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Academia Iluministă (62)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

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The Profound Mystery of Time:

If time is grounded in imaginary space and there are three dimensions of imaginary space then doesn’t that mean that time is three dimensional rather than the single dimensional arrow of time that we experience? We can never travel backwards or sideways or up and down in time…we just go forward.

But is that true? Physicists say that superluminal particles would be perceived by us to go backwards in time, so, in theory at least, it’s possible for time to have a reverse direction. But Einstein’s equations of special relativity actually indicate that superluminal particles would experience “imaginary” time, but no scientist knows what that is. There’s actually a huge problem with defining what time is in scientific equations, and what its negative might be. Is “negative” time simply -t compared with it? But what about imaginary time and negative imaginary time: it and -it? Where do they fit in? And what if time is actually complex and has a real part and an imaginary part? What then? Science doesn’t have a clue about any of this. Time is always handled as an ill-defined “bodge”; it seems to work (more by accident than design), but there’s no firm theoretical foundation for it.

Why does it work at all? Time is regarded as a one-dimensional scalar quantity. It has a magnitude and, in our experience, it goes one way only – forward. But consider distance. A straight line between two points is a one-dimensional scalar. But if we have drawn a straight line in a 3D space then its two ends may have x, y and z coordinates such as (3, 4, 7) and (10, 2, 8) i.e. it is now actually a vector (a directional line) in 3D space and not just any old line. But, in real life, its magnitude may be all that really matters to us. If we have to walk ten kilometres over flat land from one place to another, it is the distance travelled that will matter to us. We won’t be aware of how the x, y and z coordinates constantly change as we move; the vector elements are almost irrelevant. Obviously, we need to be walking in the right direction to reach our desired destination, but once that is established, it is the magnitude that preoccupies us. Time is treated as a scalar but is actually a vector, exactly like distance. We just don’t notice its vector aspects.

In 6D(3r3i), it is possible to go forwards/backwards, left/right, up/down. Exactly the same is true of imaginary space, hence of time. In 6D(3r3i) space, positive and negative space, and imaginary and negative imaginary space, can all be defined. By the same token, positive and negative time, and imaginary and negative imaginary time can all be defined. A proper scientific theory of everything needs to be able to clearly distinguish between all of these different cases. Many scientific equations involve taking the square root, but a square root always has a positive and negative solution for both real and imaginary numbers. Often, science only accepts one solution as real: the positive root of a real number. Everything else is discarded as unreal. Yet Einstein’s special theory of relativity and the quantum mechanical treatment of “antimatter” show how wrong this approach is. The world is enormously more complex. It’s no wonder that scientists haven’t got a clue what dark matter and dark energy are since, on the whole, they have rejected all of the “unreal” solutions where these mysterious entities are unquestionably lurking. The cosmos is not ruled by real and imaginary numbers (the extreme cases), but by the numbers in-between: the complex numbers that have both a real and imaginary component. Science, again by accident more than design, has found equations that actually deal effectively with complex numbers, but scientists are unaware of why their equations actually work. After all, they have no idea what the core dimensionality of the cosmos is. According to relativists, the cosmos is a 4D spacetime continuum. According to M theorists, it is an 11D spacetime with 10 spatial dimensions (seven of which are “folded” into practically nothing, hence why we can’t see them!) and one of time. Is it any wonder quantum mechanics can’t be reconciled with the general theory of relativity (concerning gravity)? How can the two theories be blended if they can’t define something as basic as dimensionality? We have no doubt at all that if relativists and M-theorists both start using 6D(3r3i), many of the difficulties in merging the two theories will vanish.

Another point worth mentioning is what we mean by “going back in time”. If I truly travel back in time by, say, ten years then it means that I go back to who I was and where I was ten years ago, and everything that happened to me in the interim is erased. However, most people think that time travel means going back to the past but in their present condition and state of knowledge. The two situations are entirely different.

In the former case, time has truly been reversed. In the second case, it hasn’t been reversed at all because the time traveller’s consciousness is still GOING FORWARD in time.

Going forward in time actually means that INFORMATION always increases. To go back in time would imply the erasure of INFORMATION and that can never happen. This is why we experience time as always going forward even though it is actually three dimensional like space. It is INFORMATION FLOW that has only one direction in time. Our consciousness, hence our experience of time, is linked to this information flow, not to time itself. We can’t go back in time in terms of reversing time (erasing information). If we could experience the time of ten years ago, but with our present knowledge, then we would still be going forward in time in terms of information. Such is the mystery of time.

Time needs to be completely re-examined in philosophical, religious and scientific terms. The 6D(3r3i) paradigm provides the only mathematically, scientifically and philosophically coherent framework in which to define and analyze time.

It’s time for a scientific revaluation of all values!

The Profound Mystery of Schrödinger’s Quantum Mechanical Wave Equation:

Schrodinger’s wave equation is one of the most important in physics. If you look it up, you will discover that it has the imaginary number right at its heart. What’s that there for? How does it make any sense in the “real” world (of real numbers)?

No physicist actually knows why it’s there. They simply know that it works. But we know the reason – it’s precisely because of 6D(3r3i) space. The imaginary dimensions are every bit as “real” and important as the real dimensions. Quantum mechanical particles need to be handled with 6D complex numbers (with real and imaginary parts). Schrodinger’s equation achieves this by incorporating the imaginary number along with real components, but Schrodinger, and every other scientist, has never been able to account for why the imaginary number is essential to quantum particles. We have now given the reason: 6D(3r3i) complete mathematics requires it.

All quantum “weirdness” stems from the fact that these tiny, almost massless particles are whizzing around in 6D(3r3i) space rather than 3D real space, and are fluttering in and out of the null zone that exists outside space and time (hence these particles can seem to be in two or more places at once). This is the “physical” model of what is actually taking place at the quantum level, a subject that has hitherto baffled all scientists, who have never been able to form any kind of picture of what is taking place. Once again, 6D(3r3i) provides the decisive breakthrough.

The famous Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox concerning instantaneous communication between correlated particles separated by enormous distances is explained with consummate ease: the particles are linked outside space and time via the null zone which links all points in the cosmos. Simple stuff! Yet it has defied the greatest scientific minds for decades.

M-theory will never work because scientists are groping their way forward without actually knowing what they’re doing and without having any logical conceptual framework in which to work. They are continually changing their ideas to suit the latest experimental data, rather than logically working out what NEEDS to be true. Over and over again, scientists manage to find good equations, but they never really know why they work, just that they do. That’s why there are so many rival interpretations of what quantum mechanics means in terms of reality. That debate should end thanks to the 6D(3r3i) space of complete mathematics.


The complete mathematical space 6D(3r3i) provides the framework for the Grand Unified Theory of Everything. Everything that can happen, happens within this space. One way of thinking about the cosmos is to consider a single point and its relationship with the infinite number of other points in the cosmos. The point we choose will be separated by a certain distance from each of these infinite other points. There are only three possible types of distance it can experience: a “real” separation, an “imaginary” separation” or a null (zero) separation. That’s it. Nothing else can happen. The same is true for every point in the cosmos. If we want the simplest possible way of thinking about the cosmos it is this: energy moves from point to point and as it does so it crosses a real distance, an imaginary distance or no distance at all. This staggeringly simple model describes everything that can ever happen in the cosmos from a scientific standpoint. All the complexity we see around us is simply the manifestation of what happens when energy, spread across an infinity of points, moves around from one point to another within that infinite matrix – the ultimate cosmic game of Musical Chairs except no chairs are ever removed and the music never stops.

The null zone – where distinct points are separated by no distance – is the key to the whole edifice. Here, and here alone, time and space do not exist. Dimensionality disappears. Movement occurs, and yet no distance is ever traversed. Everything here is interconnected, interpenetrating, flowing over and into each other endlessly. This is the extraordinary domain of the mind, the soul, the afterlife, God. It is the dazzling domain of light.

It is this null zone that underlies the Buddhist conception of nirvana – the underlying Oneness where everything is interconnected and where the individual is “extinguished”. He enters into union with Zero, with nullity, so to speak. And also with infinity since the null zone is as strongly associated with infinity as its twin zero. So, Buddhists must be congratulated. Nirvana is certainly an enlightened concept that expresses much of the essence of the null zone. Equally, the Hindu concept of Brahman, the universal soul, the eternal, infinite, immanent, transcendent reality and ground of all being can be equated with the null zone, so Hindus too must be congratulated. Nirvana and Brahman both lie beyond the “veil of illusion”, which we can equate with the r > 0 physical cosmos, the cosmos where distances between points are real or imaginary, but not zero. As for Taoism, the Tao is the ultimate creative principle of the universe in which all things are unified and connected: again, this is strikingly like the null zone.

Buddhism and Hinduism, if they dropped their allegiance to the idiotic concept of karma, would be truly enlightened, and close to the fundamental truth of existence. Taoism is arguably one step closer already to Illumination since it avoids karmic thinking.

Only Abrahamism, with its laughable idea of God being external to the universe rather than at the centre of it, is truly deluded and ignorant. Abrahamists – Jews, Christians and Muslims – could not be further from the truth. Their holy books are a philosophical, religious, scientific and mathematical joke. Their holy prophets are liars, madmen, idiots, clowns, frauds, fools, fakers, charlatans, warmongers, fanatics and deceivers. The Abrahamists are the forces of darkness, utterly estranged from the light.

It’s time for an end to all the mumbo jumbo, hocus pocus and mysticism. We have provided, as we promised we would, the framework in which all the issues of religion, philosophy, science and mathematics can be treated in a comprehensive, unified, integrated manner. Science and religion do not describe two separate universes, and “never the twain shall meet” (so to speak). Rather, there is only one universe. Science and religion come at the same problem from two different angles, but they are dealing with exactly the same problem, not completely separate ones. If religion does not or cannot specify the mathematical and scientific framework in which it is said to manifest itself then it’s not worth a cent. It’s literally nothing but madness and delusion into which human fantasy will flow unopposed, completely disconnected from reality and truth. That is the essence of the Abrahamic religions of faith. If your starting premises have no basis in fact then you can literally believe anything. None of it will make any contact with the truth.

Only the framework we have provided allows a proper consideration of religion. Only this framework links it indissolubly with science, philosophy and mathematics. Religion has nothing whatsoever to do with faith. Religion is a special type of science that operates fully within the scientific framework. We have shown that religion is the province of the null zone where time and space do not apply – where everything endures forever. The part of us that exists in the null zone cannot die; we have a guaranteed afterlife.

Descartes described the mind as being without “extension”. In the null zone, we have exactly that extensionless domain of mind. Panpsychism asserts that mind is everywhere. We have seen that every point in existence is indeed connected to the null zone, so mind is omni-present. Enlightened religions talk of everything being interconnected. We have demonstrated that this is true within the null zone. Enlightened religions say that we can enter into union with God. Again, the null zone provides this precise possibility. All psychic and paranormal phenomena are mediated through this “magic” zone of cosmic interconnectivity. We haven’t even begun to tap into the extraordinary powers that reside within this zone, the zone that can convert us into gods.

Have we not provided the entry point to all the mysteries of the cosmos? Have we not provided the Solomon Key?

Illumination is the only truly valid religion. It is the only religion based on science, mathematics, philosophy, logic, and reason. It is a religion of knowledge, not faith. The Eastern religions are pale imitations. The Abrahamic religions are preposterous. Atheism is the quasi-religious worship of scientific materialism. Agnosticism is for people who are paralysed by doubt, indecision and lack of knowledge. To access the truth, you don’t have to take any “leap of faith”. You simply have to think.

The adherents of Illumination are incredibly loyal. Why? Because they have at last found what they were always looking for – the one, true religion that avoided all the ridiculous bullshit of all the rest. It is not a “finished” religion. It’s a dialectical religion, always making itself more perfect, always embracing new knowledge and new insights. It is never out of date. It is not frozen in time like Abrahamism which gets less and less relevant with every passing day. All the followers of Illumination can contribute to its development. There are no prophets and no holy texts. Ideas are adopted according to their merit. Illuminism is all about meritocracy. The smartest, most meritorious make the biggest contributions.

Ten Grand Masters are singled out by the Illuminati because they are the ones who made the most meritorious contributions. One of them – Simon Magus – is accorded special status because he achieved gnosis before his death and become a man-God. His is the example that all Illuminists seek to emulate. But Simon Magus was not the intellectual driving force of Illuminism. That honour falls to the likes of Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Leibniz and Hegel. Nor was he the most revolutionary and political – that honour falls to Adam Weishaupt. The most creative and artistic was Goethe. The greatest showmen were Pythagoras and Empedocles.

Solomon, Pythagoras and Empedocles had almost the same extraordinary powers as Simon the Magician. Hypatia, the only woman in the list, was extraordinarily intelligent, beautiful, charismatic, dignified, and courageous. Her philosophical, mathematical and scientific knowledge were profound, and she sought to overcome the opposition of Christian fanatics with peace, love, logic and reason – only to be brutally and horrifically martyred by the diabolical, evil Christians.


We, the Illuminati have glimpsed the Mind of God. Now we want to become God. Our sign is the truth, and in that sign we shall surely conquer. Ours is the religion for the past, the present and the future. For then, now and forever. Ours is the religion dialectically perfecting itself. It is “complete” only when it attains its Omega Point…when every Illuminatus has become God.


The notorious medieval theological question – “How many angels can dance on the point of a needle?” – can actually be regarded as the precursor of modern discussions of quantum physics and Einstein’s special theory of relativity. Thomas Aquinas said that angels and human souls are without matter (incorporeal) i.e. they are rather like massless photons. He also said that angels, being pure spirits, are not, strictly speaking, in any place – they have no specific location, which again is like photons that exist in the null zone, which are everywhere at once. He declared that they are in the place, or places, where they exercise their activity, which is a rather clever definition that could equally be said of photons. An angel, according to Aquinas, does not pass from place to place. It could exercise its activity first in Italy and then in Germany in two instants (of angelic time), without travelling through the intervening space. This sounds like a quantum particle entering the null zone at one instant and exiting somewhere else completely different in the universe at the next quantum instant. Aquinas contends that many angels cannot be said to be in the same place at the same time for this would suggest that they could be producing the same effect at the same time. There can only be one angel in one place at one time. However quantum physics argues otherwise. Certain types of particles can indeed produce the same effect at the same time, leading to a massive intensification of an effect at a specific point. This is the case with laser technology, for example.

Nevertheless, Aquinas and other medieval thinkers engaged in a fascinating way with issues that are now frequently debated by top physicists, albeit using different terminology. But isn’t the idea that photons are none other than angels an inspiring one? When the noonday sun blazes down on us, are we being immersed in guardian angels coming from heaven to protect us?

Putting It All Together:

Illuminism has no connection whatsoever with faith. We don’t expect anyone to “believe” a single word of what we have said. Our religion has no time for those who cling to Holy Scripture and the words of dead prophets. All faith-based religious statements are intrinsically absurd and quintessentially UNBELIEVABLE. That’s the supreme irony of the Abrahamic religions. They are all about belief, yet no one with a brain and power of rational thought could ever believe them.

We have presented Illuminism as a set of philosophical, religious, mathematical and scientific statements. Slowly but surely we have constructed the edifice that everyone can now see for themselves. We have quoted no holy books of Illuminism that you must accept without question; we have quoted no prophets of Illuminism whom you must believe utterly or suffer eternal hellfire.

Every statement we have made is capable of being analysed and challenged. If you think you can improve Illuminism, go for it! Illuminism is a dialectical religion; it is perfecting itself, just as the cosmos itself is. That is the fundamental nature of the dialectic.

The following are the essential points of Illuminism, the logical premises by which it stands or falls:

1) Q. What is the arche, the fundamental substance of existence?

A. It is “minded”, formless, striving, dimensionless energy – Pure Will. Since it is dimensionless, it does not experience the “mortal” dimensions of space and time, hence is immortal. It has always existed and it will always exist. It is existence itself. It can never not exist. It accords with the First law of Thermodynamics which declares that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It cannot be brought into existence and nor can it be removed from existence; it has simply always existed. But, crucially, it can be transformed. Its quality can be improved until it’s perfect.

2) Q. How does the formless arche attain form?

A. Through the only thing that can provide absolute order, organization, system, stability, pattern, logic – mathematics, the queen of the sciences, the sacred science. Nothing else exists that can accomplish what mathematics can. It is the ONLY candidate for providing cosmic form, law and organized behaviour.

3) Q. In that case, where does mathematics come from? How is the cosmos able to understand mathematics?

A. Mathematics is in fact the surest proof of cosmic mind and intelligence. It is absurd to propose as materialistic science does, that mindless matter is miraculously able to organize itself in a host of complex ways according to the “laws of physics”. No scientist has ever explained where the laws of physics come from and how they are possible. Why those laws and not others? Why any laws at all? Why not eternal randomness and chaos? Why should matter be subject to law at all? Why should matter have any connection with mathematics? In fact, the cosmos “learned” mathematics over many eons by nothing more sophisticated than trial and error, evolutionary natural selection and dialectical progression: the principles that have guided all existence since time immemorial. The cosmos in itself – dimensionless energy – continually “spilled” out of itself into dimensionality. It is the nature of Will never to be “contained”. It will always try to reach beyond itself. This was a haphazard process since dimensionality is mathematical and mathematics did not yet exist in any coherent way. Each time Will entered the domain of partial, incomplete dimensionality, it learned some new item of mathematical information. After countless “experiments”, the Will had learned to count and understand geometrical shapes. Not in any conscious sense – more like the ultimate autistic savant. Its grasp of mathematics was strictly intuitive.

Mathematics was the first language ever learned by the cosmos; it is thereby the fundamental language of existence. It is the basis of all order and thought, of logic and reason, of mind, of consciousness. It is the essential framework providing the categories of understanding. It is the sine qua non. Mathematics can be considered as the true version of the Platonic Forms: eternal, perfect, unchanging, existing in a permanent ideal state to which the whole cosmos has access. They were not given to the cosmos as perfect Forms; rather they dialectically evolved and when they reached their Omega Point they were subject to no further change; they had achieved perfection and completion. Plato’s domain of perfect Forms is the domain of mathematics and it is now hard-wired into the cosmos (we might say that this domain is stored in the core memory of the cosmic mind, the Read-Only memory, to use a computing term.) The Will learned through its endless experimentation that only “complete” mathematics is stable and provides a proper framework for organization and order: all of Plato’s mathematical Forms must be used, not an incomplete subset. And so came the miraculous moment when the r = 0 dimensionless cosmos of mind deliberately poured itself out into the r > 0 dimensional cosmos, according to a perfect intuitive understanding of complete mathematics as eternal Platonic Forms. Formlessness flowed through the domain of mathematical Forms and emerged in the myriad forms we observe in Nature. Plato’s mathematical Forms are the origins of the laws of physics that shape the world we observe around us. They dictated the creation of the material world. This supreme, defining event was none other than the Big Bang itself.

4) It is essential for the cosmos to externalise itself, to physicalize itself, to alienate itself, in order to dialectically overcome that alienation and reach self consciousness. The teleological purpose of the cosmos is precisely that: to attain self-consciousness, to actualise all of the latent powers, potential and possibilities of raw mind. No scientist has ever explained how mind originates in dead, mindless matter. The truth is that the arche is alive and minded and always has been. There is no dualism between life and death, between mind and non-mind, between consciousness and non-consciousness. Everything exists on a continuum of actualisation of life, mind and consciousness. Humans have more of it (more actualisation) than plants which have more of more of it than rocks which have more of it than interstellar dust. The cosmos is based on monism, not dualism. To be precise, it is a dialectical monism. All dualistic systems – those based on two radically different concepts such as mind/matter, death/life, consciousness/non-consciousness – all fail for exactly the same reason: two unlike substances cannot interact.

5) Mathematical dialectical monism based on complete mathematics provides the answer to Leibniz’s requirement that the best account of the world is the one that is “simplest in hypotheses and the richest in phenomena.” Complete mathematics achieves precisely this. Nothing else could accomplish this with the same simplicity, consistency, efficiency and elegance. In fact nothing else is even conceivable.

6) Complete mathematics also addresses Leibniz’s fundamental question of why there is something rather than nothing. “Nothing” – zero – is something. It is a mathematical number, one of the complete set; in fact it’s at the very origin of the complete set. Complete mathematics asserts that all numbers have equal “reality”, hence zero is as real, has as much existence, as any other number. Zero can be defined as 1/∞. So, already, we can see that it is something and not nothing. In fact, any finite number divided by infinity equals zero. Zero is the twin of infinity – the other side of the coin, the flip side, the inverse – and contains all numbers. The question why is there something rather than nothing is really an implicit acknowledgement of the stance of scientific materialism that dimensionless existence is impossible.

To an idealist who rejects materialism, the question should be reformulated as: is it possible for mind/thinking not to exist? Could there ever have been a time when there was no thought? If so, what caused the first thought and indeed what was the first thought? And if something caused the first thought then the precursor of thought must always have existed since how could thought or its essential precursor have sprung out of absolute nothingness? But if thought or its precursor has always existed then “something” has always existed. Pure nothingness is quite simply impossible. And when we understand the indissoluble relationship between nothing and infinity, we see why. Everything is implicit in nothing. Infinity can pour forth from nothing. “Nothing” is defined with regard to the finite divided by the infinite i.e. it is finite “something” divided by infinite “something”. It is not defined with regard to nothing. No definition of nothing can ever be formulated. It is an impossible state. It cannot exist. Pure nothingness is outside the scope of complete mathematics, hence cannot have “reality”. Scientists who talk of a “free lunch” universe assert that the overall energy of the universe is zero because the positive mass-energy of the cosmos is exactly balanced by the negative gravitational energy i.e. something came from nothing but only because something is always implicit in nothing, and because somethings can have opposite signs and cancel each other out, leaving zero on the one hand and an infinity of balanced energy on the other.

The cosmos at the “scientific” level may be considered as energy moving through a complete mathematical space where the distance between any two points can be zero, real (positive or negative) or imaginary (positive or negative). The zero zone, the “null” zone, is outside space and time. The imaginary zone is what relativity describes as “timelike”, and the real zone as “spacelike”. We exist in the timelike zone where no speed ever exceeds light speed. In the spacelike zone, no speed can ever fall below light speed. But note the fundamental asymmetry: subluminal speeds go from zero to the finite speed of light (as measured in space-time reference frames), while superluminal speeds go from the finite speed of light all the way to infinity. All symmetry-breaking phenomena deserve the most careful study because it is they that make the cosmos what it is and not just some eternal cancelling out of symmetrical properties where nothing significant would ever evolve. Asymmetry is essential to evolution and teleology.


One of our correspondents – “Zero One” – suggested that the cosmos is eight dimensional: “So, I think, in order for ‘time-space’ to be complete again, we give each one of our four dimensions both real and imaginary parts. Once time-space is completed this way, there is no way going at any speed, faster or slower than light would allow you to ‘break out’ of the space. The answer should be 4 complex dimensions, 3 spatial and 1 temporal. This could also be seen as 8 dimensions if we take the real and imaginary parts as separate dimensions. I hypothesize 8 dimensions, or actually 4 ‘pairs’ of dimensions, in the same way a complex number is a pair of real and imaginary. These 4 pairs are grouped into 3 space-like pairs, and 1 time-like pair, the time-one being not quite like the others, the timepair is ‘flipped’ in a sense. The reason why I proposed 8 is that with the 4Di model, once you attempt to pass ‘light speed’, make it to ‘the other side of the wall’, you break out of 4Di entirely. 8 does not have this problem. It’s ‘complete’ in a sense.”

“Zero One” has correctly seen that the error we committed was to include only one imaginary dimension in our 4Di model, rather than have an imaginary counterpart for each of the three real dimensions. So, congratulations to “Zero One” for perceiving the right way to extend our model. However, he has gone further than he needed to by including time and imaginary time as separate dimensions.

Einstein’s special theory of relativity demonstrates that time and space are different aspects of the same thing. That’s why it’s possible to fuse space and time together into four-dimensional Minkowski space-time. As we saw earlier, time is in fact derived from imaginary space. It’s not a primary dimension, but, rather, a derived, secondary dimension, entirely dependent on imaginary space for its existence. So, despite its importance, it is not one of the core dimensions of the cosmos, and nor is its pair (imaginary time). So-called space-time is, at root, space-imaginary space. The connection between space and time in 4D space-time results from the natural relationship between space and imaginary space. Space and imaginary space are the “same but different”, hence why they are able to interact so smoothly.

In Newtonian physics, space and time were treated as a dualism of two separate, absolute substances: space and time. So, how did they interact? In fact, they didn’t. In Illuminism, space and imaginary space are fused together as two complementary aspects of a mathematical space. There is no mystery at all about their close relationship and how they interact.

The combination of space and imaginary space creates a null zone where light resides. Light flows through this null zone. It can be said to do so at infinite speed since it is everywhere at once. This infinite speed of light in ITS frame of reference outside space and time must be interpreted as a FINITE speed in any space and time frame of reference since space and time automatically impose finitude – which is why a black hole singularity does not tear the cosmos to pieces despite being associated with zero and infinity. The singularity remains safely “contained” within finite space and time. Nothing at all is capable of tearing apart the fabric of space and time. If anything could, the cosmos would certainly self-destruct. That’s the whole point of complete mathematics: it contains everything and it is completely stable (in the cosmic sense) no matter what happens. The cosmos won’t blink out of existence because of the presence of zero and infinity in scientific equations.

The finite speed that light assumes is exactly the same in all spacetime frames of reference. Hence it is the invariant, “natural speed” of the cosmos. Since speed is defined as distance over time, we have found a means of introducing “time” into the 6D(3r3i) mathematical space. Distance divided by speed equals time, just as time multiplied by speed equals distance.

As soon as it is possible to define an invariant cosmic speed, time is conjured into existence. Time is the outcome of movement within a mathematical space. The arche is in eternal motion (otherwise it would be permanently static and nothing would ever happen). If there is motion, hence change, then there must be some kind of time. But time can be defined only if an invariant cosmic speed is defined first. Only via the null zone of 6D(3r3i) space where the motion of light never changes because it is everywhere at once (even though it is moving) can we derive a speed that will manifest in space-time as an invariant speed in any frame; it is thus an absolute, invariant frame of reference in all circumstances, the only one capable of performing this role.

In other words, a consistent interpretation of time is possible only because of 6D(3r3i) null space and the way that light moves in that zone. Without 6D(3r3i) mathematical space, time as we experience it could never exist. Time is a derivation of 6D(3r3i) mathematical space. It is secondary, not primary. It is not a true core dimension.

Since a real number axis and an imaginary number axis can be drawn in a plane to produce the set of so-called “complex” numbers, it occurred to Irish mathematician William Hamilton that perhaps he could define 3-dimensional complex numbers by simply adding another suitably oriented imaginary dimension. However, complex numbers with one real part and two imaginary parts proved resistant to a successful mathematical treatment. The addition of yet another imaginary dimension to create “hypercomplex” 4D complex numbers with one real part and three imaginary parts resolved the problems. These new numbers were called “quaternions”, meaning “a set of four” (its Greek equivalent is the tetraktys!)

A quaternion has one scalar component (w) and three vector components (ix +jy + kz): q = w + ix + jy + kz

The three components of the vector portion are imaginary numbers, just as “ib” is the imaginary number portion of a complex number (c = a + ib, where a is a real number). While complex numbers can be used to algebraically describe rotations in the two-dimensional complex plane, quaternions achieve the same thing for rotations in three-dimensional space defined by the three imaginary axes, i, j, and k.

However, quaternions and various other exotic numbers have thus far only ever found very specialized applications and have not proved the wonder numbers that Hamilton thought they would be. They are actually just a 4D(1r3i) subset of 6D(3r3i) numbers. The fundamental numbers of the cosmos are 6D(3r3i).


The sharp-eyed might object to our entire scheme on the basis of one glaring potential problem. How does Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem fit in? Doesn’t that kill off all schemes that have pretences to completeness? In fact, it is the Completeness Theorem (thesis) harnessed to the Incompleteness Theorem (antithesis) that creates the cosmic synthesis that forms the Grand Unified Theory of Everything. But that is for another day.


Finally, returning to Pythagoras’s Law of Harmony, we discover that he has been triumphantly vindicated by quantum physics, some two and half thousand years after his death. The domain of quantum physics is very different from the world of our everyday experience because it is based on discontinuous, grainy, discrete changes.

Imagine that you were driving a new car and that in order to increase your speed from 10 kilometres per hour to 20 kilometres per hour, you put your foot on the accelerator in the usual way. To your amazement, nothing happened for a second or two and your speedometer still stubbornly showed 10. Then, an instant later, it showed 20, without ever having gone through any of the intermediate speeds. Each time you wanted to increase your speed, you could do it only via 10 km per hr increments, and you always had to wait a second or two until the car had enough capacity to make the “jump”. This is how the quantum world functions – through quantum leaps from one state to another, bypassing any of the intermediate states. (But in the quantum world, jumps are instantaneous; they either happen or they don’t – they don’t “build up” to it.)

In other words, in the quantum world, we return to Pythagoras’s beautiful domain of rational numbers, of correct notes, of harmonies. Anything irrational – all the notes of discordance – is excluded, just as Pythagoras would have wished. Why is this? Because of the wave-particle duality of quantum particles. Particles seem to travel as waves and arrive as particles. Waves are of course based on undulations, on peaks and troughs.

When two similar waves come together then if they are in phase with each other the peaks and troughs will be reinforced. But if they are out of phase and the peaks from one wave meet the troughs of another, they will cancel out. Thus only harmonic notes are permitted, and everything else – all the intermediate forms – will be erased. (One might even suggest that the lack of intermediate forms in the fossil record that is used to criticise Darwinian evolutionary theory – i.e. why can’t we see a smooth gradation of fossils clearly showing us how one species morphs into another through genetic mutation? – is also a consequence of harmony: only certain notes are allowed.)

So, if you put your ear to the microscopic world of the invisible and strain ever so slightly, you may start to hear something truly beautiful and inspiring, that lifts your mind and soul to the heavens: Pythagoras’s transcendent Music of the Spheres. The music composed by God!


We have given you Solomon’s key to the secrets of the cosmos. Use it wisely. Use it well. Use it to become all that you have it in you to be. Maximise your potential. Be great. Be divine… become God!

The End


The Armageddon Conspiracy: The Plot To Kill God



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