= 0 paradigm does address everything; r > 0 and r = 0, separately, do not. r >= 0 is the only paradigm devised by the human mind that imposes no limits. It is the only viable, the only possible, Grand Unified Theory. It is the summit of human thought, the limit. Nothing can exist beyond it, not even in principle. Once zero and infinity have been accommodated, the story is over. Finis. r >= 0 is the answer to “life, the universe and everything.”

Imagine that you are the owner of a sophisticated radio-controlled helicopter. There’s a little silver pilot sitting in the cockpit. You start remotely flying the helicopter and you’ve never had so much fun. But then you think – this COULD be better. Specifically, it could be better if your consciousness was somehow transferred into the little pilot guy. For you, if the helicopter crashes, it’s too bad. You’ll need to get a new one. If your little pilot crashes, he’s “dead”. The stakes are so much higher for him, hence the excitement is so much greater. Your hobby is transformed into a life and death struggle if you can switch your consciousness into the pilot’s head.

So, imagine that your “soul” in the r = 0 domain is controlling a physical body, a human being, in the r > 0 domain. Well, it’s quite a lot of fun having this remote-controlled “android” doing things at your behest. But the creature is disposable. You’re not feeling what it’s going through. Everything is taking place at a distance. You are experiencing second-level, second-hand emotions. Your mind needs to be inside that human being if your life is to become meaningful.

What is a human brain? What’s the point of it? If minds exist independently of matter, who needs a physical brain? The answer could not be simpler. The brain, with its countless brain cells and connections, is the means by which consciousness in the r = 0 domain gets transferred into the r > 0 domain. That’s the amount of processing power a mind needs if it’s to change its perceptions from that of something outside space and time to something inside space and time. It needs to be able to process, via the physical senses, all of the signals coming from its environment. It needs to understand spatial and temporal pleasure and pain. It needs to feel emotion.

The mind is never anywhere other than in the r = 0 domain, but a physical brain allows a mind to have the experience of being in space and time. Consciousness is transferred from one place to another, like the helicopter owner transferring his consciousness to the toy pilot. Our space-time consciousness is, strictly speaking, an illusion since our mind is never actually in space and time. Yet it’s a very convincing illusion!

But the situation is rather more complicated than we are suggesting, and the architecture of the internet helps us to get the full picture. Human beings actually have “multi-minds” that work seamlessly together to give the illusion of a single consciousness.

Experiments conducted on “split brain” patients, where the corpus callosum joining the two hemispheres of the brain is severed, have demonstrated unequivocally that the left and right brains are different in capabilities, intelligence, creativity, and emotions i.e. they are “different people”, different minds. Many of the peculiarities of human behaviour stem from the fact that more than one mind is involved in our decisions. Right-handed people, the vast majority of the human race, are dominated by the mind associated with their left brain. This is what they regard as their consciousness, their ego, their sense of self. The dominant left hemisphere is where our language abilities reside. Therefore if consciousness and language go together, it is inevitable that the left brain will seem to be the seat of consciousness. The constant monologue that goes through our heads all the time is the product of our language skills, hence is a left brain phenomenon. The mind in the right hemisphere is effectively silent and some researchers have called it the seat of the unconscious. The language skills of the right brain are not non-existent, but they are distinctly primitive. They are like caveman grunts and basic commands. So, of our two minds, one constantly speaks to us while the other grunts. Naturally, we identify with the language-based mind, so that becomes our consciousness, but it’s not the “whole” of us. Again, we see that we are the victims of a kind of delusion. Is it possible that the delusion has even more layers? Do we have a ladder of minds, for example, that we might use to climb up to the level of none other than God himself?

Let’s return to the computer analogy. A standalone personal computer is like our brain-based mind(s). Our left-brain consciousness is like the active application on the computer, while our right brain consciousness is like all the background tasks being performed by the computer and all of the various rules, protocols and code for running the computer. Sometimes there’s a conflict and our computer suffers a blue-screen crash (like a human nervous breakdown). The computer needs to be rebooted (we might have to be helped by a psychotherapist to get our life back on track; to be “rebooted”).

The computer’s RAM memory is like our short-term memory. The hard drive is where our long-term memories are stored. Over time, some sectors can become corrupted and we can’t access them any more (equivalent to losing some of our memories – with Alzheimer’s Disease, all access is lost).

Now we add in the internet. How does this change the picture? The internet protocols and a modem allow us to link to an enormous number of other computers. We can download material onto our hard drive from internet servers, and we can do the opposite and upload material onto internet servers. The internet is like the interconnected r = 0 domain. Let’s say that our right brain is the “modem” for connecting us to the r = 0 domain, and knows all of the relevant protocols. The r = 0 domain can pass messages to us via the right brain, and we can upload material to the r = 0 domain via the right brain. Let’s say that there is a specific “soul” in the r = 0 domain that is like an internet server dedicated exclusively to us. Let’s say that this exclusive server/soul is tightly linked to certain others servers/souls – those of the members of our family. And let’s say that it can make strong new connections with other servers/souls – our friends and lovers.

So, our left brain consciousness is equated with our standalone computer. Our right brain is too (it works in tandem with the left brain), but it can also be equated with a link to the internet i.e. with a direct link to other computers (the equivalent of other consciousnesses). If we say that the internet, based on linked computers, is like a Mass Mind, based on linked minds, then we can create a new model of mind and its connections. Our right brain is linked to the Mass Mind via a node in the r = 0 domain: our “soul”. The soul can download messages to the right brain mind, and the right brain can upload messages to the soul, but this all happens unconsciously because our consciousness resides in the left brain which does not explicitly participate in this link.

Our soul is closely linked to the souls of the other people in our lives, particularly in the case of identical twins where their souls might be so closely linked that they practically overlap, hence the ability of identical twins to virtually read each other’s mind. We can use soul “hyperlinks” to hook up with any other soul in the Mass Mind. This is the basis of “remote” psychic connections with those with whom we are not related.

If we associate the whole of the Mass Mind with none other than God’s Mind then all of us are linked to the Mind of God, meaning that part of our soul is in direct contact with the Godhead, albeit at an unconscious level. (Consider God as the original node of the Mass Mind – the first computer on the internet, in our analogy – that defines all the communications protocols. God is the Controller of The Matrix, in a manner of speaking, the Supreme Architect.)

If we can climb the ladder of mind and raise our soul to this highest possible level – our Highest Self – then we have achieved our divine mission – to become God. We have entered into mental union with God. We are experiencing his thoughts and he ours. We have attained our personal Omega Point. And when all of us have attained this same level then we have become a Community of Gods and the cosmos has reached its Omega Point of maximum actualisation of cosmic potential.

Is it not a wondrous prospect? Is it not glorious? Is it not divine? Yet, in truth, although we have talked about multi-minds (about a left-brain mind, a right-brain mind, about a linked r = 0 domain soul and an r = 0 Highest Self), they are all really the same mind, located in r = 0, but compartmentalized to allow us to function in two domains, r = 0 and r > 0, and to ultimately raise ourselves to our highest possible level.

When we die, our left-brain consciousness perishes – there’s no avoiding that – but at the moment of death it is in a sense uploaded via the right-brain link to our soul in the r = 0 domain. And if we have not achieved gnosis/ enlightenment/ the achievement of our Highest Self, then the process will begin again (reincarnation) and our soul (or rather one aspect of it) will be downloaded into a new brain and will assume a new consciousness in the r > 0 domain.

The characteristic descriptions of near-death experiences: entering a long tunnel and seeing a bright light at the end, and feeling the presence of the dear departed who went before you to the Great Beyond – these would be entirely compatible with the type of set-up we have outlined.

Borrowing and modifying Hindu terminology we can construct the following scheme:

Jiva: left-brain consciousness; the ego that perceives itself as existing in r > 0. The “active” consciousness of our everyday experience.

Jiva-atman: right brain consciousness. It is connected to both the r > 0 left brain consciousness and also to the r = 0 domain.

Atman: the r = 0 Soul/Higher Self/Divine Spark that can communicate with us via the jiva-atman connection. This might be referred to as our “real”, immortal Self.

Param-atman: the r = 0 perfected Soul/Highest Self. This is what we aspire to. This is when we have literally “become God”.

Brahman: the union of all Param-atmans – the transcendent Godhead, the union of all the Gods in a single entity that is yet greater than the collection. Nirvana for Buddhists. The Gestalt (the whole is greater than the sum of its parts). The cosmic Omega Point.

But all of this is just an analogy, a pictorial framework in which to consider the issues. There is no actual “uploading” and “downloading” since the mind never leaves the r = 0 domain. It’s AS IF this type of process takes places, but in fact what’s really taking place is a sequence of coordinated alterations and shifts in the consciousness of an immortal mind in the r = 0 domain as it proceeds on its dialectical journey to the ultimate destination.

Try to think of your own model of what takes place. Look around the world for possible analogies. Maybe you will look to Nature and consider ant colonies, beehives and flocks of birds – “swarm” intelligences. Maybe you will look at a human political movement such as Communism, or the “market” of capitalism, or a metaphysical concept such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s General Will, or a psychological concept such as Freud’s Id/Ego/Superego model of the psyche or Jung’s Collective Unconscious, or a religious organisation such as the Catholic Church or one of the Protestant sects. Do such things reveal truths about our minds and souls, about how they relate to and interact with each other?

And never forget… As above so below. As inside, so outside.


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