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Academia Iluministă (71)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: 13 persoane, persoane zâmbind

The Anatomy of Power – Continued:

We have chosen to highlight a few more leading toff politicians:

Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild, a scion of the Rothschild family

School: ETON

University Wadham College, University of Oxford; degree in History

Member of the Bullingdon Club. Close friend of George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Rory Stewart (Conservative MP)

School: ETON

University: Balliol College, University of Oxford; degrees in modern history and PPE Appointed a deputy Governor of two provinces in Iraq at age 30. Awarded OBE for his services.

There is of course no reason why a 30-yr-old can’t have a crucial job if they are sufficiently talented, but can you imagine that someone NOT from Eton and Oxford would ever have been given such a job?

Brad Pitt has bought the rights allowing him to make a film of Stewart’s life. Stewart likes to compare himself to Lawrence of Arabia.

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, Mayor of London

Parental background: Johnson is a descendant of King George II, and through George’s great- great-great grandfather James I/VI, a descendant of all of the previous British royal houses. Johnson is an 8th cousin of David Cameron. He has some Jewish blood.

School: ETON.

University: Balliol College, University of Oxford; degree in classics. President of the Oxford Union

His children are called: Cassia Peaches, Milo Arthur, Lara Lettice and Theodore Apollo.

Member of the Bullingdon Club

Rachel Johnson (sister of Boris Johnson)

School: St Paul’s Girls’ School. ELITE SCHOOL.

University: New College, University of Oxford; degree in Classics. Edited Isis, the magazine for Oxford University students.

Jo Johnson (Conservative MP, brother of the above)

School: ETON

University: Balliol College, University of Oxford; degree in Modern History. Edited Isis, the magazine for Oxford University students.

Leo Johnson, another brother, is a partner in PricewaterhouseCoopers. Leo has an MBA from INSEAD. He holds an M.Sc. in Resource and Environmental Economics from University College London, where he was Dow Scholar, and a B.A. from New College, University of Oxford, where he was Stephens Scholar.

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Parental background: son of William Rees-Mogg, a former editor of The Times. He is married to the heiress Helena de Chair.

School: ETON

University: Trinity College, Oxford; degree in history.

President of the University Conservative Association

Annunziata Rees-Mogg

Sister of the above, and looking to join him as a Member of Parliament.

Has been a leader writer for The Daily Telegraph, deputy editor of MoneyWeek, and editor of the European Journal.


The Labour Party:

After the election defeat of the “left-wing” Labour Party and the resignation of Gordon Brown as leader, five candidates put themselves forward to be the new leader.

Check out their backgrounds:

Diane Abbott

Parental background: born to Jamaican immigrants

School: Harrow county grammar school (selective)

University: Newnham College, University of Cambridge; degree in History.

After campaigning on behalf of state education for decades, she chose to send her own son to private school!!!

Ed Balls

Parental background: father is Michael Balls, a zoologist Emeritus Professor at Nottingham


School: Nottingham high school (private boys’ school)

University: Keble College, University of Oxford; First in PPE. Kennedy Scholar at Harvard University.

Married to Yvette Cooper: first married couple to serve together in the British Cabinet. Cooper went to Balliol College, University of Oxford where she was awarded first class honours in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. She gained a Kennedy Scholarship to Harvard University and finished her studies with an MSc in Economics at the London School of Economics.

Andy Burnham

School: St Aelred’s Roman Catholic high school (State education system) University: Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge; degree in English.

David Miliband

Parental background: “I am the child of Jewish immigrants and that is a very important part of my identity.

University: Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford; First in PPE; took a degree in Political Science at MIT, where he was a Kennedy Scholar.

Ed Miliband (brother of David, and winner of the leadership election)

University: Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford; degree in PPE, followed by the

London School of Economics, where he obtained a Masters in Economics


Have you noticed that the Labour candidates have almost identical profiles to the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats? They all go to Oxford and Cambridge and take degrees in PPE, history or English. They work as political researchers for the current crop of politicians, and then they themselves become members of Parliament as soon as opportunities arrive. They never work in the real world, never mix with real people and yet these are the people elected to represent the people. What a joke!


The Piers Gaveston Society.

Another example of an elite, secret Oxford club is the Piers Gaveston Society, dedicated to luxury dining, drinking and drug-fuelled excess. Membership is restricted to 12 specially chosen undergraduates. Hugh Grant, the buffoonish British actor, was a member. An enormous number of successful English actors come from extremely privileged backgrounds, and are often the children of previous generations of well-connected, influential and wealthy actors (nepotism and cronyism at their worst!). Another famous member of Piers Gaveston was Count Gottfried von Bismarck, a descendant of Otto von Bismarck, the famous Prussian “Iron Chancellor”, showing the international dimension of the Elite’s activities at Oxford.

The society’s members love indulging in bizarre sexual extravaganzas. They organize bacchanalian parties for hundreds of friends, choosing secret luxury venues such as grand country mansions (in the manner of the movie Eyes Wide Shut). They are treated to copious champagne, caviar, drugs, followed by an orgy. They regard decadence and debauchery as the highest good.

The Millionaires’ Death Club by Mike Hockney is based on clubs such as the Bullingdon Club and the Piers Gaveston Society. These people think they were born to rule the world.


The Piers Gaveston Society was named in honour of the favourite (and gay lover) of the English King Edward II. Edward’s mighty army was humbled at the Battle of Bannockburn in Scotland in 1314 CE by a much smaller army under Robert the Bruce, the man who succeeded William Wallace as the leader of Scottish resistance to the English. Bannockburn is a superb example of a small, well-disciplined, well-drilled force under brilliant leadership inflicting a catastrophic defeat on an army three times larger. Anyone who has seen Braveheart will be familiar with the deadly archers used by the English, plus their heavy cavalry (the medieval equivalent of tanks). The English had some 3,000 expertly trained armoured knights, riding large, specially bred horses. The Scots had enormously fewer archers with inferior bows, and only a few hundred small horses serving as light cavalry. The Scots shouldn’t have stood a chance, but they made maximum use of the terrain and conditions to neutralize all of the advantages of the English army. Bannockburn established Scotland as an independent nation until 1707 when Scotland agreed to enter into union with England to form Great Britain.

Meritocracy – how it works in practical terms:

MANY PEOPLE THINK MERITOCRACY is something vague and abstract, but it couldn’t be simpler. What it does straight away is to remove the right of everyone over 18 to vote. People no longer have an automatic vote. Instead, a new voting system is established in which people are permitted multiple votes related to subjects in which they have demonstrable ability and knowledge i.e. by virtue of academic qualifications or work experience. Instead of voting for a politician in your geographical area, you vote for experts in your own fields of expertise. So, for example, if you have an economics degree then you are allowed to vote for which people should be running the economy. Anyone who doesn’t have an economics degree or doesn’t work in an economics job or can’t otherwise demonstrate their expertise in economics, doesn’t get a vote regarding economics. If you want to vote, get qualified. Otherwise, you will be deemed ignorant of the subject, hence it would be absurd to give you a vote regarding a subject about which you know nothing. You can have as many votes as your areas of evident merit. If you have no merits, you get no votes.

In a meritocracy, politics based on geographical constituencies and on political parties vanishes. All people standing for elections are independents. Their tasks are restricted to their own areas of merit. The only restriction applied to the policies they devise is that those policies must be consistent with the Meritocratic Constitution. For example, if economists are mandated to ensure that the economy is to be run for the good of the Commonwealth and to ensure that no cartels or elites are allowed to come into existence, any policies they enact that contradict the Constitution will be reversed, and the Meritocratic Supreme Court will fire them. New elections will then be held to find a new set of economists to run the economy meritocratically.

This is a simple system. It abolishes politics as we currently experience it (and endure it). It places merit at the core of the new politics. It gives everyone a vote according to their merits, and the unmeritorious get no vote at all since they don’t deserve it. It ensures that the Meritocratic Constitution is obeyed.

Make no mistake, meritocracy is the culmination of the political dialectic, the inevitable replacement of democracy (plutocracy). It is the essential precursor of the drive towards the Community of Gods and the Society of the Divine.

Meritocracy is the system by which humanity is guided in Star Trek. If we ever want to travel through space as they did in the TV series, we must put human excellence rather than the wealth of the privileged at the top of our priorities. Money must, eventually, be entirely removed from the equation. Money has allowed an entirely fake idea of merit to be established. Your “worth” has been tied to the amount of money you have rather than your actual talents, yet those born into privilege immediately have more money (hence more “merit”) than everyone else despite having done nothing. Merit is about YOUR skills, not about what your parents did or how much money they had when you were born.

It’s time to get real. It’s meritocracy or nothing. Democracy – a disguised plutocracy – must be smashed to smithereens. Modern democracy is the most sinister and insidious political ideology ever devised. It has allowed a privileged elite to remain in permanent power while pretending to serve the people. Never has there been a more fraudulent, deceitful and hypocritical political system. The idiot masses have swallowed the propaganda of the rich and become the slaves of the rich, while imagining themselves free. In terms of psychological manipulation of the gullible, democracy represents GENIUS. It is the best and most successful tactic ever devised by the elite. They have constructed the perfect means to dominate, exploit and manipulate the people while giving the impression they are doing it all in the name of the people and for the people. Hitler, the greatest fan of the BIG LIE, couldn’t have created a bigger lie than democracy.


It should be emphasized that it’s not the politicians who win democratic elections that run democracy. The power elite behind the curtain pull the strings, and make their puppets dance. Some of the politicians even know what’s going on, though they never make any real attempt to change anything, and they would be assassinated if they did (like JFK). American President Theodore Roosevelt said, “No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned. Every dollar received should represent a dollar’s worth of service rendered – not gambling in stocks, but service rendered. The really big fortune, the swollen fortune, by the mere fact of its size acquires qualities which differentiate it in kind and degree from what is possessed by men of small means. Therefore, I believe in a graduated income tax on big fortunes, and in another tax which is far more easily collected and effective – a graduated inheritance tax on big fortunes, safeguarded against evasion and increasing rapidly in amount with the size of the estate.”

We agree, except we would make inheritance tax absolute. Everyone knows what has to be done – the rich must have their fortunes removed from them and the class of super rich should be legally prevented from coming into existence ever again – so why don’t we all get on with it rather than babbling about 9/11, love, mystical hogwash, New Age bullshit and all the rest of the nonsense that stops people from standing up to the rich and seizing their wealth?

The New Education:

We need a new education system where people LOVE to learn. As Austrian physicist Victor Weisskopf said, “Knowledge has to be sucked into the brain, not pushed into it.” You have to be motivated to learn otherwise you won’t learn a thing. The sausage factory “learning” of State schools is a joke. Private schools carefully cultivate every precious student (whose parents are paying a fortune for him to be there – and they want a high return on investment). If it’s good enough for those cunts, it’s good enough for the rest of us, right?! If you accept second-class treatment, you become second class. If you want the best, demand the best. The rich do, so why don’t you?

The Jewish lobby:

In June 2010, Helen Thomas, the longest-serving reporter in the White House press corps, with a reputation for fearlessly speaking the truth to the powerful, said to a rabbi that Israeli Jews should “get the hell out of Palestine” and go home to “Poland, Germany, and America and everywhere else.” Her career was instantly terminated. She was compelled to fall on her sword and announce her retirement. Why is no one in the American media allowed to ask a perfectly reasonable question about Israel? Anyone who does not provide unequivocal support for Zion is shut down by the elite.

Your Moral Choice:

Abrahamists choose to define themselves as people who would willingly kill their own children if “God” ordered it. Is that how you think a moral, rational person should define themselves?

The very first thing the God of Abraham sought to establish – his defining principle – was that his followers should be willing to kill anyone, even members of their own family to show their loyalty and obedience to him. Can any morally good person accept a religion that starts off with murder? Why didn’t Abraham’s God proclaim the opposite message – that you should never kill anyone?


“Avoid London – Area Closed – Turn on Radio.”

This was the chilling, apocalyptic sign that appeared over motorways leading to London on 7 July 2005, the day London was attacked by Islamic suicide bombers.

Motorways all over the world will be showing such signs in the next few years as the global economy collapses and violence erupts in every country.

The First Outbreak of the Global Revolution:

“If the head of the stream is dirty, the whole stream is dirty.” –Jamaican Proverb

Where will the final Revolution break out first? Fittingly, it will be Great Britain, the birthplace of capitalism and which spread its noxious creed around the world via its evil Empire. All of the ingredients are in place for meltdown in the UK. The country is ruled by an unaccountable head of State – the Queen – and a government of ridiculously posh, privileged, millionaire toffs who have been privately educated and know nothing about ordinary people. They are gleefully presiding over horrific spending cuts, particularly in the State sector (which they despise). Unions have vowed to fight. Students rioted last year over massive increases in tuition fees. An astonishing degree of anomie exists amongst the underclass. Violent, feral gangs are everywhere. There are tensions between different immigrant communities. The far right is growing. The police have been shown to be a) inept and b) corrupt, obsessed with pandering to Rupert Murdoch’s evil media machine. The “expenses scandal” has shown the politicians to be grotesquely corrupt, spending all of their time trying to rip off the public purse. They too have been shown to be the puppets of Rupert Murdoch. Because of the phone and computer hacking scandal, Murdoch himself is now holed below the waterline. All of the institutions of Britain have failed. All authority figures are held in contempt. There has been a total collapse in the people’s confidence in the ruling elite. This will be magnified as recession and enormous spending cuts devastate the economy. Black kids in ghettos will rise up, overwhelm the police, and the rest of the country will join them. Britain is long overdue a revolution.

The British government has supported the overthrow of despicable Arab dictators by armed force, but what will they do when they confront the reality that the British people now regard them as a despicable dictatorship? Will their armed bullyboys and the army protect them? Will their privileged corrupt judges continue to support them? Britain is rotten to the core. The politicians, judges, media, police and army have all been exposed for the corrupt criminals they are. They are not a legitimate ruling regime. They are a tyranny, just like the tyrannies of Islam. And it has always been an established principle of modern social contract theory that the people have the legal right to overthrow regimes that are acting against the interests of the people. PRIVILEGE itself is a conspiracy against the people and a fundamental breach of the social contract. All governments of privilege are ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE, and it is lawful for the people to depose them.

“In order then that the social compact may not be an empty formula, it tacitly includes the undertaking, which alone can give force to the rest, that whoever refuses to obey the general will shall be compelled to do so by the whole body. This means nothing less than that he will be forced to be free; for this is the condition which, by giving each citizen to his country, secures him against all personal dependence. In this lies the key to the working of the political machine; this alone legitimizes civil undertakings, which, without it, would be absurd, tyrannical, and liable to the most frightful abuses.” –Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract


What was the fatal mistake of the elite? As we said, it was to over promise and under deliver. You always pay the price of raising expectations too high. The perfect images of the Society of Spectacle promised heaven but delivered hell.

Why are there so many different religions?:

“O senseless man who cannot make a worm, and yet makes gods by dozens.” –Michel de Montaigne

There is only one true religion – Illumination. Why? Because Illumination proclaims MATHEMATICS as the ontological AND epistemological basis of reality. Nothing exists that is not, at root, mathematical. All order, organisation, patterns, formulas, equations and information are manifestations of mathematics. A non-mathematical universe is impossible. All genuine knowledge is mathematical since mathematics alone is TRUTH.

Existence provides objective truth and subjective truth. The latter is mere opinion and is mostly wholly false. Objective truth is mathematical. Science succeeds because it reflects mathematics. Illumination succeeds by extending science to ontology i.e. Illuminism declares that mathematics isn’t merely a tool for helping us to uncover the patterns of reality, mathematics IS reality. Zero, infinity and the imaginary number have actual existence – they are not mathematical devices used to help us solve problems in an instrumental sense (instrumentalism says that getting the right answer is more important than understanding what the answer actually means). ZERO = the SOUL. INFINITY = THE CAPACITY OF THE SOUL IN THE MENTAL DOMAIN. THE IMAGINARY NUMBER = THE ORIGIN OF TIME.

Once you extend science to accommodate the soul, you have turned an atheistic, materialistic ideology into a glorious religion based on mathematical idealism. Zero, as an ontological realty, as an entity that truly exists (and of which there are infinite instances), is the mathematical guarantor of true religion. Zero explains the soul, God, consciousness and the afterlife. Science has failed to address fundamental reality because it has lacked the imagination and mathematical nous to confront and understand the reality and meaning of zero. Materialism asserts that zero doesn’t exist and the whole of the materialistic ideology flows from that one assertion. The whole of idealism, on the other hand, is based on the real existence of zero. Descartes, without realising what he had done, made the fundamental equation of reality crystal clear when he said that there were two substances: matter (extended) and mind (non-extended). As soon as you realise that Descartes’ non-extended mind is nothing other than the domain of ZERO as an ontological reality, you have solved the primary mystery of existence. As for matter (extension) – it is simply all of the numbers greater than zero. Mind and matter together constitute COMPLETE ontological reality. They constitute COMPLETE MATHEMATICS. Scientific Materialism is a subset of Illuminism because it is incomplete mathematics whereas Illuminism is complete mathematics. That’s the world in a nutshell. It’s all in the math!

The Emperor’s New Clothes?

Australian Keara O’Neil was shopping in an “upmarket” fashion store called GASP when she was on the receiving end of rudeness from a snobbish member of staff. She complained to GASP’s head office and this was the reply she received:

Dear Keara O’Neil,

Having now had the privilege of having both versions of events, I am now in a position to respond to your complaint.

From the very outset, one thing that you should be mindful of is; our product offerings are very, very carefully selected, so to ensure that we do not appeal to a broad customer base. This is something which is always at the forefront of our minds when undertaking buying duties.

The reason for this is to ensure that we only carry products which appeal to a very fashion forward consumer. This by default means that the customer whom is acclimatised to buying from “clothing for the masses” type retailers, is almost frightened by our range, sometimes we have found that this type of customer, almost finds our dresses funny, and on occasion noted comments such as ‘it looks like a dead flamingo’. When we receive comments like this, we like to give our buyers and ourselves a big pat on the back, because we know we are doing our job right, and modus operandi is being upheld.

Our range is worn by A list celebrities to the likes of Kim Kardashian, Selena Gomez and Katy Perry to name only a few. Now, as one might appreciate, the style counsel for these types of celebrities are not ones to pick “run of the mill” type clothing, and they do so on the basis to ensure that the styles are cutting edge, and only worn by a select few. Similarly, these items are priced such that they remain inaccessible to the undesirable.

Insofar as our employee goes; Similar to our product offerings, our employees are selected with a similar approach. Chris whom served you is a qualified stylist whom has a sixth sense for fashion, and Chris’s only problem is that he is too good at what he does, and as I am sure you are aware, people whom are talented, generally do not tolerate having their time wasted, which is the reason you were provoked to leave the store.

Whilst I concede that you work for chain retailer, unfortunately that does not make us like for like. It is probably fair to assume, a lot of what I have said in this email, either doesn’t make sense to you, or you totally disagree with it all, which is what I would expect (unless of course I have you totally wrong – which I doubt).

Let me guess, you would never, ever hire Chris in the course of your duty, would you? This is the very reason, why your comment “from one retailer to another” is so disproportionate, it’s almost as though we are in a totally different industries. Chris is a retail superstar, who possess unparalleled ability, and I am sorry you feel upset by him, but he knew you were not going to buy anything before you even left your house.

So if you would like to do us any favours, please do not waste our retail staff’s time, because as you have already seen, they will not tolerate it. I am sure there are plenty of shops that appease your taste, so I respectfully ask that you side step our store during future window-shopping expeditions.

Thank you for your enquiry.
(GASP area store manager Matthew Chidgey)

In a follow-up, Chidgey added, “We respect that not all consumers strive for a glamorous appearance; some prefer to simply blend in. […] We respect and welcome all customers whom wish to visit our store, even though the intention to buy may not exist. But we ask that their opinions be expressed through blogs, social media or around a warm latte, but certainly not inside our stores.”

So there! That will teach all the “blenders” not to go into high-status shops where they don’t belong. This is a microcosm of the way the Old World Order operates. This is how “status” is used as a weapon. This is the essence of snobbery.

The Spectacular Con:

THE PURPOSE OF THE Spectacular Society is to bring about the condition described by Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson: “When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his ‘proper place’ and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit.”

The spectacle is designed to deceive and dupe. It pacifies and depoliticizes. It makes you more interested in American Idol and X-Factor than in your own life and who’s governing you. It’s a “permanent opium war” intended to stupefy its viewers, to disconnect them from awareness of the forces that control their lives. The spectacle diverts anger away from the criminal elite and toward phantoms, fictions and illusions, invented to “entertain” you. Conspiracy theorists help the elite by constructing ludicrous stories about pan-dimensional Reptilian aliens. The Jews were convinced that David Icke had invented a coded language to talk hostilely about Jews since surely he couldn’t really believe that shape-shifting lizards existed ergo they must be a disguised reference to Jews. Well, why doesn’t Icke talk about Jews? Aren’t they right at the centre of the conspiracy? So fuck the Reptilians and let’s start talking about Zionist control of America: of the banks, corporations, media, foreign policy and military objectives. American Zionism caused 9/11. Osama bin Laden attacked America because of its extreme support of Zionist terrorism in Palestine. Real simple.

The Spectacle leads you away from where the bodies are buried. It conceals the truth. It hides the perpetrators of exploitation and injustice. Like a heroin hit, it manufactures feelings of euphoria, and leaves you always craving more. You get severe withdrawal symptoms if the drug is removed.

The Spectacle brings about catharsis. It temporarily purges you of negativity by showing you a Hollywood movie where everything works out right after a long struggle against the odds. If you watch a film about the heroes winning, you feel that all is well with the world. But life’s nothing like that; the heroes are usually destroyed. The bad guys almost always win in real life. Don’t confuse fictional success with real success.

Left and right wing shows are as bad as each other. They are for entertainment purposes. They give their respective audiences what they want. They deliver chatter, laughter, smiles, jokes – they don’t deliver action and revolution. They don’t propose new political ideas and parties.

They are vacuous. Left and right engage in a tiresome Punch and Judy show. You think there’s some kind of genuine debate going on, but you’re wrong. They’re all looking at the ratings. They’re all in show business, not the business of actually changing anything. And these guys are all rich.

Don’t be fooled. Political satire isn’t politics. Anything on the media is entertainment. It’s spectacle.

Empty gossip, cheap jokes, trivial analysis, grandiose posturing, synthetic anger, celebrity guests – it’s the same formula used by left and right wing “political” shows. Different spin-doctors are used, but they use the same spin cycles, the same tricks of the trade. Truth, ideas, philosophy, science – all of these are ignored. You get a Mythos show, not a Logos presentation of ideas. It’s all about emotions. There’s no analysis, no information, no knowledge. The spectacle and the Logos are never seen together.

The spectacle is all about how you feel, not how you think. Its purpose is to keep you intellectually starved and emotionally addicted – like a baby.

The spectacle wants to turn the whole world into a gigantic advertising billboard, to perpetually fill us with desires for capitalist objects, and to make us associate the purchase of those objects with pleasure, freedom and self-expression. The spectacle would love to take the sky itself and turn it into a global screen. It would like to turn the stars and planets into advertising holograms, beaming out spectacular images of perfection. 24/7, day or night, we would be unable to escape the spectacle.

How do you beat the spectacle when the spectacle has become reality? Hyperreality, as defined by Baudrillard, is the condition where we can no longer distinguish fact from fiction. But, of course, if our reality consists of that inability to separate authenticity from the “authentic fake” then reality isn’t hyperreality at all – it’s our sole reality. That’s exactly where the elite want us – in a fantasy world where we can’t hope to understand the truth of anything because we have no idea what the truth is and no reference points of truth. Religion has never been anything other than a fantasy world where the most incredible garbage is asserted to be true and taken to be true even though it has been scientifically and logically refuted in every imaginable way.

It’s time to smash the mirror into a trillion pieces, to shatter the spectacle, to break the spell it has cast over us.

100% Inheritance Tax:


Moral Hazard:

You should memorise this concept because it sums up the rule of the privileged elite. Moral hazard occurs when a party insulated from risk behaves differently than it would if it were fully exposed to the risk. When the rich take extraordinary risks in order to gain extraordinary profits for themselves and then expect the State and the taxpayers to pick up the pieces if their gambles go hideously wrong (as they invariably do), that’s moral hazard. When the gambles fail, it should be Wall Street not Main Street that loses everything. The Constitution must be written to ensure that outcome. Speculators should be jailed for the crime of reckless endangerment of the economy.

The Failure of the First Phase of the Movement:

“The Movement” was a rather disastrous enterprise from the outset. It attracted an unhealthy mix of new-agers, conspiracy theorists, hippies, vegans, wacky people looking for anything to stimulate them, fantasists, Mr Angries and lonely introverts.

There was no sign that the Movement wanted to BECOME anything in particular. It was a talking shop when in fact it should have been a hothouse for developing a blueprint for a new society. The Tea Party may be deranged, but at least they know what they stand for and what they’re campaigning to achieve. Could that ever have been said of the Movement?

The Movement never had an identity and it was incapable of creating one. It was highly instructive, but not in a positive sense. The idea of establishing an international activist movement seems to be pure pie in the sky. The Zeitgeist Movement is on a much bigger scale but it too is struggling to amount to anything serious, and serious divisions have arisen between Zeitgeist and Project Venus. So, what’s new?

The Movement should simply dissolve itself or become something much clearer: the MERITOCRACY movement, the sole purpose of which is to establish and promote a Meritocracy Party. Any topics other than meritocracy are banned. The Meritocracy Party is to be a left-wing answer to the Tea Party. The great thing about the Meritocracy Party is that no one can dare to challenge the basic concept. Who in their right mind would denounce merit?

Adam Curtis:

The Illuminati use the work of a particular British documentary maker – Adam Curtis – to give new members a crash course on why the modern world is the way it is. Above all: The Century of the Self, The Power of Nightmares, The Trap and All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace.

Other excellent activist documentaries are:

The Corporation — Jennifer Abbott and Mark Achbar.
Capitalism: A Love Story — Michael Moore.
Inside Job — Charles Ferguson.
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room — Alex Gibney.
Shock Doctrine — Mat Whitecross.
Starsuckers — Chris Atkins.
The Yes Men Fix the World — Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno.

The Secret Army:

World salvation can come from an unexpected quarter – gangs. They can be the irregular army of the Global Freedom Uprising. The gangs of the world hate the establishment, the authorities, the police, law and order. They have been failed by society. Religion has abandoned them. To whom do they turn? They have only themselves, so they become gangs. No one will look out for them other than their fellow gang members.

But they are not criminals: they are doing what they need to in order to survive. The real crime was on the part of society that left them to rot in ghettos where they had no choices in life, no hope of accomplishing anything. What kind of system does that to people?

The gangs can become the liberators. They can become the soldiers of the army of light. They are loyal, brave, energetic, daring, fearless. They see through the bullshit of society. Yet the sad truth is that the system has brilliantly manipulated them. The people most likely to be victims of gangs are members of other gangs. DIVIDE AND RULE – the ancient mantra of the elite. You stick the underclass in ghettos and let them fight each other like rats in a sack.

All the establishment has to do is to get the gangs to squabble with each other, to ferociously defend their “territory”. The rest takes cares of itself. But what if the gangs stopped fighting each other and came together to form a SUPERGANG? That’s what happened during the British riots. Gangs called a truce and came together for a common purpose. The result was devastating. The police were unable to respond and chaos erupted. The police were massively overstretched. This means that if a similar exercise were carried out in the future but on twice the scale, the British police would be unable to stop it.

Imagine a Revolutionary Supergang with an urban general of the calibre of the ancient world’s Hannibal of Carthage. Many experts regard Hannibal’s victory against the Romans at Cannae in Italy as the greatest example of military prowess ever demonstrated.

Cannae was one of the worst defeats ever suffered by Rome. It was the prototype battle of annihilation that every general has dreamt of emulating ever since. The Germans of WWII were experts at using Hannibal’s tactics. At Cannae, Hannibal faced a vastly numerically superior Roman army. Despite that, using the first recorded pincer attack, he was able to outflank the Romans and encircle their army. The much greater numbers of the Romans became irrelevant. Most were trapped in the centre and were unable to wield their swords. Only those on the outside of the trapped mass could fight and they were no match for the superior Carthaginian soldiers who relentlessly slaughtered them. The Romans at the middle of the crush could do nothing other than wait to be massacred.

In the modern day, in an urban environment, a gang simply needs to confront the police in a particular location. The police will respond and, if they have the manpower, seek to outflank the gang and trap them. However, if the gang has a strategic reserve to commit, or allied gangs that it can summon, it can in turn encircle the police. Streets can be blocked off and the police trapped.

One day, perhaps soon, an urban Hannibal will emerge who will unite all of the warring gangs, study the tactics of the great generals and deploy them in city environments. Thanks to social networking, he can gain an immense amount of information about the disposition of the enemy, summon reinforcements, and direct them to exactly where they are needed. The British riots showed that the police can’t think on their feet and can’t call on reserves quickly enough. They are sitting ducks.

The Nightmare:

All systems of thought other than mathematical materialism and mathematical idealism are garbage and nonsense. They contain zero truth content. Abrahamism never once made a true statement. Only irrational people follow Moses, Christ or Mohammed. But this world of ours has never been anything other than superlative at generating endless legions of the mad.

Why do so many people hold so many deranged beliefs? Is that not the surest proof that the world wasn’t created by a sane Creator and indeed not by any Creator at all? The prevalence of insanity is only comprehensible in an evolving universe which does not know what sanity is and is slowly struggling towards it.

What would be the sanest world? – one in which everyone acts rationally. Reason and logic are the anchors of sanity, yet reason and logic were the last human qualities to appear. They are still barely present in most people. They are like fragile babies that could easily be killed off by the predators of faith and unreason.

Enlightenment is the agenda of reason and logic. What was the Enlightenment saving us from? – from faith, superstition and irrationality. How can anyone who claims to be on the side of the Enlightenment possibly be a Christian? It’s a category error. Christianity represents toxic hatred of reason, logic and knowledge. Jesus Christ never once mentioned reason, logic or knowledge. He never once referred to science, philosophy or mathematics. How can any intelligent person be a Christian?

Is Jesus Christ the God of retards? He must be – why else did he never once say anything clever even though he is supposed to be the Creator of the Universe? How could anyone read the sayings of Jesus Christ and even for one microsecond succeed in deluding themselves that these are utterances of GOD? You would have to have an exceptionally low opinion of God to think that Jesus Christ had any connection with him at all. Read the banalities and platitudes of Jesus Christ alongside the dazzling works of Plato, Leibniz, Hegel and Nietzsche. Surely, it would make more sense to worship any of these men rather than that dumbass Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God for Dummies. It’s impossible for any intelligent person to believe in Christianity. Christianity is an all out assault on reason. Christianity, like Islam and Judaism, flies the flag of NO QUARTER in its dealings with rationality. Rationality should hoist the red Jolly Roger and do likewise to Abrahamism.

The religion of Abraham must be removed 100% from the human race. There ought not to be one trace of it left behind. Every Torah, Bible and Koran should be burned to ashes. Every Synagogue, Church and Mosque should be demolished and levelled. In 100 years’ time, Abrahamism ought to be no more than an echo of a mad idea that once flickered perversely across human consciousness: a flash of nightmare that lit up a torture chamber for one horrific instant.



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