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Academia Iluministă (85)

Maggio 10th, 2019 Posted in Mişcarea Dacia

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World-Historical Figures:

Hegel said,

“These contingencies realise themselves in History: they involve a general principle of a different order from that on which depends the permanence of a people or a State. This principle is an essential phase in the development of the creating Idea, of Truth striving and urging towards [consciousness of] itself. Historical men — World-Historical Individuals— are those in whose aims such a general principle lies.

“Caesar, in danger of losing a position, not perhaps at that time of superiority, yet at least of equality with the others who were at the head of the State, and of succumbing to those who were just on the point of becoming his enemies, — belongs essentially to this category. These enemies — who were at the same time pursuing their personal aims — had the form of the constitution, and the power conferred by an appearance of justice, on their side. Caesar was contending for the maintenance of his position, honour, and safety; and, since the power of his opponents included the sovereignty over the provinces of the Roman Empire, his victory secured for him the conquest of that entire Empire: and he thus became — though leaving the form of the constitution — the Autocrat of the State. That which secured for him the execution of a design, which in the first instance was of negative import — the Autocracy of Rome, — was, however, at the same time an independently necessary feature in the history of Rome and of the world. It was not, then, his private gain merely, but an unconscious impulse that occasioned the accomplishment of that for which the time was ripe. Such are all great historical men — whose own particular aims involve those large issues which are the will of the World-Spirit. They may be called Heroes, inasmuch as they have derived their purposes and their vocation, not from the calm, regular course of things, sanctioned by the existing order; but from a concealed fount — one which has not attained to phenomenal, present existence, — from that inner Spirit, still hidden beneath the surface, which, impinging on the outer world as on a shell, bursts it in pieces, because it is another kernel than that which belonged to the shell in question. They are men, therefore, who appear to draw the impulse of their life from themselves; and whose deeds have produced a condition of things and a complex of historical relations which appear to be only their interest, and their work.

“Such individuals had no consciousness of the general Idea they were unfolding, while prosecuting those aims of theirs; on the contrary, they were practical, political men. But at the same time they were thinking men, who had an insight into the requirements of the time — what was ripe for development. This was the very Truth for their age, for their world; the species next in order, so to speak, and which was already formed in the womb of time. It was theirs to know this nascent principle; the necessary, directly sequent step in progress, which their world was to take; to make this their aim, and to expend their energy in promoting it. Worldhistorical men — the Heroes of an epoch — must, therefore, be recognised as it’s clear-sighted ones; their deeds, their words are the best of that time. Great men have formed purposes to satisfy themselves, not others. Whatever prudent designs and counsels they might have learned from others, would be the more limited and inconsistent features in their career; for it was they who best understood affairs; from whom others learned, and approved, or at least acquiesced in their policy. For that Spirit which had taken this fresh step in history is the inmost soul of all individuals; but in a state of unconsciousness which the great men in question aroused. Their fellows, therefore, follow these soul-leaders; for they feel the irresistible power of their own inner Spirit thus embodied.

“If we go on to cast a look at the fate of these World-Historical persons, whose vocation it was to be the agents of the World Spirit, — we shall find it to have been no happy one. They attained no calm enjoyment; their whole life was labour and trouble; their whole nature was nought else but their master passion. When their object is attained they fall off like empty hulls from the kernel. They die early, like Alexander; they are murdered, like Caesar; transported to St. Helena., like Napoleon. This fearful consolation — that historical men have not enjoyed what is called happiness, and of which only private life (and this may be passed under very various external circumstances) is capable, — this consolation those may draw from history, who stand in need of it; and it is craved by Envy — vexed at what is great and transcendent, — striving, therefore, to depreciate it, and to find some flaw in it. Thus in modern times it has been demonstrated ad nauseam that princes are generally unhappy on their thrones; in consideration of which the possession of a throne is tolerated, and men acquiesce in the fact that not themselves but the personages in question are its occupants. The Free Man, we may observe, is not envious, but gladly recognises what is great and exalted, and rejoices that it exists.

“A World-historical individual is not so unwise as to indulge a variety of wishes to divide his regards. He is devoted to the One Aim, regardless of all else. It is even possible that such men may treat other great, even sacred interests, inconsiderately; conduct which is indeed obnoxious to moral reprehension. But so mighty a form must trample down many an innocent flower-crush to pieces many an object in its path.”


The Movement seeks all world-historical figures, men and women, young and old, those who know that their time has come, that the zeitgeist flows through them, who understand that the time of change is here, that the world stands at a critical new juncture.

Everyone talks about 2012 being a decisive year. Well, why not make it happen? It’s time to end the tyranny of imposed identity. It’s time for everyone to know true freedom and choose their own identity. What decent person could possibly insist that parents or religion or class or the state should be allowed to dictate a person’s identity? It is the absolute right of each and every one of us to become who we have it in us to be, and that means we must choose our own identity.

Join the Movement.

Change the World.

Let’s create a better future.

The Movement – the Trials and Tribulations:

The Movement will suffer defections, accusations, betrayal, infighting, disillusionment, despair, infiltration, sabotage. As well as good, solid members, it will attract undesirables, dilettantes, the curious and the demented. So what? Every movement endures that. Fair-weather friends will come and go. Bandwagon people will jump on and then off again when something new comes along. So it goes. Those movements that have anything about them will grow stronger and prosper. Those that don’t will self-destruct and vanish. That’s Darwinism for you. Survival is not compulsory. The key is to find leaders of men who are not buffeted by the tides and eddies of the time: the world-historical individuals of whom Hegel spoke, the golden people who can change the world, the people who embody the destiny of their time.

The Power Elite have always had a reassuring thought: the people are incapable of resistance. They are sheep. They will squabble amongst themselves rather than ever get seriously organised. They will find trivial reasons to disagree because they can never keep their eye on the main objective. They will be influenced by misinformation and disinformation.

Divide and rule. The oldest game in the book. The people don’t even have to be divided by the elite – they will do it to themselves, free of charge. It comes as part of their identity. The Movement has no need for such people. They can only get in the way. A small group of highly talented, committed, focused people with a clear identity is far more likely to succeed than a large, disparate alliance of the disgruntled, but who have no true common identity. The Movement, if it is to succeed, needs to recruit approximately 6,000 highly talented individuals, all of whom want to change the world. Not to ineffectually moan and groan about the Power Elite, but to actually take power from them by outsmarting them, by being more creative, by providing a superior vision and more inspirational leadership.

The key to controlling the world is controlling identity. Politicians, business leaders, religious leaders, bankers, celebrities, advertisers, media moguls…they have full control of the means for constructing the identities of the peoples of the world. Controlling identity means controlling emotions rather than reason. Mainstream religions are not rational but emotional. People can be swayed by an appeal to their emotions in a way that can never be achieved through reason. That’s why Richard Dawkins can’t succeed. He presents factual arguments, but they lack emotional resonance and people turn away from them. People need their emotional sustenance.

The key to freedom is allowing people to create their own identity, the one that truly expresses who they are, satisfies them emotionally and allows them to fulfil their personal talents.

The Old World Order: your identity is imposed on you by Religion, Society, the Power Elite, your parents. It doesn’t matter if the identity doesn’t “fit” you because you are the creation of others.

The New World Order: it is the duty of the state to allow you a flourishing, supportive environment where you create your own identity based on who you truly are, and regardless of all other people. All that matters is that your identity should fit you as a unique individual. You are your own creation.

Which is it to be?:

The Movement may or may not evolve into something of real value. Its fate depends purely on the calibre of people it attracts. Already half of its members have fallen by the wayside – so of what use were they in the first place? They had no commitment, no strength, no vision, no will. Such people would never have taken the Movement forward. If the Movement perishes then it wasn’t fit for purpose. If it succeeds then it was. It’s as simple as that.

Can you contribute? Can you make a difference? Are you a leader? Do not join the Movement if you are a follower because you will soon depart, as the sheep already have. As things stand in this world, only 5% of the population are capable of leadership. It’s now clear that the Movement should direct its attention towards them and no others. The initial incarnation of the Movement is already dead. Can it rise more gloriously like a Phoenix from the ashes?

Goodbye to those who departed. Waste someone else’s time in your feeble pursuit of an identity. As for those who already have an identity, are you capable of saying, as Nietzsche did, “I am not a man I am dynamite.”

The future belongs to those who can seize it by the neck. It does not and never will belong to those who whine on the sidelines, the Ignavi who can’t commit themselves to anything, who drift through life like motes of dust in the air, transient and pathetic, at the mercy of the currents.


The world is ruled by “insiders”, by the “in-crowd”, those who, from their earliest days, expect to be in positions of power over others. They think they are entitled to life’s best things. You can see the next generation of rulers every day in exclusive private schools and elite colleges and universities. If you’re not being educated alongside them then you know that you are not going to be one of the rulers but one of the ruled.

But it’s not an inevitable law: someone can come from a humble background and join the elite, but only if the elite let them, and only if they accept the elite’s “system”. They will be brown nosers, and ass lickers, people who will do whatever it takes to win the rat race. They dream of being King Rat. They are devoid of principle and conscience.

If you don’t accept the OWO’s system then you have no choice but to become a revolutionary, determined to overthrow them. Merely grumbling about them will never change anything. Action is required to overcome the status quo.

The Illuminati are “outsiders” and promote the culture of the outsider. Whereas “the establishment” support conservatism, preservatism, orthodoxy and tradition, outsiderism is associated with radicalism, rebellion, revolution, heresy, unorthodoxy, change, innovation, novelty and freethinking.

The Illuminati have always sought to topple the institutions of privilege and power that have ruled the world with an iron grip since the origins of human civilization.

Most people in the world today belong to two tribes: “otherdirected” or “tradition-directed” (to use David Reisman’s famous terminology in his seminal book The Lonely Crowd). If you are otherdirected, it means that you look to others to define your life. You want to be popular, accepted, normal. You dread being rejected by your peers. Your world would collapse if you were deemed “unacceptable”, “unfashionable” or “uncool”. Hollywood movies about American teenagers show precisely what a culture based on other-directedness is like. Every teenager is desperate to be popular, to be in the “cool” group. They are equally desperate to avoid being labelled a geek or a nerd or a freak. It is imperative to be “normal”. Abnormality is dangerous, uncool, and likely to lead to disastrous consequences in terms of your social life and career prospects.

If you are “tradition-directed” it means that you allow your community’s elders to define your life. Islam, Orthodox Judaism and anti-modernist Christian sects such as the Amish are the perfect contemporary examples. These religions brainwash people to follow ancient laws written down in dusty scriptures. No one is free to say, “Fuck off, this is complete nonsense. I’m not going to live my life like this.” If you ever did such an unthinkable thing, you would bring shame on your family, you would be expelled from your community, and you might even be killed for blasphemy, heresy or apostasy. The point of tradition is to maintain the past in the present, to prevent progress and change, to hold back any possibility of advancement.

An other-directed culture is based on a minute-by-minute analysis of who’s in and who’s out, who’s up and who’s down, who’s fashionable and who’s not. It’s an infantile, self-indulgent culture of instant gratification, superficiality and triviality. It’s one big popularity contest. It has no deep roots, no recognizable values, and no regard for hard work and intelligence. Easy money, taking it easy, “slacking”, and celebrity culture predominate.

Everyone wants to win a Reality TV show and become rich and famous overnight simply for being themselves rather than for working hard and developing an actual talent. It’s a lazy, selfish, greedy, cynical culture based on the lowest common denominator, of trying to get as much as possible for as little effort as possible. Other-directed people are prone to anxiety since they are in a permanent rat race of keeping up with everyone else. Other-directed people think they have great freedom, but in fact there is virtually no freedom at all if all you are not free to be yourself, if you can’t live life by your own rules rather than those of others.

A tradition-directed culture, on the other hand, is static, frozen, stuck in the past, going nowhere. It is unintelligent, suspicious of, and hostile to, freethinking and innovation. It wants everything to stay the same forever. It is primitive, backward, the enemy of modernity. Tradition-directed people are prone to shame if they ever deviate from the strict norms of their culture. These people are never free. No one can ever be free if they allow themselves to be controlled by someone else’s system.

One of the great conflicts of our time is the struggle between the other-directed West and the tradition-directed East (particularly Islam). The West can never succeed in Iraq and Afghanistan because these are tradition-directed, Islamic countries; the opposite of the other-directed American and European cultures. Why does the West waste its time on such pointless endeavours?

The Illuminati are “inner-directed” and autonomous. They seek to define themselves according to their own standards, not those of others, and not those of ancient traditions. A world of such people would bear no resemblance to the world of today.

Other-directed people are slaves of the present. They crave popularity and acceptability. They must have the latest gadgets or they might, God forbid, be deemed out of the loop. They are perfect members of a consumerist, materialistic culture. Their spirituality is close to zero.

Tradition-directed people are slaves of the past. They compete with each other to be the most obedient to the ancient rules. They must do everything by the book, literally, or they will be disgraced. They are the perfect members of a brainwashed society, being mind controlled from the graves of long dead “prophets”.

Other- and tradition- directed cultures are equally repellent and must be resisted.

In an inner-directed society, there are no traditions to be obeyed, no fashions to be followed. Everyone is free to be themselves, to be what they want to be, to do whatever fulfils them. They don’t have to look over their shoulders to see what everyone else is up to. They don’t have to consult the rulebook. There is no brainwashing, no mind control.

But are most people actually capable of living this way? Most people don’t know how to be free. If they did, we wouldn’t be living in the world we have today. Once, our world was one of explicit slavery with chains and manacles. Now the slavery is implicit, and much more insidious. The old type of slavery was bound to create revulsion eventually: the modern form of slavery actually promotes the illusion of freedom and hence will never generate revulsion.

Below, we have provided the thoughts of various people who have contacted us. These are the voices of the inner-directed. Are you inner-directed? It’s time for the world to be created in our image. Life shouldn’t be a popularity contest where everyone is obsessed with what others think about them, and nor should it be about obeying ancient books that lost all relevance long ago.

It’s time for true freedom, for freethinking and being ourselves.

Was Robert Heinlein A Member Of The Illuminati?:

“RM” said,

“I have been studying a website [the AC site] that details some of the things that are wrong with the society we live in. It lists the problems of elected government being controlled by a shadow government ruled by dynastic families, and people being controlled by oppressive religions based on lies. I found a lot of similarities between the ideas featured on this site and the writings of Robert A Heinlein, a favorite author of mine. I asked if RH was a member of the Illuminati. The reply was that they would not list members of the last 50 years. Then it was suggested that I write an article that may be posted (or not) about why I thought RH was a member, or would have been a good candidate. This article is the result. I have offered one possible interpretation of his works.”


Robert Anson Heinlein was a former naval officer and student of math and physics who became famous for his wonderful talent for writing stories.

RH was a very strong advocate of personal liberty, freedom to live, freedom to think as each person chooses and the freedom to love. He did not like to be told how to live by military or government rule. He did not like to be told what or how to think by church doctrine. RH was an original thinker as shown in the stories he passed on as his legacy.

In The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, RH told of a prison colony on the moon that gave more weight to the term “life sentence”: the moon being a planet of lighter gravity caused physiological changes that made returning to earth impossible without extreme measures. A person sent there was given a life sentence that was extended to include descendants as well.

A small group of people with the help of a thinking computer, planned and carried out a successful revolution against the authority and the repressive governments of earth. Professor Bernardo de la Paz, one of the conspirators was a rational anarchist (closely resembling the real-life Robert Lefevre, a selfproclaimed autarchist) lived by his own rules, refusing to blindly follow rules that others try to force on him.

(My own political views are closely aligned with the view of selfrule. I am morally responsible for my actions and am not subject to any other authority. Of course the character Mannie’s philosophy of “Keep mouth shut”, and “Mind own business” works.)

Citizen of the Galaxy is a story that deals with four different kinds of slavery, all still being used in every civilization.

The galaxy is run by a human government that is controlled by a few powerful and rich families. (Sounds like the governments of the US, Europe and Asia.) Thorby, the main character, starts out as a slave at the bottom of the scale, complete with whips and chains. He is sold often and learns of the cruelty of being a slave on the bottom.

(In today’s society there are still children stolen from their parents and sold as playthings for the rich both in this country and abroad.)

Thorby finds his way into a family of merchants that travel from world to world in a form of slavery known as Economic Servitude. The family is free (except for being confined to a spaceship) and the individual is only there to support the needs of the family.

The third form of slavery that Thorby finds himself in is Military Command, which in one of the oldest forms of slavery that has ever existed. A dictator at the top with a clearly defined chain of command down through the ranks, allowing each level to control the lives of those below him.

In the final form, Thorby finds himself the inheritor to one of the controlling families. As the head of this family he tries to make changes to eliminate the buying and selling of slaves but is unable to because of the laws and policies that are in place. The Slavery of Bureaucracy.

(A bureaucracy is a terrible form of slavery because it is slow to build and just kind of creeps up on a person without them even realizing that they are being sold. The laws slowly become more and more confining until a person cannot even eat breakfast without breaking some laws.)

A story by RH called Magic Inc describes the difficulties in dealing with a bureaucracy bent on controlling the way a people must live. In this story, magic is used in everyday life, until a group of demons want all of the magic users to pay them for the privilege of using magic. At first Magic Inc uses physical strongarm techniques (similar to the way unions get business to sign up) to get all the businesses to pay them a protection fee (like the Mafia). These techniques are only of limited success so a bill is introduced to congress forcing all magic users to sign up with Magic Inc. This bill as written was shot down. Then a new bill was introduced that had nothing to do with magic and seemed to be aimed at helping the business world. After it had passed the subcommittees, the original bill was piggybacked on to the end and passed into law.

(This is a common occurrence in law making. A law is written that seems to help but is so long and wordy that no one reads it. When it is put into action there are clauses that take more personal freedoms away. For example there is a law requiring all drivers to have auto insurance on their vehicles, making it illegal to drive without insurance. This is a law that pulls in a huge amount of money for the insurance companies. Everyone pays into these policies but only a few ever has to use them and those that do have a hard time collecting any claims. Another law that is before Congress now will make it illegal not to have health insurance.)

There are many more stories from RH that deal with various forms of oppression: Between Planets, Methuselah’s Children, Friday, Coventry, and many more. RH disliked oppression of any kind. In these stories he only touches on the oppression by religion. It was not until he wrote a book called The Heretic (later changed by publisher’s request to Stranger in a Strange Land) that he expanded on what is wrong with the organized religions.

This story tells of a human child name Michael Smith raised on Mars and taught the Martian language which shaped his thought process different than the rest of mankind. This difference in thought process gave him an innate sense of God that most people never have. Michael came to earth and began teaching the language of Mars to a select number of people that had a mind open enough to absorb these new concepts. The primary concept was that God was not a separate entity but was a part of each one of us. Michael stated, “I AM GOD.”

In 1941, RH wrote a short story called Lost Legacy which asked the question if nothing in nature evolves unless it is used or needed, how did humans develop a brain of which we use only a fraction of its potential?

Was there ever a time when humans used its maximum capability? With this idea in mind, the story told of three people that found a way to train a person to use this potential. When this training was far enough along, they discovered that there were two groups of people that had been using this training for hundreds of years. One of the groups just wanted to keep the general population ignorant and under their control.

The other group was trying to teach people the truth and show them that they too could be God.

(The Old World Order versus The Illuminati?)

The last book I will talk about in this article is one written a few years before RH died. Job; A comedy of Justice is a story about a man being bounced around time and dimensions by the mischievous Norse god Loki at the behest of the Christian God (talk about a mix up). In this book, RH took the position that the God of Judaism was old and tired and completely washed up. The God of Christianity was actually evil and his opponent Satan was the good guy.

(This idea may be over simplified but there is so much in history that substantiates it. If the Bible is read without the mysticism, the stories in both New and Old Testaments are filled with tales of cruelty performed in the name of Christ or God. The very concept of Christianity is wrong. The only way to salvation is through Christ. This means that the only choice available is Christ or damnation. Sorry, I don’t like that choice.)


Our comment.

The Illuminati have, throughout history, often presented their ideas in fictional or artistic form to avoid the gaze and scrutiny of “the enemy”. Robert Heinlein was certainly the sort of person who might have been a member of the Illuminati, and a number of his stories could easily express coded ideas of the Illuminati. He was unquestionably an inner-directed individual.

Can you think of other potential members of the Illuminati of the last fifty years? We won’t confirm or deny any suggestions, but it is useful for us to know the type of person that others regard as a potential Illuminatus. Heinlein, an outspoken rebel and iconoclast with antiestablishment views, certainly fits the profile.


Have you ever wondered about the Ancient And Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC)? “MA” has recently joined this organisation. This is what he had to say about his experience thus far:

A Quest Into The Mysteries…

I have been a member of the Ancient And Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) for the last four months. It has been a positive experience and lived up to my expectations. However, it wasn’t an easy decision for me to make to embark on this venture. My prior exploration of the mysteries had taken place via the internet from the mouths and writings of “seekers”. They dogmatically rejected anything related to occult, or Masonic, or Illuminist influences, not to mention blinding themselves to the increasingly global nature of communication and culture. I found myself obtaining information from sources riddled with fear despite their obvious fascination with esoteric and occult subjects.

These sources sometimes foolishly and sometimes brilliantly clung to the idea that by their own bootstraps they would figure it all out. Their consistent conclusion was that the occult is a black hole of evil that will suck into it all hope and genuine concern for a better, happier, enlightened world. Not uncommonly, their anarcho-libertarian polarized solutions, with the “real Jesus” on their side, would be all that we “needed”, so they claimed. These people call themselves many things: Truthers, libertarians, constitutionalists, light warriors, individuals that craft their existence “in service to others”, and so on, often feeding on the ideological entrails of the mystery schools, and ironically not even knowing it.

After reading about the Rosicrucians (AMORC), I felt it was time to cast my doubts aside and see what this organization had to offer. After reading and being inspired by the Positio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, I had a strong feeling that it was nothing but dogma that was holding me back from an entire realm of spirituality, knowledge, understanding and fraternity that I suspected was essential to an inspiring life. My preconceived notions and apprehensions were getting in the way of my enlightenment, I realised.

So, I joined, and I have had no regrets. My experience has taken me back to my youth when I was fearless and had a completely open mind that allowed me to receive great inspiration from many sources. There is a developed version of this, and an undeveloped version of it, but the essence is truly one and the same. To put it in vaguely esoteric terms, it is the divine relationship of the Fool and the Magician.

I have reawakened contact with my inner self, and while I never completely imprisoned that higher self, the stagnant, fearful life I was leading was certainly blocking my path, and I do not want to return to those feelings. To empower the shadow by diminishing my inner light is truly a nauseating feeling.

Here is what I wrote in my personal journal after my first initiation ritual moving through the first section of the R+C:

A particularly noteworthy feeling I experienced was what I can only describe as a serious step forward in which I have taken a profound and personal oath, one where I must be vigilant with all my being to my conscience, and to never deceive myself. As much as there is an intellectual certainty, there is also now an emotional and spiritual certainty that it would be profoundly foolish to ever engage in self-deception, as so many do.

Many times I have thought to myself that I am experiencing little that is truly novel, save for some metaphysical exercises. The same goes for many of the philosophical concepts, many of which I was already familiar with. At times I was thinking, “I could just have read this on the internet”, and it was probably true. However, I really was experiencing inner changes that would never have happened via the internet. And frankly there are few places on the internet that I could truly compare to the experience I have enjoyed as a member of AMORC, not to mention the fraternity with individuals who are learning the same material, and are at the very least are familiar with the concepts that I find so fulfilling intellectually and which I have been learning to apply spiritually and emotionally. It’s currently working for me, but, really, it’s showing me what in a sense I already knew, and making sure I never falter in my path.

I have felt and seen much in my life from the perspective of a former anarchist, atheist, and cynic, to that of a spiritual, meritocratic “superman”. Through all of that, my passion never changed. The change has been in my understanding. I can say that AMORC has accelerated that growth dramatically. Truly, the most utopian conception of this fallen earth is one where its inhabitants truly understand themselves, for when they do that, they will see themselves in everything. When this is the case, there will be no recourse but to be as the most ineffable true light wishes us to be, unhindered and with love in our hearts, tearing at the scales of the infinite.

As I have been writing this article, I have had a kind of a silly chorus of a song by En Vogue in my head: “Free your mind, and the rest will follow.”

Our Comment.

The Illuminati and the Rosicrucians had a close relationship in the past. Although this is no longer true, anyone who follows the Rosicrucian path will certainly come into contact with a number of similar teachings to those espoused by the Illuminati. The Rosicrucians have chosen to recruit new members in traditional ways, including the payment of fees. The Illuminati do not charge fees and nor do they recruit in any conventional manner. The procedure is protracted, and while advanced knowledge of esoteric matters is an advantage, it is by no means a sine qua non.



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