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Academia Iluministă (83)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

Este posibil ca imaginea să conţină: noapte

Getting In Touch With Your Higher Self:

The message of the Illuminati is that people should aim to make contact with their divine spark, to release their inner divinity, to transform themselves beyond recognition and express their higher, hidden selves, to “become God”. Many people are perplexed by this concept. They can’t see how it could possibly happen.

The other books in this series provide extensive guidance. They describe Nietzsche’s philosophy of the Superman, Jung’s concept of Individuation (the process of self-development which leads to well-balanced, “whole” individuals who have overcome all of the weakness and flaws that have held them back), the Illuminati’s controversial concept of “Sin for Salvation” which frees people from the chains of the Old World Order’s slavery, and the practices of ancient Greek mystery religions, with which the Illuminati were closely connected before they became a formal organisation under Pythagoras, the first Grand Master. For those who want to read a quasi-scientific account of having God inside your head, Julian Jaynes’s book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind is one of the most remarkable books ever written. It is one short step from Jaynes’s theory to a realisation of the truth of the human condition. Ask yourself this question: does God reside in the right hemisphere of your brain?

Central to the concept of “becoming God” is that you yourself must start to don the mantle of God. This is the core of Gnosticism. No Christian would ever say that you could become Christ, no Jew that you could become Jehovah, no Muslim that you could become Allah. For these sad people, “God” is always an alien, terrifying, far distant being, regarding whom the only appropriate response is to fall on your face, cower and beg for mercy.

For the Illuminati, God is inside us all, and everyone can find his transcendent inner light and undergo the ultimate metamorphosis. We are like larvae, awaiting the moment when we emerge as our true selves. Larva means “ghost” in Latin; we haunt the world as something incomplete and primitive before we find the means to liberate our divine spark and assume our true form, like the most radiant and colourful of butterflies. (The butterfly has always been a symbol of the soul.) Which message do you think is healthier, more optimistic and most magnificent in its grandeur and the possibilities it opens for humanity? God outside us or God inside? Which one is imbued with infinite hope, aspiration and the possibility of limitless personal transformation? People can choose to believe in the morbid and sickly slave religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, or embrace freedom and light and aspire to be the greatest they can be.

The choices you make are what define you. Are you healthy or ill? Are you a god in the making, or someone living on your knees, worshipping a tyrant? The “God” of Christianity, Judaism and Islam is Satan, Rex Mundi, the Demiurge, a being of infinite egotism that craves worship from all of humanity. Ask yourself the most basic question – if you were God, would you want the human race to be prostrate before you, scared to raise their eyes to look at you, terrified of your power, terrified of the punishments you will inflict on them if they disobey you? If you did want those things then you would be no God, you would be a monster. The God of the Christians, Jews and Muslims is precisely that monster. You must reject this monster in every way if you are to attain your higher self.

Christians claim you will go to hell if you don’t believe in Jesus Christ, Muslims that you will go to hell if you don’t accept Mohamed, the Koran and Allah, the Jews that you will be damned if you reject Jehovah, Moses, the Ten Commandments and the hundreds of rules and regulations of Judaism. The Illuminati make no such claims. The Illuminati assert that they can guide you in the best and surest way towards your higher self, towards your personal divinity. But you do not need the Illuminati for salvation. It is immensely difficult, but people can find their own route to their higher self, without the help of anyone else.

It is never acceptable for any religious group to claim that it is indispensable, that without it you are damned. This is always a lie. It is the statement of an organisation seeking to control and manipulate you. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are amongst the most appalling systems of control the world has ever endured. Horrific wars have been fought in their name and grotesque violence meted out. Savagery and tyranny have always walked hand in hand with the three religions of “the Book”.

Abraham’s three religions have warped humanity. Abraham must be regarded as one of the most evil men of all time. Remember that this was the man who was prepared to sacrifice his own son Isaac because Jehovah commanded it. What God would ever demand such a “test”, and what man would ever be prepared to go ahead with it? Many fathers would rather die themselves than slay their own son, but not Abraham. This event is the centrepiece of the three religions of the Book and is one of the most chilling and disturbing tales ever told. What God wants from Abraham is fear and pathological, homicidal obedience. This is not God. This is Satan. It is one of the most obvious facts in the history of religion and yet billions continue to worship this dark lord of tyranny and madness. The 9/11 killers were psychotic followers of the Abrahamic message. What they did was entirely consistent with the Abrahamic mindset – killing others as the supreme gesture of obedience.

“God” stayed Abraham’s hand at the last moment, but that is neither here nor there. Abraham would have done it. No God, even for a moment, would toy with human beings in such a perverse, cruel and psychologically devastating way. (Think of the infinite terror experienced by Isaac while his own father stood over him ready to kill him in the name of God.) It is the act of a monster. There is no defence for this defining moment in the religions of the “People of the Book”. If you are prepared to kill your own son in the name of God, you will have no hesitation in killing those who have no relationship with you. This has been the first and foremost characteristic of the Abrahamic religions: slaughter and psychopathy. The Abrahamic religions are repulsive. No good and decent person would ever follow any of these crazed religions. The sooner the earth is free of them, of their nauseating savagery, violence and deceit, the better. They have been the greatest blight on humanity, an eternal curse. They have turned earth into hell. These are the religions of the Old World Order. These are the religions of terror, slavery, and absolute control. It is time for humanity to escape.

To become God, you must start to think and act like God. God does not ask questions; he provides answers. God does not bow to others. He is creative. He is fair, just, and understanding. He is surpassingly intelligent and has attained full self-knowledge. He would rather reward than punish. He would never, under any circumstances, choose to send someone to a place of infinite and perpetual suffering. People choose hell for themselves. God is forgiving, merciful, always determined to see the best in people, not the worst. God is interested in all not in a few.

Consider this quotation by Lewis Hamilton, the Formula 1 world champion, after winning the Singapore Grand Prix in 2009. “This was probably the busiest weekend of my life, with more appearances than ever. My dad and my stepmother were here, and my girlfriend [Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger], and it was really great to meet Beyonce. I had a really great weekend and I’m very happy and looking forward to celebrating tonight. But if I was asked who was really responsible for all this, for me the one person is God. He gave us all our chance to be here and to be healthy, and blessed me with a great family around me, and for me that would be the answer.”

Hamilton is a man who drives a car in circles for a couple of hours every few weeks, bringing no benefit at all to humanity, yet is allowed to earn many millions of dollars in the process because we live in a truly ridiculous world. Is “God” really someone who spends his time conferring success on a racing driver? When Hamilton loses does he make a speech thanking God then? We’ve yet to hear that one. What about all of the people who lose in life? What about all of the people with diseases, disabilities, disastrous luck, disastrous family backgrounds, people who have never had a chance in life? Should they thank God too? How absurd.

In what way is Hamilton’s “God” just, fair, and interested in the welfare of all? God is not partisan and he certainly doesn’t root for certain racing drivers in a pointless yet astonishingly lucrative sport. How can it enter Hamilton’s head even for a moment that God in any way cares about F1 racing? What sort of blindness, stupidity and insanity must Hamilton be suffering from? Is the Bible full of tales of high-speed sports events? The tragedy is that so many people see God in this light: as helping certain favoured individuals and nations, and actively harming others. This was the nature of the Jehovah of the Old Testament: a vile, violent, angry and jealous god, vengeful and hateful, nominating the Jews as his “Chosen People” and taking their side to deadly effect in the land of Canaan where genocide was carried out against the Canaanites in his name, and with his active help. Jehovah is Satan. Hamilton’s “God” is Satan. This is the Old World Order’s God who panders to the rich and famous, who seeks to elevate some – his chosen ones – far above everyone else in order to sow the divided, unequal society we inhabit.

Hamilton is a spectacular fool. Why isn’t he utterly condemned by the leaders of Christianity for turning God into someone who wants to personally intervene in F1 races to ensure that Hamilton earns millions of pounds a year for driving a fast car? Is that what God has become – an F1 groupie?

It is said that people who smile all of the time are much happier than those who don’t. The very act of smiling releases chemicals that make people feel better. People who say “yes” all the time become much more positive and adventurous than those who continually say “no” and thus remain mired in unhealthy skepticism, cynicism, negativity and caution. In the same way, those who start answering questions rather than asking them find themselves undergoing a subtle and then increasingly remarkable change. God is the being with all of the answers. The more you provide answers, the more you resemble God. It doesn’t matter that your answers might start out spectacularly wrong. The very fact that you have come up with an answer at all is often far more of an achievement than most people can manage. As you gain practice and develop your skills, you will start to see that you find yourself answering problems everywhere, and your answers will become better and better. Paradoxically, you’ll also start to ask far better questions, which in turn will help to refine your answers. A miraculous alchemy takes place. Bit by bit, your answers turn from lead into gold. Things that baffled you in the past become clear. You start forming a myriad of connections between all of your answers. You become smarter and smarter. And all because you changed from being a questioner to an answerer. Give it a try. When you read or hear something and you are puzzled, instead of asking questions, why don’t you try to furnish your own answer, and then look for confirmation or refutation of your answer? Attempt to emulate God.

The Movement should be all about people endeavouring to furnish answers rather than continually asking questions. The former reflects an active and dominant attitude, the latter a passive and submissive one. To continually ask questions is to be continually bewildered, hesitant, unsure.

Walk the walk of God, talk the talk of God; move from asking questions to giving answers. Be active and proactive not passive and reactive. Be creative. Live and breathe the divine experience. Walk in God’s shoes. Empathise with him. See the world through his eyes. Bring your imagination to bear. Try to transcend the barriers and restrictions of your ordinary human existence. If the Bible/Koran/Torah were about you, what would you want these holy books to say? What would you want to tell humanity? What lessons would you want men and women to learn? What would you do if the eternal souls of all of humanity were in your hands, and everyone’s fate was decided by your decisions?

You may feel alone in the world at the moment, but you aren’t. At the moment, many men and women of integrity are fighting isolated battles against the Old World Order. They don’t get the chance to come together with like-minded people. Their resistance is solitary. They need convincing that there are other people of equal integrity fighting the same battles elsewhere. The Movement is the organisation for all such people. The Movement is the Resistance to the Old World Order. The Movement is a link to the Illuminati’s historical struggle for freedom. The Movement is the chance to build a New World Order based on Illuminism and meritocracy.

The old religions are dead. Democracy is dead. Free market capitalism is dead. It’s time for a new future and a new world. And each and every one of you can help to build it.

Novus Ordo Seclorum – “New Order of the Ages.”

Novus Ordo Mundi – “New World Order.”

Annuit Cœptis – “He has favoured our undertakings.”

It’s time to change the world. Are you ready?

Go out and be gods!

Encountering God:

Most people have little chance of coming into contact with their higher self. People living conventional lives are stuck in the narrow and stultifying confines of social acceptability. They are defined by “status” i.e. how they shape up to those around them. They crave high status and dread misfortune plunging them into low status. But status is simply a social construct. No one has to place themselves within any pecking order.

What is for certain is that those who obey the rules of a restrictive society designed to ensure the ongoing triumph of the Power Elite have turned their backs on their higher selves.

To obey “false gods” is the worst mistake anyone can make.

One person who has led an unconventional life and thereby given himself an exceptional opportunity to tap into transformative experiences is DB from Florida. When DB first contacted us, he said of himself that he didn’t have much to offer in respect of wealth, education or prominence. What he did have to offer, he said, was “something 99.9% percent of the population have no understanding of.” His story, in his own words, is told below:


Most of my life I have searched for the truth as it relates to God. When I was 18, I travelled all over the U.S. without any money, living about as free a life as one could. While I was travelling, all the concepts of who I thought I was changed greatly. Travelling without money forced me to let go of preconceived ideas about the people around me and my own thoughts about the world. During that time I had an experience of my heart chakra opening. It opened me up to the understanding of unconditional love. At that time, I associated with the idea of being born again. As I tried to relay my experience to others, I quickly realized they could not understand anything past the material essence of things, and the God most people worshipped was as superficial as the lives they lead. Within a couple of years I was back into my search again. There had to be something more. In those couples of years I read just about every occult book I could get my hands on. I knew there was something in all the writing I had read but I could not grasp what it was I was looking at.

There came a moment where a chain of events happened that changed my entire perception of the world and religion forever. I was having a conversation with an individual who was very much into shamanism. After a long conversation, he stated, “You see time and space existing and God separate from yourself.” I was so baffled by his statement that I started reading books on time and space theory. Once again I knew his statement had truth in it but I was not able to grasp it. About a week after that I was with my girlfriend, and a friend of hers came to the apartment. She said the man had his own religion. I couldn’t help thinking to myself that he must be nuts. When I started talking with him about his religion, he said that he was God. It took me three hours of debating with him to try and figure out his angle. It made sense yet I couldn’t understand. While we were talking, my girlfriend called him into the other room. I felt I was on the verge of finally making sense of it all and was so frustrated when he walked into the other room. This overwhelming feeling came over me like I would never get it. A few minutes passed and he came back into the room. I asked him, “If you are God then what happens to me when I die?” He simply answered, “You go back to me.” As I tried to figure out his answer, he said, “Stop peaking from behind the bushes.” At that moment I had this visualization of peaking around the bushes. All of a sudden I felt an energy from the top of my head. Then there was one from my heart chakra. As fast as I noticed both sensations, the energy moved up from my heart chakra to connect with the crown chakra. In that moment I knew the universe is pure energy. All things are connected and that we are indeed God.

I know what I am and, for that matter, I know what we all are, and it is not matter at all. This all happened when I was in my early 20’s. I am now 36. For years I could not figure out why me, and to this day I do not know why. I have spent years trying to wake people up to the extent that they can understand. The other thing I don’t know is what to do with it outside of trying to show people there is more than what they perceive. I sometimes find it a great burden, but for me it is the greatest story of my life and I get to tell it so little.

There are only a few things I seek in this life:

1) Understanding my experience.

2) How to put it to good use

3) The last and final thing is who has lied to humanity for millennia?


We’re grateful to DB for sharing this epiphany with us. The shaman he encountered sounds like someone who has managed to make regular contact with his divine spark, and thus to have become truly enlightened, to the extent that, without embarrassment or self-consciousness, he can state that he is God. Only people who have been on astounding personal quests, or who have successfully passed through every degree of a mystery religion such as Illumination, can reach such a state.

“When the doors of perception are cleansed, man will see everything as it is, infinite.” –William Blake

DB also said, “What I would be interested in the most is learning how to utilize my experience to awaken others. Over the years, I have learned a great deal of information and found how all things in life connect. If one were truly to see that language, science, mathematics, art, and music in the deeper aspects reveal divinity in all things, the world would be changed overnight. Unfortunately, trying to relay anything outside of the latest episode of American Idol seems to be a difficult task in the world of zombies.”

DB is right. Nothing is more difficult than trying to awaken those who have been long asleep, yet hope still glimmers in the deep shadows. Even those shallow people who watch American Idol are aware of a spiritual vacuum in their lives. What they need, above all, are ideas and experiences to take them away from their current trivial mindset. But that’s where the “genius” of the Demiurge comes is. He created religions such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism that manage to turn the sacred and transcendent into a tedious chore to be performed every Sabbath.

In the past, these religions terrified believers into compliance with their visions of eternal torment in hell, but the modern mind finds it harder and harder to envisage that fiery hell that haunted medieval thinking. The word that best applies to religion in the contemporary world is “boring”. Some believers whip themselves into a frenzy of fanaticism in a desperate attempt to resurrect some vestige of religious passion, but the harder they struggle to find authenticity, the more they seem like the most fake people on earth. The Christian Fundamentalists of America yearning for the “Rapture”, the Orthodox Jews nodding like asses in front of the Wailing Wall, the suicide killers of Islam – these people are desperate beyond words. Their common factor is that they are full of hatred for those who don’t share their beliefs, and have an exterminatory mentality. The world would be paradise, they think, if they could kill everyone who disagrees with them. Despite their gaping theological differences, they have much more in common with each other than with the rest of humanity. Most of the savagery and hatred in the world stems from precisely those people who claim to be the strongest believers in a good, compassionate, loving and forgiving God.

The old revealed religions must be swept away and replaced by initiatory, mystery religions that are designed to awaken the human spirit rather than twist it and turn it toxic.

American Idol is a symbol of the modern version of religion – celebrity. Celebrities are our new gods. Ordinary people crave the celebrities’ fame, their looks, their personalities, their wealth, their power, their status. They represent everything ordinary people are not and everything ordinary people want to be. If only we could become celebrities, we say, all of our problems would end. We would have all we ever desired.

Our homes have become our churches where we each have our personal Ark of the Covenant – our TV set – that allows us to contact the divine. Our flat screen TVs reveal the holy paradise of celebrity to us. The judging panel of American Idol are all St Peters, holding the keys to the gates of heaven. If only we could get through those gates we would be gods.

Yet these celebrities are the most selfish, greedy, undeserving, uninspiring, shallow and fake gods ever devised. They are all about “me” and nothing to do with “we”. “Because I’m worth it,” they say. A celebrity is the glorification of the individual at everyone else’s expense. A true God is on everyone’s side, not his own. How could anyone worship a god who worships himself? Yet celebrities and the super rich are now those onto whom we project our notions of divinity. The transcendent sense of the divine has all but disappeared from the modern mind. Humanity cannot progress until it has found it again.

DB is one of the fortunate ones because he has glimpsed a higher reality, yet he rightly sees it as a sort of burden because an experience like that cuts him off from all those around him. What should he do? Give up and watch American Idol? Life would lose all meaning for him. DB, like all of those who seek the truth of the human condition, has no choice. He must keep searching.

Ordinary people are living under the seductive spell of the Demiurge. How can it be broken? The answer is to seduce them with something else, a greater magic, something that speaks to them much more powerfully. Yet no task could be more difficult. The Power Elite who run the world have poured everything into keeping the world in a zombified stupor of trivia and consumerism. The people behind American Idol are some of the richest people on earth. They know exactly how to manipulate the masses. But there are points of light in the darkness. Look at how successful the activist movie Zeitgeist was in getting people to watch hours of radical, subversive messages. But it wasn’t successful enough. It was a clear stream running into a vast ocean of pollution. The message soon vanished, replaced by new distractions devised by the Old World Order. The OWO ensured that no mainstream discussion of the Zeitgeist issues ever happened.

We need many more Zeitgeists, many more dynamic movements, a critical mass of new thinking that leads to a chain reaction that sweeps away the Old World Order with their sterile, materialistic view of humanity.

Everyone has to do their bit, to make their unique contribution. The masses will start to pay attention when they see a group arising amongst them that offers a radical new vision. No politician is going to bring about a new society, so forget elections. Forget Obama and any other would-be political “Messiah”.

The media, full of hacks and OWO lackeys aren’t going to chase anything other than ratings, so forget them too. Corporations aren’t interested in anything other than the avaricious pursuit of profits, so forget them. Conventional religions aren’t interested in anything other than trying to prop up belief systems that died in people’s hearts and souls long ago, so forget them. There’s no one left to turn to. We can rely only on ourselves.

We encourage everyone to take part in the Movement. Meet up with other like-minded people in your area. Start campaigning. Start promoting new ideas. Stop taking part in the American Idol society.

We have given a broad outline of what we think the Movement should be, but it’s not for us to dictate to anyone. It’s up to each of you to shape the Movement. It’s your creativity that counts. There are no right answers and no wrong ones when it comes to the Movement. Some ideas will work and flourish, others won’t and will perish. That’s evolution. But evolution requires everyone to try or the only game in town will be the OWO’s, and haven’t we had enough of that?

Join the active society rather than capitalist society of passive consumption. Change yourselves. Change the world. The very act of trying will inspire you. No one is saying it’s easy – it isn’t – but nothing will change without effort and struggle. Christianity is the dominant religion now, but it took hundreds of years to get there and the early Christians (who, thanks to the influence of Gnosticism on early Christianity, were almost the opposite of modern Christians) suffered terrible persecution. Nowadays, there is little danger of overt persecution, and the internet can allow new ideas to cross the world in moments and capture the imagination of the masses.

It’s up to us. No one is coming to help us. If we don’t make the effort, no one else will. And who are we going to blame then? The prize is the whole of humanity reaching out towards its collective divine spark, and finally achieving gnosis, individually and collectively. Compare that with the Demiurge’s world of shopping malls and American Idol. Idol is the right word. The world is currently worshipping the falsest of gods.

It’s time for the twilight of the idols. It’s time for a new dawn, a new humanity, a new world order. It’s time for the dawn of the Gods.

The Musical Fightback:

There are many ways to fight back against the Power Elite. Music is high on the list. Good music can transform us. A hip hop artist and two bands have contacted us and we’ve had the chance to listen to some of their material. They are all talented, have completely different styles, and they have something different and meaningful to say. They are an antidote to Simon Cowell’s American Idol and X-Factor junk machine that takes music, feeds it through a “trivia filter”, and out at the other end pops bland, sterile, synthetic, artificial, desiccated, plastic, manufactured muzak for people who hate real music – the zombie masses who listen to anything so long as the singer looks pretty and is wearing the latest fashions. The music industry is now about the brand. The music itself is a secondary consideration. A singer with a great “brand” and average voice will always massively outsell a singer with a great voice and average brand. So much for musical talent.

Music from 1950-2000 was about rebellion, about rejecting the establishment. In the last decade, it has become just another arm of the consumption machine, a capitalist activity like any other, shorn of all its power and meaning. Bands are banal. They have nothing to say. The music industry exists just as a means to make Simon Cowell and his ilk absurdly rich, and to let advertisers expensively demonstrate their wares at “music” festivals (actually just merchandising and brand promotion opportunities). Pop has finally eaten itself. Music is too important to permit it to be corrupted and trivialised. The musicians we have showcased here are all fighting back. The music industry is one of the toughest on earth to crack, especially for those who aren’t interested in pandering to Simon Cowell, but these guys all have the talent to make it. Now they just need the right wind. It’s time to make music a weapon to change the world. Let the people hear the mystical and transcendent Music of the Spheres, the beat to which the whole cosmos dances.


What will you do to defeat the oppressors who run our world? Read a few articles on the internet and nod your head, then go back to whatever you were doing before? The world changes because people make it change. Tragically, there are few genuine “changers” out there: people who make things happen, people who actually do things.

One of the most depressing aspects of the human race is that so many people are so passive. Sure, they complain until they’re blue in the face when they’re sitting in a bar ventilating to their friends, but what do they actually do to make a difference? Yet some people – the game changers – do not hesitate. They don’t wait for life. Instead, they make life do their bidding. They are dynamos, burning with excess energy. If they soared into the night sky, they would light up the world. A Movement that can bring on board all of the game changers cannot lose.

The Old World Order will collapse when they discover they are up against a group of people who are much more intelligent, talented, committed and determined than they are. That group is forming right now. You can be part of it too. Join the Movement. Become who you were always meant to be. Demonstrate the talent and energy that marks out leaders. In the Movement, leaders are not appointed. They emerge through their own efforts. They create themselves.

Are you a leader?:

Can you clinically analyze the tyranny of the Old World Order and show how they maintain their control? Can you devise tactics for how they can be resisted? Can you write fiery polemics, or make incendiary videos? Can you demonstrate to others how the Movement can evolve, what strategies it can adopt, what policies it can advocate. Can you help? Can you do better? What are your proposals? What creativity can you supply? What new thinking? What new ideas? What energy? The Movement is based only on what you can bring. There is no one to tell you what to do. The responsibility is entirely yours.

The Movement is dialectical. It evolves, it advances, it continually refines itself and raises itself to higher levels. It is not dogmatic or written in stone like the dead “commandments” of the past.

The Movement will arise from the creativity of talented people. They will shape it, direct it, make it everything it is. They will solve the problems that confront it. They will make it great. It will become unstoppable. The Movement is the general will of the people, and nothing is more righteous nor more legitimate.

The Old World Order say, just as the “heroes” of Ayn Rand’s repellent book Atlas Shrugged did, that they will abandon us to our fate if we do not give them all they demand. They say they will withdraw to some hidden paradise, a valley in the mountains, where they will live as gods. They say we will be unable to cope without their unique “gifts”, without their “inspiring” leadership.

We say, “Be Gone!” Go to your fantasy valley. You are nothing without the people.

We will serve ourselves, not them. We will lead ourselves. We have no need of them. We will share the rewards of our endeavours. We will not line their pockets any longer.

The people are the rightful rulers of this world, not the Power Elite. The people have talent and quality in abundance. It’s time for the people to free themselves.

Join the resistance. Join the Movement.

M for the Movement!

Viral Campaigns:

We would also like to encourage schemes of this type:


This is a viral campaign by a “guerrilla” advertising agency that uses non-conventional communication techniques. In this case, it is not clear what is being advertised. Activist videos tend to preach to the converted, but a successful movement also has to reach out to non-activists. The best way to interest them is through intriguing, tangential, viral videos that hint at the Movement in the subtlest of ways.

The “Who is this man?” campaign is cunning and clever. It captures the imagination. Could you do something similar for the Movement? It takes a lot of creative talent to pull off something like that.

Anyone who is searching for ideas is free to use any material from Mike Hockney’s books The Last Bling King, Prohibition A, The Armageddon Conspiracy and The Millionaires’ Death Club to make viral videos. It may be freely adapted as you see fit to get your particular point across.

The Movement is all about producing an alternative vision of society, free of the toxins of the past. It is based on the people themselves deciding what is best for them. Imagine starting the design of a new world from scratch, with a completely blank slate, yet with knowledge of the failures of the past. How would you begin?

The Old World Order has failed. Now is the time for the New World Order where the people are in charge, as they always should have been. It won’t be easy, particularly in the beginning. Progress will be slow, few people will join initially, and many will fall by the wayside.

But it is those who have the courage, the determination and the commitment who will, in time, achieve something magnificent, something of which they will be infinitely proud. Only the toughest and most talented should get involved because only they will see it through to the end. But it is precisely these people, the most meritocratic, the ones with the energy and vision, who will make all the difference, who will change this world of ours.

It doesn’t matter what race you belong to, what sex you are, what your family background is, what your “status” is, what your education is, what country you come from, what religion you were raised in. You and your talents are all that matter. Show the world what you are made of. Shape the world in your image rather than let the Power Elite shape it in theirs.

No one should have to tell you to do anything. You should just do it. If you have the energy and the ability, you can make the world pay attention. All it takes is for a few thousand people of irrepressible creativity and the Movement will become an irresistible force. The members of the Movement should be interested in everything: art, science, politics, psychology, economics, religion, you name it. What is your area of expertise? How can you make a contribution?

The hope is that smart men and women of all ages will come together and, using the unique power of “crowdsourcing”, arrive at optimal solutions for all aspects of our society. At last, we will truly have a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Join the Movement. Give the world the benefit of your experience and talent. Show the Old World Order that their day is done, that their race is run, that their tyranny is broken and smashed forever. Make the world what it should be.

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The Movement

The Society Of The Active:

A Facebook campaign in the UK resulted in Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine getting to the top of the music charts at Christmas in preference to the cover version of The Climb performed by Joe McElderry, winner of Simon Cowell’s X-Factor show. Cowell’s creation is a cynical machine for manufacturing glorified karaoke singers. It’s for innocuous sock puppet performers with minimal talent, who can’t write songs, can’t play an instrument, and can’t think for themselves. How can such people represent the heart and soul of music? They are a joke. They are the pushers of anti- music, of muzak. They are the numbing voice of the shopping mall.

Congratulations to the Facebook campaigners. Brick by brick, the empire of junk can be demolished.

What element of the Old World Order’s arrogant edifices can you attack? Start a campaign, make a YouTube video, blog, create web sites, organise protests, write to newspapers, complain, petition, get in their faces.

We encourage as many people as possible to set up their own website or blog and express their own ideas. Website by website, blog by blog, it all amounts to a vast tide of change that will sweep away the Old World Order.

Henry Ford rightly said that you cannot build a reputation based on what you are going to do. You must actually do something. Why not do one thing a day, one personal daily contribution to human freedom? It can be a very small thing: it all adds up.

It’s time to move from the society of the passive to the society of the active.

Join the Resistance. Join the Movement.

The Day Of Rage:

The Knights Templar began in mysterious circumstances in 1119 CE with just nine men. For a decade, they recruited no new members and virtually nothing is known in official records about what they did during those years. After that, the Order grew with astonishing rapidity and became a major force in world affairs.

Now the Movement has begun with an equally select group of members, the new Templars so to speak. For a decade, they may labour in the wilderness just as the original Templars did, then explode on the world scene. Do you want to be part of history? Be in at the beginning. Be one of the original knights who will change the course of history. Don’t read about history, make it. Join the Movement now.

We propose a Day of Rage to protest against the obscene greed of these bankers, particularly those working for Goldman Sachs.

So, what can you do? Can you start a campaign on Facebook, Bebo, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube? Can you rally the people? Let the Movement decide when the Day of Rage should be. Let the Movement decide how to orchestrate a massive response from ordinary people. Let the Movement choose the details of the campaign. Perhaps someone could put together a montage of protest songs, laid over images of pig-like bankers wallowing in their golden money trough.

Rise up. Sweep away the bankers on a wave of sound. Make bankers anathema: accursed, blood-sucking vampires shunned by all decent people. Make them pariahs. The Day of Rage will mark the start of the people’s revolt, the beginning of the long march to liberation. Can the Movement use their energy, talent, creativity and ingenuity to make it happen?


Show the world what you are made of. Shape the world in your image rather than let the Power Elite shape it in theirs. Can the Movement beat the advertising business at its own game? Know your enemy. Use their own tactics against them.

Everyone who shares in the mutual political, economic, spiritual, and psychological goals we all know too well is encouraged to join and share this spark.

We ask that you at the very LEAST blast social media on this day with as many posts as possible with the Movement’s message. Tag your whole friends list, take pictures holding banners in the streets, plaster stickers all over town and video it, stop traffic with your message, post on religious and political forums, spam celebrity pages, download flyers from our website and pass them around town. Do everything and anything, and if you don’t get it right this month, immediately start strategizing for next month.

Dozens of example memes, pictures, and flyers can be found on the TMR website for download available to all who have embraced the sacred cause.


This will continue each and every month from here on out. The 13th of each month will be forever known as: M Day, the official “Day of Rage”. Everyone should use the following HASHTAGS for all posts on the 13th:



Hip hop artist Pho’ has sent us an anthem for the Movement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1riM5FlxRn8&feature=youtu.be

It’s called M! (M for The Movement) and it’s produced by Vherbal of AnnoDomini Beats. What can you do for the Movement? How can you help to change the world for the better? A new dawn is coming. New stars are appearing in the sky.

All revolutions start with a few, faltering steps that become more and more certain until the whole world resounds to the irresistible march of the future.

“It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom – for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.” –Extract from the Declaration of Arbroath, Scotland, 1320


“I Want You To Get Mad!”

Peter Finch, in the film Network, gives a truly extraordinary performance. His incendiary speech is a tour de force. It’s one of the finest “activist” speeches ever devised. No matter how many times it’s viewed, it retains its raw power, its righteous anger and supremely inspirational effect. After watching it, is there any decent person who would not want to go to the window, open it, stick their head out and yell, “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.” This speech is only a short piece of work, just over 4 minutes. Could you and your friends write a speech as inspiring as this and deliver it in an effective YouTube video to awaken the people from their long stupor?

The Last Bling King contains a number of polemical speeches. You could use one of these as your starting point and then mould it to suit your own purposes. You are free to amend any of the speeches in the book in any way you deem fit.

The Soundtrack Of The Revolution:

The bank bonus season comes around all too quickly each year, the annual season of the pig. In the midst of a financial crisis that they themselves created, that has and will cost millions of ordinary people their jobs that has crippled every nation with vast debts that will take decades to pay off, the banking pigs again gorge themselves in the gilt-lined money trough. No one ever stops them.

Bankers are the most hated people on earth. No decent person would ever want to become a banker. No decent person would ever attempt to defend them. They are a self-selecting group of pariahs. To a man, they are enemies of the people.

The essential idea is to compile a list of protest songs from every nation in the world. Then, on a chosen day, every radio station should be flooded with requests for these songs, accompanied by messages condemning the greed of the bankers. It will be the soundtrack of the revolution. If some radio stations comply then massive pressure will then be placed on every other station. Those that don’t play the requests will, in effect, be taking the side of the bankers and will lose all credibility with their audiences. Will they take that risk?

The “game” is to place commercial stations in a position where they must side with the bankers or the people. As capitalists, the owners of the stations will no doubt be on the side of their banking chums, but as capitalists they will also know that they will endanger their own commercial futures if they alienate their audiences. They will be in an impossible position. The more “impossible situations” we can create for the capitalist money men, the more we will erode their power.

The song Vengeance by New Model Army burns with rage. Songs can transform the world. Some songs are ablaze. They can set the citadels of the Old World Order on fire. Metaphorically, wouldn’t every good person want to see the empire of Goldman Sachs in flames? Instantly, the world would be a better place.

“I believe in justice. I believe in vengeance. I believe in getting the bastards.” –New Model Army

The Movement is the New Model Army for the 21st Century.

Documents that will change the World?:

Can you model a Declaration of Universal Liberation on the American Declaration of Independence? It should be an inspirational document that sets out how the people all across the globe will be freed from all the systems of control that are used to keep them in chains and shackles.

Can you create a Universal Constitution modelled on the American Constitution? What would the Constitution of the future meritocratic world envisaged in Star Trek be like?

Can you create a 21st century equivalent of the Fama Fraternitatis, the document that amazed Europe and upon which the Rosicrucian phenomenon was based? Inspire the world all over again:


The Meme War:

An advertising agency wanted to find the coolest kid in a small town so that they could give him free samples of a clothing brand they were promoting. The idea was that if this kid wore this gear, all the other kids would want to imitate the coolest kid and they’d all rush out and buy the product. Was this idea sheer cynicism, or genius?

So, how did they find the kid they were seeking? They went to the target town, walked up to the first kid they found and asked him who was the coolest person he knew. He gave them a name. They then found that person and asked him too. Each time, they got a new answer, but eventually they found a kid who, when they put the usual question to him about who was the coolest person he knew, just grinned. They had got their guy!

Can this technique be applied to other situations? Could the “coolest” person on Facebook be determined by this method? Could the smartest people be located, the most adventurous, creative, imaginative, energetic etc? Can you create a viral video, a viral song, a viral email, a viral speech, a viral Facebook campaign? This is a meme war. The M meme must spread far and wide, beyond the capability of the Old World Order to resist.

M for the Movement, tag it and keep moving!

“Can’t get M out of my head.”




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