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Academia Iluministă (81)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: unul sau mai mulţi oameni, foc şi text

Jiren Gray a adăugat 8 fotografii în albumul The Movement: The Revolution Will Be Televised.

by Adam Weishaupt – Book 1/7

The Movement: The Revolution Will Be Televised by Adam Weishaupt:

The Anti-Elite Series – Book 1/7:


Throughout history, the Illuminati have resisted the Old World Order: the network of elite families that have directed the course of human history since the dawn of civilization. The aim of the Power Elite has always been the same – to maintain themselves in power and privilege in perpetuity, at the expense of everyone else. In the past, they used brute force to subjugate the servile masses. Now they use something far more subtle and effective: psychological manipulation. They know what buttons to push on the ordinary man and woman. They know what makes them tick, what they want and what they fear. Armed with that information, they have the opportunity to rule forever.

Can they be stopped? Yes they can. The Movement is a new organization committed to the overthrow of the Power Elite. The Movement seeks to bring true power to the people, to smash the networks of privilege, nepotism and cronyism that strangle the opportunities of ordinary people.

Discover the philosophy, aims, strategy and tactics of the Movement.

The Revolution WILL be televised. Will you feature in the historic pictures being beamed around the globe? Or will you watch from home in your comfy seat? Your choice.


A Book Review:

“This is one out of a series of excellent books by the Pythagorean Illuminati. If you are at all interested in the greatest mysteries of life and would like to begin changing this world for the betterment of all species you need to read these books. You should also check out the Illuminati’s websitewww.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk and their facebook pages/group www.facebook.com/pythagorean.illuminati andwww.facebook.com/groups/136240720298981/

All of the Illuminati’s books explore a myriad of interesting and challenging subjects such as philosophy, mathematics, science, psychology, politics and many others. They bring all these subjects together into nothing less then a grand unified theory of everything. The three authors of these books and the website write in an easy to read style that makes these subjects easier to understand.

The book “The Movement: The Revolution Will Be Televised” explains many of the hows and whys of creating a grassroots social justice movement based on Illumination and Meritocracy. This is a much needed book that everyone needs to read but social justice activists especially need to read it. My wife and I have been teaching self defense to as many of the social justice activists and community members as we can for the last four years. Having been to different protests with these brave and caring people I have seen first hand the threat that activists face from angry right wing racists and other oppressive, fascist groups of people. That is why we started offering self defense training to any community members and activists who wanted to participate. Having been around many of the different groups that are associated with the left I have seen first hand the lack of cohesion between the different groups. These are people that ostensibly have the same goals yet can’t get along with each other long enough to see the goals through. We as social justice activists are constantly bickering with each other over the most minor of issues. We need to see that as long as we keep this nit picking up we will never pose a threat to the elite and that is exactly the way the elite want it. It is even to the point that social justice activists are turning their own supposed allies over to authorities when said ally might get too rowdy at a protest. The authorities don’t even have to do anything anymore. They just let us police ourselves. This is unacceptable and needs to change immediately.

We as people fighting to change this world for the betterment of all need a strategy and political ideology that we can all get behind. We need to not be afraid of upsetting the elite. I thought the point of protesting was to not only upset the elite but bring their whole selfish system down. That is where this book comes in. This book gives any person or group of people that wants to get involved in changing the world specific religious, political, and psychological goals to accomplish this great task. I believe that activists need to unite so we no longer have left wing anarchists arguing with socialists, and socialists bickering with environmentalists, and communists fighting with animal rights activists and so on and on. Meanwhile nothing gets done and impoverished people, the environment, and non-humans throughout the world suffer gravely.

We as social justice activists all have the same basic goals so why don’t we cooperate with each other? Because we don’t have a system that we can all agree on. We are letting our minor differences separate us. Once again this is what the elite want and I don’t doubt that they helped cause this separation. Illumination and Meritocracy give us an ideology to unite behind and a laser like focus to what we need to accomplish. I believe Meritocracy gives us the best opportunity to accomplish all of our goals for for a better, more equal and just society. These books need to be read as soon as possible because our chance for an improved world is rapidly slipping by.” –BG



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