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Academia Iluministă (70)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

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Jiren Gray a adăugat 6 fotografii în albumul The Illuminati Phalanx.

by Adam Weishaupt – Book 5/6


THE WORD ANOMIE comes from the ancient Greek a “without”, and nomos “law”. It defines anyone who exists against or outside the law, or refers to a condition where the current laws fail, resulting in a state of lawlessness. It’s not the same as anarchy (“without a ruler”), although if a ruler has been violently deposed and lawlessness has descended, the two states clearly converge.

The recent riots in Britain were a perfect example of anomie. The rioters and looters were people who did not conform with the rest of society and did not acknowledge society’s rules and morality. When they acted en masse, local law and order fell apart.

The British riots were a stunning moment in the history of the world because they proved that anomie now exists to a staggering degree even in the richest countries in the world. This is a critical indicator that capitalism is about to collapse. The Revolution is now incredibly close.

The underclass has become so large that it can no longer be controlled and, if they act in concert, they can easily overwhelm the police. The police were able to restore order in London only by calling in reserves from the rest of the country. An army of 16,000 police had to be deployed to re-establish control.

In the parts of the country from which police were taken to reinforce London, new riots broke out. It’s quite clear that a concerted effort by all groups opposed to the government would exceed the British police’s ability to respond. The British army would then have to be deployed and British citizens would be shot down in the street, precipitating a Revolution. This is not some fantasy. This is what almost happened in Britain in August 2011 after a set of spontaneous events. Had an intelligence been at work behind the scenes, a full-scale uprising might have been provoked. Social networking allows a spark to be ignited almost instantly. “Other-directedness” (peer group pressure) allied with FOMO (“fear of missing out”), group think, hysterical contagion and the compulsion to be in attendance at any Event, Happening or Spectacle, all kick in to fan the flames into a blaze that can engulf a nation. This incendiary mixture will soon enough light up the world. The clock is ticking. The final curtain is descending.

Anomie is associated with alienation, purposelessness and lack of engagement with mainstream society. Social theorists say it is particularly pronounced in times of significant changes in economic fortunes and when there are gulfs between the values and goals proclaimed by society and what many people find actually achievable in everyday life. The British looters live in an ultra-materialistic society where the acquisition of goods is trumpeted as the highest good, yet the ability of these members of the underclass to get these glittering prizes is negligible. Therefore, when an alternative opportunity presented itself, they seized it with open arms. No rational person could have expected anything else. We live in the age of anomie. Anomic individuals are everywhere. The system is collapsing.

“Strain Theory” concerns the discrepancy between an individual’s awareness of society’s accepted goals and his equal awareness that he is deficient in respect of the legitimate means to attain those goals – the resultant strain may pressure the individual into using illegitimate means to get what he wants i.e. he may resort to criminality. When people are subjected to severe strain, something has to give. A person suffering from anomie and alienated from the mainstream is unable to secure the goals society endorses because of the structural limitations to which he is subjected e.g. lack of job, hence lack of money, lack of education and qualifications, lack of any occupational training. If he wants the things others have, he has no option but to use deviant means. This is INEVITABLE. The British riots were therefore inevitable.

A materialistic society that constantly promotes the acquisition of commodities as the sign of success and status and simultaneously denies enormous numbers from having any realistic chance of acquiring the desired goods, creates a social structure which drives some people towards crime as the only means by which they can achieve the status society trumpets as the greatest good. According to sociologist Robert Agnew, strain emerges from negative relationships with others. Plainly, the underclass are not treated by mainstream society in the way they would wish or expect to be, so they lose confidence that mainstream society is on their side and that it wishes to help them. Their alienation leads to resentment, anger and frustration, which will in turn confirm negative relationships. The alienated individual, not wishing to be continually rejected by the mainstream, withdraws from contact with the mainstream and enters an aggressive, sullen, criminal sub-world (as in Gang Land – the domain of street gangs).

Rapidly, some individuals lose all connection with mainstream expectations and codes of behaviour and when they get the chance to strike back at the establishment, they seize it and feel not one particle of remorse. They will consider that the mainstream “deserved it”.

The British riots were a classic demonstration of anomie, strain theory, alienation, the underclass and gang culture. Any government response should be to heal the disastrous breakdown between the underclass and the mainstream. Instead, right wing governments respond with draconian policing and long jail sentences. These, of course, are counterproductive since they magnify the original problem and make an even more serious outbreak of trouble at a later date inevitable. The British government’s response to the riots has been predictably idiotic and will cause worse problems down the track.

In times of Revolution, reactionary governments always make Revolution even more likely by their brutal responses that simply amplify all of the grievances of the Revolutionaries.

The Shape of the Coming Revolution:

ANOMIE WILL DRIVE THE FORTHCOMING REVOLUTION. It has slipped under the radar of the Elite, and they have no idea of just how serious the problem is. David Cameron, the idiot Prime Minister of the UK, has shown himself clueless. Being an extremely rich and privileged toff, he has no idea how the underclass live and what they think. He has never met any of them. He is surrounded by other posh and privileged people who equally know nothing of the underclass. They are as ignorant of the trouble heading their way as the French aristocrats of 1789.

Sociologist David Riesman divided people into three types: adjusted, anomic (maladjusted) and autonomous. The adjusted are the typical representatives of the tradition-, inner- and other- directed social types. The anomic are those who have never managed to fit in with these social types in the normal way. Instead, they are deviant representatives of these types. A gang, for example, is a deviant other-directed group where peer group pressure is all consuming. They also create a “tradition” – a code of conduct that is transmitted to all members and carried on from generation to generation. They also usually have a strict hierarchy with the dominant alpha male at the summit. In other words, they reflect many of the aspects of mainstream society but in a deviant way that is at violent odds with the mainstream. The Mafia are an archetypally anomic group. They conduct themselves rather like a ruthless mainstream corporation, except the “commodity” they specialise in is criminality, particularly drugs, prostitution, gambling, extortion and protection rackets. Any senior member of the Mafia would unquestionably feel right at home in the boardroom of a mainstream corporation. The Mafia is simply a criminal version of a corporation (and many would argue that the vast majority of corporations are simply legalised criminal enterprises).

“Anomic”, as used by Riesman, means ruleless, ungoverned and outside social norms. However, it’s more useful to expand the definition of anomie to include the situation that applies to gangs and the Mafia where rules and governance are in place, but are outside and in conflict with the mainstream system.

Riesman says of the adjective anomic: “It is virtually synonymous with maladjusted, a term I refrain from using because of its negative connotations; for there are some cultures where I would place a higher value on the maladjusted or anomic than on the adjusted.” He doesn’t give any examples of what he means here but clearly all anomic Muslims or Orthodox Jews (those who openly challenge and defy their religious traditions) are of much higher worth than adjusted Muslims or Orthodox Jews.

Riesman valued above all the “autonomous” type, and we absolutely agree with him. Riesman wrote: “The ‘autonomous’ are those who on the whole are capable of conforming to the behavioural norms of their society – a capacity the anomics usually lack – but are free to choose whether to conform or not.”

The Illuminati are all autonomous. Members can conform with the norms of society if and when necessary, but equally are not defined by the mainstream norms and can step outside them, without entering the frequently desperate world of the anomic. The choices of the anomic are highly restricted whereas the autonomous have an excess of choices. The New World Order will be where everyone is autonomous.

Riesman observed that many anomic individuals were apathetic, with a visible lack of emotion and drive. They were prone to depression, slow in their mental and physical responses, subdued and often exhibiting an empty expression. Riesman wrote, “Taken all together, the anomics – ranging from overt outlaws to ‘catatonic’ types who lack even the spark for living, let alone for rebellion – constitute a sizable number in America.”

In fact, it’s possible to conclude that most people are on a spectrum of anomie and most “normal” people are actually anomics who are nevertheless skilled at playing the game of “fitting in”. They are playing the part of being normal but do not inwardly feel normal at all. How many people in the UK were watching the riots and sympathising to a considerable extent? Probably half the country could understand the frustration and anger of the underclass. It’s the sheer scale of explicit or implicit anomie that spells doom for the ruling class. They have alienated far too many people and now they have insufficient numbers to prop them up against the tide of discontent. Their disastrous mismanagement of the economy and their ongoing greed have destroyed the illusion that they are fit people to be in charge. Practically everyone now hates the ruling elite and all that’s lacking for them to be overthrown is a sensible, rational alternative. That’s what the Meritocracy Movement is all about – to provide the superior alternative to democracy (which, at root, is nothing but rule by a plutocratic elite) that the people are craving.

Riesman wrote, “Modern industrial society has driven great numbers of people into anomie, and produced a wan conformity in others, but the very developments which have done this have also opened up hitherto undreamed of possibilities for autonomy. As we come to understand our society better, and the alternatives it holds available to us, I think we shall be able to create many more alternatives, hence still more room for autonomy.”

Riesman wrote this over sixty years ago. In that time, enormous amounts have been learned, yet one thing has held back progress – the ruling elite.

In the UK, many leading politicians, including the Prime Minister, have a degree called “PPE” from Oxford University, one of the great bastions of the ruling elite. PPE is “Politics, Philosophy and Economics” and is arguably the most sinister degree in the world. It is essentially the ideology of the Power Elite turned into an academic qualification. PPE is all about the philosophy of the elite, the politics of the elite and the economic systems most favourable to the elite. It is their blueprint for running the world. Enormous numbers of politicians and civil servants have this insidious degree.

Our world should in fact be run according to PSS – “Psychology, Sociology and Science”. Philosophy is essential to establishing the constitution and defining the goals of society. However, once that is done, it is psychology, sociology and science that will deliver the practical management of society to achieve those aims. Politics will be rendered obsolete. Psychologists, sociologists and scientists will replace politicians. The scientific method will replace political posturing and moralising. We will live in an evidence-based society where policies that lead to good outcomes will be preserved and those that lead to bad outcomes will be abandoned. Drugs, for example, will be legalised and then the evidence will be collected over a number of years to see if the world is better or worse as a result. The opinions and morals of those opposed to drugs will be neither here nor there. All that matters are facts and evidence. Everything else is hot air and bullshit. As for economics, it will be completely subordinated to the meritocratic constitution. Only economic systems compatible with the aims of society will be tolerated. So, if society is striving to maximise merit, any economic system (such as contemporary capitalism) that promotes privilege will become illegal. The world will be run on an entirely rational and transparent basis. No one will be in any doubt about the goals and direction of society.

At the moment, there is no government or nation on earth that has defined what its purpose is and what the purpose of society is. The reason for that is simple. Religion is allowed to define the purpose and goals of the individual. This is unacceptable. The State must provide a universal definition to which every member of the State must sign up, or leave the State.

The appropriate definition couldn’t be easier to formulate: the purpose of the State is to produce perfect people: free, independent, autonomous, self-creating, meritorious, those whose abilities have been maximised, those who freely construct their own identity based on their own nature, character and personality.

Plainly, religion contradicts all of these elements. Abrahamism says that the purpose of everyone is to obey God or burn forever in the fires of hell. Karmic religions say that if your life is shit then it’s because you were wicked in a previous life, so shut up and get on with it. Religion creates pathetic, submissive, servile, passive, terrified people, who are easy for the ruling elite to control.

There is only one acceptable religion – ILLUMINATION – the religion of dialectical evolution, of striving for perfection, of BECOMING GOD.

The Kleptocracy:

Kleptocracy is rule by thieves. Is that not the world we live in? The world is run by the rich for the rich. They steal from us all the time – and we let them. Isn’t it time the thieves were punished? And isn’t it time we took back what they stole from us – our money, our dignity, our lives?


Commissions of Enquiry.

The British Government has appointed a commission to enquire into the causes of the riots of August 20112 and to determine any lessons to be learned. Of course, the commission comprises individuals selected from the “great and the good”, from the privileged elite, from the British establishment.

We could write their conclusions right now. We know that they are not going to call for the abolition of the establishment, for the redistribution of wealth, for the policing of the underclass to be made much less provocative and aggressive, or for vast resources to be pumped into ghettos.

One-parent families will be blamed, and poor educational attainment, and lack of discipline at schools and a “get rich quick” culture and so on. Absolutely nothing will change. Within five years, we will experience a second wave of riots much bigger than the first.

What’s the point of commissions when their answers are already pre-scripted? The establishment will never reach any conclusion other than that they are right and the underclass is wrong. These exercises are futile and an insult to the intelligence of the people. The truth is the last thing that any of the commissioners is interested in, or indeed capable of recognising. The bottom line is this. If you treat people like scum, they became scum. It’s your fault, not theirs. The British riots were caused by David Cameron and his super-rich chums – and they are the ones who should be going to jail for very lengthy sentences.

The British Riots:

In the spring of 2011, fake Britain was shown to the world in all of its fraudulent splendour. The “Royal Wedding” was a global event. Billions watched, enraptured, a fairytale wedding of a beautiful princess. Women couldn’t stop talking about the wedding dress. Everyone was in awe of the pomp and circumstance. Britain seemed, for a moment, to be once again the greatest power on earth, as it was in the days of the British Empire upon which it was said that the sun never set.

Move the clock forward a few months to August and the world was treated to the reality of modern Britain – the major cities on fire, feral gangs running wild, looting at will.

Britain has all of a sudden become an interesting country. In fact, it has now attracted the attention of the leadership of the Illuminati. Communism died the moment the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. Although it staggered on as a zombie for another year or two, a fatal blow had been delivered. The symbolism was total and terminal. Communism itself was that Wall. When the Wall no longer existed, neither did Communism. Now the extraordinary possibility has arisen that capitalism might meet its death in the original capitalist country – Imperial Britain, home of the Industrial Revolution, home of the “Dark Satanic mills”.

Britain is ruled by a hereditary monarch, completely unaccountable to the people despite being the head of State. No one is allowed to ask her any questions or demand that she justify her position. The current British government is one of the most privileged in the history of the country. Ultra-rich toffs from the most privileged backgrounds, educated at the finest private schools and at Oxbridge (Oxford and Cambridge) say, with straight faces, “We’re all in it together”, as they slash public spending and throw hundreds of thousands onto the dole queues. How can a millionaire and someone struggling to feed themselves be in it “together”? What kind of warped person attempts to claim they are? What degree of perversion of logic and language must exist for a millionaire to make such a statement? Why does anyone listen to such arrant nonsense? What’s the latest idea for stimulating growth in the UK? – tax cuts for the rich! What a surprise. As if we didn’t see that coming.

Massive cuts are even being applied to the army and police: the military and paramilitary wings, respectively, of the British establishment. How dumb can the “Elite” be to weaken their bullyboy forces at the very moment that the anti-establishment forces are gaining traction at long last?

Last year, thousands of British students rioted in response to savage education cuts and massive increases in student tuition fees. Now the underclass has seized its moment to attack the ruling regime, and has struck with devastating effectiveness, choosing the perfect moment to do maximum damage.

Consider the seismic events that have happened in Britain in recent times. For endless years, British people were told that their politicians were the finest in the world. Then the “expenses” scandal erupted. Politicians were proved to have been fiddling their expenses on a monumental scale. Some chosen scapegoats even went to jail although, in truth, all of them deserved to be put behind bars. There was also a “cash for honours” scandal whereby rich donors to political parties were given knighthoods and called “Lord” in exchange for their cash. Then came the “hacking” scandal. It was revealed that newspapers had, for decades, been routinely committing criminal offences – hacking into the phones of any newsworthy individuals to listen to their messages, hacking into their computers to read their emails, using private detectives to go through people’s rubbish to find anything of “sleaze value”. This huge database of sensitive information was used as a tool of blackmail. Members of Parliament admitted that they were too scared to criticise the media for fear that they would then become targets of the media sleaze machine that would reveal damaging private information about them. Journalists openly threatened politicians and anyone who crossed them. It was understood that the media could destroy anyone they wished at any time since they knew everyone’s secrets.

Several years ago, Rebekah Brooks, a senior executive of Rupert Murdoch’s sleaze empire, openly admitted in front of a televised Parliamentary committee that her organisation had paid police officers for information – a criminal offence. The whole establishment of the country simply pretended not to hear since no one wanted to stand up to Rupert Murdoch. He was deemed so powerful that he was perceived as being able to make or break governments, hence no one dared challenge his evil empire. The country, the politicians, the police and the law literally turned a deaf ear.

But the revelations kept flowing thanks to a few heroic individuals (one journalist and two politicians in particular). Police initially claimed that the hacking scandal was restricted to one journalist covering royal affairs who had used one private detective to hack the phones of members of the Royal Family. These two were duly sent to jail, and that, it seemed, would be that. Their imprisonment was supposed to represent the symbolic end of the matter and draw a line under the whole thing.

New revelations were given a cursory glance by a senior policeman who refused to re-open the investigations, asserting that there was in fact “no new information”. It later turned out that there were many box loads of dynamite revelations that he didn’t even look at. Well, that’s the British police for you.

When it was discovered that several years ago the mobile phone of a missing schoolgirl (whose dead body was discovered six months after her disappearance) was hacked by a newspaper, public revulsion was so extreme that the whole house of cards suddenly collapsed. The missing schoolgirl’s message box was full with anxious messages from friends and family, so the hacker deleted some messages to create new space for messages. This, naturally, led the police to suspect that she might be alive and had run away from home. (In fact, she had been brutally murdered within minutes of being abducted in broad daylight by a serial killer.) In other words, the illegal hacking had completely altered the nature of the police investigation and given false hope to the girl’s family. The whole of Britain was sickened and outraged. The tipping point had been reached. Such was the hatred towards Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper The News of the World that was responsible for the hacking of the schoolgirl’s phone that Murdoch actually had to close it down even though it was one of the most successful newspapers in the world (serving up endless sleaze and celebrity tittle-tattle).

So, Great Britain is led by an unelected monarch, ruled by a privileged elite, and has a political class mired in corruption, in cahoots with a sleazebag, criminal media and an incompetent, corrupt police force. Meanwhile, the top bankers and stock market traders have their snouts permanently in the money trough.

If these are the scum setting the moral tone of the UK, who could possibly condemn the rioters and looters? They had learned well the moral lessons set down by the elite – grab everything you can and fuck everyone else.

The Fatal Error:

It’s a disaster to over promise and under deliver. That’s the sin capitalism has committed. It has beguiled the people with the perfect images of the Spectacular Society, but it has been unable to deliver the reality to match. People’s standards of living are in sharp decline; social mobility is in reverse. Obama, the great hope of democracy to save the “brand”, has been no better than the white clowns who came before him. People have stopped believing. They’re starting to see that the capitalist edifice is rotten through and through. The Old World Order’s collapse has become inevitable.

The Anatomy of Power:

IN MAY 2010, a coalition Government came to power in the UK, formed by the right wing Conservative Party and the centrist Liberal Democrat Party. The newly appointed Cabinet (consisting of 29 Ministers) – the core of the UK Government – was said to have a net worth of £60 million. All of them belonged to the financial elite. Politics in the UK was once the preserve of the wealthy (you could literally buy a political constituency) and it’s becoming so again. 23 of the 29 members of the Cabinet have assets and investments estimated at more than £1million. In other words, a clique of millionaires now run the UK. Below we have listed the backgrounds of these individuals, and what schools and universities they went to and what degrees they took.

Extraordinary patterns are evident. Virtually all of these people were privately educated and came from extremely rich and privileged backgrounds (none more so than Prime Minister David Cameron). Many of them had fathers who had been active in politics. None of them has a degree in mathematics, any science subject, any engineering subject, any technological subject or any psychological or sociological subject. An incredible number have a particular degree from Oxford University – “PPE” – Politics, Philosophy and Economics, the degree specially designed for the British political establishment.

The UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer – responsible for British economic policy – has a history degree. Extremely well qualified for his job, obviously.

No matter what country you come from, you ought to study this list carefully. There will be a list in your country of an identical nature. You will immediately realise something profound: you’re definitely never going to be on the list.

If, by the time you have reached the end of this list, you’re not demanding a Revolution, you deserve a shit life. Only fools and cowards support a system of government entirely hostile to their interests. If you’re not part of the “in crowd”, you must get rid of them or forever be part of the “out crowd” – a failure, a loser, a nobody.

These people have complete contempt for you. They operate within a tiny, narrow clique from which everyone from a regular background is excluded.

Here is the List of Shame – theirs for engineering it, and ours for putting up with it:

David Cameron (personal fortune of £4m) – Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service

Parental background: Father was a rich stockbroker. Mother is a retired Justice of the Peace and daughter of Sir William Mount, 2nd Baronet. Cameron is a direct descendant of King William IV; a 5th cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. He’s also descended from a German-Jewish financier whose family assisted the Rothschilds, and a rich Danish Jewish family. Cameron’s maternal grandfather was Sir William Mount, 2nd Baronet, an Army officer and the High Sheriff of Berkshire. Cameron’s maternal great-grandfather was Sir William Mount, 1st Baronet, BE, Conservative MP for Newbury 1918-1922. Cameron’s great-great grandmother was Lady Ida Matilda Alice Feilding. His great-great-great grandfather was William Feilding, 7th Earl of Denbigh, GCH, PC, a courtier and Gentleman of the Bedchamber. His mother’s cousin, Sir Ferdinand Mount, was head of 10 Downing Street’s Policy Unit in the early 1980s. Cameron is the nephew of Sir William Dugdale, brother-in-law of Katherine, Lady Dugdale (died 2004) Lady-in-Waiting to The Queen since 1955 and former Chairman of Aston Villa Football Club.



University: Brasenose College, University of Oxford; First in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). ELITE EDUCATION.

Joined the Conservative Research Department and became Special Adviser to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and then to the leader of the Conservatives (who then campaigned to have Cameron appointed as his successor). Director of Corporate Affairs at Carlton Communications for seven years.


Gideon Oliver (“George”) Osborne (£4.6m) – Chancellor of the Exchequer

Parental background: Part of the old Anglo-Irish aristocracy, known in Ireland as the Ascendancy. Heir to the Osborne baronetcy (of Ballentaylor, in County Tipperary, and Ballylemon, in County Waterford). ELITE BACKGROUND.

School: St Paul’s School. ELITE SCHOOL.

University: Magdalen College, University of Oxford; Bachelor’s degree in Modern History. ELITE EDUCATION.

Edited the Oxford University newspaper; attended Davidson College in North Carolina for a semester as a Dean Rusk Scholar; became a Conservative researcher and then an MP.


Jeremy Hunt (£4.5m) – Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport

School: Charterhouse School (head boy). ELITE SCHOOL.

University: Magdalen College, University of Oxford; First in PPE. ELITE EDUCATION.

Chris Huhne (£3.5m) – Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

Parental background: son of wealthy businessman.

School: Westminster School. ELITE SCHOOL

University: Sorbonne, where he obtained a certificate in French Language and Civilisation, followed by Magdalen College, University of Oxford where he was a Demy scholar. First in PPE.


Edited the Oxford student magazine.

Dominic Grieve (£3m) – Attorney General

School: several private schools and Westminster School. ELITE SCHOOL

University: Magdalen College, University of Oxford; degree in Modern History. ELITE EDUCATION

President of the Oxford University Conservative Association.

Francis Maude (£3m) -Minister for the Cabinet Office, Paymaster General

Parental Background: son of the former Conservative Cabinet minister Angus Maude. ELITE BACKGROUND.

School: Abingdon School (private). ELITE SCHOOL.

University: Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge, degree in Law. ELITE EDUCATION.

Andrew Mitchell (£2m) – Secretary of State for International Development

Parental background: son of a former Conservative MP. ELITE BACKGROUND.

School: Rugby school. ELITE SCHOOL.

University: Jesus College, University of Cambridge; degree in History. ELITE EDUCATION.

Chairman of the Cambridge University Conservative Association and President of the Cambridge Union.

David Laws £1m-2m estimate – Chief Secretary to the Treasury

Parental background: son of a rich banker. ELITE BACKGROUND.

School: private schools.

University: King’s College, University of Cambridge; double first in economics. ELITE EDUCATION.

Went into investment banking, becoming a Vice President at JP Morgan and then Managing Director; Head of US Dollar and Sterling Treasuries at Barclays de Zoete Wedd.

Nick Clegg (£1.9m) – Deputy Prime Minister

Parental background: father, Nicholas Clegg CBE, is chairman of United Trust Bank, and is a trustee of The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation. Paternal grandmother, Kira von Engelhardt, was the daughter of a baron in Imperial Russia whose family fled after the Russian Revolution. One of his great-great-grandfathers, Ignaty Zakrevsky, was attorney general of the Imperial Russian senate. ELITE BACKGOUND.

School: Westminster School. ELITE SCHOOL.

University: Robinson College, Cambridge; degree in social anthropology. ELITE EDUCATION.

David Willetts (£1.9m) – Minister of State (Universities and Science) Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

School: King Edward’s School – private school. ELITE SCHOOL.

University: Christ Church, Oxford; First in PPE. ELITE EDUCATION.

Lord Strathclyde (£10m) – Leader of the House of Lords, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.

Parental background: Son of Conservative politician The Hon. Sir Tam Galbraith. PRIVILEGED BACKGROUND.

School: Two independent schools for boys. PRIVATE EDUCATION. University:

University of East Anglia; graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Philip Hammond (£7.5m) – Secretary of State for Transport

Parental background: Son of Civil Engineer.

School: Shenfield High School.

University: University College, Oxford; degree in PPE. ELITE EDUCATION.

William Hague (£2.5m) – Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

Parental background: son of a business couple running a drinks company.

School: educated at a selective grammar school

University: Magdalen College, University of Oxford; First IN PPE. ELITE EDUCATION.

President of the Oxford University Conservative Association, President of the Oxford Union MBA; worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company.

Theresa May (£1.6m) – Secretary of State for the Home Department and Minister for Women and Equality

School: private schools

University: St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford; degree in Geography. ELITE EDUCATION.

Oliver Letwin (£1.6m) – Minister of State, Cabinet Office

Parental background: son of William Letwin, Emeritus Professor at the London School of Economics

School: Eton College

University: Trinity College, Cambridge; degree in philosophy and history. ELITE EDUCATION.

Letwin is Jewish.

Caroline Spelman (£1.5m) – Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

School: the Hertfordshire and Essex High School
University: Queen Mary College, University of London; First in European Studies. ELITE EDUCATION

Owen Paterson (£1.5m) – Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

School: privately educated

University: Corpus Christi College, Cambridge; MA in History. ELITE EDUCATION.

Cheryl Gillan (£1.5m) – Secretary of State for Wales

Parental background: daughter of a former British Army officer and director of a steel company.

School: Cheltenham Ladies’ College. ELITE SCHOOL.

University: the College of Law; Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing

Kenneth Clarke (£1m+) – Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Justice

School: Selective grammar school

University: Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University; degree in law. ELITE EDUCATION

Chairman of the Cambridge University Conservative Association.

Sir George Young (£1m) – Leader of the House of Commons, Lord Privy Seal

Parental background: son of Sir George Peregrine “Gerry” Young, 5th Baronet. ELITE BACKGROUND


University Christ Church, Oxford; degree in PPE. ELITE EDUCATION.

Iain Duncan Smith £1m – Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

Parental background: son of a Royal Air Force Group Captain highly decorated in World War II

School: HMS Conway, a naval training school.

After school: Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. PRIVILEGED MILITARY BACKGROUND.

Michael Gove £1m – Secretary of State for Education

School: Robert Gordon’s College – private. , to which he won a scholarship. University: Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford; degree in English. ELITE EDUCATION President of the elite Oxford Union.

Dr Liam Fox £1m – Secretary of State for Defence

Parental background: born and raised in East Kilbride, Scotland and brought up in a council house. Educated at Catholic comprehensive school.

University: University of Glasgow Medical School.


David Cameron and Nick Clegg.

Is it not an extraordinary thing that Britain’s Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister both have such similar backgrounds? Both come from millionaire backgrounds and are themselves millionaires. Both went to elite private schools where fees are £30,000 per year, considerably more than the average British annual salary. Eton College for boys, where Cameron went to school, is the most privileged school in the world. Virtually every “Old Etonian” (as they call themselves) rises to a senior position in the Old World Order or the organisations that service it. Westminster School, where Clegg went, is not far behind.

Nineteen Prime Ministers in British History have come from Eton, eight from Harrow “public” school (ironically, the bastions of extreme privilege refer to themselves as “public” rather than as ultra-private) and two from Westminster. The vast majority of British schools have, of course, no political connections at all.

David Cameron became leader of the Conservative Party only four years after entering Parliament. It was even quicker for Nick Clegg to become leader of his Party – just two years. Time doesn’t crawl for such people. They’re fast tracked to the top. All doors are opened for them. They never see a red light. When he was starting out on his political career, David Cameron was endorsed by a phone call from Buckingham Palace! Cameron’s posh wife Samantha is the daughter of a baronet and descended from Charles II.

That’s the UK in the 21st century – infested by toffs, royals and the super rich. Our day will come when we will replace these people. Never again will anyone who opted out of the State education sector be allowed any job in the public sector. They turned their backs on the people when they refused to be educated alongside them, so the people will henceforth turn their backs on them. Isn’t that justice? Why should those who refused to interact with the people at school be allowed to rule them? Is that not insane? If the State education system isn’t good enough for them, why should they alone be allowed to escape and get the finest education money can buy? Who the fuck do these people think they are? One thing’s for sure – once a meritocratic government is in place, such people will never be heard from again. The people will be permanently protected from the likes of Cameron and Clegg.

Cameron is an especially evil man. He is the latest in a long line of Tory MPs produced by his family: i.e. his is an archetypal “dynastic” family of privilege. It was certain that one of them would one day become Prime Minister. That is the entire point of these families. From his earliest moments, everyone told him that he was “destined for great things”. Well, why wouldn’t he be? The red carpet was rolled out for him and indeed for all others who are born into exceptional privilege. He enjoys every advantage that is explicitly denied to everyone else.

These people are always astonishingly self-confident: who wouldn’t be if they were backed up by centuries of wealth and power? Even as a teenager, Cameron was accustomed to being told he had the makings of a future prime minister. While most people are worrying about their education and getting any sort of job just to get on the employment ladder, children of privilege are already having all doors opened for them to allow them to fast track to the top. These people never worry about money or jobs. They can focus right from the start on the highest and most powerful jobs in the world. They are never beset by the doubts that afflict anyone who sees a staggeringly difficult road ahead, with every door firmly closed in their face.

If, like the authors of our website, you have had to crawl out of the gutter and use a preternatural effort of will to drag yourself to a position where you could pull back the curtain and see the feeble ranks of the privileged – enervated, corrupt and talentless despite all the benefits showered on them – you will be able to smell how close the end is for these poltroons and criminals. Illusion alone sustains them. Only the voice of the young lad shouting out, “The Emperor is stark naked!” remains to be heard. ONE SPARK – that’s all that’s needed. One spark of truth!


You have been relentlessly lied to that you have any chance in life. You don’t have a prayer of succeeding. You never did. The system of privilege is there to ensure that the privileged succeed and you fail. There are only a few good jobs to go around. Those are all reserved for the elite. If you weren’t born into the elite, you will never be joining it. The high life is not for you. You were DESIGNED by the system to be mediocre and get nowhere. You can blabber on about love all you like, spout mystical hogwash, delude yourself that there is such a thing as “karma”, read New Age books and engage in all the other displacement activities that allow you to avoid confronting the central fact of life: Power. You don’t have any and those that do wish that to remain the case so that they can go on allocating the finest things in life to the members of their caste. Revolution alone can change your life. The system that has oppressed you must be destroyed for you to be free. The privileged elite must be swept aside if any of the great jobs are ever to come your way.

In the UK, only 7% of the population go to private schools, but 59% of Conservative MPs, the traditional party of government, received a private education. Gideon Osborne, the extremely wealthy Chancellor of the Exchequer, was looked down on in the Bullingdon Club because he hadn’t gone to Eton and his background wasn’t quite as glittering and blue-blooded as the rest, so he was known as “Oik”, meaning lowborn, working class and yobbish.

70% of high court judges are privately educated. You certainly won’t catch them doing anything other than upholding the law of the elite. The vast majority of top newspaper editors, columnists and news presenters are privately educated i.e. they completely control the media and pump out their propaganda on behalf of the elite around the clock.

Social mobility has gone into reverse in the last twenty years and is declining at a phenomenal rate. Ever since Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan pushed through unrestrained free market economics and enormous tax cuts for the rich, the rich have become infinitely richer.

Until Thatcher and Reagan, the elite felt themselves under threat from left-leaning governments that were willing to impose high taxes on them. Since Thatcher and Reagan, the West has become right wing and the elite have never had it so good. This, of course will be their downfall. Nemesis always follows hubris. They have become supremely arrogant and imagine they can get away with anything. Just as their ludicrous economic model was based on the principle that house prices could never fall, so their political model is based on the fallacy that the people will never revolt.

Stop kidding yourselves. Stop feeding the machine that crushes you. Oppose it in every way you can. If you don’t then choose whatever words you like to describe yourself: loser, weakling, coward, slave, failure, puppet, patsy, stooge. You think there’s a conspiracy going on? Of course there is – it’s by the people at the top of society against you and everyone like you. And what are you doing about it? FUCK ALL. What battlefield have you chosen to express your enmity of the elite? – 9/11. Deep down, even you know that Muslim maniacs who despised America were responsible for 9/11. Why don’t you choose the RIGHT battlefield on which to engage the elite – MONEY! Why don’t you demand that the money that gives them all of their power be taken from them? Because you worship money as much as they do. You think that the dollar is sacrosanct. You think the State – the Commonwealth – has no right to take it from anyone. You think that way because the elite have brainwashed it into you. It’s essential for you to believe that in order for you to pose no threat to them. As soon as you realise that you are entitled to their money because they have stolen it from you and your ancestors – just as the African Americans of today are owed endless trillions for the slavery that was inflicted on them by the elite – then you will have no compunction about removing the assets of the criminals who run our world. Forget 9/11. Just concentrate on the removal of the elite’s wealth. Once that is achieved, everything else in our world will become better.



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