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Academia Iluministă (61)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

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The Mind Mystery – Continued:

We previously asked how many dimensions the universe has. We received several answers, including zero, one, five and infinity. All ingenious, but wrong. Here’s one highly imaginative comment we received from a correspondent in Finland:

Here are my calculations.

I was thinking that the universe should have a center somewhere. The zero and the infinite are not proper centres, they are just points through which the circle of existence (negative and/or positive) goes. We need to find the center between these two. The center point between zero and infinity cannot be given any precise location using normal methods to calculate distances. The calculation would be impossible since in mathematics you cannot add or subtract anything from the infinite (or the result would always be infinite).

Therefore we need one more imaginary number. Let’s call it “G”. G marks the imaginary center point between zero and infinity. The Gpoint is also an imaginary dimension, or a portal leading into one, in a same fashion as the zero is the portal between the negative and the positive universes. The G dimension combines the qualities of the zero and the infinite. It cannot be given an exact location, so it’s actually nowhere like the zero. But at the same time its location is infinite, since infinity divided by 2 is still infinity. It is also the communication link between the two, in the same fashion as the zero is the communication link between the negative and positive universes.

Also the G-point is outside of the positive and negative universes, since if you try to give the “middle number” between zero and infinity, you couldn’t define it as either + or -, because zero and infinity are both without polarity. The G-point is also outside of zero and infinity, yet also included in them, since it is the center point, the “average” between them. This “G” would then be the fifth dimension of the universe, uniting the four others. The four elements, earth, water, air and fire united by the fifth element, the spirit. Logical.

Maybe the molecules in the G dimension should be called “spirit molecules” (and light would be the communication method between them)? An ingenious proposal that fits in well with the ancient idea of the Quintessence, but it introduces an utterly speculative mathematical entity. The answer is in fact based on rigorous, existing mathematical knowledge.

So, how many dimensions does the cosmos need to be complete? No scientist has ever asked this basic question. For centuries, they all simply assumed that there were three dimensions of space and one of time, and that these were absolute i.e. had independent existence even if there were no objects in the universe. This is the basis of the enormously successful Newtonian physics paradigm that dominated Western scientific thinking until the advent of electromagnetism, relativity and quantum mechanics. The only person who dared to challenge the Newtonian orthodoxy was the brilliant Illuminatus Leibniz, who described space and time in relational terms. Without any objects in the universe, Leibniz argued, space and time would not exist i.e. they are not mysterious substances but simply ways of describing relations between objects. If someone says that he is sitting in the same seat that he was occupying ten minutes ago he is describing his current space and time coordinates in relation to his previous space and time coordinates. No one ever provides absolute space and time coordinates. How would you even begin? Does the universe have a perfect cosmic clock that has been ticking since the beginning of time that someone can consult? Is there a perfect cosmic map with a dead centre that someone can use to identify their absolute spatial location?

With Einstein came the realisation that space and time were fused together in 4-dimensional spacetime. Even now, virtually no one comprehends the sheer scale of the revolution ushered in by Einstein. Some scientists still assert that Einsteinian physics is merely a development of Newtonian physics. Only people with no grasp of philosophy could make such a stupid statement. Einstein’s theories represent an irrevocable break with the conceptual underpinning of Newtonian physics. As Einstein himself recognized, his ideas fall firmly into the relational, Leibnizian camp.

Yet still we talk of 4 dimensions. Why 4? Why not any other number? Why not the 11 dimensions of M-theory? What is the theoretical basis of any calculation of the number of dimensions the universe must have? No scientist has ever had a clue. So, we received from some brave souls the following answers to our question: 0, 1, 5, 8, 10 and infinite dimensions. We will return to the choice of eight later in the article since this deserves special attention. As for the other choices, zero and infinity were logical “guesses” given that we had been discussing the importance of these two numbers. Five was chosen by a few people for various reasons. For one thing, it fits in well with the idea of the Quintessence, the Fifth Element and the symbol of the pentagram (of great symbolic importance to the Illuminati), hence is suitably mystical and esoteric. The choice of visionary hip hop Pho’ was ten – the number of the Pythagorean tetraktys – and he illustrated it with the following diagram:


Now, this would indeed be the ideal number from the Illuminati’s point of view. At every sunset in the time of Pythagoras, the members of the Illuminati made the declaration: “I swear by him who has revealed to our soul the divine tetraktys.” But, unfortunately, ten is not the right answer. However, Pho’and the rest are in the best of company with their choices. They were seeking a number that was “right” in terms of some principle of beauty, elegance, mystical suitability, or some inherent quality of the number itself that raised it above other numbers. This would be termed a numerological approach to the problem. Pythagoras himself started off using exactly this type of thinking. Consider the following remarks by mathematician Marcus du Sautoy in his book The Music of the Primes:

“The origins of mathematicians’ interest in this infinite sum came from music and went back to a discovery made by the Greeks. Pythagoras was the first to discover the fundamental connection between mathematics and music. He filled an urn with water and banged it with a hammer to produce a note. If he removed half the water and banged the urn again, the note had gone up an octave. Each time he removed more water to leave the urn one-third full, then onequarter full, the notes produced would sound to his ear in harmony with the first note he’d played. Any other notes which were created by removing some other amount of water sounded in dissonance with that original note. There was some audible beauty associated with these fractions. The harmony that Pythagoras had discovered in the numbers 1, ., 1/3, .…made him believe that the whole universe was controlled by music, which is why he coined the expression ‘the music of the spheres.’

“…Ever since Pythagoras’ discovery of an arithmetic connection between mathematics and music, people have compared both the aesthetic and the physical traits shared by the two disciplines…As Pythagoras discovered, it is not just in the aesthetic realm that mathematics and music overlap. The very physics of music has at its root the basis of mathematics. If you blow across the top of a bottle you hear a note. By blowing a little harder, and with a little skill, you can start to hear higher notes – the extra harmonics, the overtones. When a musician plays a note on an instrument they are producing an infinity of additional harmonics, just as you do when you blow across the top of the bottle. These additional harmonics help to give each instrument its own distinctive sound. The physical characteristics of each instrument mean that we hear different combinations of harmonics. In addition to the fundamental note, the clarinet plays only those harmonies produced by odd fractions: 1/3, 1/5, 1/7,…The string of a violin, on the other hand, vibrates to create all the harmonics that Pythagoras produced with his urn – those corresponding to the fractions ., 1/3, .,… “Since the sound of a vibrating violin string is the infinite sum of the fundamental note and all the possible harmonics, mathematicians became intrigued by the mathematical analogue. The infinite sum 1 + . + 1/3 + .… became known as the harmonic series.”

As Du Sautoy indicates, Pythagoras was in thrall to the relationship between music and mathematics. It made perfect aesthetic sense to Pythagoras, a proud and skilled devotee of the lyre, that the universe should be of the nature of some majestic symphony by the Supreme Composer. How elegant, how beautiful, how right! Indeed how could it possibly be otherwise? Music represented order and harmony, the organisation of chaos into something glorious and inspiring, something inherently beautiful that could fill humanity’s souls with the most divine of feelings, that could raise their gaze to the highest things.

“Mathematics and music are God’s languages. When you speak them…you’re speaking directly to God.” –Rebecca Goldstein

So, the Illuminati became the first true students of music, and they sought to understand the Divine Mind as that of a cosmic musician who composed the finest melodies and harmonies, who provided perfect songs for soloists, choirs, orchestras, and for the Dionysian Chorus that gave musical form to the great tales of Greek tragedy. The Illuminati have never abandoned their appreciation of music, which is why we use so much of it on our website. Music, proper music, should be everywhere. Instead, we get shopping mall muzak. Pythagoras taught that the cosmos obeyed a mathematical law called Harmony, which ensured right relations between everything. The essence of harmony is that harmonious numbers can be written as ratios: 1/2, 3/2, 4/3 etc. Such numbers are literally rational. What could be more natural than that the cosmos was rational and harmonious, full of right proportion?

And then Pythagoras made a shattering discovery. Using his own famous theorem that in a right-angled triangle the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides, he calculated what the hypotenuse would be for a right-angled triangle with sides one unit long and got the answer √2. No matter how hard he tried, he could not express the hypotenuse in this case as being in harmonious ratio with its sides. In a “3, 4, 5” triangle, the ratio of the respective sides to the hypotenuse could be written as 3/5 and 4/5. But what about 1/√2? Ugly, unacceptable! √2 wasn’t any kind of harmonious number. Instantly, the whole edifice of Harmony collapsed. There were patterns in the world that weren’t rational i.e. capable of being expressed in terms of ratios. They were irrational. It was to resolve this crisis that Pythagoras devised one of the most profound and powerful ideas of all time: the Completeness Theorem.

This said that Harmony was but a subset of Completeness, hence not the full truth of the cosmos. Only mathematical completeness could reflect the essence of the cosmos. After all, how could incompleteness ever suffice? By definition, it would always be incomplete. The cosmos must be complete in a mathematical sense. If it were not then there would be bizarre holes and gaps everywhere, reflecting the incompleteness. The cosmos would be like a partially constructed building: no one could safely live in it. The foundations might collapse at any time. If it were incomplete, the cosmos would be unstable. Inexplicable oddities, arising from the incompleteness, would abound. It would be impossible to analyze these. The cosmos would be a bizarre mixture of things that made complete sense and other things that were utterly baffling. Nothing would be predictable because incompleteness might rear its end at any instant.

Pythagoras’s Completeness Theorem was dialectically refined over the years. It is now expressed in the following terms:

1) The cosmos prefers no number over another. It does not exclude any number or discriminate against any number. To say that any number is “forbidden” by nature is absurd. Any theory based on anything less than the full set of numbers is by definition incomplete. Any such theory cannot properly describe the cosmos. Science, because it excludes zero and infinity, is formally incomplete and can only be complete once it embraces these two numbers.

2) All numbers are in fact infinite in “depth”. The number 1 may seem to be finite, but it can be written as 1.0 followed by an infinite numbers of zeroes. All irrational numbers are infinite and all rational numbers can be written in infinite form (just as we illustrated with 1). Therefore the entire cosmos can be mapped with infinite exactitude. There are no gaps anywhere in the cosmos described by the full set of numbers, and every number is infinitely precise. Nothing can exist outside the full set of numbers. There is no room for anything else. Only the full set of numbers allows a full description of existence. Imagine if there were a full set of numbers between 1.0 and 1.4 and between 1.5 and 2.0. What about the gap between 1.4 and 1.5? Imagine there were no numbers there – just an empty space. This would mean that anything that was smoothly flowing between 1.0 to 1.4 would come to a complete stop at 1.4. How would it bridge the mysterious gap to 1.5? In this little gap, the rules of the cosmos would be completely different. Physics would operate differently. Nature would operate differently. Calculus, the most important technique in physics and mathematics, would fail.

Calculus is based on the ability to reduce the distance between two points to zero, and this is possible only because there’s an infinitely small gap between any two adjacent points designated by infinitely precise numbers. If there were gaps between any numbers or they weren’t all infinitely precise, calculus wouldn’t work. Mathematical functions would break down. It wouldn’t be valid to draw a line between two points if there was a mathematical lacuna between them. The cosmos would be unstable and would unravel.

3) The cosmos must be stable, hence numbers must provide a rocksolid platform. This means that no matter what mathematical operation is performed on them, they must resist instability. The full set of numbers must be stable under any global mathematical operation performed upon them, whether it be rotation, inversion, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, raising them to a power, taking the mirror image etc. If any mathematical operation performed on an apparently full set of numbers resulted in something catastrophic then it would be proof that the proposed full set of numbers was in fact incomplete.

4) Nothing can exist outside “complete” mathematics. All possibilities are accommodated. There is nothing else. Complete mathematics specifies everything. Any theory that does not use complete mathematics is incomplete and cannot offer a full description of everything. Only complete mathematics provides the framework for a Grand Unified Theory of Everything. Once completeness has been established, nothing can exist outside it. Everything that is knowable is contained within the system. Everything that exists is contained within the system.

5) To establish a Grand Unified Theory of Everything, the first task that must be accomplished is to describe the complete mathematics upon which it will be based. This is a task for mathematical logic, not for scientific experiments. No physicist, or indeed modern mathematician, has ever addressed the issue of complete mathematics.

6) The single most important aspect of complete mathematics is the question of dimensionality. How many dimensions are required to accommodate all conceivable numbers, to a depth of infinity, so that not a single point anywhere cannot be mapped to a unique number of infinite precision? Only once the issue of dimensionality has been definitively resolved can any Grand Unified Theory of Everything be constructed. M-theory, science’s latest attempt at a Grand Unified Theory is based on 11 dimensions, but there is absolutely no theoretical basis for this number, hence M-theory, which remains a “work in progress” is certain to collapse in due course.

Humanity has always wanted to know everything, to peer into every dark corner of the cosmos, to resolve every riddle, paradox and mystery. Pythagoras’s Completeness Theorem, based on defining mathematical completeness, is the foundation of Absolute Knowledge. The Completeness Theorem asserts that it is impossible for anything to exist outwith the framework of complete mathematics. Everything that can happen will happen in terms of complete mathematics, and nothing else. Anything that is not forbidden by complete mathematics is compulsory. There are no mysterious forces outside complete mathematics. Nothing can exist outwith complete mathematics. God himself can’t escape complete mathematics, despite what the Abrahamists say. When Pythagoras declared, “All is number”, this was his reference to his Completeness Theorem.

Mathematics specifies all that can exist, every form that the arche (the fundamental substance of existence) can take. There is quite simply nothing else. And, because human beings understand numbers, they can therefore understand the cosmos. As above, so below. Every corner of the cosmos obeys exactly the same mathematical laws. Any mind that grasps complete mathematics grasps everything. At that point, when you truly understand complete mathematics and all of its implications, you are capable of achieving gnosis and entering into union with the Divine Mind. But gnosis isn’t just the “scientific” grasp of complete mathematics, it’s also to feel it, to BE IT.

Imagine providing a perfect mathematical description of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata in terms of a combination of basic sine waves. You have accomplished the scientific task. You have broken down all of the apparent complexity into something simple. You have understood how these sounds are assembled. You have measured their shape, frequency, wavelength, amplitude, pattern. You have understood so much. Yet at no point have you felt it. It is when you have tears in your eyes as you listen to the music that you have achieved gnosis regarding that piece of music. You are no longer looking at the music from outside. You are inside it. You are it. It reflects your will. It is your soul singing. Gnosis is about knowing the cosmos from inside and outside.

We can give you the “outside” perspective. But you must provide the inside perspective for yourself. Only you can. No one can do it on your behalf. You must internalise it. You must feel it. You must become one with the cosmos, feeling every part of it, sensing every part of it, comprehending every part. And then you are Abraxas, the True God. You have become God. Literally.

Plato asserted that what appears as “learning” is in fact “remembering”. The soul, before it became incarnate in the body, existed in the realm of Ideas where it was surrounded by the perfect “Forms” i.e. by the contents of Absolute Knowledge (in Plato’s view). In this domain, the soul perceived everything as it truly is rather than as the pale copy or shadow of truth that we encounter in the mortal world of imperfection. The right questions can draw out this latent, forgotten knowledge of Absolute Truth. We are already imbued with everything we need to know but our mortality has obscured it, has transformed the perfect originals into inaccurate copies and simulacra that present only a distorted version of reality.

Imagine photocopying an old picture on an old photocopier and then photocopying the copy. Then keep doing this a thousand times, forever photocopying the copy of a copy of a copy etc. In the end, the “copy” you are holding in your hand may look nothing like the original thanks to all the blurring, errors, smudges and imperfections inherent in the copying process. You need to see past the simulated truth of the inaccurate copies to the real truth of the original. Only then can you attain true wisdom.

Human beings are already the embodiment of complete mathematics. We are written in mathematics. We don’t need to be expert mathematicians in any conscious sense in order to have an intuitive grasp of mathematics. For most of us, our consciousness gets in the way of our grasp of mathematics. Like Plato’s souls, we become confused in the world of space and time. Yet every time we catch a ball, we are carrying out an extremely complex mathematical operation that most of us wouldn’t have the vaguest idea how to describe in mathematical equations. We just “do it” – we don’t think about it. It is internalised, intuitive, and we have a supreme grasp of it. Autistic savants can perform mathematical wonders faster than computers without having the vaguest idea of what they are doing. The answer just leaps out at them. How? From where? They are like Platonic souls hardwired into the perfect Mathematical Forms. They “see” mathematics without understanding it consciously. They don’t need to.

Most people love music and it is when they are listening to their favourite songs that they come closest to appreciating mathematics. Music is audible mathematics. Schopenhauer described music as a direct copy of the cosmic Will. It moves us so much because it is actually tuning us into the pulse of the dialectic itself, of the teleological desire to grow, to strive, to develop, to go forward, to revel in the life force. (Schopenhauer is absolutely right: music is mathematical, just as the cosmic Will is in space and time.) So, don’t imagine that you have to be a mathematical genius to “get it”. Everyone gets it one way or another. It’s built in. We can access it intuitively. We are all autistic savants in this regard, if we did but know it. We just need to dig deeper to reveal that side of our inner selves.

Listen to music. Relax. Have some wine (or another drug of your choice). Think of numbers, shapes, patterns, geometrical figures. Imagine yourself walking through a Platonic domain of perfect squares, triangles, circles, hyperbolas, parabolas, cubes, spheres, cylinders, enormous numbers, some clear as glass, some in the colours of the rainbow, some glowing, some translucent, some flashing. Imagine yourself in a rowing boat on a fast-flowing river of numbers. In a strong wind of numbers. Standing atop a mountain of numbers. You are immersed in an ocean of numbers. Numbers are imprinted on everything. Existence as we know it consists of formlessness and form fused together. “Minded energy” provides the formless part, and mathematics the form. The interaction between the arche and mathematics is so close, so intimate, that it becomes impossible to say where one ends and the other begins. So, mathematics can be validly identified with the arche, in accordance with Pythagoras’s inspired insight that “all is number”. The arche might be called mathematical energy, the mathematical part taking the role of elementary rational mind, from which human minds, with human consciousness and reason, ultimately emerged.

The universe is made of formless energy sculpted into form by mathematics. Mathematics is Pygmalion sculpting his perfect woman – Galatea – and then bringing her to life by imbuing her with mind and consciousness. Life, mind and consciousness are mathematical in origin. Eternal life is made possible by mathematics. Souls are mathematical entities. God is the apex of mathematical possibility. God is the Monad, the Whole, the One: the cosmos alive, conscious, and free to do absolutely anything it wishes.

Mathematics at some level is alive, and it is trying to solve its own cosmic equation. The force that keeps it going is the dialectic. Mathematics is like an enormous computer that will never stop calculating until it has provided the answer to “life, the universe, and everything.” The amusing answer, provided by Douglas Adams in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, is “42”. The real answer is Abraxas. God is the final mathematical solution of the cosmos. Adams made the fascinating suggestion that the ultimate question of life was being constructed via a planetary computer/mind: Earth. In fact, both the question and the answer are provided not by a planet but by the cosmos itself. The ultimate question is: “What is the maximum potential of existence?” The answer is God. The cosmos evolves from maximum potential to maximum expression of that potential. Every human being grows from a fertilized egg to a baby to a youth to an adult – from potential to actualisation. The supreme human lives are those in which the adults squeeze out every last drop of their potential in concrete and glorious achievements that dazzle the world. Are you making the most of your potential? Are you turning it from lead into gold? Are you an alchemist, or one of the unenlightened on your knees to a fake God? Abrahamism destroys potential; Illuminism and meritocracy are all about transforming all human potential into golden achievements. Under Illuminism, Earth will become a 24-carat golden nugget, the supreme treasure of the universe.

“There is naught in heaven or upon earth that is not in man. And God who dwelleth in Heaven, He also is in Man.” –Paracelsus

The Illuminati want to release human divinity. That is the Great Work – the magnum opus – of which the alchemists spoke.


“Everything of any importance is founded on mathematics.” –Robert Heinlein

The following diagram is one of the most important you will ever see:


It contains seven of the nine most significant numbers. 1, -1, i, -i, and 0 are plainly visible. The circle contains the number pi and the circle is a symbol of the number infinity. The absent numbers are e (the base of natural logarithms and from which the exponential function is obtained) and the golden ratio (phi). Note that many mathematicians consider Euler’s Identity (eiπ + 1 = 0) as the most beautiful in mathematics because it expresses a relationship between five of the most crucial numbers in a supremely elegant and compact manner.)

Consider how the diagram is constructed:

1) It begins with zero, the origin, a dimensionless point. Extend that dimensionless point to the east to make a one-dimensional line of positive numbers. Extend it to the west to cater for negative numbers. The positive and negative numbers make up the so-called “real” number line. Why aren’t the real numbers complete? Because if we perform the mathematical operation of squaring the real numbers, half of the universe vanishes since all of the negatives become positive. There is a catastrophic flaw in the real numbers. How is this remedied?

2) We extend zero to the north to make a one-dimensional line of positive imaginary numbers, and we extend it to the south to make a line of the negative imaginary numbers. We have gone from a one dimensional line of real numbers to a two-dimensional plane of complex numbers (complex numbers comprise a real part and an imaginary part). Now what happens when we square this universe? The negative real numbers disappear as before, but now they are replaced by the squared imaginary numbers since the square of an imaginary number is negative. But if the imaginary numbers have become real negative numbers, what takes the place of the imaginary numbers? Haven’t they now disappeared en masse too? No, because they have square roots too (of complex numbers), indicated by the blue dots in the above diagram.

In terms of the complex plane, we now have completeness. But if we describe the complex plane as an x-axis and a perpendicular x(imaginary)-axis (labelled as xi), what about the y and z equivalents (yi and zi)?

3) So, we do exactly the same thing for the y and z axes. Thus we get a six dimensional space x, xi, y, yi, z, zi that we can designate as 6D(3r3i) where r stands for real numbers and i for imaginary numbers. This is our complete mathematical space, stable under any mathematical operation. Our previous mathematical designation of 4Di was wrong for the simple reason that we had included only one imaginary axis rather than matching up one to each of the x, y and zaxes. 4Di was short of two imaginary dimensions, hence incomplete in the two directions where they were absent. 4Di had the right shape because in the context of calculating the distance between any two points, it allowed three zones to be generated: real distances, imaginary distances and null distances. These three zones constitute the essence of Einstein’s special theory of relativity. But they are so much more than that. They are the basis of God, the mind, the soul, the afterlife. The “null zone” – outside space and time – is the province of religion. The “imaginary zone” – inside space and time – is the province of conventional science. The “real zone” – where the speed of light is always exceeded – can be considered a kind of mirror image of the imaginary zone.

Consider the following properties of entities moving at subluminal speeds (below light speed) and those at superluminal speeds (above light speed):


a) Can never be accelerated to lightspeed.
b) Would need infinite energy to attain light speed (and would gain infinite mass).
c) Travel forward through time.
d) Time runs more slowly forward as lightspeed is approached. Distances shrink.
e) Time runs forward faster and faster as zero speed is approached.
f) Cannot escape a black hole.
g) As they lose energy, they approach zero speed.
h) Go slower and slower until they lose all kinetic energy.
i) As they lose energy, they travel slower through space and faster (forwards) through time.
j) As they gain energy, they travel faster through space and slower (forwards) through time.
k) In their own frame of reference, they have real mass, experience real distances and real time. (In contrast, photons that exist in the null zone have zero mass and experience zero distances and zero time.)


a) Can never be slowed down to lightspeed.
b) Would need infinite energy to attain light speed (and would gain infinite mass).
c) Travel backward through time.
d) Time runs more slowly backward as lightspeed is approached. Distances shrink.
e) Time runs backward faster and faster as infinite speed is approached.
f) Can escape a black hole.
g) As they lose energy, they approach infinite speed.
h) Go faster and faster until they lose all kinetic energy.
i) As they lose energy, they travel faster through space and faster (backwards) through time.
j) As they gain energy, they travel slower through space and slower (backwards) through time.
k) In their own frame of reference, they have imaginary mass, experience imaginary distances and imaginary time. (In contrast, photons that exist in the null zone have zero mass, and experience zero distances and zero time.)

Neither subluminal nor superluminal particles can cross the light speed barrier i.e. a superluminal particle can never slow down to light speed, and can never cross into the subluminal speed zone. By the same token, a subluminal particle can never speed up to light speed and can never cross into the superluminal speed zone. Thus we can imagine the speed of light to be equivalent to the surface of a mirror, and the superluminal zone to be the reflection of the subliminal zone, where everything is back to front – particles lose energy as they speed up rather than gaining energy and time goes backwards rather than forwards. It is impossible for anything to pass through the mirror to the reflection. And is a reflection real in any case? Or is the superluminal zone simply describing what we would get if we ran the movie of life backwards, erasing everything that ever took place?


Therefore, 6 is the “magic” number that describes the minimum number of dimensions required to provide the framework for complete mathematics. Six is one of the most special numbers. It’s the first “perfect” number (its three divisors 1, 2 and 3 add up to 6). Also, 1x2x3 = 6. Also, 6 is the number of the first three levels of the tetraktys, and the fourth level may be considered the cosmos that is constructed from those fundamental upper levels.

In an Order 6 magic square, each column, row, and major diagonal adds up to 111. All six columns added together equal a certain esoteric number of immense power, as do all six of the rows added together, as do all the numbers between 1 and 36. The number in question is none other than 666.


Apart from being one of the numbers associated with Abraxas, 666 is the number of light, of the sun, and of Lucifer. Now you know why Christians call it the Number of the Beast. Something of an irony given that they are the ones who choose to worship the Devil – Yahweh/Allah/Christ/Satan. One of the earliest and most potent symbols of the Illuminati was the one imprinted on the gold signet ring of Solomon, his great ring of power, said to be imbued with the highest magic. This symbol is the so-called “Seal of Solomon”, based on the hexagram, the six-pointed star.


Note that the Seal features a circle around the hexagram, the circle being the symbol of both “nothing” and its twin, infinity. The Seal also contains a central hexagon (another symbol of 6) and six satellite equilateral triangles (symbols of 3). And it contains 6 individual monads. Above all, it contains two large, interpenetrating equilateral triangles that comprise the hexagram. The triangle pointing upwards is the “masculine” one, while the one pointing downwards is the matching feminine one. Male and female coming together creates the cosmos.

This is exactly like the 3D domain of real numbers coming together with the 3D domain of imaginary numbers to form the 6D cosmos. The Seal of Solomon is the perfect symbol of the 6D universe, with the real and imaginary numbers fully interpenetrating each other. The six lines of the hexagram, the six apexes of the hexagram and the six dots (monads) make up 666. It was the Seal of Solomon that the Christians found so abominable. It was identified with Simon Magus, the true Christ whom the Christians regarded as the Antichrist/Beast, and whom they believed would return to the world prior to the “true” Second Coming. In those early Christian times, members of the Illuminati often marked their right hand with the sign of the Seal.

The Book of Revelation: 13:16-18.

16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,

17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

In the Middle Ages, the Seal became associated with Judaism in what is now known as the “Star of David”. Before that, the menorah, the seven-branched candelabrum, was the unambiguous, quintessential symbol of Judaism. The Jews have completely hijacked the hexagram symbol, meaning that it is rarely used by the Illuminati in the present day. It is because of the links between the Seal of Solomon and the Star of David that the Illuminati were accused of being secret Jews by those clueless people who understood nothing of the history of the respective symbols. It infuriates the Illuminati to be linked with Judaism in any way given that one of our central goals is to remove Judaism, Christianity and Islam from the map of world religions. Yet, time and time again, people contact us to accuse Adam Weishaupt of being Jewish or to say that we are all Jewish bankers working for Goldman Sachs etc. We don’t reply to anyone who talks such arrant nonsense. It’s astounding that people who are utterly out of the information loop still think they “know something” and can run their half-baked, absurd ideas past us. They should bear in mind what Pythagoras said: “Either be silent or say something better than silence.” In other words, have something of merit to say, or don’t say anything. Free speech shouldn’t be about mindlessly blurting out the first thing that comes into someone’s head. Make sure you are a person who weighs your words, or others will judge your opinions to carry no weight at all.

The 6D(3r3i) mathematical space is based on two sets of complementary dimensions, three real and three imaginary, inextricably intertwined with each other. “3” is of course another supremely special number, the number of the trinity, the triad, the dialectic (thesis, antithesis and synthesis). It is the first male number and represents harmony since it equals 1 (the monad = unity, the number of Reason) plus 2 (the dyad = diversity, otherness, the first female number) i.e. 3, the triad equals harmony = unity + diversity. And 6 = the number of Creation since it equals the first female number (2) plus the first male number (3) + 1 (the supreme monad). So, if the three real dimensions (designated by x, y and z) are at right angles to each other and create an edgeless cube that extends infinitely in all directions to completely fill “real space”, where do the three imaginary dimensions (which we may label as xi, yi and zi) fit in? There’s no room!

But if we say that the y-axis is at right angles to the x-axis and the xi-axis is also at right angles to the x-axis in the same plane then we are effectively saying that there is a certain relationship between the y-axis
and the xi-axis. We can extend this thinking to show that the z-axis is related to the yi-axis and the x-axis to the zi-axis:

The mapping of imaginary axes to real axes thus becomes:

xi <=> y; yi <=> z; zi <=> x

In other words, we can imagine the three imaginary dimensions being fitted exactly over the three real dimensions, but at a different orientation according to the mapping we have just described. It’s an arrangement that is both breathtakingly simple and breathtakingly complex. In some sense, all real numbers of one dimension (e.g. the xaxis) are also imaginary numbers of another dimension (e.g. the ziaxis). Thus all numbers are dual entities, both real and imaginary, and it is this duality that underpins the two “separate” dimensions that we call space and time.


Astonishing as it may seem, the essence of Einstein’s special theory of relativity is contained within the simple diagram we showed earlier. Consider the following pairs of coordinates (P1 and P2 we shall call them), where the second coordinate of P1 and P2 is an imaginary number:

a) P1 (2, 3); P2 (5, 5)
b) P1 (4, 1); P2 (6, 7)
c) P1 (1, 1); P2 (6, 6)

For a), the distance (d) between P1 and P2 is (using Pythagoras’s Theorem):

d2 = (5-2)2 + (5-3)i2 = 9 – 4 = 5, so d = + √5 or – √5 (since a quadratic equation has two roots, one positive and one negative).

For b) d2 = (6-4)2 + (7-1)i2 = 4 – 36 = -32, so d = + (√32)i or – (√32)i

For c) d2 = (6-1)2 + (6-1)i2 = 25 – 25 = 0, so d = +0 or –0 = 0

So, the distance between any two points in the diagram will be either (+ real number) or (- real number) or (+ imaginary number) or (- imaginary number) or zero. Nothing else is possible. If we flood this 2D(1r1i) “world” with formless energy, some will flow into the domain of positive real numbers, some into the domain of negative real numbers, some into the domain of positive imaginary numbers, some into the domain of negative imaginary numbers, and some into the zero zone. Nothing else is possible. The zero zone is the domain of massless particles such as photons. All distances in this zone are zero.

Any points that lie on lines that strike the x-axis at an angle of 45 degrees (or 90 + 45 = 135 degrees, or 180 + 45 = 225 degrees, or 270 + 45 = 315 degrees) will exist in the zero zone. Even if P1 is (0, 0) and P2 (infinity, infinity), the distance between the two points will still be zero. In other words, a particle could travel from P1 (0, 0) to P2 (infinity, infinity) and yet not travel any distance! (hence it would take no time to make the journey). Such particles are exhibiting one of the central paradoxes of existence: they move and yet don’t get anywhere since they always cover zero distance. They could traverse every point in the universe in no time without covering any distance. Such is the supreme mystery of the zero zone.

Note that the whole diagram could be covered with 45, 135, 225 and 315-degree lines, meaning that every point in existence is connected to the zero zone. The whole cosmos has a link to the zero zone. Here, everything is interconnected outside space and time. This is the cosmic information channel that bypasses all materialistic limitations. Nothing can pass from the real zone to the imaginary zone because the zero zone is an impenetrable barrier between the two zones. You can only enter it if you have zero mass.

So, this simple diagram with one real axis and one imaginary axis is a perfect model of the mathematics of special relativity. If the 2D(1r1i) world (corresponding to the x and x-imaginary axes) is simply scaled up (to accommodate the equivalent y and z 2D worlds), we obtain the full 6D(3r3i) cosmos. But the principles remain exactly the same and everything that is true of the 2D space is true of the 6D space.

Hence our simple 2D world of one real and one imaginary axis shows how a zone can be created within that world in which everything is linked to everything else by zero distance. From this unique perspective, the whole cosmos is in fact a zero-dimensional singularity like that at the centre of a black hole or the Big Bang. And yet this singularity exists within a vast cosmos where any two points can also be separated by anything other than zero distance. In one and the same cosmos, we have everything separate and everything connected. Both statements are simultaneously true. So much for Aristotelian logic. Now you see why only dialectical logic suffices in these extreme conditions.

Imagine holding a needle sideways in front of you. You clearly see its whole length. Then rotate the needle until you only see its point. The cosmos operates the same way. From some angles you see it as a substantial object, yet there is an angle where it becomes almost invisible – a singularity. Everything depends on the angle. From the viewpoint of the needlepoint, it is connected to everything! This domain, outside space and time, is where our afterlife is guaranteed. The part of us – our mind/soul – that has the perspective of the needle tip cannot die. It is immortal. It is linked to everything else. It is linked to God.

At this very instant you are linked to everything that has ever been, and everyone who has ever lived, and to God. You are in direct contact with any of your loved ones who have died. The only reason you don’t know it is that your consciousness is trapped in a certain time-space perspective. When you achieve gnosis – enlightenment – your perspective instantly switches to that of the needle point and you are at one with the cosmos.

Can you begin to see the light? It’s all in the mathematics. Mathematics is reality. Mathematics guarantees that part of us – our essence, not the mortal part of space and time – is immortal. If you accept Einstein’s special theory of relativity you have virtually accepted the existence of an afterlife, of souls, of God. Isn’t that amazing? Atheistic scientists have wilfully ignored the astonishing ramifications of one of their own key theories. They are DETERMINED not to see God, such is their slavish devotion to materialism – which has become their strange, hopeless religion.


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