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Academia Iluministă (63)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

Nu este disponibilă nicio descriere pentru fotografie.

Jiren Gray a adăugat 7 fotografii în albumul The Crystal Spheres of the Illuminati.

by Adam Weishaupt – Book 4/6

The Crystal Spheres of the Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt:

The Illuminati Series – Book 4/6:


“The days that are still to come are the wisest witnesses.” –Pindar

700 years ago, religion made much more sense to people than it does now. It was part of a coherent worldview linking all of the knowledge of the world then available, including the science and cosmology of the time. Religion nowadays seems rather ridiculous because the modern paradigm of scientific materialism has destroyed the link between humanity and the divine order.

To be religious in the past wasn’t stupid; now it is. The religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been comprehensively refuted.

This book explores the ancient Greek and medieval cosmology that supported the view that Earth was specially created by God. The “crystal spheres” of the heavens, with Earth at the centre, were beautiful, wondrous and inspiring. They fitted in perfectly with ideas of spirituality, angels and astrology.

Dante’s “Divine Comedy” of the early 14th century cannot be bettered in terms of its astonishing portrayal of Creation. No one in Dante’s time could seriously have doubted that the universe was designed this way. It was a state-of-the-art, integrated religious, scientific, cosmological and artistic vision which he presented.

Only with Copernicus and then Thomas Digges did the old religious worldview collapse. Yet humanity goes on believing in religions that are now demonstrably false. Even though humanity has never known more than it does now, and most people have a basic education, yet legions of people still believe in formally refuted ideas. In Dante’s time, it would have been mad for the ordinary person not to believe in a Creator. Now it would be mad to believe in one. Why are so many human beings so mad?

This book is an exploration of why mainstream religion made perfect sense seven hundred years ago but not now. You can’t go on believing ideas that have been categorically refuted. The book examines Dante’s “Divine Comedy”, John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”, Islamic cosmology, ancient Greek cosmology, Kabbalah, and myths about Heaven and Hell.

This is one of a series of books by the Pythagorean Illuminati, designed to reveal the absurdity and untenability of the Abrahamic religions in the modern scientific era.


A Book Review:

“This is a book from a series of books by the Pythagorean Illuminati. The books in this series are excellent and life changing. The Pythagorean Illuminati are an ancient secret society of rational free thinkers. The great polymath Pythagoras was the first official grand master of the order.

The goal of the Illuminati is and always has been to change this world from the insane, miserable, hell hole it is for so many humans and non-humans into a just, altruistic, rational world where humanity can finally actualize its full potential.

The Illuminati are not scary boogeymen as the crazy, right wing conspiracy theorists would have you believe.

The Illuminati are philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, artists, musicians, technologists, futurologists, filmmakers, and radicals. Some of the greatest, most creative geniuses in history have been members of the Illuminati, these people include: Hegel, Weishaupt, Leibniz, Plato, Goethe, Hypatia, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, and many others. These books are for serious people who want, more than anything, to rescue ourselves and change this world into what we know it has the potential to be. If this isn’t your goal, then you shouldn’t waste your time on these books. If, on the other had, this goal is on your mind everyday then these are the books for you and you should read them all asap. You should also check out the Illuminati’s websitewww.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk and their facebook pages/group www.facebook.com/pythagorean.illuminati andwww.facebook.com/groups/136240720298981/

Every book in this series is very well written and filled with unique, thought-provoking information. The Illuminati have integrated philosophy, mathematics, science, politics, history, sociology, psychology, religion and the paranormal into what scientists have been searching for but have been unable to discover: A Grand Unified Theory of Everything. These books flow in and out of all of these subjects in a very readable way that reflects the intrinsic connections of the subjects. The writers have a writing style that keeps you on your toes. This style of writing makes some of the more challenging information much easier to grasp. These books do not read like academic text books but are written with passion and that passion rubs off on the reader. You will constantly find yourself wanting to read just one more page.

“The Crystal Spheres of the Illuminati” will take you on a journey through the history and cosmology of many different religions and philosophies. You will learn about Dante Alighieri’s and John Milton’s epic poems “Divine Comedy” and “Paradise Lost”. The Illuminati will give you information on both Dante and Milton that you won’t find anywhere else. You will learn about the cosmologies of various philosophers and religions including the bizarre and backwards cosmologies of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam that billions of people, to this day, still believe in.

This book along with the rest of this series sets the stage for the Illuminati’s new series of books called “The God Series”. “The God Series” is releasing, for the first time into the public domain, the Illuminati’s Grand Unified Theory of Everything. I feel that having an understanding of all of the Illuminati’s previous material will make “The God Series” much more enjoyable and easier to understand. Always remember though, these books are not just to be read, their purpose is to change the world. Read them all but more importantly figure out what skills you have to help make this change happen, then go out and get active!” –BG


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