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Academia Iluministă (67)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

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Islamic Cosmology:

There are two elements in Islamic cosmology: Allah and his Creation. Allah originally created one Earth, but after the Fall, he created six copies and arranged them all on top of one another like a stack of plates. Humanity is on the top Earth, and Satan inhabits the bottom one, which makes it Hell. Presumably the other Earths are for different grades of sinners, the most evil being closest to Satan.

The Koran, the so-called Word of God, the Creator of the Universe, completely fails to describe the universe that science has uncovered. Do scientists know more than “God”? If not, the Koran cannot be God’s Word and science has definitively refuted Islam. This point cannot be emphasized enough. The Koran is supposedly authored by none other than the eternal being that personally designed Creation. It’s IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to know more about the universe than the God who designed it. Therefore, the Koran ought to describe stars, planets, moons, solar systems, galaxies, black holes, dark energy, dark matter, and all possible stellar and galactic objects. If the Koran is the Word of God then it ought to present the Designer’s Design. Why is there no mention of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, for example? Science discovered these, so why didn’t the Koran know about them?

How can scientists know more about the universe than Allah? The Koran is hoist with its own petard. It claimed to be the Word of God, so it should have revealed things that no human being could ever have known or suspected. But the opposite is true. Scientists had to explain to Allah his own design because he clearly had no knowledge of what he did. Compared with scientists, he’s an ignoramus. There’s no excuse for the Koran to be wrong. God wrote it and he allegedly knows everything. He’s eternal. His work never dates. The Koran, according to its believers, is true then, now and forever – by definition. But it’s not. It’s wrong. It’s false. The Koran has been refuted. Islam is a corpse and only superstitious fools cling to it.

Any book that claims to be divine and then is proved to be littered with catastrophic errors is a Book of Lies composed by a false prophet who sought to deceive men. Mohammed’s blatant lies have been revealed unequivocally by science. Either science is false or the Koran is. There can be no question that science is right. The evidence is unarguable.

Mohammed is called “The Seal of the Prophets” by Muslims i.e. he is the last prophet of Allah and anyone who says there’s any chance of any new divine revelations is a diabolical heretic. Therefore, the Koran is the final word from Allah, which means that he should have made it absolutely future-proof, incapable of being refuted by the advance of science. All he had to do was reveal his divine design plan and then no one could ever possibly doubt Allah. Why doesn’t the Koran show scientists where they have gone wrong with the currently irreconcilable quantum and relativity theories? Why doesn’t the Koran provide the Grand Unified Theory of Everything it if it is indeed Allah’s final word to his Creation?

Why was the Koran left “incomplete” (to be charitable!)? Why was Mohammed the last prophet if the Koran was not in fact the final statement of God? If Mohammed was the last of the line of chosen prophets of God’s revelation then the Koran must be INFALLIBLE and DEFINITIVE. Yet we see that it has been demolished in every regard by modern science.

Some Muslims might say that it’s a religious book rather than a scientific book. So, Allah is ignorant of science, is he, or he thinks we are? Why should the Koran have ignored science, mathematics and philosophy if it was the Word of God? Surely God isn’t afraid of stating scientific, mathematical and philosophical truths? So where are they? Nowhere to be found in the Koran, that’s for sure.

Allah, with his foreknowledge of all things, must have known that science would show the Koran to be false, so why didn’t he make it impossible for future science to discredit it? Why isn’t the Koran the only book that scientists, mathematicians and philosophers ever need to consult because it literally explains everything flawlessly? Why is it that the only people who accept the Koran are ill-educated, superstitious “believers” entirely ignorant of mathematics, science and philosophy? What “God” would prefer to write a book for these credulous, foolish people rather than for smart people? The Koran is not only utterly false, it’s utterly dumb. It has ZERO intellectual content. That is a simple and irrefutable statement of fact. Pick up any modern book on mathematics, science or philosophy and it will contain infinitely more knowledge and learning than the Koran.

We say to all followers of the Koran, “Can you put your hand on your heart and say that the Koran is superior to quantum theory or relativity theory? Do you even have the vaguest idea of what science actually says, or is it way past your ability range? Is the Koran the right level for you i.e. a dumbed down, lowest common denominator book for the non-educated and superstitious? Why wasn’t the Koran written for an intelligent audience? How can the Koran NOT be the smartest book on earth if it was truly written by God? If humans can write smarter books than God then God manifestly IS NOT God. Unlike anything in the Koran, THAT is a fact.

All Muslims must, if they are rational, abandon their religion in the face of the blunt scientific and logical facts. But we know they never will. Muslims have no interest at all in the truth. They will go on forever believing the proven lies of the Koran.

Here is what a renowned twentieth century Muslim “scholar” said: “Will we reject the speech of Allah and the speech of His Messenger due to the ignorance of the Europeans and others along with them, declaring that the more they increase their knowledge of the universe, the more they increase in their ignorance of it? Allah the Most Great has spoken the truth when He said: ‘And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given only a little.’ (Al-Allamah Muhammad Nasir ud-Deen Al-Albani.)

Well, if this person had a single honest bone in his body he would have called for the rejection of “Allah” and his “Messenger”. Surely neither God nor his prophet can be a liar, and yet the Koran is demonstrably full of lies, as the “Europeans” have shown beyond any conceivable doubt. This “scholar” can’t dare to admit the truth because it would mean the complete destruction of his entire belief system and personal identity. There is NOTHING that could make such a person stop believing. Every part of him is invested in the “truth” of Islam, and such people are therefore entirely alienated from the authentic, real truth. A “truth” that cannot be doubted for religious reasons is no truth at all. It’s an outright lie.

The Islamic “scholar” makes no attempt to intellectually refute Western ideas: he simply states that the Koran and Mohammed must be right. What kind of scholar is that? He’s not a scholar at all, just a deranged fanatic incapable of admitting his error. His starting point is that it’s a proven fact that Allah is the author of the Koran, a holy book transmitted to humanity via the Prophet Mohammed. Never once does he doubt this, even though there’s not one shred of evidence that Mohammed spoke for anyone other than himself. A “scholar” is a learned person who studies the facts and evidence and reaches rational conclusions. A scholar isn’t a believer who does nothing but put forward uncritical statements supporting his own beliefs. Are you such a person too? Is challenging the Koran simply too much for you because you’re weak, stupid and cowardly?

Remember, something like 86% of the human race reject the Koran. If you are a Muslim, you’re in a tiny minority. Have you never wondered why only those brought up under Islam are Muslims, while those free of Islamic brainwashing completely reject the Koran? If the Koran is so brilliant, why does the vast majority of humanity repudiate it? Why are you at such odds with the majority of the human race? Are you an irrational Islamic extremist, incapable of honestly seeing the Koran’s flaws?

If Allah is loving, compassionate, merciful, perfect and all-knowing, why did he communicate his message so badly that most human beings can’t take it seriously, thus, according to Islam, sentencing all the unbelievers to eternal Hell? Why did he choose an illiterate 7th century Arab to communicate the divine message? It makes no sense at all. Why didn’t he simply announce the truth to all of humanity and leave some golden books proclaiming the infallible scientific, mathematical and philosophical truths of the Cosmic Designer?

Isn’t the Koran supposed to be something that no one can doubt because it’s so perfect? So why do all non-Muslims doubt it? Is the blame to be placed on the audience rather than on the messenger and the being who composed the message? If the message and messenger are flawed, whose fault is that? How can God be incapable of communicating a coherent, persuasive message? It’s IMPOSSIBLE. The fact that anyone at all can find the Koran less than credible guarantees that it’s NOT the work of God. No genuine God-given message could be doubted. Any message that can be doubted ergo does not originate with God, but with a fraud and a liar.

The cosmological model of the Koran is that of 7th century Arabia i.e. exactly as you would expect from a man-made “revelation”. It’s ignorant, retarded and infantile, reflecting a complete absence of scientific knowledge. Primitive tribesmen can’t be blamed for being scientifically illiterate, but anyone asserting that he is the mouthpiece of God himself cannot under any circumstances tell untruths if he is the authentic messenger of God. The messenger’s personal ignorance is not an issue because he is merely passing on a message, but the ignorance of God is another matter entirely.

If Allah designed the universe, his description of it via Mohammed ought to be unimpeachable and yet it is silly nonsense from beginning to end. If Muslims do not accept that the Koran is false and Mohammed shown to be a false prophet then they are declaring science to be wrong. That makes them irrational, supremely dangerous and doomed to the slow death of ignorance. They will make themselves extinct with their stupidity, but they might drag the rest of us down with them.

There is no more disturbing phenomenon in our world than that proven facts of science are rejected in favour of disproven statements by ancient prophets of deserts and caves who heard “voices” and had “visions”. How can any human being reject reason and turn instead to unreason? It’s MADNESS. And who can doubt that perhaps 95% of the human race are actually insane? What is insanity if not the rejection of reason in preference for a baseless but comforting fantasy that has actually been proved false? How can the madness be overcome if the madmen have no interest whatever in reason, facts, evidence or knowledge?

Why are billions of Abrahamists not regarded as retarded or insane? Well, it’s precisely because there are billions of them. In the kingdom of the mad, the sane are the crazy ones. Once madness, superstition, faith and irrationality are embedded in society it takes the strongest possible intervention to remove them. There’s no government on earth with the guts to try. They all pander to the religious extremists who madly cling to their mad beliefs.

According to the Koran, the universe is very small: just the Earth and the surrounding “heavens”. By itself, the Hubble Telescope has disproved the Koran. Why don’t Muslims accept the facts and turn to the truth for once?

After all, don’t they claim to be “people of the truth”?

“He it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religions. And Allah sufficeth as a Witness.” (Koran 48:28)

The Koran has to be so convincing that it prevails “over all religions”, and it has Allah himself as a “Witness” – yet science has proved it false in every way.

The Koran declares the existence of seven heavens, stacked one above the other (71:15-16): “See you not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another, and made the moon a light in their midst, and made the Sun a Lamp?”

Note that the moon is described as a light and the Sun a Lamp. This means that both are regarded as sources of light, but the moon is a lesser light.

The Koran asserts that the earth is flat! (Koran 15:19): “And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance.”

Koran 20:53 “He Who has, made for you the earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels); and has sent down water from the sky.”

According to the “Holy” Koran (65:12), there are seven earths, matching the seven heavens (!): “It is Allah who has created seven heavens, and earths as many. [His] command descends among them so you may know that Allah is over all things competent and that Allah has encompassed all things in knowledge.”

So, Islamic cosmology consists of seven flat earths (discs), with ours at the top. The stack of flat earths is surrounded by the seven solid concentric “semi-domes” of the heavens (semi-domes because the Earth is flat, not spherical (!)).

All of the celestial objects – sun, moon, stars and planets – are located in the innermost semi-dome and follow semi-circular paths (!). To reiterate, they don’t need to follow circular paths because the earth is flat (!). (Planets, of course, actually follow elliptical orbits, not that the Koran would ever know.)

When we can’t see them, the celestial objects are hiding (er, resting) underneath the horizon, and awaiting Allah’s permission (!) to return the following day or night.


The better a soul is, the higher the Heaven to which it is assigned. Our sky is the lowest Heaven and the top is Paradise, where Allah lives (natch!), or rather transcends.

The first heaven is of pure silver and is the abode of Adam and Eve.

The second heaven is pure gold and is the abode of John the Baptist and Jesus.

The third heaven is of pearl and is the abode of Joseph.

The fourth heaven is of white gold and is the abode of Enoch.

Aaron, brother of Moses, lives in the fifth heaven.

The sixth heaven, of ruby, is where Moses resides.

The seventh heaven is made of divine light, and Abraham resides there.

To reach the seventh heaven is the ultimate bliss. Above it is Allah himself.

The seven Earths and seven Heavens are separated by distances that take five hundred years to traverse (we’re not told by what mode of transport: galactic camels perhaps). The gaps are larger at the top and bottom, separating Satan and Allah respectively from the nearest Earth or Heaven.

It was recognised that underpinning this stack of worlds and heavens might prove difficult and Muslim “scientists” continue to offer solutions to this great cosmic mystery.

As with Milton’s cosmology, Allah is at the highest point of the universe, and Satan at the lowest, as far from Allah as it’s possible to be.


Note that Mohammed simply stole the heavenly scheme of Jewish mystics.

According to Kabbalah, the Seven Heavens are:

1) Shamayim: The first Heaven, closest to Earth and governed by the Archangel Gabriel. It’s the abode of Adam and Eve.

2) Raquie: Controlled by Zachariel and Raphael. Rather oddly, the fallen angels are said to be imprisoned here, which makes it seem more like Hell than Heaven.

3) Shehaqim: This is the home of the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life, and is where manna, the holy food of angels, is produced. Strangely, the Second Book of Enoch asserts states that both Paradise and Hell are in this heaven, with Hell being “on the northern side.”

4) Machen: The Archangel Michael governs this heaven. The heavenly Jerusalem is located here, and the Holy Temple of Jerusalem, and the Holy Altar.

5) Machon: This Heaven is, rather oddly, controlled by Samael, usually associated with the Devil and Hell.

6) Zebul: The sixth Heaven, governed by Sachiel.

7) Araboth: The seventh Heaven, the highest and holiest of the Heavens which houses the Throne of Glory, attended by the Seven Archangels. God himself dwells here, together with the highest angels, the Seraphim and Cherubim. Underneath the throne is the abode of all human souls yet to be born. (This of course implies that souls are pre-existent rather than created specifically for individual human beings.)

Virtually all Islamic thinking, supposedly the expression of Allah, is ripped off from assorted ancient sources (and often inaccurately). Mohammed was born and raised in the trading town of Mecca, which attracted many pagans coming to see the Kaaba to worship their various pagan gods. Mohammed would have been immersed in religious speculation, particularly Jewish, Christian, Gnostic, Neoplatonic, Hermetic, Manichean, Zoroastrian, Roman and Arab paganism. Being illiterate, Mohammed couldn’t study any of these religions, hence would have had a superficial grasp of their teachings. He had to remember everything he heard. This hotchpotch of religious ideas poured out in the regular “visions” he experienced as a middle-aged man. His central conception of Islam was mostly framed by Jewish monotheism, which, to Mohammed, offered a nice, clear, simplification of the endless religious confusion with which he was surrounded. His only real contribution to religion was to give Judaism an Arab makeover. Instead of Judaism based on Abraham and Isaac, he created “Islam” based on Abraham and Ishmael, and instead of concentrating on the history of the Jews, he prattled on a great deal about what Allah wanted and expected from Arabs living in the desert.

It’s astonishing that anyone other than Arabs could ever have taken Islam seriously. Like most religious people, non-Arab Muslims have either never actually read the Koran, or been so brainwashed they don’t care what it says.

The “Paradise” promised by Islam is the most simple appeal to self-indulgence of any religion ever. It’s a physical place where every wish is immediately fulfilled just by the asking of it asked. The heaven dwellers wear costly, luxury garments (the ultimate designer labels!) and enjoy exquisite banquets where they recline like Roman emperors on couches inlaid with gold and precious stones. Everyone is surrounded by their parents, wives, and children.

Even the lowest level of heaven is one hundred times better than the greatest life on earth. The seventh level of heaven, the highest heaven, offers direct sight of Allah and here anything is possible. Palaces of solid gold are built by angels for the most deserving and, of course, male martyrs get their own celestial harem of 72 beautiful virgins (female martyrs don’t seem to be offered the same deal (!)).

One has to wonder at the sheer materialism and lack of spirituality of the Muslims. Theirs is an extremely primitive belief system that makes the crudest psychological pitch of all – “Be a good Muslim, obey everything Allah (or Mohammed, to be more accurate) says, and every dream will come true for you. You will get everything you ever wanted: the best food, the finest clothes, palatial homes of pure gold and diamond, and the most beautiful sexual partners possible. Also, you will be surrounded by family and friends.”

What’s not to like? Islam is a “genie” ideology. You rub a lamp, a genie (Allah) appears and grants you not just three wishes, but as many as you want. This is the ultimate lottery win. That’s why all those hundreds of millions of superstitious, irrational Muslims are on their knees all the time. Wouldn’t you be if you had been brainwashed into thinking that the ultimate PRIZE – everything you ever wanted – was waiting for you?

But what has Islam got to do with goodness or spirituality? Nothing at all! It’s pure greedy, selfish materialism: the worship of sensuality.

Islam is an infantile religion that has crude appeal for primitive, badly-educated people dreaming of a better life. The Islamic heaven is not all that different from the Viking Valhalla where the warriors fought, feasted and fucked endlessly. The Jihadists – the Islamic fighters – expect to spend eternity feeding and fucking, living in gold palaces and driving gold supercars with the “Allah” badge rather than “BMW”.


One night, the prophet Mohammed was sleeping in Mecca. The Angel Gabriel visited him and took him on a night journey to Jerusalem (as you do) where he met Abraham, Moses and Jesus and led them in prayer (thus proving that he was the most important of the prophets). Afterwards, Gabriel led Mohammed upwards through the seven Heavens to see Allah.

Mohammed said of the highest Heaven: “I saw there an angel, the most gigantic of all created beings. It had 70,000 heads, each head had 70,000 faces, each face had 70,000 mouths, each mouth had 70,000 tongues, and each tongue spoke 70,000 languages; all were employed in singing God’s praises.”

And instead of being two-faced like most Muslims, he had 70,000 faces to choose from. Because Mohammed personally visited Jerusalem and ascended from the Temple Mount to Paradise, Jerusalem is the third most special site to Muslims (after Mecca and Medina), and hence the incredible violence that has surrounded that benighted city ever since! Jerusalem, sacred to all Jews, Christians and Muslims, is the poster boy of Abrahamism – full of nothing but hatred, bitterness, violence, division and madness. Jerusalem is to all intents and purposes the Devil’s capital – Pandemonium. According to Dante, Hell is directly below Jerusalem, which sounds exactly right.


If you’re wondering how Mohammed travelled to the seventh heaven, it was on an animal which Gabriel brought with him for the purpose. It was called Al Borak and it had the face of a man but a horse’s cheeks and body, the wings of an eagle, and spoke with the voice of a man. Ah, you thought he used a spaceship, didn’t you?

When Mohammed placed his foot on a stone to mount his strange steed for his heavenly ascent, the stone insisted on rising with Al Borak. Mohammed was forced to put his hand on the stone and forbid it from following him (you see, even the rocks are good Muslims!). It dutifully remained suspended in mid-air and any True Believer may behold it to this day (allegedly).

Why don’t we line up all Muslims and discover which ones can see it and which can’t? Then we’ll know who are the true believers, right?


Mohammed is Arab for “the praised one”. His original name was either Kotham or Halabi. His chosen new name tells you pretty much all you need to know about him. Legend had it that his coffin was suspended in mid-air at Medina without any trace of support…just like his teachings in fact which are suspended in mid-air without any trace of rational support.


Remember if you disagree with any of this, you’ll burn in hellfire forever by order of Allah!! You have been duly warned.


According to Abrahamism, God is external to the universe and he made it out of nothing. God is a perfect, fully conscious being and has existed eternally.

According to Illuminism, God IS the universe and he creates himself using his own substance. He is not the Creator God who creates the universe out of nothing; rather he is the Self-Creating God who makes himself out of the universe. The universe is eternal but it goes through cyclical ages. At the start of each cycle, the universe is pure mind. It is unconscious and it is nothing but sheer potential imbued with Will to Power. This Will cannot be sated until it has acquired all power i.e. until it has become God. So it embarks on a process to achieve the omega point of power. Once achieved, the Will cannot become pure being since its inherent nature is to always strive for an increase in power. It is always becoming, it never IS – except for one moment of ecstasy when it has achieved its purpose. And then it must start all over again.

The Abrahamists believe that eternity consists of human and angelic souls simply staring at God and contemplating his perfection. That’s all…forever. The Abrahamist God is a Creator, not an Evolutionist. The Illuminist God is an Evolutionist, not a Creator. He himself is the final product of Evolution. He is the universe that has evolved the means to turn all of its potential into actualisation.

To understand the Illuminist God one need only look at a human baby at 25 days old and later as an adult at 25 years old. Now imagine what would happen if this adult lived for another 250 billion years. A human being cannot accomplish that, but the universe itself can. The life of the cosmos is the life of a human but on an enormously grander canvas. As above, so below.

Illuminism teaches that the universe is, in essence, the eternal seeking of perfection. When it’s attained, that’s the signal for the process to begin again, in a new guise, in a new play with a new cast of characters but based on the same template as before. The universe can never stop. It must keep moving.

Motion is what the universe really is. It cannot stop because motion is inherent in it. The universe is the ultimate perpetual motion machine. If the machine should ever stop it would mean the end of existence itself – but existence cannot end. The First law of thermodynamics is about the permanence of existence. The Second Law of Thermodynamic is thought to exclude the possibility of perpetual motion machines, but the Second Law is overridden on the cosmological scale by a factor that physicists are only starting to contemplate: DARK ENERGY. Dark energy defines the entirety of physical existence. Why? Because it’s mind. It’s the mathematical march of Leibnizian monads.


The Ancient and Medieval celestial models of stars and planets embedded like gleaming jewels in rotating orbs made of crystalline quintessence are enormously more aesthetically pleasing than modern cosmology. They naturally lend themselves to belief in a God who creates and then tends his universe. The spherical universe becomes the ultimate precious stone – God’s greatest treasure upon which he lavishes his love. Just think of it: an enormous, illuminated clear globe, studded with glistening jewels, suspended in space. It’s hard to think of anything more beautiful. And that’s why it endured so long despite being utterly false. Beauty often trumps truth.

Also, the finite is considered truer than the infinite. Infinity overwhelms and frightens the human mind. A vast but finite sphere is, on the other hand, beautiful, reassuring and proof of the existence of a loving God.

Prior to the modern age of science, mainstream religion made sense. It was understandable that virtually everyone believed in God. There was no good reason not to. Infinity killed God.Any contemporary God, to be plausible, must be a God of infinity and make total sense in relation to infinity.

The Illuminati were the central force promoting the message of infinity. Illuminism revolves entirely around infinity and zero (which are the inverse of one another). Only Illuminism makes the God of infinity comprehensible. Illuminism is the only credible religion, and it has only one credible rival: scientific materialism. It’s one or the other, and everything else is nonsense.

The Disproof of Abrahamism:

ABRAHAMISM was definitively refuted 1576 CE by an Illuminatus astronomer in England. Since then, it has been impossible for any rational person to be an Abrahamist. Extraordinarily, virtually no one in today’s world knows of the event or person that killed Abrahamism. Even worse, it wouldn’t matter to the Abrahamists anyway because they are irrationalists.

Before we get to 1576, the year that should have changed the world once and for all, it’s necessary to examine why it didn’t. What are the forces that stand in the way of truth?

Abrahamism takes pride of place in the war against truth. To be an Abrahamist means to be a person who, when faced with the truths of science and reason or the “truths” of revelation and faith, chooses the latter. To be on the side of revelation and faith MEANS that you do not accept the validity of facts, evidence, reason, logic or knowledge. You do not accept these as criteria of truth. You DO accept anything in a holy text, no matter how far-fetched. The God of the Universe born in a stable to a Jewish Virgin 2,000 years ago? NO PROBLEM! Once you are prepared to accept that proposition, is there ANY proposition you wouldn’t accept? What possible criterion could you have for rejecting anything else claimed as divine revelation?

Christian writer G.K. Chesterton famously said, “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing – they believe in anything.” This statement is 180 degrees round the wrong way, of course. Once you believe in the Abrahamist God, that’s when you have irrevocably demonstrated that you are prepared to believe in anything.

This point cannot be stressed enough. If an ancient book written by a bearded prophet, purportedly at the instigation of God, says that the Earth is the centre of the universe, and scientific observation on the contrary shows that Earth is a planet revolving around the Sun and that the Sun is simply one of an innumerable numbers of stars, then an Abrahamist will conclude that science is wrong and revelation right. In other words, Abrahamists effectively declare all of science to be wrong since if science can’t be accepted in this context why should it be accepted in any context?

Why have so few Muslim scientists won Nobel Prizes? It’s because “Islamic science” is a contradiction in terms. All Muslim scientists believe in the Koran and Islamic science is permissible only to the extent that it confirms the teachings of the Koran. If it doesn’t then science must be wrong. With such an attitude, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for Muslims to be good scientists.

Most Western scientists are atheists, agnostics or deists (as opposed to theists i.e. they believe in an impersonal God that doesn’t interfere in the world). That makes sense. It makes no sense at all for any scientist to believe in revelation – the antithesis of the scientific method.

Most people in the world engage in dishonest doublethink: they simultaneously agree with science and revelation. The manoeuvre they perform is to say that the Holy Books are allegorical rather than literal whenever science definitively contradicts Scripture (e.g. concerning the age of the earth, which scientists can show is billions of years old while Christians say it’s only a few thousand years old), but otherwise revelation is literally right.

This is an absurd approach to religion. It’s the “God of the Gaps” stance, trying to fit God into the areas where science hasn’t yet reached. But if science’s domain keeps expanding, God’s must keep shrinking. One day there will be nothing left. God will be dead by default.

In the absence of facts, evidence, logic and reason, how can anything in Holy Books be deemed factual or merely invented to promote an allegorical spiritual message? What criteria would be used to separate literal truths from allegorical truths? What is the methodology? If none exists then why shouldn’t it be concluded that ALL of revelation is pure nonsense from beginning to end? The case could not be clearer cut with Islam. Either every word of the Koran is true and has come directly from God, or every word is false and comes from an insane person or deliberate deceiver called Mohammed. There’s no reason to conclude that some of the Koran comes from God and some from Mohammed. It’s all or nothing. It’s all bullshit or all true – which is why Muslims reject evolution and science. If the Koran is true, science and evolution must be false since they contradict the Koran.

Abrahamist Fundamentalists refuse to play the “God of the Gaps” game and insist on the literal truth of divine revelation. Thus they deny Darwinism and they deny that the Earth isn’t the centre of the universe. They must therefore conclude that the Earth is stationary and the Sun moves around our planet, just as it says in the Bible. Can such people have any place in the 21st century? Should they be allowed to have children and poison their children’s minds with this junk?

Isn’t it time the dishonest, evasive leaders of nations were compelled to declare the truth i.e. to say whether science always trumps revelation or vice verse, or whether holy books are literal or allegorical? The State MUST decide on these fundamental issues and then shape the education system accordingly. The situation we have in schools at the moment is preposterous. You can have a class in religious education telling you that the Bible is true and you should base your life on it, followed by biology class on evolution, which, you realise soon enough, is totally at odds with what you just studied in religious class. What kind of education system deliberately and systematically teaches you incompatible “truths”? Is it being proposed that the best way to make students more intelligent is to tell them two ways of thinking – one where they dismiss reason and accept revelation, and the other where they dismiss revelation and accept reason? Doesn’t that lead to hopeless muddle, stupidity, craziness and both scientific and religious illiteracy?

Governments and schools subscribe to a mad education system for one reason alone: to avoid offending religions. Well, it’s time to start offending them. Education must be about reason, logic, learning, knowledge and questioning. Education must never be about faith. Faith is, frankly, anti-educational and should be condemned by all governments. It simply has no place in the modern world. Humanity will never be smart while it explicitly rejects the tenets of reason. If revelation contradicts science then it is ALWAYS revelation that is wrong. That should be the cornerstone of the education system. Children should be taught from the outset that Abrahamism is a belief-system that is factually false scientifically and of highly dubious morality. They should be taught to prize reason and logic, and thus we might start producing clever children rather than legions of religious retards.

Governments should bring the phoney war to an end. It’s time to declare faith and revelation unacceptable. It’s time to defend and promote the values of the Enlightenment. The average person will never be enlightened until he receives an enlightened education. We already know where the rejection of Enlightenment values leads – Islamic education which churns out militant armies of extremely stupid and fanatical people.

It’s a simple observational fact that Islamic nations are backward in relation to Western nations, and would have nothing without their oil (the extraction of which is managed by Westerners, naturally). Why is that? Are Muslims genetically inferior to Westerners? Are they born stupid? Or is it that the Koran destroys intelligence? In fact, that’s the Koran’s precise purpose: to wage perpetual war against reason on behalf of absolute, mindless, slavish obedience to Allah. Islam means “submission”. Imagine if it meant “reason” – then we would have a radically different world, and Muslims would be the cleverest people on Earth, promoting reason with everything they do.

Islam, a religion of deserts and caves, was highly successful 1,400 years ago when the world was primitive, most people were illiterate and fanatical beliefs conferred great power on Islamic armies, allowing them to conquer many nations. Today, all of those factors that worked so well in Islam’s favour gave gone. All that’s left is the brainwashing machine itself, still churning out enormous numbers of Muslims and shovelling them into the Hell of total stupidity. There is absolutely no question that Islam has already died. It has nothing to offer the world and survives only because of generational brainwashing. If one generation escaped the brainwashing machine, Islam would never be heard from ever again.

There is nothing more important than the books you read when you are a child, and there are three books that ought to be on the banned list if we wish to have a well-educated human race. Those three books are the most corrupting and dangerous ever written, and also the most popular: the Torah, Bible and Koran, the most evil books ever produced. The amount of damage those three books have done to humanity is beyond measure.

It’s one of the most sobering facts of all time that Plato’s great works were written over 400 years before the Christian gospels. If you read them side by side, you would assume it was the other way around. In fact, most people alive today can’t grasp the work of Plato, so advanced and monumental was it.

The ancient Greeks sometimes seem like an alien species that visited the Earth, tried to help the dumb Earthlings and then buggered off in despair. The ancient Greeks were staggeringly far ahead of the Jews. Virtually all of the major truths of existence were more or less resolved by the Greeks. Everything since has merely been a refining of their ideas, a tidying up of the details. Yet how many people in the West have ever read the pre-Socratic philosophers, or Plato and Aristotle, or the Stoics and Neoplatonists? Instead, they are all disturbingly familiar with the extermination tales of the ancient Jews, the infantile, bullshit parables of Christianity and the “get on your knees and submit” mantras of the Muslims.

What’s wrong with humanity? Why have we allowed this to happen to us? We must return to the Greeks. We must start again, using their example rather than the lunacy of Abrahamism. Had we maintained a pagan rather than Abrahamist culture, we would be at least 1,000 years more advanced than we currently are. Yes, Abrahamism has cost us a millennium and more. Instead of surging forward mathematically, philosophically and scientifically, humanity chose to wage wars over circumcision, to exterminate infidels, have crusades, inquisitions, witch burnings, elaborate debates over “heresy” etc. What was it all for? A complete and utter waste of time! Abrahamism is the worst curse humanity has had to endure. It has been a disaster from beginning to end, and, at root, it has never been anything but the exploration of the utterly perverse Jewish psyche.

Just look at any Orthodox Jew in the modern world – with their silly clothes, silly hair, pieces of string dangling from their trousers and their irrational fear of switching on lights on the “Sabbath” – and you can instantly tell that you are observing mental illness transformed into a racial code of “normality”. How do you legitimise and promote psychic disease? – you turn it into a religion with traditions and customs. The Jews in particular and the Abrahamists in general aren’t in need of God but of a psychiatrist.

The Heliocentric System:

“Heliocentrism is false and contrary to Scripture.” –The Catholic Inquisition

Many people think that Abrahamism rationally died when the old geocentric cosmologies of Aristotle and Ptolemy were replaced by the Copernican heliocentric cosmology (ultimately derived from Pythagoras). While it was certainly true that the heliocentric system fatally contradicted the “infallible”, God-given holy texts of Abrahamism, if these texts hadn’t been so dogmatic, no great damage need have been done by the move from a geocentric to a heliocentric conception of Creation. Indeed, arguably, the latter is much more logical.

In the geocentric model, as viewed from a religious perspective, there seems to be a rather serious theological problem. In Dante’s geocentric model, none other than Satan in Hell is at the centre of Creation! The focus of the entire cosmos is PURE EVIL. The crystal spheres revolve around a Satanic core. It’s almost as though Creation is designed for the sake of Hell and Satan. (Which, of course, is what the ancient Gnostics always maintained – they directly equated Jehovah and Satan.) Where is God in the geocentric picture? – on the fringe of Creation; a divine irrelevance, far from the action.

What does the heliocentric cosmology achieve? It allows God, not Satan, to be placed at the centre of the universe. It makes God the centre of the circle, not its circumference. God is moved to the heart of everything. He is the origin, the Genesis Point, the Alpha, the Aleph. And isn’t that exactly where he’s supposed to be? That’s where Pythagoras put him and that’s exactly where he belongs, and where he remains in Illuminism. Of course, Pythagoras didn’t actually put the Sun at the cosmic centre. Instead, he placed the “Central Fire” there, a much more mystical conception, much more in keeping with the mental rather than physical origin of the material world.

By placing God at the centre of the sun, Heliocentrism transforms him into the “Sun God” of so many religions, radiating love, warmth, light and life to the world. What place could be more natural for God? As for Satan, Heliocentrism despatches him to the outer darkness. Hell is placed beyond Creation. It is outside the universe, a place of infinite spaces and eternal, devastating loneliness. It represents total alienation from God. The damned are permanently separated from their Creator and their regret is infinite. They are as far as it’s possible to get from the divine light. Heliocentrism makes perfect theological sense. So, no, it wasn’t the heliocentric universe that made the Abrahamist God an impossibility. It was something quite different – it was INFINITY.


The honour for killing Abrahamism goes to the English Illuminatus Thomas Digges (1546-1595), a mathematician and astronomer. In 1576, he was the first to write in English about the Copernican system, and he used the opportunity to deliver the fatal blow to Abrahamism.

In the geocentric cosmology, the stars in the sky belonged to the sphere of “fixed stars” i.e. all stars were fixed in place within a crystal shell positioned below the Primum Mobile. When the shell of fixed stars moved, all the stars obviously moved with it. Earth didn’t move – the stars did. Of course in reality it’s the Earth that moves and the stars appear stationary because they’re so far away (in reality, the stars are being moved as a consequence of the expanding universe). The geocentric fixed stars were all the same distance from the motionless Earth that sat at the centre of the cosmic sphere. Ptolemy identified 1,022 fixed stars grouped into 48 constellations.

What Thomas Digges did that was so revolutionary was to discard the fixed shell of immovable stars and declare that there were in fact infinitely many stars located at all sorts of distances from the Earth. With this one devastating blow, he killed the notion of a beautiful, spherical CREATION centred on Earth. There’s no physical centre in an infinite system, there’s no cosmic sphere and there doesn’t even seem to be any room for God.

While the crystal spheres survived – whether or not the Earth was at the centre – the universe could be understood rationally as a majestic and intelligently designed Creation. But if infinite stars were spread across infinite space, the Primum Mobile was dead, the Empyrean (the abode of God) was dead, and the whole model of Creation was logically dead. All the pieces fell apart. How was motion imparted to the cosmos without the Primum Mobile and its “loving relationship” with the Empyrean?

At a stroke, everything changed. The scientific basis of the old cosmology, such as it was, simply collapsed. What would be the point in terms of Creation of infinite stars, with stars so far from us that they could never be detected by us under any circumstances? Clearly, if stars are so numerous and so distant that we will never observe them, they are not there for our benefit, hence “Creation” wasn’t for our benefit and wasn’t about us at all. So who was it for? Plainly, Adam and Eve were now sideshows rather than the main action. There might be infinite worlds out there and infinite Adam and Eves. Was there a Jesus Christ for every inhabited world? The Bible had been rendered irrelevant at a stroke. The God of Abraham was well and truly dead.

Infinity, not heliocentricity, killed the Biblical God. No rational person can be an Abrahamist when confronted by an infinitely large universe.

The universe is indeed infinitely big, and it must be understood that an infinite cosmos also contradicts the traditional Big Bang model of scientific materialism, which is based on a finite cosmos almost like a kind of Creation (which is why many Catholic astronomers have no difficulty with the Big Bang). Because of zero and infinity – the two numbers that define the mental domain – the physical universe must be infinite too. The mathematics guarantees it.

An infinite universe only kills a Creator God (because Creation should of course be a finite exercise; a deliberately designed space like the old universe of crystal spheres). It does not kill an infinite God who IS the universe.


Thomas Digges was the assassin of all assassins. He was the man who killed God, and the blade he used was infinity.

When Digges’ father died when Digges was still a child (13), his guardian and mentor was none other than one of the leading English Illuminists – the famous John Dee of Rosicrucian fame.

Digges attempted to determine the parallax of the 1572 supernova observed by Tycho Brahe, and concluded it had to be beyond the orbit of the Moon. This contradicted the accepted view of the universe, according to which no movement or change could take place among the eternal fixed stars.

Digges wrote a tract called “A Perfit Description of the Caelestiall Orbes according to the most ancient doctrine of the Pythagoreans, lately revived by Copernicus and by Geometrical Demonstrations approved.” He was the first astronomer to state categorically that the universe contains infinitely many stars. Big Bang theory, on the other hand, implies that there’s a vast but finite number of stars.

There is a concept of the “observable universe” and most cosmologists restrict themselves to speaking of that alone. The non-observable universe is, by definition, not something of which we can have direct knowledge or information. Its properties can only be inferred.

The question of whether the universe contains an infinite number of stars is of enormous significance since it dictates how we interpret what happened at the Big Bang. If the Big Bang happened 13.7 billion years ago, and space has been expanding ever since, the implication is that the universe is finite, but getting relentlessly bigger. Therefore it contains a finite number of galaxies and stars that will grow further and further apart as time goes on. If, however, the Big Bang universe contains an infinite numbers of stars, it means that the conventional interpretation of the Big Bang is wrong.



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